Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 23, 1910, Image 1

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    Comrg Office 11 1 C9
SO 8
By n explosion of ga and dyna
mite Monday In the yard of the New
York Central Railroad at 60th Street
and Park Avenue 14 persons were
killed and 30 or more Injured.
Max Armstrong and his sinter Na
tail are here from Blair Hall to
t-pend Christmas.
Melville D. Landnn, better known
s "Ell Forking," who some years
gj lectured here, died last week. In
his swinger days he was reputed a
great hnraurM and wai widely
known ami in great demand, but hi
later yean did not sustain the repu
ntatinn ha bad acquired and for sev
eral yeara he has been little heard of.
Annie Williamson, wife of John
Ft-IUll, died at her home In Hpar-
rowbuah, N. Y., lent week and was
burled last Sunday In Laarel Grove
CemeWy. She was a daughter ot
Maria Wllliatrison, who Was'a dangh
ter of the late Edward Ferguson,' ol
Delaware township, and was a cous
in to Mrs. Dr. H. E. Emerson of
Hon. W. A. Erduian,' of Strouds
burg, and L. A. Watre, Esq.',' 'of
Scranton and Bon. John A. Klpp e.f
N. Y. attended Court here Monday.
Mrs. Durant a Drake of Boston I
spending the Holidays with her lath
er Rev. C. A. While at the Manse.
The D. V. T. Co. has put on a fine
new, covered stage for carrying pas
aengers. It was built at the Angle
shops here and Is a credit both to tbe
company and Us builder. It will
carry 12 persons With comfort. -
At the stated meeting ot Milford
Lodge No 844 F. A A. M. held last
week the following were elected
officers for the ensuing kissonio year:
. H. Klein, W. M.
H. 8. Angle, 8. W.
L. Westbrook, J. W. "
John C. Westbrook jr, Treat.
G. A. Swepenlser, Sec.
3. H. Van Etten and Geo. R. Bull,
Rep. to Q. L. Geo. A. Swepenlser.
Tbe Committee of tbe Grand
Lodge of Masons of Pennsy lvania hat
purchased nearly 1000 aorea of land
near Elixabelhtown, Ltnoaater Co.,
Pa., on which to balld maeonie
home for old mason and their wives
and widows and orphaa ol Masons.
Educational facilities will be pro
vided and it Is Intended to make this
the moat complete borne in the
Millions of dollars will be spent on
buildings and improving the land
which has all tbe requirement nec
essary to make it Independent.
Tbe directors of tbe Delaware Val
ley Transportation Co have declared
a dividend of five per cent on tbe
capital atock. This would ahow good
management and that tbe company
la now on a sound Buanoial basis. If
the carrying or freight and coal are
added to the business In due time,
and It baa been demonstrated thit
motor trucks can be run economically
there la no reason why tbe company
may not profitably supplement it
passenger business, and deliver coal
beie obeaper than by team bauL
" State Superintendent Scbaeffer
has appointed on the permanent cer
tificate committee for Pike County j
Cbarlea D. Wildrick, Principal Mil
ford High School, Miss Bertha Klaer'
of Milford and Mist Emily Lattimore
of Dingmans Ferry. They will serve
for three years.
Some Definitions.
People frequently ask the mean
lug ot tbe terms of the form of 'gov
ernment wbioh haa been adopted by
Oregon and which seem to be satis
factory to her people. That they
may be understood we V pend a
succinct definitions as possible.
Tbe initiative ia a aystem where
by the people can, by petition pro
pose legislation, have tbe people
vote on it, and make it a law abso
lutely Independent of tbe legislature.
Tbe referendum U a system
whereby legislation, objectionable to
tba people, can, through petition.
he submitted to vote of the people
and repealed.
The recall I a system whereby
through 'petition obnoxious 'public
officer can be voted "upon at a
special election and put out of office
if the people so direct.
ser to aell GUARANTEED good ot
' merit. Our new book "Piling Dol
'lara' explain everything. Its free,
Bhoa.li geyfried,
M-ii Braoojj, P. "
The schedule of base ball finance
as published last week showed some
rather startling facts. Of tbe 1353 60
subscribed 1200 waa contributed by
individual not in business. These
benefactor gave generously a It
was not possible for them to benefit
In any material way, An insignia
cant 1153.50 was given by business
men of tbe town, those who reap tbe
benefits of a successful season and
should "be willing to spend money to
make money. Of all the boarding
bouse but two helped to defray ex
pense. " Only two hotels were Con
tributor. The merchant and trades
people, who are legion, albert pros
perous, 'make a ahowtnr of 938.Q0
Unnamed parties helped to the' ex
tent of twenty dollar. Great credit
is due those who successfully con
ducted entertainment that netted
$263 40. The showing, as a whole,
it a sad commentary on tbe enter
prise of substantial citizen.
On account of tbe lack ot public
Interest and support manifested 'last
spring, 'orae of tbe directors were In
favor of placing no team In tbe field.
Others argued tbat without ' ball
game the summer visitors would b
practically without entertainment;
mid tbe season a failure socially and
financially. It was therefore decid
ed to organize a team at a little ex
pense a possible, and use ever
means to enlist Bupport and colled
fund. Notwithstanding the indiff
erenoe of tbe public a really excel
lent ' team was ' put in the field.
About four thousand persons, ovei
four times tbe population of Mllfonl,
paid admission to the game
demonstrating beyond oavll turn
base ball Is overwhelmingly popular,
and not only popular but an absolute,
undeniable necessity If Milford 1 go
ing to remain In business as a sum
mer resort.
Out of a town o nearly one thous
and inhabitant only twenty six
subscribed. Those whp contribute!.
hotel men and boarding house
keepers, merchants, summer visitor
etc. These wide awake persons av
eraged a donation of nearly (14 0U
each, wbioh la all that could bt
There exist an apparent deficit ot
$241.23. If any who haa neglected
to subscribe should care to do i
, and thereby help to liquidate
indebtedness, payment should Ih
made to Ih Treasurer of the Milford
Base Ball Club.
The ball games more than any
other sou roe of amusement augment
prosperity. They are remarkably
well patronized, attracting guests
from all the hotel and boarding
places. The team merits the honest
and helpful support of every good
citiEen, whether an enthuiast or not.
If no team ia placed In the field next
season on account ol lack of support,
every line of business in town will
suffer and tbe sign "BOARDERS
WANTED" will, figuratively speak
ing, be hung out on many a front
gate, And it is the fuel supplied by
I the hot weather visitor that keeps
the pot boiling through the white
frozen winter.
Notice of Meeting
A meeting 6f the 'stockholder of
the Wayne and Pike Independent
Telephone Company will be held at
the office of B. F. Killam, Esq ,Tau
pack, Pike County, Pennsylvania,
on tbe tsth day of December, '1910,
at 10 o'clock A M tor the purponfe
of taking into consideration, and
voting for, or against the approval,
adoption, ratification and confirm.
tion of an agreement entered into by,
and between tbe boards of directors
of the Wayne and Pike Independent
Telephone Company, tha Wayne and
Lackawanna Telephone' Company,
and tbe Walleo Pa a pack Telephone,
dated December 1, 1910, providing
for tbe merger and consolidation of
tbe Wayne and Pike Independent
Telephone Company, Wayne and
Lackawanna Telephone Company,
and Walleo Pnupack Telephone Cora
pany, In accordance with the condi
tion and term therein stated a
provided by an act of the General
AsMuihly of tha Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, approved May 29,
1901. (P. L. 34S)
Pujio, Deo,' 15,"W. PrealSoot,
Reading my Newark Evening
on Tuesday I wa saddened by read
ing of tbe inloide of Comrade Charles
F. Croeelintn, and of hi attempt to
murder bis wife at the same time.
He waa Secretary and Treasurer
of the tat New Jersey Veteran Cav
alry Association ever since Its organ
ization, and was respected by every
member. He served all through tbe
Civil War, rising to Orderly Sergeant
of Co. B .which he held until the
close of the war. He bad a kind
word and smile for every one attend
ing our annual reunion.
Some time ago I sent an Item stat
ing that Mrs. A. M. Mettler bad sold
he farm situated along the Dela
ware to some city parties.
The sale' was not made because
one of the heir refused to sign off.
The Lay tun and Montague Grang1
have announced dances to take
place on tbe same evening Dec 2vtb,
snd It would seem In at tbe'a'tlend
snoe of both dance 'would be 'great
er. If they were held on different
According to an "article in the
Newark Evening New of the 16tb
inst. there Is a bill now before Con
tress and there Is every reason to
believe it will become a law, In re
gard to a raise In the pension law as '
follow: Veterans ot 2 raised from
12 to IS dollars a month, of 70 yeats
from 16 to 25 dollars and of 76 or
over 20 to 36 dollars per month,
causing a raise, if It becomes a law,
of $25,000,000. The soldiers of the
War of 1861-6 are pretty well pro.
vided for as the law 1 at present,
and It would look aa If this raise wa
Warren R. Thompson, of Wood
ridge, N. J., is spending a few day.
visiting friends at Lavton.
Mr. Thompson waa foreman of 'thr
Tuttles-Corner and Lay ton mooed
am road.
Miss Mabel Rosen k ran of ibu
town, -who recently entered a Passa
ic hospital to become a trained nurse,
ia reported very III at tbat place. '
Tax time, the dreariest time of 'thi
whole year, has come 'and gone and
everybody breathe easier, but the
high rate ' of taxation caused
When ' the ' macadam road war
built through lands of the Flatbirook
Fish Club the road waa fenced will'
post and wire, while the lands ot
other had to fence their own, ami
thia was done at the expense of the
County. One thing is certain, thf
County has a nice bill to pay.
Saturday rhbrnihg the tiureeo in
strument marked 14 below tero,
and on SuDday morning 1 below.
Thia ia certainly good winter weath
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vannes, of
Blnghamtou, N. Y., are visiting his
sister in Montague.
It la not often that we have
sleighing, wheeling and auto on the
same day, and yet that was what I
saw 8unday last, and that auto was
doing some speed.
Corn From Old Seed.
At a corn growing exhibition In
Indiana a great attraction was an ear
sent by Mrs. Hardy which was skid
to be grown from seed taken from an
Egyptian mummy. -
The mummy waa placed in k tomb'
1000 year ago and the corn wa
placed with it. The coroYalaed Troin
the seed resemble ordinary sweet
corn, and the ear is about five inohea
long, a faw grains of yellow and
white corn mingling with the more
numerous grains of sweet corn, due,
it - is said, to being grown among
other varieties. This la astonishing,
a malra or 'Indian 'corn has id ways
been supposed to have been' 'first
found In this country.
Mrs. Hardy is a descendant of
Chief Justioe John Marshall, and is
a woman of education and culture.
She collects antique. Whae he
got her mummy only 1000 years Old
Is puzzling the Egyptologists, who
cannot find any of so recent date.
Some years ago Egyptian wheat
was ofterad for sale which it was
claimed was raised from grain1 found
' in the catacombs and were said to bo
2000 years or more old. Tbe wheat
j was plump, bf rather pale yellow
ish color and was said to be tapertor
for making flour. It la possible it
may have been a deception but if tbe
j above Is authentic-it is also possible
it nisy have been genuine aeed 'of
, the Pharaohs and the same kind ot
frain sold by Joseph to hi brethera.
Miss Lila Dewitt entertained a
number of her friends at her home
on Ann St. Friday evening.
Mis Roohotte will have a Christ
mas tree Friday afternoon tor tbe
Primary School.
Mis Alice Scott had tbe misfor
tune to Injure her bbnd this week.
Mr. Wildrick will spena the Holl-
day at the home of his parents in
Moosic, Pa.
Mis Vera Ryman entertnined a
compaay of friend at ber home on
Catherine Street, Thursday evening, j
Miss Madge Emerson is anticipat
ing a trip to Philadelphia during the
Many of the High Sobool pupils
joyed tbe social at tbe Method
Episcopal Church Friday evening.
School will be closed fur the Christ
mas Holidays from December twen
tj -third to January third.
Tbe following pupils were at the
head of the olas in the examina
demor Class ' Marion Poillon
Middle 'Class Thomas Wolfe
Junior Class Clara Wolfe, Lillian
'Miss Annie (tumble expects to
pend the Holidays at ber home at
The new books are labeled and
are in use.
The regular term was held before
President Judge C. B Staples and
Associates Englehart and (juick.
Constable making cetorn were ;
Delaware D. C. Cron, Dingman Ed
win Drake Laekawaxen, C.
Rose Rosehcrans, Matamoras L B
Uaowarlng, Milford C. E Thornton,
Milford Tap. 8. L. Hoot, Palmyra J.
N. De Groat, Shohola Philip Kuhn,
Westfall Orrin & Shay.
On opening Court Judge Staples
made the following announcement.
It is our sad duty to announce from
iheoenoh the audden death of Cor
oeliuB W. Bull Esq, December 6th in
the tAth ear of hi age. He was
admitted to the bar of Pike County
in 1867 and was also a member of
the bar of Monroe and Wayne conn
ties, 'fie waa a lawyer of ability, a
man of honor and Integrity, and a
kindly gentlemen. Ever faithful to
tbe Bench, the bar 'and his clients,
hia death was inrely loss to the
whole community and he will be sadly
missed. The Protbonotary is dtrect-
sd to inscribe thia Announcement
and Mention upon the Minutes of
tbe Court
Account as follow confirmed Est.
Jacob Wacker, Sarah Westfall, John
Degen Jr., Johanna C. Myer and
widow appraisement, est Andrew
A. Albright.
Road in Laekawaxen. Vacation
if Report of View confirmed.
Bridge in' Green at Promised
Land. Report of Viewers laid over
for Grand Jury. '
Harry L. Brisco viewing body of
Joseph Canne, approved and ordered
Lewis W. Healy vs. Charles Pem-
berton Fox, petition foi satisfaction
of mortgage.
Estate Paul Sohaono, petition for
private sale of real estate to John H.
Cook. Court takns papers.
Robert L. Depue vs. Eva Depne,
Divoroe, John A. Klpp appointed
Esther Martin vs. Carl Martin,
Divorce Report filed.
E. A. Oppelt vs. Alaolla C. Op
pelt, Divoroe, Report filed.
Minnie Pur cell Oil more vs. Louis
W. Gilmore, Divorce. Master's re
port filed and In'eaoh of above Court
takes paper.
Overseer Poor Middle Bmltibfleld
Up. ve Overseer Poor of Lehman
township. Petition for rule to show
cause why Lehman shall rot pay
Smlthfleld cost and expense of care
of Andrew Smith a psuper, amount
$100.33. Returnable to next term.
Estate Claude B. Heeler, deo'd, pe
titlon Tor sale of real estate 18 acres,
J. H. Van Etten appointed to aud
it account of Prothy.
Order made to place 200 names in
Jury Wheel.
Election ot Managers.
The annual election for Managers
of tbe Milford Cemetery Association
will be held at the efflce of Geo. R.
Bull in the borough of Milford on
Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1911, between
tbe hours of I snd 3 P. M.
v . ' , . Secretary,
Milford, Pa., Dec 16th, 1910.
The events of the week In Congress
have been full of Interest and there
are Indidutluna pointing to what (he
national legislature may be able to
accomplish duiing the present short
session. Among the most interest
ing Is an apparent agreement between
the insurgent and tbe regular in
me senate on tne tana question, re
lating particularly to the considera
tion of special subjects, a for exam'
pie, the woolen schedule, the cotton
schedule, lumber, coal, etc., separate
ly and without consideration of tbe
tariff question a a whole. There Is
also apparently a moon closer agree
ment in Congress with reference to
tbe support of a bona fide tariff com.
mission for a thorough and honest
investigation and report upon ibis
question. .
Tbe capitol of the United State Is,
as is usual during the Congresslon
session, the arena of conventions, or
the stage from 'which great enter
prises are launched. 1 What could he
grander than the proposed national
park to 'extend from Baltimore to
Wasbiugton and to include two hun
dred thousand acres bf forest, bill
and dale? It Is estimated 'that the
cost will he six millions of dollar.
The two olties are practically forty
mile apart, but they are connected
by two steam roads, two electric
rnada and by a boulevard almost
completed, over which automobile
pas in less than an hour.
There is much lobbying In W
greee by two provincial cities. New
Orleans and San Francisco,' to have
Congress appropriate T6r an Internal
tonal Exposition in celebration of 'the
completion of the Panama Canal.
Both of these cities' are, as A were,
on the "Jumping off place of the
country, one on the Gulf edge jind
me oiner on me r acme, both of them'
remote from center of population;
and while they claim that they do
not want financial assistance, but'
only national recognition, everyone
knows what that mean in the be
ginning. The proper situation for a
National Exposition In celebration of
so great ad event,' should be at the
oapltol of the country. . There is now
no city . In this hemisphere better
adapted to an International Exposi-1
Hon than Washington, D. C. The
Potomao Park la practically within
tbu center of the city, easily accessi
ble to every part of it. and Washing
ton I within five hours of New
York, three hour of Philadelphia,
forty-five minutes from. Baltimore, 1
and within twenty, four hours of
Chicago. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Lou
isville, Atlanta and all Intermediate
place. . . . ,
....... -
Andrew Carnegie, Whose benefac
tion amount now to 180 million of
dollars, has just added a donation of
ten millions of dollar for tbe promo,
tlon of peace throughout the world.
The nations will continue to boild
battleships and levy armies, but it
impossible that a donation so muni
flclent Bhall not nave the influence of
its inspiration. .The Secretary ot
War has just returned from a trip
arouud the world and haa startled
Congress by confidential doci nt
sent to the House of Representatives
stating that this country, I uuflt for
war, lacking the right kind of men,
guns, ammunition and fortifications
This confidential report is aaid to be
sensational In It details. In view
ot Mr. Carnegie's ten million dollar
donation to the cause bf peace, this
report from the Secretary of War is
peculiarly clashing. .
Representative Hobson," of Ala
bama, he who sank the old ship in
the harbor entrance at Santiago, has
introduced a bill in Congress for the
appointment of a Board of National
Defense, tbe object bf which Is to se-
oure cooperation between the execu
tive and legislative branches' ot the
government With a View to tArmony
in a defensive policy. ' By the terms
of tbe bill the War Secretary Is to be'
President ot the 'Council, and the
other member tlie Secretary of the
Navy, tbe Chairman of the House
Military and Navai Affniri,' and also
tbe Senate and House Finance Com
mittees. . .
Mr, Carnegie bravely continues
bis fight againat dying rioh but the
odds are againat him. .
Mr. Rockefeller's proposed founda
tion gift of more than $100,000,000 is
gain before Congress which seems
to be appalled at tbe immensity of
j the benefeotjoq and afraid it may
! have flare back.
Dr. Nathan C. Sohaeffer, Snpt, of
Pablio Instruction, ha lasned a pam
phlet entitled Historical Note of
Pennsylvania's School System,"
with suggestion as to needed chan
ges." He recapitulates the facts as
to tbe early history of the schools
showing that since the pnsHagebtthe
act of 1836 the state baa been a pion
eer In elevating the public schools.
He says politics a tad the schools do
not mix. Whenever the two are
joined togother the child loses.
Sohools must have money and one
reason why certain rural districts
cannot get enough money to have
good school ia fonnd in the law as
sessment of real estate. . The law re
quires property to be assessed at its
fnil value Hj because It is not direc
tor are helpless agaiuat the asses
sor a.
Prom 1834 to 1890 the total paid
out of tbe State Treasury for com
mon schools wa 28 million dollars
and ainoe tbat time 120 million dol
lars have been appropriated. He say
w must be enacted to protect tne
children against the parsimony and
short sightedness of local school
boards. The school can never be
made better than the people want
them to be, nor will the sohools be
permitted to lag far behind the de
mands of publio opinion.
The world moves and tbe sohools
are apt to be too conservative.
Course bf study must be modified
and improved ao aa to adapt them to
the changing needs of a progressive
civilization. In Arithmetic, tor in
stance, It Is useless to waste the time
and brain power of ohildren upon
problem which never occur in prac
tical lite, or which were needed In
business transaction now antiquated
by several hundred years. It i ad
mitted that lor purpose of mental
discipline, slgebra and geometry are
far more valuable than number
work. A revolution la taking place
cot merely in the teaching of arith
metic, but also in the method of
teaching language, blatory and the
solenoee. In medicine the practi
tioner who has not kept in touch
with modern discoveries ever since
he took hi degree, 1 no longer fit
to practice medicine. In education
progress baa been equally marked.
Many a teacher whose work at one
time elicited praise, flndt himself
out bf touch with what is now de
manded in the pnbllo schools, simply
because he has failed to keep abreast
of the times.
There was a time when any one
oould step from the gutter Into a law
school. All thia has. been ohanged,
and the study of law now require at
least a high achoo) training. There
waa a time .when tbe young man
who could not get a teaoher's certifi
cate went to the medical college, and
at the end of two courses of lecture
returned home with a diploma au
thorizing him to practice medioine.
Today our law require a preliminary
education covering tour years of high
school work, or It equivalent, and a
subsequent course of four yeara of
professional study before tbe gradu
ate of tbe medical sobool can be ad
mitted to the State examination for
license. There are at least twenty
five teamed vocations, the doors to
wbioh are closed to the youth who
quits school without getting the
equivalent ot a high school educa
Mrs. Ootavia Burleigh Van Wyck,
formerly a -esldent of Milford and
for many years a aummer guest,
died at her home in Washington last
Friday after a protracted illness.
She was a daughter of Captain David
R. Burleigh who waa a naval officer
aud after leaving the service located
here where he died in 1849. She
married Rev. George Peter Vau
Wyok who was at one time pastor of
a church In Port Jervia, and often
preached here. She i survived by
one aon George P. and by one aister
Mrs. Liizie Brodbead oi Washington
D. C. Tbe remain were brought
here last Tuesday for interment in
Milford Cemetery.
Stages Still Running
Aa the condition ot the road at
thia season of the year will not per
mit the use of the automobile stage
between Milford and Port Jervis, tbe
Company haa equipped tbe line with
a large euolosed wagon or sleigh for
the comfort of patrona. t
A telephone call will bring them to
your house for passenger or W ells
Fa rgo Express.
Delaware Valley Transportation Co.,
John C. Warner, Pre!
At the term of Court field thia
week Judpe Staple said that he waa
the recipient of a number of anony
mous letter, and also of some
signed, complaining that some land
lords Id tbe county were SBllinv ll.
quor to habitual drunkards. 'minor
and on Bunday. He directed con
stables to go to the landlords in their
several township and notify them
tbat this must cease. He instructed
tbe constables that a man who fm.
quently got drunk should not be sold
liquor when he was sober. A vr
occasional intoxication tike on a bolt.
day, or on some extraordinary oooa.
sion did nut constitute a man a hab
it" al drunkard, tut when a man
apent aaoney for liquor which ehowM
go to supply his family with noma.
aries and thus did it sn Injury he
should be refused. A man ha no
right to deprive hia family of com.
forta to gratify his propensity to
The Judge did not say ao. but land.
lords never know what Information
is being given the Court of the con
duct of their places, and henoe mi?
at any time be compelled to face a
rule to show cause wbv their llnmm '
shall not be revoked, whloh rule the
Court can enter of its own volition.
Can any la jd lord afford to take such
uhances? The Court did say tbat if
a landlord would not, or could not,
conduct his business without violat
ing tbe law he should quit.
First Christinas Observance.
Christmas gets it name from the
masa celebrated In the early day of
the Christian cburoh in honor of the
birth of Christ it first solemnization
having been ordered by Pope Tele,
sphorus. This waa in or before the
year 138, for In tbat year Pope Tele
sphorus died.
At first Christina wa what i
known a a movable feast. Inst a
Easter Is now, and owing to mlun-
derstandinga wafc celebrated as late
as April or May. In tbe fourth cen
tury an ecclesiastical investigation
was ordered, "and upon the antbority
of the tables pf the censors in the
Roman archive Dec,, 25, was agreed
upoq as the date, of the Saviour's na
tivity,. Tradition fixed tbe hour of
btrth at about midnight, and this led
to the celebration of a ' midnight
mass In 'all thephurches, a aecond at
dawn and it third in tbe later morn,
. .. .
Employment Agency '
The Agenoy John Kissel, who ia
State (New York) Senator Is doing
great work in having placed hund
red of men In position dnrlng Its
eighteen month existence. It is lo
cated in, the office, of one William
Lee, 300 Hooper atreet, Brooklyn,
who devote a large part of hi time
to Interviewing applicants, whether
young or middle aged. The Agenoy
does not guarantee to plaoe appli
cant in position, but it certainly is
a good plaoe to torn to when seeking
employment, especially for the mid
dle aged class, who find it exceeding
ly difficult to get work. This is a
Free Labor Bureau to employer and
Dedicated to
Ms. Cicilia McGovkbm
A star ahone in the heavena one
time, ' . .
It pointed out tbe way
To the far off Bethlehem
Where in a mauger lay
A Babe, the King of Kinga, but like
A beggar came upon earth,
Thi great Redeemer of mankind,
Thia King of humble birth.
Tbree wise men journeyed from far
With gold, frankiuoenae, myrrh
And knelt in adoration deep
Before thia child. Hi mother
Held Hm in ber fond embrace
While ber eyes filled with joy tear,
'-My blessed blessed Babe" (be cried
A she thought 6t f stare year.
A ber sleeping infant lay
Helpless, her eye she raised
And with full sou) but (Ilent lip
Her great Creator praised.
No one e'er knew tbe depth of love
Tbat filled that mother's heart
Except the .One to Whom she preyed,
She might fulfill a mother' part .
Million 'round the fceavenly throne
Sang hymn, the echoes fell
Upon the earth thai Chridtmaa night
"Peace on earth1 to tell
To all poor sinners-Christ came down
To dwell among them all,
Bound hallelui jaj loud and dear
It ia the Christmas call.