Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 18, 1910, Image 1

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Comre Office 11 1 09
NO 3
G. 8. Miller of Scrantou represent
ing the Scran ton Life Insurance Com
pauy was in town (bit week In the
intnrests of his company. It le
growing initltutloo and gains in stability.
The striking expressmen in New
York have gone baok to work and
business is resumed bnt the chauffer
are yet out and there In a threat that
all street car men will strike.
In several Counties in the State
and in Philadelphia frauds in the
lute election are being exposed, and
in some districts have been throwi
out. Just what the result would
bave been had there been a perfectly
fair ballot and room, is hard to say,
but that is what we should bave and
under the law are ontitled to so thai
the will of honest voters may be ez
An infant child of Elmer Bodine
and wife of Milford died Tuesday.
Teners majority over Berry in the
State is about 35,000. Grim was a
bad third.
The tie problem has prompted
aeveral railroads to bny large tract
of land along their lines and plant
trees. The Pennsylvania has thous
ands of acres devoted to this pur
pose. Experiments have been made
with Iron and reinforced ooncrete a
a substitute for wood, but have no
been satisfactory and the demand foi
timber will increase. For this reas
on roads are, making provision t
supply their own demands.
Champ Clark, who will. likely, be
next Speaker of the Honse, says the
democrats will revise the tariff. .
Suggestion is made that Hon. A.
M. Palmer take np the leadership of
the d em oc ratio party In this state.
The old leaders are in such ill odor
wit h the party that unless some step,
are taken to regain confidence It will
not receive as many votes next eleo
tion as it did this when it was bal
Tront spawn about this season of
the year, and when the small
streams are fnll of, water they afford
them opportunity, to lay their egg.
which hatch in from 8 to 4 month
depending on the temperature of the
A oase under the Corrupt Practice.
Aot reoently decided In the Superior
Court holds that it lis not sufficient
for a candidate to set oat that he had
paid oertain snms to various persons
named to be expended by them for
lawful purposes. He most explain
what was dona with the money by
the several persons to whom it was
paid and must produce proper vouch
ers for all sums over $10. This
brings the statement of , expenses
down to a pretty fine point.
Hhort weight swindlers, pure food
dnpers and their kindred defranders
of the peoplo are having a session in
New York now with Inspectors
Every conceivable dnvios has "been
found to oheat in weight. In measure
and in purity. Coal sold In a bushel
basket which only held halt a bnshel
eight gallons of gasoline sold for ten
and nine karat gold marked fourteen. '
The egg business, the bad ones that !
go in the sponge cake is being inves
Because of the immense corn orop
and lower price of cereals both beef
and pork have declined in price, and
are expected to go yet lower.
Stephen Palmer and party killed
two black bears in the vicinity of
Dark Swamp this week.
Hon. W. S. Bennet of New York
who was defeated for reelection call
ed his distriot leaders together this
week to discuss leading Roosevelt
out of the party. Sentiment was di
vided on the question and no definite
action taken, Bennett is a protage
of Abe U ruber who mad a violent
speech at Saratoga, abusing Roose
velt. Bennett thinks if he had been
nominated for Governor he. would
have won out, and i angry because
he was opposed by Roosevelt and
Judge Barratt sentenced respec
table dealer in rotten egg lu Phila-
dttlphia this week to jail which was
a great surprise. Ha was willing to
pay the maximum fine, but thought
his standing in society should relieve
him of the odium, of Jail. The Judge
said "guilt was personal," and when
Courts take that view it Is tough on
ine.i of high social position who
make money tn "rots and spots."
Madam U Russell Garoler of
Tarry town made a brief. visi here
last week.
A. W. Remseo, who has been ab
sent tha jiast year motoring l Kar
en, hfjtnroit
Justice moved rapidly in England
in the Crlppen cane in which defend
ant wag charged with the murder ol
hia wife Belle Elmore. Only a few
weeks ago hit trial was held and he
was convloted. He apponled ano
the appeal has been heard and tb
convlotion affirmed and execution ol
the death sentence only postponed f
few weeks. - It has been noted tha
Lord Alverstone, before whom thi
oase was tried, displayed remarkabli
acumen and promptness in question
ing the witnesses and oharging thi
jury. Such celerity might prove i
deterrent to the commission i f onin
in this country.
The Annnal State Convention ot
Sobool Directors will be held Iu Hr
rlsburg the week beginning f)ee. 26
Due of the chief toptos of disoussiol
will be the propoeed new school codi
and no doubt its advantages and thi
contrary will be tuoroly investigated
Christy Mattbewson, of the Nev
York Giants, will receive a salar
aext year of 115.000 and the ordinal?
rural clorgyman will continue V
bave the promise of 1800 to $1000
One reason given fur this disparity i
chat the former has a much bettei
A light snow fell here last Sunday
night which added to what was a)
ready on the ground made excellent
'.racking and no doubt greatly profit
ad hunters In this state while ii
New Jersey it barred them out, an
(bat is only fair to game.
At the December meeting of th
Brotherhood in the Presbyteriai
Churoh there will be a debate on tb
question of the initiative, recall am
referendum. This matter Is attract
ing attention in the country and n
one ot the propositions which ma
soon come before voters. It is wisi
therefore to have an idea ol its ill -dgn,
and political effect. Prof
Wildrlok and Hon. W. A. H. Mitch
ell are the leaders.
Recently at Belfast the large'
vessel ever built was launched. Tbi
Olvmpio is 888 feet long, 97 fee
wide and ber height is 105 feet. Hi"
rudder weighs 100 tons and the ve
ei weighs 27,000 tons. She wii
oarry 2,500 passengers and the ore v.
will number 860. Her engines ar
45,000 horse power and she will
maintain a speed of 21 knots.
Wayne County is likely to hav
auother murder oase. Frank Hunkli
haa been arretted charged with
poisoning his two half witted son.
Charles and Edward. One wat
found dead in the barn and the otbei
up stairs in tha house under a bed.
Mr. Josephs gave a very interest.
Ing address in tha Presbyteriai
churoh Monday evening, his topi
velng gardens. He began with tin
garden of Eden and briefly describes
the gardens of different countries, oi
rather tracts of land laid ' out ai
uarks, showing the characteristics ol
each. Ilia treatment of the subjec
showed him to bo familiar with t
and that be haa read extensively and
The Baltimore woman "who shot
a burglar" with her eyes closed had
presence or mum, prooably to
reoollect tnat8b8 couldn't hit what
she looked at.
A Boston woman says lack of bab
ies causes divorces. An extraordin
ary argument. We should have
thought, on the contrary, that the
prevalence of divorce caused the
shortage of infants.
Tha term of Senator "Paynter,"of
Kentucky, expires next Marcn and
he Is a candidate for reelection.
Whitewashes, however, are mora in
demand at the national oapita).
A man naa as muen right to be a
Republican as to he a Democrat in
these days, but no man has a right
to be both.
Eat, drink ami be merry, for to
morrow it will cost a darn sight
Hon. G. It Quick, Horace Porter,
W. F. Choi and Harry Reed are in
camp at Blooming Grove hunting.
it is saia mat in order to reach a
deoision, a Poltsville jury tossed a
ooin. In tbe light of human exper
ieuce, . the method seema faulty,
Still, it gave justice a chance.
The only satisfied Republicans are
the geanine Progressives.
Explain, and tbe world laughs at
It Is better to have claimed apd
lost than never to bave olaimed at
The outlook for good weather has
Improved ; the Weather Bureau has
lasued a storm warning,
HoSmaos majority in tha distriot
ii 973.
After all, the Issue is between tbe
fow who olamor for privileges and
favors snd the many who ask Both
Ing bat the right to enjoy the pro
ceeds of their own toil under the
laws which gnarantee equality.
"Too many people are' trying to
leid automobile Uvea on wheelbar-'
row incomes, says ths Hon. Charles
B. Land is. Not always altogether
thoir fault, either, with automnbilt
prices on all the necessities of life.
A poetess in an Insane asylum in
Minnesota has won a prize from a
magazine for a poem. Fos&ibly tbe
incident servea to throw some light
upon the origin of some queer poems
that appear in tbe magazines.
Most Governors bave to wait un
til they are elected before receiving
Honorary college degrees. Woodrow
Wilson's LL. D. from Princeton was
-onferred while his campaign waf
on, but with excellent assurance
that it would be worn In office.
If some of those aviators dont stop
ioing up so high that they cannot
tee the earth, they may not be able
to find their way back.
The Arm of Lufty & Macksoud of
.Sew York of which Joseph and Eli
is Macksoud well known here art
iwnera has been forced into bank
ruptcy. The nominal assests art
ibout 118,000 and liabilities about
38,000. Losses of accounts In Boutli
American states are given as a cause.
People here will sympathise with the
Arm In this misfortune They hav
nade this their suinmor home for a
few years past and have always deall
uprightly with people here. The
chedule showa that there will be lit
tie left for the men when debts are
paid and it may be a question whetl.
r they can retain their property in
Mrs. Alan Johnstone, of Copec
uagen nee Miss Plnohol is el Grey
N. G. Palmer and family have
one to White Plains to pass the
Charles Kurtz and wife of Ding
nan township hae as a guest a
young son.
Dr. Clarence Elaer with his fami
ly ot Tioga Pa. reoently visited rela
tive) here.
An old Maine Hunter predlots a
mild winter because deer have not
changed their summer coats, beavere
have not out down tree for theii
winter food, muskrats have not built
their winter habitations, and duoki
had not yet left the lakes. He ha
noted for several years tha signs ol
the times as Indicated by animal)
snd says be has hot missed single
In a distriot in Luzerne County 34
men voted and 124 votes were re
turned tor Tener. In Schuylkill
County In one distriot where ovet
ine hundred votes were returned
when tbe ballot bax was opened it
was found to be empty, and in man
ither cases frauds of a similar nature
bave been discovered. These ,evll
explain why u party like the Key
stone which stands forcivio righteous
ness can bave suoh a startling
growth. There is an awakening
among the people.
As one result of tbe adoption of
the womans suffrage amendment tc
the constitution a bill has been intro
duced before the Seattle oounoil pro
hibiting smoking at polling places at
general or special elections.
The audit of Sibley, who spent
143,000 to obtain the nomination tor
Congress, haa beeu postponed until
next May because of his illness, and
it is doubtful now it it ever will be
Mrs. A. S. Dingman Laa gone for
an extended visit with her sister at
Iteseoa, Monroe Co.
Frank Pioot shot a deer in tbe
vieinilv of Dark Swamp this week.
If you have property to sell or hous
ea or bungalows to rent by Hating
them with the Pike County Realty
Co. tbey will be advertised in New
York and Brooklyn. The New York
branoh is at 60 Church Street, Hud
son Terminal. Room 1868.
The office of the Delaware Valley
Transportation Co and Wells Fargo
Express have been removed to the
Dimmlok House Stable. Telephone
connection. 3t.
The state dairy and food division
will proeeoute all who sell deoom
posed or wormy ohestuuta Complaint
has been made that many sold
which are used lor food purposes
ocntaln many wormy ones.
lhe D. V. Transportation Co. is
having a large enclosed wagon built
for carrying passengers and express
matter during the winter when its
machines pannpt mo, ,
There were produced in this shite
last year about nineteen and a half
million barrels of cement with a
market value of over fifteen million
dollars. About nine thouaand labor
ers were employed who earned $1,.
687,807. Over thirty one thousand
tons of hollow oement blocks were
made with a market valne of about
twelve cents each.
Judge Srarla in Honesdalc quashed
the indictment aeainst Leona Lord
for murder because of irregularities
in drawing the grand jury which
found a true bill. The jnry commis
sioners filed no oath of office
Congressman Palmer has appointed
J. F. Connelly of Stroudsburg to
Wi st Point, and Ralph A. Schilling
of Easton to Annapolis. ' "the alter
nates are from Carbon and North
The Comptroller has Issued a cull
for statements of coadition of all
banks at the close of business Nov.
President Taft has gone to Panama
to Inspect the oanal.
W . BS M
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Sportsmen in different parts of the
State are organizing to have tie
coming legislature repeal the provis
ions of the fish code of 1907 that spe
oiftcally prohibits Sunday . fishing.
Commissioner of Fisheries Meehan
says that "no reason for prohibiting
Sunday fishing exists, except on mor
al and rehgous grounds." The same
may be said of many other kinds of
Sabbath deseoration. One argument
in favor is that many men can find
little or no time to fish during tbe
week days, and that if parks and
other recreation resorts are allowed
to operate Sundays they should be al
lowed to pass their time in their fav
orite amusement
The repeal would not affect the
Act of 1794 called the blue law which
prohibits Sunday work and those
who felt aggrieved might have re
course to that. But does tbe moral
sentiment ot Pennsylvania wish to
open Sunday as a day In which its
people may line its streams and fish,
without fear of the oivil law. I'll ere
are men who will not Spare time
from their every day avocations
and pursuits to fish or take other rec
reation and who want to take Sun
day so as to lose no time from busi
ness, but what of the effect of such
example's on the youth ot the State.
We should have her probably a
horde of men from other States and
the cities starting out anil ly morn
ings to line our streams, and what
could be said to the boys who would
want to emulate the example of gen
tlemen who presumably should wish
to set them one to follow with pn lit
and which would lead them to be
good citizens. The Sabbath as a day
of rest is fulling into disrepute fast
enough without legalizing something
wbioh will hasten that deplorable
' Hinting.
Pat "I SBy Maloney
have ye
any tobacco?"
Malonky -'I have."'
Pat (after a pause) "Maloney
again I say have ye any tobacco?"
Maloney "I have I say I have."
Pat "Then why the divil don't
ye give me some?"
Malon ky "Then why the divil
don't you ask for it?".
About thirty full blooded white
Wyandottes, including cockerels.
pullets and full grown bir Is. Also
fifty broilers of mixed breed.
Harford btreet
MUford, Pa.
Election Day passed off much as
usual, anil the principal fight wb
waged for the office of Freeholder,
One of the candidates who offered to
b't that he would get 2 votes to his
opponent's one, resulted in bis being
elected by the measly majority of
4 votes, thuB showing that he came
mighty near It sing this town out of
his vest pocket. The Election Board
should have ejected the drunken
men from their room instead of al
lowing them to howl over the loss of
Voters who neglected to see tha
they were registered, put np a big
kick because they were not permit
to vote. Again the Board of Regis-
'rntion did not visit every habitation
to Kniull the voters at that habita
The milk supply is gradually di
minishing and the creamery at Bev
ans has a dully income of from 85 to
10 cans.
The idea of whitewashing the
-tables of dairymen is a 'good one,
mil a man In the interest of the Bor
dens came through this town white
washing stables.
The job was satisfactory and the
cost small.
Ed. McCracken, who has been lo
cated In Layton for over 20 years.
go?s to Newton this week. Ha is
in excellent workman In all that
goes with the trade, and his many
frieudB wish hltn success in bis new
The Flatbrook Valley Fish Club
liberated about 2200 fingerllng trou'
in our streams, along the mountain,
on Friday last.
The Stoll brothers of "Alsaola
Farm" raised the frame for their
new barn on Friday last. The build
ing is 32x(i5 and 21 foot poets and
will be thoroughly up to date.
Oscar Warner, a resident of Wal
pack, and his son were tinkering
with an old gun when it was dis
charged the load taking effect In his
thigh, almost severing tbe leg from
the body. . :
He died In a short time before the
doctor could be had.
Mrs William Smith, or Bsvans,
while walking around the house
caught her foot in a heavy vine, and
fell, breaking her left arm at the
The woods were full of hunters
again on Wednesday last, and par-'
ty from Layton shot a fine buck
weighing 200 pounds hog dressed.
Clarence Layton son, of Port Lay
ton, fired the lucky shot. The hunt
era report that many dogs are being
used in pursuit of deer.
The Dorcas Society of the Haines
ville Church will hold its annual
Turkey Supper In the basement ol
the Church on Wednesday evening,
Nov. 23rd.
This event will be equal to any
supjjer heretofore given, and their
suppers are alwaya first class.
Mrs. A. M. Mettler has sold her
t'nrin of 190 acres to a New York par
ty, for $5,000. This farm is situ
atod along the Delaware f of a mile
north of the Dingman bridge.
Sees A Light.
The Philadelphia Press last week
published an editorial whloh is called
a revolt against the methods of nom
inating party candidates and the
character of some ot the men nomin
ated. The sentiments expressed have
been approved by a number of or
ganization papers and several promt.
nent republicans. The expression is!
general that delegates should be sent
to conventions who will not vote at
the dictation of a leader but who will
think and act for themselves ard
that meu of high character, against
whose reputations for honesty and
good judgment columns based on
facts cannot be written. The Con
gressman and candidates tor tba leg
islature who were defeated because
of the feeling against the bead of tbe
ticket which caused a great falling
off in the vota now realize that there
should be a revolt against the lose
leuoe of the State organization and
that the party should be rehabilitat
ed iu the confidence of tbe people. It
is a pity that the consciences of these
're vol tors" could not have quick
ened and their tongues loosened be
fore they saw the party go down to
a practical defeat. However repen
tance and turning from evil ways is
better late than never.
Concrete blocks made in any quan-
Jtity by R. E. Humbert, Milford, Pa,
Now that the olonda of battle have
cleared away and bnt a few remains
of the shattered are left, I wish to
reiterate what I have tried to em
phasize "That the day of boswes and
bossism is about over" and the vot
era of Pike County are rapidly learn
ing, that the word "Democrat" and
the word "Republiojn," can do
them no good in local politics stand
ing alone, but, with someone behind
to do the work, and do It honestly,
much good can he accomplished.
To n y friends, and you are still In
tbe majority, drawn from both
great political parties, I wish to
thank you for your oontinoed confl
denoe in me and I will endeavor to
my utmost to keep my faith with
To those who opposed me honest
ly I can say that you are entitled to
ronr opinion as am I, we both may
be right, we both may be wrong, but
we are honest in our opposition and
glory in your fair fight.
To those who opposed me dishon
estly by circulating malioious false
hoods to catch the unthinking vote
und by their zealousness to win al
all hazards regardless of the trnth,
frtel a comtempt, for I always hated
a liar and an unfair man and an eleo
Hon story that isn't worth appearing
in print against a political opponent
is not worthy of belief, and as none
of puch stories were printed, they
are without foundation.
Had such stories been true, myo-
ponent was too shrewd a man to let
such an opportunity go by, as the
truth would have been presented
and which I could not bave denied
publicly, consequently they were no
"grist" of my opponent personally.
Clean politics I bave always play
ed and always will, for if I cannot
win by honest and clean methods, I
don't want the job and I know Mr.
Adams is that kind of a man too.
Primarily, I fully expected to be
defeated on account of the Keystone
Ticket, whloh as the returns show
drew 193 votes from me, these I
ol'lm were voters ot the most inde
pendent type' who two years ago,
when the issue was striotly drawn
between tbe two great political par
ties, supported me.
Then too, with tbe other tickets,
tbe returns show an additional loss
of 26 votes, aggregating to me a to
tal loss of 218 votes, wbioh if addod
to my majority of 88, would have
given me a comfortable total of 256.
It is apparent then, that had there
beea no Keystone party this year,
with a majority of 38 in a total vote
of 1498 and had the line been drawn
strictly as it was two years ago when
I received a majority of 322 out of
1704 votes polled that these 266 in
dependents would have supported
me and had the vote not fallen off
this year over 200 from two years
ago, my majority this year wcslld
have exoeeded that of two years
The result, therefore, la very grat
ifying to me, for I am confident
from the above figures, that the vot
eis are thinking each year more and
more, "To whom they will sell their
potatoes. '' ,
This year too, I was opposed by a
man, new to tbe political field, a
sturdy, thrifty, energetic young
man, who is olean of character and
who personally fought a clean fight
and to him I extend the hand c.t
good fellowship and say in all sincer
ity. that he was a "Bully" good an
tagonist and I admire hia personal
No man should play the game and
expeot to win always, and I would
nave ueen as gooa a loser, as a win
I have made you certain promises ;
I have pledged you no results; but
only that I would make the effort
aud I will do my best to fulfill them.
If there is any individual who has
any suggestions to make, as to laws
that should be corrected or new leg
islation to be enaoted, your Repre
sentative elected to represent you, 1
shall always be glad to hear from
him, and am ready for orders.
Out of a three weeks trip through
the county, with but two exceptions,
(and they bscauae I was a Republi
can) my political triends and oppon
ents treated me as one of their in
vited guests and in good fellowship.
It was the first vaoation I had had
in two years and I look back on
those three weeks with a great deal
of pleasure aud shall recall
many old acquaintances I renewed,
as well as the maoy new one 1 formed.
Very truly ycurs
Last week 1 1 the U H. District
Court at Scraiilon a Jury rendered
verdlot against the County of Pie
for f265(, and coots in favor of T. E. '
Spencer who sued for damages on a
contract with the County for furnish,
ing safe, vault doors and filing cases.
and which the Omnty refused to al
low him to fu'fill. His claim waa
made up x follows :
Contraot. price fur safe $1250
Contract pi Ice for di-ors 1200
Contract price for files 2'on
Total Contract. 44650
Cost to blin of safe and doors.. 750
Cost to install goo
Cost to buy and put in files. . . 950
Total cost to him $2000
Profit on above $2650.
The facts are that two Countv
Commissioners II. 8. Albrieht and
W. H. Clune entered into a contract
or agreement with Spencer to fur
nish the bove at the prices named.
Uutton was not present and did no
sign the contraot. After Albright
retired from office and was succeed
ed by P, C Kinkel, Kinkel and Hat
ton passed a resolution rescinding
the contraot and notified Spencer ot
their act. None of the goods had
been delivered, and they refused de
livery to be made. Spenoer then
brought suit with the above result.
Under the law governing the trial
of causes in the C. 8. Courts no.
equitable defense is permitted hence
the County was prevented by the
ruling of the court from presenting
any testimony showing the Condi-'.
tions under which the contract was
made or any attendant circumstances.
It was held that If a contract was
made which hound the County tbe
County was liable in damages if it
did not permit the contract to be ful
filled. Under these conditions it waa
a simple matter for the plaintiff, to
make ont his case. The result is en
lightening as showing the profits la
such material as was contracted f. r,
and it may be that though the Coonw
ty may have 'to pay the verdict,
which with costs and attorney feee
may amount to over $3000, yet by
careful management she may be able
to obtain, the pecessary filing cases,
doors and a vault to accomodate tha
books and papers at a less sum than
$2000 and so in the end she will nek
be out much more money.
The suit euiphasizes tha necessity
of cure and good judgment in mak.
ng contracts in which the publio has
an interest. It can hardly be con
ceived that such profits as are shown
ibove are legitimate aud that If
proper competition waa permitted
that they could be obtained, or
would be asked by any firm doing a
fair business. If the firms dealing
in such goods are iu a combine to
maintain snch profits then the Coun
ty better use wood and stone which
have served the purpose for many
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,M. E. Church Notes. '
The Lai lies Aid Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church have
elected the following officers for the'
ensuivg year; President, Miss Hel
en Olmstead; 1st, V. P Mm. Olivia,
Armstrong;' 2'ud. V.' P., Mrs. Dun
ham Gregory; Secretary, Mrs. E. 8.
Wolfe; Treasurer, Mrs. William Ai
mer, i .
The Annual Fair will ba held tbe
i second week in August on the 1 1th.
and 12th. of the motitb.
An Oyster Supper will be served
in the church parlors Thursday even,
ii.g, December 8th,