Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 28, 1910, Image 2

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Friday, January 28 1910
On Y ba'b One dollar and fifty ceuU
ix Months Heventy-flve ceute.
r.nUtro! at the pout offloe of Mllford,
Pike Countr, Pennsylvania, as seoonil
(lwmiiur November tweuty-llrs., Id.
Advertising Rates.
II 60
Or.-.. Inch, onelnsertlon - - - - -
Bso'i suuswuienl Insertion ,iC
H roil'-eo. rates, funiiKhtd on Application,
will l nllowed yearly advertisers
Legal Advertising.
and Exeoulor
AJmlntMrn tor's
not.les -
A'l-lltor's not-lee
Divorve notices . - - -
Sliurln'e sales, UfpliMl
. . t.w
. . ti.U
court wiles,
C unity Treasurer'! sales, County stalo
aunt nnd election proolainatlon ohargid
by fclie incb.
J. H. Van Bttrn. PriRUSHKB,
Reports show that the govM-nmeni
lost seventeen million dollars lad
year on prslal bnslnees. If Cnch
Bam figured the coat of carrying hit
own mail and the cost of carry Inp
all the franked mall his postal boi
uess would show a large profit. Ca
rying his own mall alone .Is worth
forty-three million dollars and if h-
charged himself with that alone htr
business coold show a profit of about
twenty-six million dollnrs a year
Why shonld Congressmen, who an
paid for t heir services, be allowed
send unt free tons of matter, more
than 25 per cent of whlck is never
read, and Is of no benefit to the peo
Tbere are a million children in tbe
United States, perhaps there may be
some here, who get little or no help
in their rtudies or In moral train
ing at home. If these children are to
be Improved they must receive the
aid in the school room. They labor
under great disdd vantage and the
teacher mast appreciate this fact,
and allow for tbe serious handioai
in extending to them extra patience
and especial care. They most be ir
spired to study la jhe school room.
and their moral and mental training
must depend largely on the encrur
a&ement they obtain from their
teachers. This is a responsibility
which all teachers mast assume and
on the fallhfnlness with which it is
met may depend largely whether the
child is fitted for u saccessfol life,
A medicine that will oleanie the bowel
and put them Id condition to do thol
proper work unaided will do more than
anything else to preserve health and
Btrenjrih. Such a medicine Is the tonli
laxative berb tea. Lane Family Medicine
Get a 86e package to day at any druggUt'
or dealers. No matter what you have
tried before, try this famonsherb tea.
By virtue of an ordnr of the Orphan'
Court of the County of Plke.lu partition,
the following real estate of which Amanita
W. Cortrlght, late of the township of Del
aware, In aald county of Pike, died Bet zed,
will be exposed toeule by public vendue or
outcry on
Saturday, February 5th,
A. D. 1910
at 9 o'clork In the afternoon
In the front hall of the Court Hcuso nt
Mllford, all the following pteonB and tract
of land, situate in snld township of Dela
ware, and county of Pike:
PURPART 1. Piece beginning at a
corner at low water mark of the Delaware
River, being a corner of land about to be
conveyed and land late of Henry M. Cort
rlght. now Wood, thenoe North fifty -Ave
and three quarter decrees West ninety-six
rods (N 66 W 96 r) to a corner in center
of road, thenoe along road North tweuty-
one degrees Kiwt sixteen and three qurtrtei
rods (N81 E 16) to a corner In road.
thenoe North sixty-four degn-es West fl'ty
Ight rods (N 64 W 68) to while pine for ti
corner on brow of mountain, thenoe alontt
the highest brow of the mountain or rock
about seventy rods (70) to a rock oak for a
corner, thence South thlrty-slx and one
half degrees Kat sixty -five rods (3 Wi K
tt6) to a corner In public road, thence South
fifty-nine and three quarter degrees Km.
twenty-six and seven tenth rods 8 69 E.
30 7) to a fenoe post for a corner, thence
South thirty-three degrees West twenty-
eight rods (3 S3 W 28) to a corner In fenw
honoe South forty eight degrees East sii
rods (3 48 K tt) to low water mark of tlx
Delaware River, thenoe down the X)el
ware Its several courses and distano
about thirty two rods (82) to corner ant!
place of beginning: containing thirtysevei
acres more or less. Excepting and repet v
ing therefrom a piece of land about fifty
by eighty feet, or as now defined by being
un pi owed, on which there Is a burying
ground, but with no reservation to mitki
any future Interments thereon.
PURPART No 2, Beginning at a cor
ner at low -water mark of the Delaware
River being a corner of piece about to br
oonveyed aud land of Marie Zimmerman
thenoe North fifty two and one half degree
West one huudred twenty-eight rods (N
53 W 128) to a post on line of lands of
John Zimmerman, thence South forty
eight degrees West foiry one and one half
rods (S 48 W to stones thence South
fifty and one quarter degrees East out
hundred thirty one rods (S50, E ID! ) to ti
corner at low water mark of the Dclnwnn
river, thenoe up said river Its ftveral oour
ses and distances about forty eight rodt
(48); oontalnlng thirty six and threw
fourth acres, more or less.
PURPART No 8 Beginning at a cor
ner of lands of the late Robert K. Van
Et ten and T. Ont firm N irtl. f rty-
two and one half degrees East eighty-fotu
rods (N 48)1 B 84) to stones, theuce Sunt!
iventy degrees East sixty nine and a hal
rols(S 70 E 69 W) to stones, thence Smith
twenty four degrees East one hundred
thirty rods S S4 fi 130 thence North sev
e nty two and one quarter degrees West
eighty seven rods N T2)4 W 87 thenor
North fifty seven and one half degrees
West one hundred and five rods N 6. W
106 to a corner and place of beginulng,
oontalnlng seventy five acres more or lets,
subject to a right of way and privilege of
Mercer B. MoCarty, his heirs and assign
to a road way and tbe unrestricted right
to the use of same from a polut In the pub
Ho road running up Conashaugh Hollow
to land of aid Mercer B. McCarty North
east of said last mentioned piece and about
where the old road runs from said publii
road to said piece of laud aud up .said Con
ashaugh Creek on West Bide as same now
Is. Being the same lands conveyed by
Clarence Cole and wife to Amanda W
Cortrlght by deed dated March 6' h, A
1900, recorded In D. B. No 60 page 247 etc.
If every cough were cured before it got
a strong hold, human life would be lenth
ened by many years. If every coughing
sufferer knew that Kemp's Balsam would
stop the cough in a few minutes, he would
be glad to escape the serious oon sequence.
If any medicine will cure a cough Kemp'
Balsam will do it. At druggists1 and
dealers' 25c.
Mrs. Eunice Atherton la visiting
relatives and friends in Hawley.
There were no servioes at tb
church Sunday as the water was so
high it was impossible for the mio
later to cross the rter.
The Uepublloan caucus will be held
at a F. Killatns office Thursday
evening. iue Democratic caucus
will be held the same tiuieatTufton
B. F. Kills m -pent part of the
pant week at Honesdale and Scran
The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Ed.
Klllatn last Thursday. Two weeks
from that date it is to meet at tbe
home of Mrs. J. Q. Killam.
$100 Ee ward, $100
The reader of this paper will be pleased
to learn that theie is at least oua dreaded
disease that science oas been able to euro In
all Its Mages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall
Catarrh Cure Is tneouly positive our now
known to trie medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, aotiug directly
Upon tue blood sud Mucous eurfaoeeof tb
system, thereby destroying tne foundation
of tbe dlsease.and gtviag tbe patient
atreugth by building up tbe constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors hare so much faith In its
curative powers that tbey offer tine Hun
drod Dollars for any disease that It falls to
cure. Bend for list of testimonials.
Address V. J. CHKKNKY & CO, Tot. O
Bold I j all druggists, 76 cents.
Take Hall's family Pills for onastlpatioo
gut crib for tbe Press.
Roofing S!ate
All kinds of roofing" slate constant-
y on hand at lower prices than else
We lay slate either on Lathed or
Tight Boarded Roofs and guarantee
Matamoras Slate Roofing Co., '
Cor. Penna. Ave. & 7th St.
Matainors, Pa.
La France
Shoe rJWbmen
Purpart No 1. Good dwelling house,
latge barn with cow house attached, wag
on house and other outbuildings, good
orchard nnd other fruit, Water piped to
barn and never falling well on the prem
ises. About twenty live ncro cleared bal
anoe woodland.
Puv-part N08, All Improved and lu
high state of cult ivation. Both the above
are on main road from Mllford to Ding-
mans Ferry and have a flue river froutnge.
Purpart No 8. All well timbered wltb
oak, pine and hemlock. Lies within one
fourth of a mile of river road above men
tioned. All three puaparts about 6 miles
from Mllford,
Terms of sale, one half cash on day of
purchase and the balance in two equal
payweuts, the first In six months and tlu
second In one year from oon firm at ion ol
sale, the deferred payments to be secured
by Judga ent bond and mortgage witl
interest at the rate of six percent.
Administrator d. b. n.
Mllford, Pa., January o, lttlO.
Am His Neighbors See Hlra.
If he la poor he Is a bad manager.
If he la rich, he la dishonest.
If he needs credit, be can't get It
If he is prosperous, every one wants
(o do blm a favor.
If he's in politics, it's for pie
he la out of politics, you can't pit.."
him, and he's no good for his couu
If he doesn't give to charity, he'i
i stingy cuss. If be does, it's for
If he is actively religious, he
hypocrite. If he takes io Interest
i religion, he's a hardened sinner,
If be shows affection, he's a soft
.eel ic en. If be seems to care for
m one. be la cold-blooded.
If he dies young, there was
?reat future ahead of aim. If he
Uvea to an old age br has mhued
bU calling.
Spider That Goes Fishing
There has recently been discovered
In Buenos Ayres a spider which prac
tices fishing at times. In shallow
places It spina between stones a two
winged comical net, on which It runs
rs3 Ltafi' ''wN-i'r-jai-. '""1 .' A-ea. r
ky The Oakland Chemical
nf Mew York' rsUft a
free 2 ounce bottle of DIOXOGEN to
all who will w rite them, mentioning this store.
You owe it to your self to leam the value of DIUAUGLN
as a means of preventing disease through personal cleanliness.
Which is preferable to keep well or to get well Even in
cases of recovery, many diseases, like scarlet fever, measles,
diptheria, etc leave marks for life upon the patient. DIOX
OGEN prevents infection by attacking and destroying germs,
mrm.rnUnng rind other Doisoiicus disease-causing accumulations.
6 r - ' - . .
DIOXOGEN foams arid bubbles in the presence ol such
harmful substances. You can see it work! It is a power-
NA ful antiseptic and germicide yet absolutely harmless.
FyJ Srr.d for the trial Wis of DIOXOGEN tod.y.
& ,.ti'..ntei I J. it for an? or sll of the following purposes
sccorcing to directions. You will never sgaia be
without DIOXOGEN m your home.
V'Wtusft OtriCj
'J "TlrrrlTrrI'r . 1
A a Mouth WmI.
As a Ciamle
Aa Nl Doodia
For No Ulced
of wrmKi:.d KMt
it Q mfn Sc!d
For "Pink Lre. Sty, Zm.
1 Pimples. B!ark:hMl, etc.
For Chained fiaoda aod Faoa
Faf S.inbum
F rx Manicuri::!
F-r Mwniito and I rued Bites
Fnr n S'ino
To Remove BawUga that Stick
Be aura aod mcntioa ilk ten when wmiag tot aamfaW.
N Of
S3 JTl
V 9
The Pinnacle of
hu been reached in
the manu facture of La
France Hhoei
La France Shoes are
looked up to at the
standard, and are pre
ferred by all tmartlu-
dretted women became
of their btylb, rrr and
La France Shoei mar
at nell at they look
and that meant they
La France Shoe it the
that for You there it a
design for each and every
occasion, both . in-doors
and oid
Pleoit eontider this a bit-
tonal recommendation and
a etirdial invitation to YOU
to call in and examine the
Fall ami Winter filjiis.
Tort Jervis, N. Y.
78 Sheetsj
SO Envelopes
St. Regi3 Linon
Special Value
Armstrong's Pharmacy
First National Bank of Milford
In the State of Pennsylvania, at the cluw
of business, Mot. 18, 1909.
is the time to have your "Interior
Decorating done.
Do not wait till the spring rush.
WE do Painting, Hardwood finish
ing, Paperhanging and Deco
rating, according to latest
WE Do Graining and Gilding, and
paint signs of all descriptions.
WE Repair, scrape, and repolish
old furniture, and make it
equal to new.
WE Also do highclasa upholstering
of all kinds.
WE do not charge more than any
one else.
Samples ot Wallpapers and Covers
furnished oa application.
Estimates cheerfully given.
of Court House PENNA
Real Estate Transfers
Moses Poppel to Yetla TorboD,
lots in Hyde Park, Porter ll'OUO.
G. K Smith to S. D. Bpruks, 80
acres Lickawuxen $J00.
Mary Rosier to William S. Bocler,
5 acres Dlnguiuu tp.
M-U. Cxly to K the G. Guiiuiug,
401 aores Weattall ?75.
William Sawyer to W'i'.tmr W.
'U'Tyer, lai;J in Wcs'fill If p.
William 8IW'kman to KKurd
Km zu, lot in Hyde Park Porter.
B. E. Freed to ElwarJ Kunzi, lot
in Hytle Park Porter.
in tne water, ana captures small na. ih,ry 8awy,.r ,0 Jobn Sawyer, 2
tadpolea, etc.
Charles P. Gnrvish ngt to Floyd K
Molt, lot in Wynooski Ur 'en.
P. N. Biorniqne Exr to E. S.
Wolfe, lots 65, 977, 704, 3 aers
Harford Street, Milford t-'OOO.
Wnst's the Use of a Twlnt
A Chicago' man has been arrested
for appropriating and wearing tha
clothes of his twin brother. What's
ths use of being a twiu?
A Girl's Way.
It was a sweltering sunnier after
noon. Algernon sat in the hammock
and Claire occupied a wicker chair.
Sl,e waa very pretty, and Algernon
was hopelessly in love with her. He
was alruodt In despair as ho sat look
ing at her playing with his heart, and
he knew It.
"Oh, Claire," he pleaded, "why art
you so cold?"
'Tain not, Algle." she protested.
"Yoa are, Claire," be Insisted.
"Aud 1 say ust as positively that 1
Uii not."
"Claire, Claire." he cried, "how
can you toy that when you know you
have treated n-.e like "
''Cm," she laterrupted. fanning her
e!f Iii2l!y meanwhile, "1 though", you
were tall.li g about the -:itLe. Ai
re." LipiilULOtt's.
Weather Changed.
It had been raining ateadily, and
the four-year-old bad resigned him
self to looking out tbe window. Sud
denly out came the Bun. "Well," ex
claimed he, "there's tlio sun! Isn't
God a ct-uiiou!" The Delineator.
Loans and discounts 9 70,
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured (J. H. Buuds to secure oiroulation 85,
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds
Bonds, securities, eto 104
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 1
Due from approved reserve
agents... 80,
Checks and olhercasli Items....
Notes of other National Banks.
Practlouat paper ourrency, nick
els and oeuts
Lawful Money Heserve in Bank,
Specie 8 078 70 )
Legal-teildnr notes. .. 8 tWo UO j
Kvdemplinn fund with U S.
Treasurer 15 of circulation)
3S3 .
174 87
,000 01'
tK) 0U
835 00
888 00
,flfl0 87
70 88
819 711
718 70
650 00
Total i!36,4ift 88
Capital stock paid In I 85,000 00
aurnius runa iu,uuu u
Uwliviriixl profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 0,800 65
Natloual iiank notes outstanding 84,8(10 00
Due to othur national banks 018 84
Individual deposits subject to
ohtk 164,899 54
Demand certificates of deposit. . 1,770 7U
Cerliued c'lecks 118 Do
Total i'S5,4U6 88
State of Pennsylvania, County of Pike, as:
I, John C Waruur, Cashlur of tbe above
oamed bauk, do solemnly swear tbat the
above staumienr Is true to the beet of my
knowledge and belief.
iOHS V. WARN'KB, Cashier.
CiibAoritit anu s-orn to before me this
33rd duy ot Nov. hUO.
J. C. CH A M HKlt LAIN, Nolan Pilbllo
Corrt-ct Ati-.t:
A, l HKOWN. 1
CO AHM-VHOXG. Dlnwtors.
V . A H. I' HKLI.,
5 & 10c. Store
Woolen Merchants are
anxious to clean up stock
before the New Year. We
give you the benefit of their
reduced prices. Call and
see the excellent values we
can give you for a little
The Jaillets,
Broad & Ann Sts
Milford, Pa.
Insure your property
in Ryman and Son's
Agency. They have
some of the largest
Companies in Ameri
ca. Prompt & liber
al settlements made.
If you are intend
ing to put in Gas
or arx having any j
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know.
Cuddeback & Co.
The County Commissioners will bold
Court of Appeals at tboir olllce lu the
Court House, Mllford, l'a., on the fol
lowing dates between tbe hours of 9
A. M. and 4 P. M.:
March 3rd
For Moomlng Grove, Greene and
Pulmyra Towns)iia.
March 4th
For Laikawaxen, Mllford, Porter,
Sbohola aud Westfall Towushif.
March 6th
For Matamoras and Milford Bor
oughs. March 101 h
For Delaware, Diuguiaii, aud Leh
man Townships
Conimissiouera' Clerk.
Coiumuwloners' OMU-e,
Milford, Pa., Jan 14, 1910.
.Application will Ih mmK' to the Guveu
or of the Htrtto of K nusylvnttli, on Mod
dT, Kfbriitiry 7tli, lltll). by Luroy K Klpp,
Albert L. Cudilfbnuk, M. H. Liutaley, A
R. Hiiuntra, Win. k Po:uul)urK, iutrue
(Jutlor HDtl thttvtf H. Mo. gun under
the Act of Assembly of ih (Juiuntnu
wenlth of PeitnHylviiiiiri, eutkltnl "An
Act to provide fur tbe Im;orp.rrtCini nl
IrU'ulHtlon of oorinlii Corpornttnuti,''
apijrovett April 2W. lH7t autt ili vupplu
tnaU ibeiMUt. ft.r ilu clmrur of an inu rul
ed c- rporatloii Ui be onllel Utwbtt Klty
Ibe chttrneutr and ubjucl of wbit h U
Euichase nutl iule of ri-itl eitnte hii I of
oliling lmprovliitr. Ivieting tuul '. Iuk
nuil eaUiie, aud for ibttee purpo lo have
and iiibmim Mud eojoy nil th- DKl't, bn
etit and privlleKeM of the ttald Act of Ai
wuibly aud luuuppleiiiantf
Deo. 83, 1M bolteltor.
Notioe Is herebj given tbat application
will be made to the Judgns of tbe Court of
Quarter Sessions of Pike County on Janu
ar 8, 1910 for the transfer of the retail li
quor lioenseof Floyd K, Bevannfora Hotel
in Westfall Township to Kudurluk C
Joba C. Weatbrook Jr.,
Deoerubv U, We. Clerk.
An Unanswerable Argument In Favif
of Short Sermons.
The Yale tradition spoken of belo r
must be of nineteenth century origin,
lor the Connecticut divines of the
days when Yale was founded would
hardly have got to their "secondly"
In tbe time allowed.
President Hadley, a writer In the
rsrfbemlan says, is as witty as he t.i
leArned. The Sunday services at Yale
are conducted by prominent clergy
men of ruany denominations and from
rrany cities. When these vlsitloj
preachers occasionally ask Preside it
Hadley bow long they shall speak lie
Invariably replies:
"There is no limit, sir, upon the
time you may preach; but there 13 a
Yale tradition that the most souls are
saved during the first twenty minutes."
High-Pressure Gas.
In many European cities extensive
use is being made of high-pressure
gas-lamps for street-lighting, and to
some extent the lamps are displaci'ig
electricity. They are furnished w.tn
Inverted mantle burners, nnd in F;,r
lln tbe gas is supplied through Ma'i
neahcim steel pipe. In ronie of t e
systems the air is compressed, and in
one case pure oxygen Is supplied to
the consumers. In London a type of
lamp called "self-Intensifying" is em
ployed, the air being compressed I y
mill-Inn the heat of tbe products t
combustion to operate a heat englr.e.
In Vienna arc-lights are used to il
luminate a park above the trees, and
gaslamps are employed below. In con
nection with these lamps, various au
tomatic lighting and extinguishing de
vices are in use. and much taste is
displayed in the forms and arrange
ment of their supports.
A Safer Job.
"So you don't guide hunting-parties
any more?" asked tbe atranger.
"Nope," said tbe guide. "Got tired
of being mistook for a deer."
"How do you earn a living no?"
"Guide flshln'-partles. So far, no
body ain't mistook ne fer a ash.'