THE MILFORD STORE OF STORES Longest Established, Best Equipped FINEST LINE OF WINTER GOODS. Specialties in woolens, jackets, ladies, mens and childrens underwear. Gloves, hosiery, boots and shoes. All the latest styles and best materials for winter wear. m ft i fin 1 sfe- Nzckv?zai? A New Department A large assortment of Laces and Trimmings. A complete stock of mins furnishings. Finely stocked Grocery Depart m:nt. CrocVery and glassware direct from England. All of tljc aboVc at prices that Vill 117'ake it to you advantage to buy of MIT6HELL BR0S. Bi?oad Stteccfc ffiilfoBd Pa General LIVERY STABLE Safe horses, Good wagons, Prompt service, Careful Drivers. Findlay & Milford, Pa KILLthb couch and cure the lungs WITH r. tizxi Discovery Fnn ouchs PHICH (Do 4k ti nt. OLDS Trial ftaru. Fm 1 AO all THROAT AND I.UN0 TROUBLES UUASANTtED SATISFACXO&i, OK MONEY KEPUNDED. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Style). Blankets, Robes, Whips. and Uorse Outfitting gen erally. CA'RltlAGE TRIMMINGS Repairing :-neatlonE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. llAFXEli. Ilarford St. Milford ecftrS BBftfiers Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous orcsuuan .nA frm-u weakness they are the supreme remedy! w thousands have tesufetd. FOR KlONEY.LIVEK AND STt2vACH YtfOUJLic it 1 best medicine ever eold Wheeler, .PROPRIETORS "BEST OF ALL FLOUR. FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY When in need of any ' 4 Uello to No. 5., or corne to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD PA, Supplying j The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We solve It by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, T Fresh Vegetables FOR AN ELEGANT OINNEN If yea appreciate i good market in lowln buy yeur ask la claim at my place.' Llntburger, Imaerte' Roquefort Philadelphia Cream cheese or any ethers desired. FRED GUMBLE Harford St. Miltord Pa The East Stroudsburg State Normal School " -is- A thoroughly first class school tor 1 hACHfcKS. It is PERFECT in the Beauty and Healthfulness of its Lo- - cation. It Is COMPLETE in hsE quip ment. Its Graduates rank among; the Best in SCHOLARSHIP and TEACHING ABILITY. The rooms are carpeted and the Beds Furnished. The Food is Abundant and Excellent in Quality. For Catalogue Address, E. L, KEMP, Sc. D.. Principal. i East Stroudsburg, - Pcnna. LARGE FEES TO DOCTORS. King Edward'a Health Hal Coet Princely Sum, Ring Edward'a health has coat huge Bum. When, aa Prince of Walea, ha waff aerlou8ly 111 some years afro. Dr. William Jenner attended him for fr.Tr rrrrVn -r,d refc-i-rcn f 6 10,. 0,- UZISC-,,. Anchor JLIO. jJ was paid to Sir Walter Oull for hie attend ance on the king during hie tertoui lllneaa from typhoid In 1871, while the physicians who attended him dur ing his severe Illness in the corona tion year received fees amounting to 20.000. The famous Prof. Zachertne. of Me cow, received from the father of the present emperor of Russia, a fee of 15.000 for two d&ya' attendance. Sir Morell Mackenzie received 30,- 000 for a few weeks' attendance on the late Emperer Frederick of Ger many, and Queen Vlctorla'a doctora In her laat Illness, received 2.000 each. Some time ago W. K. Vanderbllt the American millionaire, requested his physician to accompany him on a voyage. , The doctor hesitated, and re marked that his practice waa worth 200 a week. The man of money Anally agreed to give him 1.000 fo the six weeka' trip and par ell hie other expenses. Blind Dr. Gale, of Bristol, waa paid the sum of 50.000 for earing the dis eased knee of a wealthy gentleman. Senator Magee paid Dr. Browning the stupendous fee of 100,000 undaubt edly the largest fee on record. The late shah of Penile paid Dr. Qalaiow Bkl, of Paris, 5,000 for curing htm of nn affection of the eye. Dr. Frank Hillings claimed 5,000 for seven days' attendance on Marshal Field, the Chicago merchant, prince. Loo don Tit-Bits. ' Gambling In Funerals. A curious point was disclosed In the House of Lords debate on the As surance Companies bill. Lord St Ald- wyo said that under the existing law which had never been observed policies to meet the funeral expenses of a parent were Illegal. There bad thus grown up, he said a system under which collectors had visited houses and persuaded women to Insure a sum to cover the funeral expenees of perftons in whom they had no Insurable Interest The whole thing was really a gamble. Lord Hamilton, of Daleill (for the government), aald that the position both for policy-holdera and companies be very unfortunate unless lee Islatlon. took place such aa waa pro posed. There was danger that some thing like a panic, with disastrous re suits, might ensue. The governmen had been In communication with the collecting societies and industrial as surance companies, who, having har a very great fright in ccjnsequence o' recent legal decisions, undertook ma tt the government got them out of th. bole they found themselves in the; would put their house in order. Ion- don Daily Mall. Uncouth Praise. In a little town In the South prominent man, of the town, who h ' turned many a favor for the local ' groea, had died-, and the colored fo" had asked to be allowed to follow th- body to the cemetery, and to be pe mitted to apeak a word or two praise at the grave, which request hv. been granted. . Old Abraham Lincoln Qeorge Was' lngton Lee acted as spokesman. H told of the many klndneeees shown t the colored people by the decease and finished his eulogy with the worda: "Maasa Aklson may have been white man, my bruvvera, but lie ah' did have a black heart" Caught a Meter stoat. During aome firing exercises off 8 AlbanB Head by two men of war wire by which the target waa belu rowed parted. The targets wer picked up, but Instead of the wlr coming In easily It waa found to b made faat to something. Receun w-. had to. the steam Capoten and t Its meana the wire waa pulled- a; when the end of It waa found to r securely hitched around the acre -ofa motor boat The boat waa about 4 feet long, the name waa undecipherable. Tta englnea were quite Intact and aba d' not appear to have been dowa eo ,er long. She had evidently beea rjn In a collision. - In Ireland. First Bicycle Crank No, I never carry an extra ounce of weight ol my machine not even a tool bag. Second Ditto But auppoee yot break down on the road, and have ac, tools? First B. C. Ob, that's easily ar ranged. I carry them In my pocket Tld-Bits. Once Waa Enough. Magistrate (discharging prisoner) Now, then, I would advise you to aeej away fTom bad company. Prisoner ( feelingly ) Thank flu sir. You won't see me here again. Back to First Principles. "Hips, curves, emboupoint! Everv thing baa bad to go." "Yea; woman la pretty near dowi to the original lib!" ' The Old, Old Story. "Don't chide me for" carrying a r volver. This little gun saved my II' jnee." "How exciUng. Tell me about I, "1 waa atarvlng and I pawned li Invented Naval Torpedoes, It waa not until the American civil war that any successful application ol the torpedo to naval warfare tooV place. It first invention, however dates back many yeara before this the credit for the discovery being gen erally git en to David Bushnetl, ac American, In 1777. In 1805 Fulton's torpedoes were successfully tried la Britain, but their use waa declined by the government, and various other ei perlmenta were tried from time te time. Norway waa the first country to order a faat torpedo beat, walea was built in Ki!irs, ta W. THE CORPSE'S EXCURSION. ' Death la a Solemn Affair But So Is Economy. Cal White atuck his head In through the ticket window of Baiters Depot railroad station and said: "Boss, gimme two round trip tickets to Society Hlllore for myrr-lf and one fur a corpse." "I never heard 67 nobody buying ex enratnn tickets for corpses," said the agent "What's the meaning?" "Well, boss," Cal replied, "my broth er Webster died yesterday, and I want to take the corpse up to Society Hill and let the family view the remains, and then I'll bring him back to Salt era Depot here and bury hint. That'll a big eight cheaper than for the whole family to traipse all the way from Society Hill and all the way back again." A Real Bargain. "Have you Hlke'a Baking Pow der?" Inquired the female bargain- fiend. No, madam," answered the wily grocery clerk; "but we have Bike's, which Is JuBt aa good, but costs thir teen cents more, and contains a cou pon, which, when presented with 9,999 similar coupons, entitles the holder to one guess at the number of minutes from now until the end of the world, the one coming nearest to a correct solution being rewarded with a certi ficate good for one year'a subscription to 'The Cookladlea' and. Laundry- maids' Gazette, ';' when accompanied by 39 cents In cash." She bought Bike' and went away perfectly happy. Disenchanted. "Yes," she admitted, with a aad lit tle algh, "there was a time when I thought him the grandest man In the world when I thought that nothing could ever make me cease to love him." Well," her friend replied, "I sup pose we are all doomed to these dis enchanting experlencea. We have only to become acquainted with a man to discover that he Is not the god we have supposed him to be." "But It wasn't becoming acquainted with him that destroyed my Ideal. I am sure that I could still think blm splendid If I had never seen htm In riding-breeches!" Got Them Mixed. There is an amusing story In which John Hay, Bret Harte and Mrs. Humphrey Ward figure. Mrs. Ward had never met Bret Harte before, but had read "Little Breeches," and sup posed Bret Harte waa Its author. Hay, while ambassador to England, Intro duced Harte to Mrs. Ward. "I am so glad to meet yo Mr. Harte," said) ahe. "For a long time I have known and admired your 'Little Breeches.'" Harte looked at Hay; Hay looked at Harte. Then the latter aald: "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Ward, but you have put the 'Little Breeches' on the wrong jnaa." THE MISTRESS' OBJECTION. 'Mary, after the week la out I sha'n't need your services," the boarding bouse keeper told her cook; your cooking doesn't suit me." "But the boarders seem to like It, ma'am!" 'Yea. That's why I must get an other cook." The Bohemian. - Justifiable Aeeault "Tommy, ! will have to whip yon for fighting when I aald you mustn't What were you and Jimmy White quarreling about?" "Why, nfbm. he aald yon were tea year older than hie mother, and I told him he waa a liar!" "Well, Tommy, I don't approve of your fighting, but under the circum stances Here's a quarter for you, and I'll aak your papa to take you to the moving-picture ahow tonight" Average of Fatal Accident. In connection with th present ac tivity with regard to th reduction of fatalltle in coal mine It 1 of Inter est to compare th following average of fatal accident a thousand em ployees: Anthracite miners, Penn sylvania, 8.18;; miscellaneous steel and Iron workers, Pennsylvania, 4.30; nut and bolt workers, Pennsylvania. 5.40; railway employees, United State, 1.59. ; Th Moon's Trouble. The tun attract both th earth and the moon, and, as they are always either at different distances from tie sun, they will be differently attracted by the sun; and hence their relative motions will be disturbed. Thus rise the perturbations of the moon's a parent motions. Did Good Work Early. At 19 Sclplo gained the battle ol Pane and James Watts revolutionized the Industrie of the earth by making ateam the most powerful agency in the progress of mankind. It waa at this age, 19, that Shelley died after en riching the world of literature win his unrivaled poetry. To-day and To-morrow. Happy men are full of the present for tta bounty aumcee them: and wise men also, for Its duties engage them. Our grand business undoubtedly I aot to ee what lie dimly at a die Usee, but to do what lie clearly at bead, Xdward FiUQtrHd, - "rao - i IT SAVAGES LOVE MEDICINE) Medical Mlsslonsry Tells Stories- of Her Patltnts. Mr. F. Rowling", mclicnt mipston ary at Oaynza, Uganda, tells many stories about her patients and their Implicit faith In Che skill and knowl edge of "the vhitn moft'c'pe wopnn." What the h.i sir- ; , i rwtlor Is as amuBing as it 1s Interesting and Instructive, and serves to Illustrate a curious trait of the mivrrc mind that has been comrrntprl upon by travel ers In practicpliy nil j.r.'s of the world viz the kcn delight which native take In Bampllr.g the wjitte man' drugs. It w utters not whether the medicine be .palatable or nnusoous, they must have It if It Is to be ob tained. . 'The native patients," says Mrs. Rowling, "are most amuslni? In -the Implicit faith they have In the rmtsao (doctor), as they cull Miss Pilgrim, the dispenser here. Anything she like to give them they take, but many of them cannot yot see how a pain In the head can be cured by swallow ing a pill, and would much profer to rub the pill on the place affected. One day we vlBlted a woman with a had pain In the ear. We pave her two pill to swallow, but Instead of doing so she proceeded to drop them Into ber ear. Another tried to put her medicine up her nostrils. The Jeweler's Diagnosia. 'Can you tell "me what's the mat ter with this watch?" inquired the Average Locking Man anxiously. The Jeweler stuck a dice box In hi eye and glanced at the Instrument's Inwards. Then he looked up. 'You find It necessary to shake It real hard every now nnd then t tart It going, don't you?" he Inquired "That's right." "And you find that It gnts dusly don't you. Perhaps you don't blow hard enough on the workB?" "Oh, yes, I do every day.". "Well, well! But are you careful to start the balance wheel Koing with a toothpick every hour or two?" 'Yes, I do that, too." 'And In spHe of all your precau tions, It needs about five dollnrr' worth of repairs. It's very strange.' For the Jeweler possessed a dry au 1 sarcastic wit. Opposes Course In Cobbling. A suggestion that shoe reptlrlic or cobbling, be ni;tde a part of fit manual trainfiiK artivitica in the nr. graded Bchools and In the Parent!.. School of - Baltimore has been met! to the authorities, but the Sim of thai city sees no merit In the scheme. ! Bays: "That class of boys who wouli. desire to become cobbler ,or -whr would profit by learning the tradi have, aa a rule, only a few years to devote to school, and those few -years had best be devoted to learning how to read, write and cipher, with such other practical and necessary ele mentary studies as their time will per mit" Dickon Family Lost Big Fortun. Dickens was one of the most suc cessful financially of all authora. His was no case of genius starving In a garret. "Pickwick" placed him above want at 25, and for a period of 30 yeara following Its publication h 1836-7 he received a princely Incoinn from his writings. His American toL brought him 171,000. His estate at hi death In 1870 was estimated at $400. 000. That his grandchildren shoulo now be In need of the trifling penslcr. bestowed on them Is a painful Ultm- ration of the vicissitudes of fanil'j rrtur.e. In Defence of the Owl. I find a good many nests robhe here, not by owls, which are usua'l Innocent In this respect, but by ra ti nd squirrels. This year we lost egg after er from our nest and finally trapped t' r U an old rat, with an egg In h'- o.iih. Some time ago we caught rquirrel In the act of pulling up an eating your sparrows from a nest. Some keepera about here will d. stroy owla, but they are destroy!:- their best friends In the way of ve min killers. London Daily Mall. Boswell In Bronze. Boswell Is to stand In bronze r marble by Johnson's side at Lichflet Perhaps Mrs. Boswell s angry splr may be appeased in - Paradise. N pelf-respecting wife likes to see lu lord playing second fiddle, and espec' 117 playing it with such an tin t--of devoted secondarlness. Mrs. Bo:' well's irritation found relief In th memorable epigram that, though sb had often seen a bear led by a man she badeoevef before seen a man It-., by a bear. Dundee Advertiser, Spend Much on Mere Living. The English workman spends thre.' fifth of his wage fcr food. 8cale of Values. . "'He forgets that ha owes me his life!" "That's nothing; he even forgc'.t that he owes me ?."!" Definition Ur to Dite. Pot Aa" ptiv.ct the dtvil U a rhalin ILilT ..!!!: - Whist! !' a f.yin' pun -list's ct i'-ti st.viety "' LIMIT CF tr FICi:.-:V. An Unansv.-er.ible Ar;j-ent in Fovtf cf 6hort Sermons. . 1 he Yale tradition spcki-o of below must be of nineteenth cn-turf origin, for the Connecticut divines of the days wfcen Yale was founded would hardly have ttut to their "secondly" In the lime allowed. President lladlry, a writer In the Dohomlan fays. 13 as witty aa. he Is learued. The Sunday services at Yale are conducted by prominent clergy men of mauy denominations and from many cities. When tlwse visiting preachers occasionally President Uadley how lor,g they ahull speak he invariably replies: "There is no limit, sir, upon the time you may preach; hat there Is a Yale tradition that the most soul are saved during frst twenty mia ul, " New Goods J Just received a new and complete line of "Spring and Summer Goods" lincy lawns White tshirt waist goods &cr8Hclr8 ' L:i(lica" gauze vests . Ladies hosiery,.- Men'p fancy dress shirts " fancy half hose ' ' " work shirts ' " underwear " belts and suspenders Also a complete line of Notions, Groceries, Crockery. ARMSTRONG'S Broad & Catharine Sts. Milford, Pa li Amatite - o T. R. J. Klein & Son, Agents Iron and Tin Roofing of all Kinds Metal Shingles and Metal Ceilings Hardware, Stoves and Ranges Gutters, Leaders, Plumbing, GasStting. GfiTtnvfl.1 eTnhhnrs nnrl TPp-nnife-ra $ Brood Street, flilford Pal RYDER'S ? MARKET RYDER'S BUILDING DEALER IN . Meats and-Provisions, Fish ' and Vegetables, . Canned Goods Orders f ixniptly Attended PAUL RYDER Harford Street, Milford. DR. KENNEDY'S "FAVORITE I 1.EMEDY Pleasant to Take, . Powerful to Cure, And Welcome In Every Home. r.lDIIEV, LIVER & BLOOD GURE Rot a Patent Medicine. 0ve 30 Years of Success. Ujed in Thousands of Homes. Write to Dr. David Kennedy's Sons, Rondout, N. Y., for a FREE sample bottle. Large bottle $1.00. All druggists. n0VE0T0!830GilESTnUTST WE ve the oldest Wine and liquor House in Philadelphia. We have been obliged lo move from the old stand where we have been (or 10 many years must have more room to accommo date our in creating business. Because we have the finest trade b Philadelphia it Do reason why we should be higher priced. I r Bot.rpiisi Old Penn Whisky, 75c quart, f galloa the nneat whisky lor its price at the world. 11 :,'rr.. 1 1mperial Cabinet Whisky. S 1 25 qt, $4.75 gaL. distilled brom water. fL:l::--..-.;3 Goods shipped to all parts of the United State. Thomas Massey & Co. Frea.Hv 1310 Cbestna: St. rfcaiaaeipiiia, ra. New Goods 7c to 18c per ynj-d -12cto2oc. 12c to Uc 10c to 25c 10c to 50c 50c to 1 10a to 50c 50c 25c to 60c 25c to 50c Roofino- 0 wood a son FUNERAL DIRECTORS MILFORD PA UNDERTAKING In all branches Special attention giveD to EMBALMING No extra charge for attending funerals out of town. Telephone In Reeluenoe. LAUY ASSISTANT New 1 ork Hepresentatlve National Casket Co. GO Qreat JuneaSt. Telephone 8845 Spring STOVE WOOD Furnhhedatfiii a load. Mail ordertaiivn nmmu ,. tention. Milon Pa . Aov. 6th. J sot J. W.Kiettl. Washington Hotels. RIG6S HOUSE rhe hotel par excellence of the capita) .ocated wiibln one block of the WILURD'S HOTEL A fainoar hotelry, remarkable for It Distorlcalaeaocuulone and lonc-auatalmu NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark among the hotele of Wash ington, patronized In former reara b rc.iucui and niKta olliciai.. AIwbt r jrime iBorit. koccntly remodeled ana rendered better than cmt. Oup. Pa K "AW- BtKTON. itei ili, 1 bete hotel, are (be principal polltlt.1 reUdMvu. oj I .he capital at r.Vmei! .Iterate. 'U'' i f o.o. O DtWITT Ma Propria. tckcled grain spring rr ft..- 4 Ct "v UlftrliiUl 31. I