The Carbondale weekly advance. (Carbondale, Pa.) 1861-18??, July 13, 1861, Image 1
.. , : i • . . ... • 1 . .., . . . . . -- . . . . ...- . . . . . . . . ' .. . • 1 r - . . .. . z... .•. . • . . .... : ' - . .' . . .I. , • . . . . . . . - -: •.• '.. -; - 1 -- ' • '- .; ; ' I;;' - . • _ . :. I . - . . . . . . . . : . . • - I .. . . -1 . . . . . . . ' . ... . . PO r . . ~ .. . .; • , . . _ I ' • A , , ~.. I OR-.... ~, ... /„..., .. 1 1 _ /.- - . r .i.k . ...... ........ ..... ... . . _ e •,.... .. _..,. , ~.. ..,,. ~ _ „.. .. f. . . ......,.,....... .•... . . / ,•... ~... .....„....„ .....„ .... ~..„..„..,.....,.,. ...t...„..„..„.......,..,„:.......,...„„z„.....,...„,..„....„...„...............:,...,....„..........„...„...........,„„.„.........„.......,....„........„......„...„.„...„_____,,,,......„,...,,,•,...„.„..........„..„...._,...„..,„....„..„...,,.„,,~...... ... ... ;,. ....,. .._. , „.,.., .•....••"" voL. v. , --, I i 111111.11NCE • i , I, ! the' oflieers of le s „,,,,,,,,e ? [met their Iced too fi'ev in numbers to con-, been dune beyond th e constitutional cern • tion of law. T tee knew their people pos. the position that secession' is 1 whole Dr e ier stiftjrct ' l / 4 1' - ert. made in . ilerol the athninietratioit te.e.serslittg to Ile r eclosttree of Major.Antlereonel t e:er, The., ergenie 1.1.1 V 111 flliy t D , 2/ellll ItiAil vs upon , Feeney (if Congress. , se , sed as inuchlof moral sense, le, much j torsi :feet with tlle ' - Con - tittition is - I Soon after the first call rig militia, it 'of devotion to ?,wand order, and a'e muck' fill and p ' eheeful It ;s not contended t a lili v. hole Ara- irnmediat4 l a id h l .ie re Le m .: pr e t en , es mad, in th is „ i ; . 0 , ton}' ether wes sonsielsred a Amy to authorize: the pod in, mid reverence for the Inefory , I there is any express illy for it, and , ti , tenant-Gp era l c oStt, who a t 'onto eon. ' pretenses or arbitrerily an auy pre- Conintendine General in ' , repel eases., al:- end Government of their co ' inmoir ioun-;ing sh o u l d eve r b e in . mlied ti l l law e, 13 •17i e 1 1 . , , 1 if muted with efejor sAnderson in his opin. ienee, e, rea k l i e z eil ie i, e eeeernimeit, and ~,,din , , to r',.. discretion, 1,, .1-penil Inc try as any otleir civilized and patriotic Ivy's to n o t or absurd conseuences. surpLEIIEN ! iv,,. 1 r ,, 1 ,, 1 , 10 ,,,,, f ,„,,,,, :e n,,, 2 ,,,, : c,t,i i ca11y, :r. itirn.,,eud.,t0 free L r6yerri- p r i v il ege of the writs of hateete coma;, (Jr , peoqe, J ]'net knew they could 'Mike not The rattan purchased with money the ; I . o n ; re fl ect i on , h owever , ... , i t tele cattle It_ fir:••';'l, 71S to in otber NI ord , , to tiesest and det.l:ll. Witil• D'hrancement dir - idly in the teeth of - these' , countries out of whi c h several, of these . ' , Is it juet that they ; .._ time, eonsulting'w i th ot , lier 011., , re.., b o th ~ , , - ks "I, t{ in all r ., e , 1 , - tol , tes- t '11,4 ?inherent t .. eit. re•ort to the orili , llar , Y ' , mice...iv:3 . aii , l strong .end nobh.leentitnente. „A./10.1'1;1lit e r- , Stat es N'Vere,,r.i rine d. ;U1'1414493 Ile- :.•liall go off witlioat leave t'ied without re . lot the Army rind the Navy :, 2.1 at the , en't felel weakne.,-- • ..lil-t. a govern- terms of laW,`Fllell 11101 1.1 , 111:113 1... he might :1 - v, they coal:in:p e ed by . an p l eb e ...,,, f e t e . I,aut fling of flee ll:dint% mind. Tlik• Y in- ' fin, i ce , ? The nation mid ' lam e , 1 entioi four dip Caine re:let:ev i l s , but de- iii‘.l.t.lll:lll'et'3lll' he 1.11 , etrotee for the dee m e anger e us t o the tided] •to the ean ie cone i te e en 1 ,. b e r,,,,.. I 1 i b,,, m ,,, „.1 i t , ~w , ) ,,,.„ 1 1,. , or t ,,, ) wc,,k to Ties ,t my has pa n t-pos(4v, been e x , t . vented an ingenliie euphient whirl; e if eon.: Sarni -=in the: aggregate! I 'lre s li? . .l. Y -e, of a • lie also suited, at the earns• tin! that 'nu i 1 1 1( tinlain ite' on 11 eel-ti! it- ? : 11. ( . 11 blit V'4 V ‘l , l'i . l' l VN. 1 eol el 0,1 ~1 wa s h i l l,r . - • , . •• • ee: . •, ' --, ' , id ht pet festly l i le'deal huielreel millionto_relieve Floride of. . eu e l i I . lllli c a'eu kne e we, thee al ilie"con../ 5e.1..,, v i e „ ; we th e i„,,,, e no ~I,t i ,f , was tI,C• legality and propriety "I uh,at 1 , •1-s steps thr , ;uglt al the iii`eidents to"thet , 7orn. ; the aborifeinal tribe s . Is it p e t that she don e order it are questioned, eel plebe deetritetiimi of the Unioh. -, 11 trol o the Government (Jr coill he rai e ed 1,/, hut to e.:11 out; the - war ImWer c ,fli i e bt'on ;shall now go off withoet 'consent or with.; attention of the counter 1111 , been , The sopltion eeelf is that any SMte of ; out ntaking any return? The nation is and btonght to the er , ; 31 :4 111 0,111,11, 111 Coeerot e ei t t en 1 es to re..i..t the ' force tht . c, , • di, •1 to Lli.. proposit iOll 1;011 011 e Witt) et 1110 - Union may, 1.e - insistently with tete Nit- ; now iIL debt for money time *1 e •-•- i hit 't f•t \\* /111.1 1 1I * • * I *. 'I •• *I 1 -4 , 1 n p ro N room, ne et e ( emp lo y . ,or its 1,.....tri, 10,11 ' , V ,-4 0410. for npeilied for the i l j!e. exf.austed. „li t a ete re , t e ll: de ers point it , re.„-„,, rt ,,••,- ) „ . Ti,„ ~5 , ,1, „,,,, ~,,,,,,. „..,,, I so 0, n to take Caro the lets- Ile fat, ti. dotal r 011-titlltiV:l,..:l:/d therefor's. lowfully• benfit'esf thesle Inlevall'efseee'led States i r f• fell 1 ext•ete , I .( 0 . 1 1,1 no t he,,,,e, I ~e,,,,,.. and p, aceftilly, v 1 it hdraw Iron: the Iftiimi, ' common with the - rest. - Is-it Peet eitlie j r l 1 r vi, v il,i.„ Zrauc.,l ti,.. duty / oi the Ad- , th e t•-pen-e o the conibre Al 11., 100-1 IA unit some toll4l4le.rution w d ., NI :Aleut the eetisent of the 1:"Itioti or of that creditors shall go urpeid th e ; the :1,lio ' Ie? or letinietratton in the ceee to the iliere met- erelftdieesur ii4 ,, in.r.ill 1111:11111Dis1t :001 ,t.i• those l• ter of getting the gal li-on torf,.. ‘ iy out or ;„ ,14, ~,,,,.., , P ,.,, - ,,, - ,..,,,',,, ~,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,:f„,,, y r , :. , 1%, oto Ole ~ n(..,tion of Cott and pro- eny other::ate. State. , The little .de,liteste that tnaining fitatesipaly: Part r o e f , the fort, , e, , Ti ..„ o f t i i, . 5.,,,, ,,. , ~,,,i n„ i d , . i At, I ~;,,,,,.,. In mete le • f o re this inlay- brae ~eir ,1 011. the ` , l l / 1 101-0"1 rig, It 13 to IA: tn , lll:l.nel only • tlie_pie.,-ent nat oi 1 del t. wa scontracted , ----- , .t. las ttelievt•d, Lowey,. is t r cu- s ee es 1 ' - e -, , •The V 1 10 1,. ( I t h e i 1"1z which. .-. tom , .1 4 ' • .„ • • .11: 1 ' ' I - I•• to pay the old debt-, of 'rexas. leeit juSt., 1 eti I 1 1 ‘: l ,, e‘, ept 0 a waro,• g IVI. 1 ,vgiin , •ll. • ' . s 0.r,11 •• 1-.. Cal, ~0 ( ADM.. 4.41( . 1, 1. 1 0111.... lo ez slel leste:e and pay no part of .. 0, 15.. • aoaneon tent le-edum Tinder thi• threll.l l ., 1 ht„„,,,,1, ter a : gn i,. ~:,..0 , ~g , ,,,,t.,,„1 , ,,,,, ,111 1...1 ....). h e faithfully ex , ' , olo d : . ,vie be- arc 1., Le thew SOL/ judges of its jiretice, ss that File 1." *Slztrt'l4 W‘ml"/` 1 " fl'l''rlY ' II.II 'IIII` ; that , A few regiment's ••haye 104.11 10 4 , 1111i/, • rl in.;-1"-''''"11 au ,' 1,,, , j,,, g ~f c.:. c11110:1 111 10 o :lilt to 111elii an 110;ie''. I„, I Ilia ber , ell t • . 'till lle o.,ity {Ali], r Inch it 11 , 1 ., t o be el ?dee ... o ,e e el dee ,. 5 .,,,,,_ 111 i ,,Uf .v . i , 1 , 4,t1 !wally- one-thir,l of the :-: al-s. N111.4•11oy WI la .r.-I , ,ilior dor , ..<ll ,, ir co Ned' il; tht• ' if PRESIDENT"' MESSAGE, 1 1 ;‘ )1 1 e 1.: I I I :N ' '' ul i ' l l :: ' ,• '4 11 .1 11 ' I.. fi e dl c l on n - '',‘ l h u l e ' t i ) , d ;.t dial 'enteipre.,- and 1 part ,Ilrllt ',PI 1.0:0, re,eit ,t 1 tutu ih e. G,,,,,,,,,.. 14tt ::11 , ,,v eti 10 tieally fel of , •,,:et te e m, - here been drueeine the ` "); , 11.11e iiii ' its ol , 'Yen e t , e.,.1 it bet•ii p.•ift•elle item' that, hy 11. i.' ~ Ltioa LI atore dial thir'l it 4 • ar.-, , ~. .v i A ettin one State mar seeedi , s 6 num.; a n: ' •i cj i t e ll" i r ; '' l Lri ef 4 t I t ‘ O h‘.,n a ' s l - 11 :11 1 e i d il el l o a ti v . e si .l e- s acd t e l :1 1 : - i k, 3 ' i .3 , "ri'll nt h a llrlh tii''.`:" b"ve wt.', "ikiit q . ,•iito jo..t. this cre l dt•tore? Did we notify • of a 14,1urear ypt Lse. ; Iliat at lemie it 1 • , - the 1,-,• ~f th e meet' s nee ,....... er e ;to their an I - '' would sllscreirtee 11,t, f.-iett< } r of . tie. Vit• Of eoftr'i‘ the ''''''' 'l' L I S ''f t" . '4 I 1 .... 11 ' l , . et•eutteil, some sinele lew, ii, , • ,I , • 11l ,il.ll o.l '"ltY gthia men ' fi - ') a willinglle,;s kt lalze, them of Ile , sae.' vi,w of ours wiwn we . Fclionenterses of fhe - .3 oz ate 01)/1 11.14. , t, ry ion, t , li i l i.,,, ith ,, - . 1 .. • ~ ~.;•:•, , , ,01 1 to i t h e t i T ee ,,, l ie d lit 0.0 iMe I 1 113 .10 1 CO:, In. -,..; ~.t 4 .1 1 , 0 ., •, „ , .. 4 \ 'r, ;tie ten , l••niess of tile eltl/A 11, •WI, l ' v lip ai ft.+ iwitn...l ihe Go•-er t itir•ri' tl '• 1 . • ' • 14,7,7-,.schttriirrs : ' - I to insees , ee , lane? a , ~_ ,• ; , , I tom e :, the th e . o f I l e . ;,, them:e m it , !„..,•,, , I 1 ,, t .. ~ „ , - . ' :-. ~ - ' I ',. 11, '...1' , noi rowed their money ?` If we now re ' t t „en, ion-r, te e m. : . , , ,„ 1 ,, „,,,, it e .„,,,.. li„,te re f the :leer :sem, rer,eiz ; d a =r e o f , file n h a v i • i rh. c „,„ iii ,, t , t 1 i , ,1 0t . tile 1„. 11011.-01,,, the .-..._„,e : 13,,,,i, 1 5.1.,1,.„..,,,, c„,,1,,,. w,i,. ii,,,,un.,1,,.. , to i t tn . ) I, ; 1 1 ,. 01 to a .2 4 .1 • :. ~ , t . •te.: el s pe a , lee 0. .t.II , 11-"ithtln ceders to go in peace, it is diflictrit to s '. oe, lletving been convened on an ,letraole t i,, e , e l 1,,,, t, i t „.,,,I, 1 1 . 4 - win . li.t .L una l ,b,., il t temp- le the 5em....,t 2,,,. [Mer e T 1,.. , - 1 , 1 :' th ,, 0 i c i 1 ~, • , , , ,4 , 11, , , , .. 1 ,,; i , .., i ~: r , ~.. , . - • •,,, , . tr .a, • .le e out of t h e I 'moil, ',\ Ito toil ] d 1 1. ,, ve, e hat Nve , :,iti do if othere choe s e to ere or, dinars occasion. ae- ant herized b y the Lou- ' einittion ionsetteinebei. ' - •." Nett teteed , N.e.nt h e yet; sed ? `stile/Eitl, your attention is not' called to ; Tine coeld net Le ell twt..l. e l ;erteeie n ''n 1 h'lr 1 lit! en. some 0 111 -40 h. :mg , 10ini'l 1 . ,,, 1 •• -tale toe , I •10,tion i n e ie d u , • e •l e , Le it Immelit to tic, stieli thing the de ' toe ~ t terms ow, r,i, rni.v,li , 1.,( 4 1, In_ prlisct_ to retrain . __. any, ordinary saki/Tr of if.zisisiti,,, • . , . 1, or upon whic h e ' was Tilt yet ol.oil 1:. gLrrk,n, i e , .1 . , ~„, , f iv the I'Men, e 11,1,• - 111 t - e,her-. site!, a. 11, ,„., , 0 ,h, t ills , 1, 01 0 . 11 .' 10 „„ 1 , 0 „.,.,,,,, t ,.1 . It, t or i'r, ''- At the bestinning r 4 the Pre,itlelltial It I ‘,,ui,t 1, ree , l e . e y ou ;r e e , ~, eeee? , Vt-eittia, North Csiet•lei 1, Tettoe-ess e I,:i I 1 , , ,, , ~„1 , , , , 1 ;Its it,. • ln .4_,.., to ll'eei.... T I • derive- : term,. four eriontleenzo,, the fun, tete; c'd be re-elifoiteel. •ti'im. Lee woe (Ile :, eleai I A rlieneie the "Union eentinteet - tta, 11, a, 1 ,, , ~ t • ~ iLe St..e.oilli-ra insist that our te onstitu , - •-t ut it tom • tie % iolett•d s let'l*.e el s e et, the 11 1101 e 4,1 l'A b orer, p c t ', 1r4.1:11 1'.4 ' •11 , , • - the Federal Governmeet were. leen.] to i n ei c „ t e,, o r po l l "- „ li d 55 6, i ; I , 4 ,,, 1,, t i n ,. !ly repressed rind silenced. Tie; . 0111 - , ~.„ . v.. 01 1 1 ,1 not t h .,. o vi • I „ 1 , 1 •' . ' ... f ' I ;On I. ] y•lt, of secession. The . y hav e us . - . . ,en 0 ~ I , ne h; u• - , enetern :11:11, 1... re 1... 10111, 01111111,0tell1 I be generally sosepended-Within the several ' c oe n t r y t o at - e ,• et t h e ~.e ae, ,,,e,,, elert ' n ik . '" "' ‘ Irz." 1 " ‘rtt 'Li' 11111 ' 11 Winn' k•I• ken 11 the Got t .' • , 1I 1 1 . I - -- • ~ ' .--'"''` ' '"" ke " natioted constitution of nine lit •-,,,,,,.. e ore r• :,,, ewe., :11;,r nee y Teriniiiiri , ,oit I • • • litatr•s of SeuTi Caroliere GOOrLtI.I, Ala- s eenter as a „„,e t „ re ~,,., „ s e,. , „el s ,e... I tile, ,•••roaps ti .e ino,4 importeet. ', . 1,,,. ut ...: slit t ,, , t . s ,, n g , 112,t1,,,,::1,1),:,-.,,1,,e,1,it.tiN1,,,.dhitt::ttt,f,,,.... tiett,,,,L,.....t.,,,,,ei,e1t,,5t,t...t.te.0.i1:1t.i1t:r1:1f1ett4:0rr,•,11 o U r i l ly l i •-: ,. 11 „,..., ' ' : I ' ''. °''' n ''' .l ;"I'o.ll of ne "" il3 ' the? ' hay° lenn". :Nlississerei, Louisiana and Florkle• ~der N't•Q3 at 01'er. Ill' l l '0 . 14,1- 'lll I'ol A Cenvent ion elte t••t1 by ' , lie ie.•' l ' I '''' ' 1 ''- I i e , ' • ' •'' ' ' tiler ill '"":" r t . - 4 "r r '''''ineli the right °f . , ,ece...,10n as the ill:1-4. it ex - -es in ours. excepting 001 y of the PosbUlnee -1) , part- the Linrint , et 'le. temp- f; me 1 1.1 oeme. ' th e t see, 1,, e rn i,l. r It ... 1 ,,, • , \ 1 .;,,•.....1„,, , .-. +1 1' ? lt4/1 11. %5...., It, L 1.1 .s, , 1 that I "1%01 than :;. It 1% -erred to then) iii ti3O, If I , bast: e e„ er fe l e the'' t . , sent.. - , • - ,A l i j it B r ,,,,ei en ~,,,, re el 1 - ;.„ e r „,;.. T ee ,„f ,1,... rni • e ,pr ni.• le, &ten I''l I 1 . 1: N 1 1 . - II .L.' .1 1.. -" r01 lI .0. 1.1 ...-, .I. I 1 i i ~ ~, ~,t I " In; .n . 1,, - I in, 4 .ol l`4lt'li it'll: PO Otte of; ' -''.' - ' -L A" - ''' Y thereby-'. , , 1 ,, , , admit lime on prinsiple it ought Pot to he . IVithin these States., all ter forte ' order ens" I :lot go Ie I eid. bel meet tato. , se-sem et the te e lei ~,, V., i . i., VI I , 1 , '.' •I.tti II: tt :411V I, 55 v ~-.. 1 ~,lal, .I The t , .n. eve; het me 1.- ii ae" me not , i tie• 4 , 1 ~ ~ is . • I , , ~ • , , , . . arsenals, dOCk.yartl3„ C11.31.0111.140113e , , :111t1 111 t longfe. eel surer Twee i'v -, e. - i Fort 5. L ., 11 ~r. I 11, T,, i l i I„, i',i , . ..',,,,, , i . 1 ,(,,.. ~,. i .a ~, , , 1 , , 1 . , 1. . 1 . ... . 1 _ ~rr . ri they leo, ere milieu oy twer , the like including thi.• rnove,ibic and st:, ' ml g le fir_-[ reeein nee , f: en, ',',,-- <-o.lo r .101,1 e i,,,.... 1 , , i ',,, 1 ~. ID J , :I; L „r i . : ,,,,.,.., L I in ‘ ,b.g,. of die -A I.i o f hat.c,i. <Ol I II:, 1 lie I - 141 1. 111 t• :ell 11,fore •.:10v ca•..t. - off ~lii,.* ; lr ; ( t 1) ‘ . 4 1 : e " 1 " 1 11e1 "" 1 I °l our '' , i s he T '''.l"`" that[ r tionary preperty in and about them, had wae r e,„• e i ee I s e e , on , e ., sk 1., 111. tr,• 1 1,, ' I'ol , ol 1:14 11.,t pnii; ,liai,ly aflei • 1.• , 11 ~. .t , -.0 -111-1.01, 1, d i Ind.- , wllO,l. in. l'•••-ti-li I'd •flit i1'‘ , 11 , ..i , ii , • , 1 , 1i ,. .. , .i n it::1 ,1 1 , 4 , 1 . , 1 4 . , ri c e , •• v r 1 1 ,,:,,,; ( : 111 ' ,," i ' 1 1 i :', 1 r !'".,', n ,: e t :,,, Y .. tfr iu t : 1 L :,,.. y ~ ie t :€ l . l t i e f il' i r d o m; , ~,, v ti,,,.., 1.„,1 .in,. 0. It ~,,,,,, 41.,, 1,1 1..,,,0 a 4.• 1., irion. 14 j1, 1 ,, ' ,, ii k a ' ,,,, l t.r., :: 1 4 , 0, ! ,, 1 i. 1 1'1 ? '...t-i 4,1 uu . ).- of settling their • debte, or I been seized ;and were held in open I, ese , r '1 f"....1 .141 01 ,JIIII.I 1. Tl,r• , I.V. • i.,.11 I i ilea:': the fail of Seft'in r, 10 01 V Dit'llilo. l i. II ' it,l7 C..... .4 It. ~ 11.00 4.r P. V.i....411, 111, 1:11 ,1 . out- 0..11 <•OrII• 1i , .0 tility to Ibis Gerernmcme excel ting only ;the ofileer`commandele the 1 . -.1,..% lee to , Ine.iurile' went over 1,, eh , o'reeetl Dr-01.• Forts nekr.n= Taylor and. Jefferson. on I• 1 • - I tree I .I•'L 1 . '' ' i et mietr-'• en 1' i liII •I'' • ' 1 . •e,, , .1 1 .. . ~ ~, ~- r. 1 t .,„ T .. , , I 1 . 1 .,. ~ .. i , eti, elm!! any other 'selfieh or unjust els- IN AL 1 I 1 .,.. ..! rely. eel ~, ea • e me ... L • - ..... k' I% dein .t 0 t, t . I :i., ~,11la I a 1,1-.4 0. r, .emett. me, ,el • 1,... , N.i.- me t sill 1.1.:Ia, in t o <lo ln . ; , ~,,,, . •• , . ~ . and near the - Flo,ida. coast, , .„ . . 1 _ . , . \ . .„ ~, , , , ~. ;, *cr. .Th e Itratelple-IL:ell is one of &sin • en'lr Fort. ferre 1 f rom :lie 1.1; , ,,.:,1.. n, ,ict i l l! . Ilp,m , ”niill' , llo l. for .., 11 1.01:.0.1 012 the Si:ct. t .• I : wit 1: ' 1.111 , 10., .-.4 01 . 1, 1,04.- e !eer,. the tei de I 0r...• i• Ift I,lion t , ae, 11.'3 Ill•VOr a ..3.114at.. ??er , ?? . ?, 1. , - ' fi. i -ii.ineindon of 0:0 , Pie 1 e'. I tl ,d 1 •• 1 •'• i " TI •in • ' I ' '• t ' '' i '' ' •'' ' and upon which no Govern i[ in -Challesten harbor, South Cer- ..owe 1111a-1 arnii.i.,,.., ot lA . .- Ide boom- the I ' nron. _ ~, 1 ,,,_, , i , ~• .••. , .. 1,.. ,vi o ic.- (m i. . oo4' to•• inuit w a tt _.-1 1 , 7 blina. The ; ft. • ;rts thip seized Led Leen t e a •, 11 f',l e arn f • I„, ' 1 1 , • ~4 , 1 ,u.,10, ‘ en due est ne ell( ti . ~t• t ~t 0 IA ;I 11 tio. vh et i e r t' es 1 • , • l — • .. - i . , ' IV' .. 'A 1.0-1 W.IS 11111 I.01•17.1'd It/ be niade. ',emelt:won of te,,,,e. OD 1.711111;Ilg into the put :0 improved condition new ones had rese l l, Ade,m,,eret e e i , up 1,, the two. , 13 : 1 •• ''' '" i ''` '' ." `. l r '"''''" " '''.." '" Nee it is ine-te I that Celizrese :di 1 1 . ,,, ~1 :' 10010 I il i f,t ii.inie was fir:.4 ad , e•tf. if "ii the Mates save one should ae-sert been leelt, and areietl forces had been or- the crder ee, thses eclieth`li el ,itt: 100 r e, ' 'n n .l l '!' " I °I • '‘ I " . ' lll '''''''' ' ' r '' , ne. I 01.' ,L.V1...'.141 V , ..i , I .. - -t , • , 1 'l\ 111 , lII'. e'l 14 , r PlO4 01 , ..1 ;;11. 1 .-1 I:: and bv - tht• 11 '4 ..,11•:1- the pewer to delve bloat ate out of the e e an i ee d, an d, were organ i e i te all avow . ;. ;12 ..., ;:e :,,,,, j ene? , ? , ~, ra1,..,,??..?; 1,, i .i , ... , , 1,,i; • :tinter. °r 4.',1',' ':1 ''''t I. 11" ll' t l 'l' ll , l 'Il 1 11 1." 11.4-.1 .. , ;fee s BM tile C (•4111.-11 , 0114,11 0,11 It, -. 1 1.90 41 riu hp , l, :, 11, ~. .I",:vr. in Ilte.l,Thi,.. P o o r, it 1-' lee- the . w h° l " cht - s 3 of : e e 'dly with the same hostile perpeee. remit, law tera-tpl to land ih t , 1r0., 1 1 : •,.., • ' T,. ('s ' ll ' a" " l ' ' S ' r ''''''' ' ll ` e 1" 1 I '" 1 ,d ' s--11 " 1. • I. , '. I 1 ' I 1 t . . - 1 1 ••.'el' r politicians Waillti at once d en y 1 , 'to sr„ 0 ".""‘, 1, '''•• -•••• ''' 1•" - - itlt'..t.:.'f, 'II l' tii,l' 'pre i-4611"%i1i. I , itiiirtv Net. euetotee_ Afi.:l'l'.% hr- . ' tO' be he:teat:l. . The forts remainingem the poSseee-ion now re.enforee . Fort lecktees Won. a co, 1 . '''. stmentie t L'iesoidinalire for tatifiriltion to • for , tins:; „ ll 0:111 '4•l 1013 e1114.1-2,011e1-, 11 1.•:4 11- . 1.. C, p,„tin y was hot to 0 e. • se e ~,.,,, 0,,, ,i; . 1• 1 , , ereeteee oetregb diem orrite`tigurs. •-rfi..- 1 t suppose\ that precisely the saute act, in- Ofsthe Federal Government in :Mil nem-1.-is Would ,he leeched et Fort Sui,ilt,.r, we- a vote of Ile. people to he ..1.1k.411 tin ~ d e e m e ee 1,,1 . 1.V, i 'l iiitl . . 111 , fr:11111 - 1 ., .1 till, deal i ' t . iildt' , l•nat . flee QrOne ans eh er , these States were either beeeiged or me- ,impos-eilde. rendered so le- the i l e,, r ex ..., teen ...mime-hat nee-, then a m ewl, ti -? - of the l'ilion. Int directly the contra! y, I stead oleo ing called driyieg the Odle out, naced by • wailike preparations; and espe- !Ili i se's rte tetei., l •l th it in every ca -e or .L.u.,t on of provirdon3 in te hate! Latricd. , t en e t h e r ', m y rtl e ~, end - il l - 1.. -, ,4-1:11 tiro. 1 i i, , :, ~ , , • , ' - " 1 ,0101 be called the ecceiline of the otle I a- their mensal lee lee an d their 'mired '' • - 0 i er „Immo rim le, t muse. . 1 e ' ere from that one it•wouhl be exactly ;chilly Foet Sumter was neatly surrounded, fort. - , - i , i " i ''' 4 w ''''' ai. " ''' ,".•,-'','" " r '"," ',.-.'"?'• Cm,. qt.,: , mild be e ,,1,10d r i on . k l ii „, t h,< i,e•ion,,, 1 ef•re, :It tie time, and afterward , t , , ',t , , , , .. i by well-protected hostile' batteries With: In rireeentlon efeals'i r stiseneli , a (o , e;tine- tune I 1 an,. p e ke, wee eeseng 111 , 1 , 1 o f Ihe ~., , r , a : s e ...noel? , ef. whirls 1,,,, e,.. 0. 1 . . pr, ,,.. e , , , ?;?,e;?,1 le ,h,,%‘• , ri, ,, „11, ,, ,, ,....„ 1,1 , , ,, ii .: , 1.11 Lat tile seeeeers cl a im to do, u n less, me , they notke . the . Dint that the one, j guns equel in quality to ;,the best: of its I lure the eloveremens had a rev: ci.tys Le Staie, nok wen of either, Memel:mete e , ? e t , t. e _ ~,,,, we 1 , 0 , 1 ,,, 1 ill ? e re , ~,,,,, 1 : Ir , 1 i „V 411.: ~, „tit 41, ov o.a..:ii allii ;di the orieinal d ' - ':''''" , ; because it is a minont v, may rightfully do -own, MEI OW 11UrObeIrirq Cit.,' Lytle.; :1:' per. ; fore commeneed re pet-inz % en e1e .. .. .111 ioe, onilnioneed teethe it , if sine-S..tte:ee- , :l t , ~ ~ 11: •.-- ... I:I . ~.. I '' e I' . • , t. le- r Co' T. 1 - t , - - .. , t ~, , ,,o n . more , \,(Tlllt It areu , hot, 11, ID 1.1. • 1. ~IA: .4 4....,Vr,t 1 1,,1, v , .._ , . , ... , ~ ~ , . haps ten td one. A disproportionete as well adapted 11, ini,ll"l b".., ton I, , lieve ' ready out us.' the l - eiun. . 1 .,. t e e 1 , ,,,,,,, 1 „et Ie i % 11. a till (dLer • o...Cati o e they y are a 1111,jor• •f • in, tif Is now „fr,•,,•,,, a . , a t i °milieu at le. 0 yeers later, Itht . .... . ,•.1 4 , itv In, . . ~, _ .These . I share of the Federal rimekets and rifles.' Felt Sidnter, which ex pediti Oa Iwo , :11- n.. r .. . .1.. . ey net rightfully do., polite , .1 re'V pushed inlitart- proper:mem , Ni, ,Itt i l e Irlett It 15 111 prehallly he pre-nted pcipernai. is roo,•I ceneme ye. Ilat trig, • 1 f 1 tl' had somehow found their wiev Into :hese ; tendi f d to lA' ultitnateir meet or ints, a o I _ ... e • • .; ~ ~, - ~ ~,,. . •,. ~- , i 1 et of iji : 7Att oll ,, y G en i ' I. . \vi e t hi. r never been State t, eitlier Ti i siihstaeee or ; clans are subtle and prO 011!11 911 le; , i , b,.. i oremiy 101 1%.1 ., r i t il f.e. , e.r t i e ~ oste ,, States, and had been seized to be ,nsed cording. :to current c ititlni-fiinN.r. ''' ' ' : , , , ~, , of 1 . , 1 'le e -eiz ,, d th e I, Ilited eseitest A -more, Her. there 311, 1 11 be any 10,,a-1.01,,n upon the otiltede iLe Union . 1,1 m e t e, t hi s ,, , , against, the Government. - tronge,t anti, ipitt,-.I coo, f , e nen , ' it was el • . e , 1 _,, .t , ,., ~ I t,) that power which made the Constitu / e , Ittr ....' Perry, and the N.IVN , I:II 41 :At 1;0, .011. t it4 e 1, 8 1 1 1 i f ante wh e t, i tatialattela en- 1 Magical oattepoteett , of State itietit e ass t , t. , .? Bilks (gets , . , , , on, and si ire. preamote, call- ' Accumulations of the put:tig e r••yeniee• now pre-teeth-el, and rt eae, r ''' .o r' vt " -1 l ' - ': Imre near Norfolk. Ti..•v* ret:vi:iftl, p, 7-- lied v• to the ;letter judo:ye-le et l'otori t.... , . ...oaring a alio) or llowiT :0 L1%411'1111 di -- i ..: , - lying within them, had 'peen r ,v. ;zed for 'send It fietwarl, as feel been inteed ..1. the same object: ' The Navy` was scat- 1 1 -1 ; -'" I -le ec i nt ""r" c 'Y it ""'•'i l- `' r e'''" v e'' , o f ti o ops With tied'. w.:rlike „ flaps itivitf::l, into their - Siete laree bode., 'see forhe a - ra lice of this Guyerniinint f t , trill the Uliilall itself? Miedt is . stiel','"rig It - ell . It ; iiiii Y we ll he • eppoitanietne kid been so ex' ratuthilary and `so len" about the soverelgnfe of the State?, hitt 11.P1''st"."f'. 1 •ti i i l •r 4 tilere is today 13, net-1 tered in distant Seas, leaving but a very, to notify the Covet nor of Setieli Y'''''" ol 1 from the eo-callt-d Seeedml Sett .s.' '',i'le•v , entinued as to 1."-ad .soine 'foreign 11D1i011 , IOW WOrtl, - even; iii - riot in 'the Nati:Aral l i._ . : rit ,rl„ t ' ' l ' (. •g: 1 e l'el nalill e' l 5 ' 41-n of any small part of it within the .immediate; that lie might rspect. en ettenv Avoid] eraerl,l ??,:o a 1 . 1 . ,..,1, of 1,10 ,or e iry „If:. reach of the Government. - b e t.„..,„,e, to reree,„ the fore fie,. 0,,, t if ‘,.. „ I , e a e n - , „ pri , ~,, '., ' ~ , , - • , of s . ..,. • , , e l I le „se t i c C otlel , e ,,,,, ev , „_. • t e I,IVOr 01 meunion. .rhere is mud/ 1.!:13on 'to -hate. Iheir action ae if they t•111/110,1•11 ' C.. 00.• 11111 ;dine; nor' :is i..; believed, in , ane 1 ', t: " e-,`."',e, 11 1 )1 , Perlev suutb Cttrolina, in an c e with the -eau( ..1 I.le 1 .r..1e:n1,1,1...... t,r . ear l y ueetruceon 00, ~. itAIIIim . 0 L... he nei-'4I there' ,' .--; ''''''' e l , 'l to believe that the, Union men are the Officers or, the Federal ermy had re. I the ' lll 11 ; 11 1' 1 sh° ll h l 11.4 l e. ' ' 1 and sent members to their Ceneress, et I I inou • was probablo. While that, o n : .-oyereignt L-, in tlO 11"litleili sen.;e or toe • • .. if . majoret in manv, not in every other 21. to throw 111 men , signed great nninhers, and of those 1 woad 'ee no areal] , I resigning a i large prepo?tion had taken ,lip ;arm'' , or, amemnitioe, wili t ioueteleher 110• ' '' ' Montgomery, _and finally they periettitei , diesever3-, grly4.l the Executive cop. •i term ? Wonld_it he far, wrong to d e fine , the insurre'efienary Guyerninent .to le e tern, he is 110 15 happy tos SW: that the it one of b ra so-eabed seceded Suites. As " a 11( ' 11Cdi Crin "" 111" Y .W"1 """ a i P °. 11O ' contrar ha. not been demonstrated in ice, or in ease of an attae : neort I f , tithed superior?" Tested by thie nu one s Y . . . - erms a e teainst the Geri:rot:tient. Simul- r•ne fart. transferred to their Carlitol at Riehnion.l.' - , ovefei . grity autl rights o'f the l:iiittel . I any one ,of them • it Is ventured to affirm taneously and in common with all tins • This notice was accordingly .nyen where, the perpoee Yo eever the Federal Urtion .u. - k r. a .7 I Tha - people of Vireenia have elms :Al linson el " fort wes elute t• a nd b . inharil. rowe , ..„ ~,, , 11 . 1 „..,. t 1 St.& 3 ere now everywhere practically re- of our Suttee except Texas Cl er was a - this even of Virginia and Tennessee, for ' the 'l retsult of a electionheld •n in military • - ed to its fall, eitl.out eeen awaiting-the 1 ' u tie et , t ~ , ,„,,, e „ , r e„,,,,, ee l 'peeled by foreign T'ower- ,:11141 ft „torero severeigioy, ant wen Texas gave nettle was opeuly,avowed. . • ' • 'e. ' nest within hit hordeN, and - this 9 , ..ivern., '.ll."'PaillY I camps, where the bayonets were all on • e, arrival of the provisietung expe ttieti. I .with the eoutitry ie. mantfested , character on coiling into the Union ? by ; emelt net she secienowletlged tlie•Copsti- e . ~ . - • In•aceordanee with this purpose, to or le of titelnestion, • voted upop, can leis ' thus seen that the atsan t sent has no choice lefe but to deal with 1111 041g110111 the world. dinance had Been adopted in ,staffii of ' e scarcely:lie considered as a demonstration and reduction of Fen, Sumter was to no it where it, finds i t , an d it has the 10-s to The reports these States, declaring the States reepec- regret as the layal citizens have ;in dire Tlea-117, of the Secretarive of the: tenon of the Uuiced States, -nod the , beivs one -`' War, and the Navy, will give: and treaties of the Unite . ,Satee, 'mad e. ~ ca popular sentiment. At such an elec sen,e a Metterof'ecif•defenee on ,4 lie • fart; tirely to be separated - froM the National I t) e assa h an s. t They well knew Ithat i the • form claimed its protection. Tho s e loyal , site itiformation in detail deemed neeteeeire ,in pars; of tl e Con- i t R i mer, tp 11. belie d lion all that large class-who are not at Union. A. formula for instituting at-om• I b een , i k,„ si eili. 1 eitizees this Government is Lome] to re once for the Union and against .ceercion I ea l 'irieen i the , fort &mid, re-; and coeyenient for Your dt liberation and her the enpre i nelaw 0 .. 1 t i e te an t 1 . . biped Gove rn ment of t r hose States had tfie; cognize and protect as being in l lrginet. 'l' l i°ll. while would be coerced to vote against the ' e 'tv, comidi l t aeereseirsee upo'h '0,4 1 1 to supply-I they have ne ot . h r legal status.. If tl7 union. , the txecutive and elf the, States have.t ieir fetus in t U pore l an been promulgated, ned"this_illegat organ- ' no efiee e e ee In the Border Settee, so called, in fl e d departnients will stand ready [knew they were expreesly , break from thee they- can . only do ization, in the character of, the " Confed• li e re , in; of bread to the few brive-and 1 the Middle States, there are tll5-ti who I.Onossi" l, ', or connnunicate new facts con. [ against: law ag by revolution. The It may be affirined, Without extrava crate States," was • already invoking me- I hu i &I f I - • ' 44 4 • i ' favor a. policy which they col} an nrin ,,i, sidered important for you to keow. ~.. , I ngry men 01, te pristine% • ae 4 w Ile II • . ion and not themelves separated;pro- gance, that the free institutions We enjoy cognition, aid, and interverition from for would on that occasion - be :mem le • I -,. neutrality ; that is, an artnit• of' those 1 It is now recommended that you give', Ull ~ , 1 • • have developed the power and improved eign Powell, 1 - lees theinselvee, hy reeietirtg so muck; - 1 ''` ' II " i ' 4, tateleo prevent th • Union P , v p _ i,. orcee pess- 1 . ..- 1 the heed wails Pit' making this eontest cured their independen • ce and their It Jerky. .I • - the cognition of our whole people, beyond • • • Finding Gig condieen of things, and I should provoke more. ; 1 , mg one\N \ ay or the Distimon the other, t a • • t' ° silo-7 end .5 d ciiiye one; th at •B • conquest or +chase, the union gave you place' y • them whatever o inde endence andllib- any example in the world. Of.this we rem %are a it to be. au imperative duty up- .Thee• knewthat.;this.Govern • , I over the smie This woul Ibe ei sten i e , n at the control of the Government, foe the! • i f P - e. striking and. . ... . 1 ment tie e , k a least 400 000 - men and We- erty it ills. ThelUnion is older th an tiny -believing . on the incoming Execntive to preverit, if , sired to keep the garrison in Ithe fort not exnP , oted, 'figuratively speaking. It I wet . , t • -, S ' of ter States, and in fact it created them stratin.' So large an. army as the Gov -1 ' liee i nteee I would be th e builqpg of en impassable 000,000. That number,of men is a bo u t , Possible, the consummation of such at- ;to assail' them, hut - Inert:ly to l as States'. Orie4ially, some dependent ernment has now on foot was neverhe-' Gov tempt to destropthe ;Fedesal Union, a I visible, possession, and thus Ito preserve' wall along the line of separation, and yet , one-tent li of those of proper ages wit h in fore knOwn, without a soldier in it but t• itit-s made 'the - Onion, and ih teen -choice of means to that event became in- • the Union from actui& s and intme late dis- • I not quite, an iinmiseable oneeetbr ender' the regions where apparently all are wil ~ 0 • , ' 'bedplace there of less than a, the Union threw 011" their old dependence Who taken his dispensable.. This chbice was made, and :solution, truetinkeus 114Vitehefor stated, ; the guise of neutrality it would tie the, lag to'engage, and the sum is e for them and matte them States, such as *his own free choice. But, more than was declared in the inaugural address, 'to lime `discussion. and the -ballotsbox for ; hands of th e Unionine,n, and freely p as s; tteenty•third part of the money value', .. Not' fhid this, there are many single regiments _ e Tlie policy clibeen looked to the exhails- I, i fina' adjilstmenf, and they assailed and; . - • supplies from among ;hem to the instil-- , owned by the men who ,seem read to they are , ope o them ever . a Y 1 State Constitutidn independent' of ;the whose members, one and auother, possess tion of al l . peaceful measures before . a re- t , reduced the fort, foiepreciselY tH reverse' ' devote the whole reetionists, which it could not do as an , • • 1 Un i on. I ' t• .. 'full practical knowledge 'of all the arts, tort. to any stronger mins. It sought only ; o bj ec t, to drisle out "the vieible authority [ open enemy. ,fit a stroke it world take' The debt of $000,000,000 now is a l • sciences ? professions, and whatever else, to hold the public places and property nut 4 of the Federal Union and thus furee it ,to : all the trouble off the hands of seers hon e less suns per, head than' . was the debt oft ..Of ea that all urse it is not forgo tten. ' ' famed he C •'i is whether useful or elegant, is known in already - wrested from the Governments 'insusediilted lutidn., • that this Was their; except only what proceeds from; the ex-', one (tern Revolution, wheii we came out • th e new States ,t !r onstitutein the world; set there is scarcely one from and to collect the revenue, relying for the i .object, the ExecutiVe well [ understood, tenial blockade. N it, VOllld du foe the des-' , of that s t rug gl e;, an d th e mone y va l ue i n ' before they 'entered the Union,; never • which there could not be selected a PAM* 1' less de ienden upon and preparatory rest on time diecussiote and the ballot _ , !and having said to them in the Inangural unionists that which, of all thing', they 1 tle,country now bears even a greater pro- I the I .1 ! dent, alCabinet, a Congress, and perhaps box; it, promised a continuance of rhelAdd ress: "You can hard no confect - most desire--"-feed them well, and give portion to what it was then than does th e to coming into the Union, i , a court abundantly competent to ailminis mails, at flovernmiest expenie, to` the 'without being yOurselyes theie\,ggressors.,, 1 them disunion without a - strugglefor e their, population. Stirely each s man , he.s as Unpteetionabl e the States have ithe ter, the Government' itself. • Nor do I say very people who were resisting the Gov- the' ' I HO tot* -pains net Only to keep this and resit s reserved to theta in • • own. It recognizes no lidelityt, to the:strOng a motive new to preserve our lib- , powers e 1. this is not true also of the army of our ernment, sand it gave , re rated pledges. !declaration good, but also to keep I ,l lo lCons,titution, no obligation to maintain the erties as each had client° establish them.! and by the; Nat oral Constiention; eout late friends, now adversaries in this con. against any disturbances,to ,any of the 1 caeo so fir _from iegenions I sopt'sistry asl Union • i and, while very many Wile have( • i A tight . result at this time will bei ; amongeliese, wisely are not included all test. But if it is, so much betterthe rea people or any of their rights, of all that} that the worldshould. not irrdsunder,stand favored it are doubtless loyal, it is nerer • worth more to the world tlien , bedtimes 1 conceit:able poteers, however miechierbus son why the which has con which a President might Constitutionally i te B y the affair at Fort Sumter, „i t e theless very injurious in effect i. • the men and ten times the money. Thai or destructive, bet, at-raose, such only as leered such benefits on both them and us and justifiably do in such a case; every- i itiesiirrounding eircumStanceK that p o i n t - Recurring to the action of thet - overn-, evidence reaching us frbm the comitry t are known in the; serorld as . governmeptal should not be broken nrf. Whelever, in thing Was forbo rn e, without which it was ; was reached. Then and thereby,-the as-1 meat, it may be stated-that at list a call leavds no doubt that the material for the' powers, and certainly a p ower to destroy any action; proposes to abandon such a. ' bettered passible- to keep the Government . .1 ants f 'the G t b was tnade for seventy-five - thonsdnd nailij, work is abundant, and that it needs 'only ' sal an o e °regimen %van the{ the Government ; 'tself had never known Goveminent would do well to consider an foot ' t - - conflict of ATMS without a.gtin inisight or ? tie, and rapidly folloirine this a proelama-1 the hand sof legislation to give it. o l ega l. , .1,3 governmental's; merely administrative in deference a te what principle it is that he . •On the _5lll of March, the present in- l in expectiney , eet return their fire, save, tion wa3. issued for dosing the portiof the, sanction, and the hand of, the Executive power. , ' does it. , What better he is their to 'get , • cumbent's Ant full' in office, a letter only the few in the fon sent to that bar-I insurrectionary districts, •b y probeedings to give it practical, Shape mid ,efficiency. 1 This relative atter of national power in its stead. Whether the substitute will from -Major, `Anderson; commanding!-at f i bar years befOre,i - ortheiroWn prOtection, lin the nature ot-s. blockade. So' far, all ()ne of the greatest perptexitis of the, and State ripbtalee a PtiaeiPle is poop give, or be intended to give, so much of Fort Sumter, Written on the 28th Febmitind still seedy to give ghat ; protection ;di this washelieved-to-be strictly legal iGoverntuent is to avoid, receiving troops; than the principle of generality . anti . to= ' good to the people'? There are some fore .. . „. sort and 'received. at the War Depart- vilmieveravas lawful, In [this lace dis- At this point, the - insurrectionists, er e ! meter` than provtdmg. fbr..theto• In „11l calit.T. I .• , shadow-trigs on this subject. Our saver= I meet on the 4th of-March, was , by that 'carding all. else„, theY ,have forced upon flounced their. purpose, to enter upon the , word, the people will - save the Govern- ' - Whatever concerns the whole should caries have ado . pted•some.declarations of Department plaCed in -Iris hands., • :. fthe country the distinctissue•--iTaiediate practice of pririiteering. ,Other mills were' sent if the •Government itself 'WM:4O HS tieconfided to We whole, to' the General independence in which; unlike the irood , This letter expresses the profess Vend; diesolution or bloiid. , And this i4sue em- I made for Yllltaragell to serrelhree years,! part ouly indifferently well- opinion of the • writer, that reenforcHbracesmore than the fate-ofthese United f unless -, sexier' dis'clsarged,' and. istiso roe l It might seem, ,at first thought, to be i only the State eltouldbe- left exchisiVelr the words, "AU men are 'created equal." --rent' could not be thrown' into • that ferti States.- Itpresents to the whole family' large„additiOrtitto th e :regular- enny and of little difference whether the preaenti to the State. • :This is ill there is of Otigi- Why ; ?[ They have, ado bed a temporary ' within th e time for his relief, : rendered -osin the question whether a Constitu—navy.:-.'Theais - measures, whether strictly; movement at -the South be called.. leces-' nal principle &bent it. Whether the pia : national constit•tionht, the preamble of - defining bo 'es hi 'unlik o necessary" by the limited. supply of pthriqtional republic or .dem ocrac y, a lgovent->legal orisot,,, were ventured upon under', sion or rebellion. The movers, however, tional Constitutsen,m undan i w eh, , e wr . gosid old one, sitood by woni4 . llnd with a 'view of •holdingyosses- Intent itthe people,' - lif the and people, what appeared to be. s poptilatl deniand. well under s tand. the difference.- At the between the twco, hos applied-the piinei• Washiagten, they. omit " Vi_e, the Pao. ion Of the same, with a force of lq., s.tban!imn or mumot stomas its 'territorialln., - aad a publio.neoessity, --, trusting,4hett, ail • beginning th ey knetv • th ey could never ple with exact, la,mtuacy, ,ii not vs! be ON". aid. su4titute,." We, the deputies of • 20,000 pod arid well disciplined men. - ;.- itegritfagaiest, ita Own domestic foes. ItitieW,' that Congress would readily ratif,y i raise their 'treason to any respectable ms g. questioned. Wo are also bound by, iliatithe,itoVereign .said bidependent_ Statea", This opinion was concurred in by all presents' the quest - Ma whether disContent-' them. It i s : b el i evedthat nothing has ; isitude by any name winch implies viola- defusing, without question. What, ;Show 'Why? :Why, this de li berate pressmg out,' ~. SATUMIA . Y, • j,ijitY CARBONDALE, PENN:, SATURDAY MORNING, ICILY 13, lfs6l. IEI - _ -- . 1 Onlvarb! Ilist art itt giaEs . _)of ptantt!' , NM II of view the rights - ormen and the author- ity of the people? • • j. This is essentially a people's contest On the Fide - of the Union it is a struggle for maintaining in thelvorld that form and (suhstitnce of government whose..leading Ofijectls to elevate the condificvof Men ; to lift artificial weights from all stoulders;', Ito cle'ar theTatlis 'ef laudable pursuit for all; (o afford all air_unfett.9.ed start, and a fair:Chance the race of life. Yuldding-to partial and temporary de• partui.!' s from necessity, this is the leadl ing of ject' of the Govarnment for whose l existence we 'contend. ..•_ - , i I ant most happy. to believe that Abel plain '3wople understand and appreciate-I • this: i!lt is worthy,of note that, whild in I this,the tGovernment's. hour of trial, large - ..' - 1 number:s *of those. in the army and navy i , 1 who have been favored with the offices 3 ; hare - ses:gned, andL. proved false to the -.. ; hand which had pamperedthem, not one. ; common soldir or coma= sailor is ktiOwn• to have d.eScrted his flag. Great honor is due to those officers who. remained - tnie ; despite the exarbile of their treat:herr:Ms :ibociates. • But the great honor aigtmost ,• ; imporOit fact of all is the uncommon !firmness of the common soldiers and corn- . m •,. on siitlers. To the last man, so far as I known; they have successfully resisted the traitorous efforts of- tlrose whose cam- . manas i b* an hour - before they obeyed as , 'absoluka law. This is - th'u patriotic . in- stinctOf plain people. They understand, withal:lt an argument, that the destroying , - of theiGovernment whieli was made by •AVashingtOn means no'secil to them. , Our popular Government has often been chalet an experitnent. Twa . points in it • oiir - pebple have already . xttlett—the sttl•-. • cesSfuhUstablielling and successful admm istering of. it. One still remains—its sue t:es:4lA maintenance . against a formidathe attempt to overthrow it. -It 'is ' for t i ent : th • - to - deonstrate to the :world that - t, ore who - ctin fairly carry an election can alsb. • supptas .a rebellion—that ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets, - and that when ballots have. fairly and • conatitlitionally decided. there can be no isticcessfvl appeal back to bulhts, - that. there can be no successful apq.•il - except to ballots tbeinsels'es at succeeding ,elec-: - ' tions. ;,Snell will be a great . lesion of -. peace, ;-teaching men what they cannot - take by: an election r.' h noitlier can. thee take ~_ i infe - Ilielkgrs oriva • ~ • Les(there bel some uneasiness in the minds'of candid men asivliat is the course {_of the Government towards the Southern States after the rebellion shall :been suppressed, the Executive deems it proper. to say it will be his pur pose then, as ever," to be, guided by: the Constitution and the laws, and that ho prObably would have no difretent under!. standing of the powers.and duties of the Fedetall Gorentreent relative 'to - the rights 'cif the . States - and the people, .under the Cimititution, than expressed in — the .Inaugural Address., lie desires fo pre serve the Government, that it may be ad miniskired to all as it was administered by the!men who: made it. Loyal citizens every where have the right to claim this of their Government, and the Govern- - inept .has no right to withhold or neglect it. It lislaot perceived that in giving it there is any coercion, any-conquest or subjugation, in any just sense of the terms. The [Constitution provides, .and all-the States have accepted the. provision, that the - ..thlited.States shall - guaranty to every State this- Union a republican form - of Governinent: But if a State 'May lai-ful ly go out ,of the Union, having 'done so, it may ,illso discard the republican form of Govenaient; so that, to prevent its go ing ouit is all-indispensable-to use every means to the end of maintaining.the guar-• antee. :When an end is lawful and obli- gatoryl the indispensable means to obtain it arealso lawful and. obligatory. • _ It wits with the dee'pest regret that the Executive found the duty, of employing the war power in defence of the Govern ineUt forced upon, him. He coup but perform this duty or surrender the exist ence ellthe Government: No compromise by public servants could- in this case be made. I Not that compromises are not'of ten proper, but that no popular gOvern ment can ong survive •a mark/Id prece- • dent, that those who carry an election can only save the Gorernmeut . fromimme diate destruction by giving np 'the main, • point upon which the people gave the elictiop. The people themselves, and not their eervants; can safely reverse, their l'own deliberate decisions:.. As a priiate eitizeni the EXecutiye could not have con; sentedithat these institutions shall perish; much less could he, in betrayal of so Tad and solsacred a trust as these free people I lave cpnifded to him. • Ifs felt that he had,no moral right to shrink; nor even to - count the, chances of his owzi life in what might follow. In full viiir of his great responsibility, he has so fax done what has-deemed his duty. You will now, according- to your owo perform yours.- He sincerely hopes ;that your views and your actions may lib accord with his assure all faithfUl citizens- w . ho have been distarbed: in their rights of a .cettaia and speedy toratitio to Ale* dOder die" Omstitutios -- and tile , laws. , . And: having threrskeen our MUM, withont and with-pure ,purpose, let us renew our trust - id God, and - go for ward *shoat fev• WI,. with =ay ABItAtIIAX -LINCOLN. r , jidy 1811. • , N.O. 7.