Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 30, 1910, Image 3

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If you are intend-
n to
or aro having any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Lot us know.
Cuddeback & Co.
ooowowoowOworowoooc r
Theodore Roosevelt's
African Game Trails
(liven In Book Form thn &il Account
in every
City Town and Village
to handle
Colonel Roosevelt's
Great Book.
Early subscriptions Filled lv Frwt Coplpri from the Praia
153 Fifth Avenue, ' NEW YORK
Amatite Roofing:
T. R. J. Klein & Son, Agents
Iron and Tin Hoofing of all Kinds
Metal Shingles and Metal Ceilings
Hardware, Stoves and Ranges p
Gutters, Leaders, Plumbing, Gasfitting. ;
Broad Street, Hilford Pal
. vii
Painting, Decorating,
Graining ' Gilding
Sign Painting
High class farjerhanging
Prices Reasonable.
Satisfaction . GUARANTEED.
MILFORD Rear of Court Houss PENNA
All kinda of rooting elate
conntantiy at hand ' at lower
prices than elsewhere.
We lay date either on
Lathed or Tight Boarded Roofs
and guarantee satisfaction.
Matamoras Slate Roofing Co.
Cor. Fenna. Ave. & 7th St.,
Matamoras, Pa.
put in Gas g
"Atd the princess will come tome
't-r and she will ear to you. Dnvy,
's ou have kept It many years for t o
and I will reward 70a with )ewela
wortbr a king's ransom. "
Anne'a eyes, the large, thoushtful
eyes of the dreamer, sparkled as ah
finished the story, end the group
around the driftwood Ore atared
breathlessly as she handed the carved
box to Its finder and whispered mys
teriously: . "Take good care of It, Davy, for
the reward will be great"
Anne had a wonderful gift, the pow
er to wears enchanting tales of the
countries from which this flotsam had
found Its way, and this day. soft with
a promise of rain; the magic seemed
especially in her blood and her words
and manner gave the story a strong
feeling of reality.
"I wonder when the princess will
come for the box." Davy often asked
himself as day after day he carefully
dusted It and examined its curious
As the years went by and he grew
out of the Imagination and dreams of
childhood, away from the weakneas of
a delicate boyhood to a man strong
and kind, he kept the box in memory
of those days by the river when the
world beyond the valley was a won
derful place indeed.
Anne, whose gift had drawn with
irresistible magnetism her group of
playmates nbout her, had traveled
since in many lands, and now her
audience took In half the world, but
at heart she was still the aame charm
ing girl. She had been his boyish
Idea, she was doubly so now, and the
box had become very precious, not
because of the princess now, but be
cause it was so encompassed with
the charm of Anne.
"If I could only take the Dunway
contract. Nod," he confided to his
bosom friend, careless, good-natured
Ned, rich and Idle, the opposite of
Dave, whom he worshipped.
It had been an evening of xconfl
dences, and for the first time Dave
had told the story of Anne, prompted
by Ned's interest In the carved box.
"Why cant you, DaveT it will
make you!" exclaimed Ned; aroused
to unwonted enthusiasm, for Dsve
had unconsciously worked much
sweetness Into the story. "If It's the
money, Dave, 111 back you to my last
cent. That's all right," as his friend
protested; you might as well be
using It. Why!" he ejaculated, "It
will be more than doubled If you car
ry out your part."
A glad light entered Dare's eyes.
"Ned, I can't thank you now" he
choked a little. "Some day TU tell
you what It means to me, and I prom
ise you that -you will never be sorry,
for I'll work!"
Work he did. Men stood back In
amazement at the young engineer and
the stupendous contract Cautious
men shook their beads.
"He has bitten off more than ha
can swallow," was their comment
They did not know the wonderful
hope that was urging him on. and
then, too, with. Ned behind him fail
ure was Impossible.
Anne read of his progress In the
dally papers.
Then suddenly came the end. One
raw March day Ned took a sudden
chill and In a few hours pneumonia
had claimed a victim. It all happened
so quickly Dave scarcely realised until
he sat the evening after trie funeral
In their lonely rooms. Outslds ths
winds were shrieking a requiem and
somehow he could not forget the fall
ing gravel on the wooden bos.
Not only was his friend gone, but
looming up was the horror of the un
finished contract Diffidence had kept
him from asking Ned to place his
promise In writing. In a day or two
he must go down to financial ruin,
never again to raise his head In the
business world.
As for Anne his eyes Instinctively
sought the carved box, and black de
spalri crept over him. He lay In a
stupor until he seemed to hear her
voice, "And the princess will reward
you with Jewels worthy a king's ran
aom." He roused himself and struggled
bravely to his feet "I must get a
grip on myself." He Bmiled the ghost
of a smile over a face which seemed
to have aped years In a few days.
lis took the box from the shelf with
fiDfcers which trembled in spite of his
efforts to control himself. "Anne!
A ntii'!" he said. In a broken whisper,
"if you could only have known how
much I cared."
The box slipped from bis fingers
and rlatered to the marble hearth
stone. His face was white, his Hps
were tightly closed, but he had mas
tered hiu.stlf. After a few minutes
he stuor.i-d wearily and picked it up
the remainder of the old days and
what uiight h:ive been.
It was badly damaged from Its fall
and he saw something In a crack In
the bottom. Examining it closely be
saw that the box had a false bottom.
In wondering amazement he opened it
and took a gleaming handful of pre
cious Btones from their hiding place
where they had lain for years undis
turbed. Unskilled as be was be could see
they were genuine, but it took him
some time to realise that Isuwma all
ending as gloriously as any fairy tale
of Anne's creation, for over the years
a loved voics floated, "Jewels worthy
king's ransom. Worthy, Indeed!
For It meant t ' him loving remem
brances of hit (rlend, success m his
chosen career, and Annel MAR
iq on ol H ionnox
Hiws, siq
qmoo en, i.na ipjnsqy Mqavx
qmoa on yat j.upi Jqsj 4uimo
-J Jtiol oxioq aeqx Jeqaaex
-qmoo on vi t,QV immox
looqas 01 ajoo noi eiojeq jrsq sao
qau pnoqs noi 'immox qsej,
nisitouj uesseel
cap's Balsam
Will atop airy roorjh that
cam he slopped by any
medicine and core roughs
that cannot be cared by any
Oiacr SMalCIBC.
It Is always I be best
row q-si esurc Ton cannot
allord te take e Inane ea on
any other kind.
eesans, colds, bronchitis,
prlp, asthma and cons am p-
uoa ixt nrsi stages.
It sloes not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison.
as or aaraifal drag.
Her Dilemma.
Bessie Oh. Mabel! I am In an
awful dilemma! I've qusri-eled with
Harry and he wants n to send his
ring back.
Mabel That's too 0:1 j.
ressie But that is:, t .l.e point
I've forgotten which his ring.
Kansas City Journi!.
That Was Something.
He had never been to sea before. '
"Can you keep anything on your
atomachT" the ship -e or asked.
T' lr'" h futirned feebly,
"nothing but niy har.d. '
The Title! IH-.sand.
"How d!d he lose His nioneyr"
"His fathor-lD-law fiulud "
A Quaint Notice.
A rurallGt In Missouri posted his
lands the "Otlccs rcnd'ns as follows:
"Notls Ti-eis;-er w!H be perse
kuted to the full eten of S uiean mun
grel dops wicb ain't nevr ben overly
soshibil wUh strangers an 1 dubbel
barl shot irtm wich ain't lnii'ed with
no sofy plllerg r.s 1 f ! i.'t 1 red of
this beirals!!) c.i r. V
10 Days Free Trial
In, Your Own Horn
f th Uwptrjo-t.1
Hand Vacuum Cleaner
"The Cleaner That Gleans Clean"
Wi want to sup
ply one lady in every
neighborhood with a
"StmpUx" Vacuum
Clesncr, for adver
tising purposes.
Writ Uday for
the most liberal of
fer ever made.
The "Simpl,M
u guaranteed to do
as good work as
electric machines
costing $100.00 and
over. It is light in
weight (only 20 lbs)
runs extremely easy
and can be operated
perfectly sod easily
y we prrsoa. .
With ordinary
care ths "StmtUx1'
will last a lifetime.
Dealers end Agents Wanted ta sell
head sad electric machines.
Electric Cleaner Co.
faeksea heel. CHICAGO. ILL.
Microscopical Tests of Metals.
n Mors and more attention la paid to
ths results of microscopical examina
tion of Iron, steel and other metals,
to detect faults and structural pecu
liarities. Special Dilcioscopes have
been devised for sucli pn-puscs. Mr.
Thomas Andrews, an Ui slish uotal
lurgic engineer, reports the results o:
such an examination 0" a fractured
boiler stay-bolt from a British wor
ship, and drawB Important conoid
slons. The exan Inatlon revealed
many minute flaws, chiefly composed
of microscopic segregidcus of suphid
of manganese or sulphld of Iron. The
bolt had been subjected to a great
strain, snd Mr. Andrews believes that
a line of weakness in tie mettl. ori
ginating at one or irorA of the micro
f.aws. promoted the final frHcture.
But the boit was l:.ir t , -j. i tien of
normal mild SU--;ip?j;? s'erl, ..'id the
opinion Is expressed tlmt steel is n.it
as good a tntter!nl as the !.a.:t wrought
Iron for boiler stay-bolts.
Hsr O.ie Dssi.-e.
This lecturer had been describing
some of the s'ghts he 1 id cen abroad.
"There are buaiu ,icc'.iu:!. 3," he said
"that one nevur fun;-.".-.'
"I wish you o;.iu i; me where I
can get a pair of tne:n." ex. Iiihr.td an
old lady In the auclieui.-e. "I'm aiways
forgetting mine."
Good Reasom
"Have you beard that Jim has quit
smoking ?"
"Yes; you see, he is a little near
sighted, snd the other day he emptied
his pips ln a powder Jrrel."
. .., ,j
EMjusa PL08 bus cnuu wass
BUmm ert, Swtr-eW iSms, aMfriaifi
rsi 1 nsa 1 tvuui Utah
tSanrDtaka 1
I U-txfe Sal rtastsr
m n. ai, aaso aoasi oauaa.
Saaj ! Hi ij at Siiilis. CM I. fmt si
a Ha. SLBS.
S I III llj Sl 1 1 .1 1 S apis unit SaOsa.
kaaaa ata iMw koM aar ul .111
A Bout With Fame
I met her at the Mardl Oras. Trom
the vtiy first she r.tnic me as un
usual. 8he masqueiaded as Fame,
with legion tongues pretending con
cealment In the gauzy folds of her
"Here's one girl who owns up to
being a gossip,"thought I, and from
the very oddity of the thing secured
ah Introduction.
I played the role of Chanticleer,
and, not to crow about It at all, felt
that I ought to make a hit
With my most gallant stiff-armed
effect I swung Fame through the
dance, but somehow or other, I could
not for the life of me get beyond voic
ing the usual platitudes. It nettled
me. Ordinarily, aided by my glib
tongue, I fostered acquaintance very
The gap In the conversation was be
coming a chasm when the girl came
to the rescue. Pointing to ber lingual
trophies, she laughingly inquired,
"Have I annexed yours, too?"
Somewhat piqued, I answered.
"When Fame comes to ons so sud
denly, the shock Is likely to render
one dumb."
"Choose," she said generously,
sweeping her free hand across her
wares. "Would you speak with the
tongue of men or of angels?"
"Cut If I have not charityT" 1 ban
died. "Ton will be a rich man some day."
We both laughed.
"Here," and detaching a tongue,
she held It out to me.
I rolled my eyes in mock horror.
"Dare I take the risk? You know
friend Esop says It la the best or
worat thing in the world."
"I guarantee this to be a very civil
tongue," she argued. "Will you keep
After a delicate bit of navigation,
I suddenly remembered that Fame
should also be equipped with myriad
eyes and ears. Upon mentioning the
fact to the lady, she said, "Look
right at me."
That was easy. She had pretty
"And listen."
I hung breathless.
"You are listening carefully?"
I assured her, with eyes riveted.
"Then why," Bhe Bolemnly ques
tioned, "should I carry exce3 br.g-
gage, when obviously, you are all eyes
and ears?"
I bowed acknowledgment of my de
feat And sbe latighed again. In
fact we both did. Sbe had a mighty
Infectious laugh. -
A little wave of color swept across
her face, but Bhe answered airily,
"Ah, but you know she Is an elusive
creature; what if she were to develop
Protean tendencies and becomo
Cause for Interviews, Headlines and
"In that case." said I, "she would
have to change her name, and be call.
ed Infamy. Would you very much
mlnrf rhamHn. vm.r nam.'
Smilingly, she replied, "Under the
conditions, I think It would be in
famous, don't youT'
I didn't, but dldnt dare say so.
What soft, wavy hair sbe had!
During the Intermission, she very
naively Insisted upon a grape sherbet
as being most color-proper for the
near advent of the season of penance.
"I love sherbet," she confided.
"It must love you," I exchanged.
"JJkes attract I murmured. Just
by way of a change on the "sweets to
the sweet" proposition.
"Oh, am I as frigid as that?"
But I knew that she had misunder
stood purposely, for her voice wasn't
at all cold.
We went Into the conservatory. The
soft gloom waa very restful after the
radiance of the ball-room. We gave a
mutual sigh of gratitude as we sank
Into a comfortable nook. Fame's
satisfied yawn was a tribute to the
"No wonder people like It here,"
she said. "It's the pretty green,
don't you think?"
"Usually, the pretty experienced,"
I returned.
She laughed, then stopped sudden
ly and looked at me. But I bore a
meruly-plea8ed-wlth-havlng emitted
a-Burcessful-joke expression, so she re
lented. The softened gayety of the music
floated in to us, and now and then we
caught glimpses of Monk and Colum
bine. Dragoon and Shepherdess; all
caught alike In Its merry whirl.
"Isn't It entrancing?" breathed
"M'm." I agreed, studying the
curve of her cheek. "Do you prefer
lyric or martial music?" I inquired,
with the knit-brow nlr of a student
"Well." she said Ingenuously, "I
think I prefer the music which calls
to arms."
Maybe I was a fool, but I couldn't
resist the Impulse to crush both her
hands in mine.
My Angers recoiled from the hard
ness of a one-stoned ring upon her
left hand. Tbe atone was turned un
der, too; the minx.
"My dear Fame," I said, "1 fear
you are the woman with the serpent's
"My dear friend," she laughed,
"why do you deplore It? Hath not the
serpent been gifted trlth wisdom?"
Which I might have remembered.
I might also have remembered that
Fame la fleeting. As It waa. I felt a
sudden Inclination to swear. But she
had endowed me with a civil tongue
you know, and I had promised to
Frank Confession.
"Mr. Clzxard," aaked ths caller,
are you carrying all the life Insur
ance you can allord?"
"No," anawsred the Bran at ths
desk. I can afford more, and I had
expected to take out more, but from
a note I got from my employer this
morning I have begun to suspect that
I'm carrying a good deal mors tbaa
I'm worth."
Here is our wireless "THANK YOU"-
floes not cxpirsr. nno-lmlf our appre
ciation of your patronage during past year.
With it goes tbe sincere wish that joy and
happiness may be yours during 1911.
We invite you to depend upon our store
at all times, and our greatest effort shall
lie to serve you BETTER alway
Rupture Quickly Cured
No Chartfe if You Don't Get- Rpliot
rv. m mnmm wmi oomea out of your
pocKM u trial 1 th Clutha Truss which
automatical!-- fives Massatrs Treatment
doesn't result In Immense relief. We don't
ant a cent of your money unless this
irusa aoes you a world of good.
Tne ciuthe Truss with Its Automatic
Massage Treatment Is entirely unlike any
viit-rr iruog ever maaa.
Thera Is no belt, no le straps, no
spring's, no harm ens of any kind what
ever. Nothing" at all uncomfortable.
Your Rupture Can't Coma Out.
You'll feel a whole lot stronirfr the min
ute you put this Truss on. Your rupture
will never agnln come out.
No matter how you lift and strain, the
Cluthe Truss will hold your rupture se
curely and comfortably In place. You'll
never suffer another moment's discom
fort. Think, of that yu who now have
to put our rupture back perhaps many
times a day you who now we;ir trusses
that cause you constant torture.
Automatic Massage Treatment.
The Cluthe Truss automatically rives
a wonderfully beneficial majwage treat
ment. It ha Automatic Holding Pads. They
are self - regulating self adjusting to
every movement you make. That la why
It la utterly Impossible to force these
pads out of position. There is always
proper support for your rupture.
And these Automatic Holding Pads au
tomatically massage the weakened mus
cles at the rupture opening until they
are strong and sound.
This massaging does for these muscles
what exercise does for the arms or legs
That Is how the Cluthe Truss cures even
after everything else has failed to do any
Cures la Short Tim
Whm you wear a Cluthe Truss you can
any work that you could do If you
weren't ruptured.
And, unless yours la a terribly bad case,
tha Cluthe Truss with Its Automatic Mas
aga Treatment will soon cure you com
pletely. The Cluthe Truss has cured mmm of the
worst c Mes la history.
List your property with ns If yon wish to sell.
City people are louklug for summer homes, bungalow sties, camp'
locations and farms In this section.
We ran place your property before city buyers through our New
York OSlos.
Those who have furnished houses to rent should list them with us
V We will have applicant, for them.
No systematio and business-like method hiji been adopted heretofore
j to effectually place before city people the airimeU0n. of l'ike County
JT and to bring them In dose touch with this set tiUD. ' Many people would
J establish summer homes here if they knew of the Idea) oonallions. Pure
water and air, freedom from mosquitos, cool nlkt and betutlful seen--V-l
err, are what people In the cities are searchiim iJf. Pike County too Is
witnin tnree noun ol new xork City, and with the automobile, reason-
able distance, instead of constituting
oeopie wno can Duy, an advantage,
country site.
The Plk. Count. Rr.lt, xichaage proposes by leitltlraate advertis
ing to bring olty people in close touch lth ths natural advantages of
rise Couuty and to establish a headqiinrUTs for property owum to list
their property and at which prospective purcbaMirN may apply for the
klni ul properties they with to obtain Thus a medium of exchange
will be established at which sellers and purchasers may be brut together.
A live real estate office can do more good for Mllford than any otb
er atrency. It has been rightly sain. Ol course the l'ike County Realty
Exchauge, has not been established primarily fur a public purpose, but
the advancement of this locality will be one of its objects.
Every new summer home or estate enhances tbe value of all other
property. Those who have property for sale and prospective purchl sera
C should write at once to
Masonic Hall Bitilihng,
Miiford, Penna.
New York Offlce 60 Church St. K. 1B66.
Will altk arrange for Buildings.
By reason of a funeral Dr. Hillis
was unable to reach here last
evening for his lecture. It will be
Subject: "Oliver Crom
well and the Story of
the Common People."
cured men and women W, V and 79
years eldpeople who had been ruptured
20 to 10 years people who had worn dos
ens of other trusses In Tain.
Our Cxpetua if It Falls.
Please do not doubt these statement a
See the proof In our free book It to your
duty to send for.
Remember that you can try the Cluthe
Truss at our risk. Let It prove all we
aayi If it falls to hold your rupture every
minute of the day, It won't cost you a
Froe Book Tolls.
We have written a book which sums
up all that we have learned about Rup
ture la forty years of day-after -day ax
pertence In the successful treat aTvsnt of
over 280.00 cases.
This book explains why elastic, spring
and leg strati trusses or appliances caa
never cure. It explains about operation a
It expels the fraud behind soma of the
advertis.-d "methods." U puts you on
guard BR-'Inst throwing money away.
And li tells all about the Cluthe Truss
with Automatic Massage Treatment
it tells the experience of many former
sufferers. And we give you (with their
permfsr on) the names and addresses of
over If,-, people who have received In
stant roiief at our hands most of them
entirely cred some of them yon prob
ably know
Your name on a postal or on ths eoo
pon betow brings you this helpful book.
Send today don't put It off whet, you
rend this book you will know how vm
can get immediate relief without risking
... muir iliUMCIjr.
When writing, please give our Box
number, as below.
(For Rupture Excluslvalr.) I
125 Cut 23r St N.w T.f CHv I
Bend me your Free Book oa Tbe
me your Free Book oa The I
if Rupture.
a draw l-Hi
r-k. is now considered bv
eoi'cially in tho selection of a