Press, Co 1 MiLX MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY- DECEMBER 10, 15)09. VOL. XV. NOG BRIEF MENTION Robert D Muir a former cashier of the National bank of Port Jervia and since treasurer of a (rust com pany in Connecticut is an alleged de faulter for some 23 thousand dollars His method when in Port Jervls were somewhat devious and he was forced to resign his position aa cash ier, tie has xinoe been arresttd and scut to jxil. BheiiiT Giegory who has been quite ill tor several days is improv ing. It is estimated that about thirty deer are known to have been killed lu this county during the past rea son It the 8 Hte about 500 deer ul 700 bears have been killed Tub Port Jervia Gazette says large steel safe, weigh lug gome six tons, is now at tbe freight depot there awaiting transpoitation to Mil ford for use in the treasurers office. It is presumed to be tbe ouo over which there is a contention as to whether the contract for its purohase is regular, and miles a compromise is effected tbe matter may be settled by the court. Charles Conk) in died at tbe home of bis daughter Mrs. Isaao Dingman in Delaware last week. The funeral was held last Sunday from the home of another daughter, Mrs. Btaaton Bupplee, in MilforJ. The government says your share of funds is (34 98. Have you got it or must you be content with $.98? Ex-reprrsentative of Monroe conn ty R E. SchwHrs was stricken with beart disease last week while attend ing a farmers institute at Pleasant Mount. Wayne county and died soon after. For several years he has been an institute instructor and t. r- morly visited here on Mint capacity A oelebrated specialist announces that be has discovered that rattle snake poison, administered bypoder micaily, is a -curs for tuberculosis Be may win tbe $100,000 prize of feral for a discovery of a remedy for the disease. Former Seoretary of Treasury Leg Its M. fcbw recently stated that 'men long in the service learn that it is not wise to discover a fraud. It Is discovered however by many that when be says, since his recent mar riage, that a man never truly loves until he grows old, and more of the some kind of soft talk, that he him salf has discovered something very liko an old fool. The drilling machinery which was osed nn the Rose farm near Mats moias, where a well was sunk to an unknown depth in search of oil, has been sold to Patersou parties and removed. Pike has lost her cbanoe to bust np tbe Standard Oil trust. It is said tha; the giaut trees ct Calaveras in California were proba bly of considerable size when the pyramids were built. One tree oon tains more lumber tban twenty acres of well timbered land. He "So your husband has given np smoking ; It requires a pretty strong will to accomplish that." Site 'Well, I'd have you under stand that I have a strong will." Free Lance. First Autoist "Is that the same automobile you bought this spring?" Seoond Autoist "AH except the body and three wheels. A young lady said the first thing to know about keeping bouse was to get a man to keep boose for. The Washington Herald discusses "The Ideal Wife.'1 Nearly every body has a different ideal in that re gard, tl-te there would be many mat rimonial classes. Tbe Cberry mine horror is tbe gr. a est disaster to Illinois, bat Joe Caunon is the greatest disaster to tbe United States. Very probable tbe "man higher np" is Ruiliuel in the suar weigh iug swindle. But very probable he roosts too high to be reached. Nicaragua will soon be added to thn white man, a burtlun. Just at present the man with furnace on his bauds is interested iu cm I lands nearer home (ban Alaska. Justice Brewer has taken hi stand for woman vuffrage. We can iiuagiue a feiuiniue chorus, "How lovely ot him!" Hunters should be brought to understand tbat 11 U Letter to lose a possible dfr tban to kill an soiu.l man. tenator A Id rich might have told na who are to be the itockh dders in (he big central bank which ha has li Ujiud. C. O. Billings of Lord's Valley was in town Tuesday.' Tax collectors of the several town- ships were here this week getting np their duplicates. The county needs the money. Ryman and son have a fine dis play of holiday and Christmas goods. Shop early and avoid the rush. See ad which appears in this edition. Farmers institute wiil be he)d at Paupaok Dec 15;h and 18th, and at Ureentowa Deo. 17th snd 18th. Good programs will be presented at each session and addresses by emi nent agriculturists The new store in New York being built by Glmbel Brothers will cost seventeen million dollars. The steel 'mum weighs twilve thousand tons- Some large flag stones are being quarried near Flagstone for New York parties, one a stone 22 ft. long 12 ft wide and ten inches thick. B. C. Tutten of Matamoraa antici pates spending part of the winter in Florida. Burnett Brennan who has been employed iu a garage la Boston for the past two months has relin quished bis position and returned home this wpek. Pierre M. Nilisjr. of Strondabnrg spent part of this week with friends in town. A marriage license has b"en grant ed Max E. Fieg of Milford township and Nettie Mabde Nowtnan of this Borongb. Lewis Smith of Delaware has moved to tho Isaao Stoll farm in Sandysion, N. J. where he will care for the yoncg callle. Levi Howell of Branohville, a for mer resident of Delaware is doing a thriving business tanning hides and making gloves. Mrs. T. R. J. Klein was taken to tbe Port Jervia Hospital this week for an operation, wbioh was success fully performed snd her condition is improving. Alios Brink died at her home in this Borongh Tuesday of pneumonia aged 38 years. Cranlierries are oheap, turkeys are high. Tbe vegetarians are again ahead. The Sugar Trust could bave given sugar away and still have made money by tbe methods it was pursuing. It's a good thing to be born poor'' says Sir Thomas Lipton. Be can bave our share of it. In football the qnestlon arises, Shall we kill off the players or the game?'' Althongb tbe materials are differ ent, tbe methods of tbe predatory trosts are muoh the same whether they deal in oil, sugar, meat or ioe DIRECTOR'S CONVENTION. The Seventh Annual Convention ptpils reside more than 1, miles, NEWS FROM from the nearest school bouse in tl e district, and are transported to tbe school In a proper conveyance, such of Pike County School Directors met 'school district transporting the pu Supt Schaeffer's Report Some figures fiom the annual re port of State Superintendent Sohae ffer of schools out side of Philadel phia are: number of districts 2,683. cumber of schools 89,337, number of pupils, 1,088,898. average daily at. tendance 841,837, per cent 67, aver age length of school term tn months 8 22. number of male teachers 7,537 female 22,712, average salary males per month (59.CS, females $43 60. Total expenditure for schools $31- 320,890 8. in tbe Court House last Monday and was called to order by President K. 8. Wolfe. Other officers present were First V. P., & B. La bar, sec ond G. A. Kneailog, Seoretary W. Vetterlein and County Superinten L. Westbrook, Prayer was offered by Rev. W. II Kindt of Matamoraa. After a brief address by J. H. Van Etten on some of the duties of a school director. Rev W H Kindt in a very interesting talk urged the cultivation of music in public schools. It creates enthusi asm, brings air in the lungs, is edn. ontional and cultivates patriotism- Prof. R. M. McNeal of the Depart ment of Education spoke on the duties of directors in attending to tbe bus ess part of their offices. To make appropriations for main tainrnce and accordingly as they desire better schools will they be more liberal In spending money. Elis talk in the evening was to show that education paid. Taking a man without any school education and showing what was his earning capac ity and comparing it with the wage earning power ot men who bad ad vanced thru the public school, then the high school add then thru col leges, or the schools for special train ing, he proved that a boys time in sc'iool in money return might be estimated safely at ten dollars a day, thus demonstrating that an educa tion paid, and thatboy8 who shirked schools or were permitted to leave them were making a financial mis take to say nothing of bis sacrifice of the after satis faction and advan tage in having secured one. At the session Tuesday morning Prof. McNeal gave many valuable suggestions as to what qualifications directors should require in teachers, among them that they should bave the faculty of Imparting knowledge that it is not sufficient that a teacher be a scholar but that he or she should have the power to make pu pils comprehend the thing tsught. also that a teacher should be a goed disciplinarian. That many children do not bave proper control at home nor correct moral training and it de volves on the teacher to sopplemen their deficiencies and to guide the child to a higher plane of mental and moral development. His talk was practical and based on long ex perience ss a teacher and Instructor, combined with close observation as to the best educational methods. The following were elected officers for next year, President C W. Ball 1st Vice Pres. Geo. A. Kneeling, Snd Vice Pres. W J. Keesler, Secretary W. 'Vetterlein. Treasurer, Jas. P. Van Etten. J. H Van Etten was elected a del egate to the Slate Convention of Di rectors which meets at Harrisburg. On motion it was resolved to' hold the next Convention at the olose of teachers' institute week. It thought this would give directors an opportunity to attend tbe institute and also that teachers might attend the Convention If they so desired, Report of Committees. We, the school director? of Pike County assembled in convention do hereby adopt the following resolu tions; Whereas directors In general have been delinquent in complying with the law in the matter of visiting Alons la Saw Mill At Midnight unmindful of dampness, drafts, atoms, or cold, VV. J Atkins worked schools, and also in keeping school Night Watchman, at Banner buildings In sanitary snd comfortable .Springs, Tenn. 8uch exposure gave oindition, therefore be it resolved him a severe cotd that settled on his 'that we nrge upon the various aohool lungs. He tried many remedies but ' boards of Pike County, tte necessity all failed till he used D King's New of complying with these Important Discovery. "After usingone bottle" provisions of the school lsw. he writes, "I went back to work as Resolved, that as we believe vocal well ae ever " Severe Colds, stub-, music would elevate the moral tone horn Coughs, inflamed throats and of our schools we hereby request our sore lungs, Heminorrhnges, Cn up, ' teachers to give it a place on their program. Resolved, that appreciating the necessity of centralizing tbe rural schools and realizing that under the preeiil laws of the State, a school district closing a school, also the amount received under the mini- WASHINGTON pits as aforesaid shall receive an ap propriation from the State of at lea t $19,06 per month to aid in dofraying the expense of such transportation, provided this appropriation shall not apply to high schools or high tchool pupils. Resolved, that we thank the In structors fr instructions given and also the Commissioners fir the use of the Court House. Lucian Westbrook . . ., Waller J. Keaster J Com. Daring tbe past year death 'has invaded the number of directors and called away Walter Bradley of Delaware Frank G. Hatnes of Green Wilmer H. Clark of Palmyra - and John A. Hoffman of Diugrnan - We memorilize their names as members of this body and now ibat they have appeared before the high, est tribunal to render an account of the works done in the flesh we record their names on onr minutes that the efforts they made to ad vsooe the cause of Education may be recalled and their worth properly rooognized. J. H. Van Etten C. W. Bull Committee on necrology. Deo. 7, 1909. The Directors present were : Delaware W. . B Hornbecfc, E. , Emery, L. Chatlllon. Dingman Ira D. Hoffman, John M. Hoffman, Frank W. Qulnn, E. H. Or ben, J. Gavollle, J. W. Green ing. Green P. W. Felton, Emil Vuiile, Edgar Wilson, Alex Gilpin, Geo. J. Sommer. Ltokawaxen M. J. Hansen, Jason Cottright, Louis Boeckelman. Lehman Wm. Cor t right, Harry Hornbeck, Alpheus Bensley. Milford Ind E. B. Wolfe, J. IL Van Etten. Jas. P. Van Etten, Ed ward Qninn, C. XV. Bull, Chas. La Hi more. Matarooras E. B. Labar, Fred Keating, Nathan Young. Palmyra George Aneley, Walter Vetterlein, J. G. Killam, W. J. Keeeler, Alva Quick. Bbohola Geo. A. Knealtng, P. G. Hess. Westfall R. J. Westbrook, M. J. Shay, G, E. Swartwood, Ellsworth Clark. The few days preceding the meet ing of Congress in Washington are not without interest. The President is immersed in his memnge which, it is said, will not be ss long as Presi dent Roosevelt's last message, inas much, as it will contain not more than fifteen thousand words'. This, however, will be of sufficient length and most readers will prefer to con. fine themselves to snch epitomes as the press always furnishes. The Cabinet members are busy with their several report 1 and some cf them bave been completed. They are 'generally asking smaller ap propriations tban W3re demanded last yoar. Economy is the watch word of the present administration bat it is" not at all improbable that before tbe budget is made np it will exceed more thin the billion dollar mark as did the last appropriation It is difficult with the ambitious schemes of publio improvement and betterment in almost every direction to see bow appropriations can he keptilownV ' Presidents Taft's Message. He approves payment of the Se oretary three million dollar deficit by sale ot Panama bonds. He urges catting of estimate to obtain a ear plus. He approves the policy of paying tbe oost of isthmian oanal three bun drcd and seventy-five million dollars by bond Issues, and not out of cur rent revenue.. Congressional .investigation of Sugar Trust frauds opposed, lest it give immunity to guilty parties. A tariff board to investigate tbat subject. , Higher rates of postage for period icals and magazines. A ship subsidy bill recommended. - There are many public plans and enterprises for lmprnvment of tbe publio service tut none of them are startlingly new "ultbouKh they arenll increasingly urgent. Tbe Hcrelary of the Navy has ifsned orders for the reorganization of thn Navy De parturient and are looked upon bj those whom it will affect as nothing short of revolutionary. Jf he is sun cessful in carrying out 'bis plans muoh good will be accomplished The keynote to the changes in the Naval establishment has been ex pressed in the not novel truism tbat the ebject of the. Navy is to main tain an effective war fleet on the seas. There is probably, not a school boy that knows tbat this is a salf-evident proposition and not a Senator who would maintain that there could be any other legitimate objoot for the Navy and, yet, there are Senators and. members', admirals commodores, captains and lieuten- auts of the Navy with their wives, mothers-in-law, sisters, cousins and aunts who bave for seventy-five or a hundred years lived, moved and had their being on the hypothesis that the object of the Navy was to maintain, first, a splendid Navy Do partment at Washington with dis tinguished officers at the' beads. of varions bureas ahd otWer Naval offi cers at a dozen-naval-stations and Navy Yards that ere nolonger used but are kept np at-an-immense ex ponas and that cannot be used for any legitimate .Naval purpose ' bet cause the entrance. to these Navy Yards is too shallow for tbe admis sion of modern .' warships. -Their idea of the' Navy is' that-: it was oreated and is maintained, mot -for National defense bat forjthe benefit of a brilliant corps of Naval .officers and their families and friends. These Naval officers have intermarried jn to the families of. senators and cabi net ministers, until they form, .the highest social aristocracy ,-iu this country. They are sore (hit, by this order of Seoretary Meyer. , ... .. .. and Whooping Cough get quick re lief and prompt cure from this glori ous nitd.cine. Trial bottle free. ! Guaranteed bv All Druirifiats. ! Rich Han's Gifts Ars Poor b side this: '! want to so on reo orJ as faying that I regard K'ectric mum salary lsw, amounting to about Bitters as one of the greatest gifts ' t3.00 a month In cases where 150 tbat God has made to women, writes teachers are employed. Mrs O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, Therefore, be It resolved by the N. Y. "I can never forget what it pike County Directors Association, lias done for uie ' This glorious ; that we ask the Pennsylvania Di. medicine gives a woman buoyant rectors Asscoclstinn snd the Superin spirita, vigor of body, aud Jubilant tendents department of the State health. It quickly cures Nervous- Educational Association to reco- nesa, Sleeplessness, Meloncuoly, Head nunend the following leg tolatioa. ache. Backache. Falntioi and Diizv That In all rases where a school is Spells; aooD builds up the week all-' closed, and the pupils tMusportsd to.Uts. lug and Sickly 60c at All Diuu- ' a central school In proper eoovcy-1 ' glota ' voce, and In nsei vbtrs t or MOl SibterU) Real Estate Transfers E T. Peters to Katberioe G Britton, lot to Bushkill, Lehman. Florence Roloson to Peter W. Hobday, interest in 748 acres, Bloom ing Grove. ' Christopher Werner to Jacob Werner, lot in Lackawaxen. James M. Bensley to David Sny der, 131 acres, lhman, $276. Frederick H. Worael to Geo Eokhart, 45 acres, Bbohola, $1800. George C. Palmer to George B. Spise, land in Sbobola. Elizabeth Felton to Poter W. Fel ton, 100 acres Green, 1300. James C Rose to Pine Grove Cemetery, land in Westfall. Frederick Messerll to W. B Schoonover, 30 acres Lehman. .v E. A. V. Schoonover to Romalne Whitaker, 1 aore Porter. ' " Looking Oas'a Beit. I''s a woman's delight to look her best but pimples, skiu eruptions, sores snd boils rob life of joy, Listen Bucklen's Arnica Salve oures them makes the skin soft aud velvety. It glorifies the faoe. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes. Cold Sores, Cracked Lips, Chapped Hand. Try IU 25c at All THE FOOLISH FISH. Two speckled fi lies Played round a hook, Twas well baited ; One went to look. At tbe fat little worm And as ho taw it fqjirrr, Said, I'll take a bito 'Twill be no hunn '. Tbe other fish sai l: -Don't People living up in air Are very wily crest ores And they little care In what way they take us They catch ns and they make ui Their food, to boil or bake us So don't go over there. My mother once was caught Just In (hat same way - But, somehow she escaped .. How, I cannot say; She gave me this advice: , 'Never round a hook to play I shall never forget it Till my dying dny.' , Then the little wise fish He swam round about, But the little foolish fish Had in his mind, a doubt So he thought he'd take a taste Of tbe squirming little thing Poor little fellow, He went upou the string! Cecilia A. .- RIMES OUT OF REASON When the English tongue we speak Why is "break" not rhymed with "freak"? Will you tell me why it's true We say "sew," but likowlse "few'Y ' : ' And the maker of versa Can not cap his "hor9e" with "worse"? - .. '.- -4-'Board" sounds not the same as "heard" ; "Cord" is difTeri nt from"word" ; Cow" is cow, but "low" Is low" ; "Shoe" is never rimed with "foe." " Think of "hose" and "dose" and "lose" ; And of "goose" aud of "choose." - Think of "comb" and "tomb" and "bomb" ; "Doll" and "mli" and "home" and "some. '.' And since "pay'! is i loud with "say," Why not "paid" with "said," I pray? ' We have blood" an 1 "food" and "good" ; 'Mouid is not pronounced like "oonlfi.'' ' Wherefore "done," but "gone' and "lone"? Is there any reason known? , And, in short, it seems to me Sounds and lettt rs disagree. " The Church Review. NOTES FROM SANDYSTON The Postmaster-General is con- templating improvements in the Postal establishment, nothing new but several things argent tbat have been long advocated and that would have been carried into . effect in a more eflectlve and less .unwieldy Government than our own. All re . forms and governmental betterments' here have to wait on lepirTstfon ; leg islatiou has to waitou 'a't'ongress tbat has baen .. elected . thirteen months before It meet-, -Core-ret that knows more about District county or parochial affairs tban' about National afialrs," 'Congress composed of hundreds' of men who; by tbe time they learn their bui-f news as National lcgldbif ofs ha Inst their places t r Fithar-.kava tbeir places filled by .iien...aii grejnand untried as trwy-tliimuivps were' when first sent r Washington. '.:'ln other words, -the ItpMrtrive rtwrmvge.' ment.of til Ultvd &taJ.i.ivuot in the bands of seniors but jfr freshmen' who are responsibtHt so -ranch to tbe Nation as. to. the provincial homes from which tbey tome'. for the Pjatt ' 'Btar.gS'cr'13 Vea'rs ! " -by ' Indrgestron's ' paigs-2-try rbg many doctors aud t200 t Ortli 'ot med icine in vain, B F. 'Ayfccue, of Ingle- side, N. C, at lust u-ed Dr: 'King's New Life Pills, mid "WTites'"tney wholly cured bim. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness, Sick 'Headache Stomach, Liver, Kl-V.ey and Bowel troubles. SSc at All Diugglats, The Layton grangers are getting their building in good shape. The basement of their ball has had ad ditional windows put in, the floor is oonorete and walls nicely kalso mined. The oomin odious shed is neatly painted and lighted, and taken all in all the P. of H. should be proud of their buildings. Tba Layton report of the we ither for the month of November is record ed aa follows, "Average Max. 61.2. Average Mlo. 31 06--Max Set 45 4. Greatest daily range 4-1 degrees on 18 th. Rainfall t.05 inohes. Hail and snow 4 Inches Clear days 19, partly 1, cloudy 10. . Lewis Smith moved from the Cimptou farm near Tuttles Corner on Tuesday, to tbe tenant house of Isaao Stoll. Tbe selling of milk has lessened the raising of pork in this town, but James Shot well killed two tbe past week one weighing 550 pounds and the other's little over 400. ' A 'goodly number of the patrons of the Bevans creamery after deliver ing their milk. fill tbeir cans with water from the spring st tbe cream ory whiob. goes to show tbe scarcity of w.iter. - Mrs.' Clementina Bell of uppr Sandya-nn is critically ill of piibu mqnia but at latest repo.ts was 4ightly better. .;. Wbeu tbe figure in the shape of a man deserts a wife and two small children and openly lives with an. Lofber mans wifa, ss is tbe case bore, it Is time for a white capping opera tloli, and tint will operate very soon. Warren Raser ia getting the Keen mill in shape and aa soon as the dam is put tn repair will be ready for custom work. Tbe repairs that were to have been made on the Sandyston Mac sdetn road will not be made before spring on account of tbe freezing weatbar. Maoadem roads are ooatly and aany ara la ta?or of dirt roads, . When a farmer can take 23 cans f milk to the creamery dally he will get a check at the end ' off tbe montn that ia a pleasure to handle, md that ia done in aSndyston.. The neat dwelling house oooupled by Lydia Decker deo'd aituated in Layton will be offered at pnblto sat in Thursday Deo. 23. Sale at Hon. rots hotel. - Dangers Of Football. t That football is more dangerous tn lives and limbs of players than is war to soldiers is shown by fetalis ics of this years games. Thirty deaths, 218 players injured, 13 broken collar bones, 8 broken noses, 12 broken legs, It broken ribs, 9 broken arm y 19 broken ankles, 13 broken f 'Iders, 8 broken wrists, 8 bror nds and 3 broken jsws. ( V VV "' At tbe battle of Mabiia Bay Ad. uiral Dewey's fleet was under fire for seven hours, and only six men were wonnded snd none killed. At Suntingo, when the Spanish navy was destroyed the American loss was one man killed and about a dozen wounded. The death of Cadet Byrne in tb gaum between West Point and Har vard has called forth an nnusnat corn mi nt of uewpaper critioism on the t-'iin e as now played and tbe con i-ee.-us of opinion appears to be that uol'iu something can be done-to umke tbe game less u menaoeto tho lives and limbs of players, tbe game iisolf v. ill have to be killed.. j The above record, not a list of cas ualties' in battles but the score of an atlieietic game "which uTsapposetl to be a 'stimulus to 'manhood,' a de veloper of youthful brawn, and 4s builder of character" ahowa its fa, til results and proves tbat though, degree of danger ui ty be the real soul of every sport which require tbe display of pbysicial strength, yet a game which is played with fear ful coot to hfe aud limb oan hardly be said to be worth its results, la Coat iu human destruction. . Subscribe tor tot Pretty