Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 08, 1910, Image 4

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Date from) the Sixteenth Century and
Highly Prized by Indian.
The ranch of Jocotlan, belonging
to the Indiana of the district, com
prises 50.000 hectare of very rich
land. The pride of the Indiana la two
old bells that hang In the tiny church'
They data from the year 15S0 and tt
Is rumored, are cast with gold and
copper and silver. They bear the date
and some words In Latin. Of their
history nothing Is known. It seems
probable that they were cast up by
the sea or taken from one of the old
Spanish galleons, as Jocotlan Is only
a day from the coast
This Immense ranee has a history,
Af'er the war of independence It was
handed to the Indigenes of Jocotlan,
who now number 3r. This gift was
further raitfed under die government
of ;'omcWnrt la 1(57.
Many he. desles to gat then
be'l", but the Indian will not part
With them at any price.
At the Milliner's.
An Atchison woman who has a sin
cere desire to be economical, says the
Kansas City Journal, took a blue
fwther, some velvet, and a rose to a
milliner, asking the milliner to fur
Mis'! the shape and trim It' The wom
an was proud of the feather, the vel
vet, and tho rose, as they were as good
14 new, but the milliner cast just one
glmce at them, and then the woman
began to apologize. "Apologies are not
necesaary," said the milliner Icily.
"You surely don't expect me to use
rr: thing like that!" And the woman
' i':n't Another woman said to her
; 'Ilincr, bravely: "I want a hat that
c '-n't'tost a cent over five dollars."
"' Na-t!" screamed the milliner. "I
v p' p." RtRmmered the woman, "that
n't cost over $15." "Oh, well,
I .a. 'a bitter," said the milliner.
Boats Towed by Autos.
T'-e first successful towing of Ch
it ' boats by automobile was aecoro
r Vcd one recent Sunday on the Le
1 ir'i canal. Owing to the liability of
t1 e tow-line to snap in the effort to
pti:rt. George B. Plumtuer, a Camden
automobile expert, equipped a seven
ton motor truck of 45 horsepower with
spiral springs. Six barges with 800
tons of cargo were taXen from Allen
town to Bethlehem in an hour. Prea
ent lock capacity and speed limits,
tions considered, it is estimated that
automobiles compared with mules
it'll handle double the number of
bets In halt the time. Philadelphia
First Honeymoon in Air.
Even the honeymoon In the air Is
not a new Idea. M. Flammarlon, the
distinguished French astronomer and
aeronaut, took hlB bride tor a honey
moon trip in a balloon on August 28,
1874. Mme. Flammarlon relates that
though she had. never been In a bal
loon before, she felt no trepidation
when Bhe took her seat In the car
along with her buaband and his sci
entific instruments, at the gas works
of La Villette. They were accom
panied by M. Flammarion's brother
and the aeronaut, M. Jules Godard.
"Hlcksltes" vs. "Friends."
Hlcksltes are a numerous body of
rationalistic Quakers In America,
founded by Ellas Hicks (1748-1830).
who In 1827 seceded from the Society
of Friends and created a schism In
that body by his promulgation of Uni
tarian doctrines. About one-half of
the "Friends" in America adopted his
lens. The HIcksites deny the mirac
ulous conception, the divinity and the
atonement of Christ, as well as the
Insblratlon and authenticity of tbs
Set iptures.
Watch for the Blind.
A Swiss watchmaker of Neuchatel,
who recently Invented a watch for the
blind, has been flooded with orders.
The watch baa no glass, and Its face
is of enamel. The hands are invisible
rnd are pieced Inside the case. The
figures work automatically, appearing
a little above the enamel face us the
hards pass underneath. A blind per
son can with a touch of his fingers
tell the time In an instant The watch
costs from $4 upward.
Venders Find the American Nuts Are
Those That Sail.
"The popularity of Italian cheatnuts
is dying out here, their sale having
fal en elf considerably in the laat few
yei ra. T'ae time when street venders
c ade them their specialty seemingly
bra iassed," said on of the largtst
Icii orters.
' Street venders who sold them ex
clusively a few years ago wont ban
die them. Americans find the small
nut sweeter.
"Itr'lan chestnuts cooked properly
should tickle any one's palate. In Italy
chestnuts are food for the peasants,
not a delicacy. One way the peasants
prepare them for a meal Is to line the
bottom of a pot with a thick layer of
But and then to poor boiling water
over them. Several large potatoes are
generally added. When the potatoes
re cooked, by shaking the pot wel.
the nuts will come to the top. After
being grilled for a few minutes they
are ready to be served.
The Small Boy Ajir..
The Suitor Johnny, your parlor
clock is an hour fast
The Kid Brother I know it But
don't tell sister so.
The 8ultor Why not?
The Kid Brother Because she
thinks you don't know It
"Just think of it! One person In
very 37 In England is a pauper."
"Why, John," ah returned, "It Isn't
so. I met more than 57 people in
London last summer myself, and there
wasn't a pauper In the lot"
A Strang Coin.
Nephew (Just returned from
broad) This franc piece, aunt, I got
tn Paris.
Aunt Hepay I wish, nephew, you'd
fetched home on of them Latin quar
ters they ulk so much about
The Methodists Are 8lowly Building
It a,t Washington.
The American University at Wash
ington. D. C, is beginning the erec
tion of buildings to cost S2.000.000.
The Methodists hope to crown their
educational system with this post
graduate Institution.
In two respects the American Uni
versity will -be unique, says the Edu
cational Review, in that it will be the
only educational Institution In the
United Btntes which will confine its
Instruction to post-graduate studies
tnd will not have any undergraduate
schools attached to Its scheme of edu
cation, and that the university will
not enroll any students until every
'itillding is erected and the total r-s-iets,
property and endowment ante -nt
o at least 110.000.000. The bullilirss
Dow being constructed are for the !nv
lepartment. the colleges of medi ;
'echnology. art and a great muKP::.-i.
Ready to Flflht.
The big man with the fiery loo'; on
lis face had been struggling with t'n
ar window for 20 minutes. Sudden1'
t came down on hfm and held him n
prisoner. With much fuming pad
vriggling he finally released hlmpir.
"Confound that blasted window:"
le thundered, almost exploding with
rage. "I feel like I could chew It up
n hits, glasB and all."
It was then that the humorous nt
le man In the next seat tou'-hed l-im
)n the arm.
"My friend," he said, with a dipt;
winkle In hlB eyes, "don't be so n
rry with the window. Why, that i
low likes you. In fact, it Is rea'ly
"What! Are you joshing me? Tlu
window affectionate?"
"Certainly, sir. Didn't It fall on
our neck?"
And then the humorous little Iran
ranished toward the smoker.
Boston's Costly Subway.
The costliest mile of undererornd
railway In the world is said to be '.lie
new Washington street subway of
Boston, which passeB through the
shopping district. Its constrtn-t'on
md equipment has amounted to $!0.
5O0.0000, or about $2,000 a lineal foot.
The first Bectlon of Boston's mod :rn
system of rapid transit, consistinr of
subway tunnels, was opened abou: 1 1
years ago. This was followed by 'he
erection a few years later of the ele
vated road. And subsequently to that
the system was extended by the con
struction of the East Boston tunnel
under the harbor. The opening of
the Washington tunnel marks the lat
est and one of the most important ex
Bravest of Living Things.
The mongoose Is very brave, but
the most courageous of all living
things is, by common consent of nat
uralists, the mole. Seemingly with
out any sense of fear whatever, the
mole will fight anything that crosses
Its path. It never raises the white
flag. Neither giving nor asking quar
ter It tears away at its adversary un
til it kills It or is killed itself. The
mole appetite Is in keeping with its
courage, and it thinks nothing of eat
ing its own weight. In appetite the
spider Is a close second to the mole,
but when it comes to fighting the mote
carries the palm.
A Dreary Land.
The country from Jerusalem to the
Jordan valley is as dreary and deso
late as could be Imagined.
The hills look like great banks of
rock and sand. Not een the Sahara
Itself looks more forbidding. It Is
the "country not Inhabited." the wil
derness into which the scapegoat was
driven. We are all glad we went, but
none of us could be induced to go
again. Zion's Herald.
Lazy Samoans.
An Austrian naturalist. Dr. Rch.
nzer, attempted some time uso o
make a collection of Simoan hshes.
lie found tt almost impossible to per
suade the natives, who are so lu7y
that they seldom go fishing, to sell
him any. An offer of gold tempted
them no more than silver: they had
caught their fish to eat them, und ep.t
them they did.
An Artless Distinction.
Lewis, aged three, asked his mother
wlat he was made of. The mother
replied, "Sugar, because you are so
sweet." Soon after she heard him
declare to his little colored compan
ion. "I am made of white sugar and
you are made of brown sugar." The
Fighting the Slave Trade.
Although slave-trading is generally
supposed to be a thing of the past, the
United States contributes annually
$100 as its share of the expeuse of
keeping up at Brussels an institution
known as the International bureau for
the repression of the African slave
Yucatan's Chief Industry.
Fully 80 per cent of the income of
Yucatan Is derived from sisal fiber
Mark on Gold Ingots to Guarantee
Weight and Purity.
The Invention of coinage is due to
the Greeks, most probably to the
bankers of Halkamassos and adja
cent Asia Minor Greek colonies, who
toward the end of the eighth century
B. C. began stamping the small gold
and electron Ingots which passed
through their hands as currency with
mark of some sort Intended to guar
antee the weight and purity of the
metal; such ingots very soon assumed
a round and more regular shape,
which we find already in old silver
coins from Aeglna. nearly contempo
rary with A3la Minor "beans."
Curious to say, none of the sur
rounding peoples with whom the Asia
tic and European Greeks were In con
stant communication, political or com
mercial, took up the wonderful inven
tion which at present seems to us of
such obvious necessity that we scarce
ly realize bow the civilized world ol
gldyig ban . it oa without It,
Little Boy Anxious to Know Mysteries
of Bishop's Toilet.
The visiting bishop had taken
charge of a class of small boys, and
had been much flattered by the ab
aorbed Interest which one youngrter
had taken In all that he hnd sa'd and
done. At the conclusion of the lesson
the bishop said kindly: "Now, if any
of you boys have a question to nsk I
shall be very glad to answer It."
The boy who had been so atten' v
during the lesson raised a hesitating
but an eager hand. "Well, Jo'm:i; ?"
encouraged the bishop. "An' kin I ast
anythlnk?" questioned Johnny. "I
shall be glad to answer any question,"
replied the bishop with a benign
smile. "Well, thin. Is thlm (Indicat
ing the bishop's robes) all yer. liev on
or do yes wear yor pants under thlm?"
he questioned with the eagerness of
long Bent-up-curloslty.
His Singular Infirmity.
"What is your name, little boy?"
asked the teacher.
"I'll have to write It for you. ma'
am." said the new boy, hesitatingly.
"I think not My hearing Is quit
good. Your name, please?"
"I'd rather not tell you."
"Are you ashamed of your name?"
"No, ma'am, but "
"Then we will not waste any mora
time. If you please. I am waiting."
The boy's eyes rolled wildly In
their sockets and hla face became con
torted as he began:
"Kuk-kuk-kuk-kuk Clarence! That's
ny fir;!t name. The other Is Pup-pup-Pf-pup
Perkins! I never stutter
Yept when I'm speaking iny name, and
when I'm nagged like this I'm a whols
lot worse, nin'am."
Wanted the Feet.
Here la a verbatim copy of a letter
received by a local stove concern:
"Gentleman's Dere Sirs: I re
ceived de stove by which I by from
you alrlte, but vy doti't you send me
no feet, what is de use of de Btove
ven he don't get no feet i !o:;e to you
ao customer suor tirt by hevlng de
feet as tats no very pleasure for me
wat la de matter mit uu is nut my
trade money as good like another
mans, u lose my trade and I mad like
hell and now I tell you are darn fools
ind no good I send you back de stove
tomorrow forever because you are
iuch darn foolishness.
,"P. 8. Zlnce I rite dis, I find my
.'eet In the oven."
What the Ailment Was.
A New Kngland statesman was re
erring to the dry humor of the late
'enator Hoar, when he was reminded
tf the following:
One day Hoar learned that a friend
n Worcester who had been thought
o have appendicitis was In reality suf
'erlng from acute indigestion.
Whereupon the Senator smiled gen
ally. "Really." said he, "that's good
news. I rejoice for my friend that
the trouble lie? in the table of con
rats rather than in the appendix."
'Tit Distance Lends Enchantment.
An exact definition of a gentleman
has been tried many times, never per
haps with entirely satisfactory results.
Little Sadie had never heard of any
if the various definitions, but she
managed to throw a gleam of light on
lie subject, albeit one touched with
unconscious cynicism. The word was
n the spelling-lesson, end I said:
"Sadie, what is a gentleman?"
"Please, ma'am," she answered, "a
gentleman's a man you don't know
very well."
Sounded Like Sarcasm.
"What's this?" demanded the cus
toms officer, pointing to n package at
"he bottom ol the trunk.
That is a foreign book, entitled
Politeness." enswered the man who
ltd Just landed.
"I guess I'll have to charge you
luty on It." replied the Inspector. "It
ron'petes with a small ar.d struggling
Industry in this country."
Put It on Himself.
"I thought you were working on
Smith's new house," said the house
puln'er's friend.
"I was going to," replied the houp-j
;a!nter, "but 1 bad a quarrel with him,
ind he said he'd put the paint on him
self." "And did he do It?"
"Yes; that is where he put most ol
The captain was explaining what
would be done In case of accident.
"And should the ship strike rock,"
he continued, "we'd burn red lire and
send up rockets."
"But wouldn't that be rather ur
usual time to celebrate, captain?" ask
ed the towbeaded youth with the bull
dog pipe.
Interesting Information.
Drrvin's "Theories on Evolution"
j we-e first r.iai'e public lu 1S58. A. R.
, Vallate brought out the same ld.T.
I In the same year. The term Uncle
I Sam was lirst used during the war oi
1812 and scon after that the flgure of
the typical Yankee appeared in the
Here's an Ideal Husband.
An engineer on the Pennsylvania
Railroad stopped his train to rescue a
kitten that was asleep on the rails. If
he isn't married we would recommend
hi in unqualifiedly for a husband to the
best sister we ever bad. Los Angeles
A True Republic.
The only country we con think of
where republican traditions are Lfji
erly followed oat is the little state of
Andorra, and there they hae no poli
ticians; everybody orks. Loitucn
Saturday Review.
Hindoo Playing Cards.
The Hindoo playing cards are near
ly all circular, end each card repre
sents some historical or religious
T Him Whe Walts.
Most of th things that com to
blot tia wallf r dltapcalotmenta.
Still in Exlttnce In Private House
In Paris.
Comparatively few persons have
ever heard of the bells of the Bastille,
yet they are still In existence. After
the destruction of the prison, says the
Gentlewoman, they found their way to
the great foundry in Romllly, but the
manager of the works disobeyed the
rders he received and did not de
stroy them.
Now they are back In Paris, In
private house in the Avenue d'Eylan.
On each bell lr eugraved, "Made by
Louis Cheron for the Royal Bastille.
In the year 1711.'' and they are further
ornamented with the royal arms nnd
j hufie cross.
Advises "Eack to the Land."
There is jus-, one way for the peo
ple of the city tu find it possible to
buy eggs, chickens, meat and flour
for less money that is for some of
them to leave the city and go back to
raising more hens, trore cattle, and
growing more vheat. The fact is
that the country is getting top-heavy.
The cities are culling too heavily on
the producing areas. Fanning is get
ting to be one of the most profitable
bulslness In the country, because the
proportion of nor.-nrnditec ra ir. gettitig
so large. It is rii a matter of supply
and demand; Just r.ow the demand for
foodstuffs is l.irrrcr than it has ever
been in proportion to the supply.--Denver
A Cate of Too Much Ch'v ren.
In a volume of rcr inlsctice- a very
funny story Is told of the laj Bishop
Bloomfleld. who, having a family by
his first wife, married a second time.
This Mrs. Rlooin.'leld was a widow
with a brood of her own, and in due
course a third family arrived on the
scene. One day the bishop was dis
turbed by his wife running into his
study in a great state of excitement
"What is It. dear?" he testily inquired.
"Oh, bishop:" was her rsonized renly,
"Quick, quick: There's not a moment
to lose! Your children arc sliding
with my children and are murdering
our children:''
To Make Sleep Come.
If you cannot go: to sleep try a
sponge bath th is: Into eight ounces
of alcohol put two of ammonia and
two of camphor. Shake thoroughly,
and when well m'xod etld four ounces
of sea salt and enouitlt hot water to
fill a quart bottle. To apply It pour
a little of the liquid in a shallow
dish, moisten the whole body a little
at a time by dipping a small sponge
in It Ruh on only very little, then
finish with a vigorous rubbing with a
coarse craab towel. Get into bed,
and we'll Insure the quick arrival of
"Nature's quick reatorei, balmy
sleep." Family Doctor.
Serving His Sentence.
"I ain't seen de boss man fo" in
longest. Whar you reckon he g:.ue
ter?" "I thought you l:uot-.l whar
he gone. He went roe.n de outry
lal'iin' ever' day an' Sunday, an' do
fust thing he knowed dey give '
fifty days In de leglslatur' an' he c
be back 'twel he sarves his time our '
Atlnn'a Constitution.
Theft cf Cottages.
A curious story comes from Po -ter'.-s
of the theft of a whole bluc't l
sni.. 1 cottr ;es which hnd became v.
cant. The process one by one. and th
floors and u.ler woodwork fol'owe'
Finally the walls were razed, nri
nothing now remains but the found
tions. Home Chat.
Ex; ert Opinion.
An English paper propounds thi
query. "Should a man marry his land
lad ?" The answer to this won!-'
?eem to depe: d on the number ''
weeks the man Is In arreas. Death
and matriraopy cancel these little
obligations. Chicago Tribune.
Many men n:ffer from the delus c
that they are the masters in t':e.
own households. Charleston NeA's
and Courier.
"Folks dat trusts In love at fust
sight," said Uncle Ebeu, "is terrible
upt to finish by not beln' able to eei
h. h other wlf a spy glass.
Polar Bill of Far.
Shoe Dealer- Here are a pair ol
boots that will suit you exactly lu
yuur next dash for the pole. How did
you like the last pah I sold you?
Arctic Explorer (reminlscently)
The best I ever tasted.
In Hands of His Friends.
"Yes, suh." said Brother Dickey
"any race what wants to live In Illi
nois kin go dar, how au' when dej
likes, but ez fur me. I'll stay whar I
is 'mougst de folks I raise an' born
wld, an' ef I is lynched, please God
I'll be lynched by my fr'en's:"
Gets There Anyhow.
Suffragette We believe that s
woman should get a man's w-ej.
Married Man Well, Judging from
my own experience, she doea. Bo ton
Spiritual Fellowship.
At one time the apostle Paul seems
to make much of his having actually
seen Jesus.. but again he declares that
even though he did know fhr.st In
that way he knows him no lorger, aud
he is constrained thereafter to knw
no man "alter the flesh." However
precious, for the moment, the physical
relationships, they cannot last. The
spiritual fellowship Is Incomparably
more worth while; which is what
Christ died to teach mankind.
Austria to Build Airships.
The first Austrian airship constpi?.
tion compr.ny has Just been forrred
with a capital of auo.Oeu kronen, and
It is understood that the war office is
Immediately placing an order for a
dirigible. The constitution of the
company Is largely due to the fact
that the efforts of the government to
obtain a dirigible from Germany due
ls? th cnt crisis failed.
Publie 8chools of the Country Spend
an Average of $28.25 a Pupil,
The average yearly expenditure
pupil in the public schools of this
country. Is given as $28.25 In the re
cently published report of the Com
missioner of Education. In 1870 It
was only $15.55.
Nevada has the highest yearly ex
penditure. $72.15 a puril. followed by
New York with $51.50. Montana with
$49.40 and California with $49.29. In
I the South the expenditures a pupil
range from $8.37 for South Carolina
to $20.36 for West Virginia. The new
State of Oklahoma spends $15.79,
New Mexico $19.4.1, while Arizona with
$40.41 spends $5.16 a pupil year
more than Oklahoma and New Mexi
co combined.
One-third of the Btat-w spend from
$25 to $40 a pupil. The fact that one
fourth spend less than $15 and one
fouith spend more than $35 is. an Indi
cation, aaya the Commissioner, "of
the great variety In support of public
education, and. I believe. In the op
portunity afforded for school training
tn our various Commonwealths."
Gigsntlc Sign Board.
Arrangements are being made for
the celebration of the anniversary of
the discovery of San Francisco bay in
1769 by Portola, and for the purpose
of advertising this event there has
been constructed on Verba Buena Is
land, San Francisco bay, what Is prob
ably the largest sign ever erected.
Tc sign, which has been cut on the
sloping hills of the Island, la 1.300
feet long by 1.335 feet high. The
words "Portola Festival, October 19
23," are arranged In two lines, each
letter of which occupies a space 45
feet by 45 feet, the outline of the let
ters being eight feet In width. The
work was done by digging trenches
eight Inches In depth and filling them
with lime, which shows up clear and
white against the green of the falls
Bide. To See th Wind.
Seeing the wind is rare but easy
feet. The object wherewith It may be
secu is a common saw. On any blowy
day the wind being, say. In the north
hold your saw with the ends point
ing one to the east, the other to the
'.'(. Take the saw as if you were
going to cut the air upward, and let
the teeth, which are on top, tilt 0'er
till the flat part of the saw la at in
ancle of 45 degrees with the horizon.
You will then see the wind. Looking
along the teeth of the saw you will
see the wind pour over them as plain
ly as you may cee water pouring over
Just In Time.
A German shoemaker left the gas
turned on in bis shop one night, and
upon arriving In the morning struck
a match to light It There was ter
rlfic explosion, and the shoemaker
was blown out through the door al
most to the middle of the street.
A passer-by rushed to his assist
ance, and, after helping him to arise.
Inquired if he was injured.
Tbe little German gazed at his place
of business, which waa now burning
quite briskly, and said:
"No, I ain't hurt But I got oat
shust in time. Eh?" Llpplncott's.
Rom and Carthage.
In answer to the question as to
how long It took a trireme to cover th
distance between Rome and Carthagt
it Is only necessary to refer to the re
markable Incident related by Plutarch
n his life of Cato. The old Romtt
Senator, wishing to Impress his bro:
T Senators with the necessity of d
troylng Carthage, unfolded his to.
nd showed the astonished assembl
' batch of fresh figs which had bet
rathered on the African coast les.
ban two days before.
Centre of th Toy Trade.
Nuremburg is the centre of tbe tc
tra-te of the world. More than hi
he employees In the toy factories are
women and girls. The wages of the
women and girl toy-makers are about
5 cents an hour, that of the men abo "
3. Of the estimated German toy out
put, of some $25,010,000 year, abo- -$19.1100.000
is exported, more than ha
going to Great Britain and the Unite
V'ctory Over Tuberculosis.
That the wbt on tuberculosis r
Immediate dividends In human life
prcvi-d by report of Dr. Bo;
health commissioner of Baltimore
the monthly health bulletin for July
is shown that the number of dea '
from tuberculosis occurring In tl
city was ii2, as compared with 1.
for the same month last year.
A Social Dilemma.
The Lysar.der John Appleton fan
lly. In the belief that they are losin
social pretiae. will endeavor to lcen
something going on by having anothe
surgical operation, but tbey can't dt
cide who will be operated upon o
whnt Is to be cut out Atchlso
(Kan.) Globe.
Steam Up.
A train of thought won't do you
much good unless you get up enough
steam to carry It through. New York
Countries Owe Much to America.
American plows and cultivators are
turning up the soli In more than 70
countries and colonies.
Hospitals on Warships.
Eadh of the British dreadnoughts
baa a hospital wlta a capacity of 60
8pok French.
"On our honeymoon I spoke French
to my husband so that people wouldn't
understand us." "Ah, you traveled In
France, then." Fliegende Blaetter.
Spiral Wire Hoops for Ksgs.
Spiral wire hoops now take th
place of wooden hoops on barrels and
It will b somawhat difficult far tha
son of an aviator to -follow in kia
rather fooUlepi.
is the most thor
oughly practical,
helpful, useful and
national illustrat
ed agricultural fc
family weekly in
the United States.
P York
Send your name for
free sample copy to
New York Tribune Farmer
New York i. ty, N. Y.
...$1.50 A
m m
Letter Heads, Cards
Posters, Statements
Bill Heads, Envelopes '
Circulars, Etc., Etc. '
TRADE-MARKS prumMlj i.i.uiiii.-o in
&l I vuuuu ira, or no f.f . He obtain PATENT
ex-nm, nd beip you to nuvnl
ot-tM modal, photo or akriob (or r,r T-pport
on ptn'a?Hlity. 10 yrnrV pmrtioo. SUR
Iw-k on I'rfltublf I'jitrnut wnteto
B03-B0S Savsnth Street,
iCavt-tt. and Trad.Mr; obtained and ait I'u-j
Jcnt bu-.mcc.-inducted iar MoDCRATC FEES. j
iO'iR ornccisV opposite U, S. PAiTOFrtcci
jind we cior'.re i-auntia Icj 'uuc u.tr. IK!
(remote from Washington. i
Seed model, dr.;ng or photo with deterip-i
jiion. ne aav.se, u pairrtiaue or not, uo
I'hATFft, Our fee Dot due tiil patent ! ecurvd.
t A PAMPHLET, How to Obtain JUleud." wltti
-ost of uinc in th Ut S. und torcifa coutunctj
lent free. Address, 3
0p- PATtKT Orrtcr, WAaMtNoror. D C
Physicians have long been looking:
r a harmless headaoba care. It
hs been produced by nn eminent
netuist of the National Japttal. It
9 kno-n as BKOMO-Peraiit. Beaihe
trine, every form of headache
istantly, Bromo Pepsin is equally
nd as promptly efficacious in
hronio and acute indigestion and
be nervous disorders incident there
It is efferescent and pleasant
o take and may be had of all np tf
lata druggists at ten oeots a bottle.
t comes as a boon to mankind ant'
womankind. For sale at C. O.
Armstrong, Druggist.
TheConimissoneroorPike County
will hereafter hold Regulnr Meetings
he 1st atinrsday of each nin. between
the hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p m. except
ing In the months when Court may
be in session, and then during Court
Couiru:i ner Clerk
Auioluttly Harmless. Cures on hs Spot
"Mot tha Word Papain'
All Orusglata, lOo, aSa SOo.
for sale by C. O. Armstrong. DrimnUi
If VOQ WUDt UOte hefif. hill h.,U ltt
heads, statements, show cards, pruira-us
large posters, sale bill, dodtfor-i envelopes
taUal blllinHfld narrla i.iK i.riml.. .
VerY dPSCrilitii.il. rlonn nn in r.hn H..at- -r
iui juu in an up-io-aate uD(l artistic inu
nercaiwria iw us. frices.1
Real Estate Agent.
Houses and Lota and lots without Hunt
Dealer In all kinds of Property.
Notary Public
Office at Residence on
Water Street.
UilfoH. Pa.
Both 0
of I
these jj-
papers h
one ,
only &
I 85 h
f i
you jp
send 0
or dor t
and f
to f.
Tho jf
Time Table
fiolld Pullman trains to Buffalo, Nlaf
are Falls, Chautauqua Lake. Cleveland
Chicago and Cincinnati.
Tickets on sale at Port Je sit
points in tbe Weatand Snuthwestat lown
rate than via any other flrat-olass line.
In jffeot June glth, 1B08.
Trains-'Now Liavb Port .Irrvis a
iS, Dully 4 10
Dally Kxpress I tj
" 89, Looal Except Sunday.. S 10 "
41 Holidays only so
-N'o 4). Unliy Kxpreaa 8.54 A. M.
" 70S, Way .Sunday Only T .81
-" 43, Local except Sun a Hoi T.ss '
' 80, Local Rxcept Sunday.. 10.90 '
" 4. Daily xtreaa 1 84 P.M.
' T04, Sunday foly s 80 "
'" S4, Way daily exo't Sund'y I SO
'. 8, Dally Express 4 as
'. B, WJ dally exo'tHund'y 6 86 '
" TOS.Looil Sunday Only.... T.16
No 7, i)ally Express 18 t8A.M
V 47, Dally t M .
17 Dally Milk Train 8.10 A
' 1. Dally Kxpreaa.'. 1184
" US, For Ho'diilr E pt Sun . 18.1(1.
" 8, ExpressCbtcagolluidsJ 8 88
89, Dally Except Sunday.. 8 00
" S, Limited IaUt Express. 10 06
Trains Iwt Chambers street, IWew
Vork, for Port Jervls on week H.v. .
8 30, 7. IS. 9 Iff. ;)0 80 A. II., 1.00
I M, 4 80, .lo, 7,16, .1 lg.46 r. U.
On Sundirs, 7 ' fi, a. m
18 U, 1 16 7 nn.B.l p. it.
H. L 8LAUS'0.Ticket Agt, Pt.Jerrls
.i , M. W.HswIey,
rf)l?'n Paa.gr. Agent.
Cbaiuberakit. Station New York
William B.lnwo, they M. 0
Physician !a nd Snreon .
OMoe n'd reillnnce Broad Street
lext Court House. MILKOl'.l).
Foi' Bent
Furnished reonu to rer.t. Enqoirs
of Mrs:. Etta'Pnillon, Corner Broad
and Ann Streets, Milford, Pa.
Red Cabbage with Apples.
Take a bead of cabb-ge, about two
pounds, rut it fine, wash, and 1i
drain, il&ve ready a saucepan w! i
one and one-half tab'espoons of hot
lard, drop in the cubbjge. ana'lt t
stew for three-quarters of an hn-ir,
addlriR a little water and saft, Thet
pare about tou large apples, cut thei
In fourths, put them on the rabbi;-,
and boll unyl apples are dt ie, s'lr and
sdd about one and one-half tablesr-oon-fuls
vinegar, and a little sugar. This
will make a nice dish to serve ml 1 U
pot roast. Devolt News-Tribune.
To Save Elastic.
To save elastic in children's
blouses, which cost sometimes s-i
much as the map? rial of the blouse,
take a piece of tape or selvage tbe
ize of the child "s waist, less four
Inches. Cut the tape tn half. Insert
four inches of elastic, put the tape,
with the elastic In the center nf It.
In the hem of the! blouse. It will act
tbe same as If It -were all elastic and
wear better. Therefore you can nrnku
six 'blouses with the same elastic
which yau would otherwise put la una
Sponges should be hung where the
fresh air will reajch them and where
they will dry thoroughly. If possible,
the sponge shou)d be dried in the
bright sunshine, ajid thoroughly sca'.d
d now and ihea In w.ia and watei.
nl. PRESS li
: Milford, i
Pike t;
County, f
Penn. M