PIKE, COUNTY PRESS PUULMHEO EVKBV TBIDAY Friday, April I, 1910 mi B, BROWK'a PU1LDISO BROAD IT. subscription: On Ykab Oue dollar and fifty ceuts Six Months e veil ty-flve cents. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Kntered at the post office of Milford, Pike County. Pennsylvania, m second sistf matter, November twenty-nrst, lew. Advertising Rates. On:, inch, one Insertion H a ...i. . ihuMiiiAnt Insertion .10 Bod need (, lurntahul on Application, will lie allowed yearly advertisers. Legal Advertising. A'lralniatrotor's and Ksecutor's notices ;, nivmu n,,Llee - - 5.00 Sheriff's onlea, Orphan oonrt sales, n iMOIIM.a imlo. CountT Stftte- m-nc and election proclamation chars-, d by the mub. J. a. Cttra. Poblishkb, Editors are very like other people onlv perhaps more modest. They do not offor their opinions without much misgiving as to how they may be received. Others are positive in deolaring their views while editor? mildly hint at conditions. It is therefore res I encouragement to them to have public approval and educa tional to have the public criticise This is why editors invite oorrespon. denes and open their oolurus as a for urn in which matters may be dis- cuwd. Whatever topics interest tho goneral public, whether political moral or religious should find expree inn in tha forum and have the bene fit of popular confidence. Public opinion is a power and there are few who care to Invite Its condemnation. This ali-o is why editors are gratified to know that their views are received with faver and that pnbllo feeling it in harmeny with their expression, It also adds weight to have then: commended. Correspondence like wise proves that people are alive to present questions and that they take more than a oasnal interest in publio affairs. If you have opinions wl y not advocate tbem In the most public manner and make them felt In th community. Whatever makes fo the uplifting of your town is worthj of your effort to promulgate. It ad vertises its life and energy and in vites those who are strangers to oast George W, Post of New York and Mrs. Eleanor B. Armstrong of Mi' f rd were married Tuesday at the residenoe ot W. V. Hilliard by Rev. D. Webster Coxe. The ceremony was attenaeu oniy Dy me nmn" of the oontrsotlng parties. We Join with many friends In extending con gratulations. Miss Fannie Swepaniser is visiting la Hawley. Robert W. R-ld will soon begin the erection of a bungalow on his lots on George Street. Judge Scaples has filed a decree in the oase of Gould vs Gould granting the divorce. Some two or thoee camps are being built on the shores of Twin Lakes, Milton Armstrong by his will de vises his land in Wayoo co, 22 acres, to his son and gives all the residue ol his property to his widow. 'George Gregory is pushing the work on his new Garage on his lots on Broad Street. It ia built of oon crete. By her will probated this week Mrs M, J. Chamberlain devises an her uroDertV to her husband J. C Chamberlain. Considerable thunder and lightuh'g Wednesday evening pie?aged a storm which did not inateMiims Scarcely any rain fell here and the atmosphere was not much changed. March went out like a lamb. Mrs Hannah A. Smith died lust Tuesday In Port Jervis aged 67 yrs Shb was the widow of the late I-asc Smith a former resident of Delaware township. Madame L. Russell Gurnier passed Easter in town. Philip Hathaway entertained thi family of Mr Cobb of Htaten Island on Easter. Rev G. Gorisre, accompanied b his wife and son left lust Monday foi conference. M.s C. A. White and daughtei Charlotte have returned borne fron Boston after an absence of severs weeks. Negotiations for the sale of Mil ford Inn were concluded yesterda and Henry Cotterill became the pur chaser. He will take possession nex Monday. FINE IN SUH I .NCJ Insure your property .. in Ryman and Son's Agency. They have". . some of the largest ; Companies in Ameri ca. Frompt & liber al settlements made; 000OvO00000000 TAILORS l S. RYMAN A N 1). a n Spring finds us rendy with a full line of all , the newest styles and fab ; i rics for both Men & W om en. Have your clothes made for you and they will give . you twice the wear at the same cost as ; : ready made Men's suits from $12.50 up. NOW The Jaillets, Broad & Ann Sts Milford, 5 kwiiB i 4haLa 14, n Id, II 1 irait tktkd nnu anuwu mar. you nave line roads beautiful surroundinga, good schools progressive churches and a high moral tone in the community anil you open an inviting path for thos- seekiug new homes. It is the duty of an editor to do this and be takei pleasure in it, but why leave bis ef forts unsupported. Why cot writi your approval and give him the os sumnce of your support. It would be uianua to his hungry soul. WE WE WE WE WE ALL is the time to have your In terior Decorating done. Do not wait till the spring rush. do Painting, Hardwood .finish ing, Paperhanging and "Deco rating, according 1 to latest styles Do Graining and Gilding; and paint signs of all descriptions.! Repair, scrape, and repolish old furniture, and make it equal to new. Also do highclass upholstering of all kinds. and do not charge more than any one else. Samples ot Wallpapers and Covers . furnished 011 application. Estimates cheerfully given.: WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY CLEANING, PKKHHING REPAIRING REFOHT or TUB CONDITION' OS THI First National Bank of Milford In the flute of Pennsylvania, at ths close of business, Jan. 81, 1910. BK8CURCK8 Loans and discounts I (0,777 00 Overtmirts, secured ana unse cured.. . ... tons' 17. 8. hkiutts to secure olrelllatlon S6,UW 00 Premiums on U r. Bonds MOO 00 Bonds, securities, eto 101 447 6U tittnkinir house, furniture ana fixtures 1 888 00 Due from approved reserve agents 17, k brightens and preserves everything about the home. 1 nerc is no urn ui dingy looking furniture or woodworm to homes where Liquid Veneer is used U is dean, wholesome, Skni- Liquld Veneer can be applied by anybody, anywhere, at any time, and there to no muss to clean up alter ward. There are no cans, no pots, no brushes. There are no sticky hands or surfaces. Simply moisten a niece of cheese cloth and wipe off .i - t ... An jfu.Hnd. Just try Liquid Veneer and see fi bow sweet and clean ft will make P. everything. 4-oa. bottle 2S. 12-ai. bettls) BOo, OLD ARMSTRONG'S PHARMACY, Phono 98 Milford Broad St. Checks mid other Cash Itotnt. Note of other NnMnnal Batik. Kractloniil paper ourreacj, nick eis ana oeucs. Lawful Money Reserve Id Bank, la: Speole I 6 95'0fl ( Ugaltender nutes. .. 1 40 On tii'ileiupuon luoa wun u o. Treasurer (&ft ornircuiatlon) ANGELON" brothers, THE SECRET OUT. What made my lovely complexion? 1 do not like to tell, tor it was medicine but the nicest a woman ever took. It ww Lane's Family Medicine that did It. This Is a pleasant herb l.-a which net. tu vorablyon the stomach and bowels, puii fytng the blood and oleansli g tiu skli like in agio. It cures beodnche and buck ache. Druggists and dealer's sell it, Sue. MILFORD HIGH STREE Rear of Court House; PENNA PAUPACK luis w oat her does not seem mnofa Ilka March. Ilope we don't bare oar Slsrcb weather io ilay. The i'aopso boys held their annual egg feast on Bennett' plalnfleld Ess ter. All report very pleasantly spent day. Those from distance, woo spent Easter at this place, were: Louisa aud Alma Vetterlein and liable Pel let of BlooniaburK. Francis Killam of Kingston belbert tittmens of Har risoD, K J. Mr. and Mrs. Lndwig anil daughter of Scranton and Mr. and Mrs A-ter and ion of Rowlands. At C. A. Pelh tt's the erening of the 26th, a large number of the young people spent a very pleasant evening. Dauaing was indulged in, games enjoyed, refreshments served and all present had very good tintx. An ice oreain social was lield at Red school. No. 4, Friday evening, April 1st. Proceeds for the benefit of tbs school library. No "April fool" about this. Last week Francis Singer and fam. ily of Hcranton moved into the house occupied during the past few years by Fred Cnlp and family. Mr. C'ulp moved at the same time to a house owned by Blevers at Big Pond. Mr. binger has purchased the proper ty be now has possesion of and in. tends making this his permanent place of residence. MiSTflflPF. ten burned Friday at 4 P. M. Mr. Glaab discovered the tire in tbe Us of the house, and took her 2 small children and ran for help. Ralph An tano and Ed. Johnson and VVulluci heard her cry and reaohed there a soon as possible. The got out neorlj everything, and only part of then clothes and some furniture whb lost Mr. Glaab is poor man and the low fails heavily on the family. The house belonged to V. II. Hankinc and was uot insured. MlssSiphia Dick went to Narrow burg Saturday to recite some special lessons which she Is studying. Miss Agnes Dick returned from N. Y. dtp Friday eve accompanied bv her friend Mr. McCormiuk, who re malned until after Eas'er. Chas. A. Diibroa enjoyed E'ister week with liis family at Newark Valley. Miss Mary A. Johnson of Alden villa was a guest of her two daugh ters last w?ek. Mrs. Electo Wright Is in P. Jervis Born March 28 to Peter Scbntt and wife of Binghamton a daughter. Ml Mi 111 40 IK 8a& o 7,825 0M f&0 OU Total .il6.7S8 41 LIABII.ITIBS Cnplial stock paid In I 86.000 Surplus tuna iu,w w Undivided profits, less expenses and tnes paid W.VU iu ntiotmi unns notesoutstanaina vo.uu w lllvldemls unpaid w w tlldlvidutil deposits subject to cm oa 148.UM i Demnnd certificates of deposit. . 1.7i 00 Cerlilled e'jocks 87 IS Total 816,7t 4) rftnte of HennsvlvHnlii. County of Pike, s: I, John C. Warner. Cashier of tbe abov named unuR do solemnly swear that tnt shove statement in true to the best of my kuowledire and belief. JOHN . WARNKK. Cashier. Pnliscrlbcd nna sworn to before me thU th ukv of Koliv. 1H10. J. C. CHAMHKKLAIN, Notary Pnbllo. Correct A.tei.t: P. N. BOUKNIQUR. 1 CO ARMStKUNH, (Directors. W. A. H. M1TCHKLL, . Roofing Slate All kinds of roofing slate constant ly on hand at lower prices than else where. We lay slate either on Lathed or Tight Boarded Roofs and guarantee satisfaction. GIVE US A TEIAL Katanioras Slate Roofing Co., Cor. Penna. Ave. & 7th St. Matamors, Pa. FARM FOR SALE. The farm now occupied by Mrs. Joseph Carhuff in Delaware town ship containing about fifly four acres thi.ty cleared. Good dwelling, barn and other outbuildings. Also ei, el lent fruit on the place. For terms etc. enquire on the pn in isoa of Mrs. Johkpii G. Carhi-ff. Delaware township. The Shoe SE&VtaDLiv Are combined in La France. In looks the perfection of grace and beauty." In HI faultless. In serviceabilty-, unsurpassed. We urge jou to come in and son the new models no obligation to purchase. When vou see them you will wonder how so much beauty, style, and quality can be put into a shoe selling for from J3 to $4. And they are is" comfortable as they are bautifut " r- Don't you think it will be "worth your while to drop In and see the latest La France pioductions for Fall and Winter? Come in the very neixl time you we down town. J o n M SO N FITTER OF FEET POKT JEKVIS, N Y $100 Reward, $100 MANY A DAY IS SPOILED Uv a cough which cannot be broken bj ordinary remedies. Bus w hr uot try a medicine that will cure any coupa that any medicine can curat That la Kemp's Balsam It Is recommended by doctors and nurses, and It oosta only 8a eeuts at auy druggist's or dealer's. Keep a twttle always to the house and yon will alwa; a be prepared Io treat a cold or tough befor I t oauses any suffering at all. The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that thei e Is at least one dreaded disease that science oas been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is CaUrrh. Hull'. Catarrh Cure Is Ineonly positive care now known to th medical fraternity. Catarrh 1 being a constitutional disease, requires i ! oonbtltutlonal troatmeut. Hull's Catarrl: 1 Corals taken Internally, acting dlrecll; I linnn th. hlmul anil Uiunn.-...,... .... I systeiu.thereby destroying tue fuundatli.n I f f , of the dtsease.and giving the patleut mif I ' strength bv bulldlnir iin IIia ntn.rit.itl..t. and assisting nature In duing its work - TfiT The proprietors have so much faith in lit I ouratlve powers that they offer One Jtuu- ft nnl tt ills to rf-J FOR SAfeE Settleing the estate of the late Tliomas Armstrong w e -offer for sale the General Store of T. Armstrong dred Dollars for any disease that It falls cure. 8eud for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHKEXKY & CO, Tol. O Bold by all drugglsU, 71 oenta. Take Hall's Family Pills fur onnttipall'in Bubsoribe (or tbe Press particulars, terms, etc. H. T. ARMSTRONG full to Advertise in The PRESS. OPPOSITE 5 & 10c. Store PORT JERVIS KIMBLE Joseph Blackmore move from Fa I le.v Lake to the Furhot larm re ceutly bot by tl.e Kimble Lombei Co. Mrs. ielix Sston moved to Poit Jervis last week. Mrs. George Holberl of Luckswax en and Mrs. Mard Hall of Bnniklyu visited at K. W. Kelly's last week mrs. Mary Udnlln ol Bellview, N. .1. was in toun hist week on business Bum to AtiLUof Einil and wife in lift Week. Mia WiiiH Id Btt-ilen and Mrs. Victor Kcler mil two chllilrcn veil ed their annt ilr-. K. MaloneBur dsv UCENSE TRANSFER KotlceN hnvhr Klvenilint an applies- clou Kill be muile to the Juilsres of ibe Court ot gunner creations of Flke count v on April 4. lulu, fortlia Iruu.ferof tbe re tail liquor lloeuae of Max Uarius for a ho tel lu Lackawhxen towushlp to Frank T BUbup. JOI1NC WESTBROOK. JR., March S3, 1M10. Clerk. Our Extravagance. Discussing England and tha Eng lish from an American point of view, a -ecent American writer In England observes : "Nobody, from the kind down, is either ashfined or afraid to be econo mical. In England a man or a wom an Is thought to be a fool or a .vul garian who is not careful of expendi ture, while in America our waiters have been clever enough to make It appear that economy Is mean, and as nation we suffer accordingly. We are fools to be fooled la this manner." The Naked Truth. There Is an sncient fable which tells us that on a summer afternoon Truth and Falsehood set out to bathe torether. They found a crystal spring. They bathed tn the cool, fresh water, and Falsehood, emerging first, clothed herself In the garments of Truth and went her way. But Truth, unwilling to put on the garb of Falsehood, departed naked. And to th . day Falsehood wears Truth's fair hits robes, so that many persons mistake her for Truth's very self, but poor Truth iUU goes asked. GAS FITTING... rryou are intend ing to put in Gas or ars having any trouble with your pipes already in, Let us know. SANITARY PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Cuddabaok & Co. BROAD ST.. MILFORD. PA. 1 Your Home If you are going to build any where in Pike Co. or Sussex Co., N. J. it will pay you to consult E. S. WOLFE Dealer in F Flooring R Cement Siding A Lime Ceiling M Plaster Mouldings E Doorg Casings Lath Shingle and Roofing MUlord L U M B E R and Windows Interior Finish and Oak Flooring Pa, )