Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 11, 1910, Image 1

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XO 19
A review of the congressional sit
uation in tlii-t district in a Philadel
phia paper sayu Paliner "will carry
Monroe by L'OOO, Pike by 6110 and
Carbon by 1000 no I tint he will go to
Northampton with 3510 uiajoiity,
and it is claimed Brodbead cannot
overcome those figure there and
soilie predict that lie will not carry
it by any majority. On the face of
tbeae predictions the) look as if
compile. 1 by a Palmer man iu Mon
roe county.
'Jason Litts killed two otters last
week ru the grnmida of the Maskeu
osia Club in tliU couuly.
The post oflice department forbids
renal carriers bunting while waking
thou trips, and cannot even carry
Runs. The excuse la that some car.
riors are more fond of hunting than
attending to their duties and this
often makes the mails late.
Work will be resumed this spring
in the Pdbaquarry oopper mines iu
Warren county. Thine mines are
the ones to which the old mine road
waa built from Kingston, N. Y., no
mie seems to kuuw when, or by
Joliu D. Rockefeller proposes to
give away the larger pait of bis im
nmnse torlune and a bill baa been in
troduced in Coigrcss to establish ft
foiimlation to provide foi a general or
ganimion to conduct philanthropic
work, iu the pteventiou ninl relnf of
Buffering nnd in the promotion of uny
and all of I lie elements of human
Percy Lyman jr spent soveral days
In New York this week.
George Palmer spenUthe week end
with relatives in Montclair, N. J.
8. A. Johnson, a former Piincipal
of Milford Schools who is now em
ployed in a similar position at Turn
ers, N. Y., has been engaged as tutor
to A son of tbe late K. H. llarriman,
and is taken daily in a Harriman
aotoaiobile to the mansion at Arden.
The Honesdale Transportation Co.,
has bought a new Mack oar of 60
horse power. It his a freight rack
attachment, carries 16 paf-sengerg
ml cost 15000.
Meidames Harmon and Maitlanl
re spending a fnW weeks at Atlantio
Dr. H. B. R.ed ani wife are visit
lug their daughters on Staten 1s
laDd. The Western Union Telegraph Co.
issued orders March 7th that messa
ges containing fifty words may be
filed in their offioes to be transmitted
at night and delivered early next
tuorning The idea Is during Hint
period while the wires are not apt to
be busy they may lie kept in use by
tending these messages, wblch will
.enable longer communications to re
eent, and unnob quicker than by let
ter. The rate for a 50-word night
message is tbe same as for a 10-word
day message.
. Kobins, bluebirds and blackbirds
appeared hero last Sunday.
The government will not print
envelopes with return addresses
printed on them. An amendment to
the post office appropriation bill in
tbe House prohibits It. For years It
has been competing with printers in
this work and beoausn of the quantl
tf of envelopes bought could buy
them cheaper than the trade.
The same day that lohn J Astnrs
wife obtained a divorce from him he
gave a large d Timer in N. Y. attend
ed by society swells. In Kansas
City J. P. Curtahy, son of the Chlca
go meat packer, slashed a banker he
f innd with his wife at his home. She
had been disporting herself all day
with the man in his aut 'inobiln tli
pair supposing Cudahy was tut of
The squill which was expected ov
er the Matamoras nssisisinents turned
out to bo a very mild Hurry Very
few appeals were taXen and on a fair
showiiw it was found that the assess
iihijU for the most part were not un
Tim Supreme Court lias efllrnii'l
1e convictions of Junes M. Shn
niaker, former s'lperin'eiidcut of
grounds and buildings, and Dr Wil
liam P. Snyder former auditor gen
eral for complicity in the graft wan
dal of the New Cipitol nnd they must
eerve two yeais iu tlie penitentiary.
A civil suit has been coniiiienc d
gainst several def ndanls, amnn
them Ex Congressman li Hun I Cas
ell, Frank O. Harris foriner Mute
treasurer and E. B (lardenberh for
tuer auditor general to recover over
live million dollars alleged to have
?en stolen f rota the slate.
It is rcporled that Andy Middaugh . PmUn marbles "for keeps" Is just
has signed with the Syracuse Club j Rambling, the same as raffling ;or any
of the New York State League and I dher game of chance and all kinds
will have about Afrll let to begin "f K"nbling is unlawful.
If there is talk cf a nine
the seas in.
here thl season it is not yet lond
enough to be heard.
It is sill Philander C Knox Ji ,
Bon of tho Secretary of State, eloped
with a young lady from Providence
tins week nnd they wero man led in
F.iod T.iWs had long been selling
l-.rd oil for olive oil, until lard be-t-ame
too dear nnd then they used
cottons.', d, and arc doing it yet to a
gre.it extent.
A thunderstorm passed over here
early Monday morning and percepli
bly changed temperatures At Lan
caater, Sharon nnd Wellsboro light
ning struck and burned barns. .
During the absence of Dr. Ken
wort hey in the South his practice
Kill be in charge rl Dr. R G. Barck
ley of Milford and Dr. E Ctiddebnck
of Port Jer is. The latter will be nt
the ofllco of Dr. Kenworlhey Tues
days, Thursdays, Saturdays and
Snndays fiom 1 to 0.30 p, in tf
Ex Senator Thomas C. Plait of
Sew Yoik died at bis apartments in
New York last fandsy aged 77
Miss Mary Quick, ufler upending
several weeks with friends and rela
tives in Philadelphia and New York,
bss returned home.
Geo ge P. Van Wyek of Washing
ton, D. C. is a guest in tow n.
Mr.-. S II. Palmer lias gone to
Montclair, N J. for a visit.
F. A. Beck, piopiietor of Hotal
VanDermark, sn'tl'ered a hemorrhage
ot the stoniich recently which con
Sued him to bis home. It is said to
resnlt from an injury reoeived some
yearn Rgn by being hit with a base'
Judge Staples will not likely be
present on Monday Maroli 21st at
Court and bus arranged to have all
business requiring his presence to le
postponed until Tuesday the 22nd.
The engagement -of Mrs. Eleanor
B. Armstrong of Milford and Q. W
Pojt of N. Y. is announced. The
marriaiie will take place in Milford
March 29.
Herbert Palmer is working iu a
print shop at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Mrs. V. L MoCaity has gone to
visit her daughter ot Ridgewood N.
Mrs M. M. Van Eiten of Palo Alto
Cal. is visiting friends at Dover N
J. her former home.
It is reported that Robert Reid
will build a bungalow on his lots
and that E S Wolfe pljua to build a
house on Harford St and that Frank
Brink has In mind building a house
on High St , this spring
Peroy Lyman was in N. Y.
couple ot days this week.
Paul Blianno of Riverside Hotel j
was here yesterday attending court of
James Stratford of Parkers Glen
whose injury was noted iast week
died in Port Jervis Hospital Wednes
day March 2.
J. F. Terwilliger fell on a glass
fruit jar at his home last Sunday and
badly cut his thumb.
Frank Peri and wife of Dingman
townehip have a young son born this
A R. Kintnerhns opened a meat
market In the Dingman building.
County treasurer Choi and wife
have guue to N. Y nnd will visit At
lantic Lily.
Hook and Ladder Co. no 1 has
elected tbe following offloera :
Presldn I Leroy Kipp.
Vice Pn- S. L. Hunt.
Secretary J. H. Ludwig.
Treas. II. Wohlbrandt.
Foreman E. McMurrary.
1st. Asst. W. A. H. Mitchell.
2nd. A sat Charles Clark.
Fire Police J. II. Ludwig, Maur
ice Steele, 8 L. Hunt, Fred Kuril.
Pennsylvania now has in her sink
ing ruta 110,000 more man me
bonded debt, of the 8tate, the only
one in the Union that can make an
equally good showing. If she can
recover part of the millions stolen
in the Capitol furnishing she will be
The Inst day for filing nomination
papers for tbe primaries June 4ih
will be May 7th. They must be filed
tbe fflne of the Secretary of the
Fifty years ago last Sunday the
steamboat Alfred Thomas, bnilt to
navigute the Delaware between Bel
videre and Port Jervis, was blown np
opposite Easton by the explosion of
the builnr. Of the thirty two people
aboard at the time all bnt five have
passed away. Several were killed
and a number injured.
P. N. Bonrnique declines to serve
'onger as Chiet Burgess and Ihe court
will he asked to appoint some one in
his place.
Dr. Louis Klopsch of New York,
editor of the Christian Herald and
widely known for hia charities, is
dead after an operation for an abdem
inal trouble.
The State Fish Commissioner an
nounces that be will prosecute any
one polluting tbe trout streams in
Monroe county.
Ex Auditor General W. P. Snyder
began bis two years term lb the pen
itentiary Tuesday and James M. Shu
maker began his Wednesday. The
trial of James-M. Huston Capitol
Architect will begin the last of this
month. The men directly or indir
ectly concerned in tbe graft scheme
may well, in view of what la yet to
come in the equity suit, wonder
whether it paid. If they simply
neglected their duty to the people
and on a sed great loss it is only fair
they should make eood
II Id o-ruOTtorl that OHM nf " I u" ....... h -
the most important bills, that ieli-jtmg aovwhere from 30 to 40 cents
lng to the postal savings bulk, will , a dozen-for rgsrs n short time ngo
become a law during the present j nro now jT'tfng nbctit 20 cents an I
month. There lias been consider M1v,,p ,r .)ri(.,. inA ,,lter
able poosition to the bill, mainly
from Democratic and insurgent I" "" rpicnco of no questions be
sources Many amendments have ! ing received for the Civil Service ex
been presented and some ot them I nmf in t ion tur the p-st mastership at
accepted. Senator Root of .New , , Ka,ur(iy, 2m, no upplic. n
V.irlr in QflviuinV Of ti e lllll. has J ' 11
made tho most forcible speech r f , ul I'- 11 g.
his Senatorial career. It is under- held.
stood that he voices the views o
the President. It is expected that
the bill will add greatly to th
strength of the financial situation
iu this country, and tho fact that
it has long been in use in conserv
ative foreigh countries v?i!l reco
mmend it to reflecting people in
It is thought also that tho bill fix
ing the last Thursday in April for n
new Inaugural day, will be be adopt
ed. Changing the date for the in
auguration of a president from Hie
4th of March to the later date In
volves an amendment to th Const!
tution of the t'niled S!ntes, and will
therefore have to receive a two--iinls j
vote of Conpress and a majority vote
of threefourtba of the foityslx
states through their legislatures, be
fore it can become a law, Tho
ohnnge in dato is of the greatest
importance, foi the weither on
March 4tb Is seldom pleasant, and oc
casionally, as on the day of President
Grant's second Inauguration and hist
4th of March, it is bitterly cold and
tempestuous. The National Capital
is rapidly growing in improvements
and accomodations for visitors and ul
so in accessibility to all parts of the
oountry, and the travel to the city
for the quadrennial inaugural event
Is steadily increasing In volume. It
becomes of Importance, not so much
to the citizens of Washington, most
of whom have at least lied anl boird,
but to the two hundred 111' usand vis
itors who come here to witness tbe
imposing ceremonies and parades at
tendant upon the Inanguration of the
President elect
ONE of the finest store rooms in
Milford, Corner Broad nnd Catharine
Streets from April 1st. Also two
cottages ; one 8 rooms, water in both.
Enquire nf
Milford, Pa. A. D. BROWN
The Borough Council
The Town Council at a meeting
held Monday evening organised by
electing Albert Rudolph President
and D C. Ryinan Secretary. Henry
Wohthrnndr, who was elected last
February, being ineligible to qualify
because of bis connection with the
Gas Company. F. L. Guinble was
appointed to fill the vacancy . Tbe
members present were J C. Warner,
Albert fiudolpb, W. T. Stroble, W.
Aimer and Robert Flndlay. An ad
journment was taken until Wednes
day evening, when the new member
F. L Gumble was present Arthur
C. McCarty wai appointed Special
Policeman, A. T. Seeley Treasurer
and John McCarty was employed to
light the street lamps at the tame
compensation as last year 120 per
The appointments of a Street Com
missioner and Pound Master were
Thirty or forty years ago tlier e
wag Berious consideration of a project
to remove the nation il capital far
ther west, or nearer the geographical
center. This project or dream has
long since been abandoned. Noth-
ing but a disruption of tbe country
or a revolutionary upheaval can be
able to fix the capitiil elsewhere, and
in such an event there would be
more than one,' and perhaps more
than hulf a dozen capitals in the Dis
united States. Distance is no longer
a geographical question, hut a ques
Hull of time, and Washington is
quite as accessible by steam, electric
ity, and ge soli ne, to say nothing of
the arenplane, as any other locality
in the Union. The capital Is becom
ing mere and more flimly rooted by
millions spent for marble and granite
offices in which the stupendous work
of the nation is transacted. A bill U
now under consideration in the Sen
ate for the appropriation of twenty
million dollars to be raised by i
government bonds for the erection
of needed government offices. At
present the government Is paying
from ten to seventeen per cent an
nually on the value of Inferior rent
el buildings necessary for desk and
fl'e rooms for the thousands of govem
ment employes who make their
homes here. That to pay ten or
seventeen per cent for a poor build
ing when the government can get
the better building for 2 Is not busi
nesslike may be demonstrated to a
Ti e Brsnchville "j nt" list c unpels
the topers of that borough to st;tk
their drink elsewhere.
Three from that borough visited
Lnyton a day or two ago nnd ufler
giving an exhibition cf fighting and
Hit by language departed for their
Most insurance companies hnve a
time limit for Ihe payn.ent of assess
mc-ut, be sure you do not foi get that
William Clark, a former residei t
of this town, died at the home of
his sn William, residing along the
Hui'son, and his body was brought
to Buvuns on Situi.biy for inter
incut. At one time lie was our inosi
prosperous and prominent farmer,
bnt leverses came, and r soni.1
iiuo previous to his dcith made
his home with bis son William.
lb' was ayed ah' ot 75 years.
L'oyd D pise and sis'er Mjrt'e ol
unui'it, N J. vl-lk"! with the;rpir-
ents at Lnyt in on tvm lav.
The animal school meeting and
election of this town will be held at
the Lay ton .school house on March 15
Three members of the B, of E. are to
be elected and 550 dollars fur current
expenses. Women can vote for ev
erything except members of the B
of E so here is a chance for tin
crazy suffragette.
Gasoline engines for the sswing of
wood and threshing are becoming
more numerous, aud now with a
grinding attachment are griuding
their own grain as well as that (f
What will become of our grist
mills if this tiling continues to glow.
We are getting a tasfo of Spring
weather, but may wo cot get a-touch
of winter Inter on.
Miss Bcpsie Rosenkrans of Lnyton.
is coiifi'ied to her home Willi a se
vere attack of mumps.
She is attending school nt Newton,
and it is hoped that the di.sease may
be kept in check.
The whooping cough has made a
clean sweep through this valley and
many chi!dreii are too enfeebled to
stand nn attack of mumps.
Dedicated to Mary Madeline MiCawley
Slowly, calmly sailing along
Beneath the full moon's light,
The Rondolier sings his sweet song
In the stillness of the night.
It is a love song and his voice
Betrays his feelings deep.
Rich but tretrnlons he sings:
"My heart Is yours to keep."
The cadence dies, he steps awhile
And rests upon his oar.
He's dreaming of the dark eyed maid
Then renews his song once more
Under the bridge the echo sends
The words back, "Yours to keep."'
In a vision dim he sees Marie
By angels guarded la ber sleep.
The moon behind the clond is bid
The southern zephyrs blow, .
The gondolier now plies his oars
Through the waters as they flow.
He is homeward bound, and aa hfc glides
Along, he gains the steep
And with buoyant step he whistles low
"My heart Is yours to keep."
Cecilia A. Cullen.
A box social was held at the Moth
odist parsonage on Thursday evening.
Many of the pupils from the High
School nnd Grammar School were
present and enjoyod a delightful
Miss Ella Drake spent Saturday
ind Sunday with relatives in Ding
man's Ferry.
Mrs. Richard Humbert, who has
been visiting relatives in Brooklyn
and Philadelphia, returned home
Friday evening.
The coudition of Percy Myer oon-
tiuues to improve.
Examinations on the sixth months
work were given in the High School
Thursday of this week.
Dogs Killing Deer,
Hiram A. Rake, state forest longer
at Notch writes that March 3rd
deer was chased by two dogs thru
his field and the deer ran within
few feet of his hoose. He got his
gun and shot one cf the dogs bnt the
other escaped. The deer was so
tired out that he caught and now has
It and will keep it until it is able to
care for itself. The dcg9 had bitten
tbe deer in several places and if they
had not been Intercepted would have
soon killed the deer. There have
been three deer killed there durfrig
the past winter by dogs to the writ
er's knowledge.
He says the law allows a hunter to
kill but one deer with horns, but the
They make Them Espec
ially Tempting for
Easter Time
dogs have no limit, nor do they stop
Action speak louder than words, to look wet"er the deer has horns.
me Hiiiau and wees deer are most
In danger because they cannot so
readily escape the dogs as the larger
ones. It is the opinion of Mr. Rake
the dogs have killed more deer dar
ing the winter than hooters did in
the open season in November. He
thinks the legislature should pass a
law that no dog should be allowed to
run at large, but that he should be
always under the control of the
owner. Owing to the deep snow this
t winter dogs conld travel in the woods
and briugresults, while worry kills."
Dorothy McCarty has resumed
her studios after a short illness.
A number cf friends spent a very
pleasant afternoon on Monday, With
Ohniles Kenworlhey, in honor of his
ninth birthday.
The following are absent from the
Primary and Intermediate Depart
ments on account of sickness :
Violet Terwilliger, Helen Van
Etten, Nina Buist, Clinton Wolfe.
"I can't is the coward's excuse,
miser's falsehood, and the drone's
"Right habits! High Ideals!
Practical effort ! Unselfish service !
Love of Godl Success and happiness!
Real Estate Transfers
E. L Parks to Duke Marsden, lot
An act passed In 1000 prohibited deferred until next meeting,
spitting in public places, that is on! Tho wages for team on streets
anv nubile walk rr on the floor of anv ; were fixed at 13.60 a day and for
public building. TI.e pmalty is a ' laborers 1 1.50.
flue of !, and costs and in defuilt of j The tax levy was fixed at 5 mills,
paviter.t a M-nterce to the county j ''ho president appointed the follow
lues here which ing committers:
There are 1
fin h v I at it n-,,iUos not cnlv au Streets J. C. Warner and Robert
eyesom I ut a niiiMi.ee specially , Fmdiay.
"lure holies are obligod to walk ov
er Aligning coveie.l with tobacco
juice Tbune , ff -ndii g may be wite
to refrain iu fitute.
ArchilnM C Van Etten hn l-en
appoint d post mcstcr nt M:it-uooraa.
Tim tun n council in futute will
hold its riK'ilar meetings the first!
Tutsb.y evenings in' the mouth at
R fr m May tc November and ut'
7 SI) tbe rest of tbe jear.
The Kitt'ilinny hotel at Delaware
. Water (i"p wili be offered at public
' -ale April 2nd.
C. D. Huffman of Dingman town
'sbip has gone to a sanatariutn in
i western N. Y for treatment I r can-
rer. H wm accompanied by Gix rge
! Qnlnn.
Boro building and lock up F. A.
Beck, Wro. Aimer and J. C. Warner
Law W. T. Struble and F. L.
Fmiii.ee VV. T. Struble and Win.
Fire and Ugh' Robert Fiudlay
and F. L. Gumble.
Fire In Delaware
t he old boose at the forks of tbe
: road leading to Silver Lake from the
turnpike at one time occupied by
John W. Kilsby, and later by Mrs.
Isaao Dingman was burned last Sat
, or day evening. A track was found
J in the mud leading to and from the
building, but It cannot be said that
I it wp the work nf an Incendiary.
'The hnum was vacant.
The whole country by this time
must have beard of a sotnewhat
unique nndertiking, the building of
a memorial temple in Washington
in honor of the Father of his Conn
try The undertaking is auimje on
ly in the fact that a woman, Mrs.
Dimmlck, is most active in urging
it, that It has the enthusiastic and
active approval of the President, of
Senator Hoot and of many men dis
tinguished in national affairs. Tbe
proposal is that it shall be bnilt by
the schoolchildren of tbe United
States, and already the contribu
tion, mostly in dimes, amount to
a very respectable sum in dollars
The building is to take the form i f
an immense assembly hall to which
tbe many conventions now making
Washington ihe certer fur the'r tie
liberations shall find free acre s
The conventions now coining to
Washington must rent halls It
proposed that this building shall lm en aud properly
'The English make a specialty of
fixing up eggs in new and tempting
ways. Their methods are worth
studying, saysTnE Delineator for
Eggs fried hut not allowel lo
spread n the pan and served almost
covered in tomato sauce, go by the
name of "egBS in Purgatory," with
the assurance that tho riult is bap
pier than the Dane.
Fried egg sprinkled with a little
grated Pimm sail, or scrambled with
cold cooked aspai.igus tips, green
peas, tiny branches of cauliflower,
chopped mushrooms, nil are very nice
for breakfast, or the eags may be
broken into a hot mixture cf par-bc-iled
tomatoes that have been passed
through a sieve and to which may ba
ad led bits of cold cojkt d potatoes,
onion, bacon and sausage, taking care
to t-tir the mixture thoroughly tbe
moment the fgaa ore added, so they
mav become properly scrambled.
P uched et"4S MTved on tomatoes
tliBt have fir-t i en cut in halves,
-lr nk'el with a little grated diets' ,
seasoned with slt and
then baked, or eerved on
eelcav cut in half inch pieces, stewed
until tender in a little seasoned milk
or cream and spread over buttered
to.vt before ridding (be egg, will u!s
lie much appreciated.
Another attrrctive way in which to
cerve ejjgs is to bake s ine pood
sized (Kitatoes, cut oil- an end of each.
H 'oop out enough of the mealy part to
permit of Ihe admission of plenty of
butter and a nw ejrg Mrafnl!y br,Mc-
ee.is. in d. Return
so arranged tbat many conventioi s, tbe js t itoes to tlie oven mi l bake till
if desired, may bold simultaneous the egg are "set," then cover over
meetings in smaller annexed halls, the ends with the scooped out potato
bnt all sufficiently large to scenmo ' beaten up llghtlv wi'h a I'Mla butter .Clements Br and wife, 8 lots in West
in Lincoln Park Westfall.
Charles P. Gerish Agent to Jacob
A. Ruster, lot lo Wynooskl, Green.
E L. Parks to M. M. Farrell, also
same to Robert W. Stanton, also
same to C. A. Chllds, lota in Lincoln
Park Westfall.
Nellie Woodward to Sarah Wood
ward, lot on Big Pond Palmyra.
Luella D. Wolfe to Jacob Garrison
53 acres Milford township part of N
Peter VV. Hobday to W. W. Cook,
undivided interest in 749 sores B'l'g
Nellie Padgett to Nellie Padgett
aud husband, lot In Mill Ivift, West
Shobola Mountain Spring Co to M.
N. Kuan, land ir, ShohoU.
Evert L. Guest to Juhu Spinier,
acre Palmyra f 100.
Charlotte Dingman to Dingman's
Ferry Water Co., right lo lay pipts
on lands in Delaware.
Isabella T. Winans to Peter C
. i t-x . ... , j i . . r
ppcr and uoiey, tiiuuer ulvj uu uu actca Lfoia-'
laver rf wure bu0.
Celia A. Billings to E. A. V. Hi ff
uiaD, land in Blooiuii.g Grove Daniel
Hersher No 110.
Adolph S'elling and olht rs to
Reinhard Gongeliu, lots in Lacks
Maud A Bickford to Geo F. Allis
on, 12 acres Lackawaxcu.
P. ter Vannoy to Colonel W.
Quick, 6 lots Matamoraa (000.
J. Robert Wbitaker to William T.
IVhituker, iuteiest in 100 acres
Robert ClemeuU Sr. to Robert
where a man could not go and a deer
would break in while a dog would
travel on the crust. The owner ot ft
!og permitted to run at large
should be made liable 'or any aot
Ione by tbe dog, and an owner who
vilfully allowed a dog to run at large
n the woods might be held criinin-
illy responsible if the dog was caught
basing a deer. The past winter has
teen unusually severe on birds and
animals and it is almost a miracle if
any survive. Nature is dangcoos
rtnongh to deer in winter without
iheir being compelled to run the
gauntlet of hungry dogs.
Drowned in Delaware
Mast Hope Correspondencc
AnonI Allans was drowned last
Thursday in the Delaware river near
Mast Hope. Attempting to cross ia
i small boat attached to the cables
used lo ferry in summer, when near
the Penna shore the cable broke and
the boat was pulled under the water
which was very high. He was seen
by several but no boats were at hand
at d he could not be rescued. Hia
wifa who was visiting in N. Y. was
notified and came up. Sdven child
ren and his wile survive him. Tbe
river shore was searched as far aa
Lackawixen but Ihe body was not
found. Tbe boat remained attached
to the cable.
He was born in Italy about 41
.tears ago. and soon alter marriage
can-e to N. Y. wl.cie he resided un
til three years ngo w hen he bought 'a
farm opposite Moat Hope, Ha was 'ft
sober, honest, industrious man, ft
kind husband, and father and one
who was always willing to aasisk
them in need.
date lerje meetings.
and milk, Serving very hut.
I fall.
SlilllEN to represent us in
the sale of cur High Grade Goods
Don't delay, apply at onoe. Steady
p-sployuient ; liberal terms. Ex per
enoe not neoessary.
Rochester, N. Y,
Sabsc-ribe for lis Pteia,