Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 19, 1909, Image 2

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Friday, November 19, 1909
orru , brows'b bcildiho broad t.
Oik Ykar On dollar and fifty cent.
Hix Months Seventy-live centa.
Boterod at the prt offlne of Mllfnrd,
Pike Couiuy, PwniiRylvniila, as second
oiarw matter, November twenty -flint, ltMS.
Advertising Rates.
On. Inch, one Insertion 1 J1'
Eaoh sutMK-quant Insertion '"
KNluced rates, furnlalu-d on application,
will lie nllimed yearly advertisers.
Legil Advertising.
A Imlntitnititr1. And F.xeClltOT't
Auditor's notices J"
Divorce notiw-s - - e.W
Sliurltt's snles, Orphans court sale,
lounty Treusurwr's s1im, County state
m-rit and election nruulnnutrton ohargtd
by the inch
J. H. Tan Kiln, runUnllER.
U. E. Humbert In pxohvhUho; hia
cellar fur his new addition to tl v
Marguerite disposed of considerable
of the dirt in widening Knwkill Ave
A littk' attention to rip rapping the
bank would make the linprovnieut
permanent. "
Helen, daughter of Jas. P. Van
Etten and John, s in of John C. War
ner who have both suffered whoop,
lug cough complicated with pneu
monia, are improving.
Irving Angle of Dingtnaos Ferry
recently visited town.
Mrs. John C. Wallaoe who Is It
Philadelphia for treatment la some1
what b. tier.
Chas. Person and family will crer
py the house of John Degen on Saw
kill Avenue for tbe winter.
There will be a total eclipoe of tin
moon tomorrow morning brginuinp
2:11 a. m.
A family at Ked Lieon Pa. war
tniide seriously 111 by drinking cider
In which was snake juice, Nojok
Intruded. The man took a load ol
apples to the press and allowed thru,
to remain in the wagon over nighl
A snake rrawled among them and
was ground op and squeezed out and
this is alleged to have caused th
sickness. You may swallow as much
of tills as you please.
:Union, Thanksgiving services will
be held next Thursday to the Pres
byterian church at 10 SO and sermon
will be prca'.-ued by Rev. C. A,
White. "Give tbanks unto the
Lord for be is good."
Those of th Highest Class Arc Nov
Being Allowed to Marry.
From her role of half-toy. half-slave
to man, penned up In the seclusion of
the aenana (woman's apartments)
the woman of Blndoostan Is rising to
equality with man. India la dally get
ting anxious to accord Its women
humane and a Just treatment Sex-
Inequality had decreed that while the
widow was forced to remain a widow,
This injunction Is no longer being
faithfully observed. Widows of the
highest castes are being allowed to
marry. Moreover, Hindoos are mak
Ing special efforts to establish homes
where young and old wldowa are kind'
ly treated and taught how to be
nurses, doctors, teachers, and mli
aionaiies. The aim of these Institu
tions Is to Inspire the widows to help
toward the uplift of Bast Indian so
ciety and also to make them capable
of -supporting themselves Instead of
being charges on their relatives,
has beeavth case heretofore.
Polygamy was never very common
In India, but to-day It la doomed. To
day the woman of India Is leaving the
privacy of her apartments, going to
modern schools tor education, and en-
tering th arena of public activity, to
help along the evolution of Hlndoo
stan. Schools and colleges, especially
designated for girls and neighborhood
centers meant for the advancement of
matured women, are coming to be
pronounced features of East Indian
Liverpool's Drunkenness.
In no centra in the Kingdom have
mora earnest efforts been made, to
fght drunkenness than in Liverpool,
but ths latest report of the head con
stable shows that no great success
has attended these efforts. Indeed,
the convictions under this bead, which
In 1303 were 7 .877, and In 1SK)T
S 725, were last year 1,205, although
It should be stated that the head con
atable regards the figures as Indica
tive of the measure of police activity
rather than ot the amount of drunk
nncsa. The supervision of tha pub
lic bouses la very strict, and the
causes of the evil appear to be an in
crease In drinking In the home foster
ed by carts going from door to door
and supplying beer If need be, on
credit; the resorting to public houaes
of women early In to morning, and
grocers' licensee. The Liverpool city
Justices have just been considering
these matters, and have passed
aerlea of resolutions in favor of ac
tion concerning them. Liverpool has
already Initiated many reforma In re
gard to licensing; we trust Its latest
efforta to further cope with a great
vil may again be fruitful of results.
Westminster Gazette.
What's In a Name.
Boarding House, A. Hotsell .,
HoUell Hotel ,
Hotel Hotsell ,
Hotsell Inn
Hotsell Court
Hotsel) Arms
is np
.114 up
IIS up
.21 up
.,24 up
$100 Itcward,$lQ0
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that thei e Is at least one dreaded
disease that science oas been able to enra In
all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Ball's
Catarrh Cure Is tneonly positive on re now
known to tb medical fraternity. Catarrh
being constitutional disease, requires a
oonntltutlunal treatment. Ball's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
unnn the blood snd Muooui surfaces of th
system.lhereby destroying tne foundation I
streugth by building up the constitution
and an. luting natnra In doing Its work.
The proprietors have so mnoh faith in Its
curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any disease that It falls to
onre. Bend for list of testimonials.
Addroea F. J. CHEKNET &CO. Tol. O
Bold by all druggists, 76 cent.
Take Hall's Family Pills for onostlpatlon
Mrs. Van Camp of HollistervilU-
and Mrs. Beck of Scranton are stay
ue with their sister, Mrs. B F
Killnm during the abrenoe of B. F
Killam, wh i Is making a si or. stay
I'h his twin grand children at the
nne t.f his duaehtir, Mrs B. C.
Steele at Ruches' er N. Y.
Rev. Pttrkis will hold preaching
rvicea at the M. E. church li-r-,
next Sunday evening Nov. 21-t hi
7 30
Mrs. A. J. Kimble Is staying
with her daaghter, Mrs. J. U. Kelt.
By request of Miss Walters, teach
er of souool do. S, would say, that.
The help given by the patrons and
all those who helped to make the
box party at White school a aascess,
is highly appreciated by tbe teachei
and members of the school. Pro
ceeds, which will be used for the pur
chase of library and song books,
amounted to 120 47."
Arthur and August Qutuble and
Harry Singer, who have had employ
uient In New York state the past
several months, returned to their
homes here, the first of the past
Several of our Pan pack hunters ex
pect to start for the regWns of tbe
fleet footed deer this week.
A few of the young people of thte
place and Blooming Grove enjoyed
very pleasant evening at the home of I
Henry Gamble, Saturday last.
Indigestion, toar atomaoh, ooosttpatton
cheu headache, backache and gooeral
miserable feeling. Do you know that tbe
plea- ant herb lea, Lane'i Family Mtdl-
olne will remove all tbm troubloa almost
iinmedlatelyf If 70a do know It, go
package to-day at any druggist's or deal
er's (35o) and you will be glad we told you
T. O. MoUahon who baa worked
on tbe Delaware division of the Erlf
for 18 years without any lay off on
account of trouble, has gone to
Wimmere Fa. to work In tower.
Mrs. Jennie Kiermen Campbell
has started in the grocery buslneat-
in the store formerly occ jpied by T.
G. MoMahon.
Mr. Fox who is toll keeper at the
Shohola suspension bridee. oksed
his house at this place and hia wife
went to Shohola, where they will
occupy the house near the bridge.
Mrs. Flora Buddenhagen and fam
ily left Monday mom Id if for Wlra-
oiera Pa.
Mrs. Louisa Webber and Mrs,
Kate Hankins took a trip to Port
JerTia last week.
Norman Myrea visited at W, H.
Hanking since Sunday.
Mrs. M. J. Calkin returned to Port
Jcrvis ou Tuesday.
Miss Sophia Dick returned from
the teachers institute at Liberty Sat
urday. Mies Catherine Bcboat
stopt Friday night, and Sunday
went to Fremont Centra.
Mrs. 8. 8. Crawford haa gone to
tbe city for tbe winter.
The portable saw mill has been
taken from East Tuateo to Fred
Schotts, by its owner Mr. Pelhiok.
Georxe Mackle and family have
moved into a cottage at West Tosten.
There Is nothing a woman would not do
to regain her lost beauty. Bhe ought to
be fully as sealous In pneerTlna; bar good
looks. Tbe herb drink called Lane's Fam
ily aledlulua or Lane's Tea W the most
efficient aid in praeerrlng a be iatltul skin
and will do more than anything else to
restore the roses to faded cheeks. At all
druggists' and deato.-s', Ko.
A Powa Remedy.
One day while running a foi orer
some very rough ground, ataior
was violently thrown trusa tua aeat
on a vary spirited horse, and render
ed Insensible. Until a doctor eould
be procured, bla old colored sortint
was aaked to care for hiw.
When the doctor arrived, he fouad
the major quietly smoking oa bis
veranda, and was curious to know
what medicine had effected such mira
culous results.
Uncle John, being questioned.
plained his mod ot treatment aa fol
lows: "Maasa bus' bla lnsldea aa' I give
him allum an' rosun,"
"What forr aaked tha aatonlafaad
"Da allum to draw da parts tugtdder
an' d roiuat ta aeOder 4e.
All kinds of roofing slate constant-,0
ly on hand at lower prices than else
tttVi prp
We lay slate either on Lathed or
Tight Boarded Roofs and guarantee
Matamoras Slate Roofing Co.,
Cor. Penna. Ave. & 7th St.
Matamoras, Pa.
A' .fclillill !IILa,1li
Y X "fiF 1
i WS f r. U L-Vf 'ill
Arc Yea Ready for Mspragi'
Are you sure that you have forgotten nothing? Per
haps the up-to-J' R"D
Here are four Thanugnring
the big holiday.
SYMOND'S INN SPIOS. Tbete aie puemnteed aWutdy pure
sad free bom adutteruioo. Yoe will nnd th:a a repstb the
aood lho eat. Try them anj &cf wi3 iciaail your IHoriie.
riNWAY CANDY. The moat Uciout conlecuoa yoa ever ste.
Pan snd wholetooei just what lbs children need 13 suke them
sapKfnely happy. Ia poond and half pound bases.
" HARMONY PHtrUMCS. Milaay's toHel n no complete wulioui
a dash el dainty perfnme. Hanaony Conn daViolcUe and Hannony
Cesar de Row am the Mason's leaden. You owe it to youttcll
la try them. r
NATIONAL tibABS. Hare is soenethiog the men I elkt will enjoy.
J mi sie aervoas abent k have year liaibaad pick tbeat'out. The
(raasest vaktss m Iowa.
Remetaber, money back if yoa are. DotsabjSej with
everything you buy at tlus stora. 7"
Beauty Hints
A Tew Valuable Beaety Biala For
a Scrawny Neck The Taca at Six
ty ror Breiaad Nails aad Their
Caase Recipe Tor Liquid Face
Powder Oraaje Flower Cream.
Ton't scowl or frown or knit your
uw. An unlovely expression will
-n.nteract perfect features.
Don't mouth or bite your lips or
iang your lips open. Twlstlnf and
soutortlon do not Improve an ugly
mouth and ruin a pretty one.
Don't squint or wink your eyelids or
attempt "goo-goo" expressions. Your
eyes may not be glorious orbs, but If
left aa nature made them they will at
tract leas unfavorable notice.
Don't look coquettish or pose or
imlrk. Naturalness Is one ot the big
test beauty factors known.
Don't slap on rouge or peroxide or
Sought locks under the Impression
'hat the world is easily fooled. All
hree have their placea, but should
:ie used discerningly.
Don't wear unbecoming coiffures or
iata or gowna Just because tbey are
he style. No one Is so beautiful that
he can aofTrd to be a slavish follower
f fashion. '
Don't try to look younger than you
ire nor older than you are, nor as If
ou had more money than you have.
The girl who apes womanly clothes
!s aa unlovely as the old woman who
tries to be kittenish; while attempted
Snery la hopelessly Inartistic.
Don't stoop or slouch or hunch your
shoulders. A beautiful face is half
forgotten in a poor carriage, and the
girl who has "an air" will carry off
ugly features.
Ton't neglect the value of sunlight,
fresh air and a good digestion aa beau
ty makers. Live out of doors and eat
sparingly and the measure of beauty
that is yours will be sensibly en
hanced. Neck Toe Scrawny.
Massage with a skin food, deep
breathing and neck exercises will
contribute toward making your neck
plumper. Below la printed a formula
for a tissue-building cream, with
which you might massage your neck
every night after bathing It in warm
water. Practice deep breathing exer
cises twice a day tor about tlve min
utes st a time and try the following
exercises for the neck. Lower the
Ueifi backward slowly six ttm-ji; re
peat on each side snd to the I:ont
Turn tha neck slowly so as to fi.ee
tbe right; repeat on the left. These
exercises should not be done too
strenuously and care must be taken
not to strain the muscles. The tor
aiula for the skin food follows,) Wh Its
wax, 1 ounce; spermaceti, 1 ounce;
t&nollne, 3 ounces; sweet almond oil.
t ounces; cocoanut oil, t ouncea; tinc
ture ot bensotn. 80 drops; orange
dower water, t ounces. Melt tha nret
five Ingredients together. Take off
the fire and heat until nearly cold, add
ing little by l!U! the bansoia aad
lastly the orange (lower water.
- li l VA' ? Ji i 1 1 1 v .liV"
Sloro can help you out
Specials njht 1.1 line lot
FrlPTii If your wife tris you so
ihauiefully why don't you get a di
vorce? Mr. Henpeck .1 did want to, but
;he said "no;" eo, ot rouiae. Hint ret
.led It. New Ypkk, Te'.eKrum.
A 8trlct Constructionist,
A widow in aWteSne town, accord
Ing to "Tbe Ilostim UoraM."- was a
itrlct constructionist in l,rr theology,
ind would admit no lodger Into her
Kiarding house who had a leaning
oward Unlversallst views. ' One day
'.n old sea captain happened along to
tsk for rooms.
"But what do you believe?" asked
.he widow.
"Oh. most adythlng," replied the
captain. ' .
"Do yon believe there is a hell?"
"8ure." was the reply.
"Well," parrier tbe widow, "how
many do you think will go there?"
Tbe captain cautiously reu-arkr-l
that he thought "twenty thu,.. and
would be a fairo-itinate.
The widow paused, then stnt-d tliat
he could come In. 'Twenty thimsnnd."
Bhe said, "is better than none."
The Climax.
He was telling a hrllllng Btory out
of hia wallet of a thousand nud one
hs'rbreadth escapes over in Snnitago,
dencberknow, and )ls pretty listener
was leaning anxiously, toward hiui,
banging on bis evej-vytterante.
"The wolves were -upon --us," he
SMld, "bellowing and roaring, as 1
have so often heard them. We fled
fr our lives. I don't deny it; but
every second we knew the ravenous
pack was gaining on us. At last they
wera so near that we eould feel their
muzzles against our legs."
"Ah!" gasped out the lady. "How
glad you must have been they bad
their muules on!" Answers.
Poor Woman.
I am ao sorry for Mrs. Flite," ays
tha lady with the display of voral
lings. "8ho Is so unhappy since she
came home from her summer trip.
You know she left her husband at
home alone all summer."
"Ah!" significantly breathes the
lady with the two dollar banette.
"And did he carouse' around and do
things be shouldn't? These non!"
"That's why she Is unhappy," ex
plain th other lady. "He beliaved
himself, and she was so in hopes Bhe
anight bare a co:uc to get a divorce.
i'lMimJ . ..
ii hi nun f
rkpoht of tub condition op thi
First National Bank of MiJfbrd
In the 8nfui lit Poininylvrtntn, at tbo clum
or butnss, Hop . 1, 1W.
Ivonns nml dlwiminta. 9 1,800 67
urrirulr, rit-wrca find unse
en, el, ..... 89 fH
U. H, IIu!.ftWrU'ci(t'olnmUilon 26iHi tw
Hrpiiiiiinifl n U ri. Ikmdi H"0 "0
B'ii'H wvurlil.'H, etc 100 015 (10
Un:iklnff house, furniture and
Duo from approved roue ire
Cheeks nml it hr ("ash Itomfl....
1 8H8 00
7 KK
1 810 Oil
188 80
IlVnuMtMiml pnpw currency, ulrk
elf nnd twill
Lawful Mo ne Korre lu Bank,
I viz:
PW18 Vl (Hr f
Legal-tender nnt-os. . . 4 00 j
Kfiii-mpiimi fund with U 8.
Treasurer (6 of circulation)
17,114 "U
150 00
Total - ....saw.TBT 04
Opltid stock paid In 28.0(10 00
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Lmilviilt'U pront-s, lens expenses
nml litximpnid 8.568 17
Nntlnnnl Iftink nnt4Hoatst.nndiug g.rM4l Ot1
Due to fithur nttti'mnl baoks 4TN U4
Iltvldt-mlH unpiild 8U IK
I Imtivldnnl fltipoxltH sonii-ct to
I i-lu. k 179,117 HH
i rcmiin'l ot'rtlHrntm of d(po!ilt. . l.OtH
I Certltli-d c'lecUs 4hh tai
Total .K4H.T07 01
Slrttp iif H-iiiiTlvntilH. Onuntv of Pike, as
I. .Inim t'. 'irln. t'ashtcr of the nbovr
tiunx-'l 1 ,,nk. tin Kolfiiinly sn-enr that the
ih.iVL- KTiu.-iucn' true to the beet of my
tmowkniirt nill bfltrf.
'HulerHwd tuiu Rwiwn to before uie tul
llih il.iy tf Si'pt. 1111).
f. C (II AMItKltLAlN, Nntarr Publlu.
Corrt AtteL:
P.N liOUKSICirH. ;;Dlreotor.
C. O AHMij'l'KONU, 1
9 -i . 9
z x an .B oot wear
Two courses are open to
us in announcing our "Fall
Fcotwear." One is to at-
tempt to describe them and
the other is to invite you
to see them and let them
speak for themselves.
We'll try the latter. Your
eye and your head will tell
yuu more of quality, style
and workmanship, iu five
minutes than we could in
a page cf type. Our com-
plete fall lines are ready.
Telephone or write
2 us your wants..
t Port Je'rvis, N. Y..
5 & 10c. Store
A Suggestion.
A ii tain retired coal dealer of
'ili.-b.ng lit In the good old phrase.
a ti;;lit as wax, but baa a passion to
ie considered s "spender" and good
Ivi-r. never neglecting an opportunity
o -rfer to hie "wine cellar," etc. A
ort while ngo he snared a well
v.'.o.vn clubman and had him at bis
ouro for dinner, A bottle of sherry
l is pro.luced with considerable osten
Vi end the glasses tilled. Th host
o rl his to the light, then drank, and
:nrir!ed his Hps.
"i"i"i do yr,: think of that, hey?"
he r-c.-.'c3.
'.Vhv er Very aood. th R" l
e n-r;,tp'l. tell' -! his r.lars j.on !i.
.''i e "i.nt I i-v. o'd man." hp -dd-
u in a rceH'r'esiiul tone. "1 kDOW
-lace " N--e -'np el'i
Reaper than this!" Urooklyn Life.
What Cynics Am.
Cynics was the name applied to
rhool of philosophers founded by An
tis'.lienes, a pupil of Socrates. The
njnln teuet of the extreme Cynlca i
that civilization Is a curse, and true
hitppircss can be obtained only by
gratifying the moat primary physical
appetites which man has In common
.vl'h brutes. The general attitude of
the Cycles, aa distinguished from that
jt the Stoics, who regarded every
ihlni? in the external world with In
difference, was one of contempt Tbey
neie not an Important philosophical
sebtiol numerically, but attracted at
tention largely by their eccentricities
nnd insolence. On account of their
contempt for refinement their name
caire subsequently to be applied to
anv one who takes a mean view of hu
man life.
Clearing House Operations.
A clearing house Is an agency estab
lished by ths banks of a city, to
uhlcli all checks drawn upon one city
bank nnd deposited In another am
cent fur payment. Every morning
there is a clearance or settlement of
accounts. In which the checks deposit,
ed In each bank and the chocks drawn
upon each bank are separately sum
med up and compared. If there la
more deposited In a bank than there
is drawn upon It the bank receives th
difference in cash, if the reverse ia
the case, the bank pays tbe balance
Instead of receiving it. Th term
clearance means either the act of set
tlement or the sum of all th checks
presented for payment. The amount
of business done by ths clearing house
ia a pretty aure index of th general
condition of buslr.ua.
V 0BS- wr a
We have taken the
the following great offer:-
One Cake Mwllcateil Bp, value
Dm CakH Band Pumice Simp, value)
One Cake Sandalwood Medicated Hip
tint- l ake TrHii-parent fjiyrerine Hoap
(hit- Cuke Mnlicateil Holpliur Hoap, value
One Cak Wreath UaBtile Hoap, value
One (Juke Wonder-Foam 8uviug Hoap
To introduce these soaps, which are abso
lutely pure, we propose to sell the liox contain
ing the seven cakes of soap for 25c and pre
sent to eace purchaser one box of Shine-All.
Armstrong's Pharmacy
Wall Paper
This week we received our stock
of new wall paper. Over 100 differ
ent patterns to select from, ranging
in price from 10 to 20c a double roll.
Also a lot of remnants to sell for 5 c
a double roll. Our new stock will
please you both in style, quality and
price. Look them over before you
purchase. We can save you money.
Milford, Pa.
S . If you are Intend -g
ing to put in Gas
Cuddeback & Co.
New Goods
Just received
line of "Spring
Fancy lawns
White shirt waist gooda
Ladies' gauze vesta
Ladies hosiery
Men's fancy dress shirts
fancy half hose
" work shirk
" underwear
" belts and suspenders
Also a complete line of Notions,
Groceries, Crockery.
Broad & Catharine Sts. Milford, Pa
exclusive ftgency
SOAPS nnd make
tl 00
Tutsi Valu
or aro naving any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know.
New Goods
a new and complete
and Summer Goods"
7c to 18c per yard
12c to 25c.
12c to He
10c to 25c
10c to 50c
50c to $1
10c to 50c
25c to 60c
25c to 50c