Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 14, 1910, Image 3

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! r o 3
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O BROAD OT., .:.
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;f African ' ;3rn..; Trails $
S . in H f . w A win! v(;
Jli- AI'Kh.'.VN" HITS' i
W 1U ! TF.N HV
a, ever,
City Town ;!'u. V 'ii.iye
to ii.ir.Jli;".
.Colour! litovM'li's
(iRNIt Ho'j;;.
FOH KLI.L A i'WI'.S' VHi.) l .(" 1 1 S I M-k' ill
ti ' I f.3 Tifih Avcuu-, .
; ' T. R. J. Kie.'ri u Son, Agents
Iron and T.'n V t o f i c ; - of - 1C i a, J s f ' !
Metal Shingles and Met?l ,0v i'irgs
Hardware,. Stoves -and Ranges . 1
Gutters, Leader?, Fhiiiibing, Gasauing.
General Jobbers and Repairers. : I
I Broad Street,
Painting-, Djccrating,
(. Gilding
Sign 'Pain tins'
High class Papeihangiu
atisiiict'cn . GU kliAl ! XEIiJD.
5 -HI C 'J
I MILFORD ":-l-it t
. .. 7, 7.-y'.
All k:!;v
constantly ni
pr'(-fs tli:.ii-i'l.-:fvhcn'.
V I -v
LitllOil in' Ti.'ii!
ti'nd 'uarantrv
latui:!..r:i N:;k' l-'ing ('.
t'ur i -t Ave. - 7t!i M..
. M:.'.t:uunra. l'.t.
; .?. i n a n d -
pi-' : in Gas
ri-::v'n any
vitta vour
.c.-Jro.ix-c'v in,
. ;,i.r (i?D. PA,
'. f
H iltord Pa
T 1 '
u'v. : .
'y-. . juA'
. .'- s. k-J.-.'.lt t
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liuii'1. - Tit lnver
slate t Ui'M- n ' '
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' J 1
Hew They Are T ml nod to Gjartl thm
Cimpany'g Property.
Ah an nddltloonl protection to th
Hull docka & scheme baa Just beea
fiitmumid br which the pollca eon-
faMni uf Je North Bawtern Railway
nn n:t'ht d:ry will be .' d.:-.o'eU by dog.
It Is t',.n Vi rod ale breed that Is en
pktj-tK.' liMt! tbn expiintent has been
htifndvd iib !o much success that
JarP Vcnnls have been provided and
it l now propopd to augment, ths
number of animals. Tramps scarcely
over Rlet-p out on the docks now, but
bold tbe dogs in deadly terror.
lUaoh dog undergoes a most labor
at; training which centres wholly
aro'jii-i T,f id, that every person
dr--HRea in other tbn police uniform
U an ent'iny. rttia la an Important
point ard no prrson drosRed In plain
I'ii'tiif-fl is alli ed to touch or pet the
In' i"jli'enKn who tend them must
on.y rwrrr tho Jtennela In uniform.
TV dr-L; tire t:upht to oby a poMce
a n'H Aiii.-tle whlrij tb(-y soon learn,
f- ilie Air terrier Is obedlenC
h BMiTj'.ii und'r.(HR Btr1t and
r ; 'd tr;t:niuK and no far the dga
h .vo r 'td'rff most vlu;ible service.
M; 'e Fashions in 1850.
Ynl- '.ih'nn of fitl years ago had
u"i.fi i):m omi ,'nr t b-!td?9 long hair.
"';);.-"';, i , rn . 4 n h i and buttoned un-in-
emit ih hroad straps. Kvery
t: :n hi) !rp(i to be well dressed
v c !j a ru.it tih in the colinr
i t ;(! brtik r; fbe hat rested upn
f . T!: i '- -r itm was so prevalent
th-il, -)i(!'rp to Pir Algernon Wet,
"pv.-r h:.r vi?d a crt.-;vent of cloth on
:bo 'w-'.' k o the hrMii to prevent the
r; .h'r.r or t; ;:..iv-.r, or tntltatlon
h-,-', i.i vM.h Vio h;it wan made,
f-:. Tf;' nr ii-pn Invented. "
a i " !- , --rt-T! H'lthontv we
1 ii ! 'o;i. im h-.;rs v.re unknown,
i ;n uln? h folding ohupeau
hiH-s v. -e !4',;;,y:i miTied under the
H hu. nn np-jthecary or a
SD:;f"'.ir wo i. 1 lu-ve firand of leav
ing his futt in ibe hnM of the hmtse
wr.p'i' i v ..y i - 1 1 i ri or dining."
! Tl Elgin MarMcs.
r,. . or.s ;-cvlptures are so
i d ;o:n ;ho na-me of the Engiltih
J f. . vti.i n ft rhem from Athens to
! lxT-it-n. u Q.-n Lord Elgin was ap
' po.:itrd Aaibassador to the Porta, ha
! 179-1. his attaotkm was eallefl to the
Imminent danger of destruction ueer
which the Athenian sculptures lay,
nd at the urnt opportunity he bad
tli'-Mt taken from their places In the
Ptr'heaoQ and conveyed to Efegland.
They were flntti'y acquired by the BriV
h '.i Cnvernincnt and In 1816 were de
poeitud In the British Museum, where
they s are treasured with almost re
ligious care.
Original Miniature.
T:. original mlnlafure wer tha
fim til pictures with which manUBCripta
're illuuiir-Hted In the middle ages.
: Tlii-y tt thfir name not on account
' nf lilr uiiuute Rlze, but hecause thej
i rr.a rolled with minium (red lead),
1 whi ure rime the luillan designation
1 ullnir.t jre. Folluwlog the Invention of
trie i.rt of printing and engraving,
clr.lature painting entered a new
lira."!', an1 tli word came to mean In
popular parlance Blmply a small por-
GlHs Striving for Glory of ReooveHnf
Lost Bauble.
There Ifi a new theme of Interest
for fociety people visiting here. The
ar diving.
The diamond studded puree of Mrs.
t O O. viiier la the goal of tberr ef-fiv-tx
All of them are helm or heir
and a roaiblned estimate of
thvir incomes brtnKa the total up te
an hour.
Mcy. Vtller was on the pleasure
pier wtt( hing her children In the
tviu-,r when ah dropped her gem in
crusted pur-so into the ocean. It was
a Kift about which hovered senUmen
a! i oli- ctlantt and therefore she
w.-rt peiurb-d. So were her friends.
Tl. it is w)jy they have organized dlv
lm: parties to .search for the bauble.
ThH fart that it coutatned $235 in
gold doerf not matter to them. They
a e diving for glory and social .per-
Lvery morning Ujey are out not
Dr-.astliin the breakers, biS combing
th bot -.urn with their manicured
liir;d tn g-ritip ba.'k this toll of the
r v-S.iHia tiarabara correspond ence
Ltfi Anifies Kxamlner.
Sweet Peacs.
N'rtgget." aald the doctor,
"w:.r tiv and needs a rest. He murft
t- i' .i.iti.s for three inootha"
ifi, ::;denuid!"' wiie exclaimed. 'TU
" dv-' ted :o go Uiure."
" ei j x utt. You go for three
MK'M-ii. a.';t-r he comes back. Tht
v : i e I;:t. lJt months' rest.
Secrecy Assured.
iV',:i: !Jit our stenoKrapher
t -):'. I -i u!'ri after they are a
ti-:y Uhl
'..'!'.. 'I did you do? Discharge
No RuiMd his salaxv and put him
unutT contract."
A Toncue TtU TMmfWM
"Botu of thaa WckCU Iwtoien ar
renllr verf hard amaelaU. tar hv
ataiice. 'The aesaeth, and tt auffl-
ttii us.' "
"Tathth eathlrr thald." Uthplngly
thoiiled Mtthth XUUuUwtk. "You
thimply thar It thcx The thss th
athoth. and tt thufflthatk uthl""
Culture is not an accident of birth,
although our surroundings advanos) or
roti.rd It; It is always a matter of
i ri-i: . lituu.! education. Hamilton W.
;.! iMe.
I Blank. t by the Million.
I jlors than 3.000 pairs of blaoketa
..r to.fo In th Unitsd Kingoom a
Misg tflhe Best iE&rece
Employ Every FadHly aid Adopt
Every Meihod to Insure IMsst Onalitv
vr orrst wht la amlcnibtedlT th)ltuTt4u kmi
WOria. Our bui1nM for th flm tnrM mot.tks of !!
ooi'wrlmpnt lnn. Thlt trwmndoii Tolmj
tM-rannf. or our xeMylhiKly tow prtet n4 tw
buftinv we bar blonlM th mnsi mAA
meuur op to th birtiMt ciftDdardi rqird ly iM aatlMl eal n4 law.
. ifoa n'. buy fuch rrcerlM as w mU trim Uv t t untb liUNtt
, . ' ' ' " 7'" wjitt-vii i ru wd .tie pr ions y iru paj isj in srvrr rwjuiii
t "r arm At itie .-imettmngireym. better sooda, mors MUftvotorr groosrlei Ihaa yoaoaa
pMi"l get of thf smail reuil dealer.
Oar Stocks arc Always Fresh
nrT:'n- wtlmt f gar bwfnew ltinri trtwhuMa Im twr article emMi b ta OmrtH
It t i . I w 1
- - .u iTvinir
pfcra. Hotav strartn. v1m. wmbinjj powj'rt t4 nwi otban of Ul character, are
p.. c,. t. ! iq .wirnn rr wJrn lnb-muiTi . Cixx-lg nut tn an u fax rrsd by aa are Mbjtct to tmatTaia
fJi utJiilud'umT " urrtAln'3 U aaie oi cruocriea wiik evarf n(acMr4 abJcb bkUob
We Have No Open Stocks
n- .Trr-f.ru- iry ort kepi in nppn hlnn hmrw. barrt: and caarn alfttaa arrmntl tha flrww aa rmj
tlVf ' ''" " " ?" " '.' ,lie,rii"-nr' C(y tnr. Intvt oar frorarj depart ant MnMriH
ti r - . , vih ,ia hi :n. . nil b-;lk k--.dlre pat up bj ..Uirr1ttr tinhtna. palnna, bottllna and
.4 o; t r. 1 .ruflnu ..a'-hHj.t. a thf onmfi froni lha pnxlnaar and roeaafarturar re
u '1 ,:'-.tt t u i rt; ld i i"s thr. u. tl nutomatic woinhtnsi nsvhliMnitn Bsh. .
",' 'K' tru' i (n " .u la Uif nif rrah. wbolama. Maltar oomtiUna. Ak
t -I ir .ir-t i t a- r-.-lrotTTit nbo-.it tlia kind of roHa aend on oar oattaraaaa the will
u tlint ia.y nfvur boomu bbttor
2 TftJay 2or Cur
' "tt
.-k i, - it it
y trr
t(-.r. t ;,,
I r.ri!l
: ..! n;ri r ii to
J 1. n Itt-jo i-
kaiiM -ii. whuaivwr ntj
iVlositsiomerv Ward
fhtc;o Avmifl Bridge
c O
o o -
X u: y
.i 2: ti
1 d
. C -.'-'
Q- CO "3
C o O
O.Q. a.,
U 9 CL
t5 r a
STOVE WOOD Furnished at ft.tS
a load. Mail orders given prompt at
tention, jtilford Pa..Nuv.6th.lot
J. W. KitHl.
mMiiM Fom the Mills !o the CcsSoia-er
tu i foil :, .;vi' ;fi4
'V;'. r t ra! i '' 'v ii'r'f rtis.r..
;i'',r;SVJ':.J';," 1
m ;
aoattu ot ieiMoMhtel m vtiltoe ksn this
lama f bMNN hM STO tlNMe Slv sorti1ne
f bMwi Ivm
iB4t4 uittli
sika. .
11 B w iwit. w f1 n na arm mrw or tmpptr and
mi Disuqipr.urvT. wfirrn m iax
IrisTu runes of
wrati qmHr It I -o
ttroweiitkii aurwhare a anr price.
Free Grocery Catalogue
aara W ha a new one now. fturt frota r.fr
ano pr .tita br rrtnrn mall If run will tiU n
cre ,n(lhlf Thin fre l.ik will
nn rv.
st ow yen b wtott betfr. frwher mar att--f't,-rT
-c: d jru a ootr now and tf ron will wrtte na Iptterrr a
briK-ryKpt vUreaat nm rour I.UVr or port card to oj
UuearoM krou,a wUlaeod the book at oneMatpaiX
(Write as at either Chicago a Kaiuas
City, whichever dry is nsarsit you, f
3- 5 a
If 3 1
. 5 S 1 da3
Buy your Rugs, Carpets, Curtains,
fall, aad keep one-thiad to ace half of
ITi 91 O CJ U
if! 3(.5j;uiiljlj:
2 a A - 2 e 5 J
!ltui:4ii!fi II
pocan. dko you nuy nouaa iurnumiu3 in t,ie onlmry r. uul mnu- rr-Oi-iLlvr
mat ins price you pay not only lurries a pmi.r to tue iii ii-iit h -uicr.
tha Jobber and the retailer, but' a.l tho cost or tuveilns ?
men, railroad faruaand ! bi. k Lire, Si ,eh rcuttlj. and !
hundred and one other a p:.. i.f uiv .::aty iutuud uf ret. u'.
Whan you buy hoiue fartiUutig fi.m iu you jet lt b.ifct-
st goods, the newest stylm and r,itt,-n,M. thel.!"hcet u.ili-i 's d re. I
from the larg-est mills an 1 fart.'rsca at aliota tlu r ilte 'm, i.i! (.'.ii
bring at wholesale. This moutm su h a be saving to y i; ,t v ia
can't afford to buy a carpet, a ruj, a pufr U curtains, a pi. v of fur
nlturo of any kind until you have nm sji-o uur utaiu'un w!:!i iu
big stock of botne fumiautbg goods at wb..ka.e piito.
Write for a Free Ccry g C?zr
and Fursa!iire CziJun
Jut a postal rard saying "Send me your :w ' u. IVr-t it i Fut'.m.i
Catalogue," with your name and addresa, will g. t in's due ui-.i.j'..' by iciuiu
mail tree and postpaid. It shows thr.tiKan.is..f ur, ioies. ev.rviiilng ,u.ost tt.t
you can think of to add to the comfort aud cmw itiKe oi the h.mie; widj
varieties, raagiug from the most luexpeusive lor tlie LumeaU-ader -u the u
ern clulm to the finest articles for the best city homes. m..l at prices y in
can't eiual anywhere else, quality considered. 'il.U coiuplt'e r-iitti(u. . f
more than 100 pages of house fumlfhing goods, splendidly prluttd, prof us. iy
illuatraied, now ready to send to anyone whs will write f ,r it is easily toe
most valuable book of the kind ever pubiUhed. If you intd to buy any.
thing in Carpets, Hugs, Curtains, Draperies, Furniture and House Furnish inf
Goods this fall ws urga you to write now for a copy of this free book. Address
us at the store nearest you 19th and Campbell Streets, Kansas City or
Chicago Avenue Bridge, Chicago.
ontgomery Ward & Co.
The arm now oorupisd by lira.
Joseph Carhuff ta Delaware, town
ship containing about fifty (oar acres
thl.ly oiMred. Good d walling, ban
and other outbuildings. Also axoel
loot fruit on tha plat.
For term etc enquire, on tha prem
he of
Mat. JoaxrH a Caehvff.
PyH teWslp
''. 1 VA - - v v, ,.
r.-n '. t ; ... ,
10t:i Riiii Cr;npi)j;.l Ju,
Pmperl'i, uwi l'uriiituie at prices ibis
the reiru'.iu n tail s-.ore prlc a In y jur owu
Court Proclamation
Btete of Pennsylvania
County at Pike.
Notloe is hereby given to all persons
bound by reoognizanoa or otherwise to ap
pear that the OcUiImt term oi lulo of the
several oourte of Pike county will be held
as the oourt hotue In the Borough of Mll
fotdon the third Mondy(i;ihjat3o'clock
p. m. and will be continued one week if
MUtord, Sept. U, lull). bheriff.
s s c33a ? 5 .-a
if ss
iiijtij iiy is
h??l!?i?fr.ril s
I AdrartiM la tha Ptsm.
Thw Imt Man Has Not Been Exterm
inated Yet.
Interlocutor "Well, Mr. Bones, I
undereUnd you're working now."
Bone "Who la her ' j
"Who'i who?" -
The man Now you speak of?"
"Ton don't understand me. I mean
I hear you're earning your living
"Oh, yos; I'm hanging around a
butcher shop."
"Hanging around?"
"Yea, I hang the meat on the hooka.
Tm going to quit, though. I dont
like the bntcher. He's too snobbish."
"Doee he snub you?"
"No, but he ruts the meat every
day. I've bot the laileet brother on
earth. He's lust like a mmMihii .
"Why is he like a successful air.
"He won't work."
Interlocutor "Mr. Tambo, I hear
you have bought a setter dog?"
Tambo "Yea, and he's the smart
don I ever saw."
"That so?"
"Tea. last nlul.t at mm ttn,. k.
went Into the dining room and set the
table. My sister has had three hus
bands all named William."
'She's a wondor, Isnf she?"
"No. shos' a Ftill rnnOTtn. at,. im
her last husband."
"You mrnn Will Smith?"
"Yea. There's aomethlnv f,nn
about It, too."
'She wasn't hj bh .k.
a Will. Kd Rice has a horse that's
brtcht animal."
He has?"
"Yes: last nfirt.t ir,l . .m... .v.
. ....... uu " a iiu.uk
horse and lie passed a bride and groom
in a nacs nat do you suppose that
horse did?"
'I don't know. Tell ... h.t v.
'He threw rice."
Teacher When that boy threw
stones at you, why dldnt you com
and tell me. Instead of throwing them
8mall Boy Tell you? Why, you
couldn't hit the side of a barn. Nee;
York Mall.
Stood Up for Him.
Do an So Casey was runnln me
down an' ye stood up for me?
Callahan Oi did. Oi set to him,
"Caaey." sis OI, "ye're honest an'
truthful an' ye're no coward, an' ye
work hard an' pay yer dlbts, an' ye
don't get drunk an' lick yer wolfe, but
In other respects ye're no better than
"Now, Tommie," said the teacher,
'you may give me an example of a
coincidence." "Why, er." said Tom
mle with some hesitation "why, er.
why me fadder and me mudder was
both married on de same day." Har
per s Weekly.
Did He Do It?
He was having some words with
her chaperone.
"I'll i ll kiss her right under your
nose." he said defiantly.
'Oh, well." said that lady, "vicari
ous kissing like that I can see no ob
jection to."
Cut Off ths Allowsnoe.
"Dut," protested the wayward eon,
you should make allowance for the
follies of youth."
Huh!" growled the old man. "If
it wasn t for the allowance you get
there would be less folly."
His Intelligence Doubted.
Yes, that dog has almost human
Intelligence. He came to us four
years ago."
"That's funny."
"What's funny?"
"The iuroiigrulty of your two state
ments" Looked Liks Honeycomb.
He "Gracious! look at all these
dead bees aiouiid tbe window!"
81 e "Yes; I left a piece of Swiss
cheese outside on the window ledge,
and I guess the poor bees took It for
home! "
Pay cr Punishment.
"My huxt nd never gets what he
Bhoold for his poetry." eaid the poet's
wlf. . with a tinge of sadness.
"oh, don't be too hard on him," re
plied the girl, absent-mindedly.
Yonkers Statesman.
Solicitude for the Unborn.
Now Jersey's new marriage ltcene
law provldee that applicants must
have witnesses to the truth of their
declarations, and they must show that
they are not epileptic and have never
been Inniatea of an almshouse or la
sane asylum. Such solicitude for the
unborn Is altogether admirable.
Wedding Note.
A grain of rice which lodged In a
bride's ear ten years ago haa Just
taured her death. How very fortu
nate for tbe bride that her well-ineasv
Ins friends dldnt throw old ahoee.
Mrs. Peevish aaye that she never
reaMied the power ot heredity until
she noticed how the baby kept her
waiting on It whenever Its father
dido t keep her waiting oa hint.