Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, September 23, 1910, Image 1

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Ci-ir CMUs 11 1 OJ
NO 47
Aooortlnif In Uif Alinansc th returned this week lo Dm Land, Flor
ilavs and nights wi re of equal Ids where he h a large winter re-
lenrrt Wednesday hiii! the days will
now shorten until December, when
according to an old saying the void
will begin to strengthen.
In Illinois the 'Progressives' car
ried three dlHtrlo'a in the primaries,
and Cannon was renominated, and
will tie electi d. EVMn tuougli the
Itepnbhcnris retain control of the
next Hiue it wonld be bad policy
for the party to elect him Speaker.
There is such unreal and division
that if the pnr'y Is to hold together
and pr sper judicious concession
must he made to. what Is called the
Insurgent element. The high ooat of
living, whatever the rensnnj and
other troubles, has tended to disaflec
tl .m, and these innst he pacitled if
the parly is (o succeed in 1912
Increased cost ot living Is not eon
fluid to this country according to
eateuients of the Secretary of Hie
American Beard ot Foreign Mis
pinna, who reports that in Asia Minor
and i. liter far eastern countries mis
ti t.a-les and teachers can no long 'r
live du i-a: are h whit h lew ycarsago
were ample Increases ol leu per
cent have be- ti made In many cases.
The lives of one and two dollar
bill-", which used to be two and a
half years, is now only thirteen
inutilhs They must circulate faster
or be made of poorer material.
Miss Carrie Armstrong who ha a
'lsod the sun mer In Europe re
lurnel here this week. She had a
very enjoyable trip
T B Morse will sail for Europe
next week and will be accompanied
by L. W. Armstrong.
The best time to plant apple, peer,
and quince trees is late in the fall,
aud stone fruita as plum and peach
Id the euriy spring, but it la beat to
plant trees. The old Roman aayiog
was that the dilligent husbandman
plat.U trees tbe fruits af which he
does nut expect fo behold.
Samuel B. Price Esq of Scranton,
who refused the demoir itic nnmina-
lion for Meu'enant Governor, and
son John were In town this week In
an aulo on their way to Branohvlile,
.V J where they were joined by hia
brother Senator Price for a trip to
Connect lent.
Mra. Olivia B. Armstrong has gone
to visit the family of H. O. Kipp at
Owi-g.. N. V.
John J, Meter of Hszelton, Pa.
and Mury A. Wohlacheidt of Mata
moras were married Tuesday at St.
Josephs Church by Rev. P. J.Lynott.
I'. N. Nilis bas become sole propri
et ir of Maple Grove House at Bush-jti-l.
Monroe Nyce Overall Rod wife of
Caldwell, Kansas, tl e farmer a
grands of the li te Col. John Nyce
are visiting friends In the east,
s. C. W. Billing of Glen Ridge, N.
J was among li e number who at
tended the gun tourniment ot Port
Je.vis tins week. The prim is a
11 .XI cup.
Andrew A. Albrieht of Oelaware
township who has bet n in ill neaUh i
fur mime lime does not improve.
Vivian M. Lewis of Passaic has
bejn renominated by the Republi
cans for Gaveruor of New Jersey.
A nstors' congress will tie held at
. A' t una' October 23rd, at which it is
expected one thousand ministers will
tie present. Tbe theme for discus
sion wi 1 le "Pastoral Leadership in
bunday School Evangelism " Every
pa-tor in the State, of whom there
are about eight thousand, has been
Invited lo be present.
fne threatened iquinoriial storm,
which si e u lo be troniis's1 the first
ol the week, did not niAti-rialize and
the weather turned from cool lo
aiiiiaiid pleamnt.
home poultry 'men In this Htat
are said to be -it the omnion that
fowls are subject to Infantile paraly
sis and the deaths ol many chickens
and ducks are ascribed to the di
sease. A physician of tbe Federal
Bureau of Animal Industry says he
in not oeitaiu fowls are so afflicted,
but if such is tbe case means should
be taken to .top the spread ofthn di
neasa. He ad m Us that if tl ev are so
affected it is quite possible Ihey
uilght communicate the dlneta to
human beings.
Madame L. ltuaell ) .ruler w ill
leave town to-morrow to rasnuir ber
work at The Castle, Tsirytowu, N.
Bon. John A. Kipp of N. Y. via
lied bis family here this week.
Jol o F. Wood of Pamirs lee was
Htm. B E. Brown, who has man
aged j ho Homestead the past season.
Wirt hnnw He wss accompanied by
'his ton Mouerl ana Mrs
anuria An
Mra. O. B Van Wyck olosed ber
cottage here and returned lo ner
home la Washington, O. C. .last
week for the winter.
Arohur llHrmon was In town the
first of the week to visit hia family
and inspect the new houi-e nt Golden
Spring on the Kaytnondskill. He
exjieets to leave roon for Eenador
where he has large railroad and
mining interests.
Be left here in his Renault car ex
pecting to luuch in Philadelphia and
dine In Washington, D. C.
A Philadelphia judge decide that
where the marriage and desertion
took place in another Stale, the wife
conld obtain a residence In this State
and the Court sustained her applica
tion for divorce, though the respond
ent was never a citizen or resident of
Pennsylvania and service was made
on him by publication. It is not de
cided whether the divorce would '
held good in another jurisdiction, it
la for them and not the Court here
to say.
home malefactors In town are dis
turbing the peace of good citizens by
pet ty larcenies and depredations on
chicken roosts. No nse to give such
people advice ihey won't take It, but
judge may tsck a little to the end
of a sentence some of these days, anil
then the wilt take both.
Moses Davis, having sold his house
an upper Broad Street will have
sale of household goods tomorrow
(Saturday) at 3 p m.. Stoves, fur
niture, crockery, an organ, sewing
machine and, numerous other art!
Dr. C. 8. Bayniand and wile are
out in camp for a couple of weeks.
It i reported that J. O. Billiard
will bnild a stone house on the shore
of Big Ijog Tavern Pond.
Frank Edglngton and wife and
Miss Patty BUM Is visited Niche
eronk Lake a day this week.
John Polllon has left the Post
Office and entered the employ of F.
W. Cross. '
One Lumen last Sunday made a
trip in an 18 foot motor boat from
the foot of Niagara Falls down thru
the whirlpool rapids to near Lewis
ton when his engine ceased to work.
In the rapids the big waves flung bis
boat 20 feet out of water but he got
through safely, and says ha will try
it agaiu.
Out in Minnesota last week a hail
stone, the size of a goose egg struck a
woman's nose and broke it The dls
patch does not say what happened to
the atone. '
John B. Cook and wife of N. Y
were guests this eek at Brookside
W. T. Dotey, who for the psst
nine yeurs has edited the Port Jervis
Uinon, has gone to New burg to edit
a paper In that city. James Beonet,
formerly with the Gazette, will take
his plsee for the present.
Caius Cassius fuwnsend, Mich. In
surxeut seems to bave made short
work with Jutlua Caesar Burrows
and it is np lo Maro Antony Aldrich
to prepare the funeral oration.
The Weather Bureau la reaching
blguer altitude! of ambiguity every
day. Monday, tor instance, it gave
us "Unsettled and generally fair.'
"Uncle Joa' Cannon is still ad
journed for the season.
It is our belief that tbe New York
SUta woodchuck that "holed up"
whs not trying at all to predict an
early winter,, but am ply knew that
i ne Colonel l.,xl swung around tbe
ciicle and was bended lor home.
A new rlu-siuut worm has ap
p area in a lart.ii orchard near Lewls
hurg (li s Mute. It attacks the Ira
uia ure burr and either kills It or re
turds development lo such an exteut
that thu fru't Is worthless. No rem
edy has yet been found fur it
If yon are worried because it ooat
ao much more lo live now than it did
teuty years ago, Just remember
how much belter it is to live now a
day. Those food experts might do well
to remember that the vital question
ia not what we eat, but when. -
One legislative district In Vermont
weut Denes rut'c last Tuesday for the
first time in titty-two years, which
Wo should say, is about often enough.
With 67 Iowa preachers quitting
palpi la we are convinced that chick
ens have been kept on the egg laying
Just to think, all those Democrats
Were growing in Maine all thU) time
and nobody knew It.
In the bright lexicon of Balllnger
there ia no Buch word as resign.
This September is less conspicuous
for the oyster than for the man from
Oyster Bay.
Perhaps the new style hats for
women will be sold by the square
Republican harmony has blister",
not from shaking hands, bnt from
shaking fists.
Infantile paralysis la reported
froji forty-five counties, including 1
case from Plka. Tbe total number
of cases reported 658. Lancaster re
porta lji&.and is'orthauHitOB IM cas i
Some doubt Is still expressed as to
whether Col. Roosevelt is out after
votes or subscribers.
A Scranton, Pa , artist says that
the hobble skirt destroys the beauty
of the human figure. It may be a
matter for regret that Scranton does
not set the fashions for the nation.
There is an evident determination
to bring the Indian np to a degree tf
civilization that will enable him to
recognizu a gold brick as soon aa be
sees it.
Mitis Aura Sawyer has returned
from a visit with her brother in
New York, and Miss Maud Sawyer
lett for Chicago to resume her stud
ies. T. B. Morse will close his cottage
here Sunday and the family will re
turn to N. Y.
Claude Cortright has gone to
Newark to enter drug store.
Mrs. Frank Hallett aooompanied
her daughter to Baltimore tbls week
where she will enter a college. Mrs.
Hallett will sail for Buooos Ayres
about Oct. 1st.
Mrs. R. G. Barokley entertained a
company of ladles at 500 Monday
The Field Club held bridge
tournament Monday afternoon.
A still born child was born to Mrs
U. B. Bissani Monday. '
Tbe barn of C. C. Gcmble id Pal
myra was atruok by lightning last
Thursday and with lis oontents ex
oept farming tools burned. It was
not insured. .
Walter Dingman.bas returned to
hia former position with Mitchell
The meeting of Presbytery at
Thompson Ridge, N. Y. held this
week was attended by Bon. William
Mitchell and Rev. C. A. White who
oonduoted the devotional exercises.'
8muel Finger of Lambtrtville, N.
J. with his wife and daughter are
guests with Miss Sarah Finger.
Dudley U. Ryman Assistant Cash
ier and wife and Herbert Ryman are
inhallDg the sea brees s at Atlantic
City. 1.11a Ryman is assisting in the
bank during absence of ber brother
The Wallensteln family who have
occupied a oottage on Upper Bar fold
Street the past sninmer returned to
their city home yesterday.
Newton business men at a public
meeting condemned road conditions
in Sussex county and said tbey are a
standing disgrace and an lrreparab'e
detriment and loss financially. This
la a pretty severe arraignment of
tbe Board of Chosen Freeholders,
Rutb Seiple 20 years old of Bangor
and William U. Walker of the same
plaoe were killed last Sunday even
ing near Easton, by tbeir auto run
mug in a ditch, striking a telephone
pole and upsetting. The accident
was caused, it ia said, by defective
Lafayette college opened last week
t'h a Freshman class ot 200, tbe
largest ever enrolled. In ten yearr
the number of students has increased
from 320 lo over 600 and the endow
ment increased over half a million
Both Newburg and Port Jarvis in
Orange County are, diaaatiafle4 with
the figures given out by the Census
Bureau. We don't know abo.ut the
former oity bat the Iftlter tuimed. baa
built fenoss around italf U tha way
ot Driage ions buu teiepnone rare
and probably will complain pext be
cause outsider do poj buj axes of
them to cut the fences sway.
Mr. Spencer who claimed to have
a contract with tbe County Commis
sioners to furnish steel filing oases,
vault doors and other Jurptshiogr
for the Court Bouse has brought
suit In $5000 daiugea for rescinding
the contract and refusal to accept
the goods. The case will oouie uy
ia the U. 8. Circuit Court at Scran
Cosi la Osti ber.
A party of Honewlale sports aays
it ooeta money to motor down tbe
Delaware where they soak a man
who travels by way of tbe gasoline
motor. Htrondsbnrg got all but 84
cents of the money one tourist had
and then it was a matter of playing
his face to get through. Perhaps
though he is a very good looking
man, and did not have mnoh dilll-
oolty traveling on bis cheek.
Hoke Smith spent $17,696 10 to
win the nomination for Governor cf
Georgia. The salary is 3,000 a
year. He gets a run for his money.
County Superintendent Westbniok
of Matamoras visited the schools
here Wednesday.
The agitation fo: a safe and sane
Fourth of July resulted in 2, 923 per
sons being Injured in oelebrations of
whom 131 died, this year. When
tatistios were first ooliected in 1903
there were 4,449 persons injured of
whom 46S died, 406 of them from
lockjaw.. This should encourage
more restrictive laws and ordinances
and a sounder public opinion to still
greater curtail tbe waste of suffer
ing and life.
The Erie has ordered several hun
Ired thousand paper hat bags tor
se on all trains, and any passenger
onn obtain one or more of tbe porter.
fbey are to protect coats, bats or
packages from dust.
Huraoe Porter accompanied his
nother to Esopus, N. Y. this week
where she will pass the winter.
J. M. Montgomery of New York,
iwner of Model Farm in Dingman
tow ash ip, ia spending the week on
his place here.
V. P Sawyer is on a business trip
to Chicago and other western points.
C. 8. Rieman and wife of Brook.
lyn are guests at Centre Square Ho
tel. Frank Edgington and wife will
entertain a number of friends this
evening. Mr. Edgington will return
to Washington Sunday.
County Commissioners Clune and
Ivinkel went to Notch yesterday ,to
ippeot the abutments of a bridge
which are reported in bad condition.
The New York American gives a
humorous account of tbe twists and
turns and pretzel shape made by
Steele when abont to deliver a ball,
and says bis opponents fear for tbeir
bean" and oannot tell whether
Slewfoot," as it names him, fires
tbe sphere from a oatapult or a hose.
But it admits that bis work is
most effective, and that tbe Giants
were completely dazed by 'bis
A man died in Altooria last week
in bis 61st year -who had suffered
forty strokes of paralysis. The first
oame when be was 18 months old
and be Dad been an Invalid ever
Candidates Tenor, Grim and Bar-
ry and their oo defendants, accord
ing to each other, are all on tbH
stomp trying to convince the voters
that the ouly Salvation for tbe coun
try ia to elect your humble orator.
Hon Russell C. Stewart of Easton
was a Milford visitor Wednesday.
C. W. Billings won a prize at the
Shoot at Port Jervis this week.
New York papers speak in hlgheat
terms of the pitohing of Win.
Steele whose skillful work Tuesday
won a game for St. Louis against
New York by a score of 6-1. He
made the highest score for both
pitching and batting on the Al toons
club and is winning fresb laurels
with the western team. He bids
fair to rank among the first in the
country, and mini the careless way
some papers locate him first thing
we know Ihey will place him in Pike
Couutv, Mibsonri.
would'have been about aa welcome to
A. Cooper ot uswego, jn. r .. as a mer
ciless lung racking cough that defied
ail remedies for years. -'It was most
troublesome st night" he writes, noth
ing helped me till I used Dr. King's
New Discovery which cured me com
pletely. I nevei cough at night now.
Mill ions know ita matchless merit for
stubborn colds, obstinate eoughs, sore
lungs, lagrippe, asthma, hemorrhage,
croup, whooping cough, or bayfever
It relieves quickly and never fails to
satisfy, A trial convinces. SO, fl.00
Trial bottle free. It's positively guar.
auteedjhy all drugguUa.
"All thought I'd lose my leg,' write
J. A. Sweusou, of Walerlowu, Wis
'Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors
could uot cure, had at last laid ma up.
I heu Bucklen Aruu?a Salve cured it
ound and well.'1 Iufalliable for ski
eruptions, Eczema, Sail Kheuni, Boils,
Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and
i'liea. 2ac at all dnigguu.
Results of the Year's Work
to be Studied in the
. State Model
There will be a public meeting In
the orchard of Robert P. Brodhead
near Egypt Mills on Wednesday,
Sept. 38, 1910, for tbe purpose of
honing the benefit resulting from
mprnved methods In use In the
Model Orchards conducted under the
oo-i-porHtion of tbe Division of Zool
ogy of the State Department of Agri
This is one of a series of Fall Meet-
ngs held thronghout the Statu al
lis season. At these meetings
treated trees will be compared with
those not treated, and sprayed fruit
shown bosiJe unsprayed and I be
same in other conditions.
Lectures will be delivered by ex
perts from tbe Department, and an
opportunity given for asking ques
tions. Determinations of specimens
will be made, and growers ire invit
ed to bring twigs of dlsea ed or in
fested trees for idenlitic.il ion.
The Model Orchard .Movement
was inaugurated several ymr ngo
by Prof. H. A. Surface, Ecm. inic
Zoologist, for tbe purpns of Mmil
iartzing tbe farmer m il fruit grower
with the best pr o in- 1 ineiisnre.
available for the c ntioi of iiimnt
ve pests, and in i-nor to simw how
ell these opeiati n- hi. v Mtcis'ednd
meetings are held in the niel anls
where both fruits anil trees ran be
examined by all who attend.
The session begina si ore o'e'is-k
M. The State' repfo-c t.uive
will be present rain or shine.
Is The Wild Pigeon Eitinct?
Chief Game Protector Jdeh
Kalbfus says on good authority that
the passenger or wild pigeon is ex
tinct in the United States. Thai
hile many hae written tbey have
seeu them yet inve-liga 1 n has
proven that thu birds were turtle
doves, the baud tall pigeon or some
other bird. The pigeons suddenly
disappeared along in the late seven
ties, when, previous to that time,
thousands were seen every spring
and fall and a mystery, bas always
unrounded tba matter. Ue says:
Many reasons for tbe disappear
anoe of the pigeon have been made;
the one that seems to be tbe most
plausible to me is that during' the
time wben these birds were every
where, them was a horde of preda
tory birds and animals living um
them, folloalng them up and dowi
n their passage through the country
For some reason duiing the, y, r
1879 vast numbers of these bird
were destroyed either by dhe or
by being blown to sea, In (he Pacific,
sailors reporting that Ihey sailed lor
many hours through fi laling dead
pigeons. To is, it aeeius to n e, de
pleted tht a ipply to kucb.au ex toot
that those remainii g were not ab'e.
to withstand the attacks of Iheir
many enemies and gradually full
prey to those enemies until they be
came extinct."
Whether tha above is sufficient lo
explain the fact il is at hast plausi
ble and perhaps aa satisfactory ar
any which bss been advanced
African Game Trails.
Theodore Roosevelt's book ''Afri
oan Game Trails" ia very intareatiag
reading. Bis description of the va
riaus wild beasts found In thai cnun
try, their habits snd the pursuit and
exoitemeot attendant on their .cap
ture holds the attention. His eom
menU mi the people of that fur off
and wild country sre entertaining
and ui'trunfive. The work published
by Cbarh s Scrihner's Bona of N Y
is beautifully printed and copiously
and fully illustrated, most of the
cuts being trom photograps taken by
Kerniit Koo-tvelt sol are true ti
nature. Hunk of riding oo a train
while lions, giraffes, wldjttpeesta
harlbeoKts aud other deniasas of the
forests play on the tracks, . which
was purl nt the experience of the par
ty wheu riding trum Mombasa thru
the government pieastse, to the in
terior. The road runs' under the
equator, and yet . mountain peaks
oapped with enow are seen. Man
eating lions abound id tbe country
ard an instance u mentioned wtu
one entered a oar and ea.rried.olT one
of the oocupauta. Cannibals sboond
snd In tha fights which occur be-
tween different tribes tbe wounded.
it iulteu by their foes, and even Ih
killed a.M eaten. Tbe book la wall
written and the scenes and, events
aro vividly portrayed, both by the
Uiastrslioo. aud a faoile pan. .
Farmers are busy cutting corn and
'bickwheat, and many are cutting
j the former pretty groeu for lear that
frost may come soon. '
Mrs Lsqra Lama, wife of Thos.
R. Lantz, was operated upon for ap
pendicitis on Friday last. Dr. Barck
ly of Milford, surgeon iu charge, as
sisted by medical help trom Pi rt
It was found that tbe appendix
was ruptured, but at last reports she
was getting along very nicely.
The wooden bridge near the resi
dence ol Martin V.- Cole, near
Haines vi lie, is to is) replaced with an
iron bridge from eomewhere near
The iron bridge, at Lay ton, ia lo
be moved to-near the Jr. Layton res
Idence, and a new iron structure will
replace the old one that will be much
Miss Laura Vogtrhan, of Paterson,
will have charge . of the school at
WnlpRck Centre, and will commence
on Monday of tbls week.
We have a nice piece of new road
completed, and if nothing happens
ttiey will reach the junction of the
main and "Ennis" roads.
The "Ennls" is nearly graded, and
ih hill that was to he removed west
of the bridge is shoot cut away, and
Hie pipes placed in the road.
. When this road is done t,he piece of
road from' Pine Hill to Tuttles Cor
ner only remains to be finished.
The reunion of tbe 1st N. J. Vet.
VoK Car. will be held at Atlant'0
City, N.'.J. on the 20th lust, and the
National Encampment at the same
time and place. The writer spent
three years with .that fighting regi
mept. and only , regrets that he oan
not meet wltn the boys on account of
official'duties. '
From Sept. IS to Oot 31 It is law
ful to put in eel racks, and if yon like
eels as well as I do you will get one
in. '
The first serious accident on the
new road haptwned one day Isat
week. . Will Shay driving one ot the
dirt wagons had been told to catch
p and did so and . caught an Ital.
ail's leg under the wheel,. breaking
he leg squarely off-just above the
ukle joint. Be was removed to a
Ity hospital,
The Sandystoo Primary created
very little excitement and the sf-
eitrjaoos was very light.
The tussle for the office of Collector
caused a rippl$. of excitement, and
Mr. vanstokle for Freeholder had no
opposition'. .- fileotien Day may show
ipposltlon. ' -
Several' strains on the vital organs,
like strains on machinery, cause break
downs. You can't over-tax stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves with
out serious danger to yourself.. If you
are weak or run.duwu, oj under straiu
of any kind, take Electric bitters the
matchless, tonic meilioiue Mm. J. E.
Van deSande, of Kirkland, III, writes
'That 1 did not break down, while en
during a most severe strain, for three
mouths, is due wholly to Electric Bit
ters,,". 4L so them and enjoy health
and strength. Satisfaction positively
guarsutaad- oOc at all druggists.
' In Early Days '
The first deed recorded In Wayne
CoQi)ty records Is for a lot .in Mil
rorfl. , in .Ul'oer rjiiHtl: fluid township.
It waa given by Jobu liiudis lo
James Humes on the 10th of Jaou
try, 1797, recorded by Jonfi Broad
headl,Jii.Iy .!9, 179.. This, .of course,
was before Pike. county. waa aet off
and at -a tiiu when John -Broadhead
wair register arid recorder 'arid oterk
of the oouris a well as brothauo
tf .J.fo?f- '. wai the Poo Bah ol
thu eounly ami held all of ithu ooun
tyofliees' That Was lit years ago,'
when Wrfytie U as" first set off from
The first will probated was that of
ttenry Decker .' also of Upper Smith-
aid,., I. ..was,, probated March 23,
lOi -. Hisrtbrae sons iwere named
Jonathan;' -Moi. and Peter and nts'
ife'i name was- Charity. He bad
OB,e,daugU,tttr, .Phoebe. ' ,
CppMfvn.riiuUhtMii . township' has
ceased KVenlal. It Inoluded-the- re-
glba around Mrlfdrd."" "' ' '
',' ',. . ' loneadaie' Herald.
'. - WANTED!
SALESilEN ;fq represent us us
tba aui of our High Orado Goods,
Don't delay, apply at onoe. Steady
p'aployment ; liberal terms. Exper
eiioe not neoeaaarv.
Uoohaster, N. Y
Now tbe glamonr ot the festive
Is o'er and guests are gone ;
The withered flowers strew tbe floor
The lights, exoeptlng one,
Are all extinguished. Opposite
A pier glass a belle sat down
In meditative mood and thought
Of the conquests she hod won.
First, was the simpering lord Clair
With hi? monocle, and strut;
Hair parted from the oenter, straight
From forehead back and but
"I'll dismiss him, he's not worth
A thought said she. Next Brown
He's considered a good catch,
By all the girls in town.
Young Brown has position, but
Small modicum of brain,
Susceptible of flattery
And entirely too much vain;
I'll cross him off. Who nextf Ah
Fred Peters, he's a bore
He tells of all his pedigree
Their history o'er and o'er.
So he may go. George Winters
He's good looking I know,
rhough I thiuk he's somewhat
Rather selfish, too, I trow.
Steve Materson is not my style
foo pompous, dignified.
He walks just like a peacock
With too much shallow pride.
His friend, I thiuk his name is Scott,
For him, I don't care at all;
He's namby, pamby, mama's pet
A big baby though he's tall.
I believe he has fallen heir
To his grandfather's estate,
But pshaw! That does not signify.
Let others for him, bail.
Joe Mullen, lie is rather plain
And cannot dance a bit.
He's clever tbongb, but backward,
Droll, and somewhat of a wit.
I do not know; bnt think
Joe is not a lady's man
The girls don't seem to take to him
Though he does tbe best he oan.
O dear me! How I'm yawning
Why It's almost two o'olock
Yes Joe's a real nloe fellow
Oh-o-o-o solid as a rock
I wish Oh-o-o he were handsome
I'm so sleepy Joe's all right
He's worth, Oh-o-o the wbole
Glad he's not handsome Oh-o-o-
' dream Joe tonight.
Cecilia A. Cnllen.
WANTED Cosmopolitan Mao a.
.in B requires the servioes of repre
sentative in Pike County to look af
ter subscription renewals and to ex
tend circulation by special methods
which have proved unusually success
fuL Salary and commission. Pre
vious experience desirable but not
essential. Whole time or spar
time. Address, with references, II.
C. Campbell. Cosmopolitan Maga
zine, 1789 Broadway, New York
Real Estate Transfers.
George P. Van Wyck to OoUve B.
Van Wyck. Lot 320 Milford Bor-
ough, t2500.
Win. Remlin to Terese Exlor. St
acres Lackawaxen, tlOOO.
E. L. Parks to L. J. Marshall. Lot
in Lincoln Park, Westfall.
Wally Weigel to Charles C. TUgh
tn.au. Land in Lackawaxen.
Emma F. Langton to Minnie A.
Van Akin. Qlut claim lots 2t6, 267,
248, Matamoras.
Moses H. Davis to John- W.
Shields. Lot '877, Milford Bora,
Christinniitt Girr, administrator of
F. A. Uirr to Jacob Kura. 10S acre
Dingman township, t.'JOO.
George F. Saver to Gustav Du
bois, Jr. and William V. Briard.
Lota tf:st, 941, 943, Matamoras, (325.
Gettysburg Monument
Hundreds of soldiers who partici
pated in thin three days battle at
Gettysburg no doubt will attend tbe
dedication of the Pennsylvania mon
ument Sept 37th and enjoy meeting
old comrades on that historio field.
Free transportation will be given.
Tbe ranks of the veterans are fast
thinning and in a very few years all
will have answered the last roll oall.
Lincoln in his immortal address at
tbe dedication of tbe Cemetery said ;
"The brave men, living and dead,
who atruggled here, have consecrat
ed the ground, far above our poor
power to add cr detract. Tbe world
will little note, nor long remember
what we say here, but It oan never
target what they did bere."
! !
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