1 a . .1 II ,ti 'iz VOL XV. MILFOJtD. PIKE COUNTY. PA.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1910. NO 50 ER1EF MENTION Dr. Waller L. Angle has been ap potntsd to read a paper on Infantile psra lysis before the Monroe County Medical Society at Us November meeting. Oetober 28th has been designated a tiill Atbor day. Po-tmaster A twin U visiting in New York a few days thia week. Herbert Van Ktten and wife if New York, who have boon sojourn ins; tn thic eeotion for several week., returned to thn oity today. If agents mid manufacturers of tree ilop- apirie'i yon Jo sell their preparations for treating yonr tree, remember there I nothing better' than (he limn aiilfar wash Hud when trier If it will be reeomendcd by I he State. Therefore refuse to hay what may be a material which will rnin your tree Gilford Pinohot of Washington, D. (J., waa Ml Grey Tower. IhiH Week. All grades of refined sugar have Iwn reduced one twentieth of a cent ioasd You may not. get the ber.eflt of it bnt some onn will. Laok of rain has made tho streams ver low. The Delaware baa not been no low for years. Frieda yetterlein 01 Paupao has gone to ttcrsutun where she haa em ployment. She will be greatly miaeed by the yeans; people of Pan pae who hope for hor sucoeM. George Wheeler' and Comity Treaft nrer W, F. Choi attended the Elks celebration In Patorson Wednesday. Hon. "A. Mitchell Palmar and a party of friend, dined at Hotel Fu ehere recently. r, ' Pear blight ia b-cterlal disease whloh attack! apple, pear and quince tree and for which there ia no known rented. Tha tutu to do la to oat away aud burn the parta af fee ted. Borne people think aalt used aroand the root of the tree, wtlj ef fect a onre, but It hst not been fully demonstrated. Jos. 8.. Banner and wife of Florida with Mr a. M. C. Nyoe were In town last Saturday. 7ra.-T3ilo' H. MorforJ of Ellen. ..Tills, N.'fY. w vial ting In town. Hn. t. W. Banner and ion, who hare been In Nebraska, are dialling In town. WANTED Cosmopolitan Mao a ZIVB rwjiiirea tha xarvioea of a repre Mutative in Pike County to look af ter nhacrlitten renewals and to ex tend oiroulntlon by special hiethotla which hare proved onuanally lucres fu'. 81ry and oommiaslon. Pre rii'Ua experlenue desirable bat iot csaential. ' ' Whole time or spare time. Address, wfth refrence, II C. fmpbell. ' Cbamnpolitan Maga zine, 1789 Broadway, New York City. Golden Days ia Pike County (Written especially . tor thn Pikk Coontv Pkks upon leaving Ding man's Ferry after a vacation) A UITI own iu Mliiumnii it rttri), I stopped at the High Falls Hotel, The Folniers are lovely people, They treated me very well. I rowed up and town the Delaware Hirer,. It was very nice down there. I enjoyed the scenery very much, A so the sweet, biacing air. I walked up to see the water falls, And climbed upon the rocks, Bo h go that when I Kicked down It gae me nervous shocks. Also I went about the rillage Getting acquainted with many nice folk a. It waa very pleasant to hear them Tolling stories and cracking jokes. There la Lafayette QnWk, for in stance, A very odd fellow I he. He has word for every one At Jolly as can a. Then there ia Uncle John, at the bridge. He Is dear old man. , He waa a soldier la the war And la now a veteran. And thn there is Mr. Browne, ''the blaoksmti h. Who busily worka away. And Harry Morgan, who from Mil ford, Brings the mail each day. Oh, Pike County li a beautiful e. un try, I aiuno glad I eaioe, And everywhere that I do go shall sing loud He fame. . OEITUARY Sua.VN U. GmNI'lN ! Mrs. Granrtin died Home In Bnrliegii Monday flight Hot. horn In lh awire to. at tne i. Now lUtll lis jip this -.onn ty abiint sa'i-itv:i-lgh years ago and wm a d.'iuiitr "I ri'loiian and Hannah (WHai'eh, Wostbrook, lo(h descended irion early f ttler:i iu thia valley. She wss .i sister of the Into John " . fur thiru five years Prothonntaty of this I'eunty and if Lnfnvntte who represented t'e cum ty fjr several terms iu Ihe N'jW.i tare Her early year" were pawed :n Blooming throve 1owrsli!p but -vn.-n-f of horlifo after ui-irr'nfjo was sr-?rif in New Jersey. Shfj was twlca luar- ried her f!rst liti-t- i: rl woa Wtn H. Bell of UranchvlUe, N. .l.,'iind hit pecond Thmwlo-e f4ron'lin, tioth lo OORsied. For th three rear her reeidetfe lian hrn in M'e Marim lo Home, at Htirlingtou at wlneh tilnce she w:n li,terrel Hahvv Ar.nu Wednesday, tn-ti.htr ftth, ll llsirvey Artur !eiart-d this 1 1 f-- Ml Uc. Burns' .UoHit 1. hwaiitnn, where be had undi rirone :n (ijMMA lion for uppendioi'is the day provi ona. He had for the past yeir ma il his home at Laukao.en uiiiil w ill in a few weeks when moved to Uawley.where he was taken sick, a doctor was calll nod afhir a d ty or two he waa reui ivwl to the hospital. He was In his thirtieth yer :U)d IiIh wife, liltle koii,1iis mother, one brother - am) - n nuinher ( r"llivii and friends grieve that oue so yonng should lie thus early, calhd away. The funeral waa held at Ihe home o Mra. Artei's yarent-t, 12vi Trivelpiwe and wife in Pa'myrn Sunday, )ot. 9. The services were cont'ncleiJ 1 llov. H. T Pfrklasaiid die umams were gently bonme by his brothers of Ihe I O, O F. lodge and ibid tn rest in the 1'aupack ceinoterv The sympa thy of the Q.minmnity -viih the your.jr wife and wo hoiio thai (Iu years to noiilo n a' to ionjn nxteoti lightcu her sorrow, ihnt the (ic-avj olood. ol gloom under which, alio 1 left so early In llfo may Huury ja.-i nway and that she may nnd con-ola tion iu t he furl that "'lXoee whom Ho love;h He rlnistcneth '' ' REACHING THE TOP iu auy calling of life, dennindri a vinr ous.body and a keen hrain. Without health there Is no success. Hut Klee trie Bitters U tltc preaiest ' Health Builder tha world has ever known. It compels perfect aetion of stomach, liv er, kidneys, lwel, pinnies and en liehea the blood, toi:en and iuvigtuates the whole system and enuhleH you to utand the wear and lear of your dmiy work. '-After oiontliH ot'au deling from Kidney Trouble." writes W. M. rfber man, of (.'usliuii, Me, "three bottles of Eleetiie flitter, uiade me feel like u uew man." &e at all drn!irits. . Human Life. Human Life, published in B.iiu:i. has in the iK t .tmr t u.nher mvend V'Tv instructive and entertaining nr tioies. Its contributors .ire well known and able writers and tl e topics they treat are. timely ot pres lit day people and ;heir-wnrk Among the articles is ouo of Ho isevelt giv ing Ina part in the three cirnercd fight for Mayer of New York with George aud Hewe'.t against him. Richard Croker waa then Imjss of laniiuaoy and the side 1i.miI lltrown t ou him is new and ioo-restirg. The J writer pavs ibis trhtita to the Mxpon ent ot tlie New Nationalism M. K lo.eeeU never forgot nod never failed ror.d The ineour.- of uo fnend. h'o s.,s lo pt.ii.ii r m r.l. tl'tfii Hvi the slopes of loo re politicians, pr u i. m il,K.n il.e.r sitlons as sriMo t i'i f usrtv. ha.n iru lli'iti oie-e ilv ihotiatois up at him, only to tin I ibi.e Jemamin dir. egariled In favor i I pnnv peas-uit,-of wh'-in fheir high, ineff.t'jle oais bad never beird. These peasants were, numbered among Ihe H nwevilt frimnls. Mr Koosovolt ihe swoid sad shield of the many has be-o a shock to purple ones. "A ner his defeat he went liaek to his ranch and bis retirement. But he had eiched himKe'f upon tlie im aiinaiion of the .public Al.-'i, he bora with him tlie good opinion el the tovr. Yjun', nionr, v., en. I. :Uilt, im, w und as the begirt . f en oak, Ane-riC.'o in nil tilings, res:W to fight when rigtil or wr.mj: -tbc wnrlil lelt tlii: It bul not hen'd tba .u.-u oi iir. i.u'cir:i, .i'i ii a nig ot ,r i:ie u'n mat lay on ills ueaa preme privilegj or rounding out a was n il. It is lh- Hueevitts who awnHug his siraturs, to make itllongand antive life with tuoh free in buide.ncd age ui e an the, rl.adow ulVetive, and his oouoluding remarks dom from bodily infirmity aud suoh of great rook lo weary lnd." lo the effect, "That Toll Bridges,.1 remarkable mental activity. TO THE VOTERS OF PIKE COUNTY: On the lSlh day of Maroh. 1909 .Momio!((v Rt.art iKned the Free Bridge Jersey. I j; Resolution, introdaoed by me and it boenme fl Inw. Ry renaon of the circulation of the kfory in some localities, that I did out ioti'oouco this bill, but that It as tok.ji. froiA my desk hy the M-'iiihor of Hunks County, who then P'iFlied it tiiriii!)ih or it would never Vara hon introdo'-ed, I snhmlt the rroinl i -t this bill rum the date In ir iluct l liy o'C, until the date the i ivernor signed it, viz: .1'ilnt I'.t'priiiiMou, IVovidlng for ;H .;pnintme"l of a Commission to wi'iaoe into foals ot hcquiritiir loll Hi idi;f.a ueriH" tlie Dolawnro River. UouHtt It, 1 j No. o .Ian 1:5 itci.l in i!ae.e in Hoose hy Mr. Mm 7ia. Jan . '.'fi Kofc-rred to Committee on A iToprtatio:s. rely 4 Reported with amend Oient 1-y M r. Mtirvin. Fehv 6- F'ir-it llc-ndinc Feby in Second Hemling. Feby II Thiri reading and final ii'iyAU", ?o''-, j es '2'i, no U. KhIiv II - RoniArks hy Csroll and K .ier Rfnrr-ri 8 -Retnrurd from Senate . it'o.ul, nniei diiieot. March 9 f inod by Speaker. In Sonata No. 101 Koby 'J- Heftrred to committee on iipprnprHtlons. Feby 23 Reported without amend neDt hy .Mr. Crawford chairman. FohySl First reading. Maroh I Second reading. - March 2 Third rending and final passage, vole, yes 10, no 0, absent 7. March 8 Signed by President. "March 15 Signed by Gor. Stuart aud became a law. April 15 Gov Stuart appointed '' i:i .iMiia.i-F Oi). The oiigtiiumr of this peoullar story mut be very lacking In bi kiiowl.-dgp of how things are run at Hiri isburg. In tho fi-sl place there are 207 di sks In the House of Representa- t;ved, oue for each member, and to Huh itpek a lock and key and a member never unlooks that desk on le.-s bn wants something' and tbeu 1 cks it again, and then goes back and sees that he surely locked it. The reason is, that there are hand- reds of visitors going thru the house er ry day e oh looking for a sourer ir and the lust thing a member would do with an"-thirg of value would be to leavo it outside of lock and key and 1 will venture to say, that if an elephant were left at a man's desk it would be gone In an bonr. Yet tile originator of schemes ould have you behove a man would leav) anything of value lying loose t it-re. If Uorertior Stuarts' Hies were opjiifd ti diy, among them would be louud a letter directed to him, writ-tor-, and siijiif d hy me, asking him to appoint Don. C. J. Buckinao, Ilepub liuau .Member from Harks County, a Mcrubsr ot this Commission, aud be did so. H is eusb 'iiary, as well ns parlia mentary, toalwavs appoint the au thor of a hill, or the mover of a mo tion, as the olisirinau or a member ol the committee asked for, or the mo tion ie;uli;jj. whether such lie at Hariiiburg, or in a Delaware Town ship Hoiiool uiFctine, sod, as the au thor ot this hill, the tlovernor ap. poiuted me a member and the mein- lirs elected me its chairman, and I ivu "nn the ioh '' As such ComrjiiUee re have Com pleted our tour of investigation and ue- tiaxt session i:f the legislature submit our report asking the i Lcifliaure to appropriate sufficient g'sioount to purchase her proportion- Inte siiare of t lie bridges aud irae tbein of t;lla in all por tnity. Whether the other 20ti members of the l.'fg-e'tttoru nnd its 50 Senators will do so, I cannot sar, I have but one vi ice, luit I assure you, that if it U to bs beard at Harrisburg as your Reorieeututive. it will be uplifted In behalf of Free Bridges across the Delaware River, and, from the time tho bill is lutroduoed and passed or defeated, I Would be after it. The Free Bridge movement has never progressed so nearly to com pletion as it has now, and I take i i !. in the fuel that I have beeu in stiomen'd! In osrrying it so far. 1 :!ist::iot!y recall in the early tpii g of 15'.?, of Guv. Stuart send ing hi- brc rciaiy over to tba House tor me, and the Governor and I go- like toll roads, were obsoleto at:d relics of old duya, that must give way to modern methods and ideas and that with tho movement for good Mads and free and uninterrupt ed Intercourse between states must be In time obolished and that he was very farorable to the plan," and 1 quite agree with him. It will be etatod no doubt, as an argument against me, that Free Bridges will not help Greene, Pal myra and Blooming Grove Town ships, hut neither will it do any harm, and that ar?unient used, espec ially in thoje townships, and we might say thnt the Greene Township Stale K'id dots not lialp the river t pwiis, nor the Blooming Grove Club 'o' the Plate Foref Reserves, yet they dn no harm, tird they all have a fendenov indirectly to h ndvan tageous and what may hu'p oi e fic tion may not directly bilp nnoiher. yet we must not be selfish and He cause one section is benefitted wish to denv litem that benelit. It is true this Kree Bridge Move ment, it adopted, will NOT cost the Inhabitants of Pike County r tie oent In iorieai-ed taxation, and why? There is no stato tax levied on real estate nor will thore be one levied, therefore as money coming from tho state treasury is not raised by real estate taxation, so unlet-s you are paying a stnto tax on money you hare cut at interest, or arc a firm. partnership or a rorporstion, yon do not add one ceut to the Suites Rer nnne and consequently in the state buying theee bridges yonld not In crease yonr taxes one cent, therefore if you can get something for nothing would you not noocpt. It? Again there is a reason for my re- election with thia movement. The last Legislature was 173 republicans and 34 democrats and In all proba bility Wayne, Monroe and North ampton will reelect democratic mem bers and such belug the cnee what chance wonld a bill have asking a re publican legislature to hand out a possible half a million dollars to a democratic member? Gentlemen, vou . all know the game of politics as played in your townships and iu your school dis tricts, but, in Harrisburg they play the game. Therefore I submit gentlemen, that as a republican representing for this oounty, I firmly believe I could ob tain better results going to a republi can legislature, than a democrat oould. It Is human nature to help a friend and we are all human. Nor. 8th, gentlemen, is just 3 weeks off, you are to decide. What will you do about it? ALFRED MARVIN. IT'S THE WORLD'S BEST No one has ever muds a sulve, oint ment or balm to compare with Hue k leu's Arnica Piilve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Jiurlis, Bruises, bores, t-calds, Boils, LTcers, Eczema, ball Jilieum. For Hore Ejes, Cold bores, Chapped Hands, or bpraius, it's supreme, infallible for Piles. Only 2jc at nil druggists. Real Estate Transfers. Hanuah Van Elton to James 1. and John P. Vau Etten. Interest in O'oua&haugh tspring'House f'HIOO. E. B. Labar Trcas to Fred Gcb- hardt. 79 acre. William bmith No. 2S Porter. AloniO T. Searle Trustee to C. Event' Lancaster aud others. 1 acre reen. May B. Stewart to James M. Mont g:i;nrry. Intorcrt 13 farm in Ding. nan township 80 acres i 2250. From Far-Off Chile. A letter just received troin Julio M. Foster of Chile announces the death of his daughter E'.i.a June which occurred last July: She was a very interesting character. She became a nuu some years ago, then withdrew from the order and found ed a sect on her own Ideas. After this was well established she was allowed to renounce her vows and after devoted her life to works of Charity. Her sister has built a large bouse in which poor women may lire free of rent until such times as they may be able to support them selves. Mr. Foster last Spring suff ered a severe attack of pneumonia but has recovered and at 9 years is in good physical health. His mini is as dear aim bis letters bear ample evidence of his vigorous iuteiiect, wIiIIa him lutnman.liiit h.,,..j un r.. ... . of age. Few are granted the su- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES A number of the pupils enjoyed a ohestnutting party Saturday. All reported a floe time and lota of ohest nuta. Miss Alice Boot! spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Port Jervis- The Tennis Tournament In which the boys of the schools participated waa finished last week. Wilmer Hel ler won the championship and was awarded a handsome silrer loving cup The Senior class organized Tues day afternoon and elected the follow ing officeis; President. Miss Kath- erine Gumble; Treasurer, Jdiaa Rose Uiimhle; Vice President, Nelly Em erson; Secretary, Miss Marion Poillon. Mi-s Julia Murphy ia quite ill at the home of her aunt, Mrs. John McCarty. Miss Armstrong expects to spend the wVk end with Kenwortbeys at their camp at Twin Lakes. New arithmetics hare been adopt ed in the schools. The examination for the first month were held last week with the billowing results. In the Senior class the highest percentage was at tained by Marion Poillon and Emily Fieg; in the Middle Year class by Thomas Wolfe, in the Junior class by Clara Wolfe. May be Enforced An Act of tbe Legislature passed 1906 says : That it shall not be law ful for the licensed keeper, propriet or, owner or superintendent ot any publio pool rooms, billiard rooms, bowling saloon or ten 'pin alley, in this Commonwealth, -knowingly to allow or permit any person under the age of 18 yean to be present in sooh publio pool roomt, billiard room, bowling saloon or tenpin alley, know ingly allowing or permitting any person under the age of 18 years to be present therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. When "No" Means "Yes" You say aof bat It mesas 'yes' For you speak it rather week. The oontradlotlon ahowa In the blushes on yonr cheek. Your bead yon bang it low And your hand yon let me press, Your toDgue it answers 'no' But your heart it answers 'yes. ' I oan read in your bright eyes My fate. Is it not so? Answer onos again' Another timid, 'no' Now name an early day That you my life will bless And whenever you say 'no,' I'll grant that yon mean 'yes.' Cecilia A. Cullen. Treatment of Infested Orchards There haa been considerable In quiry at the office of the Division of Zoology, of the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture, as to whether any provision has been made by the State for the treatment of orchards. To one of theee inquiries, Prof H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, replied as follows : "Tbe State has made provision for the inspection of orchards, and have inspectors nnder my direction now operating in thirty different counties. There are no provisions for the treatment of orchards by tbe State. It is supposed that the owner will do this. However, legal provis ion has been made that if a person should neglect hte trees until the pests on them become a menace to neighbors' property, anyone can take steps toward having him compelled to give his trees treatment, by noti fying tbe Secretary of Agriculture of the condition of affairs, and request ing that the trees be inspected, and that the owner be made to treat tbem. After tbis is onoe started in this way, It is the duty of the Secre tary of Agrionltnre to see that the orchard is inapeoted the owner la notified of the condition of his trees, and the pests that are opon tbem, and also informed of the proper method of treatment, He is given a certain time within whloh to treat them by the method outlined by the Inspector, and if this ia not done by this method in the proper manner within a specified time, they will be treated by the Department at his ex- ense, or destroyed, according to their, condition and value, and the judgment of the experts Is charge of tht work." PAPER BOXES WILL KEEP FOOD CLEAN WITH LITTLE HANDLING Few people renlize how Important the sanitary mission ol the paper box really is. Food products put up at factories in original packages are not exposed to the dust and dirt of stares and sidewalk oounters, and moreover they receive oaly one handliut?, and this generally in a clean and sanitary fartory. Improved mechanical methods have recently eliminated handling entirely The pro'inct are carried from the oven on a moving Iray, and spread out to dry, after v, Qioh they ere dropped into a machine which packs and wraps Ihom In wnxed pa. per and then in a folding box. They are ready for the consumer without any hands touching them from the timo tl.ey go into the oven until thoy aie uniiueked at home. In tho evolution of th9 paper box package, we have developed not only the air tight but tho water tight box as well. Liquids can be put up in these aud carried from stores to homes without leaking. Consequent ly we get iu paper boxes pickles. freshly opened oysters and olams, mid even vinegar and cider. Even milk is served to consumers in paper bottles, the only real sanitary reoep taole for carrying this article. When the latter Idea becomes really wide spread there will be no washing ot milk bottles then, either in the home or at tbe milk factory, and as a te sult there will be less contaminated milk delivered. Oue of tbe latest developments of the paokage trade ia the manufacture of picnic boxes suitable for antomo bile trips or parties going off for the day on boats or trains. This equip inent consists of a large; square box, filled with smaller ones that fit snug ly in It. In eah of the smaller box es one finds suitable food for the day an assortment of oraokers, chipped beef, stuffed dates, cheese wrapped in waxed and odor-proof paper, fruit cake, candy, piokles and potato ouips. In one corner of tbe big box are paper napkins, wooden dibhos and paper drinking cups, ev erything really needful for a day in the woods, aud when through with it, you throw all away, little and big boxes. All the boxes and packages are wrapped in waxed or specially prepared paper, so that moisture or heat will not atTect the contents. They cau be kept indefinitely in any kind of olimate without being wilted or softened by climatic conditions. KILLS A MURDERER A mereiie-s murderer is Apeudieii is with many vietuns. But Dr. Kings New Life Pills kill it by prevention They gently stimulate stomach, liver, and bowels, pi eventing that clogging thut invites itppendicitis, curing Con stipation, He udache. Bilious nets Chills, '.:6c at all druKKsts- Paper Tires 'lt is surprising that papsr, which is used tor wagon vvLccls, has n yet b 'en adopted lor the mauufu tnro ot hutomobi'e tires. An dngeu ious inventor has now undertaken to replace tho strips of rubber used in automobile tires by compound strips of paper attached to each other byj chemical hinders nnder great pres sure. These paper tires are claiuied to be as strong as steel anil as elastio as India, impervious to water and oil, and remarkably siiont iu aotion. The additional advantage is claimed for them of picking up small pebbles, and thus becoming automatically funded, so that skidding is impossi ble.' From the Scientilio American Gambling at Fairs Wayne County papers complain that gamblers and faklra were quite I la evidence at the fair held there last week. Judge Searle mads one pay back $10 to a farmer whom he had fleeced and then made him light out. Why will farmers and others persist in taking a hand In skin games, or gambling when they must know they are sure to be the losers. Is tt because they expect to beat the crook at his own game and get some thing for nothing, a baaian trait whloh no amount of warning seems to remedy. Why should the man who gambles he punished with tbe gambler. Work it both ways and in time educational efforts might have better results. Gamblers at fairs ?eera to he drawing cords, and skin games attract the moths until their wings are singed off and then they fall down sod buLj NOTES FROM SANDYSTON The Bersns brothers added 87 fine cows to their large dairy on Wednes day last They were carred to Port Jervis. The frolic by the Grangers on Wednesday for grading the grounds around their ball saw the work near ly done. The addition that was to have beeu built will be laid over un til next year. The Ooiitrarmr on our Lew road ia pushing the work w ith vigor. 1'he "Kii'iis" road lll be about finished this v, eek. and a good part of the rettiiiiniroT stretch of road from IScnsley's lo Brink's will be partly graded. For keeping the road in passable ci ti liUou contractor Demar- est has the I hanks ot tho public. James Avers, formerly of this town, bnt now in the employ of Har ry Bensley at (summit., wss severely hurt on Tuesday lust whilp getting a load of coal st the s'stinn, He was taken to the hospitH1. The drouth now general in this val'.ey Is -nak'iig itneiffelt. A great many Wflls are dry and others are very low. and ihe s'reams are as low or lower deui lat year. A gun1 'email who is a candidate for re elci tion scattered circulars all over San jytiou In which be said, "I pledge my word and honor that I shall cau-1 the official appropriation to be redaced thousands of dollars or otherwise I will not be a candidate for re-election." 'Well, the tax rats does not bear out the shove assertion for tn 19'' 6 U was 13 30, In 1907 $17.25, in 1908 H7.72, in 1909 15 18, and in 1910 it is 18 7, and bad a past due aclr-ol bond been put in tha budget this year tho rate would have been very close to twenty dollars per M, and if things go on in -this way the $20 rate will be bere. . And the gentleman is a candidate for re-election. The slope in froul of the residence of Dr. Junes, at Lay ton, has been re placed by a neat s oping consrete wall, and when all is completed will improve the looks of tbe plaoe. FORCED TO LHAVB HOME Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and , racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sura. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery curs you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes V. It. Nelson of Cala mine, Ark., "when all others failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the King of all oough and lung cures." Thousands owe their Uvea and health to it Its positively guar anteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrlppe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles, one. and fl 00. Trial bottle free at all druggists. Water Tunnel Under N. Y. Under New York City is a foun dation of solid rock, and engineers are new planning to bore an Im mense water Lionel for eighteen miles at a great depth through this rock. It is an engineering feat which w ill take rank with the great est wonders of the metropolis. After experiments fir generations with pipes of iron and cement and con duits of einient, the engineers are going iniek to the method used by the Humans to convey a supply of pure, Iresh w ater to their city. The tunntls made by the Romans thru the solid r.iok were in use f r isveral ouinure t In G ece, and in older civili.1 tions in Asia which crumbled away ioug b. foe Roe s vas hui.d d, great water tiatjuols were in use. The New York pro jo. i niil oust tweuly rive million dollars, and thousands of meu will work upou it for the next four years. The tuuuel will be fif teen feet in diameter at tbe begin ning, ami the water which it will briug to tlie city will be distributed by the present system Its capacity will be five huudred million gallons daily, which is about tbe present con sumption of the city. Tbe depth of tbe tunnel under the Eist River and the city Itself will he from one hun-died-tosix huudred feet below tba surface, iu order lo follow the solid rock. WANTED I SAI.iMEN to represent ns in the sale of our High tirade Goods Dou't delay, apply at onoe. Steady enploymont ; liberal terms. Exper. euoe not neoessary. AI.LEN NURSERY CO. Kooheeter, N Y. WAltlbDl Farm with good apple on hard, brook, unfailiug spring, moderate price. Hodman. 3nij W. 112, Ksw Yofk