OLunty Ccor Offit. n i oj VOL. XV. MILFOHI). PIKE. COUNTY. PA,. FIMDAY. SEPTEMBER 1G. l.MO. NO 46 Pike BRIEF MENTION Mr. llunrocht i,f Bruuklvn roceutlv T sited wild the family . f .Inn P Van Etten, where his rootlier-tn lW',n t'"V-fur olheis there are cm Mm Wrightinnn, In ill, but now re covering.' O W. La n i i; Jr haa returned with a, -i family ft the city. Aliss H a lobe Crews has been elect ed organist In fin Episcopal Church vice LeonD'a Degan who resinned to arc t a position as teacher in a bn-l lie college In Dover, N. J. Win Steele, who recently joined tlie Si. Linis. pitched Ins first (tame ay a withe flm'innntl club Inst Sat urday and won the game by a score "rf T. His Mends Bra pleased to n lie his unco si Riohard Bli.ird, wlio formerly te Killed be-, died suddenly'' at his holds in Philadelphia last Sunday. II' x and Nutalio Armstrong hove IC me to Blair Hull, N. J. to enter sonool. Harold a lao returned till wtvk to tbe U. of P. W. R. Willis and wife,- wljo have passed Hie summer hi the Bit. IT .House, have- returned to their home in Morseuivre, N J. Il 'rbeii Hvinan ! ft thin week for a Mo weeks vacs lot i in Atlantic City. Ueorge B.-nner mid wife ure pend ing the week with tiie hitlers pirmri W. T. Strubleand wife. Re. D. 1 W. Coxe and wlf wil pass's Ihrea weeks vaaatioo in Dob in O tolier. What farmers gain on hay at tin prew.it pi ue n Ion is ev unit np i-j tbe coot of tlmotliy need which i now in a lilh notch. Could alfalfa be rained here It would be a great profit. In Arizona wheie Irrigated 6 or 6 crops are cut in a year, and it yields biavhy per a ore. .Miss Khte Le Harmon, who has been alls. n several weeks visiting Maine, returned today accompanied by Mra Lnoy JUailland. Homo unknown persim batted Con ttable Manwaring of Malauioras oh tbe fiend last Sunday night and left - totm omcoiisi'Iods He m returning borne fioui shut tin? off tbe street lights when assaulted and does not know how long ha. remained In that condition. ' Mra. A. N. Roe of Branohlile and daughter Miss Bertha Williamson visited In town tbia week. R. O. 8ayre add wife will attend tbe uuteillng of the State Monument! at Gettysburg, September 27th and will be absent several days. It wil lie a great occasion and no doubt many of the boys in blue will avail themselves of the opportunity to via it that historical spot, which has beerf called the high water mark of the rebellion. Madame L. Russell Ourntet has let con tract to have her cottage on llitrlotd fatrnet sluocoed. Metal huh will be used ai d though the J b a fi..-.'. rusts more than pa nt it is much ctifxr in the. end, especially when Ji;.sced oil is (1 a gallon wholesale Htucc i make a neat Uuish and .can be sinted any color desired by mixing I coloring matter with the plsstt-r. Thtf i'H of plants. on earih hn beeti hown by seeds found in old rjeka to be perhaps a thousand lum . remote as the Bible date of Aiisoif Idrtb. No pis-its can now be touor w lili b bore such seeds. The looal cutipaign has not 0nel yal to any extent. This district Oon . g'tfs oi-ally bihI Senatorial ly Is ai lop ,ided liiHt iteiiii.ciat d.i not fee' any necessity to be strenuous It I ru'ii- re.l howt ver that an rll.nt I bi'hu niiiilt' bo bavu candidate, liiim cotof lieie niid stir things up. It ibert K Cardenas if n xico mi Ltouise J Uagnt ueie n. rtied Np'. 11 h at the home of tlie hnou in Mi ( nil township by J II L.duig lv-g TUey will reside in M xkn City A marriage license was isnet ti Herb, rt E Travis and Mary Am Tawpier Uith of Oingman Tap. After the census Congresa mus' euaka new apportinninent of repre aeutativea among .he M'atea. Tli attima'e is that the country tins gained 11 millions si una (ha last census. If apisiriioned on the -sin bisis as lu luootiieie will be 450. ui (9 more tbau at pic ent. Mont than MO people Inst their livei by forost Hies lu the northwest this reason. About half were forest rangers and the mat forest flghteia ad settlers. Chief burgess Porter has started nut to break up the alley ganga. This anay seem to soma like renuentent in the number of worsen who bo'd ' nlot' "f Superintendent of Schools' Fo"y nntle are thus supplied "'ri d Ida tea enough of wlicii are likely to be elected to make a msj rity . Pennsylvania State Health Depart menl by fig expnnditiire of tliiee million dollars in the last four years claims to have Hived about twenty three million dollar' for Hie Suite in chirking the spread of typhoid lever, preventing diptheria, ami siiv li'g tuberculosis patients. A y ail widow wh took - up a homestead in North Dakota . Iwi yenra ago haa received over a tbous and proposals. Koine girls mls;ht think that more than her share Fhw people perhaps kno what ! meant by the term gold tilled applied to watch oases and jewelry and anp pose that tbe metal in some way i Impregnated with gold, in fict It co isiats of taking t wo sueets of gold between which Is placed a section ol o'dercostod metal. Tbe sandwich ia heated and pressod so that lb three, parts are welded together. It wlIT resist acid hut its diiratiiluy tle- penda (mi the thickness ol the yold 1-af. Iliimtn Life, a mairnzluc pnh 'Nlied in Bitston Is art ideal paper for lie home. , .It givi-s tbe news of the world, te'ls about people who have do .e greut things, and is wi ll il' ti trated. We have uient'ioned a reading rixim for the town, a place, wiiere ihn youth could assemble ai d find bonks and papers and a place to spend an hour or two in the evonli g Such an opportunity uiight inculcate habits of reading and would give biya a better atmosphere than street oomers. Cave bank road Is being widened and preparations made to hui'.4 tbe retaining wall on the upper aide. At the Maiue primaries Monday a democrat waa nominated for (Jover. nor and two of tbe four congressmen oboaen in democrats. This. Is the fi -at flop the state has made itr hirty years, aud some ew Ymk paner" look npon tt as a rehuke to Koose- Vdlt. A demboratio bouse will select a suooessor to Houutor Eugene Hale.' Looal option ateo will take tbe place of atate wide prohibition. In Berks county grasshoppers have attacked peach orchard?, eating holes in tbe leaves. Prof, Huifuce atlvicet to spray with some arsenioa) pibon like Paris graen, pn'a ounce to a gal lon ol water. '" Algernon Orgory is spending the week in New York. Borers which-Infest apple and quince trees may be killed by put ting small tufts cf cotton saturated with bisulphide of ci rbon and then plastering the boles with mud. Painting the trees with raw linseed oil ami pure white lead will "prevent them trout entering. A common way Is to dig then' out with a knife and piece of wire. According to the census return Port Jervis is falling olf in popub tion and has only a little over 9000 inhab- Hants. Naturally the pupers c f that cheerful city complain. O rge B, Heller and Miss Marie F. Duraud were married in Brooklyn Saturday Sept 10th. Silas U. Seeley of Newark visited his parents here tfe tint i f this week. Frank Dixon, of Cf'l'ornia, an evangelist was a gu st w itli the mini. ly oj Lion Jao.b KUer, l is bvother iu law, for several davs rruuiil'y. La-t hundiiy he favounl the Priatiy teiin.i oungrut;atlgi with souie excel eut solos. . Ii.i'ginan Uiwof! 'p 'ujierTi-i Xr are iu'Hi g iit ol t!i (Sae loiiil in rood i-u.rti p u. It h.-irg ronuui d hS lo ed w:,ei al.U that is 'hr , cri-i fit po (I imhii inakiiig (Ijorg.i 11 Hnlar and ii' of Brooklyn visaed rulatives l.e'e ibis eek. 'J'hey exp- ct Boon lo pu to Arizona where they will reside and engage n the buaiuess of farming and raising trnit, Misa Helen Palmer is absent this week on her variation. Ida Grace Mills and Herbert B Palmer, both of Carlisle, Pa., were married September 8th at the home of the bride. Herbert ia well known here where be passed bis lite until manhood, takiug the first steps in his trade iu the Press orhre. We are nlHAMpd that Iih has taken I lie tciinit . V Ksiisa lead- the Sta'e and most important In Ins H and1 lu "i'.'1" P"r wf". ..... . feel that bis help mate has tnund ao Uuion Tanning Co to K. It Uoittl exoellentoompatiion and that togeth- , bin, io aire Palmj ra, 100. er tbey may travel a pleasant jour George St John of Southern Pines roontlv apeut several days In town . ' The Republican CoHnty Committee has organised by electing Hon. W A. H, Mitchell Chairman. H. & Angle Secretary and J. 6. Ryder Presstirer. ' Mrs. M. L. Harmony.who has been in New York for several weeks, hat returned lo town. She expeots soon ir ooonpy ber new houaa at Golden Springs on the rvHyirmndsklll. Gorge Wagner has gone to New York for a two weeks vacation. John Hilton Is spending the week with his aunt in Newark. , The state will give a (lemnpstra Hon ct model orchards on the faro if Ribert P. Hrodhesd In Lehmar Sept 28 There will be seventy flvf meetings including every county. Ijeoturcs wlil be delivered ppnn tin tubject of pests of trees, farm and irden crops. Qdnstions ' will be inswered and advice given. Two 'Xpert will be in attendnnoe and he meetings will begin at 1 p. m. Ground wss broken this week for he new Masonio home at Kllmbetl town, P. lu Washington the progressioni- a on out defeating tbe Tuft Ballingei . nndidata for U. 8. Senator. Virginia B. Mott of Ht-ani-hville ii- ttending tbe State Nonnal at Mont jlair ami hits the distinction of being '.he sole representative from Sussex Coontv. Ten thousand people vlsifWl t)if Monroe county fair last Thursday. It as a b inner day m it history. ' Chestnuts a Food Mich Used in Europe In this oountry, except for turkey stuffing, little use is made of the chestnut, wheress abroad chestnut ltsb.es of all kinds are very com mon, tor one thing, chestnuts are a cheap food, and tbey lend themsel ves well to many ways of serving. So tbe French, tbe Spanish, and tbi Italian peoples, especially, send then. to table served as vegetables plainly huilecl, but masked with a good oil ance. They have the Dots ground into cheMuut fli tir of wbich tbey make good bread and various sorts o I cakes and blsctits Thay .atep hoi' them in sirup and serve tbein up ar compotes ; in sh. rt, in Kurope chest nuts are considered' very "ivjiluahle food adjui ots and b gnat aii to cook Ing operations. The Delineatoh for Octol.er. The Season Closing While Ute'Jifuff -House has'closed its di ois for tlie summer, -having bad the most sucoeeaful aeason in its history, some of tbe other hostel r)e IU remain open';for a. little.. while longer ; Tbe Marguerite will.remain open lor tall boainet-s, as is its, cus tom. Business at the Hotel Consw shuugh will be suspended lu a few djys : tbia house was well filled dur ing' July and August. There is no time set tor the closing of the Home. stead. ' :. Tbe htisuhall team played its na) game Labor D.iy, when It was de feated by the, team at Newton by the soore ol 2-1. , Those wio attended tbe Colonii I tea held at the Field Ciuh had a most enjoyable litue. Some of those prst, eut were: Mr. and Mrs William Me Kibben, Mr. and Mrs. pollard, Mr. and Mrs. John C Z'liuuoriiian, John C. ZiojmeiiUHU Jr., Miss Huau Brown, John and William Bturgls, .Mrs. Pin xr' ix Ward and Miss Eloiae Van Vecbten. Tbia is s T iry enjoyable seaeon In the mountains, but as the fcbools In the city are opening, a large number of visitnts bavfi left Milford, sntna of tlmin doubt lei to rctarn next son son. .liter plCiSBIlt . recollections of the !- I , . : " . .i WANTED! ' iiIJJ.SiiEN to repraaeut us in ILe sale ot our High Uiade liooiis Don't ttt.hiy, apply at otic, fteatiy fjipioymeui j iioeial teriiis; -i-ijxjr uiu) uut neeear y . ' ' . ALLEN NURSERY CO, Rochester, N. Y. Real Estate Transfers. I'bomss Stout to Hurry B. Kobool ey. 60 acres Lackawaxeu, i'.i'j'i. Thinnss Dotter to Harry B Sctfonl- y, timber deed on 75 acres, Laoka wuxen. ' V-' . Orvillo L Rowland to G. Frank Rowlami, interest In i acres, Lacka. waxen, 6"0. IC. L Parks to L. S Pusey. Lots Austin L Cronk q Gertrude Hur- I Icy, 1 acra Lack a waxes'. fl.UUI. -' MEETING. Twenty-first Anniversary of Women's Society v'in Milford. . LsstiVek-; tlie twmty-flrst ': annt versary -of itbe organization of the Women's Hiailon Society was oele nrated at the home of Mrs fjfnorge Mitchell. , Iovitations were extend d to the iadle of tlie Presbyterian oongregailon and to thosn of other hutches ami to ail fueling an in terest in the event. This was nut Willi a oordinl response and a large company was present, who greatly mj yed the occasion, and the exi r cises. Tne following reoort was read ' by Mrs George Mitchell. ' Instead "f my usual monthly n-t on I it the 8oc e- I will give a ahort r-- nnie of tiie tweniy one -vearo aijice he Society was organie-d hi re Wo havi -not been a large Society and have not accompllvhed gieat things ut that we have kept alive and been permitted t acc-.trpllsh even a 1H tie we rfre vji thankful and grateful Looking over the Secretiry'a bcoks I Und we have had on the roll sixty dve names There have been eleven leaths and quite a nnrober hsve ra novod t ioilur p.ai-os. The contrl hutlng iiie.nliers have . been from eiitj-flvB to thirty. Our monthly meetings Lave been small, bul few have been omitted and none without- good reason. As wo are so remote from the head pjsrters of the Board we seldom have tfio privilege of hearing any of the returned, missionaries; but will this .afternoon, have the pleasure of listening to one who has been In oloae- touch 'with some of them, t I had hoped when adding the total a nountt conhibuted to And the sum would reach a thousand dollars but was ; naruiy 50. This amount has been' gathered almost entirely by monthly offerings. :- ' The few active members- who have met from month AA mlmtl to study the work of the church and become acquainted with the Ycnrkers, an.. joy. tbe meetings intellectually as we'l'aa religiously, for the history of Missions is tbe history of Christian! Ing I bo world, and sooner ot later ocording as we are fuithful to tbe work glveu us to do will the evan gelisation of all tbe .peoples of the earth le brought to pass. - ' ' ' ' ' An add ret wss then made by Mrs. Frank Edglngton of Wsshlng- ton who poe onJ the history ol Masters bcgtiiutiig with the Mi sle couiinand to LJs ollowers "bqt .go thou and preach the Kingdom of God.' ' . She gave a most Interesting ae oo'unt of work In various countries; esiawlally in Aftica .arid tha Bqnth 4ea islands and urged but1 hearers to renewed interest in the subject. The Philadelphia Sooiety ,a about forty years old so that Utlford ranks tinohtf the pioneer Sooiotivs in tbia country. The. birth place of American for. elgn ''Missions was at a haystack at Williaiustown, Mass., where Hauiui) J. Mjills, Jauiu) Richards, Francis j. Robliius, Harry Loomia and HlranJ a eene met for prayer. 'The first organisitlon was in 1808 (taviDg or its ct'ject. "lo effect in the . j ersons 1 1 Its members a Mission or Missions hi the ben then'' and this was the first orguuiKatjou in America. . Publisher's Notice. That thou who may wish to use tha.FKk.Hs ss s Miedium for reaching' tha public with nistler that Is in no wise news we make tbe' following aniiounceroent. i ,. , . ? , . Advertising rate furiiished on up p". Icitlunj Applicant should slate SI -lie In inches,. hat fs to. he adver. tbe I, nutnlitir of tiines sdyertisH. ineiit iso uo Cards of thanks, tuty.cenbf: resolutions of sympathy anil .obituiy i rersi syi otie cnt'. e f jrd; aniuuiiieemenU of all iniinii) making alt lira fen cents per Bne nt anworjU. Money, must actupau ortters to publish ruinounceinents. ,THH LAH OF A FIEND wupd,;have been alstut as welcome lo A. Coofof Uswtgo'N. f!.' as a mr cileas lung racking cough that defied all remedies for yaars. t'lt was most iroubieooiue sttngUt" '.ha writes, noth ing hejrasj, me till used Dr. King's ew yiH'ocery wtiicu cynxt me com pletely. I navel cough a night now Ullliuus know its uvtchleaa uient for stubborn colds, obstinate cugbs, sore lungs; iagrippe, asthma, 'hemorrhage, cronji ' whisplug rough', or bayfever. II telle ves quickly audi uever falls to satisfy, A trial convinces. SO. 11 00 fhsl bottle fee, it's positively guar- ..autaed by all dnigglau. MISSt'bNARY iAm$ FASHIONS i FOR AMERICANS. Special Number of The North American Comes on 4 September 18 The America ti i rti,r,,,-nii woman naa now reached tu px where alie never buys her outfit for the season with out first being sure what Paris haa decided upon as the fashionable thing, . Following its usual custom, Inaug u rated several yrars ago. The North American will, on Snndav, Septem ber lt, issue its special Paris fashion nutilhpr, it biingaa hight page sec tion ia .connection with Its regular Sanday piper. Toe -tvlo represent the very 1st est in Paris dreasmakine ait. The designs printed were chosen trom the best showings of the representa tive, makers of fashionable garments. After seeing them th.i woman can form her own idea and make her own cnolce of the An'ierlcan gix.ds that are offered. She i an make sure that she Is getting ii; tn.ilate itar- inenta. There Is alvav a big dy mand for The Norili Amei ican's seclsl fashion nutnls r. It is nd visHble to order nl the i.gci t nr newsdealer well in i.lvnaiv. Worms in Horses An old remedy tin !. i-. luirs's, potato water and lime ts of " r.littul effioacy. If ohnoxioui to Hif worm it may compel them to note !, e;ier inj the intestine. Milk, hud and molasses, part id each to pint doses Is a better ren.i-dy. 1 1 is j oause the worm lo lisise its iM fe oanse the mixture Is agreeable t-- it. then by giving a ca'liartio lo curry tv, r . JV . 1 , , .. .... ...c.u .,u me .nimai win oe relieved, rarasitea or many kind reside in tbe intestinal oanal of horses There are three kinds of tape worms, the bot fly grub and others. They canse colicky pains and the horse falls into a bad condition. Turpentine, tartar eiqetio, infusion of tobacco and bitter tooloa are gocd remedies given after the .horse baa bad a long fast. For tape worms pumpkin seeds are excel lent.. If rock salt ts allowed for horses to lick they'will oe protected tola large degree, . Horses In poor condition are most subject to worm trouble. ... Platonic' MwrjageNot for ' Real Men or Women. 6m 11 ting , seaUuieniai, , pyrotech nios, and getting right down to prac tioal, day in and day not,' three meals and millln- ry exisli lie, marri age is nut an unselfish relationship. ys Krman 4. iildgwav in.Tp..PB- i.iiiator for Oclober. , A man may protest, aod bs may believe. If he ts very young1 and ardent, that he it "taking this woman" to work for and oherish, anil make happx ; hut, 'way down among nis instincts, if be, troubles to baik. he will find a conviction that this particular wom an will make a good home fur bim, and honor Mm among his fellows: thjit she will c.iler to his pstriaichal aspirations, in providing a faintly; and that in her he will cnntlnne to find through the years sweet aatia faction for bis soul and body hunger. The convlo'ion may b" uncon scious, but It ia there If when a lover wooes his lady love she were to answer: "Y a. 1'4 many you. It yon will agree to a platonic marrl age; no clil'ilren, nu love making, rooms In a hotel a' d an allowance,'' an old dod might accept tlie terms. but any real man out of the wheel chair stage would promptly take to his heels. There are probably a. few ihj igs which, if a wmin knew she was go. ( g to miss them in the marriage r . lationshtp, w ould send ber fl. ing f otn tt. DOrs'T I REAK EOW.N Several si rains uu tlie vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break downs. You uau't over-tax stomach. liver, kidneys, bowsls or nerves with out serious danger to yourself. If you are weak or run.down, or under strain Pf ny kind, take Electric. Bitters tlie matchless, touie medicius Mm. J. E. Van de Saode, of Kirkland, III, writes "That I did not break dowu, w hile en during a most severs strain, for three months, is due wholly to Electric Bit ters." I' ae them and enjoy baaltb and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 50c at all druggists. WANTED! Farm wit 1 g ot apple orchard, bious,, unfailing spring, moderate jirioe. " Hoffman, 800 W. 112, New York Advertise in tha PRESS NOTES FROM SANDYST0N I The ctdet-j ig will soon be visible for on Friday 1 saw thj first barre go past. Cider tbat will Intoxioate should be prohibited from sain, snd I that is the only kind wanted by I topers. v j If times sre so grs.d on the farm, why ts It that at least half a down giKsJ farms are for sale in this towr? j Familim have become smaller, Hnd farm help of both sexes scarcer, may be the reason for the sailing. j It Is certniuly a shame tbat one of onr schools is Infested with Pedicolu; Capitis and the fact ts reported to one of i-ur school officials by the teccher and no action taken. Any old veteran can tell yon all about the '.critters". They are not lurge, but aottve The Bevaus Brat, sre busy rilling their silos, which by the way takes si veral fields of oorn. On Friday tbey bait tine of their most valuable oows frorti milk fever. Misa Eiiza Snook, of Snndyston. has taken oh a rife of the school at ' Klnthrisikville on the 12th inst. J Wa'pack still Incks one teacbi r. Kdward Adams, of Bloomfield, N. I J.. is spending a few days at the hotel in Layton. Ed says there is nothing like Snsaex air for him. When barricades are put np at cadi end ot tbe new road meaning tint the road is olosed, a good many autoists persist hi going through. The passage of vehioles Injures the Mnd, especially ..when they are pot- ling on the oil and screenings besides getting they machines daubed up with a tar that Is a sticker. There are roads to go aronnd, why not ao- eomodate the road men The Idea that the Freeholders of this County should claim that they hart been, bulldoxed by the Sandyston Freeholder, and did not know that a piece of road (of nearly one mile) leading from Pine Hill towards Bev aus was building or bad been author ed to he built. What a smart set ihose Fr ehslders most be. , COMMUNICATED. Saudyaton posesseg a Freeholder whose flag proclaims economy in c-'Unty matters especially financially, ut whether his flag is flying yet or not deponent sailb not. Here is a small matter entailing a cost of from 10 to IS 00 dollars annu ally loss to tbe County. Mr. Vanslokle, I am Informed, -handed tbe billowing offer of Philip Heins for boarding the prisoners in the jail to the Director of the Board tor reading, but it was not read. Why? , When offers for boarding the pris oners was handed in, Mr. Helm bad nis presented as follows : Newton N. J. Slaroh 10, 19f0 To the Board of Chosen Freeholders of tbe County of Sussex; 1 hereby offer to make agreement and ootitiact with your honorable Is sly for feeding persons detained In he County Jill of Bussex County for 1 he ensuing year npon the following emu. For feeding persons so detained at he rate and price ot 3t cents a day during such detention, excepting persons detained by commitment un dor ihe Inaorderly Aot for a period of not more than, ten days, for which the rate and prioe will be twenty'cents per day. In tbe event of this offer being aocepted I agree to furnish any reasonable bond for the proper performance of such contract. (signed! PHILIP HEINZ. Ami yet this offer was not read be fore the Board, aud when Mr. Huinr. offered to pay for the insertion of his Iter iu the N. J. Herald, the offer I aa refuneil, and both letters ol re. J lusal are lying before me as I write I copy the following from the New- ark Siar of April lfi, 110, as follows; Salem, Salem Co,, N. J. April 16, 1910. Freeholder Hart of tha jail Com mittee staled that the daily cost o ke- p of tbe prisoners for the month of March was ten and a quarter cents per man Now why does Sussex County pay 50 cents per dar. when Salem Coun ty tha ocat is only 101 oeo.lt p.'r day. If wa are to be economical why not begin right here, and save a nice cbuuk of niouey. Respeot fully, "ECONOMY." ( v CaVADVKKTUK IN TU.K PRESS. A BIG THREE DAYS' STATE CONVENTION FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL FOLKS Altoona The Host.. 0 c to6er 13, i3, I4 ' When Robert Ralkea alartod his first Sunday Sohool In 1780 or there abouts, bis friends and neighbors laughed at him and dubbed him "Bobby Wild Goose," but his wild goose idea had so muoh good In it that It would not be downed by sneers and jeers, and to-day the Sunday School Idea girdles the globe. The modern Sunday-School, with the Bible as its text-book, employa the time and talent of the bet scholars of the Hnd. Among its officers and teachers are fonnd thai first men and women in all walks of life, and as an Institution, the 8nn d.iy School is recognized as one of the most potent factors in the mak ing of strong tnnnboodand beautiful womanhood. . Pennsylvania is (he largest Sun- day School district in the world ; ov er 11.000 schools are locatoit in h State, with a nicmhershln nl 1 mi Like ail progressive agencies. these schoolfrare federated in a State wide movement under the name of the Pennsylvania S'ate Sabbath School Association, with auxiliary Association in every one of the six ty seven Counties. Tbe organization seeks to bring improvement in meth ods and equipment to the smallest sohool held In the country sohool house, as well as the largest olty sohool on the avenue. Representatives of these schools assemble annually In State Conven tion for the purjsje of outlining its yearly policy. The next Convention wll be the Forty Sixlh Annual, and is announced to meet in Altoona, P.. October 12, ia and 14. This an nual gathering is the largest assem bly of religions workers held within tbe State JEALOUSY Aoushls my darling would you cast me aside For that crooked spalpeen Larry , MoBrlde? Would you break a true heart that . beats only for you And refuse me yonr own that's so loving and true? In auguish I suffered and it shattered : my pride . , , When I saw tbat red rascal Larry JloBride With his sootberin' tongue speak 1 love in your ear, , , , And you listened with pleaanre hla falsa words to bear. I - Alanna, mavoureen, tho the world Is so wide 'Twill not hold myself and that vil lain McBride. If he takes you by treasure, on yonr wedding day I'll make you a widow tbo my head be the pay. My jewel, my jewel I'm almost be side Myself, when I think of that sooun- . drel McBride ; . . 1 scarce know what I'm saying, but 1 hate the name Ot that omadbaon Larry who be tween ns os me. I entreat you my precious, my love not deride, . Don't compare it wltb that of tha crafty McBride. It ia strong, it is fervent, 'twill last all thru life, ' lUt my own little Eileeu, my sweet cheriebed wife. Cecilia A. C'ulleu. IT SAVED HIS LEG All thought I'd lose my lg-,' writes A. Swensou, of Watertown. Wis. ''Ten years of ec.eiua, tbat 16 doctors leould not cure, had at last laid me up. Then liucklen's Arnica ctalve cured it. sound aud w ell." Infalllable for skin eruptions, Eczema, Salt ltbeum, Bulla, Fever Sores, Hums, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 2ic at all druggists. WANTED Cosmopoi.itax M aoa 7.1 St. requires tiie servioes of a repre sentative iu l'ike County to look af ter suhsrriptiou renewals and to ex tend circulation by special method which, have proved unusually success ful. Salary and oom mission. Pre vious experience desirable bot not essential. Whole time or spar time. . Address, with references, H. C. Campbell. Cosmopolitan Maga zine, 178'j Broadway, New York City. -Advertise in the Press.