• r' 1 M!!E ..t•.t -4*.:'•-'" -,' ' ' , ~, f" r 1, , 21 -..,. , ~•,.,., ,•1 . • ~',, , , t ; ~...),,,,-.4 . ., , .; ,Y .., ireFto ir.l4Arrif-)! • 1..... • , • .„ „ . o ~.„.01,„,„„,„? . .„,... ~. 1 .. ,„. J ,, t , ~,,,, t.-T , • 4 .••• -, •i A. 'fit{ t t ‘4,..1q 4-4.,:4.: .4"244 1 . . , .t. ,, . --7 . g.tt# t• ''''` P. ....:, ; -1 i... - . :: ) _ -..! " . " 1 . 1 ~..4 , .. ..., ............q,:.-. 1 .,,......._........ ;. . . ;, -.1.1,!:.•-ft,1,-.1-°,1--X.,%)! '' l'il'i - 'Fir ii•-" ,-- LT .- V .t i .i:* • .) - II ''""•'' .. - !.,',.:' . .i . ' ::::.-. -" .• 4. 4„ ', ' . , - ~ • ' i ''' -11 r••• •:;. ,`; : •.1 . ,.: 41 . ti --1.-' , ... - -• ":. ~.. p 1, 74 .-i,i, , ,, , ii-tosi , i - ;- A. , ,,t, , ,-11,1,. . ~, : 1 :- ...1 ~,. 1 . ~..,,l_- ---- . Temvqtv.ivo,.7l - .;.t,-...';07: 1 , , ,, ..,.., z „ , youi,tiv.f../, K -13,...-„ , , , ,....., , 4,, , 4.rki,..p„.-1 , ,*0 , ir . • =4 ' ey.: il.• • :..7. -, ' . ...,?r , 5 -. .. - r , . ,- • , , ; , ~..,, , r , , ; ,„! TIT -- i. ET - 4 -it' ? „ -,-- ' 4 '-- ~...„.. . • i - ' htch we-471th; tj of the . count y tt'i r k dififlefin - f tinigiiiid • titifitifti'fiittna i:ea r, rt ,, ' -l' ' • ~ e ..iff-:;:t ••i'' " •" - ::.,t•;•;:. tt ; Q/D . 21)2Z !. ' ; 22 ' ''' ' • "-" •• f • ! 7 a • i ,,, i . .. , , .., . i ~ i .. 4jaOli ► Onis,trpeelipie tweet y ottOtalweery la the I I•SDHS Of ll . 1 , 11F1) , t4 (I , - ". ... . , ;•' We Will 4il tn il 0;41.11,-. pripp„-ici.al ,iil?(•? i11',41 '4 I:1 (ii' Irth;p4l3lt4g - e. , 1) ~-r a! 4 ,pda.,,,L— . _ , . . . •i ,i.;..,,,p....,, , . .. 4 , ..,,, ,i , 1,.L, r :•:1 ...:.;• T ~ ~.., • ' . ; • . . ~ :5 ti t it !nay be sititl t y rf:ily,fied 111,0' amt. it•iith.4 of.t.the' pone tit - it. acid 6 4 , truths b the iniititt ; 4 ~ -.- , .'-'''' '"- t 0 * Tiff Pi 0 L I'o P ill'S (1 IR II lAil II) 0 - 11.1. Y. 1 Ti.,- - ' a ir ii"thh- ,ong druthi. , the c.xittoses of rhit trout:4'4 trounthht, ore cltarge4 iitt4 -; tittt Sl' ,i l k z, ii dr dte,ut 19 . 1 ~ , h - ..7,..., : .• . 1 -''ri i I,!' ' 4 "! `,.r. •' ' . •'''''-. ' • - ~ • . i , Ihe attn4thouse eßtAttlichnuttiftirtlie city andetientArt:4lf. illtil:tifitt, IA iiifhl'f§ .l 4tii • rit; liVb'f.''i ti '..' '-1.-ItELATOr.A. TO VIM . 1,. ~ •.! ,-, .: • : ; , ...Age Of :fifteen •Itunttrett inmates, co is t he tient)! .1 I .}vo.Onntfrefttlynusittidsbottais;evry , • ;year''--; — , l ,' - ' -tt . . , .. ; ~,;; 1 kincipat . litt i ll uf,%ytto: hto churgrahlt;. tt,) t weal: er.tticc. Theiii ll -ovaktlqw.strilp i t,4 - otstl„nti L '; -• '‘.;:•-••••-' 'A- 1! - ''4 • - - , ~•: , , . -I IL, 1, P.V ,• tP; • - . LIqENSE . : , '.UESTION, ',' -- ~ •4-titiorinotis mini ore,cpt.ne n lid itl adt.litine to atiti it te' the - nletett`ses ltelti t e 4 pta iee til I e t r iut i, ti t ,; , ~4 . _ . 1 tuns, and. i su, ;re ritiht. ex' expense Of tlib'Etiltottrti perftlentitiey. , a)WePlee:l attttitirt4 nhtntillf.*-' 1 -* ' ;0' ' '.. ' ' '' .'' ' , .., I ..;..1 -, :l.:.:-,1 , 7'.: .'i . - - '4 --..- "-- - . .1.,.. 1 :• - i. d7 r111,..4itm,0 theiersevettal ilE1)18 wolf r 'Velli_ifie start!lllg - Itti . l,. tot ~,S; ite!' , lple of IV! ell v Old I d i_ ' - " ' 1 fioti held 'at Hotitrtiti tli i i 2t.iti rat.hra fl..Alloptcd*i a County Cop Ten • i . . , ,n , t , ; , 1 port ,t. p7l) 7tonnttily, toclud tog thy) terert up . tl . sppyL al4l 7 Jin•ftfAit lOcor , Fo # ...titrnatpo :ct ;..1., • -* . 1:44.h Oi - 0.431.',1tanuary:111147.-• '-, • • . t• t , g 7 1 ' INT 't - rirt ileusiNn iy-n...t.Ans to 'deli: y the us pititcs of pt.tupetisti7adp crape t ,..rj,: In , o i u' a ti t , ;Iv -• ' ••-• • -1 • :the usTof to o:tiOiting (iron; ! '' ; -•-•; •'' • ' '', :' '3. ;-• ; r it; '`• 1 -;;;; " 1 ' -!, 1 ;, 1 , t tt . f, • ,et ' , .' ' , .. , . ,' ' 1 tt• . ; - ~; Look at tliP iNauokrisla,L .. I, I '.i : .,- i. 1. . ~., ~b. , • . t ', , t • •-•;q3 --; - ' ''' ''' :-- - ''' '' t ' - • '.,: . • .: l; A large propor tion of the 0.011e . y ::pe,cit frit, holtix . mtooz..iriox,c*N.lrpak . JIA . nek . o l 4 o f IL J ..,...:st„.ailneiting heldlt.t , the edict Ilnose itt• Itontrose, on, ,he • 16th,;day,uf Nut-c:litla4. lAA., I)it-t I;thteing poor. ' The rot' C;t l htTht.: Irghet) tif e Ntit,V_ Ift;'rk; . oi'stitirj Dtg;u ls , A ra, ana i : , L tt, A tr ,111,illigni JOsup, BenioninLatlitdp, .calt.in i...irt. Rey.. "Mr.. Lung, 3. aud'.Rer. Mi. ' Mine'r, iift v .e Nund IthutLl he l 'h i ' r lf- r el4l ' e n der. "tY . - V l ' o 6. 1. 3 eit.c' . .tifziNvi , ' Y4' I.k. .ini y',. il ii'', Pa „,,,, ; Oa o: It tone, Al the ttrog SHOPS. lii.lik; HIHNDA E .,p THOUSAND DOLLAtS aiStOr fly." ..It, pearta l b l u t .1 , ,•i;: l igreititptellited tt,c,fittlelitStett to:pn2Ore.nn ad'aress te, t . lic* people of.tlie county on tlielinbj—: i it ib k inert•dible tit a i This int • t-0 , ..tt s',;ottstitttiti htt ex: ra . ctr. d i F.:pi 1.110: . !li r,l eh r , siiii t , 01 a pill . st i .of.titetip - I tittilttrieuthesal , o , o - f Liquortist, tiie•ni.preaelm% toynship elections, anti to - re art to • iii,i v .4 , 1 . the i a imriii,„ pupa I.lltoo t I' . Nt-v7 , c'ork 4 . and . ,ttiff nif.b.-A f‘treignel... Ne. 1' otter teat .- ' n a ;stet"' 4 4,00 : 129Ftyq ;mist., T.)14 - ?.oominittee, It t. their.:Pha, 1r2”.1 ti . J, 511 4 1, , e, , J 4 E . ..t! . 1. f'; Tippled, tile follnw . ing i ti ) - a i ~,i) . h as:l „ py e i g ht humired thousand- thdiar's - ' ll `.ht)y''''itt't . ittptiol i!lieri; 0 , ,:r an 1 to titter:ly ' 1 . 7 51 ... 4,,,,,a4idi1im0v ~ ~, :2i ‘,.., -, - , , ~, ~ i. j , fl, dxp e p se of he r p, O l we ! N., w.tjtsittr 01..1 t tourders'ane siiiiliiit:tittetfnit f Nct nder - th i tif ' i i "- e ; rt ftt-::,'l,ttiti-dit'il-liiiiit'itrit4t- 1'41 , ,-t:' „,,,- -.4.. - - 1- -.31.44t'5.4: 1 .:<, 7 '.tt4 ;f - -' '.. :7, 4 '.., "• • ..., 4'; •? ~.1 t . iini;:ii.lit•of sielioncirf!ct sudden .It'taths requ'in iitc•twitletts t E nf ti , c'reeos.-1.1 nes , ; '' '.--' - i ' ' . F ' ' . -'' I.. ' ' ' ' '' ll' . I ' i/i 'at l iii'" i'' ' : '±C. ''.. ril'lrlio - rtr's - Ig'% l / 4 1ild --- - - •-t-. 4- - -' ' '" '- '. . '-"... *" --- - ' ''" "' j ' t' ' 9 It ' • g -, ,Z4 - F - ,.- - :..- . - otrint . e4ware , . to er: e Ist . sip, . 0 . - an - et. 0, •tee 4 ',-. : 0 . Et ,1,.52 - :?• , .. y: 14e . fp/L1 t 41i .el kit.' 41 31 -- . ----,.. 61 5X hi 1 ' ..ift . : 4 4!. teru7s**: rairr*l . V.tlVtis" , ..ttnti..tn - k) .• :14tuz. di i4 t , liii ii ii ~,151 150 p.vm detirilcurasire.pitsf4t- ..,. ~-, ' , " .7"7.- - w4 -V r - -1- - --- - ' 710 P-11 04 I lil l gislatnre, pal : Bed: on -- Ilie• ventli - day bti i iltprii.l4 t,- . yeti .will be callect.nport on. the 26 - th :day ef IA '. 1 . • Ye-Pr cull cIIII ilik' t , has beea sa . 11 at in tlp . s land t in om,trsirsitit/e - efitt iiitr-nrid fOkortf west, rit•ll;'lliim4l :11 Febreary...o t,4o ; cl,o . aci:m . a.a. by ..yaur vtAtes,•*hether the indiscrimieate sale of intoxicating' it driilts is te. .., eontiuucd ) . •oar,townOlup.a,s pas been and is now practiced, or whether tbe : t e ~ a es or mr.rs h . Nl • .riune. I hr. , Nay vm41!511,5•,51 prkrpoticio 5,s oiHo. La a il„ . ikki•rty 'is. 004 1 si: l i l rit i 0 0 ,1 1 . 5 1 t: 14 Americ am . •;,•!,. ice— 105.5. d of our r i4ry is 4.4. crusaed .. r till , l , t il ti bs.g ). • I•rdastry,••ll( ?ot o 5 yl p , •rtirve i rtt-neo,- no : I; kle,ex.4Mler•l'metlicinid. n.nd saeraMental purposes, and to be used in tile arts,' ' shall lie 11 - ,f,T r e „ t r o li t i l) b 4 y r r„;',T i • probit4te , . ... : ,_.. g l lia , . ; dot go unrewar,.ed Oar Coo••!•s•dolil hall •, ,,,, l ' r e ll:4 .11 • ,, jaco . • j l ii '' p. ' , ': - . . ... . • . • ~,, e sons 0 woode:1;;III,I'l g., S.To ,. frp: Aers imi.....s.mrer s . ,w..ti 0.3., rio :,1T II er pli N tLinOtrylil T Toe Le ' tnrelittheir wisdom...4% - e SUbrilitted this Most inmorta i nt onestion• to your de- 1 Oith th • f . '.. t' ' t ' ''' n' i; i n I . t t 16gh t... P 'r.fr 2," '2' I " "' . 1.g. 1 : n ' li : t id ; -cisroir. .T. act.of i'Assembly offered ison• voni,.p,daption, pr'oposes,to each citizen to rote •••for iood down to ihelr ,•550.15eti ih.,55 Ili , i dice air,ol n.:rn-,i ily povvrty. ..5 1,111, Iv ;ni:L and iOr r IN 1 •1 . .11 1- 1-,1 555 the fat:terr,d garrnefils of twi ,,, irvlr . ::' , l I rva- I Ot l ii the sete.itt, e.* or "a.c,r, cpinsttlie sole fJ f Lipars." If a majority 'of viites be for 111 attic. • : , ..K . t..1, 4 c,,, iir e.1.0 t .iy, vith all its odious features of monopoly, aristocracy and des: . g ,! I.l26a'die .-- t • v 5, or • f Itt• bt • oti.o. ine!u-t. us it iti;;•li ; niiti;i:ll4 t . ' it 1 i ; And yet ilti. - beil f I I ltm unit n,.•ttitnen''unst4inliC'trt:;l;n7;tn• thotouejimres.et oar. 1ar , .:0 rilit•i. • ISt It - roan - irfiv /Lod in vat , j ,..'45;9604 . 051. .bg.:coutin4C4 and perpetuated. It majoritA - of votes be "a2.41i;1-s1 the ;9(de'. : tpeNiiut Street. tram e. fl -, .* lII' /I ii.lig ;L:111L4 tilt tindn,giti, .ii••• t , be.1,,?4,1:1 kJ,: co qie t' , i L,I cold scraps and cryim.• tor vi.. 1,1. 'No roe,. r ttv: l'otitil '• Is (ititttrinOti Wi!ii r i lt ' ) rt', " “):t 4 ; ~ 'ilien gle. -- salkofyinons and spirituous liquors except for riiedieir.al and sacramental purp:ises; ; ging r .i - ,:indlii be nidirt the.arts. is entirely prbhillited for tile ensuing year . : Oovided with the • -.inns of d' • „rs_ef tt. , .i l . - -isease rind di notion and no hoifier able to=eurn itolitilhotl. .... .• IL It .. vic e l ,• Alid'iht Slts6:l-Y oi' the willa'ina . sbo i, chili:end-403 furnish,t,inniktaapepf .ipts„ .glaruffl..!"°',lll'l., ....,.. _ , elatiolte &loss,' ' 4 ilea4grogat6On'ects Id alh the nuistnei•stiiai liiie ever itifesipti_seitavty it sie „ tai; Una` vetels to ix repeated at eaa:armual election. i I -;tlf were folly to 'tem. In it i.ierropera iCe is the ii it ~ soon i ti t t i u t ' tt ' ;:: 11 1, ;A d ' :p- u l na h ( l l ( k ) i t i 1 :// (T 4- 11) 1 4 111 1 1 !i rel ‘ C y h tl f it_ 6 l) I I . i i ' d ! bit"":° !: ''.” wel II"Il 'l4k tim ('l4""enceg uf thiill6l'6l4etiairit. l'-' ''' ' ' It is therOfore an experiment for one'ye.ir in the first inettince. subject in either e% mit to nh-a. :.•t ;0- ticti, ed I,': U II) C //f,' • . tI, Cr„•eil We - to into‘u•itirg• arink. ; V' r e bay. ',lie ilqtai ; 1 ' . 1 1 ''' 1 ' l '' ..: i '' . 4 g ' tit ' q ellange and 'o2eration it a silbsequeet electiun,• - die ws epon Ite p ili I • puts• .is ,t,r, ,I y , before us to establish the tam. But as we are not aw ire that it tinsinverietted r eeti SIY call. 1 i t i . Ltre.e.l..ef tlintraftittua4onte,who potpue al The answer to this question, like °Ts g tg Illapjilit t Li OWL'S e 'peers ,. ' - ' 4 0 L'' - . :`.r -- If any poison is so lawless as to break the wholesome pro; isions of this net after it :hall 411. P. i 4 $P a - - l'' • . d - i k - rrat 'll' ju Wood! NerplreliS of,inta 4 14ek 4 1 93# f.ntA, inter,r l P , it is tea kl, r 'lied 'het hsso ry to prey nt them tit dthatl. [ f i ', 1 i;Ll i n 4 f i , , f , , ,.. `t i i i ,!, t i l i z t , ,„- . ::::,:,,r', ; (l,- -ii,j'r,;,n;,„„;:,„, acid fnly , sisennr94 in, the.Etatsralertitenall t 7 have been ratified and confirmed hv the people, upon einivittion, beds to be lined nut less t:l 'i, 111 C i tiezt "" l6 Loot. al the Ce•ime. than it2o, vitt! . more titian $lOO. I isti l ee iii t e lit ' td-iy.sr:z• I,.tilrioeil It faVetast , In'one town in Otseen boality; Islitur Itol - ''one.Gandi , i Equal ly intimate is the relation between Intemperance and crime,! Oir ityr-ons tire fare ',- ,f:, i , I gt . " t'd -4- 4, 4 - ive i, li do si ld i i fo r tythrre yearitr.'' klitA-'''siiiis Y,, t. In iiihl4itririikart If the lath be adopted by the people, Caen the Ctiert.are to license, not la' re tuan ,i taree and .suit the , ery b that idle:1411:N CSd44/U impart*. toil. It has he to ea,thisti t si„ hy shop-keeper 4 or apothecaries in each township,'who may “sell i r d; i I d At. me,..e.na. and SaCramental data, turnisnyil try 1.11,.: !et-or ~S i ' u. i 'ii; , p,,ii cil 1.4 r, •., ouJrl, ..04 Du -4,..., 2 01:1:tv. LULU' lea I , o e ,i,g u r '-t t 't the n' %vl i u sou r? ' r maetftta l to I •liftr Pr9Per,tl fris&sirigl4l,ciiiiei eftAlb jiiiinuzit; ill the t)i t it s r • ut I "I- *II" I) 1 1, 4(140 az wi. - g J. 43 ticilnts IQ titdohillio“ltnakie; wrin'ealifFahrvitt purposes, anll to be used in the arts. but for nubther purpose whate% or - ' The Court ate al- titer filth., et the trioir, Ina tLi , ~,,,,• hi e sit j ; tu t 1„ gel U 1( i 1 5,.:,, ,, I . t . .i r ..' • least irk W „" h i r ti P ° P' .l 4 n ' n ''",' . ~•. , C i e ". il IV, • 3 t. ~ 1 r ?.• -.c••• i',,. 7 '.,.... , h ,„. tt Ipe puu.m ekpi:a..,.., )t-4014. ki: tiese, roary.Tmly.F.J.l4eu, tip rt . ] ateeg, urunkaltfi,M4,,tolrtjripte,rul 1T.t.44.1.'N8.4-TlVar.gr llp il,ut °rise ta. grant licenses to Itiakeepers to keep Temper:ince House , . so as to aticom:- fik r ili•stigatee 0) the emixteeitrig (-no. t, l - t tree ti , the pi,, , t.. t n 11,4 nns been euir , aged by a nein lier of n i turilf t i is, ot pec tior,atro ::t "4111''1,.- ti l' at l i t a ll i t ol i, : ', .:ni ° l l,,,P li e li l s ri ii ' fs b . ,' w . ) e li N :: , ti lt t ti 4 r n f k y c .„ r lllt Atn i t Y 6 :l' l l.l‘l 4e: P gki ii it; t i f f, r . " Ti fi sVl e itii jse lfYt , ie t , l . ; t : Y u . u . i t i l il l: b ° :er 3 :!:P r l • ' itterja. the üblie. This la.t pro% iitt - tn does no, however, prevent a.ty person trnta_ke,erling ._ ery ~(1 0 4, Leinall 1i..,1 under , lie Ira ut tile,r,l:•l: tig t,ruh,. I tic L ii,caSler trat.ol) 11litl/i r iotig, be ttniot• , ::':„q at.Y,,n 1 591 1 ' , - ti n ,,,_.tw:'&trtl',.Z ,rntinuati. I t Hi r e Were C nvnitwn Y!trft l ' ll3-aciren li q U9l -aliouse for i pitblin entertainment withNt hcamse, i .t remembered ifs 0 Nsari,ing o t'relikard ; and ,1 lessan to ilci,rll- Se! lerg per en ;ogk. ' e0r, , ,......1 c . o.' 1 , - , nTl 'II itt . t"trnmn - aw a'""" s"‘ 4.- --ii/ 4.- .ittli' IT II r,'• 11 411.1.',..7t.t OTl' 1 `'-' ThO provOlons of this law are clear, easily understood, and not liable to per%ersion. i The ~ o k t... inane) , alai tits wile, their biu 41 Bnd ortiliN scattered (Ate:l4l,e fltniar ituti w its end km= - 1 art' , k u( t i •A' t "" 11 " 1111/ lo r i ''!' 4 ' l `' )i g .ht be w4dneed.'Elmudir- ' reeel " t- Ilielicliter relief.* terms,adoptfitl in eletbiing the kinds of • liven aml the offence, are well, known to the st ante 1 „„ g lil taint witu trie ora ins onto rig trues as cleft s, re •Hiotilrl be he i 1, 111 toe to , o f w , er y i Ist c4"41Yr:,1-111,1/I.l,:.gt„.4,,,,trlir,Fif:rs,kletett.atit,l,Lo,,tt:At'i • o,ltry,-:-.l,;,,P",,°,,cntli„dingdalgliga.,rr-.li.ittAtt,i,TAt, 'book, ancl,l4e reeeived jauicial con. , ,truete.n. ' Where can be no difficulty, therefore, in enfor- rahn in i h e co einte „ we tit', afro serf,; u r or,. , i ~e puts ,r 1 141ar 11,;1" II the aim u` tut 'l.lr il r, ;. 2 " " 11 ' 1 ', l tg,l'i."'N't tl CPl`", t i Ira t"C‘ w 7, - :‘ -- ",•.5 t ," 1 , e' -f -I " e f,. - .77r -- ", ", , ..1-•,,„,, t- 1 ; --fs 8a aged Li, t., , ~ , cing the kiwlif it should be adopted. • 1 ' • iFrorti air flat oi tar' Co.le, it I. Itil,,u-, ,•I 1 a ft, ovio its 1^ •'r- • v •r , , v-,. , i l 0 ~ „F. ..L. , ~, y 1 i , iii • 0 1 i 1.1,1 now, ' rellOw Citizens, -what is the :tented - '?, ?!... 'Piet itifidene o:494lftlilelizel/409 The thaffit to into emirs liquors has never t heca deemed a harmless sod innocent bast- a a autil tits anti, iii - qt,:744tie,'retit'stiiii,is, lliav r iirtienilol p,yert) and cr,nie.-13.0. ii.e rural: ttlobUbJer.:l b t‘t11110 , •1 LW" mere perv.oling in iti ilVe- Fd er Ist ~ Lvitlent.to, tee; strogge,4-, r., . 4 e., ~ °- ~,, , et t-.. ~-.. ~ e '.,i,,t toe wi!l e l i .i l e I d ; u t n e d i the oLer t ,o t i h on i 01 the „. e i o t tet t i , ti q tiest toil. fir ti rilteilittess.t in tii i ki 'itrO-i.i.r ft, mh, 14 , ~,q1 1:4„ , - c,: ., 0 ,,../ h a , L , f d it c .,l , to l agecuntsh. tile-object: -So long ai 'tile Jteenkca .as ,tlolk n,...5.:=.. Antiong the first acts of our Fait incial Legis'tature was to be found one. restraining I b een . r . , La t o i ct y ue e stro :„.,, II u ull the ,i lu i t n i e t a t:: e ttei ru oe n; r o. o i a tt i eg , i n „tote I y 1if, L . 41 p 141./ u„,„ rid ~ t , i the sale of lituurs, andfrt,m that time to the present. the laws and their penalties have tt inffie eciiitruues, tile gliemy 4f all , ~eed s t aletnsngtd, • w en,tirely.dfi3trei ~ • ; 'toil, ile hunt. ol the diudlo-ii o toi is u-,i-te iriy and hi, w. 14,1 is il.s i tf,r alh.l, il it Iht.ri 11 ' 4 s ;rrupting add demoralizing effect upun the.eoninie nity. Long since. the efft et of the retail ,i tin; condition nicht favuraYe to the rerpc;:ataiii ot emo),•. fief ~ ,,,,,*.ll exint,,,t e i ,,i, kid . t 4' . , ~ i polver, but ,Ltis atesitiCA . ,l,l4 Watipst,Tiilk be ttriciten?,r 4 l,X,t,/c„, •?, L'ilml; Ytti, ' , ,tif ge,fit:v ; ejf 1 , imliti was so Ositstrous that 11 Di w el; totrusted with it, unless they had a certificate of •'ped dtau.lits, tos passions are lartuied. atm biz coutte,a..., Ito ppv6 t.r , '4 t . .1 t.' eaten .111,eady enlisted „in. flts Wort: awl labor eller& May eptitt,denity,,,b_d,re4ed ,u,pr.: , ),04 a 1 Al!,. . ,to cup eii.r •', whit te t It etuty l l , 1 , , 7 • . , „,. 1 1...,, ~. .- ~ , Fr. ,i }rt.' •irt,III.I :4 0 .. •,..,, . • . 1 ,,,,,, .; , , - ,,..k, T e put e for trkiperaace and honesty," signet! bytwelve ,, ot their respectable eeighbers- , i itu' e cointnit crime. and the low tated, degree ot mural s:reng.t. •ti resist toihi,tat t ot. i . rest, 1 ~,, , , ,„, „. r t .... ~ , ,„,, , , , t , r,,, 0 , titiv., 0 . 1, -1 _ ..e. „ kr.q..,,40., f st:,, L rti this legislaticat failed to cheek the eN /If ItS / 1 0-i Ol -8 influertef s were daily Leeomirig more , Vi_.,h/tigle draught uf struag ri:aillt is tot , n SilffiCit'lli fo qo tidy lin indrvid at frir thlti '46 • 711'114. i Ve l beliqVe i thiPCclli s ,l4al,tile G' t e:l4 ilculeu is i , r ' n , °ll :f 744.:VilUi.r halt ! t . 4 1 1 ,031tntt. ' 8 041 of ir e direst crone ,ft,;tti m a lty y t , ar s h, t , c ei„pst,i, sturr amd min reslisawnte allaill_tent.lniul the pj\E - • t'o *iy s.o frith tiafful, :` dePatrtt litan us#9xeX•rt : 4 ,o“'s 4.'eqn 5 1 1 0 5 1 i ° lik and more apitararit, and now the Leoislaturelet‘le laid up‘in the Pecple the %Thole rt....spell:ilia .„ , . iteentsane,-rt siding 111 Philatteiptib, cietertnitie Ito itni his d an t ,•„btnr, 1 ~. akin '9` l 'ri i -r' ( ''' bo,„•t ells, ied, .i.y the rno-..zt tre4olainig9yi,Y ,ProPe . rl)",„l l ,aPPp4es, leelq .p„l.4.49!ffegtn-sf at j ot this inteneat ohs Ties:ate - 1. autiath her supputed * pi lL re of inv. Ile pr ;rated the Cr I) ne. , 1100, uUt tun , . le !ICU and at". l .4 .1 , . . ~ „ l ir e IL. , e lf , a 'r e - ' l ll hi t,tir L A'cles'iroyed - bi it: * rid ' lral l l :.it;bc . , ,p.e9q..t,oated_ 3 Trhe purely", 'demur rat it principles uptin which tthis has been dune commend themselves to feia on arrested . i l t i r t i s d h c a , :l :o h l i f a ut i v a s t l::;u ,,fr d i l i i i t a . t ie t, , e ut n ii .a p: s isb i rex-4u frtend l'A civil liberty. it is au ahirmat ton in a practical rammer ut the right of ;self. I /316 ennswence 1 1 ) , :: ti l i e r l i g-' i o ' ne -% :' b r ' ln n , t , 3: t i: l 6 ` l , 4 :;; l ll: 4l o r ti . rnw/J tin t. - ' !..l *- 7 " ' ,-1 ri''' ti'''' s ti , - t. t z - ehtk, ' of b' 'e miry A pi L thltif anti 4 - 14 to tkeir% - go*.snment, tube ill Hat people, and a strung asseveration of the great truth, that 4 ri , i j - At ise,ksed the fatal charm. Ile drunk the tnaddcuil gdi Oibitt, a c.d muri;l,ri 4 i k i, I V i l i dn , ,„ ~,..., to thcart couottt:t i!): veefislt 1, , 0 11.1 t .e'r 0- ..Y.:' t e ',. - ..' 1. , r ,' -14 ,, r : le v e , 1 . l A' 4. t t I.ll:itni4TA • lii;lia ' rirrio"l/.5 . ;110 - I - 4 en C :OAS it ' , nr 0,4 11,„ pcipe_ 4 , , ~ i , ~ < ~..; 'l , r . .', 'l' ' ziete are L./liable. of self-go_vertuntent. 4r...A t 't.ut they are to be directly trusted 1% ith the exerl , el ilitlig.der: • ' ' ' '!' ''' I f 'll' - '''' 'rd 16,e corn 'it ot its .ad iv' Oils vi a;..ati hmong nstl Ilite r wle,mord,Nonn i .vihOn, vie, , t., 1 4.4,,e ja,%),evit, ' "'.l . * "dr.il - e'' -re . - ,ot4i"wt cis tit Imie4in tut brunt cases, as tEcr teat qtlatlifred to -jud ge -of what vt El frr,ra,,te I,lfititl own ' ,Eitt.ry Watts of ihtoi,,c , ..tlrty, -tr:".ili to 01, •ta deptossohe-irtveor ittegill - s - "tYl'T'lti trt‘f Om )'ilittl 'triaitiirto-briug 4: 4* tw l -,, - ("4"ste ' ew rn -'' -“ ' - wei/_)yeeas aid Happiness.' roe vote ; to Le gi% en b 2, you on ti e twentieth (if February oiliral sentooeuto amid to t,'l% ' a -eentkney to the ,iiitfie; I propensitini: ar i d p,,0,- ,or i s. J, irqueol_lto draw, tat a life Of, ifle,,,,W•PFes•PFe oPe,rY 4. s, llol . sity.cs. - 3f D1W1ji,a17., 13 „ `-' f i A L . arc sae IF,dic 1 yirt Le.ated, the elletds tie, ()tut pe re ia ;wet, ; rid are st. uiped en-the nig mites i t 101 l (4 1 :r e I id i r Li,,,l e :ni,,, s hi lug and bralia.E,t,,vi t t„atot#l/9fe eolle ' atiVti, r efitte a- , 4,Pc i ,,q u it l' ? t4,1 7 t2 - 1 1 , 1 ..n:ttli next, is'bey4tl all comparison the 'malt important one ever east in this or any country by pecultariti; ~ ot tn./ Fre'CMICII, .1; is not a question a meal to be elected to office tor .a.:ew years, nor ;if state Iv:ill/ d• :" t C h 'hild i te h n i„ lllberit In Mile is us id, 1,, I,e tr„n swi 1,-,1 from par-nt . 0 pit:gutty. litatits timelier i !it c.-e re di - parent, a I. ilite'l t'IJI'Y alif '" ent 'd I med le their lustre,. auff.ilieru pi 4.tlfr,powhr lait4l6...k&gitailling-g44111. ,Arta Rir policy ett - volvih„,..* the question of whether a few More or a ft. w le•ts dellars shall be paid', into 5 5" ;intoxicating drinks, whetticr moderate or immoderate, lends LI clepra.r- and 1 , at ttle Win in , V,al 4 - i ' tikit"S tt , .; - , the public tr,..i.; sury, or tins or the other• system of eurrency be establislicd. Tnese questiuns t, col and moral coo dm 0 ti: the whole race. ituw tar 'such ill itt'o ,4,1, e r int ( rime l itarn - u .1 .113(1 ; 3 Dnilikarik's Tullw )c . ° ‘i ~ .i ) t •.. ... i ' .: ;', f , , t. . . !..._. 1 : ,, - ....z , a', . , 1, -,,, s haVelSt. moreAuer.tafSoids.tliat Nye ,woultts,ee„ Acisign,crl f r o', a Pnywo - a ii. . , • • 1, • dread, - been.destroved.in this co4ntu 11l the famtrei of SUM; importance in themselves, beer eke insignifteant in tompari•ion 7,11 the ~e ttlernent of ! tub indirect egetir ) , %%tie , timir do, et I, ilae,te, is not 'mintiest, it 04%itiposr•ble. to iiiilculate. 4 11 3 it 11 ° 1 ':°"°cg i k tdd ' t .4° ...P ta lY. -a 'A ) t ''' ' " '-' '-` ' ' '''''' h ''' - d - lr this great question. .. . 4 t Exposure et' Childr en. t 4 LI 11; lialliTsvilergo,)lienthelves '.) lifts not' enongh or prdperty ben sipmhdeEep, lA9I, t . ~an ;f e a It involvetithe•waste, of mare moneyi than ;retold annually pay all our taxes, 'including the, Irho4e only et ho live oi rite-, or lunr l „ I vy / I...And t‘, , i.., na%,-.1 turned' Itli'lr tqtention t ' 'he en Ler hcad hope blasted already 4 ..4.nt,t e wa, vi 'q A ow, t i il' l ra t .e ,‘ 1,1 . 14 i n-la .:TY I .OY 1 41 V 5te ; /14 . 1 1 f L , , interest on qt state debt, it,depentlent+ of ad the, indirect taxation with which it loads the sL- 1 (1 1 1)i), , 14 . (' ca nos: ill enton ill J.; foe Hid irc,;: hurt u•nc, of iivninper irtr. in pr, ri- i( s ., 6 p,,,, • rt.) santltif,) and bi,d c'rod-iPeed tot t ilds 111:..9,he54 of:dettruFtiiip, ililif (:tuT V,giell 90a f...:04" a flu ": b li , III:i; Sc fi nu was pa . ssmg th , rint-rh lar ornhei il w it-r,a bet portion o r the people. I ain't crim^ In the wetter .4 1,, , tt. g rlcr i • mutts u • tdit..d Llie. dtt.; ofit. roam Op Wtocritt Ir c , i l ;o l"l „ tura ., , 4. 50 '... -9 , !".• 0. 1 , ..... j i , , -I ,' , i .7., , L. .. 1,, '4-,ii,tr• tb ' -" ( IV, „, - -ro, ld I; t 1 tta a irope t r sett d ..r our e l n i gi at uil t 9,-t ar CRlnitlY, and °l-I,4:iRPI It In also ttue that our character as ..O free pet,ple has been mere tan,isletd in the e% es a, ; , .rf t et, Pn ''" i ` ti 'fit' 1 '"''t ertled 11 / raLt 1 b ' the ' ' the other Latbus of the earth by the vice cf difunkenness. than b) all other ;ur national! sins , : I ti e trfu k r s iTtu ' „of ti Y , t e fle4 °` a c"" " -' b"" '' '''' " ZU bk. and a few Y' d chairlt font)- iier• adaiess of, the .titte.,COmmititie, urn the ?suilJegt: o ,o lB ,: . 1 '. 41/I : t i,t l ,,,, e t r', A? Pw .' 6o r ,i urnrient, a cord wood siii.,l., 'int 'tiled troll, the Guarditnis of the gior, was ! ' ..- ' l . - 4 . • ~,.. \ '" 4 .,,,P- ° ,b lu r i t -V al - , •-.- - '----' '•-, - ' • f-'' and mimes tckftlier. A Asti ti z is beim cast quit us as a nation of drunkard's ! Sliall we bytl i orii,he heart4l, burning at the one end while the other re ii. heti out . a • a vote Yon thp ;,,.I.ltl, admit. the stilmni just .l. iSut the erect impfirtant 0 .01 the vote arises i n i t o a p i t o u i 1,, gg ,,,.. 1 L 1,,,, 41111 g, on Oh: liapr;tts,l ottfn he by'd ii suPPrgs: lon oi toe sit/eP 4 11:14 ."' l aef i g ' . •r• 1 , ,,, ,, ,.,-,,,,, ,ta 11 1 ' tr4ft%, - ,,. r ir", is -31. -., ',,,,,,,“” was In d 1010111, only it tew months ultl,,etdtrely al4ii, dral_p • . . ' I -'; 4# 6 l c ° , It IP P, . 014 ,-: :sl ,!_ el rc i !!' n,c _P.f: - -c),_ , .1- I: ~ ~.,- r'in.,`,..-S.: front the morill sad social evils Which this trafYte perpetuities, sa,:taii s and t I erislies among ~L . r. y i. a rt g piteous!). i'he part iitt, a ).oung and nearly t odple, had 'so!si lite, r li? . rn it u •E. ttitOre...ci rt: 7 th 1 117 . ; Sh Y t t rn 71 I r P t P li r5sl eon 'P stz P icit7iti e rr us. We eari4ut an better in bringing i . las' subject belote , cru . than to transft rto this ad- wipe), aid were then ret e•lling iii :tie erog-shop ! 4 , ti' dress so mudh of the Appertl of the •tt,,tite Tempera:Me ::tx.atty as is immediately applicable to A the district et Sotenwurt, a Uwe girl eight years oak tarts found at rdnlglrt todepi t ight lieu 110- 1 , , e tuWlierf , l.: l l), ti, Siatitrittliseit 2 , ithinlit'eabrft'reld , fY r :/ , : o a l e u V .i s ia ;; a rn t,a z , l i i d iT ui i i y i , h 7 , l t ir u r rit e,c l , :e ril h o li sx h i ts ` i ' l ei nl. 7e u pc p 2 . p arc ie,'l g lat o l a up e et. ssin nt buitheried alai a luiaTy tax, for thes f , • oui ot doors: u 4 der tile , ,,steps to a linait• in B • -uk street. When roused, z•l'ie ft-110d at tfluiputii4:l/-,.?'"4,._t-d/h'igtt";itil.' ', 44a ,,,17 1 ”,,,,, 14"1 ., 1 i20 t 1 is oil ur, i ,s. kin ' i'l 10 ' L•reductd , theivlatentiers tilt Scalper . paltift. `'''.• Tbi this point anti its affiliatifd subjects. Pt. is as fellows: ~ . 1 beim" take.) home for her mu' li rw is drugs arid 11 id itritipr„ -'' her (~4"it nit the hoc'' t Thisf 3 . g:11;7 3. 1..4 ' 4 ,,,'',",: r a j c ii ; u 7 m - y i „, r- i t r- ,,,,„ * „.,l„ ei t e l c " , q a ib eil4e!lteo '',.‘,'..ttriftil;itl7elliOurt)afittlthi;!:,fle3a-tieduo,T„l'all'4ole.la,'-ki. "Yor the slim of ) outset rie,„ your f mph' s and your country, %Ye address you. We uffsite: ° I, t , ii _,- „ ~, the 1 .. , s tad beep at ,,, A ci, taking r- fiete to the street and spending hth r ' • I '' F I you to give tvg ti'xioneet nod, iinp.,,rust hearing tiou theta to exert.tse me free mid independent , c I° t_eis. - ..0.e u s7: l ti.onel`p",l.4., rasa-rtax, ial . 17 . 2 0 ~,,,,n L i •re d 4 `,e kt r in 't,' p yidl i l i ' llU ally 6 4 Ow d r 41,7,, , ,- .. 11c sockeit . y . .. - rogepler Iryi Om:y1! I betleietti the titers' • 1., I blot, liaN . .1- id ott a jilt Tun t. 1,,•11, .4.1 wirliiii." fu:1845, what:. the eiti, 'A BetTald with 1 . 1 . 4 'twang t jinignient wti h is the rigid of evitr, Amerman , . I Tue subj Fie ec t o. -temperare eis clo s ely in lerw , i ven wit h bur r ilvin rest i mere -zit, as 'mil t• idiots i A woman eve.; dragged by the whennien i.t rair late hour, from l eub ird • t i roet to Caen ' •-h- . '' ' - • - `."‘ 'I b dia . d • ultlaieotrairi'firrnittharloilly 94. - '4lx at)* tomtits-win 01 1 , ho r, wire her husband itrrd ,t, i i f:. r ad,? , bee ' l l t tl,t . .i. , !te had ewe:.• borne Inuit.' i;o1 ft it thi "c ' t 1‘1.41'1-3 ' itimilitta443.rauPer4 ' t ere ' in Lr" , t . '''' - ..--,:f . 1 t • -, , 4 ., '' • ''%')'"l !.•,.`"j Ari.' .' 1 and am • tnem'pe rsot Ibis great ComrnonWealth. t t „ No cow who , rightly uppteci itts i the duties I,,i i i , oo rum Shako r suing the rum ure aid r'.l le_ wi,ti his vim•. ,he poor woman, •wi t ... tothoir et iß by he t 1 . i t i si „,, o Li t op 4 4 4: ll 4 o4, l ; l u t td .t... i tlit a r k. ' k'' l UP"! ‘ atei . o f f these.' histanai; has. no - ti,Lien permanent 41 a citizen will atesitede toacknowted l 4e [fie magnitude of the kutty , tt. W e appeal to you, fel- " ~,,, if_a* B r al ' ? tfht " I ' : Q .u.' d r t loterite‘the tritt alia ilie..temiiataktfiusintl y our !PIO dmighter, n i ppart n i tly not set en ye irs old, who u; is is, r,..a . tong t hilenti, and siqving tu rt.ss, her, titis t y,ltNioe. c ,,:t;lte l- ; , r - t -, 7 .- itorph : ci l t : , i Z v o ti.; tivedn r inga , ii i4 )l .Tr ii - tgi ,k )si 46; gl i tl i cli i ty or , riii low citliens; ;. 6 enlist) Mar theughis ant feeling's for rue general well-ire, and ,ci press oil bo temo consiiferstiou the mementoes eitpury; tWhat shall be dune to remove or path ite the l resE°° 'her ► mot a-' 1 - • 1 homy LAY WI intaitt 111 the Cradle, eotireiy ii - 1 4. 11e! ' 'lt %iia b ipid- ~,y ~ i te p, , ,ipi c , ifr?a , ella . rctrotde. evil! * . ii gpt ,s e ose n s b moutl4, 8rP3411 , a1444.8; tplik.cntbraltliol4l - • look at the Extent of the Ell'. i 4• gentleman okerved three !lute girls lit a late hour of the eveniug. stand lug nhar }lie: ( L i m, OehU linsmoenutighians eoutvats etttas 4 ~ Y . „... ... t‘... of tipe ot the publie d hoases in Cat:-nut -freer., bey mg moni.%, trout ii.ti pis rs Lt' . it.• t ~ ratio rig legal en altinefit,, th,ero vifulentg. tie •th 4 sante, tendency io'relapse3 4.10. A - ke,o.witiowith: ii?, ,„ni...w„.d.,,,,,,b,,,L4.3 mauls tert,tattorlulaili(Za 'It?" !! t,,,';' 11 4" 1414, it 'is allegethat the use of strong drigh has cost tins Nalson, tu the last ten' years, titelre . 134 , the 0 12 ; j 'O CIIi i. 4 1.1 1: r 1 .4: fr i e l.l 4 ;:::v r inii:on iliti 141;01e of ;km, argreaeh gitli ra" wPte'ltir pet_ i ll 7-P.P:valeas thl hundred - 17 4 / 1 44s ri dollars ; i 1 , t ,tirr ill e !,,r,t, , ,e, , t,n 11,-,d • them .h ow hi•n wne re they live I Thuy Wit him to 'Frit s k reei . ~' , ' That It hasllitied three hundred tlunesatid of our citizens ! nelr the tschuy.kiii, two 11Ofal Off . where IWO of them hied, an the other then smite Irt her 41 ""' . '"1""" . ' ' i,l 1 % t 'tt,i t, `'`''l •`'' ' ' ' '''' t 1 home, tit If,iirtnoutit, it mile fartber. tong after ten o'clo kat night! 'l„tie glintlermin ilremon- ''''':;, ''''' ` , ` 4 l . '9. ., urLC% : ::ri :::: I l u 'e'"; : t :: 'U q t t l a il i t dolfs'lVlllT:it y l o 6 r d izil it' u% Yi ii t :::::,, t' gra l:th ::: l tu n:4 :prn 7 ii st f:Cn ii S ar .1'.4 . :1- ' 41t: , & , . ! : :!1:4 • That it hsA nt one lautarLd and fifty Viousand 11CtIMS to bur poor house ! '' 14) last' 'Spriti l gi' That it has inade one thoustrtal tummies! ''' 1 ' strtged %%eh the (no, her for allowing I.er children to be silt Vpow4l hut iirodUclut;lit.l WI-. 111 te ,1030113/%1 0 r• -. ~ , - 4 • That it has •*itide two hundred ihousarai w Jdowi ! pleilspet vii her, he Ihreutehed in t•ike 1 e children to the Homo. of Retoge, 411uuld berg s " theril aMin in the s'rt•et The coot womln then raised her head and tztelaidted titrnestly Cod with chivi e d; ih als'a'i t ull to thii` lttle:mitt:l (*eta resillthig nolo the sup esqutii onhe licent si tots alolle, even'Wl.lle the' unit iride is' • continued nyiatt, l th 4ni, : , , e race , ~, hq pso s it. That sib du Oa de four hundred thuusaud.uc liar ! Thai it hits Oausen cite thousand firelaildred triprders ! • tvais—. You hod hen, rgo dna close up the grod..%lio t is, arid :he i thete wnitlit be.lla )14 ,- ''ci oh li trot i 'kin . • , • , , . , 1 ,-, , A- •- ', -,-..; yr•__ - 4..-L• t t, - I, - - • 4 , - , - 4 -t - • • '-' 4 - o'alLt , ' m •'ttt a. pusate 4 . - a , uu. cannot ya p That it bas k ;tubed two thousand suicides! - 1 inyichildreti begging!" Her husband was a. drunkard! .., .6 tiehaliia 01 , 04) ,. t i a5 , l ol l s t n yvtd 2 , hiamtinta,tf re Outing r e - cdontlet erti . 1 1 , g rt _ . a ;lfit s . t. a, :n-tfirtees are adduced, teliovir c i t ti , ens Do t 4 ,4 El doted-cases hut 'irs' speelintite cif s / 1 1 4/ 7 • "' .0`" rt •1 “ ' "t• S.l f lag t ` 'ild i' ' ea imiredie4er l atiapi f tsd rift'. , We tielieveibeevtstitnateS are not exiggerate.A. They are made from actual d.ta, and will eilfth Jot nor Tardy a tior. s, ge ci -s. lutist es a . , ea. o i toastrods of tit ild rep !II rougitout etir st a le. .r, cut:pewee. t . Y, , t , , v , 1 t,, ta .. ',' io nr iti i7,taii,, e lye6 of her citikl. -' Til'ese eservedlY'llig.h'th 6 aCS , CS .... 'lii I'l n'n•t "c f .1 . . ' , - or ttre m i nt er 1 us i r . i tt_„, ~ t ,t,., , 1, , , bear the most 'tigid scrutiny. It drunkenness tz"ts increitsed in the last twenty years in pro : ' ingi , tr.eir fives ill ollililar (ircu.instances. Worse than this they hre trained to t 11,,-;114iod nod 4 ` ll ~( " I",i`:, U 4,, ' ~,, 1 r ~ , , ,,, e .., , , 4 4r 4 , , ,_ n fiii4 o l in , r 4% , iu t , r 4di c f ',. vrhaackjiti:94 l, l,if elaw- 1 porting tn the Riapulation, they' are far Within ime i t bounds lit truth. . /Look at the Waste of Money: _ tot 'eft. Childree ore employed in large number, by ;tie proprientri of Li ceetaiti l a,:, ot vertu-I/ 14 $ will ' ll° t ''' fl a ``.'" Yl ) 1, 1 -' - ' 7 "' u " - "- 1 --; :""r , '''' , :-‘ 1 5 '• ! ' - :' ... ' ' ' ,,, i 444 -' l ' .-- - Oneit.undretgand .lifty ritiitme ot doila.os spent l it t• e' y year, rid tor what I For season! ; tri• , • i • gtog-shopg, to gt, from door to door, With %a piteotiv al - :,,,.- 1 ng• old lint ei - c.44. 1- '. ' ' 4 '" ll- '' '''' "'''- - -• '' .1 . •% il r ''' li r. 1. `*' ''' '''Uff l 4 Miintf i" 'thee i ? t 1 0/ ikiirt „or ~, Af . of --suffering -ot thirn , , beitt.ting , 'old I , ‘"titt olioEkbefatiutVete,y,rutllo e!,?', 7 , ltelit6 n.ayacter . 1 .., 1.. , 1 1., , Y e , .!. .dtilgance i. ..T - gratit3 • 4-apirinil appelte !...: Tf . i i ' injure the. body. weaken the, mind, COrr l tip - v s . of cOuhkenness nod prostitution, to which those children, 11l the tender v - .1) rilHoS" Ye cenfitle 13 ,4 be. ere" lc the morals: ad all withiadt'ility c omp erisntingfaclvi,mtages! Ttiere is no plea of necessity. liiiy . Cdrs I . t het r exs,lch re, I , ,: mi l r ett L e'e . waif :th , i:i tilt:eit, l tliiniiiii inteitigE! .)- T ,_,, ~ ~,,,,..,,,,. .„ , , ,!„ i .. . ),. , i , ,•':` ,- - - ,,Et , •••••••gre :;; hecilme but too nitaqy familiarized. . ---. ,' ,',. )-• c t ''....,' - - ... ; , or even anti y.. The coat:Orrent tfltitnopy nt physicians all o%er the world 'is against ithe .. , ~ ipie 1 rye nor five ye;irs old are use of alcpholi ...betersgi-s. 'l4 csiriu rOit tkp4Jence of :tuitions (If tetmullers is eq gel y ifs • It sent out. with n lie on their -lip:, to beg perthies, ond le Lady - , T - I ' , ' ' 1 11- r f" — 4- t''4,l;''''''''; 'it • . ' ''t In&in •''vanioustatin ''''llfritiiii ' lilt ekled. if the estimony of 'great men hii,k any wiglit, read . the followiog certificate, which trettlit With less than ~ eestein number. the/ are whipped by loe it - .p , iftttl:S it i nd drive, Awsi ti 1 1 1, i,, ....... .. z .; : ,,, , T , a r fit - '6,!;11 I teeali tiiiit'lidi Of the* iitieli l . b a ' ''aliaW4invlitk applies as svel ••trittli . of Mtn:tiara itik• drinks es to,ls Mein spirits. ' : . - /. . . cic4'eit or coldlici oafs, which 1.., cirro' qi eve-ry hour ii i pp m ; ! es „pd . 1.„1,1 1e ull is to the iha UtilS ijargei ii l ortion",pftlie ' . §,tat44* . Otteltlttd,in this litv!,.' ail . alit 6l . :' . i s cu'l; ' ll . 1, 1 : ° I? , ' ,: ' 4'l l :ikrs, l ? `l . h. &Litt oronosci for'our a piton 1 1 - ,. •ains - every ti , 1 irntpil the street .to complete their day ' s work. A dttinkeri taliler-4A44,:il'egiliAY'PwiOhl-1"Itow i whic 1 ettn1,.!#. , ; 1 4,. 1 1. , ,„:I.is„ .t.i.,_.,',!,1,,,..ipk.--,,,,,,,1..:4-. tits ':arid nil under Ithese circumstances. and take . 'ffieliire"ei Wevt. ''' ilti - iii4 1 ,Beingsatited fromoaservntion , findlexperienee as well lie from medical testimony. that frost) it the pettriPs - a : 4 16) wen: belixe,i,l ,n, l u ettrse r, j .. re . ."g'i4lfti , e'fA tlit , t4 no;tli4n: s. ? „ - ! :ip t tsr. - ~ tx fa,.. nt:ai „M i..? 13 ,in, , t „ . ~ , , , ,, ,,f et a ,t . !.., : ,.,,... 7 ,..„ 4 ' . 1,,, th'.l rtir,eet, tu , kle, r pent . 19r1 9 s . t.:o Ilk VIC grug . - , 1)4.1.1! Sii prevoleit t t 'is this tretched sys:thii, !ititlie s ty,l4.'; aptilyo - . otie . , ! ' ! , .. ~....3- ..--. :-, ' ~.,..i . .! . .,„,, 2 ,, ) ..,.., z.! ;_!: ',!..., ..,,,, .t, ~ 1 .. endent,spinits! alitink is ant unly.•:needipss. trutlitiriful, and Ont the entire disuse of it - ..wOuitl that - 1i!..0 a artist of bread is beSi I I We;11 0:I II I),..'''''ir, tenct.toprornn ,the henith, the itlflitt.,, airol,the.ibli • pPiOesi of the emoriunity, we hereby ex- it is trighi y:probable,4oll:B4 it illUelit.l/ . 1 f .dit t. 4 ' .. litk ' 4ittistr the 1341e';'''''ttlf Mott ; itat• for bJu clalot l . 3 - . 15 ,11 r 1 ,6 1 (9 : 1: tie ' i . i ,i , •presii.ourp,ony tion.,lbal shotild•themti4enS 0f..10e - ilnited Et atel4; arid especially the Men, disccintia :e entirely the use of it; 6E'). etaildlPOt Only priimate their own personal biitlfit. IF v ol j r „ -ht tte mnalhht,' Thin it Will be . exchiineed • f - r,r Vlliii .. key at sai ll 0 hits,-irat,!4_ • tiruttiei.; ri,,iimiiii, r W r . iid-ai1 . ,04 , :_i,:- . 0 E til'4'"c(;m4uity . iiiie:,edieo 6l ; • 'Atitt'tViee" I, 4i 6 te(faitilik oksii coßsid. er.i.il ions, the fiend of charity is often painlyiNd, lyZred. a 1111 '4 he 16 i11) , C..i t- aii.l t:e t tr f V 14 . .4 I ~ , v a i , h , ,,, , r,4,4.. , , , , , d‘ ,. a iii ., , •!, c . 0 ,,,7 - iii. , l3&.thigii-; : ii h irtfo' n 4 . l ---, i,t . t;ri t i ai*; - ',4iy - 1 ... 1 1 :1,.,e) t d! are 4, !knot! to suffer, lest the ilt:citip .. _... iiiiiticiittiii rio, , --, 41,i 4. .,0 .-, ,, , , ,,, . but the good it coucary,and the w0r1.1,, - 4 '' ''. . - ..' .:,. . t to,relitwe them' be distrted int() n • ' ' ' . 1 ~ ‘ P '' u - pie ta teiVO`ire. a:pally ' , r , ii.,„ int et-cod end in - 3xxxx litlixotati --, AnDECIV.JieIiSes--:Joaliturlir .:ApAtas--.31.r Vex Btingli -.hint .I"LE', , , 4i • .„- - And now, WO I% Cltild i - ,lsk . , , vvhat is to be the sdestony of that came ons . •. a? . s. of , c i . rl t iirea,, ! . i . , •J' 4 w 9 i l e' 4e o ,).u ad Jaatttii 11. - Put.iii l i"' = " -: t •-: ' ' ' • • ,-. :' , . - ,:tli " 1- '' Hii 1- • -I'. ' • •• ' • -' - i 1 - d -Can any ottetypretend: that the notnenseleturis ex engted..fur. , strong drink is not .witisted,worse L•Lr,,t. , HI. such I h....„0.09 01 . 11 - Cast your &le forward o 1 their liittni,e - iii 6; lirt '', ee rt nt si r t : Il i ! crasses t , , lis aptie.„ than,• • wasedly.itAnd beboldlvhat voutil - effectAtialtilit. ithrf,osefuliy appbrd. I. 1, Th ... *t e _ 1! .I.y !pf libt--of !tope, beams on it I , Alps,: they :AS'S! Shut out flomail 3 ral amPincr4lr'etil 4 l ll '• W4 r ipytlietiir,l, ure4,att ti,thqo not *row up . to be . licentious 'go Ivielkeo t ., , itfi iiickKAAjtv!i43,4r.4.ll,4k4mis rest, A 6 .- gliS‘or iiil gata.,Rupount '4o* SowAlt:tic*, isAbourtsTo huadif.iiiiilliona of dollars . It the people shiiitid I, ' r ttost a utes nod, .t . tialifact . cl(sr l it must be by'a n iive4),fa thug] ithriiist.oiiri I' u:,,u4 ','t l e,!ts.n , t i , l ' ti, iiiisC6 ' ,''.oiii , giye,ttp,theit , vjatitkey.,. wp41,4 !tare tiotigh ih t+ .l o years to pay,tgthe Whole of this. 13 s , y t burtlieri: 4, • ' • 1 i 1 e -qui:4.i , , ttionghtt that theaft., tiny ehtlifrett, nuch,as comp(ae “ triallititgioin l litr:ivf , h;"''enst fl ue A„),‘' l l!je k liiii‘ , The citizens cif Peantrlvan f l a cunt - ttainliourfy•t- r.,4,thei 4 ren'Urnious l:l: l) . tib - lie debt. It e ff eetk ' thtir i t° l o•P ` • uld,C,' trot-Id it., il,lCrrePll'l'F's - !lull urikence ; of ; a-pito -1 14)0., •, 4 ‘tritatiat ,a, rotectui %nn.l..,:ii. ft,, 1 12 , . Auld relieve . t h i y, to e rt'toetr'' -- ---,, -,L 7 r i•lr 'l li ' . eliaitir,,tiod,iiiiiiwilii - 4iiidi propertx. It is il i a. mortgaiiit , .-forty millions f 'tfolitire 'n: •' °a t el ' ar r ''''!")! a" p arental rare o r s Y m P oth _f. wil l i n - i i f e w.. s i c?rt, .Y 6 ,'".r. s . ' o .ifo,T,h.U s i; . 1 , urn :: '1 4 ,",,,..;„ i i il e , l '; I,lliii'V i V theirtutident o hithiilied ,, iiiinbsi7and c 4 oat, an tail roads,: i ndl a mber ...0 :). , miont.t., tit . ,grl , from one Step of degradation 'xi, , iinctlier.lsenfirtk thit'ir'rtilearitl . 4ittit if .thelieriple' nOttis Conultonlitialth',.tvoatii•ahandila:th.e.pen-kAiousiiiidalPtica 0 •Lb 6 ir 'afpfli. r tlltly co reer in ! tile Alms-house; ,tho prison, or lin the; iilltir;vs f.;": - : AA) IP t lilt?: 1 `i s in - i ii '114 • 11 '," 9 ' .:lY. 4l *glai;e3erl .p . ot.tro m ,,, opgleetand,44‘4444lllo .P . 4 l ' Altibil.rf 'antral ,40Iat 14 ' b0t t ,4 , 01.14 .1 4 farldnang.i(frialcilhey-iwontdsiviantlugh frpnbhit bour.t*Sol,l46o'ics;Pay of !tie p.014 - .44a... ell' iii . k . x woe; bo in the , first , lace b ' l, • gibe tat a ttatrian4 And, itrptatipokaltda4lu retswata ihetti-vat - pi , l'iirt-iitti!d! , tty %pc -c In4knilit-, 41 tit't.f irtnilbfk °l" within thrieypts.,:vTlicv Aticiald natitiss Much Aofe inilliedtly . tiji alincidß,lttr i ii l anrOken•and. time. ‘,. ,:„.i.i. i.„; ~...„. „... ..._. 4.., . 1..., , , il:rge:. : . , ':,fi .....: " - . = ~ .. - , . J- . - , 1,, _ • ,i+i i I tot& at the' DOitieofieStritr6rhie , '' 'l ' " 1 " ... "1 4 '''' '•^ `. I' - 0; : go r. • i ts , e ,1 ~ ' ,. .- - -F? ,, !" 4- - "-- -' .""' 4 " : 4 nit e' tare ' hd w and sit /PA' • ' ... ' • , I l ~.. ... ..,,. ~.,- ~, 3,4 llKPikt ' 1 4 1 *: 1101, 1•011 . ' !. . - - • ' .. . ~,,,,.; I . .„.1, esere se re., . i y [ice ..norees to t e.sunkeLeeeinty.rs i ........, . ...., to over p.. ' lt . ~T&O_yeis et liV,hat tiettio.onpi.nrtbo"...mnitey exliatted froatlregt ivery. - yeiti, in thifoin t c iitt 'etttee..ofltcri . jr , eli:e! -2'1*1.-.4470u1:41114/,ol.inee!..:.were fouad.itapitonpittat„; .a,„'pokiin'Aligiu . , koh l ;I: Iziiiiiiiicir Opt. 'taxelst' Yna 11 finit ibit: a large liprioy critoes. to the:sitriport4it'patipereanif iiii.'de , : - - tit le, ir evf Tori, i for - Wbriihini'llie)r r ed of faialliSiT Ttriiie , is, ore likeable fto 114.thot ' „ f i y ?Lai ,- t• - din insyliletittel - tirtlifefiltir Ott itittinte, aneOtcritninale.- A othysituvrill_find Atititi3h4lificliv- . - _, 9 4 4 , 1 . 4i114, „' "-"- 17 1 , Pri t' 4 1,L ca „t e ef,'" i ,: ii i n .L.. ischir+ijahmhottittpapto'lt, &It' `.- 114.0 1- 61 1 iiartir r' n , , lii,, , r ., ; - . 15 f hthtlithimit rittics lityotiiet'finilditltin qr , nioo 0 1,,,thisixpopiltuin. - „tWinatt. spen4X, 4 " b 1 e , r .7 1 7 1 4 ''1"! . It - r. - E - tn' , ll!!' l . n ..l;9l',..wir.Witr*. ,I!,,Mant?g,iir aced . 41 " ' 41 Ir R I Y. 9 P '4,Y. ' ~,-' 1 .. to iji 'e "id o olic i e d aleft ta . ealt . e s ejo y e e r co i nd a .hi iphte t ; t ittelriptek•Hair s wl!t' and c,Ol - C s apo froe . ) , a 7 . 44a4 1akti.1 . "„4, 4 , inci netlagAir . Aechmett , -- idte:Ainithl -, :atid.iinahlti t0...war,1 nnti,ltn.andhin famiir: 4 4 t aken iniiik Aih tn t enottknO th ire*TiOur ez#ooSe T .01114 .***t e F. ,41 4 06 °9; 41 1 * li i il d lliii: a!Z itr an i 'Philadotp h his fiturdered,,,47l7ll. I :irst e ll r oll ithirg roi: x t i oth l*' l4 . : . fi n e-f „: 11 11 4 ,1 4 „ E .1 r j ll. -,e ,go,l.tr,Lt, "AtroWigiflk bhh-.10,-* *. :4o4ll : wtt l o f .,:fliiiieb - i g;*ltitir l c oolol otr = ivliiiF 1 ' 66 O la i ct- Ihledlliii'irif and r a c e hildn, aevfirelo tile' hise iiiifirli '' - ii'deFieli 4- " --47 qr';"161i'd '' ir - ,. ‘ i, ' x 1 . l V 9 tti l Ae. 4 iiii„„..,..-,_ . itit4pet Ayeporilis itioneY'.,4l4 -I. lte live r a • oft l ytuk" •• ' ' r - - ' ' -'. --: '' • I.'!' i; f i h's r • 'rin •--- -- -- ---°---- . - ; ' 1! " •-• -I!. nutt- '' -",'' r''l 2,l°l7 :zt- I TV lot z' o'; ' , 14 ,09:i 41 ..,...,r, ,i , ,f, 4 . - t ' F .. ,yade en t une , I. -, , 4 t e .. .-, . . , , ;;,.ri.: _.:• , .Z',5; ' ? , 1 , 14: 1 , 1 ,:t , C4 4 1' • -'-';';'.".`. ..' ' •••'. ~,, :,., ' ~ ..... /36"IiiiihAfie , annul. - 'A Mob (Kaki *A' thiffa. and under - th.Piiiiintnlol;af Abe-JKIM i r: 1 Thilikkror wit - oiriiii t iefiAd 'et - tdb, l 4. l ` .ll iliiii*fiectio4eS..i4ctraikli ',31 ;Cnil / . 4, -.-. ....: Alio, lit, .. :: eViiiihitit 0 4rem , itR , it e.,,fi 1 . -..ile hi ,nrreatnd, impfishinidAtiipkanCitidge4ll9enfrt*O . F . Ti, :. .4 . *,..# o e huotim ih i* - 4 1 4.1coritaisliati, minitidNollttit tias - tiiii *lli . Ilir .r tintry . cure •,. ' 2 iittia % tho 4 .o ii:,imak . i e .' . 'l' ,4 -- ftliaini, ) ikeepi . ri*Atte.*ft. 'ttitt'ke4.o%.",ll;44Q,cls44,llviiiittle, l ilsloglokerft,44o4A : : _:Ao . ...wifflititimew.skigfiverviogliis , „*. etigagodikilltfitittnl OWllltell' rent .w •. I . r , y'K' l itt i made up tit , WI of ftinfifties;''' ... -17.1,..z-,--,,,:-..iei-4,:'--• -4-• .. ,-,-.-,. . -,..: , -.,- , --- . ,- . ', -.L - . * ., a - iti tioadilregierait 404:444 1 4 , hints; , ! . 1 Apitli4lIk...titt,qt.Orthe nAiiiiiiikx ~., 1 014ft ' ' , l Bo' .:. : ~, tr , . :Y.,.. ° 1 1 ,, the .., . trade :b y 7., gm . 41 ,e, tenet , • z A e*mmi ttee MI the N. - Y. LeOislaystifitaled*liii'epiiri :- 11i''i 4 ilrfrr i 'fifeseittada irl)e(d. ' itirlikhalit a l ilii'hehhill i i i i dii. 4l kiikte! - kidiit 1 te*piiranoe,. Wiiillikt'iVar , . r r.. !4. :1 11 ? 91 e supervisor. T rshe county of Barategnthad Meetit 'carefo i;stimate'lllB3lll', the'retulf , iff •et%heteheiylrest . art , Vompared with the demon Of intensperatrce, the ission of th9 t datatta. el i lytkta lte se .. , u„.. • 1..9-I, I P, ;‘ , ' • h -,•• - ' ..„ i": t* i ! I . „ f ~!;,f ~- - .,; , ,, i. A..-.0.4:.:,:... ,. ., - R. ,, i . ::. , ,,.1.••: , i , ,y,-. ~,: :r. 4 :- : ';;, , ;;;;(1', . 41;gi , I'l •-,,,: " ' 4 . - :' ,. . • 1 ,' I ii i ; i . • - • 1 1 : : T1. ,- - 41;47. -C,3!1:-ii, A ›. . ZW=E!M 71 •;;'dIraT , 0 ; 7 4 k • `~~a ... a~=-- a-`~ RIM Ar, HUM 1 7- 177 . 71,- - , litteen tll u , ltl " Vii'_. '.i l t ti l 411 O t A :a ir: ff . t e l 4 • C h i f l ii i `u t; V II i iii tl i t 1 1; r t. ; 4 ::: iiii till y 'r '64 s -7 7 . § t'r fri i t il , irdi r i ff t 1 i fi 1 I k u i:n i 6 s t b 6 :4 1 . 614 4: 1 :1 1 je i f 1 i i 67 g ur ifi 4:i ii 4 irtll4, I :141 1— tet:lk:/,:ii.4247 t:Tor T :l1:11:::1fpitir, : l . :t:.li e::::?': : :: r4l A i l— :::l4;#l, o iw t . vi opt: , - Thu t. tun , rritisil', l ll4l W del =all kiligiifttatuilbe idlaine ofilill:dea,,. lll • l4 ve laPicte I.l,_,AluiP 'lll4'9.c P .l ! !l ` c4 c a ' s '4: /1 19. , ,tii 4 4 , 1 1, ;5 4 2200: 1 ,1iLfypuy.5,,fr. 4 : - .,...thF,..tglyiPi; *l l O3, ;An * li' [• , ~ , , I :e'l:t6iiNq;'ki'qbl::::fit4,,t'uj,jitb:::i;fii::l.,lii.hnt'll:::i''s:,:':;:ollif:ai•°bi.ililri:i.,iiijictiyl4ai'l:llo.h':lC4'i:9'rt°tfle'C:ie:ie:t:":::'llrp'iiira,f:ije'::moo:y7icf43t°'";'afli:,it.):;:itlit;it:ir'.:::'icr.'6P4trt::pltlf4rfi:lll:749"hi-''n ll't t!t i l i l'il !' e ld:b4 t e n ti !- d c-f 4 l:l l is: : :: :: t r ihiv i :l : : : F , " t a , :b : i j r y i: e °44;l : 4:64k) :: l63 , t' i t ::: :ll l p ul :: 44vii s gil:::, : i diii : i‘ da tlili t *: , : tv fl4 ; i-14146 :::: .00 , 16.4il'diitk r ii : 1: 4 -4 :7 1 1 i91:lerfl* : :.11: t ' : gii fe ! IU;1;g 5 14:14 : : :: . :1 ! 7 ; 1 1 : :- ; 4 : j : ir 1 1 15 : 7 t m i t j ar l i ( 11 1 : e .:1 : LI : 441 : 11t 1 . : 4111.1 : :,, : i ft,In i-lratit : L 11) ::: '1k : ii .4 1, 0 11 e1 :14 T lbw WP4 uf OpOi kr ~11.9vi.frvir „will, tJley, htlar:to ATlpihl uyury.yt aMbpuiwik,or t w y ff .00,ecip !ea of the .. irila,l4i)r Got, JO orettllpiatifti 4ttribilte of Iniiiiiii*, iitidtvitliefid.: blaitedi ruin ( cid of inttimpetciliee l - 4 iiiiir ISA; t ih6y l " - o.sriteliii)lite with folded sting the rotvriii , 4l3leitiiri .11 and crippled victi r rPiti:niitpliplPMPolielPon thiirpockets formaintenance: and:ofAritntirrgii, 1. on.- ea, pt strolv drni It::: rt od 4k Lill_ froiri i ,stetivo Ilfv, to thrduz;oti thu ill dust st ois Ikp ciolfrfti 'r.Lhenut ,their-tr/al O lfnerimounpqt., atifli.mipport.L , pow long iiill they endtir the' lims of tepplail [ll4 or ehaptcter -lite! ,aeliiietvo i tprozilly, arld ihe:depremtort of the great inlcr is orttuie4o3l nt-t,ea ad ti.qtit by 311,4 4 4urpi f lattitttiiibri - td l'' Abused,•bibultetl:',oppressed,' ‘nolavekl*JA..'" ell ntt throw tiff the 1 141addek4 . a . Fitw 'I with-1410i lIIU appetite*" of i4any, and ;trio mtpposedilil 't haVe bountl,theirtnitornl arni - physioa,lsoorgiv I- Haw lona . btltali the den:on;of Illtnto4 494' ^ • over + - i.. , - 17-7-7;17-' Pa; Oowking• 'over - ,!ihe eorlit,„ %nil] I.l;h9p . ti: girtoßt*,stoppi o intw,tl4 , 44osl,KrAs te!tmgel3t,clefiltit.te„the..l l Awa tro olft)V014 0. pOttuie ite , 4l+:l!trt - thfrr . 4koptNtlSO . heact." to hf rtigtiltEldlio the tort horigtfilitioi xii ,, 4 . . the . ag,Prtizing , cr.Y, „ • • lbet:ping thp hvtiutv - archpkof r.l^; , *1*- I '.'" 14i, oh Grll.' • • T 46 ' I.32li:it s 4:enii,eitcferts;ci.fituey 011;1,4: fit creature law 4 igeoltft-Thre teeoririattir: k 104 thOeihl ajp:ilV,iUg4 l d te,tafthAt Tritephitte prolohltt:d the ireat.,ltitabs.uftcitizens - erput ,retifith'g,:apientptit its or ot: tot* to sof:4o;4ls tittorapip,_.l . .o.3;a4atc,4fiti tOticti.ighf Bl J a.“- -5' la t.' 441: tatted, fur 419 tivitptit pi: guyerrej.intititorh4resoijsatAlf ot t urei to the '.;elidil(of tt reiki , indf ItZitiClitYLOi kite‘jo/0r,00 : ----Uf 044' ME ; ~aHYiy ^~ ti .~~