PIKE COUKff PRESS ptratzaaaao wvmnx miDiT Friday, August 26, 1910 orru , browit'b buildiko broad nr. i'rhchiptioh: Oi Yka One dollar and fifty cent Six Mouths Beventy-flve oeuu. STRICTLY IN ADVA HUB. It d tared At the p offlne of Milford, Plae County, Pennsylvania, aa eeoona laea usttr, Norember Iweuty first, ImsJ. Advertising Ritas. rm. In oh. on Insertion -11 60 flauih ittbPHanent Inwwrtlon .-.... .715 Heducwl rate, furnish! on ftpplloattoD, will tvtiUlowed yearly sdvwruaera. Legl Advertising. Admlnl ttrAtxtr' and KxMHt or nnkloM 100 Andtvor'i nottoM . 4 00 DlTon noftloes &.W County TrManrvr'i sales, County itfite ient and election proclamation oharirr-d by the inch. f. H. Vaa Bttoa. IMbLIHHIK, REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR CONGRESS Rob cut Buowit. Monroe Co. FOR SENATOR Wenhifrbd O. Lewis. Carbon County. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Altred Marvin MaUmoros. pa. ta Pennsylvania both the old par tjr candidates for Governor, Tener and Grim, are paying the respects to Berry and he In tare ta saying thing a boor them. The campaign le not. yet fairly begun bat iodic ttona are that when It opena there will be lively times. There is an an rent among the people over the revel atlons of the methods of the stand patters, and old liners and the lead era do not aeein to appreciate that af ter all It is the common people who have control II they so determine, KIMBLE Kqt. Frank Cooper ol Cortland, N Y.. visited his sister Mrs. E. L Calk ins last week. Harry Warren and wife of Scran. ton are visiting relatives here. Alice and Jennie Edwards of Port Jervls retnrned home Sunday after making an extended visit here with relative. R. W Kelly made a business trip to Hooeedale Friday. Ethel and Laura Decker are visit ing relatives at Port Jervia, Mr. Grace Gelderman and aon Andrew of Brooklyn returned home Sunday after spending two months at her oouvina M. C. Rowland. "PROPOKKD AM KNDMKNTH TO TIIK CONSTITUTION 81' BM1TT Kl TO TH E CITIZRMS OF TH f 8 (WMMUNWBALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJ BUT 10 R BY TUB GKNKRAL. AHHKMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PEN N8YLV ARIA, ARD PURLfKHRD BY ORPKR OF TUB dKCKETARY OF THE COM MOKWRALTII, PURRUARCK OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. N u m her Otio. A CONCURHKNT KKSOLVTION ProiOftns an amendment section twenty-six oi nr Licit) uv of ine -.ni.i-tntlon of the Commonwalth of Peon kMsuiTtia ii tne rvnaw concur,; inn thw followlna nmondiuwi to - woottnn twentT-six of article fire ad the Constitu tlon of Pennsylvania be, and the same In herbT. proposed, in aooorciauoe witu the eighteenth article thereof: That taction JW of Article V., which read e as foil own: "Hoe Moo tfft. All lawn relating to courts shall be general and of uniform otmrntkm. mid the organisation. Jnrlsdit'tlon and pown of all courts of the same cIhm or gradov so far f irogutated by law. and the torvm ana enoct oi tne Droottss and judiniaefltts of such courts. rihall be uniform: and th (General Asstm r Is hereby ptasitbU-ed from oreatinit other courts to exevctse the powers rested by thlt vonsttcmiou in like judges or tne Courts or common fiaa ana urpnam Court, oe ainenaoa so tnat toe ihall read a follows: Section 20. All laws Twiat-in to enuru hall be ireneral and ol onitorm operation, and the orcauizatlon. jur.iHlici.on, and powers of all courts of the same elnen or grtuio, so rnr as rt'RuiavHi ny iaw, ana me n.rce ana eueut oi too process ncu juuk- ments ol suen oouru. snau oe uiuiorui bm. noiwttli'tnuulitia' any provision ul in It Constitution, the General Assembly hall have full Dower to establish now oourts. from time to time, as the same may be needed In any city or county, ami to prescribe the powvrs and jurisdiction Lhemof. and to lucroftse the number of luduM In an? courts now existing or here alter orrawxi, or vo reorgauiEe wie suma, ur to veHt In other courts the jurisdiction theretofore exerclwnl by oourts not of rec ord, and to abolish the same wherever It may be deemed necessary for the orderly id efficient administration or justice A true copy of KwoluMon No 1. ROBERT Mo A FEE. 8oretary of the Common wealth gate, at any one time, ofton mien vaiua j lion, so tut w rTi tv miiiiiwb, Hectton l hp uimx oi any mnncy. city, boronifh, tiwnnhlp. schnid dlntrlct, or other immloipallty or Innnrporated dtntrlrt exoent as berein pnviai, nmii never ex oppd seren per oentuiu upon the anitPflMHt value of the taxable property tbimlu. nor tthall any such niunioipumy or district ln uur any new debt, or Increnfic Its hi(lelt 'i- nans to an amount eicwdiriit two tn-t oem am upon such ahmwwu miHulion ol prop ertv, without the M-nt of th i-lecuirp fchereoi st a puniic encTnin in si ten mail nr as shall tie provided by )nw: but anj city, the debt if which now excttd snven per oeuium oi Burn axHfma Tttiumion, may be authorized br law to t nervate thr same thre per centum, tn the nr?vga!e, at any one time upon svion vairaiinn, ei- nent that anv debt or dt-bts hereinafter In oamd iiy the city ana otnimj ti rmiao-'i, phis for the oouet ruction and devult- ment oi Huoways lor trnuni. purnotn, for the oonttructlun of wharves and dtxifcs. or the reolamHtlon of land to be uted in the ronstiuctlon of a system of wharve and docks, as public Improvements, owned or to be owned by said city and count Philadelphia, and whloh shall yield to the city and county of l nlladelphia enr rent nut revtmue In exceas of the Interest on said debt or debts and of the annual Installments nerpsary for the cancel la tlon of said debt or debts, may be ex oluded In ascertaining the. power of the olty and county of Philadelphia to become othsrwlae lnueuud: rrovtnea, mm sinking fund for their cancellation shall be established and uialntalned. A true oopy of loint Resolution No. 4 ROBkKT McAFEE. Secretary of the Commonwealth e r a I STABLE Gen LIVERY Safe horses, Good wagons. Prompt service, Careful Drivers. Findlay & Wheeler, Mjlford. fm PROPRIETORS r- - ar e'.- "e snJ-S)' a"t."f;srsr -fs) Nurober Two RKUOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitu tion ol tne Common weal tn oi Pennsyl vania, so as to eliminate the require ment of payment of taxes as a qualifica tion of the right to vote. Resolved (If the House of Representa tives concur,) That the following amend ment to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania be, and the same is hereby, proposed, In aooordanoe with the elirhteenth article thereof: That sec U on one of artlole elant br amended, by stntinr out the Toartn num bered DaracranD tbereoi. so that the saia seotlon shau reaa as follows: Heotton 1. Kvery male cltlnen twenty- one years of age, possessing the following Qualification, snail os entttiea to rote ai ail eltctiout, subject however to suoh laws reuuirlnv ana recruiating the recristratinb of electors as the Uoneral Aasembly ma; enact. k'trst. He shall bars been a citizen ot the United Htates at least one month. Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or If, having pre? loudly I been qualified elector or native-born I oitlsen of the Htate. be shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) I Immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months Immediately pre- oeaing tne election. A true oopy of Resolution No. s. ROBERT McAFKB. Secretary of the Common wealth. SILVER LAKE UeorijB KIi tiifr, Mt'Wartl of tin Porter's Luke Hunting BnJ Fishing Uluh, was a recent visitor here A Dumber of city KuestH are being BiiiTtaiiifd itt Huntingluwer Inn Minb Iiihx Riiitt vlhltsd relatives a Outre on buuday. Mltte Mary Pieroe of Pbiladelplna ia spending several weeks at Silver Lake House. A. W. Horton and family spent the past week in the city. Mra. George Grove and song of Philadelphia are visiting relatives in this plaae. Mr. McAllister returned to the olty iast week after spending a week at the lake. Boleaon How ell of Philadelphia is visiting C. 8. drove, Jr. Mra. Van Cam pen and (laughters of Millord BiHint Sunday with her husband at the club house. Uarry Cauiplell of Brooklyn wat a recent visitor here. Miss M. E. Shields of Pnilxdelphlit is Visiting Miss Margaret Shepord. A. R. Wlggan and family are en- tertaiuing friends from the olty it 5 P F0E SULK Settling the estate, of tlie lute Tliomus Arni Ktrong we offer for Mii'; tlie General Stoic of !'. Armstrong and Coinj'tiiiy. for full purtieulars. terms, etc. apply to HARRY T. ARMSTRONG . ., w. m- a DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS? Does vonr head ache or slmulr feel heavy and uncomfortable? Does yonr back ache? Do you feel fugged outf The tonlo laxative herb tea knowu as Lane's Family Medicine will cure your head, re move the pain in side or back and restore, your strength. Mothfug else Is so good for the stomach and bowels. At druggist ana aeaiers you. Colonial Tea at Field Club A Colonial Tea will he held at the 111) ford Field Club Friday afternoon and evening; Sept. 2nd. Admission 26 oenta, refreabmeota verved with out eoet. The Club Hooae will be deoorated with Colonial furniture, nd the young ladle who will act at hooteaeee at the different tablee will weur the qoaint and picturesque dreanee worn In the day of George Washington. There will be many and Interesting and exciting raffles, guinea of ohanoe. fifth pond and otb er amusing and novel featoree. Un usually attractive dolls dreseed a la mode will be aoid reasonably. Thia feature la expected to appeal strong ly to children. Home made candy In fancy boxes will be placed on sale at one of the tables and pretty artl- lea of various aorta will be raffled or sold. The affair promises to be very enjoyable and a large attend ance la expeoted. The prooeeda will go to the Mitford Field Club. Number Three JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constltn- tlon oi tne ixnninon wealth cl F ennsvl- vanla, so as to consolidate the oourts of J oounty In tSectlon 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Fennitylvanla lu Gen eral Assembly met, That the following amendment to the Constitution of Penn sylvania be, and the same Is hereby, pro posed, in aooordanoe with the eighteenth article thereof: That section six of article fire be amended, by striking out the said section, and inserting in place thereof the follow inir: emotion d. in me county or niiadei phla all the jurisdiction and powers now vested In the district oourts and oourts of oommon pleas, subject to suoh changes as may be maae Dy tms constitution or by law, shall be In Philadelphia vested in nvo distinct ana separate oourts ol equal and co-ordinate Jurisdiction, oomooaed of three judges each. The said oourts In Philadelphia shall be designated resneoV lvely as the oourt of oommon pleas nura- ner one, numner two, number three, number four, and number five, but the number of said oourts nuty be by low in creased, from time to time, and shall be la like manner designated by successive numbers, ibe number ox judges In anv of acid courts, or in any oounty where tne astaouanmeni oi an aaamonai oourt may be authorised by law, may be In uruased, from time to time, and when- J. S. OWNER TRESSPASS NOTICE. A II persona are anted from trca sasiuti on the private property of U. undersigned for the purpose of hunting, fishiug or any other purpose under penalty of the Act of Aaaem. bly approved April 14th, 1SU5. Atteo tlon is especially called to the law niakiug the cpeo seauon lor bullfrog from July 1st to November 1st. Dlngtiian tsp. May 2U, 1U10 Field Club Sports. Otorgs Pali'ier won the men'i bandloap alnglea in the tourBameot, playlns aorateh. Uisa Edna Klaet was the aocoeasful entrant In ladles' Ingles. The final! for the hand some non-handicap Barman silver challenge cup will probably pl.ytd Saturday morning. Qeorge rialiiger got a leg on the cup last year bat must win It two more years in order to own it outright. A danoe for members and Invited gueuta will take place at the Field Club Satur day evening. The Field Club de ftaied the Blu9 Boose taae ball team Tuesday afternoon by the aance Pike County Wild Lands Ever since the organization of the 1314, and before. Pi lie County wild land has been a rpeou lative toy with which many have been beguiled. The unthinking who know the value of olty, or near by lands, compare the prices with those asked for land here and the proposition seems so attractive that they Invest without much if any in vestigation. To instance: lots in Hyde Park Porter are constantly Ul-I T I J I I. I . Constitution or b ouBiigiuu u.uua uu u in iir to pre suine some value ia oeing given lor them. The lots are plotted ou the Isaac Wykoff tract No. 178, contain ing 400 acres, 160 perches, and the treasurer's hooks show that iu 1903 the Commonwealth acquired title to the whole tract. It follows that there ia absolutely no Individual title to the lots in question, and those buying them get nothing. The post erer .u'ob looreaw .knll amount in the nfflae department and some victims wool, to three uoh three judge. hll o( lali peculations have recently I Supplying The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We solve it by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. FOR AN ELEGAN1 DINNER II rsa sppreclau) a jood aiarkst la towln bey four fiih ins elams .1 my place. Llmburo.r, imported Rooualort Philadelphia Craam ehHM or any oth.rt 4slrd. FRED GUMBLE Harford St. MUtord Pa. RYDER'S MARKET RYDER'S BUILDING HARNESS Of All Kind and Style). Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS Repairing ;-NEATLY done. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St, ; Milford m:aleu IS Moats and Frovhuww, Fish and Vegetables. Canned Good Orders PrMnptly Attended PAUL RYDER Harford Street, Milford. thk mi la Kurd tkk OF STORES Longest Establisliod, Best Equipped FINEST LINE OF WINTER GOODS. ' Specialties in woolens, jackets, laiicr., m-:ns and ' chilircns underwear. Gloves, hosiery, bocts ad shos. A'l th; latest styles and best materials ior 'vinter vcar. Beautiful -r" Ncckwzai? A New Department A large assortment of Laces and Trimmings. A complete stock of mens iurnislungs. Finely stocked Grocery Department Crockery and glassware direct Iroin fcngland. All of idc'ahoVc ati prices tihafe Vill . nakc it to your advantage to buy of M1TGHEI.L BR0S. Prescriptions . Compounded by Only Graduates .in Pharmacy at Herbst's -- Pharmacy . furewR.ld. which shall be numtxirvxl acurtMiiia iu rniiaipnta ii unit hnii ua lutaUut3d in the ftuld oourts of oom mon plea without deslgDrUiug the uuiu ber ul the ruld oourt, aud the severnl courts shall distribute and apportion the bust net among them In such manner us shall be provided by rules of oourt, and each oourt, to which anv suit shall be thus assigned, shall hare axolustve juris diction thereof, subject to change of Tenue, as shall be provldttd by law. In the oounty of Allegheny all the Juris diction and powers now vested lu the sev eral numbered oouru of oommon pleas shall be vested in one oourt of common pleas, oomposed of all the judges In oom mliMlou In said oouru. fciuth jurisdiction and powers shall extend to ail prooeedlugs at law ana in equity wniun shau nave been Instituted lu the several numbered oourts, and shall be subjeot to suoh changes as may be made by law, and sub jeot to ohange of venue as provided by law. The urtaldenl judge cf aald oourt nhall be eelucted as provided by law. The numuer oi uuges in stua oonrt may oe uy law lnoreaeed from time to time 'i'bU amendment sbvll take effect ou the flrkt day of Jauuary euooeedtiig iu adoption A true oopy or ruseuiuiiou No. a KobfcKT alcAv'EK. Secretary of the Oummunwoallh. commeuceu anion ttain.tt parties I tilling IbiicIr its New jersey. There la tide but the lou are either id swamps oi on scrub barrens aBd of no prenetit or protective value. No blame can be attaeheil to the Locali ty or to thoae who deal honestly In lands by making Iruthful represen tations of Its location and nurrouml lugs, but when once a man ia bib ten he U ready to cry txad dog una affright all who hear him. Tliie prejudicee legitimate business to sell ing lands. The fair way ia to eell for a fair prioe after the would-be purchaser baa been fully informed of the cliHn-cier of the land he i offered. Then Iih euuuot claim he baa been awiudied. Number Four A JOINT KKSOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section eight, article nine, oi tne uonautuuon of renn svivania. Reetion 1. Be It resolved by the Senata and House ox representatives oi the tuui- inouweelVB of Pennsylvania, in Ueneral Aseembly met. That tne following 11 propotud as an amendment to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth of Peumtyl- ania, tn aooordanoe with the provisions uf the elgnteentn article tbt-rwof : Ameudmeut to a ruoic fuie Beotton feight. Seotlon I Amend Section eight, artlole nine, ol the itmstKuiion uf fuuusylvanla, whlcn ruaus as toiiows: "beutlon . Ihe debt of any oounty, olty. borough, townuhip, school diatrUn, or other municipality or Incorporated dis trict, except as herein providad, sluul nev er exotwd seven pur oenluiu upon the as euaeed value of the taxable property ihtro tn, nor shall any such municipality ur dis trict Incur any new debt, or lucrcaae iu indebtHinees to an amount exuuediug two pr veutum upon suoh awwsetid Vavlua tlon of property, without the attseut of th electors thoreuf at a public election lu uoh manner as khttll be provided by taw; but any olty, the debt of which now exoeedii seven i'er ountum of such ataseaaed value- Uun, luay oe autttrte ay iaw hnefuaae ik3 IS ! Snoccetl when rwrything else fans. , In tiervoua prosti.-atioa and female ! we-oimeaaea they are tne fmprem remedy, ua tboosanda have tcsti&ed. I FOR KIONEY-LIVER AND STOMACH TROUOLE It ia the best tnedLcine ever aotd over a dregfisr a couoter. wood s son FUNERAL DIRECTORS MILFORD PA UNDERTAKING tn all branohea Mpecial attention given to EMBALMING No extra charge for attending funerals out of town. Telephoue In Residence.. LAIV ASSISTANT New ork Kepreaentatlve National tiaskeft Co. 60 Great Jones 8 tV Telephone S846 8prlog DONT COUGH, BUT LIVE LONG. If every oough were curi bfore It gut a strong hold, human lift- would be tenth- ened by many yeurs. 11 every oontrMr sun erer Knew thathemp'n UrtlMia wou.d ssop the oough in a (vm unuuie., he wnuM be glad to ekcape lite eet iouo4uitt queut If any mfdiciut- our a xiugh Ki-rup' Balsam mill do It. At drugglnu' j)d daiers' 2u. & TO VE WOOD rumivhed at $4.5 a toad. Mail ordtr$ given prompt at teniiott. Milfoni Pu,t Nov, 6th. 1909 J, H. Kietet. (0)h mm BEST OF ALL FLOUR. FEED, MEAL, BRAN. OATS, and HAY When in need of any Hello to No. 5.. or come to SAWKiLL MILL, MILFORD PA Your Home If you are going to build any where in Pike Co. or Sussex Co., N. J. it will pay you to consult E. 5. WOLFE Dealer in ' OPPOSITE 5 & 10c. Store P0RTJERVIS S 1 1 FOB RENT A store room 17 X 40 with cellar, oo Ann Street one block from Broad, next door to Mllfor 1 Inn. Appty hl nfflr. Notice of Application For Charter HOV 'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dullara Rowan! (or ax7 usee of Catarrh taat oanuot be curvd by Hull'! Cntarra Cure. K .J. CHKNKY Hi CO., Tol.J.i, O. We, ibe utHterwlauod, kave kjiowo. K. J. Chuuey for the last 16 Jean. ud belii-ve blin perfeolly bouoraltlu tu all butm (rnnMUjOoiiM, eud Qilaociiilly hI1u tuauriy out auy CihlltfAdon luade by bu tlriu. WALUisb, K ink an A: Ma:ivin, WluiKsale UrunKl.U Tolrtlu, O. IlAlTeCatHrrb Curu U Uikeu UiuiriiuMr. acllnfc directly upon the tkluod and uiuouu urfueof the f?alm. TeHliiiiouial. -nl frne. Price, 7bc. pur buttle bold by all Druggist. Take UtoirFwHy Pills for constipatioa Notice 1 hereby givan that applica tion utll t.i 3 ... i Ua tfanVArmtr lit lli- itMic of 1'enu.ylvauJa on the 81at dy of Aujtuei. 1910. under the pn-v-iuii ot ii n Artel Aaaemhly eutilleJ ' Act to jinivMe for tha Incorporatiou and rt'xuluiioti f ertiii rioratioUB" jjipnivrd April JW, 1N71, aud the aup pleiuents thereto, fur a charter tor au inlfM.lt cl e a t ii o a t i on to ha called "LEHMAN kVKK COMPANY" the charac'xr and otjyeol of which ia the supply ii, i; of Itirht, heat and power or eittiu of thtan, l y inea. ia at electrio ity to tha pulill i in the Township of 1 eliuiuii, f.iiiitj' of 1'Ut. , .-tttte of Penny . '.vema. utitj to mco iori.ini, p.iitnt-vSiiiw ot jua.'iuLAJtja rxidinir .iieri.-'u or aJjixCHiic tiien.i ui tuay de il Uw a:in; ana tin ilinm;mrji. e to Imvt!. iKiMfr and enjiy all ihe rights, beneiiu ,uu. i riviUw Iiy mhuI Ai-t of Amviui iv roil t'lomippauje tin tti.-ieto Ci'U'iUlll4l. t il 'JSl.r.Ili H. URUSCOK, Wl.LtA-M P. 11 KAY, KIAS i.S V. .Vl-.l.l.Klt, Ini-or('ii.inton. i.tliiuau'r..iih;ii. Pa., Joly 21, 1U10. DR. KENNEDY'S I7AU0RITE r J u lEMEDY Pleaaaut to Take, Powerl'til to Cure, And 'Welconie In Cvery Home. KIDI1SY, LIVER Si BLOOD C'JilE Not a Patent Medicine Over 30 Yeavs of Suaess. Used In Thousands of Homes. Write to Dr. David Kennedy's Sons. Rondout, N. Y, for a FREE sample bottle. Large bottle $1.00. All druggists. Flooring Sic' ing Ceiiinp Mould njs Casings Lath Sbingle and Rocfing Milford F R A M E L U M B E R Cement Lime Plaster Doers and Windows Interior Finish a d '1 Oak Flooring Pa. e OO oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ooooo4ooooocoao CO e.- c o . o f o c o o o oe 0 c o o o J c oe u HOUSE FURNISHif.'G CCOCS Porch Rocking chairs from $.98 to $3 00 Iron Bed Steads $4.50, J6.50 an.d $8.50 Mattrasses $3.50 to $5. R 'js io i l.60 Matting $.25. Carpet $.35 tn a yd. 5- 10- and 25ct goods. J J J Curtain rods iocts. Window shades 25C Lots of New Goods in all De partments at w. s. Miiini.l, I'. A N D SON JpSiijBhaciiUa Spt Kb FCaWL -Aduau tiae tu the Freaa. i UilSU