Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 24, 1910, Image 1

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ir ii
The ladies ol ue V. I. A. are
assembling a fond to erect public
fountain in the borough. This will
be both useful and ornamental and a
further evidenoe of the benefit to the
town of that enterprising organiza
tion. Comparatively few summer guests
re here yet though the season prom
lsea to be prosperous.
R. M. Smoker Eeq, a veteran
writer of newa and history, l now
litor of the Wayne Comity Herald.
Ho has ample ability to till the ohair
With credit to himself and satisfao
tion to ita reader.
The will of Wni, H. French, late
of -Ualaiaora deecaeod, - been
proba ted. It devises all hia estate
to Ida wife Harnh E and names her
sole executrix.
Evidence that someone isriynamit
Ing the Delaware la found in a num
ber of large baaa floating dead at the
Water Gip. Some of the bass it
waa estimated would weigh at least
even pounds.
Don't get sick. Tba Port Jerri?
and Matamorea doctors will raise
their ratea Joly 1st. Will they ad
vanes their skill in like proportion?.
- Summer arrived this week and
the weather proved the fact The
. thermometer went up In all 1U
Considerable work is being done
on the Port Jervis rood. It is wid
ened in planea, the water breaks' re
moved and parts have hcn gravel
led. These Improvements will be
appreciated by antoists.
A bill appropriating (80,000 to
build a Post Office in Port Jervis has
passed the House.
Ellas Macsond and family now
occupy their summer home on Bar
ford street.
The director of the independent
School Distriot have levied a 6 mill
tax tor school purposes and a 2 mill
Indebtedness tax.
Misa Bertha Klaer visited her sif
ter in Newton, N. J. this week.
America baa some very ancient
rnlns which were recently discovered
tn the southwest corner of Colorado
along the canon ot the Rio Manoos.
They are house of cliff dwellers and
eon tain from 100 to 200 rooms with
walla as high as 30 feet In place and
two feet thick. Who bnilt them or
when Is a mystery.
Dr. LeRoy A Wilkes is a graduate
of the class In Medicine of the U. P
and has been appointed an Interne of
the Philadelphia General Hospital.
Be ia a son of Mrs. Carrie Wells,
Mitllgan who la we'd known here.
Snapping turtles are not terrapins,
so not protected by law. Recently
one was oanght In Westcolang Pond
weighing 53 pounds.
Marriage licenses recently have
been laaned to John H. Scbafer and
Matilda E. Zuhnlacaer both of Mala
moras and to Wlilli.ru B. Ayrea of
Port Jervis and Rachel II. Peroival
of Matainoras. "
The Court ha appointed Frank
Van Gcrden Constable of Porter
township. - -
A sever storm of wind, rain and
hail aweptover sections ol this and
adjoiolcg state last Saturday doing
niuoh damage to fruit and crops.
Several people were killed and in
jured, booses blown down or un
roofed and animals killed.
The oil pot on the borough afreets
seems to give general satisfaction
and ha no disagreeable odor.
Mia Betty Cornelius (pent most
f the week in New York.
F. F. Whit waa in New York part
of this week.
Ex Secretary Shaw recently said
tn an address to a graduating olatw:
"Fifty times as many young men
look for situations as look for work."
Every yonng u.an and woman ahou'd
remomoer that it is faithful applica
tion and honest effort which the em
ployer demands.
Governor Hughe has vetoed the
appropriation for the dyke at Port
Jervis, along with aevi ral of a like
nature. He say there does not ap
pear to be any specie I state nbligetti'io
to doth work end besides therein
no money for them.
Mia Patty BidJIt arrived lu town
last week from Washington lor the
summer and expects ber mother next
W. K. Van IJontan, P. K. Fnlmer
and Harry Brhoo ' of Dirignian's
Ferry were In town Tuesday.
Any SJrt of Foortb of July ia apt
to seem lain, bowsver, at'.ar June
FOR KENT To summer gu.,
furnished house foot of Broad St.
f p. sawyer rr, r .
I Congress at Washington is expet.
U oost Dalzell 1920O to win the , ,g work wjfn , ylew e(rly (J.
congressional nomination in his dis .j,Irmneilt wbI(,h tt )s thought by
trict the 30th and he won by a nar- mmg ,ake place on tnrdart
row margin and will have a light un ! the 25th t).t ( bllt which others think
til next November to be elected All
on account of Cannon proclivities,
and there are several Republican
members vilio are afflicted with that
evil who will have hard sledding
before thny are returned, if they are.
Joseph C .Sibley expended 40,SGli
t i teoire his nominaiion to Con.
greca. He reomved 10,400 vi.tea eo
tuoy coal him about 14 each. Worse
than in this county.
The Delaware Hirer Free Bridge
Commission, tf which Hon. Alfred
Marvin is a member, met in Philadcl
phltt todny to organic and will meet
the commissioners from New Jersey
and also these from New York In a
fow days.
Samuel W. Smith Esq. a promi.
uent citzeu of Port Allechei.y, Mo.
Kean County, with bis wife visited
thin, his native t"vn, for several
days recently. Sara, as he was
known here, bnt been successful and
is now ore of lh. most substantial
residents of his adoptnd bouie.
The demooratio party certainly
got a dope at the Allentown conven
tion which it s a nllows with aversion.
Munson at the la.t minute dumped
the whole machine In a ditch which
he dng but why or for what reason
no one can certainly discover, Al
ready there are signs of revolt, and
hopes which before the convention
looKed rosy are blighted. No one
denies that Grim is a clean cut man
but not the vote getter that Berry
would have beeu. The loaders of
the party surrendered to aoine bale
ful iufiuense and wl:tn the rauk and
file learn inst wnat it wrs there will
be troubld ahead for the ticket.
The House baa at laKt passed the
postal savings bank bill. The meas
ure will go to conference, and before
the adjournment of Congress there
will be legislation on the important
question. It has taken long years of
agitation to bring it about, bnt tt has
oome finally, It ought to result in
largely Increasing the aavings of the
American people.
Distinguished educator is alarmed
because poor men are mortgaging
fielr homes to bay automobiles. And
pretty soon they will be mortgaging
their whii wagons to get aeroplanes.
Those oome high, but they'll have to
have them.
There is no snch thing as lock. If
yon are a small eater and a alow
eater, yon are lucky.
Only one week more nntil that
safe and sane Fourth of July that it
if It ia to be aafa and sane.
Nobody ver got hnrt that took a
Joy ride on a pair of plow handles. -
The way eminent citizens are be
log detaiued furattempted smuggling
nowadnya oonvinoes one that the
tariff is at least interesting if not ben
Herbert Palmer of Rochester is a
guest in town
Milford Schools.
The annual report of the. Milford
H'gh Schools shows that there were
in attendance in the five schoo's dur
ing the past year 67 male and 01 fe
male pupils a total of 158. The aver
age attendance was 130 and the cost
per pupil fts 27. The balance in
bands of treasurer is 11354 8.
The question of employing an aaet
principal and somewhat changing
the courses of study aud extending
the high school term to 4 years Is un
der consideration. D-ing this will
enable a gruduste to enter a number
if colleges direct wl.hout attending
preparatory school. It will also so
ral- the standard that our school
-i'h con. pne with any in the state.
Too dir ci- rs fie' 11 ft Milford Is ei .
titled to Ami claa c!.o.ls anil It wi 1
be their il'..rt to ni.ike them such.
The high n,nr attendance the
past yea allows a very gratifying
condition anl retiee's credit on the
excellent Curp i f tejehers. The coot
of enforcing the compulsory law wss
$15, aud parents, if they would do
their duty would reduce Ibis tc
nothing. There is no Miflleient rea
non why directors and teachers
should lie compelled to take the
place of pxrents ill enforcing atten
dance, it is a diangreealde aud often
a thanklH8 tank, beside Irregular
attendance of a pupil tend to demor
alize the sohools and is of irn piruiile
injury to Ihore who neglect to tui
brae the opportunity to secure an
g&" Advertise in tu PRKHt?.
will not occur nitrch before the 2nd
or 3rd of July. Afier three months
of uncertainty as to Its fate, the bill
admitting the territories of AriisoDa
and New Mexico to statehood wss
taken op by the Senate on Thursday
and passed, after a brief debate, of
not more than two hours, and thns
two more lnrge territories are added
to what is called the "Sisterhood of
States." All the speeches were fav
orable tn the creation of the two
atHtea, bnt the Democrats of the Seu
ate favored the 'House bilk As
ptisved the bill provides (or the admis
slori as state of the two territories
after a constitution has been adopted
by ascb of them, which constitution
musl. be approved by the President
anil ratified by Congress. There will
tie wild rejoicing in Arizona and
New Mexico, for only a few days
ago hope of achieving statehood dur
ing the present session of Congress
had bean given up.
After the adjournment of Congress
there will be prompt departure from
Washington of the members of the
Cabinet and other prominent rfllrwtrs
connected with the oivil, military
and naval srrvice of the govern
menl. Tfce Secretary of Wrar left
Washington for a trip around the
world. He will visit the Philippines
Russia, Siberia, China and Europe,
sailing on June 28 by tho Pacific
iiail Hteamphlp Line. He is accom
pa hied by hia wife and son. Briga
dier General Edwards, who has
charge of the Bureau of Insular
Affairs, with Mrs. - Edwards and
their daughter, will accompany the
War Secretary. Gen, Edwards baa
often made the trip, on. two occasions
accompanying President Taft, who
was at that time Secretary of War.
The President and Mrs. Taft will go
to their New England home. The
ambassadors and other representa
tives of foreign oruntries will dis
perse to the seashore and monntnln
resorts aud the capital will see them
no more until the middle of Septem
ber or first of October. Many Wash
ingtouiau have left the city to be
present al the festivities incident on
the return of ex-President Roosevelt
after his fifteen months' absence.
It is believed In official circles that
Secretary of State Knox will welcome
tbe opportunity to depart from nat
ional diploma tic life afforded by the
nomination for governor of Pennsyl
vauia wliioh he may receive. It is
suspected that Mr. Knox finds a dip
lomatio life bat little to his liking.
Prior to his coming to Washington
i luring McKlnley's first admimrtra-
t ion, his experience had been entire
ly provincial and local, and it is prob
able that social and diplomatic rela
tiom largely with representative ol
oilier governments, who know Eog
nsh very imperfeotly, the Secretary
binveif being confined to his vernac
ular, make his duties doubly onerous.
Mncb interest is experienced in po
litical and local circles with refer
ence to the appointment of a Justice
f tbe Supreme Court to succeed
Ju-tice Moody, who, it Is understood
Kill probably never be able to resume
his duties on the Su rame bench. A
l HI has been introduced In Congress
to pension him. It is expected that
President Taft will be trndnr tbe tie
cesaity of appointing bis successor,
bnd in case he does it will be the
third Justice of the highest court in
the country that he has appoiufed
during the first fifteen months of hia
prenid: noy. It is very probable that
oeford tbe end of his term he may be
called upon to appoint still other jus
tices of the Supreme Court because al
least tbi i of those on tbe Bench are
very near tbe age of superannuate n.
The Senate Is lapidly disposing of
the measures originally proposed In
the meaaage of President Taft. Th
conservation bill was put upon iU
nal passage early last week, and-on
Ihune-luy the railway bill was dis
poned of. On Saturday the postal
KttviDga bank bill was under oonsider
ation aud the fiual vote waa taken be
fite the day ended. This week a mo
turn was mane to make the Appalaoh
mu lores! iieaerve toe special ordei
of bnsioesk In the Senate. There I-
a plan for bnllding number of large
department buildings in Washington
involving an outlay of at least thir
teen millions of dollars, whi ,h it i
expected will be launched at tl is ses
sion of Congress. Tba ground ha al
retioy Dean purchased and a re
State building, new Commerce and
Labor Lu Idlng, It la thought, will ba
began and completed Id th next
rear or fit yer, -
Theodore Roosevelt asks his pub
Ushers, Messrs. Charles Scrlbner's
Son to say "l the most explicit
way that we disown all connection
with and all responsibility for" the
spurious volumes that have been re
cently put on the market, ostensibly
giving an account of Mr. Roosevelt's
bunting trip. Ha say: "The only
aocount ot it Is that which I myself
Notwithstanding the long distances
travelled and the many public duties
that Mr. Roosevelt has had to meet
during hi European tour, he has
found time thoroughly to read and
revise the proofs ol hia forthcoming!
volume about his African trip. There
will be in this volume considerable
material which has not appeared In '
Its magazine 'orrn. It will contain j
In all fifteen chapters (110,000 words)1
There are, In addition, five appen
dices on such Interesting topic as
"protective toioration in Animals,'!
'The Pigskin Library," "The Habits
of Small Mammals," and lllustra
ioim especially chosen from tho great
number of photographs taken by
Hermit Roosevelt and tbe other
members of the expedition, together
with eight drawings made after the
author' suggestiont from authentic
material. This volume which will
be published by the Soribnere in Au
gust, will be a handsome large octavo
of about 500 pages.
Science in Farming
The farmer of Pennsylvania are
lowing tkelr faith- tn agricultural
lunation by sending several hun
dred of their Bona to the School of
Agricultuie in The Pennsylvania
State College. The growth of this
school In this state institution has
been remarkable. Th criticism
made of some state agricultural
schools that they train boys wholly
away from the farm will not apply
to Pennsylvania. One hundred and
seventy of the four hundred and seventy-nine
atudenta enrolled In the
School of Agriculture last year took
courses that fit. only for rural life,
while a considerable percentage of
the remaining number, who are tek
ing the four years' college course,
eXi ect to engage in some department
of practical farming.
The Two Years' Course in Agricul
lure attracts young men who have
not been able to prepare for a four
years' course, and it fits men for
practical work only and not for pro
fessional Ufa A booklet has been
prepared for free distribution that de
scribes the work offered in this course
and it presents some fine illustrations
that are descriptive of the work in
the Suhool of Agriculture, Students
are shown engaged in livtack judg
ing, horticultural work and other
practionm. An excellent piotnr of
the students engaged lu military
drill I shown on the last cover page.
This attractive booklet may be se
cured without charge by sending a
postal eard request addressed to
Suhool of Agriculture and Experi
ment Station, State College, Centre
Co., Pa, Every young man who
want to know the science of agrl
culture and it useful application,
and who has not the advantage of
school preparation for four years'
college coarse, should take advan
tags of tbia Two Yean' Course In
Fhe Pennsylvania State College.
Kept The King At Home.
"tor the past year we have kept
the King of all laxatives Dr. King's
New Life Pills in our bom and
they bave proved blessing to a 1
our family," write Paul Matbolka,
of Buffalo, N. Y. Easy, but sure
remedy for all Stomach, Liver and
Kidney trouble. Only 26c al All
NEW House
for rent furnished, Six rooms and
Miiford. Pa.
' A Womcn'i Great Idea
ia how to mak herself attractive.
But, without health, it I bard for
ber to be lovely In face, form or tein
per. A weak, sickly woman will be
nervous and Irritable. Constipation
and Kidney poisons ahow In, pimple
uioiooea, sain eruption and a
wretched eomplextion. But Electelc
Bitter always prove a godsend to
women who want health, beauty and
friends. Thef regulate Stomach,
Liver, and Kidneys, purify the blood ;
giv strong nerves, bright eyes, pare
breath, smooth, veivelly skin, lovely
eomplextion, food, health, Try them
0a t All Droeglsu
Sandyston is not the only town
having trouble In school matters.
Deckertown B of E. met and ousted
its President, and the principal en
gaged by the Old Board, and hired a
new principal. Hore we have hired
enough teachers to run our schools,
but some of the teaohers accepted
other schools, and one or two will
ge married so that abont one half of
our schoola have ns teachers, and in
oneof.onr schools fully nlne-tenlhs
of th patrons are not lb favor of the
teacher engaged. Snch action Is det
rimental to the school,
la the building of the new macad
am road and Id passing through the
lands of Geo. E. Burgh, he generous
ly gives tbe contractor a good loca
tion for his crasher, and all tbe atone
aronnd bis premises, and he has
Most people charge for their stone
fences, etc. Another thing, the tel
ephone lines will have to remove
some of their poles, as they will bi
in tho way.
It is with pleasure that the patrons
of the mail route from Milford to
Brtmchville saw John Hoffman Id
charge of the mail on Saturday. Kind
and affable to all he makes an ideal
mail arid stage driver, and it is ru
moied that he will have charge of
this route.
Farmers complain that It had been
too dry, and now it is too wet. The
people cannot cultivate their corn on
account of the reoeut rains, and so
ninch of it has been replanted,
Mrs Montrose of Newtou is stay
ing with her daughter Mrs J. J.
Vansiekle at Layton, but will move
with her 'daughter to Bevans this
Mrs. Montroe had a leg amputated
nesr the body, bat is in good physic
al health otherwise.
The Grange, at Layton, was to
bave bad a suit on the 14th inst, but
was adjourned to the 23rd. What is
tbe matter it issue I have net
The Grange dance on the evening
ef the 16th Inst waa all that conld be
desired. Their rooms were crowded
the mnaio A-l, and the best of order
Will Cose, of Newton, will take
full charge of the Bevans hotel on
Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Pierson will dispose of her
personal effects on tbat day, and Mr.
Com comes Into possession, tbe li
cense having been ohanged the past
The terrific, wind and rain storm on
Saturday leveled many trees, and a
good many gardens were badly dam
aged. Well, we are In sight of the new
road from Tattles Corner to Layton.
The Contractor haa engaged rooms
for himself and family at the Lavton
hotel, and if report la true will com
menca work at Layton this week. It
ia thought tbe road will be ohanged
a little In order to save the beautiful
row of maples alongside the road
from G. E. Harsha to the village.
Their Inferiority Proven
Direct, positive and convincing
proof of the great superiority of the
white over the colored raoe is shown
by the subjects (elected for their
dissertations at recent college com
mencements by candidates for liter
ary degrees, At Columbia. N. Y.,
such subjects as "Tbe Phytogeny of
Certain Centbidae". "The Bellum
Civile of Petronias.' "Grammar of
the Coos language of Oregon" and
"4 and 6 Acetamino Arebantloranils
and Quiuazolinea Derived there
from," while at the Tuscagee Insti
tute presided over by Dr. Booker
Washington the topics were "Manag
ing a Dairy." "The advance of the
Boll Weevil." "Growing flowers
for an Occupation" and "My last
Summer Work,' Each of the above
was illustrated by fit tage settings
and Ibe speakers were attired to cor
respond with the toplo. After read
ing the above no one can hesitate to
declare that Ilia colored students in
universities are in the dark ages
while their white compeers are fully
abreast of the strenuous times.
A Dreadful Wound
from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty
nail, fireworks, or ol any other na
tore, demands prompt treatment
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to pre
vent blood poison or gangreue. It's
tbe quickest, surest healer for all
such wounds as also fur Burns, Boils,
Sore, Skin Eruptions, Eczema,
Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. Sic
at A.I1 Druggists
V. I. A. Meeting
The annnal meeting of th V. I. A.
was held Tuesday at tbe home ot
Mrs. N. G, Palmer and officers eleo-
led lor the ensuing year were Presi
dent Mra. N. G. Palmer, vice Presi
aent Mr. J. H. Van Etten and Mrs.
D. W. Coxe, Treasurer Mrs. A.
Wolfe, Secretary Miss Lydia Brown
and Corresponding Secretary Mrs 11.
Receipts FonntHln fond
Dues, donations, etc.
Enc'ire at Mrs. Buchanans
50 00
98 OS
33 10
30 t6
76 30
26 00
Cake sale
Play by yonng people
Euchre at Hall
1320 00
45 81
7 25
21 38
3 00
3 60
13 75
160 00
Cleaning streets
Trimming trees in Glen
Repairs to Glen Bridge
Hauling boxes and scats
Work in Olon
Flowers and planting
Oil for streets
TOTAL 24t 69
Balance in Treasury 175 81.
The secretary read the following
report for (lie year ending June 21:
This Is the seventh year of the
foundation of this society and by tbe
aid of its members and friends it
hopes to continue its work with re
newed vigor the oottiiiig seaecn.
This soaiety and its friends -have
raised enough money the past year
to continue the planting and caring
for the flower beds in Center Square,
fixing and placing its boxes and
benches, planting vines, caring for
tho Glen, emptying boxes aud pick
ing op papers, eto., about our'village
streets, fixing the bridge lo the Glen,
and the care of tbe summer house at
the foot of Ann street.
In May our president calli-d a spec
ial meeting, as tne young people of
the village bad given a very criditn
We performance, which was greatly
enjoyed by nil friends in Milford. and
had given the reculpts to the V. L P.
This amount added to their income
enabled the society to donate $150 lo
co operate with the Town Council in
baying a good supply of oil to oil tl.e
main streets, to allay all the dust pos
si hie tbe coming seas in, and it is the
earnest wish tha; all residents and
visitors will appreciate the efforts of
this society and its friends and help
them to carry on this good work.
It is earnestly rr. quested that all
persons respect the proerty ot this
organization. Any mutilation or de
struction of same will be punished ac
cording to law.
Dues are now yuble 00 cents for
ladies and f 1.00 for gentlemen. Kind
ly send same to the treasurer, Mrs.
Susan Wolfe. .
New Erie Time Table
Effective Sunday a new passenger
train schedule will begin on the Erir.
Trains 1 and 3 will not carry local
No 43 leaves New York 8.5S a. ru.
and arrives at Port Jervis at 11.40
a. m. No 27 leavea f ew York 2 p.
m. arrivea Port Jei is at 4.5S p. m.
No 28 leaves Port Jervis 9.05 a. ni.
arrives New York 1145 a. m. No
44 leaves Port Jervis 4.30 p. in. ar
rives New York 7 16 p. m.
One or more acre of land f roating
on the Delaware river. Do not care
how far it is from a town or in bow
remote a place, bend full particu
lars In first letter.
E. BOX 11,
S-LE.SMEN to represeut us in
the sale of our'High Grade Goods
Don't dolay, apply at ouoe. Steady
!"Bploytnent ; liberal terms. Exper
enoe not necessary.
Rochester, N
Let me return to my mountain home
Where tbe stag lenp
Vud wild flowers gruw:
I pruudee again I fchull never runm
Klod master let me gol
Let me return to ray little t-ot
Where ree clamber
And eway to und Tru,
It 1 to me a Mtrrvd spot
Ktl d tuuitt-r lei lite k!
Lt me return tu the runuiug rill
Where the truut eporU
Could jou but kauw
How 1 yearn for the elbfc ot the old
i black UiiU 1
Kiud master let me go
Let me return to the churchyard near
The turnpike Mad
Where it rune low,
There all are sleeping that 1 hold dear
Kind muter let me go.
fyVClUs A. Wo.
Perhaps in years no more marked
evidence cf popular regard has beeu
shoWD any citizen of this country
than was accorded last Saturday In
New York when ex President Roose
velt returned after an absenco of 15
months. The bay was covered with
craft of all descriptions from yachts
lo the gigantic war vessels which
thundered a mighty welcome. The
din of ifeam whistle, the roar of tbe
irt ns, tbe ringing of bells, and th
acclaim from tens of thousands of
throats greeted him as h landed at
the Bnttery. The parade up Broad,
way between ranks of citizens who
were prcs nt to do him honor waa
like the return of tome mighty ool
queror .after achieving success in
saving his cour.try. This spontane
ous welcome proves huu the most
popular figure in the nation to-day.
Abroad he wus everywhere greeted
in a most cordial manner by crowned
h?ads and civic and learned bodies
vied with each other in demonstra
tions of regard. Amid all he has
borne himself as a true American,
not puffed np or vaunting bnt digni
fied and impressive not alone In man
ner but in ppnecb. Probably hia
strength lies in his directness and
.siocerityr Some msy oavil at his
methods, aud decoy his outspoken
manner bat all feel that he is a man
of straight forward purpose and hon
est intentions, a manly man and an
example to be imitated. Shonld he,
as no other man today, or perhaps in
this goLerulion can, set himself to
the task cf bringing among tho
nations an agreement whereby tho
vast armies aud navies which are so
burdensome to the people and so
great a tax on prosperity may be re
duced aud the men now supported in
idleness be emp'oyed on farms, in
workshops aud mines, and the power
'.f steam now used to propel warships
nd destroyers be utilized to turn
the wheels cf commerce and oarrr
the products of catkins one to the
other hia name would go down in
history in a light before which all
others would pule and grow dim.
The world is advancing bnt the bnr;
len of warlike preparations weighs
like an incubus on the people and
aiust increase unless some giant
mind can bring about Ibe consensus
of opinion which will curtail the ex
pansion of armies and make Dread
naughts peaceful bearers of oliva
Marvelous Discoveries,
mark the wonderful progress ol tho
jge. Air flights on heavy machines,
telegrams without wire?, terrible
war inventions to kill men, and that
tvonder of wonders Dr. King's New
Discovery to save life when threat
ened by conghs, oolite, bronchitis,
hemorrhages, la grippe, asthma
croup, hay fever and whooping cough
or iung trouble. For all bronchia
affections it has no equal. It re
lieves instantly. Ita tbe surest onre,
lames M. Black of Asheville, N C.
it, R. No. 4, writes it cured him of
an obstinate cough after all other
leuiedies failed. 60c. and $1.00
A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by
A'l Druggists. r
Erie's Special Excursions.
On account of various conventions
the Erie will plaro on sale at Port
Jervis, round trip tickets at greatly
rednoed rates.
To Boston, Mass., on sa'e Juno SO
to Jury 3rd, good returning to Ju:y
12lh, at S-l Li.GO via all rail, aud til -10
via New York end boat.
To Niagara Fulls, good going on
tmiu No. 5 July 1st, all traim July
2ad and 3-d, good returning on all
trains to train No. 102 July 6th, at
$8.85 for the round trip.
To Detroit, Mich , ou account of B
P. () Elks Grand Lodge, on sale July
7, K. 9 and 10U, good returning to
July -I'lh. at 2l 70. 11 ill tickets are
g )d on boats between Buffalo aud
Itatruil. Meals and berth extra.
To ChauUiq ia .Lake, N. Y. on sale
July bth, g. chI rtluniiug to August
8th, at 111 45 f r the round trip.
For Pullman reservation, and In.
formution as to extension for return
limits on above tickets please address
or call on H L. Slaoson, Erie Ticket
Agent, Port Jerviit, N. Y.
Real Estate Transfers
Delaware and Hudson Co to Basil
Mangnos, land In Laotawaxen $150.
Win Angle to U. W. Case, lot 431
Catharine street, Milford Borotl250.
Q. W. Case to Milford Auto Co.j
same lot.
Thomas Scale to Frank D. Wa:,ru