Notes end Comment Of Intereat to Women Ruder CASK FOR BAGGAGE LABELS. Handy Reoeptaet In- Which Small ( Article. of Value Way Be Found '. : When .WanteaV".i Now that 'vacation- dnys are "'hore the suggestion contained la our sketrh Of cm for baggage label should be- ,of u and Intnrest. Baggage labela are among those necessary household article which are never to We found when they are wanted, un- .. teas a apeclal place 1b get apart for thorn. . -' . ,- The accompanying sketch Illustrate a case la which they enn be kept, and 'j j, if -1 .wTrVr'lj whfK-cffJ itaayBj he: replenished lh :-nly, einiomes" exhausted. '''' Xi,.? f 'fe fa. tnaile tn -crash or U Ben, and the two pockets are set ap"it for tie-on and. iullicslve labels-tespective-ly, the words, being embroidered on each division In brightly colored silks. The edges are bound with narrow rib bon, and there I a fold-over flap at the top which tie down on to the lower part with a smart little rtbboa bow. A ease of this kind Is always useful for traveling purpose, as It keeps the label clean and prevents their being creased and crumpled, which so often happen when they are loosely thrust Into, a box or bag among other, things. I ,. AUJUSaTIYE aphorisms. Marriage make most men. T DHL Happy heart harbor highest hopes. Weeping women are oft most winsome. Man, maid and moonlight make matrimony. Pessimist picture pleasures pernicious plagues. Diver dark deeds drive dl-, rectly to divorce decree. Love .light the lamps that IJ lume the line of life. ' Saint,, anllke (Inner, shun octet to seek solitude. -Alimony 'alleviates, the ail ment ,, attendant upon, altered attachment. Vance , C. Crlsa. mil m mum tf ! , 1 1 To Overcome Nsll-Bltlng "Instead of scolding that child and keeping Its finger a mas with aloes and quinine to atop Its nail biting, yon should try my cure," said one mother to another, who had Just slap ped her small son's hand for gnawinn at his nail. "My Margery was ruining the, kjok of her finger; It I bad enoimh. fur a boy to bite hi nails, but fyr. a, girl it 1 hopeless. I tried, evening, bribe, punishment, bltters-ulvh ah van), ly licked off au! "was, about (a de spair, when, a- uire. 1 had. suggested her mothe.oure of pinning a child leave to, the back of his suit ao It w Impossible, to, get bla hand to t mouth., tried, h with perfect success. The annoyance of being handles and the BiortlBcaUon of fastened arm a was wonderfully aalutary. it did not need many reptitlona before the. bablt was broken. I used stout safety pin and generally, put on an, M frock before ' -r rwm. as tnetje were - " H" Men. Ac Po-edj "Tboee male creaturi, wqj i that they, admire, w-huuiini 'n s1"8 are wonderfully dwve;'- omen th woman of, the. wrl, ' Jemrke1 1 nevar, aVtfativ.e, aj Weakness clnaUn women, ar, ' th m8' 'a-waak- que, iW- certalnlv not the ditterent mRU6r- A weakness in a woman, or "f J1 e by the favor of mon. he T' .y doe what I necessary to win rX favor. She feign the weakness that la vary tar from being her. When a woman who appear to be of the dinging, kelpie variety 1 found to nave aa taflalt capacity for charm ing, bar helpleaane will usually be found to be only a silken veil to hide the masculine aatuteneas and strength of will underneath. The adventuresses who manage to befool and deceive the moat experienced men of the world are possessed In almost every case of pretty way and low sweet voices. Weakness of character may some time be found In"' conjunction with winning qualltl " " " e : Mending Tw1 LlherfT " " A neat way to mena a bole In table. linen I to darn It trltii linemthreadB off an old tablecloth. 4 It wilt !looW much neater-than : u-ttch aeaed on. It la advisable to keep' a piece of a discarded tablecloth lolthe mending basket for that purpura. Sorrow of the Rkh. j Almost any, millionaire would be Willing to give as a large percentage of hie fortune If ho could Ul lb dlf fere ace belwtteiiAa.uUaptaca aud a aauu. ,i " ". I -1 ft Canadian FarnMnu'.Ciwn About (7 per eent. of the farmer of Canada prewlaa over Uuslr own farma. ?'- - -" - t i'.- t fl .. . ' J "I-V Of Interest to Women Cknlaaea Make Bad Bfc.t Sidaey Low Wares All WeaMB h Search of Henbane te gaa a Genius Tb Maa ml -Letters U.aally Geta Am Overdose of DoMadcUy. Sidney- Low, an English "writer, warns all women In search of a hus band to Rhun a genius. Low has writ. ten a lengthy article on the subject He find the genius 1 a misfit as a nuPriud,.H has a Hat of alxty-elght geniuses, and out or the lot only twen ty he found were passable husbands. Several of the twenty Indeed, such a Fielding, who, after hi wife' death mailed her maid, were Irritable, and hard to manage. Low suggests that the gonlua sees too much of his arlfe. "The man of letters," he eaya, "may or may not be domesticated, but he usu ally get an overdose of domesticity, owing to the nature of hi employ ment and the condition under which It I carried out. Most men, from stonemasons to cabinet ministers, transact their main activities, outalde their owa hone and aside from the presence of their wives and children. The literary genius does bis work at borne. He sits In hit study, with his wife, so to speak, outside the door. Not all wive would resist Interrupt ing the composition of an epic by de ferring till the late evening the an nouncement that the cook was drunk or that the kitchen boiler bad burst; not all geniuses would accept the in terruption In the right spirit,"" Still. Low Is not confident that to drive a genius out of the house, to, week would make him acceptable, aa a husband, for, he says, that out c Ma, stwr-alirht sp- -tmens, tweatjf-tfcree wr Bathing ahon of aboHca r their treatment of their wlvea and. that without any re-eon of which the outatd world bad kr-wledge. Law" finding that the genius tw times la three fall a a husband, however, fall far short of being a trustworthy guide. He neg lect exactly 50 per cent of the prob lem when he fail to pass Judgment on the feminine element. What kind of raging creature were thoae twenty three diabolical husbands married to? IMPROVED LEMON 80UEEr, Several Interesting InnoAtyon. Mad In a Household ynaJemantl '.'', A glass shape fcf-tha .'nurade,'qf ex tracting the Julcfjrom, a lemon, Is. fa, ml'larly calM. '!moni whereas. It, la, uqt a, equoeieij. W any sense, o(.Ue. W-ord tyi'ift Writer to be clearjjt. understood, we, m compelled to., adopt Uie, comma practice and to call- the, uteoaUi "squeeew." This article, lavejttMd by woman, operates mproveo t-mrvw. -..., by cutting the V leaoa kw and releaslnr, its, luwee in U'ls etx and en it kfttaVms'flimtoalon n a way more, rum . thing, whicrv 1 irecerkad the In- " , welcome one. In It familiar tarn It waa Iu-i!U k. om. Pert k thar-e horloatng have been taaedled 'in , rvc-3rt ftwnialion. BDowa AnnmnM , In ItS liew .nr tha .-eMaW1' ! auit. tiiM .... rt. . " Jlclent extract htm bees secured It can be neatly powed; Into the proper receptacles through ai convenient lip. The device la atar supplied with a handle lor coavnotent handling, -.- 'i The Damer of tha Family Stockings. Arc you one ot those people; who wear out stocking "a fast aa a mare can trott" Perhaps you know. tfee. old adage f -1 J , ',- i .: "Wear at ta kL , c, T Spend and not feel; - .... c ., Wear at the toe, . . Spend as you go.", , , -T , I wa one of the latter trotter, aad bad ceaseless appolntmenta with my darning needle until a friend told me this easy trick ot laving thosa self same toe: ; i When pulling on a tocking pull It forward on the foot, ao that the toe, really seem to be some distance from the end. But as the shoe 1 placed upon the foot tbe atockla slips Into place, perfectly and accurately. A greater degree of , eojatert and more lasting value, tw, she stockinet are thus double eaeared. Too. often feet are crowded (ato. tight stacklaaa.-l and what aj the poor JUilns lo but strive nueejlly Jpl Ork. thenuefves freeT T. R. 8. - . pr,Mir,i Down, $eatna. ti After stitcblng dqwova-aeam prens with -a not -Iron, "and. It la .useful uu know1 thati a Tolling pin, 'wrapped In a clean cloth,- will aaswer-tha par pose equally- as weU. t J ' - - ' 'v Record Mountain Climber. -- Long' peak. In Colorado,- which ha been' called th American Mattoahom. ha been successfully, climbed- by small girl ot IS year, little JCuilly Zoynton. Sba scorned tbe aid ot a guide, even in the dangeroua places, but went clear to the tup, a distance of 14411 feet Thla give her th re fori tor niouataik loOatblng anniD? chlldr, ot tt world poeslblr. ' BY AID OF THE ELEMENTS Sf 'as ail aa aa i ) There wa nd hpparenf reason lor Marion Morri to rush off to Eurepe at A week's notice, except that she had told Robert Bruce, wbeo she bad given him back hla ring, (hat she should go. i . Neither wa there any reason that tha discarded Mr. Bruce- should have assiduously searched the bookings of outgoing steamer and suddenly have engaged passage on the Maloplc. cov ing aboard early on the day of sailing and guiltily hiding la hla stateroom for a full 14 hours. , ; On the morning of the second day he awoke to find the sun plowing a goTden pathway through the gloom nf the narrow room and passenger life already stirring on Uie big ahlp. He stretched luxuriously and. Jumping from hi berth, be hastily dreased and went on deck. ' i I The morning wa a wonderful thing of color and charm. Blue waa the ocean below, as blue aa the sky above, a radiant, cloudless, transparent blue, reflecting In ether and sea the shim mering, dazillng ray of the sun. As be paced the deck he uttered a cry of surprise, and wis soon st the side of aa elderly lady wh 'i waa con scientiously "doing her mile Mis Kenyoo," he erfert, esthaaias- tlcally, with outstretched hand, "My . dear bor." ho ehtwd. rru Ing his hand wariuly n rntiirn. "What a pleasant irttrs. I bnd no Idea yon were Qt) board. Mai "on told m no new of your tomlng." No. Mia Kenyon. Marlon didn't tell you, tor ah didn't know 11 Tou sea before you a Jilted man. Marlon haa return od my ring." Mlaa Kenyoa smiled tolerantly. "Poor boy." she ald. "What hap. pened?" ... Dont know. Hono-t I don't. EJse said she saw me walklis with. girl, and requested new of her,.' 1 tol-1 her I dldnt know whet sbvwas talk ing about, and she aueer.-d that I might be, a fabricates. . Jat's til. She said she waa NPirg over here to get away from, m ao I thought I would comox Vo, so. aa t be near." I m ajvald- qh wont b able to see ber fw a, day, or two. Site la Quite 111. 8traa, Isn't V. Iw o ually Balls o wen, . "'WIlJi vou keh . Mtaa Kenronr Bruce aakadi aroeatly. and she re- rea so, aaitbvelastlcally that be hd no dOMVt of her chain pkm shin. Ha ord a plan, and with her aslr4,ne t w carried out. For two divva every hour. Robert sen' a maaurce o Mis Morri a In saenn form aa. other. At 11 In lb uvenlir, k r,m Mvered a last note by HW ICoryrjn. at 1 be, wna lnC,ruetlnav f var,l 'or thj remnlB'lcT of V. -t-t At I oVlock It was ,3 boj onw-; at 1 sap or tea; at a.aal ninr.i be- neaih the d'yjr.,, amtdhm iici.e; at 1 Mock, t-oOeet vtd, ma on but no oBcimrngb-tg word bMicaealn return. Indeed, ttve-ro ha 1 been- 0 message of any kl',q nr ivas Mb K"enyon ablo 'o raiion anytl Ing, vea of an urtts orabie natrre. Hhtt had mcro 'y lgnorurl ejb, d aery favor, naJ bad dlBplayudi weUber ptoastu-e , moe PWie at O-A TUIoal attentions.: On tlt toartli ror,,-rr'..i; Robort wa up at f, o'clock, pacing tha deck un "Ut. for th first Urn be bad ho Av to think q faihara. ? Tha view ,oout blm waa a gloomy one and dl-J not tend to relieve hla depression. Ursy sky, louden water, and a dreary waste of iBUTenaeeah between; . the deck were alia out deeerted, and he went sullenly down again, hi mood chluring with, the dements. -- Vac dag dragged aad tha roll of the hip ea .eel t attle; now and then a steamer vnatr. it owner venturesome for the ank of air, dotted the wx- l-acae, ot lonesome deck, and present ly Rjobert perceived on wbona nwny he recognlied,, aa tha (toward carefMr ly folded the rug about Her and acwio Bar comfortable. . Hastily be mud his way to that part of tbe hl where she lay with her eyee close, her lips and face colorless. - - - -Marlon!" ba breathed. , No answer. . Not even a- ticker of the r&i on tha white faco. "Dearest, . may I alk and talk awbller i A faint movement ot the band mo tioned blm away. "I dont wiab to ba troublesome," he persisted, "but, because . you are going to, marry me. ( feel that my 1 lace 1 beta to watch over and care tor you." : Again motion of the hand, a UiLs '.ess wejak. . "Hw long must I wait, dear, bjs 'oro yon will come to mwT Buppaao vm have the ceremony vbaw w bnd ind Invite all these nice, people? that in on the boat" . A weary sigh aeq4 ber Ufa and bla own' went, white. He waa fighting; his last cuanc-a, and, he knew ba waa uaklEif bee sufTeo, He felt that aha loved hla. and because abo eeout not leave btiu a khe had don bforo he persisted. "DearJ you know how mach I love ton. Perhaps I could Bad a minister Justice, ot tha peasa someone with authority, on, boaraV If I could, would you t" j "Robeji Bruce?- -I will never mar ry you If your dont go away and let md die aa peace." t. A-latenlng to the barely whinnered vordav Brace heart leaped. He had. troa. o-Bwtflrjr ba drew the discarded ring troia bt pocket and (lipped It ua ha IRtle finger. Slowly th hour asaed, the wind died away, and tha I Indly' moon, peeping from . V't hurrying clouds, smiled down at iue lover, her band atill lyln ua usistlngly la bla HELEN OUN.N1 oON. : . ' - Ts Be BhunnedT v l.otloos containing borax, benzola, ihobbl or any kind of astringents nurt' be abunned absolutely by the woman ot d-ancate complexion, but ire quite permissible tor those wltb oily, coarser akin. Steaming or appcV catlona of water heated to tbe botUag point are also among th "don't"" for tecdar, dry akin, making tbena laoh lik narebmeat, 4rld out x sV9Xi ; '. ' J The Cobbler I The cobbler', children are pale of face and the cobbler Is stoojied In the houldnrs. So Is ve pale, for the mut ter of that. All of hi days are spent In Ills basement shop which you an down four slops reach. There are todows la. l.ont, but they have not been washed for o long that not much light comes through thnni. ,The cobbler works y gas light, and he vrJld need It anyway to heat his wab. Day In and day out he i"ts stooped upon his stpol and hammers and sews and pnt and Up at bla mending of shoes and boots. Sometimes he sings. Not often, as you are apt to lose time, when you slrj. Once I had a talk, with him while he straightened a keel on my footwear. You see. I va pretty poor myself and had not an extra pair of heavy shoes. "Yah," said tbe cobbler, "1 work. Dat 1 nuddtstra. Work Is line. I come her at seven when business I goo'." - "How late at nlsht?" I neked Idly. The cobbler stuck a three cornered piece of leather on the heel of my hoe. He thru-t iu a lonn little nail and hit Its henj -n-ith a anmrt tap or two wltli his hammer. There were ati caks and t", spots ot dirt on his labor pale face. I coulil ice that bis arms were thin where ttn- sleevos were rolled up. Wl:cn W looked up ho pauved lc his toil. "How late? Q,"! nine when busi ness Is goot. lately It I bad vary bad." "You home earlier?" "Yuh six. teven." A llgtit glowed in hla eye. You could see it creeping In W e nothing I can tell, lor there la otter light that n cornaarable. Or u. never soes a yoJJ" ef Rtendiur-brown eye-,. And he (havkkxl softly. 'Lie kids dey tike I rnmo homo wtej It la six o'clock." . '.Tom a rrreat piece of eole leather I i elat anothe:- tl-e with his Bharn -nd shining ko fe. His eyes were upon hla wortt once more. " "Le kids, too youns to know when businijrs ; Vt goot," ho aald briefly. "Yotrte-dftu!. I make one dollar and t w.ut-Af!' cent. Ihit's no goot when yJ Dfmmi Ave to find eatin'a." H-H3imercd away naln with mar VelexH iswxterlty. Did you ever watch a ftuithjer at work? Only years and yueirs ot labor bring such skill. It is jllp and carve, pnt and hammer, a bit of blacking, and lo! your heel Is tralght The cobbler haa made yen .on-rtat)le, and you have paid him 35 rents, maybe. You go your way ami be tolls In hla shop. "Sleepln's, too," he said. "t.-ir rert It nln dollars. There 1 meat -Jul ; r-iatoes and clothes and, " 8l-:"- , ' "Yt,h.- Shoes. I b-uy cheape. 1' at r -n 1 m-rtfl; Sixty Collar a monCi it coat f Why Fhould bla tace giow t-a-' from lie reigiit of bla tliouhiri?- He amP'-d, but dl wi-s n wnn rrr.ila thnt mar' -i hli mere apparent, un.1 li. pa' or more plain. Not at mo. lie looked, but away aomowhere, to tbnt p' 0 where every one looks w'.ieu t'uf: Llfo pago thnt It. open before ouc Is not quite plain. "Gad,"'h- said. "Dat's little, one flollcr and - weaty-five cent. Yah. It's little." Hammer bammer, tap, tap, clip, clip. ' Surety hla knife Is sharp, .''he light I rant so good, either. Ten, twelve, faairteen hours. Of cours bis shoulder ire narrow and hi, back crookaaV Hammer, clip, cllik. No, never-, does he succaed In gettlt g the " axe art dirt from hla binds. You caa tell uls t-.vulo when be 'n at :hurch oa P-inday. Clip, clip. Oh, '.e 1 a pa tie . creat'ne the eou'jler but his pr Wife, It It not Uie patience of nec essity? ' "Go b- OS," he said nrprovlnjly. "nr. loatt r." 1, waa at le he meant. I am inc.-, on. The tst can cost seven Collars., f.'u -ond' r t co. Id not afford two pairs In the wli xir. Bnn dollaiu divided by one dollar, nd a quarter, r-i:d what ia the answovf Oh, you wo-ilerful cob bier sotb. nothing at all. Only '.ifiereneee, social, mental, physical. Dent try to figure It out.' You will niArer get the exact answer.-- No one ' .Tor haa and maybe no one ever- will, air. food, health, the glory of 11 (el "How . do - you manage to, five?" 1 aaid at last, out of my bewilderment,' He did not smile. He wa deadly serious. Hla tones ere monoton ously even. It waa, a' tragedy of mat ter of factnesa. And- should ' we not' cODRlder with pride, our nationalism? "DIs la a finer couutry dan de old," be said. "In Bohemia, my wife could find no washing to tae in." With his dirty finger he rubbed 4&cktng on my shoe and polliibcd It fith a brush. "Washing Is good pay In America," be said. "My wife, sbe helps." . Don't think he is one. He is thou sands only it is nnc at tbe time he is the cobbler. There are other trade. Bud men toll at them. Taken at Hla Word. Eoine time since a genlat-luoklug Irish gentleman wauled an empty I bottle In wbicb to mix a solution that be wished to prvpare. and went to a chainlet's to make the purchase Seleotrng one that aulted his purpose. Be SMkd the abopman how muih It would be. "Well," was- the reply, "If you Just want the ematy bottle it will be one penny, but If you want anything In M you can hare the bottle free o charge." "Sure, that's fair," said tbe witty Celt. "Put In a cork." Maeeage and Wrinkle. Massage ha often created wrinkle where they did not at all exist, on uc count of being Incorrectly applied, out It ba more often helped to make them vanish, when used with a good, nourishing cream,' provided It Is ap plied crosswise, and not up and down In tha wrinkles, moving tha linger lu he opposite dlr.vtions that In , chlch, tag wrinkles run, . . j VRE.CK OF THE j CAGCA BELLE, -nn w ItW i here w-a only one that believed In lo,. ivc-';cy, and t(iat waa hla small f--i. llcniieth. To the villager Joe wa.. oitly a Fiioiidthrlft sailor, and they foo't ;so atock In the f-incy yarns lie wi-.i to spin for their benefit. But to litt'e boy who had Juat een hi six 1 Joe Greeley was every U' r s thnt V.1S rood and wonderful, end ho never stopped to question the truth of the extraordinary talea of the lea which bla father took delight In H-iling him cm the rare occasions that 'ie was homo. As for Joe, he worship-' jed his boy. Nothing was too good 1 for l:im, and he brought him toys and ciirio?.tirs fiom every foreign port th; t he vialted. ills. Keller (ttcn that he had better save his nicnt?y. It would be fur wk-er to lock r..t a little for the luture. If nnytliinr: l apponed to him, what would bocoiuij of Kenneth? She would sometime;; n'.t this question to Joe, tint he vo.iin only laug'a in hi t'ootl-naiuic-.' v.-ey and say that there v.-a:i't anyt!;-!!.-; ro'r.s to happen td hii-i lor a lc; v i:'.!e yet. Kiiiue'.h'a iauC -f r died three year liei'o.e. an-1 ,li,e ,d Immediately tak-i-n the c-i!ld to r-lrs. Keller, who had aieu-for him over r-lnce. Thla vooi--'-.r. wai a widow, mid had two Bmall :h':uun ol ber OA-n. Joe Greeley waa sii proved to pay her n certain amount every tiir.o ho canto home for ber care of the boy, but during tbe last year ho had become more- of a spend thrift than ever, and on ala last leave o ab enie he had pi-.ld her nothing. But Le kad botiKhl a small dory for hlu fcun and had spared uo expense In malting It beautiful to please the boy. He nan-cd It tim- Caaca Belle, after bis ov.n c'-.'.p, ant, while he was boa o l,o would so out ia It with Ken- t.e.a every ony. The child was de-l-.f.::i;-1 wit:-. It and when bis father J bad (; ).-,c away. 1 would often coax -Mi. Kr:','.er to Uje liiiti out tn hln fciy. liiie v.-oul-t romellr.iea grant hits tc.,:c't, 1) it the a. way kept near the) i .(!: . unU ovary tlatc uhe would mr r..;ver to tourh the bnat whea se .. ., vot T-Itt h':n. ""an p -1 until tho nutumn.-a.-ne. ' i. r.y tn'ti ijonst was .visited .-1' -f : o:cst s'o: m lor yearu. Tboaa vh-i I. id .-t !Hr - as sjid friendn at sua we. wild v.-'th f.nxlcty tba nfaut. .Ml 'i : nex. il ly the Monn La-jd ami I; i.r .-i 1 ilo,; be.'ore It abated. T r- .iidte.-ii waitod np)i;elwpnsiffery I'J - civa o. tho t.h.j' . tlmt. -.hey knew b. ( ;'.-i.r.;c . v fpee the gate. It v. . r-.-. l-.z-.j;!, :o: j wtc-at feara v, urn re l::c r.y.a tho tidings came iha. t'.ie i'L-ca 'i"e has bt-e'.i wreck.. etj o.i' lise cnar-.cif &p:iia. It bfiid gonn tli.wn wltii ni' Itf. cvow. .. s. Kc-i'.c-.-. .-jara tills with a sor-jc-vftu her.ri. 'A'hat wotfd become of Kenneth uow ? Joe bail' not paid bur fm Hie rj-ilr",'3 buard, ainrl sue was too Vi-iv- ic. - keep cu caiflng for the boy. i-id haa a batd time to looU out f.r c.r ovn cl-lldion Kince her hus- b ocl liad loen lo3t at sea five years tfU-:e. TUce were only two placea f-r t ie ctu-,f. ono waa ttie orphans' llx.ip iini tho other was the county farm. Tbei-c w-.,i. no one who would tuiru Mm, ior lie did not Drive a single Ilv i,:-; relative. This Mrs. Keller talked over with ' .Mrs. .Murray the uioming that tlic tidings leached tho village. She did not dreai.u that Ken- ueth ivae standing near and that he beard all.. AKuoath the child did not realize w-utt It all meant, he vaguely understood thti something terrible had hapiwned .to bis dear father, as ha had always railed him, and that they were lutonding to send him to some dreaalful place. He made up bis mind Instantly that he would not go. Tho comtis-tlnR thought hud come to the boy's mind that his father, who had been shipwrecked so manr times beiorc, according to tho tales he bad beard hiu" toll, might be rescued, as he hati ulways' been, nnd tbut he would co no bo: V; r-t'ain. But hen a wiok b: -puced and he had not come the cliilc'd.-cidftl that be would go to find him'. That day ho had heard Mrs. litl'.cr' Buy that she was going to talri S'n to t'v 'iomo the following we a i. 'Jb! i ' ! not know that bis 1-tt o I t-i.-t 'v;i- l. ir?tlPT with Rrie' cr .1 tV.-.t fco v s nc-ii-.a of oius '0 nay pU.-' -i nt'fe;' t,:an v. iieio Lis fa'jer we.;1. Tho 'irn .1 ere th-i tiny llgure stealing do-vu to tbe sea, now lying 'calm and blue In tbe morning, as If It could never be cruel and liroachurous She did not think ot Dim until about two hours after va:l, 'when her own children came in to vuiiicv- Then she suddenly remem bcTvd 'with diamay tiiat slie had seen Mm lull onco that forenoon. "Win-re can lie have gone to?" she rricil. "Can -he" Kl;e did not wan to finish the ea tenre. b it auatteblss up a shawl, aha threw It over bor head and went swift ly Uuwn tbe path to the sea, followed by her children. Several villager na v 1 ci- running and to them he Kiiouled fears. They were men and tl'.er Wfent with her In case tbey .should be needed. It was even a they bad feared. Tbe dory wa gone from iis moorings. A Tier an hour's aearx-h out on ome rocks thy diacoveied tbo wreck. The Cabell UvUu bad gene dou with all Its crew. IDA E. I COOK US. BO VCAR8' ' EXPEniENCE r Trade Maims V. . - l DCBIONS 'rsv Coi-yhiomt tC An .-rn?- tvt1rig a sfcrtrh and dM-r1Hln nl itikt .t.-rrtnt l o,ir ntunifn iron ayfu-thetr avi) tiiv',i4i,n i , nc, . a - i y iUt-i .uhk 4'niuiiiiun tl"i. .'.'ic!lv c-'iiiitioiiilcL KHiiiltHkOk on I'Mduuj K it 1 1 t(ta, U-t -vt u'-ir' (if sucuniitC pfcteui. I'll'-.-'. t-ik.-ti tlir,.tiL-h Muuii i Lu. rwoeitt tprc uu uoliz, witti-tui ctirnt. lu ttie i hfinoriomelT tllntmr! wsclilT. l-arcee rta enlaUi it i f aur et iti.iiiic Viuniavl. Trui. 1 m u , ' ur BK 'itUa, Vi- tkM by all ivewMiajatnv pr;:jckCo.""'fJewyR?t fllU"' Gtt af tVr4aUa4llV.a sT-V -. t. fc . ki.-. it. jnL 'i Tho I flow j York I Tribune i Farmer in tlic . inotst Duchly v nracticnl talpfui,' useful anil entertaining, national illustrat ed agricultural & family weekly in the United States. PiUCE, ONE DOLLAR A Send your name for free sample copy to New York Tribune Farmer TRIBUNE BUILO Now York w PIKE COUNTY PRESS ...$l,50 A YEAR JOB PRIMTIHC Letter Heads, Cards Posters, Statements Bill Heads, Envelopes Circulars, Etc., Etc. pjfiti v nnriF B.ti ni a. irwia. ft i J . ttSSSjmrnt f MaJBi - iftnil TMADK-MARKB promilJ obuunwl Lu bUI ertuMriaet, or bo fee. V obUOn PATE NTS THAT PAY. tmirrrUm thrn UaorooijiUj, mu BlpHnM, VM OCHp yoi io tucoeH. IVmi tnoUL raboto or ch for FRCK rfxwi oa pal tmbtUty. - M r&rt prttiM. UR- PASSINQ R Erf ) I N CE. ForfrtMUukM Book mm ProAbsbie lllcnU write to KOS'BOB vnth StreVakt, WASriNOTON. D. C. ..aa-.... f Caveat, and ldfr-Kfia obtained and all YtuA Pent buwoaao.mriucted tor modctC Wit. kOun Ornct I Opto a in; U, and we c.ntuT9 xilcoLM J Krul norleL dian m ehrML. Joffc I (tton. Vre BdvfM, If plenLbl or sot. frc ii tUfrsn, ur fc not dm till iMtcnt iscarc I i PiiwlrT n " w ,w"' "'nJ nat tit unt tn tha U. S. And toraum cu !nt Ires. Addrrti, ic.A.snow&co. of. Patcht OmcE. WASHi-iet-ow. 0. O. . Physicians have loDg been looklnf tor a harmlesB headache care. It hiis been prod need by an eminent chemist of the National Capital. It is kno-(n aa Broho-Pephik. Beaibe enrint, every form of headache instantly, Bromo Pepsin is eqcally Hnil as promptly effloaoloo in chronic and acnte indigestion and the nervous dlwirder incident then a. It la efteresoen ana pieasam to take and may be bad of all np-tr data druggists at ten oeots a 'bottle. It oomes as a boon to mankind and womankind. For sale at C. O. Armstrong, Druggist. - 1 . I NOTICS. The Coniml."soiier3 of Pike County will hereafter hold Regular Meetings the first Monday of each mo. between tho hours of a . in . and 4 p. m. except Ing In the months when Court may be in session, anil then during Court THEO. II. BAKER Commissi -nero Clerk AbMlutelf Harmless. Cum a k tad BROMO-PEPSIN "Kot the Word Papala" rIIOrC HUOACHE. SICEPLESSNESS L U ttbO INOISESTlON ( NERVOUSNESS All Uruaclata. lOo, Hot too Fur sal by C. O. Abustrons. Drnggltl WANTS SUPPLIED 1 1 If you wan. note beada, bill heads, let is hoada, lAiementa. show oarda, ptonut large poatani.-saie bill, dodri enrulupoa tutfs teoutnera oarda or job piintlnf every dcription, done up in tbe bm sirl (o you tn an up-to-data nd art t tic moi met oatlbtnd aw u. Priooar THK PRKS PRfNT. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Bowses and Lot and lot without Hoot Doauer in all klnda ot Property. Hotary Public ALL BUSINESS GIYEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office at Residence on Wter Street. Gilford, Pa 9 vawayai. aevayej -ye-eye v. -evvviaj Ooth IJ F ' t these ' papers I. one I.- year ' for only p 1.85 P .tbor-- YEAR O ty. N. V. id. labels i Toi """ J OCSICNS. Hakkx vvr"copvmc(irs. Tnt-Trn ,T ti--pianli. lr lnlnnaa tn r-Htr and wt-nu-hlhty wri!.- f,,rlli l-Kimrl n-an-i I-rm - HSilM "Time Table ERIE RAILROAD. AT PORT JERVIS 6olld Pullman trains to Buffalo, Nla ara falls, Chautauqua Lake, ClsTelanil Obloago and Cincinnati. Tioktta oa aale at Port Je alt points la the West and Southwest ai lovor fetes tbaa via any other flrst-olaaa Una. Ia effect June 81th. 1906. Tsaia Now Llivi Port Jirvis a Follow. EASTWARD " 48, Dally 4.10 " 6 Dally Kxpres a 0 " " M, Local Rzoept 8unday., 6.10 " ' 44 Holidays only 6 M ,. No. . Dally Kipraaa 0 M 1. u. " TOU, Way Sunday Only T .81 4J, Ioal exorpt Sun a Hoi r.W " 10. Local Except Sunday.. 10.90 " " 4. Dally Cxpieaa 1MP.1. 704, Sunday Only 8 91 " , Way dally exo't Sund'y W , Dally Exproas 4 Ml ' M, Way daily exo't Sund'y 8 36 " TOS.tiOonl Sunday Only.... 7.16 " ' WKSTWARD. NaT, Ually Kxpreaa U fa A. BP. " 47, Dally a.KB ' t7. Dally Milk Train 8 10 ' " I, Dally Kxpreaa 11.84 " " lis, Foj Ho'dnleE'pt Sun.. IS lft r.. " (, KxpnasCklcagoliindal 8 83 " ' t, Daily Kxoept Sunday.. A 00 " i, Umlccd Dally Expreaa. 10.08 - Train, leave Chambers atreat. Sew York, f-ir Port Jervls on weuk alays at 8 80, 7 14, v.lft, 10 80 A. M.. 1 JO 8 JO, 4.80, 0.15, 7 16, .I8 18.46 r. V. On Sundays, 7. SO, a. m v 18 10. LIST. 80.0.18 p. M. H. L. SLAl'SON. Ticket An. Pt. JrrK. M. W.llawley, Dlv'n Passirr. Agent. CLambera St. Station New Yotfc William B. Kenworthey M. 0 Physician and Sareon. OlBoe and resldunoe Broad Strari aeat Court How. MILFORD. For Bent Furnished rooms to rent. Enquire of Mrs. Etta Poillon, Coriifr Broaii and Ann btreeU, Milford, I'a. Hints for th Hot. If you are ironing with the patrnt. handle Irona and using a g-ia raiiy-i.. It la a Hood Idea to put a tla t-.ver i. tap of the Iron a It slta en tho Hr-. The cerer keepa the heot from xat-a. lag, and your Iron wlcki rtA help wi 1 gi. hot much qulctar. On a gwd' alsed blase two !rc of' this kind i or ared with a tla er copper cover lll heat aa soon aa one. - To prevent making a great dual lu weeping use moist sawduat on bare toor. If the floor ia carpeted multi--tea a aewapaper, tear It Into amair. piece and scalier over the floor. Tbo carpet will look much brighter than, at awept la the ordinary way. In Barring oyster or clam cocktails.. Instead of putting them la glasses, try earring them from the ahalla. la the center ot th plate place a green pepper hollowed out and filled with tha cendlmenta. Kacb uyater Is dip pad Into It be 'ore beiug ea'.cQ. you - V Ai send ( your J order and j money J to y Tho 1 PRESS J Milford, N Pike County, Penn. ' ti C