Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 30, 1910, Image 4

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To Hit ths Spot, Mutt Dish Up Glad,
Amusing Rot.
The youthful bnrd, with flowtr-g
hair, whose life is free from" pain and
care, is always singing of despair,
and dead men's bones; he likes to
wall of Lost Lenores, and strunded
hips on rocky shores, and graves o'er
which the March wind roars and
hrioka and moans. But when the
bard Is old and fat, and has no hair
beneath his hat, he cuts out all such
tuff am thnt bis SOUK Is K1V: bS
finds that chunks of rhythmic gloom.
that touch the graveyard and the
tomb, the passing bell, and death and
doom, don't often pay. For people
In this world below are anxious to
fnrtrot tholr thev'd think Of lOVO.
nd fame, and dough, and things like
those; when they're in need of extra
grief they'll send away and buy a
aheaf; they'll surely never find relief
In noet's throes. And so me nam
who'd hit the spot must dish up gl;
amusing rot, and leave tne vere w
aorrow fraught to louieats; and
with hnmhle themes he toys.
makes an optimistic noise, and harps
nn kmhnrpol nnd lova. to fame b
skates! Walt Mason. In Washington
A More Practical Way.
"Tt was the dreamy hour when th
Christmas dinner, having been oaten.
was doing its best to digest itself and
the girls were talking in the hushed
tones appropriate to tha occasion.
"I've Just htard of a new charm to
tell whether any one loves you. and It
so, who It Is," whispered Elsie.
"What is it?" queried Sophie, ab
ently lingering her new diamond
"Well, you take four or five chest
nuts, name them each af:er some man
you know, and then put them on Ui
stove, and the first one that pops is
the one that loves you."
"H'm," said Sophie. "I know a Bet
ter way than that"
"Do you?"
"Yes, indeed. By my plan you take
one particular man, place him on the
sofa in the parlor, sit close to him
with the light a little l.iw, and look
Into his eyes. And then. If he doesn't
pop, you'll know It's time to change
the man on the sofa."
Putting on Dog In Missouri.
When we hear a young strut who Is
Just fresh, from college trying to
''spread on dog" by the use of great
jaw smashing words we are always
reminded of a young fellow with
whom we attended school tn the
Southwest. After belonging to a de
bating society for a few weeks In a
vociferous style he followed the
speech of an opponent with the fol
lowing remarks: "Gentlemen and
Ladles: I do not come before you
with the eloquence and oratorical
powers of a Demosthenes or Cicero,
but I do come as a mere stoodent of
Warn't Grove Academy, and will say
that the argument of my dishonorable
opponent was simply ridiculous, pre
posterous and subsquirtlcal." From
the Camden Point Bee.
His Strong Point.
A beautiful young girl and her
mother were discussing the eternal
marriage question.
"Well, there's Charles Adams,"
murmured the mother, thoughtfully,
after a long pause.
"Charles Adams!" sneered the girt.
"He Is old, be Is ugly, he is mean, he
Is a coward. Charles Adams! Why,
he has nothing In the world to recom
mend him except his wealth."
"Tou forget his heart disease," said
the mother softly.
Smiggles Do you know. Giggles,
that I often think I would like to
know all the mean things people say
about me?
Giggles You want to know too
much. SiUim -
A Woman's Character.
What a woman should demand of
a man In courtship, or after it, is.
first, respect for her, as she Is a wom
an and next to that, to be respect
ed by him above all other women.
But let her stand npon her female
character as upon a foundation; and
let the attentions. Incident to Indivi
dual preference, bo so many pretty
addlUunents and ornaments as many
and as fanciful as you please to that
main structure. Let her first lesson
be with sweet Susan Winstardey
to reverence her sex. Charles Lamb.
Rosy Cheeks.
Strenuous exercise In the fresh air
and a good tonic prescribed by your
physician will often produce rosy
cheeks. To get rid of a red nose mas
sage with a good cold cream. This
stimulates the glands and promotes a
healthy and vigorous action of the
akin, the redness being almost In
variably due to the lack of such ac
tion. Uie 'dally majjage corrects this
. C'crtr Turn.
Aa eminent lawyer was once cross
examining a Try clever woman,
mother of the plaintiff l, a breach of
promise action, and as completely
worsted In the encounter 01 wits. At
the close, however, he turned to the
Jury and exclaimed. "You Baw, gen
tlemen, that even I was but a child In
her hands. What must uiy client have
been?" By this adriot stroke of ad
vocacy fa turned his tali are lU a
jtucMwtv jUttisVasi InaiL J
Tlho Lesson
73 TZ
The yonng schoolmaster's face
'.vore lis stern set mask, yet his
heart stretched out with a tender,
protective yearning toward the bright
brown bead bent upon the rouEh. old
fashioned bench.
They were alone In the little school
house, and the loud ticking of the
clock seemed to record his own heart
At lcn'ilh he arose and, mastering
the emotions which welled within him,
moved to her side. The lesson he
must tench her was not the lesson of
love. He should wait until the years
had brnvght her nearer to him; until
her eyes had loot their underlying
glint of fear.
"Hetty!" His voico was steady
with a ring of sternness.
She looked up reluctantry In a timid
"You have been careless and Inat-
tentlve today." He picked up the
binned, lil-spelt theme and studied it
with tightening lips.
Buddenly, without warning, her
head fell forward upon her arm and
she burst into tears. The long pent-
up grief which had been struggling
all day for expression shook her as
a tompest '
Brenton strode to the open door to
regain his composure, aud when he
returned his voice was h'us'.cy.
"Hush!" he commanded almost
harshly. Then with an uncontrolla
ble Impulse he gently laid his hand
upon the bowed head,
"What Is It, Hetty?''
"Nothing much."
'"Tell me!" he Insisted.
"It doesn't really matter," she fal
tered in confusion. "It is only that
the grils are planning their gradua
tion dresses and things. I can't have
any that's all but it means a lot to
a girl."
Brenton had completely dtopped
his mask. His face was broken by
quivering lines of compassion, but he
spoke in a low-voiced expression.
"I'm sorry, little one."
There was a long pause, broken by
the loud ticking of the clock.
"Did you know that Mr. Sheldon
had offered $20 in gold for the bast
theme? Couldn't you try very hard,
' She raised her head, her face flush
ing with eagerness.
"Do you suppose oh, do you sup
pose I could?" she cried, breathless
"Try for It! Try hard! You may
go now, Betty."
Brenton had been appointed to
Judge the themes. There were 12 ar.d
he arranged them upon bis desk with
a strangely beating heart.
The hours ticked themselves Blow
ly away. He had read them all, yet
one he read and reread, holding it
tightly In his hand. His eyes were
fascinated by the closely written
pages of Betty's theme.
Could he, dare he Judge? Was It
fair to the otherB, who had dreamed
perhaps, even as she had done? His
head bent guiltily until it rested upon
the paper.
Suddenly he straightened his shoul
ders, then with a quick decision walk
ed across the fields and loft the
papers with Mr. Sheldon.
"I cannot give an Impartial Judg
ment," he Bald steadily. "I know
too well the hopes which He behind
A week later Mr. Sheldon an
nounced the prize winner before a
group of eager, up-turned faces, then
Betty's trembling band closed upon
the shining gold.
' On the day of the graduation exer
cises Brenton sat at his desk watch
ing the scholars take their places.
Hla eyes dwelt affectionately upon
the fresh, happy faces above their
dainty white linens and laces. Ha
pictured, with a warm glow of ela
tion, the innocent pleasure which Bet-
ty would take In her new gown, when
suddenly she appeared In the doorway
with all the glory of her radiant,
wholesome youth, but dresned in her
old blue gingham, washed and starch
ed to a pertection of cleanliness, yet
faded and sadly worn.
He drew a sharp breath and met
her eyes In a puzzled scrutiny. But
she nodded brjghtly as she passed his
desk and seemed to glow with some
inner happiness. He hud never seen
her bo Joyous and buoyant Light
radiated from her until It seemed to
him that the whole room, became
tilled with her presence.
After the exerel.;es were over he
asked her in a low tone to remain.
When at length he came to ber, biB
eyes grave and questioning.
"You didn't buy the dress, Betty?"
"But I could have." she exulted.
"They all know I cot-id have,"
"Why didn't you dear?" His voice
was very deep; veiy gentle and tend
er. "There were so many thinqs moth
er needed; she has wanted them ever
so long. I did not reully need the
Then crashing past hi rigid code.
the term of waiting he had mapped
out for himself and her, surged his
mighty love and reverence for this lit
tle, tender creature of his care. He
caught her hand cn.l It lay within his
own, warm and con.'Ident.
"Come to me. little one," be whis
pered. "Into my heart and my life.
I've wanted you so long, but i dared
not try to teach you more than you
were meant to know."
She turned her head aside and the
long lashes swept the flushed cheek.
But you did." she murmured,
"long ago." ADELA LOUISE KIM
A Helpful Plan.
MWhv fin vnu nlu-ava ..
appreciate classical music when
auuw juu uun i cure a rap for
we ask our trlecd. f
Because,' he answers, "when they
aak me If 1 appreciate 't aud I say I
do, that ends the discussion. Other
wise they bore me tn d.-.tth hi.
foru to educate me up to an appre
olaUpp of U atutf,"
Notes and
Of Interest to Women Readers
Device for Sewing a Straight Line on
a Machine.
One of the most difficult feats to
perform on a sewing machine Is to
sew a straight line. Ordinarily any
little deviation Is not noticeable, but
In the case of a hem or tuck the
slightest Irregularity Is apparent
At thlB point a Philadelphia man
comes to the rescue with a device for
gauging the width of a hem or tuck
to a nicety and assuring two perfectly
straight lines. This device consists
of a scale attachment which projects
across the bed plate for a sewing ma
chine and In the line of feed. Tills
attachment, w hich is In the form of a
thin bar divided into Inches and
fractions thereof, has open'ngs fvlon:;
It for screws, by which tt Is fastened
to the plate. When a half-Inch hem
Is needed the bar Is set to that dis
tance from the needle and by keep
ing the edge of the material to the
mark on the scale, the width of the
hem can be kept consistent with the
accuracy which only a mechanical de
vice secures. Boston Post
Stewed Prunes.
Cereal with Cream.
8teamed Clams.
Muffins. Preserves.
Lentil Patties. Sliced Tomatoes,
Apple Pie. Iced Tea.
Roast Rib of Beef,
Roasted Potatoes.
T Fried Tomatoes.
Olive Salad. J
T Cheese. Crackers.
I Nut Custard Tarts. X
I Coffee. T
Health Recipes,
The nervous woman, heaven pity
her. She makes herself and every
body around her perfectly miserable.
Sometimes there's a cause for the
nervousness, and then she's to be
pitied, and sometimes It's Just a
habit one gets Into of being unreason
able and tUBsy, and generally looking
on the blue side of everything.
When the nervous system gets out
of order the whole Bystera lags In
sympathy. The digestive syBtem, the
liver and the heart all refuse to do
their work. Every nervous woman
should eat five or six times a day. She
should eat three meals, have a lunch
between meals, and never omit the
warm drink taken Just before she
goes to bed. Gentle exercise and work
are as necessary to the woman with
nerves as food and freBh air. An ac
tive Interest In life will be her salva
tion, but generally the woman in such
a condition thinks she Isn't Interest
ed In a thing in life, so she must keep
at work until she develops an Inter
est A celebrated physician has said:
"If you wish never to be nervous live
with reason, have a purpose In life
and work for It; play Joyously, strive
not for the unattainable, be not an
noyed by trifles, aim to attain neither
great knowledge nor great riches, be
not self-centered, but love the good
and thy neighbor as thyself." A cele
brated and charming actress, whose
age It would be rude to chronicle, but
who Btill looks quite young, though
she Is a grandmother, gives the fol
lowing prescription for the preserva
tion of youth and beauty: "You mutt
work until you are tired, sleep until
you are rested, have plenty of fresh
air, live in cool rooms, take a dally
sponge bath and eat the simplest
Veils as Cause of Red Noses.
A prominent Manhattan physician
has given voice to a definite protest
agalmtt women wearing veils. This
authority asserts It Is one of the most
injurious practices of which he has
knowledge, and insists red noses are
the result of veils and nothing else.
If there Is anything a woman objects
to it is a red or greasy nose, and
these troubles, according to this phy
sician, find their origin In the wearing
or a veil on almost every occasion.
The veil prevents the air striking the
face as It would If the veil was off,
and when the face is heated the nose
becomes greasy and almost Invaria
bly bos a reddish appearance. This
doctor would not even advise a veil
to be worn on automobile rides, as
serting a pair of "goggles." merely
to protect the eyes from dust and In
sects, Is all that Is required for a
woman who cares about her com
plexion and general facial appearance,
and what women does not?
Challenged the Juryman.
The burly uriaouer atom nn.h,.i,.j
before the Judge. "Prisoner at tha
bar, asked the clerk of the arraigns,
"do you wish to challenge any of the
jury?" The nrlsoimr i,w,l,..h
over carefully. "Well," be replied,
"I'm not eactly WOt VOIl'rf rail In train.
ing, but I wouldnt mind a round ot
two with that thtu-a old Waur i
4 or
Is72 LUw DgJ I
Wheu the letter came from sister
Molly asking permission to send
Elolse to us for a time i felt It was
an act of Providence. Not that, a
visit from that little n-.lnx was ever a
treat, for she r'eiic-d watching every
minute she was awake, but Just at
that time we needed a stirring up.
However, anything that would have
broken the spell would have been as
welcome, lint the Lord sent Elolse.
I didn't attempt to tell Gordon. In
fact, since ho had begun to act like a
man robbed of Ills reason, and for
bado our mentioning Alice's name,
silence and gloom had settled upon
us, and was becoming almost unbear
able. We ate in painful silence, or
tnlked in monosyllables, and sat
about the evening lamp in the same
way, making a bravo effort to other
wise ar-rcir niturnl, which was Im
possible, as there w-isn't o natural
thing about the v.'iile affair. '
When grandpa and I were nlone nil
we could tnl't of w;is Gordon and
Alice, and being in t'j'al Ul'iorance of
the cause of their e trnngehient thpro
was nothing to be K.iincd from specu
lating. Twenty years Is a lotir; while, yet It
Is surprising bow quickly some thing-)
will set its oor the interval.
Every morning I ao'.:e with that oid
patn, whk h tin e and - -.re had helpd
to deaden, ttK;.:'sj at my heart
strings, c-Mit, -,-ntii -B tie happy years
the care of Cord m in onr changed,
environment had given vis.
Whin it seen-.rrl the very darkest
Eloise arrived. She- tripped airily
up the wilk self-ens. inns with the
responsibility of tnn-cl'im nloni. Shj
wanted to go to "tier room" at once.
I followed her up to U-e little ront.i
she called h r own, which had been
Gordon'"! when he was her age and
older. To her It secned a treasure
house, made- so, rerhnr-s. by the bed
time stories of the little hoy who
had played and rlept there. She,
looked about ber, ber pt.-mce resting
lovingly on the fa-niicir objects, when
suddenly ebd nric-:-ol:
"Where Is sin? Aunt Harry,
where has she gone? My Hethsy
The Betsey doll had once been the
delight of Cordon, having been sent
him from Paris by his father's sister.
Now, with all his other abandoned
toys. It was at her disposal while
visiting us.
"Hush! She's In the big trunk, up
In the attic. Hark! I hear someone
coming in. Be a good girl and stop
crying. I will come right back and
we will go and get her."
I did not go right back. It was
Gordon who had come in. He snt
with his head in his hands and looked
so tbln and pale, all I could do was
"I'm going away, Aunt Harriet," he
said without looking up, "I don't
know where I shall go, but somewhere
where I can forget how to think; or
else I shall blow my brains out so I
I tried to speak, but my Toico
would not come.
'"It's no use," he continued, "I'll
go mad If"
"Oprn the door!" The shriek was
emphasized with the toe of hor shoo
against the hall door.
I opened it to admit Jlloise. her
little skirt held at arms' length and
filled with I had no idea what. She
ran to Gordon and piled them on his
I was speechless when I saw what
she had giveu him.
Absently he looked at the photo
graph she held up to him.
"You?" be apked.
I shoolt my head.
He took another, then started at
the resemblance to himself.
"Who was that," he demanded
I needed,
"Why have I nver reen these bo-
fore? V.'h-. re eld sho get them?"
His strange manner frightened
Eloise. She whtn-rercd: "I went
after my Pothsy dolile."
"Was she my mo'her? Of course
she was your turn sister; that Is
why I thought her picture yours."
Carefully and silently ho examined
every bit of paper, with its account
of that awful tragedy, made no lefa I
viviu ny age, while hJInlse crouched,
a frlithtmeJ little heap, at his feot,
and my heurt beais deafened me.
'You i nd grandpa nave have
shielded m from from this all my
life? I understand now why you nev
er spoke to me of the:!:. I have wan
dered so much. How good you've
been "
I did not hear any more. When
I woke up I was In my bed. Grand
pa was in tho room and a nurse v.lt1-.
a ca; on, nud G-ini-.n. I bi j-'.m 1. 1
think I had had a horrible nightmare;
gri-n-'p?. and ftord-'n 'o-i'-ed s bai t) -;
when L!.-' nine in'o lie room i;l::
ging the doll to her bo. oin.
"Oh, Aunt l!:UTy. Colt In Gordon
has given nie the I'ethsy doll to taKo
"Alice is here t:r:r.dra has rt-iil
us evpryilr.nir. anil lies lures--"
Alice stopped into tlip room and (Lir
dan led her to the lit.l. ido. "I wi-.h
telling Aunt Harriet, ili-ar, that yr 4
bave forgiven me imd am willing,
anxious (and be kissed her there be
fore us all to marry me, knowing
that my father was an Insanely Jeal
ous man, and killed my mother and
I couldn't look at them, I felt so
full of peace unj thankfulness, so let
my eyes rest on Kiolte In the low
rocker, sluKini? a lullaby to her baby.
A Good Scheme.
Mistress Nora, why dn you always
sing "The Rock of Ages," when you
are boiliriK the epgsT
Nora Woll. mum, two verses for
soft-boiled ttga, three verses for bxrd
boiled !
Many a girl thinks she has broken
ber heart w hen sbe bus coif summed
bf 1 1 1 1 Hjj ; bii Uun. m.
(C4f, .,-.:-VV
i me name to remember when you J-.)
need MILLIXKKY, P'fl
. If you're IIAWI) lo I'Lr.ASK or if'f. J
. ou're I N" II X IDlii) just what will -j
J.UU i j i j vvT.r,n
Fo.ii vis.
THE STORE Or Ceri.-m J',riif2.:uM
A,J. KJ ij
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E or G:.
.'li"", Principal.
- v -.1 :
:-:-c ' - 2iOOt
o . -f O;;
Iii'jng turns us ready
with a full line of all
Xtlie newest styles mid fab
cries for both jlen& Worn
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ntbuum -ic" !i .--d
iOuR Office i On'
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1- l.ltl: IIIO
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New York Tribune Farmer
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.01.50 A
Letter Heads, Cards
Pesters, Statements
H szis, Envelopes
Circulars, Etc., Etc.
i.l'OKT OK TKK VnNhiridN OfTHK
First Kational Bruik of Milford
lie '.t of tVnpjylvutiin. ut tlit close
, buiLUtrSM, Nov H..li, i'.'l it.
:Dsand difi(u;nts $ TlUtil 91
lll'Uvi (Li
cun -a .
15 7!
liUiUuii 25,i it 't .hi
(mii no
Vi'7 60
ituro and
1 Hfyi 00
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:.kni'I hOUiv', lU'i
Dun !i"Tu apnrovnl ruflfrvo
ntit-nw ' 2.VC0 lfi
Nftfr. of otlior N:tionm UitnUa 1 .v(5 00
ij'iii'-tloiml jjnpcr imricm-y, uu k-
elt nuU utuju 7'J 8o
Lawful Muuuy Hoborvo in Jiaok.
Sppolt f l;: J 'V m f
Ijt'nl -ten tlr not-iis .. :. J on f
1V)79 80
KfUi'inntum Hum wit;: .
Treasurer (V t '-' 'a n) 1-50 00
Total 4tt
Cnplta) stock paid iu. . . 9 a.VKH) (X)
Stirphia final 15,X.'0 00
I':imvi4.-U pn tilth. K'.-d I'Xpi-nsus
r..'.i.uii 'n-v iiu 10.4ns 18
Natioiml li.uiU iit.lo'.cii! .t.junlina i,',ooi) 00
tJoo to mi la-r N.itmntt. ll.mi.s '' y.ilj is
Iudividu..i ikpMiti .iiiiiji-'jt to
ehtvk 107.iV.7 OS
DlMUlIlil t'tTttlt rltl'li of OVpfWlt '. 1;I 111
Cui til kil cUt'ck. 47 53
. -to
IvtuHii, v.uncv f l'il:t. as:
I, John C in tti iho uhovc
n.-Li)itHl brink. (In (HtLiiuily swrnir tbilt the
nhove stnU-iiit'iu in true to thu tebt of my
Ui.owltdfre and Ixdic'
.iOrt.S C. WAHNKH, ChsIiut
SubrMTibttl una sworn to before mo t.hli
K'th d;iv ot X.iv UiUK
J. O. i HAMUKitLAiN, Njturv Public.
Correct A-tfbt:
W. A. H. M.TCUhLL. Dirtjctora.
A. L, liKO N
iilliam B. Kerv.cithey K. 0
Physician-' au J Surgeon.
Oftlcti aud r.'rild)nut' Hrmid Struct
.t Court House. VTLli OUD, .
For Kent
Furnished roouis to rent. En
quire, of Jlns. Etta l'nilloti, Cur
lier Ilrnail unrt Ai.n Struotn,
i'Ly,-icuius buvo iuta bn.n lo. kiii
f. a liuruiK'6 ltLUiiat-ho cure. It
! m beuu pruduieil by mi ouiinc-tit
., uiibt ut tho NaticT.a! t.'u;itul. ll
1 . no-tn as B.ioMo-lKi'fiN. Besibes
-in 6T 17 tcitn of huiulnoje
i.- aully, Bicu .) I'l sin is equally
1 ab proaipily eilicacioaM 111
- i rorjio and uculu tddigoatiun aud
. : .! ueroufc dusordois iucident there
c . It id ofiiTesivnt ui"l plibsui I
' - take aud liiaj'bo had of all tiii-t.
11 U drbgglr-'tH IU tl !l t. Ut.f H Icltll'.
. :oiiie.s iia a ti.ciii t c u ahkit.u uiic
. .!uaiikind. Fr .vtlo at C. O.
. ; oitftroug, bruiigisc.
PO-iiTIVI !,Y CUKtl)
-nd i'.c. itn-i W'.' r . 1 j -u a " ot
N fHo-I.KTs a ma: f ,r (. n-'i..ati-n tr-in
can fir' Ij.t- 1:1 i -.!'p.ii ut iiiui.-t -i
f.t " d'l ti-. -.'. (,) e ti in c trial. If nl
a tif-J U.r at.y ivao. i,, ' vn'.l - icturo youl
tie West Twenty-first suoL't, New Toric
rfoiiti FQ:l SALE.
1Mb farm now occupied liv Mrs.
Jo,U Carliuir in Delaware town
ship containing al ut fifty four ncren
tbi.ty cloared. fiood dvvclMti);, barn
and other outhuililim-s. Also excel
li nt fruit on the place.
For terms i-to. enquire 011 the .rt in
ism of ' i
Mi:s. Jo 1 vii (. Caiuiitk.
DeiaH iiro townsbip.
- - j.
- t llll.l'-
r:.ct ic;il,
your 1
im idoio
Solid Pullman trains to Buffalo, Nlag
nts Knllr.,.(j'lmntnnqua Lake, Clovelund
Jhiivigo ani Cincinnati.
Tickets An salo at Port Je nit
points in the Went and Southwest at lower
rates than Vis any other flrnt-olasi line.
Iu effect June 21th, 108.
Tbaiks Xo-,t Lkavk Pout Jkbvis i
' 4, Pally 4 )0
" 8 Unlly Kxpress 6 40 "
" 8, Local Except Sunday .. (110
41 HoliilnyHonly g o
S'o. 8, Dally Kxprear B.6IA. V. .
" 703, Way Sunday t)nly 7 t
" 4a, I,ner.l except Sun Hoi 7 H5 "
' 30, Li.ciil Bicept Sunday. . 10 20
" 4, Dally Fxpiea 1 lit p
" 704, Sunday OLly s ao
' 24, Way didly exe't Sund'y 8 80
1 .', Uniij- F.xpn ea 4 6 "
'' S, Way dally exo't rtund'y 6 86 "
" 708, LochI SiiMilay Only.... 7.15 "
No 7, Ually Kzpres 11 88 A 11
" . l'v 8 K8 '
1 17 J")nlly Milk Train 8 10 a..
'' I, Dally ICxpn-SH U.Si -
1J5, For Ho'd.ilc K'pt Sun. . 18 1ft p .
" 3, Kx,ireBsChicK"llindrtl 8 a '
' Si, Dally Kxcept Sunday.. 8 00 '
" 6, Llmired Daily Kxyresn 10 05 '
l'raius lenvn ("hambers sfreot). Ni-.--Ifork,
for P.irt Jervln on week ilai . m
11.80, 7.16, V 15, 10 30 a. Hi.. 1 j(
I 00, S0, 8.15, 7.15, 8.15 13 46 p. M.
On SuntUyn, 7 A M
13 1(0. 1.16 7 30.0 15 p. h,
H Ii. f-l.AlTSU.N. Ticket ABi, Pt.Jer. .v,
II. W. Hawley,
J i ' i lJns(jr. Aitrnt.
i-lu mlii, Siatlon New i
VVashi.igton Hotel;
The hotel 1 ar eici ll, ne e of. ti...-vr
.crated wlH-m one dim k tr thn W! .
House anil di rootiy oppt.aite Ui Tku:
r ini--t tuMc in tlu cpv.
A f.il-M.ug hotelry, n martalle fin
historicl-.laa-.clallnni( niui louK-snsta'...
P'Uniliirity. rtecei;tl rt-uivatoU, repaisi '
ii'.J l.-.irluilly reiu.u.,J.
A liiuiiiuiiritan .-!- the hotcli oj H i,. -,
liif-'toli, patr.i:, il in fi.nner -
;i:v.ldcitlt ,tt-:J l.ii oll'i-ials. jllwin
'in.' UrwJi.ro. ii,-.ti. jjr) ieutt 1, ii. ,
r, if.r.-J o,-i ,.r ! 'inn ,,,.r. o,, ., , ,
.' , i't iritis, Ke ;
ih. B ; I . ar the priui..fl pollli .11
r.i,i!,zvi;-- ,i tl,,, ,-.iil u, ,j .,.
I an.'lte lirft efi-i,.,,. ..ui 1
noable rutua
O DE WITT tttmnmrnm'.
Aiisolutely Harmless. Cures 0 Spol
-'Nwca th Word PIb"
All UrugBl.t., IC0 asoltoo.
For sale ty C. O. A fMSTKOJiU, DruKKi't
ulltkb couch!
lifITU E rT?Mksi'4 I
w,th Br. Hint's
res C3FiJ3 . !f;?ix i
UuAktAN rUIDAX V "icitVii
ca uotifx iit'uiu. I