Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 08, 1910, Image 1

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Uli ii 11
(oar Of fie 11 1 09
NO 39
Nineteen peopia v. ere killed and
several Injured in a hud on collision
between a fast passenger and a
freight train In Ohio Monday.
A sale and sane Fourth of July
bora good results gonerally In the
oontry. Fewer accident were re
ported thia year than last and In
Ml! ford the day passed without a
single person being injured. Good
order prevailed and there wa enjoy
ment without the usual rows and
As estray hore was picked np by
tome partis on the Port Jervis road
this week which at Bret was thought
to nave been atolen, bnt it turned
out tbat it tubs' been hired by fmrsoiMj
who were fishing along the river and
they had allowed it to get loose and
wander away.
The toy aero planes sent np by
Ha got tone July 4th were Interesting
evidenoea of their akiltaml gave petf
pie here a good idea of bow flying
machines look
W. F. Beck and (anally of Phil
adelphia are visiting relative and
f ricnda here.
If Mr. Bryan will inspect closely
and with discrimination, he will be
able to note symptoms of Democratic
insurgency tn Ohio.
O. M. Weill of Mew York, Benj
Mettler of Port Jervis, P. M. Nilts
Jr of Stroodsbnrg, Ed Beach of Mew
ton, N. J., Nelson Brown of Newark
N. J.. J. C Grasmoek, Fred Wilson
and Will Armstrong of New York
were visitors in town over the 4th.
George Dsumann ha one of the
thaw gardena in town and bia neigh
bora are often remembered with some
of Ita excellent products. Be takes
delight both in raising tbe finest
vegetables and having hia friends
enjoy them.
At the Milford Driving Park July
4th the first race free for all for 1200
was woo by Admiration, entered by
M N. Thornton, with Dorothy,
entered by Howard Btearna second
time 2 21. Tbe so cold raoe 2 40
elass was won by John R., entered
by Thornton, with Mamie J. entered
by Burt Whit more of Port Jervis
second, time S. SO, and the third rate
3.00 minute claaa for f 50 was won by
"Lord Barton entered by B. O. Rosen-
erana of Port J TVis with Monle Mac
second, time 8.00
John W. Shields of Milford and
Millie, a daughter of Andrew Snyder
and wile of Matamoras were married
at the borne of tbe bride in Matamor
as July 4th by Rev, A. C. Corey pas
tor of F.pworth Church. They will
live here.
Clara Krob has gone for a two
weeks vacation at Sea Girt N. J.
Dr. II, IS l.mersou and wife re-
turned this week from their bridal
trip to New York.
Mrs. Horace E Kipp is qnlte ill at
her bom on Ann 8t.
Paul Humbert presented the PBfcVC
this week with a b sket of mammoth
gooseberries raised on bis place li
Dingman township. Some of the
berries meaanred J lnobea In oir
eumfereao and look si tbe sice of
ordinary plums.
F. F. While with his characteristic
spirit for making improvements ha
had Plum Alley adjoining his prem
lacs on Fourth Street graded and it lb
now in the beat pooaible shape. Tui.
work is in fine contrast with thai
done by some others tu public alleys
The Proabyteilan Sunday Schoo'.
held it aunual picnic at Raymond
Skill Falls Wednesday.
Race riots all over the country re
aulted from the fight at Reno. Epec
tally in the large oitieg, north and
south, there were clashes and at least
five were kil e.larxt hundreds irjured
R Joiolng of the negroes over the vie
tory of Johnson, aud thnii
demonstrations in many instance
provoked assaults by white.
In the matter of the petition of th.
Matamoras Company Limited fot ap
pralaeonent of certain shares -of stock
ol aaiu company ne court haa ap
pointed Benjamin Krte to appraist
ami value the Interest of Thorn Jr
A, Ralatoo Trustee of Irving A
Milford Streets never were in a be
tor or more satifac:ory oonditi n
They were prepared before the oil
Was applied, it waa Judiciously sprwiii
and the result is no dust and a nan
smooth roadway. The Council mt-r
Us the thanks of the public, and thr
V. I. A. is also inoluded for lis genei
oslty, for this excellent condition
Th tUle streets also will be treated
and practically the whole tows Will
Vf lustiest,
FOR KENT To auu.mer giKStc, Mi-jersdale, Pottsville and Jermyn
furnished bouse foot of Broad St. ri are the only towns In Fennsylvan
F P. SAWYER. ' la thus far which have asked for the
The MUt.ee Gertrude Gumble anl i'""1- ot POTtal ''"K8
Jennie Btruthrrs of Philadelphia a 6 bnk ln thelr uffloe9
guests with friend in town. I Alfred T. 8eeley visited his son
One result of this weather Is the na also his aangn
timm.hir. arrival rf thn slllv season: t
it is manifested in the announcement id5re ,hi8 ' k
ter Mrs. Geo Ellenberger at Belvi-
of a British naval officer that war be
tween Japan and America is inevita
While California bsis prize fights.
Havana discusses tnaugnrating bull
flvbta to atnnse American witnesses
Evidently there's an impression that
Americana are less respectable than
their law.
If the grand Jury dig deep enough
ft will find the men "higher up ,
A oortespondent wishes to know
what is the difference between Bryan
and Harmon. A nomination.
The first speech Mr. Ro'-sevelt de
livers will be to tbe people of Kn iv
ies. That Is right. Kansas needs
aiklng to worse tfcau any' other
State in the Union, perhnps.
The notloo of intended application
for ohorter of Pautmc Power Co lends
color to the rumor that a large dam
will be built at Wilsonville ard a
aka f rmed along li e Puupao valley.
No doubt the site Selected will afford
p iwer sufficient for several proposed
C. N. B illeau and bis two sons of
Brooklyn, N. Y , spent the 4th witb
his brother ill Dlngmi.n township
Be is an export electricipn and goes
to Elbcron, N. J., where he has
charge of a lare plant.
Will Armstrong and wife of New
York were recent guests witb hia
Arthur N. Adams ot Huntine
Tower was a visitor in town tbe first
ot tbe week.
B. E. Brown an son Roliert of Do
Land, Florida, came up the first Of
the week and it is said the former
will manage tbe Homestead this
It is to be hoped that both Arizona
and New Mexico are provided witb
capitals guaranteed to stay put.
Mr. Tuft cannot oomplain that
Congress baa been precipitate or
Hon. Alfred Marvin, Chairman oi
the Delaware River Free Bridge
Commission, has appointed Miss
Mabel C. Btark of Dingman town1
ship, and recent graduate of Mil
ford Higb School, Clerk of the Com.
mission. Bbe is a very studioua and
deserving yonng lady and merits this
John C. Warner and family went
mi an auto trip to Hackeoseck last
Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme
Conrt, Melville W. Fuller, died and
denly of heart failure at Borrento,
Maine, July 4th, aged 77 years. He
waa appointed in 1888 by Cleveland,
od had served twenty-two years.
Jnst how much saorifioe is Involved
n declining a Democratic nomina
tlon for Governor of Pennsylvania
can be figured ont better after
If ever' school and college gradu
ate gets a Job at once in accordance
with his own idea of hia economic
value, there will be a tremendous
upheaval in the business world.
Congress practically emasculates
its a nptign publicity bill. But
that is a reform which congress will
not be able to dodge much longer
Miss Cockrell is going tn marry th
Minister from Greece, We bave
mislaid our catalogue of the market
value of foreiiin husbands, but do
not imagine a Greek cost a great
W. 8. Ryraan and son advertise
ibis week bouse furnishing goods.
They have the stock aud will make
t worth while for yon to examine it.
An infant aon of Teal Titman dieo
July la.
Miss Bertha Fieg of Newark, N. J
is spending a week witb her slater
Mrs. George Dauuiann.
Talk about the increased cost ol
living 1 It ts sain that aealtklns are
to cost twice as mnoli as last year
Luckily, thia wout Interest any of u.
for a few in ntha yet.
There are lota of people who will
efuae to get excited over a bath-tub
Andrew Yetter of Blairstown, N.
I., with a party ot friends visited
Milford in an auto last Friday. II
looking very well and it la alwaya i
pleasure to greet bim.
Mrs. David Cuddebeck of Eltia
beth, N. J , visited her mother Mia
J, M Aidrtob over the Fourth,
Elsewhere the Water Supply Oom-
mls-tlon advertises for bids lor work
at Cave Eank in Delaware towi ship
According to the plans tbe work will
secure the road, and witb an addi
tional appropriation which Mr. Mar
vln will obtain if ba Is returned to
the Legislature next winter that bad
nd expensive p'ace will be made
safe for all time. It la far eacier for
taxpayer to bav tbe siat pay for
tbe job than to go down.ito IJieiJown
pocket.". If . yviweali&e this'': cost
vote for Marvin and get something in
return: r
In Philadelphia 9 were killed and
G08 woundnd Jnly 4, 1908 r this year
were killed and 602 injured.
The State fish commissioner says
the shortage in tbe batch of black
bass this year was dne to cold
weather. The work In tbat respect
has been a failure. Only 300 appli
cations out of 1660 can be supplied.
Hon. Alfred Marvin and family of
Matamoras rode down the valley
Monday ln his auto.
J. C. Presoott of Matamoras
in town Tuesday.
Tbe whlu of autos in town has
been incessant the past week prov
ing the attractiveness of our roads
and scenery in the valley, and no less
tbe satisfactory accomodations they
find at our several hotels.
The Managers of Milford Brlgde
Comp.iny have declared a seml annu
dividend cf 2 payable by the
reasurer Wm. Mitchell July 15th.
Only 9 persons were killed in Chi
cago this year July 4, as against 66
last year. The advocates of safe
and sane day have reason to feel grat
ifled over this record.
There was but one fatality in New
The morning mail here during the
past week has been Irom I to 8 hoar
ate. Tbe delay is said to be caused
by the train at Jersey City waiting
for tbe morning papers.
Mammy Johnson, mother of the
winner, lives in Cbioago snd rides ln
her automobile tbe gift of ber son.
who rode away from Reno in a spec
ial car, probably more than (100,000
richer than when be west there, and
whd now can oommand an income
many times larger than any preacher
by giving exhibitions.
Stewart Buchanan of New York is
visiting bis parents In Dingman tap
Robert Terwilllger, and wife ot
West wood, N. J., are spending few
days witb relatives here.
Mrs. Dr. Kenworthey and child
ren are at Twin Lakes for a couple of
Miss Maude Sawyer has aritved
here from Oberlin, Ohio where she at
tends college, to pass tbe summer.
Mrs O. B. Van Wych of Washing
ton is at ber cottage on Ann street for
the season.
Mrs. George Mitchell entertained a
company of ladies last Friday after
Mrs. Frank Schorr has gone to
Scranton for a visit of several weeks.
F F. White spent several days
this week in N, Y.
Milford Inn opened its new grill
room last Thursday evening with a
party entertained by Mr, LeBar
A Port Jervis auto backed up in
front of John Rydera team Wednes
day while it was standing at Cudde-
baoka store which caused the horses
to turn and upset the wagon aplllicg
out a lot of good. Not much dam
age was done however.
Washington Deserted
Since last week tne national cnpttol
has become a deserted village. Con
greas, the President, Ihe diplomatic
corps and society have all scattered
Simultaneously with the departure
f the President and Corjgress, tbe
point of national Interest w as Bhif led
to New York when the ex-President
retnrned, and It. now Rppcflrt flint
wherever he is there the middle men
f the press are gathered together
and from that point political news Is
at the national cnpitol, but In an uu.
inspired, humdrum, mechanical way
thronph tbe $1800 clerks who Valiy
know the routine better' than Presi
dents and cabinets aa;l ohief of bu
reaus. But until the ItiX or JtildULj
of October there will be but. little to
attract the attention of tbe pnbllo to
Washington, '
Since the adjournment of Congress,
two Senators, Daniek' bf "Virginia,
and Mc-Henry of Louisiana, have
died; one, McCombnr of North Dalo
ta, haa been reelected and Represent
ative Gronna of that state has also
been eleoted to the Senate to fill an
unexpired term of Johnson af North
Dakota, who died shortly after he
waa eleoted.
To all appearance there la a slight
slump in the insurgency movement
It is announced that Son a tors Cum
mins and Dolliver have cancelled lec
turing engagements, and tbe Diiuioo
and Pythias, relation renewed be
tween tbe Presidt nt and the ex- Pres
ident at Beverly is a straw .indicat
ing political accord and peace. Col.
Roosevelt determination to keep his
bands off politics has yielded to Gov
Hughes' solicitation and he Is mixed
in the New York legislative fight
wlfh a result that appears to be tem
porary defeat. It need not, however
be assumed that Col. Roosevelt's per
sooal friendship for President Taft
means that he approves his attitude
in the Ballinger-Pinchot affair, or
that he is not at heart in sympathy
with the progressive element of hia
There is no doubt that the Repub
lican party will In the coming elcc-
tlona have a better standing than was
expected two or three montha ago.
The government is winding up the
fiscal year In good shape. All the fig
ure relating to receipts and expendi
tures are not yet in, but snoh as are
now in show that tbe Treasury will
get through tbe year witb practically
no deficit. Thia la very much better
than the financial condition one year
ago. A new system has been adopt
ed in the Treasury statement, and
tbe ordinary receipt and disburse
ment are kept apart from the Pans
ma Canal Account. If this account
should be taken into consideration,
there would be a deficit ot about
thirty four million. At this time one
yearago the fiscal year ended with a
deficit of flfty-nlns millions to the ac
ceunt of ordinary receipts and dis
bursements and one hundred and
eighteen millions taking into consld
eration the account of tbt Panama
Canal. It will be a matter of satis
faction to Americana sufficiently well
nfonned in financial affairs to know
that ordinary receipts and expendi
tures now nearly balance each other.
, Mary Guluaer teacher In the east
ern part of this county closed her
school the past week and rerurned
' Our' old' macadam from Tattles
Corner eastward la undergoing re
pair,' end 'people passing over the
road cliim thnt there is a lot of cx
pensa and the repairs will be of little
benefit. From all ret o.'ls the road !s
Business wilt still go oil in bad shape at present.
Miss iiuoel Smith who has been
teaching for the past two years in
'Naw'nik rl-iiirneii home on Friday
and will spend her vacation with her
parents at Ly ton.
- "Alsacia" Farm'' over along the
Delawaia-is filling- op with boarder
Tbe place is Ideal for the city folk
nd under the management of Frank
and Ira is made pleasant for all stop
ping with tbeni.'
Th big barn nn the Club farm at
Bvana is about cnolosed and the
building is being pushed to comple
The patrons of the Bevans P. O.
have to depend upon the mall carrier
for their mail matter.
The office was closed on Thursday
last and all papers remove 1 to the
Lay ton P. O.
Tbe Lijtou P. M. and clork have
their hands full placing patrona mail
ags for those along the route
from Halnesville to tbe Walpaok
It Is certainty no picnic '
Work on the new road is progress
ing rapidly and the grading ia about
complete from Layton to beyond G.
Hurshs. Most of the beautiful
trees along the road were removed
moct to the regret of the people. The
steam roller came on Saturday and
theorusber, witb a capacity of 176
tons per day, will be here in a few
day. Many were worried over the
Italians, but they are a gentlemanly
set of men, and their foreman, Ray
Thompson, Is just the man to have
charge of the work. ,
i ears were expressed tbat corn
would not reach tbe knee high mark
by July 4th, but there are several
pieoeB tbat have done it nicety.
The marriage of Misa Graoe Avers
and Grover C. Utter both of this
town took place one day last week
Their many friends wish them much
Miss Sadie Hursh of Newark
spent Sunday and Monday with her
father at Layton, returning to New
ark on Monday evening.
Census Rumors
Probably tbe census of 1810 will
show that Southern States, Including
Oklahoma and Missouri bave made
a 21 per cent gain In population ai nee
1900 and that they will now show
about 83 and a half million. The
gain in other states ia estimated at
l per cent. Five states made tbe
urea test gain ; Alabama, Georgia,
Missouri, Texas and Oklahoma, the
latter likely made tne greatest gal
ot one and a quarter million.
Real Estate Transfers
G fford Pincbut and otters to Mil
ford Cemetery Association 4 acres,
Dinaman, 1150.
E. B. La liar Treasurer to Mary
Elizabeth Ford, t deeds, Jas. B. Wal.
lace no. T5 100 acres, John K rouse
1 0. 10, (9 sorv Blooming Gruv.
waa of th unconquerable, never-say
die kind, th kind tbat you need most
when you bav a bad cold, cough or
lung disease. Suppose troches, eougb
syrup, cod liver oil or doctor bave
all failed- .don't lose heart or hop
Take Dr. King New Diacovtry. Sat
isfaction, la guaranteed when used for
any throat or lung trouble. It has
saved thousands of hopeless suffer.
It master stupborn colds, obstinate
coughs, hemorrhages, lagrlppe, asthma
hay fever aud whooping congb and
tb most aafe and certain remady for
all bronchial affections. 50c. and f 1
Trial bottle free at all druggists.
Charles I who waa King of Great
Britian from 126 to 1619 granted
charter in 1628 to the Governor and
Company of Massachusetts Bay Col
otty and in 1629 gave tba Province of
Carolina to Sir Robert Heath his at
toraey general. In 16&3 be gave
proprietary grant of Maryland to Ce-
ceiius Calvert, second Lord Balti
more. Charles II King from 1660 to
1886 granted liberal charters to Con
neoticut and Rhode Inland in 162-;
and in 1831 granted Pennsylvania to
William Peno, giving him a propri
etary grant of 40,000 square miles I
payment of a debt ot 16,000 pounds
due Penn'a father. The State con.
tains 44, 935 square mile.
Farm with good apple orchard,
brook, unfailing spring, moderate
nrlw Hoffman. 808 "A", lit
I New York
The Milford Season
Milford has sgaln opened its doors
to Bummer visitors, many of them
coming from Brooklyn. .
Among the guests at the Bluff
House are: Mr. and Mr. George
McKibbln, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Has-
sell. Miss . A. Spioer, Frank and G
Strafford Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Burke, Mrs. E. Lyman and Mis
Kathleen Klley, aU from Brooklyn.
At tbe Milford Inn are: A. Brank-
uller, D. B. Shea and Mr. and Mrs.
Bohoenberger, who arrived here
recently in their car.
The Marguerite is fortnnste in hav
ing secured tbe services of a Holland
House (New York) chef, Louis Ro-maina.
Mr. and Mrs. Bylvanu T. Whit
are again occupying their cottage on
Harford Street. They live ln Brook-
How delicious were the plea of boy
hood. No p-es now ever taste so sued
What' changed? th plan? No. Its
you. You'v lost tbe strong, healthy
stomach, tbe vigorous liver, the active
kidneys, the regular bowels of boy
hood. Your digestion Is poor and you
blame the food. What'a needed? A
complete touing up by Electric Bitters
of all organs of digestion Stomach,
Llvr, Kidneys, Bowel Try tbem.
They'll restore your boyhood appatit
and appreciation of food and fairly sat
urate your body with new health,
strength and vigor. 60c. at all drug-
Jersey Autoists
Officer MoCarty July 4th arrested
a party of autolst from New Jersey
because they had no Penna license
and carried a New Jersey number
Before Justice Lndwig they ex
plained tbat they supposed they had
tbe legal right to ruo over here be
oause ot tbe reciprocity between
states and as proof offered a chart
priuted in a New York publication
which bad after Penn the word
exempt" Indicating that there was
general reciprocity. Jerseymen gen
orally understand there is no reolp
ricity and some twenty thousand
autoists over there now are organiz
ing to have a law passed next w Intel
to recognize foreign licenses. They
see thct the preaent requirement ot
a license for outsiders ts a detriment
by keeping many travelers ont of tbe
state. It was argued tbat good roads
were being injured to a greater ex
tent than the benefit derived from
th money spent by tourists, but it
being realized that a state cannot af
ford to fence itself in and compel the
pnbllo to go around it. It Jersey
persists ln being like Spain neigh
boring atatea will have to Cubanlse
her. Mosquitoes and all.
Killed by Hospitality
And to make ber sad ending aa
sure aa could be.
They drowned her la gallons of
afternoon tea.
lyn during the winter, - Mr. White
and Mr. McKibbin are enthusiastic
golf players, and can be seen on the
golf grounds almost dally.
The first baseball game of the sea
son took place ln the morning of
July 4. The opposing team helled
from Newburg. The Millord team
has a lull blooded Indian battery.
who know how to play ball. -
Tbe game resulted ln a score of 2-1
in favor of Milford, and while It waa
ell contested there seemed little
life ln either the players or the audi
ence, and a lack of enthusiasm
seemed manifest.
Gifiord Plnchot ts located for the
summer at his "Grey Towers" es
late, and will give considerable atten
tlon to matters conneoled with the
Yale Summer School of Forestry,
which convened at its camp tbt
Tbe Field Club held a subscription
bridge whist and "600" party in the
fternoon of July 3, and many hand
some prizes were awarded
Tennis, croqnet, c'ock golf and
quoits, besides reading, writing card
playing ana social intercourse are
the pastime afforded by the Club.
Tbe Homestead Free Library Is
well stocked for summer reading. '
At the various hotels there will be
dances, church festivals, and ama
teur theatricals to attend; and now
and then dancing bears and travel
lug gypsies may be seen.
For those who are fond of the
wheel, r I'd ing and driving, there are
excellent roads and beautiful scenery
to pass through from Port Jervis to
he Delaware Water Gap up hill
and down dale mountains on the
right of ua, and the Delaware River
and valley on tbe left of ua.
Milford 's Base Ball Team
In these pleasant days of July,
When Old Sol is hot and near,
And the brooklets in the heat do
steam ;
Oar thoughts fly to our base ball
team :
Our team, so quick and sure with
their bats,
And in fielding like nine graceful
elongated cats.
Our pitcher, tbe Indian, Garlow,
by name.
Who on this globe compares with the
As catoher, his brother, we all
must admit.
flourishes and fingers a most trusty
u itt.
On first, Harry B. Angle of ele
phantine stride, '
He sorely doth banish that wretched
horsehide !
On second, an expert worthy of
Walter Victorious Dingman. dear
lads, ia hia name.
At abort, we find as firm as a rock,
Fred Middangh of old Dutch stock.
On third, brother Andy nimble he
Can sure hit the ball on Its mooking
lu right, Rosooe GourUy of far
heralded speed.
Who gets a hit when there is most
In centre, a lad, we'ill call him X
for ease.
Hits, runs and slides as fast as y
And in left, Emmett Steele with
long, hoary, hand,
Hobbles the flies and delights the
A team to be proud of and worthy
to win,
flien go to the games and shout with
a vim.
B F. B.
train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, spralLa
wounds that demands Bucklen
Arnica Salve earth' greatest healer.
Quick rlief and prompt cur results.
For busna, bolls, sores of all kinPs, ec
zema, chapped bands and lips, sore
eye or corn, its supreme. Surest pile
cure. 26c. at all druggists.
Twenty-Six Men
Up to tbe present time twenty-two
different men have been elected to
the office ot President of the United
States. Five of these bav died in
offloo, and have been succeeded by
their respective Vice-Presidents.
Only one of tbe latter, Theodore
Roosevelt, was afterward elected to
he presidency. Thus the great of
floe haa been hold by twenty-six dif
ferent men. Of these twenty-six
men, fourteen had a college educe
tlon.- Harvard claims three ; Job
Adams, his son John Q. Adams and
Thsodore Roosevelt. William and
Mary College ia Virginia ; Thomas
Jefferson and John Tyler. No othei
college baa had more tban one of its
alumni in the White House. Vale
arpears in tbe list now tor tbe first
lime in tbe person of Win H. Taft
Bowdoin was represented by Frank
lin Pierce. Williams by James
Garfield, Union by Chester A
Arthur, Princeton by James Madi
son, Dickinson by James Baohanan,
the University of North Carolina bt
James K. Polk. Kenyon by R
Hayes, Miami by Benjamin Harrison
The Military Academy at West Point
graduated Grant and Monroe. W
H. Harrison and William McKinley
entered college bnt did not graduate.
It is a great honor to be President of
tbe United Stale. It la a soflloient
honor to be worthy of the presidency,
Not many boys can hope fur the for
mer but all may confidently aim at
the latter.
Th busiest little thing ever niada
are Dr. Klug'a New Life Pills. Every
pill la a augar-eosted globulof health,
that ehauge weakness Into strength.
lauguor, Into eurgy, brain-fag into
mental rjower: eurlna ConatlnatioD.
Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 1
iic, t all druggUta, (
SALESMEN to represent ns in
tbe sale of cur High Grade Goods
uon't delay, apply at onoe. Steady
employment ; liberal terms. Exper.
enoe not necessary.
Rochester, N
Polite Expressions
Some children in town of different
families who formerly bad been
playing together met one day and
one was Invited to the home of the
others. He declined to go and as It
appeared by the conversation the
reason waa that exception had been
taken by the mother ot the others to
some expressions be had need. Tbe
two cordially invited him over but
he still refused to go. Finally the
little girl said "Oh, now do oome
and play with ns. Mama is not home
and yon may say deevil and heel,
and we will love you Just the same."
Then he went.
Erie's Special Excursions.
On account of various conventions
the Erie will place on sale at Port
Jervis, round trip tickets at greatly
reduced rates. .
To Boston, Mass., on aale June 30
to July Srd, good returning to July
12th, at $10.60 via all rail, and 19 .40
via New York and boat.
To Niagara Falls, good going on
train No. 6 July 1st, all trains July
2nd and Srd, good returning ou all
trains to train No. 103 Jaly 6th, at
$8.96 for tbe round tri.
To Detroit, Mich., on account of B
P. O Elks Grand Ledge, on sale July
7, 8, 9 and lOtb, good returning to
Jaly 20th. at 121 70. Kail tiokete are.
good on boats between Buffalo and
Dotrott. Meals and berth extra.
To Cbautaqoa Lake, N. Y. on sale
July 8th, good returning to August
8th, at til 46 for the round trip.
For Pullman reservation, and In
formation as to extension for return
limits on above ticketa pleas address
or call cn H. L Blauson, Erie Tioket
Agent, Port Jervis, N. Y.
NEW House
fur lent furnished, Six rooms and
Milford. Pa.
The undersigned, having by pur
chase and lease, secured control of
all the property surrounding Niche
oronk Lake, in Delaware township
Pike Co. Pa., all person are warned
from Bunting, Fishing, or Trespass
ing thereon for any purpose whatso
ever under penalty of th aot of as
sembly approved April 14th, 1905.