Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 14, 1910, Image 2

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Friday, January 14 I9i0
orrn a, brows' buildino broad ft.
Off K Year One dollar and fifty cent
Six Months Heventy-flve cents.
Kntetert at Ihs post office of Mllford,
Pike County, Pennsylvania, as ncnnn
el matter, November twenty-first, 18WV
Advertising Rates.
One Inch, onelnsmtlon -' 1 JJ
8icb subsequent Insertion (ft
Kwlured rates, f urnlslii1 on application,
will be allowed yearly advertisers.
Legil Advertising.
A rtmlnl.tntir'i And F.XeOlltOr'S
notices . '
Auditor's notices - - J JJJ
hltnnv notices . - - - - D.OO
MhnTiiT'a mIm Orrjhans oonrt mH
C mnty Treasurer's iwles, County staM
m;nt and election proclamation ohargta
by the incb.
t. n. Vaa Kttm. PuBLISHIB,
Under the new road law enlarging
thn Dowera of road supervisor and
the requirement of a cash tax, then
Is no reason why, If proper official-
are eleoted, the county should not
have good roads, or at least great
improvement in them. Money Jndi-
oiously Bent and work intelligently
done mi show benefloial results
The practice of patohlng roads or
ranking the repairs in a temporary
way is not profitable, because not
Iiciii.Hiient . Whatever is done should
bo we'll and substantially finished.
One great uWrlmeiit to making roads
good is allowing water to stand on,
ami c.n hills allowing it to run down
over the road. Water must be kepi
out of the road or the work will not
be permanent. On the level, or
where Dearly so, roadsshooldba well
roandtd and on grades or bill good
tide d'.tcht a must be provided, and in
the end tile or cement drain plpef
are most economical where water Is
to be carried across a road.
This Is a kind of between hay and
grass period for newspapers. Nut
much news, cold weat her keeps foils
from traveling and the editor has a
scratching time.
If people in the county would fur
nlsb items relating to their neighbor
hood, births, deaths and marriages,
and home happenings they wonld be
greatly enjoyed. There is no bettei
school for young people than putting
on paper news items. It gives them
r manner of writing, develops ingen
ulty in forming sentences and niaket
them exact in thinking. We would
welcome correspondence from any
sooroe, which is reliable and would
be pleased to have a number from
different parts of the county on our
list. We invite boys and girls to so
cept the offer.
Prof. H & Graves who is well
known here, and recently visited in
town, ban J a. t been appointed Fores1
er in place of Giffoid Pinchot Thii
is a moot excellent appointment. No
other man in the country could have
been selected who Is more competent
both by experience and ability to fill
tbe position. Mr, Pinchot had high
Ideals in carrying out bis work and
bis succeiisor has a fine example for
emulation but his choice provw that
he is ror.H'.dered Worthy of I he tank.
nn I in tul wf have n doul t there
v-1 1 It nc J's.ii li tn ent.
'I I c:u 'h n uliitu vwnuin would not do
to tv.fit.ti hir lou beauty. She ought to I
to fully nt seiUitu In preferring her ftood !
Iu)t. I lu' hu'b urtnk cnllnl Lane'i Kttni-
lly MiMtcliia or Laiiu't Tea i- the niJat
eiiKient al 1 In piVsMiving it bj u Iful ablo
ana will tl i in ow tU in anyihlug le to I
rettlo.e i lie rtrtt. to fit-ted uhufk At nil
dtugtUlV ituj tlJulejs', 5g.
Th mayor of MoKeoe) ort P. has
lusde a luting ibat men oouvloted Of
, intoalcatlon in his o-iurt must sign a
paper peiniit'lug their wives or next
of kin to draw their wages for at
least one year; otherwise they go to
the work house for six months
Mis Sophia Dirk dismissed her
at'tiool last TuetHley on aooount of be
ing sick with the grip. Her mother
too was very ill last week.
Mrs. Churli s Rogers was hurt by
falling on the ire.
C.iarles A. Dabron returned from
Newark Valley on Thursday.
V. J. Btump and wife who very
pleasantly spent last month in Brook
lyn N. Y. returned to Tuateu on Fri
day of last week.
, The ice bridge has been perfectly
safe for the last two weeks.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of the Connty of Ptka.lu partition.
the following real estate ot which Amanda
W. Cortrtght, late of the township of Del
aware, In said oounty of Pike, died Belied,
will be exposed to sale by public vendue or
outorv on
Saturday, February 5th,
A. D. 1910
at 9 o'clock In the afternoon
in the front hall of.tlie Court House nt
Mllford, all the following pieces and tracts
of land, situate In said township of Dela
ware, and connty of Pike:
PURPART 1. Piece beginning at
oorner at low water mark of the Delaware
River, being a oorner of lnnd about to be
conveyed and land late of Henry M. Cort-
rlght. now Wood, thence North fifty five
and three qnarter degrees West nlncty-slx
rods (N W 06 r) to a oorner In center
of road, thence along road North tweuty.
one degrees Knst sixteen and three qunrter
rods (N 21 E 16) to a corner in mad
theme North sixty-four degrees West fl'ty
eight rods (N 64 W 68) to white pine for a
oorner on brow ot mountain, thence along
the highest brow of the mountain or rocks
about seventy rods (70) to a rock oak for a
oorner, thence South thirty-Bix and one
half degrees East slxly-flre rods (9 iW'i K
96yo a corner in pirbllo road, thence 8inth
fifty-nine and three quarter degrees Eaut
twenty-six and seven tenth rods S W E
88 7) to a fence post for a oorner. thence
South thlrtv-three degrees West twenty
eight rods (S 88 W 88) to a corner In fence
tbenoe&outh forty-eight degrees East six
rods (S 48 E 6) to low water mark of the
Delaware River, thence down -the Deln
ware ,lta several courses' and dlstano s
about thirty two rods (82) to corner and
plnoeof beginning: containing thirbytwven
acres more or less. Excepting and roiterv
lng therefrom a piece of lnnd about fifty
by eighty feet, or as now dellued by being
unplowed, on which there is a burying
ground, but with no reservation to make
any future Interments thereon.
PURPART No 8, liegluulng at a cor
uer at low water mark of the Delaware
Klver being a corner of piece about to be
conveyed and land of Marib Ziiumerman,
thence North fifty two aud uue half degree
West one hundred twenty-eight rods (.N
W 188) to a post on line ot hinds ol
John Zimmerman, thence South forty-
eight degrees W'estfotty one aud one hall
rods (S 48 W 4 1 '-i ) to atones thence South
fifty and one quarter degroes Ent one
hundred thirty one rods (S50!i E 131) to a
oorner at low water mark uf the Delaware
river, thenoe np said river its several cour
ties and distances about forty eight rode.
l49); containing thirty six and throe
fourth acres, more or less.
PURPART No 8. Beginning at a cor
ner of lands of th i late Robert K. Van
Ettcn and T. Ott. thence North fort.r
two and one half degrees East eighty four
rods (N 4S; E 84) to stones, theuco South
seventy degrees East sixty nine aud a hall
rods (S 70 E 69X) to stones, thence South
twenty four degrees .East one hundred
thirty rods S 84 E ISO thenoe North sev-
e nty two and one quarter degrees West
eighty seven rods N Ki W 87 thenoe
North fifty seven and one half degrees
w est one hundred and five rods N 51 X W
106 to a corner and place of beglnulug,
oontaiulug seventy five acres more or less,
subject to a right of way and privilege of
Mercer B. McCarty, bis heirs and assigns
to a road way and the unrestricted right
to the use of same from a point in the pub
Ho road rnnnlng np Conashaugh Hollow
to land ot ald Mercer B. McCarty North
east ot said last mentioned piece aud about
where the old road runs from said public
road to said piece of land and up said Con
ashaugh Creek on West Bide as same now
Is. Being the same lands oonveyed by
Clarccoe Cole and wife to Amanda W
Cortright by deed dated March 6th, A. D
1008, recorded In U B. No 60 page 847 etc
Purpart No 1. Good dwelling house.
large barn with oow house attached, wag-
on house and other outbuildings, gotd
orchard and other fruit, Water piped to
barn aud never failing well on the prem
ises. About twenty five acres cleared bal
anoe woodland.
Purpart No 8. All Improved and in a
high state of cultivation, Hotb the above
are on main road from Mllford to Ding
mans Ferry and havea fine river frontage.
Pnrpart No 8. All well timbered with
oak, pine and hemlock. Lies within one
fourth of a mile ot river road above men
tioned. All three pun parts about 5 miles
from Mllford.
Terms of sale, one half cash on day of
purchase and the balanoe In two equal
payment, the flrt in six months and the
second In one year from onnhruuition of
sale, the defemd payment, to be seoured
Pr Judgment bond and mortgage
und mortgage with
lutere&t tu the rnte of tlx percent.
Administrator U. b. D
Mllford, Pa.. January 6, 1U10.
Notice It hereby given that application
will be mad to the Jndgns of theConrt of
Quarter Sessions of PikeCouuty on Jauu
ary 3, 1910 for the transfer nt the retail li
quor llcutiseof Floyd K, Bovanw for a Hytc'
lu Wumfttll Towuiibip to Kodcrlck C,
John C. West brook Jr.,
Deoembtr 22, luutt Clurk
Application will be mtule tu the (ioveu
or of the Btme of Peuimylrauia, cn hfou
day, February 7ih, 1910 by Ierov K Kipp,
Albert L. Cuddtback. M H Laasley, A.
H. Hannert), Wm. fr. Foi;enburg, iiuorge
L Cutler and t'harlt 11. SXumnn undi-r
the Act of Asaembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entlihxi "An
Act to provide for thu luoorpuruMou and
Regulation of certain Corporation,"
approvvHl April fiy. 1K74 and the suppln
mtnti theivto, for the charter of an ininnd
ed rporatltto to be oalled Uaulm KHity
the obarauter and objoot of which la
Eurchane and ante ( real estate and of
ulding Improving, leaaing and sellhifr
real entate, and for thttoe purpofii to have
and potiavetta and enjoy all ihe right, beit
edfc. and privileiree of the said Act of As
seiiibly and lta suppleui.utu
Deo. 3, 19u0. hulicilur.
The oonrt has finally confirmed the
ale of the Haoea-Laanna Mnnurao
taring plant, which waa sold by the'
receiver Aagunt 30, 1909 to JoHn D.
Huuck for $2600.
Subscribe for tbe Preaa,
All kinds oi' roofing slate constant'
ly on hand at lower
We lay slate either on Lathed or
Tight .Boarded Roofs and guarantee
Matamoras Slate Roofing Co.,
Cor. Penna. Ave. & 7th St.
Matamoras, Pa.
v3 The Oakland
f'jf Comnanv of New' York offer
f t i vu of
CC tU Vllili-V v -" .ii -11
1 1l ! it- ! eti-if
all WHO Will Wine lucm,
Yon owe it to yourself to learn
f a!
Aft a means oi Drevcnunx uiscaao
WKicK is Dreferable to keep
- -
cases of recovery, many diseases, like scarlet lever, measles,
dipllieria, etc leave marks for life upon the patient. DIOX
OGEN prevents infection ty attacking and destroying germs,
germ-poisons and other poisonous disease-causing accumulations.
ninvnr.I N Ia. and bubbles in the cresence or such
harmful substances. You can
. . 1
V ful antiseptic and gernucide
TJ Send for tte trial bottle of DIOXOCEN today.
tJM h lor any or ll of the following porpoies
-ZZ,X& according to direction. Yoo. will never agaia be
without DIOXOGEN in your home.
A Mouth Wuh
A Oittule
A Nc! DoU
For Nose Bld
Foe V'y Wtitit and Cutt
For Bums end ScmlJt
For Bt ik AUcruo, .
FoflvT Poiaoolinl
For "Pink Ey. Sty, Etc
B mum Wad noiliaa tli
Painting, Graining, Gilding,
Decorating, Papering, Sign
Painting, Upholstering of
all kinds.
Matresses remade.
Furniture Polished and re
paired. Work done either
or Contract Prices
by day
Angelon Bros.,
$100 Reward, $100
The reader of this paper will be pletvied
to learu that tttme lu tit least una dreaded
disease fchalrvcicnce oat been able to cure lri
all 1U stages, and thai U Catarrh. Flall't
Catarrh Cure U tneouly pobitive cure now
known to thi medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a oou.ititmlounl disease, requires a
oontitiitt.n:.; treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Curei li,eu iutuninUy, acting directly
upon th ItliXMl nd Mucous surfaces of thr
iyafcni.th'Teby destroying tne fouudatlou
f the ilis.'Hse.uud gtviag the pntiont
btreugth by bniitliug up the constitution
Hud assist irg nature In dolnst Its work.
The proprietor have to much faith In Its
curative powers that they offer Ouo Ifuu
dred 1 Julian for any dliwase tliat It fails to
cure. Send for list of testiniuuluU.
Address K. J. CHKKN KY & CO, Tol. O
bold by all druggists, 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pills for cuntlpatiD
Geo Cortriglit will have a publje
Hile of stuck and furmtni; utenila at
hi place in Letinmn one mile back
of BriK'-ra on tbe till! road.
Sale will be Junuury 251 h.
The woman who has a thou wind P'tty
cares and annoynno s whlla she suflerfc
wiih headache or eidj ache must n it l,
hluiut-d 1 she canuot alwuyti be angelically
amiable. What the needs la thoughtful
ness from hor family aud such a simph
and uatural remedy as line's Kainllr
Medicine, the herb tei that makes weak
woman s'ruug and well,
Sold bs drugg-
ists aud dealers. a5o.
Advertise io the PKES3.
prices than else
ninxnr.FN to
incmiuiimg uiwaioiv(
the value of DiOXOGEN
ll..ur.r norcrtnll lanlin ssL.
uuuun rviwuu.
well or to get well Lven 11
..... i
see it work! It is a power-
9 f.Jf .1
yet absolutely narmiess
A5l Shavinf
Far iKe Complfion
For Pimple, Bliickiawla, eta.
For Chpprd Kavoda svnd Faca
FoT Sunbum
Ff BoayOtjon .
For NUnicuiuig
MiMquiio ad Iiwoct Bile
F"t B-e Sirifi
To Remove UwUelUt Slick
ea wniioi foe wm.ila.
... Pftwtwrw. ...
Torpedo Governed from Shore.
A submerged, torpedo propelled i
controlled by .wireless electri'
transmitted by. the wireless met.
Is the work of Carl Abrnhanirnn
fir i Diego, Cal. The fnventlon ft-
Tie. The propelling force Is man'
'ated on the same principle as
wireless telegraph. Electricity
transmitted from aerial wires o
shore to aerials supported bv v
floats and connected with the t'-'o c
ler wheel of the torpedo, which is sub
merged. A current powerful enough
o pend a sixteen-foot torpedo through
'v9 water at a speed of thirty-two
1 - ilea an hour . can be transmitted.
Control of the device is secured by
":apnets set on each side of the pro
. filed and connected with the steer-
ng gear. These magnets are of dlf-'-rent
degrees of sensitiveness and
ne susceptible to varying degrees of
Mf.ver in electric currents. The steer-
- is thus made possible by a varla-
.'on in tbe amount of power sent to
uie torpedo. Technical World Majra
rlne. Soap Grows on Trees.
Bide by side grow the soap tree and
the tallow tree. The soap tree yields
a product from which is manufactur
ed tbe purest article of soap that Is
pouslble to be made. Indeed, the pulp
of the berry Is a natural soap and
will make a lather almost like the
manufactured article. The soap ber
ry tree is now creating widespread In
terest, and the berries are being Im
ported from Algiers and China.
It will pay to plant the trees and
'nok after their cultivation. The pro
'net of the tallow tree also enters
nto the making of soap, and the two
ogether make - a nice combination,
r.d their cultivation should be looked
ft it by those in new industries, ha
idvs soap, the soap berries make a
cry line oil, and when the virtue
f the tallow tree are fully known It
nay also yield a fine and protltable
'11. The young. man who now plants
tut a ten or twenty-acre orchard o"
these two trees may drop Into an
easy fortune. Ocala Banner.
Flowers Without Foliage.
One of tbe most extraordinary flow
ers In cultivation Is Hall's amaryllis.
which reverses the order of nature by
blooming In midsummer without any
foliage. Ordinary bulbs bloom lu
summer, but Hall's amaryllis suddeu
ly appears out of the bare ground dur
ing the dry season.
This extaordinary plant has fra
grant, rosy lllae flowers which are
banded with yellow. In the sprint;
the leaves make their growth, die
down, and after a long Interval ot
rest the flower stalks appear with tbe
strange effect here described. Har
den Magazine.
A Provision.
Boss Lineman Madam, we are go.
lng to string some poles in front ol
your house.
Mrs. Backwoods Go ahead. Bui
mind, the baby's asleep, so don't' di
any shootln' Into tbe furrluers aftei
ye lynch 'em.
High Grade Foot-
Wear For The
We have made ample
provision for tho approach
ing Holidays in everything
pertaining to high grade
botwear. Arties, Rubber
Boots, and leggin.s for the
ittle ones, Men's and boys'
igh top laced Boots in
nglish grain leather. Tan
and Black, and for father
who has to do the hustling
the Lair bertville snag proof
.lubber Boats. In the
finer grade of goods the La
? ranee shoes for v omen at
$3.00 and $3.50 and the
Douglas and Crosset shoes
'or Men at $3.00, $3.50,
00 and 5.00. Slipiiers,
well say We are just in it
Men's Womon's and child
ren's from $.35 to 2.50
Now a word to the
Dont allow your husband
or brother to wain around
the house picking up car
pet tacks with his bare
feet and then blaming you
for it when you can pur
chase tack proof slippers
for them at the above
Maka your selections
early and they will be set
aside until called for.
lelenhone or write u
your wants.
Port Jervis, N. Y.
First National Bank of Milford
in the State of Pennsylvania, at the closi
ot business, Nov. 18, 1909.
Loans and discounts I 70,883 83
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 174 87
U. 8. rloudstnsecuroolrolilatlon 86,UK Uu
Premiums on U. S. Bonds urn
bouds, securities, etc- 104 gtio 0U
liauaiuff house, furniture and
fixtures 1 888 OH
Uue from approved reserve
affents. .
Checks apd other Cash Items...,
Notes of other National Banks.
Kraotional paper ourreucy nick
els and cents
Lawful Money Reserve In Bank,
Specie 8 078 70 )
Legal-tender notes... S 636 00
Krdenipltun fund with U S.
Treasurer (6$ of circulation)
JB 8-1
40 Mi
819 711
10,713 7U
690 0U
Total IU86.4UD 88
Capital stock paid In I 88,000 Of
Surplus fund 10,000 0i'
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 0.800 A5
national Bana notesoutstandlna 84,800 uli
Uue to otlier national banks 618 2i
Individual deposits subject to
chick 154,399 61
Demand certlnoatee of deposit. . 1,770 7i
Certified caocks 118 xV.
t35,496 8b
State of Pennsylvania, Connty of Pike, as:
I, John C. Warner, Cashier of the abovi
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of ui)
knowledge and belief.
Pubsorlbed ana sworn to before me tbl
S3rd day uf Nov. 1U0U.
J. C. CHAMBRRLAIN, Notary Public
torreoi Anetii :
A. 1) HROW.V,
C. O A KM T KONG. Director!
W. A. H. Ml It'll KLL,
5 & 10c. Store
Woolen Merchants are
anxious to clean up Btock
before the New Year. We
give you the benefit of their
reduced prices. Call and
see the excellent values we
can give you for a little
Broad & Ann Sts
Milford, Pa.
Cleaning, pressing
and repairing.
is everything: with us. In order to
have that, we first must "have an
absolute confidence in our own goods
and that we have
constant watch on
comes into our place. We couldn't
do business otherwise.
You will see the
dence the proof that
custumers confidence every time you
come in, and you will see it in the full
value that we give you.
Insure your property
in Ryman and Son's
Agency. They have .
some of the. largest
Companies in Ameri
ca. Prompt & liber-
settlements made.
l S. RYU
If you are intend
ing to put in Gas
or ara having any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know.
Cuddeback & Co.
A Dusty Spot.
Most of the Negro messengers al
he floors of Cabinet members and
heir assistants art well-educater1
cn. The other day, when Secretar,
nr;x looked at the big globe tha'
tatuls In his office, he was annoyed
o find that Ihe globe was dusty.
"William," the Secretary of State
vv.i to the. messenger, putting a fin
't-r on the globe, "there's dust here
n Inch thick!"
' I'.'s thicker than that, air," replied
t-.f. messenger.
"What do you mean??" said the
Secretary sharp.
"Why, you've got your finger on
ho Desert of Sahara."
A clever lady, who Is an ardent be
:e'cr in the Immortality of the anl
uiK is often rebuked by her clerical
,picnds, who say that "dogs and cats
vould be quite out of place In Heav
n." She replies: "Certainly, in our
'V:tven, but God would not wish them
a pads their future life In tbe corn
gey of those who had neglected or
11-tieated them on earth. No, God
vIM give them a better Heaven than
A Return In Kind.
Mark Twain once asked a neighbor
1 r-e might borrow a set of his books.
rho neighbor replied, ungraciously
VU he w as welcome to read them in
lis library, but he bad a rule never
0 let his books leave his house. 8 mi
vecks later the same neighbor sent
ivn to ask for the loan of Mark
Twaln'a lawn-mower.
"Certainly,", said Mark, "but since
1 nutke It a rule never to let It leave
uy lat n you will be obliged to use It
The Suburban Citizen.
"I see you are cultivating a garden."
"Yes," answered Mr. Croaslota.
"I suppose you derive both pleaa
e and .profit from it?"
"Not exactly. But It leaves me
oi e contented. It makes the cost of
egctables In the market seem small
v comparison," '
by a careful and
every item that
tangible evi
we have our
Naturalist's Observation en the
Way of the Cassowary.
Habits of the cormorant and of our
native nsh hawk are generally known.
Their methods ot taking fish are very
much like those of birds of prey. Hut
the cassowary fishes according to a(
method of Its own. A well knonn
naturalist witnessed Its operations co
a river In the Island ot New Hrltaln.
He saw a cassowary come down to
the water's edge and stand for so.ne
minutes apparently watching the wa
ter carefully. It then stepped Into the
liver where It was about three feet
deep, and partially squatting down,
spread Its wings out, submerging
them, the feathers being spread and
The bird remained motionless, and
kept its eyes closed as If In sleep. It
remained In this position for a qunr
ter of an hour when suddenly closing
Its wings and straightening its fe utt
ers It stepped out on tbe bank. Here
It shook Itself several times, wae e
upon a quantity of small flshet fe,l
out of Its wings snd frn-n amid U
feathers. These the bird loomed ute
ly picked up and swallowed.
The fishes had evidently mit-'rca
the feathers for a kind of weed ' ;t
grows in the water along the b- 'i
ot the liver In this Island and r' ci
much resemble the feathers of '
cassowary. The smallest fish en ' t!a
In these weeds to avoid the h 1
ones that prey on them. St. Paul ..,
neer Press.
A Sporting Chance.
"I'll teach you to play at pitch ar.d
toss!" shouted tbe enraged fa. her.
"I'll flog you for an hour, I will!"
"Father," Instantly said the incor
rigible, as he balanced a penny oa bis
thumb and linger, "I'll toss you to
make it two hours or nothing."
His Suspicion.
did that picture
cost so
"Well," answered Mr. Camrox, "to
"jll you the truth, I have aa idea It's
Vecause the dealer who told It to m
l (9C4 business man."