Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 12, 1909, Image 1

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    ,rr Cttice 11 J
NO 2
If you watch oat lonitht, tomor
row night ami the next, you will see
. many falling stars. Astronomers say
the earth will cut through the orbit
of a belt of 8'nnll meteors aliout the
size of a pea but very l.ril lin rst. If
you wait the next display it will be
in 1933.
A hypnotist at 8 onmierville N. J.
recently jut a young man in a trance
and whi'e in that coiulition he died
and the pr .fes.-tor is nw in jiil
charged with murder. ' Attempts
have been uiHile hy others of tlie cnlt
to revive the victim bjt without
James D.inovan, retired from the
Dimmick Houso to Port Jervis
where he becomts proprietor of the
Dulaware House. He pays there Is
more money in selling i uiu than in
the physitMt culture (pri. figlving)
F X. Jordan has iih ved in the
. Diiiiiu.zk and it is rvpurted will be
come proprietor.
MUses Mabel PHlett, Alum Vetter
. lein aud Louise Velleriein of Pal
myra township ihisii unty are stu
dents at Blooinslmrg State Nvrmai
School. The registration revoid ot i
the school was broken this year with
675 Btodents enrolled. The students
are drawn from tb counties in the
Slate, four otln r states and three
Families who send their chil l ren
to such institutions am among the
mast progressive citizens.
Walter Dingiuan, Jos. Lattiinnre
and Emmett Steele will witness the
Yale-Princetou football game Satnr.
Born Monday Nov. 8'h to Charles
B. MoCarty and w ife of Milford a !
daughter. :
Superintendent Westbrook say in !
bis report to the Department of Pub-!
lio Instruction: We have bettor j
qualified teachers and more of them ;
this year than for the past seven j
years. Less trouble than usual his
been experienced in obtaining tescfr
era for all school, and all indication""
point towards a successful school
year. ' " , ,' ,
Charlos Mayne, who has been vis
iting several ' mouths at Asbury
Park has returned to. New York
City. ; ; . -
An argument for postal savices
bank system la the fnott that last
year Dearly a half billion dollars of !
" our money was sent back to Earopo"!
by foreigners who hsve no confidence
in any but banks run by the Govern
It is found that the bett brand-! of
imp ra?d champagnes are largely
Wby the price of meat keeps ris
ing may be answered by Hating thai
the population of this country grows
every year about two in a hundred,
which means that in a city like Phil
adelphia thirty thousand mouths arc
added annually. The supply does
not increase as population. The
Feyteuibrr Government report shows
tint 174,000 less head i f live greek
were received at suven large centeis
than last year.
The constitutional aiutiijuients are
Tei in doubt, except-the seventh
which i defeated The majority in,j
their favor will be small and the-i
schedule may Iw lost. There is an'
apparent majority Dow of about
6000 in their favor with several
counties and city wards to bear
Tbousiui's of acres of the States
forest lands were burned over this
week and the Are were nut Col fluid
to thein alone. Many others suf
for. d.
D E. Van Etten and wife of Sua
sx, N. J , visited friends at Diue
uiau's Firry this week.
Frank H. Bridge of Dinenian town
ship and Minnie Itoloson of Milford
were married lust Fr.day in Holies
dale by Rev. A. L. Wbittaker.
L'p in New England where Thanks
giving ia observed with ' re-limou..
seal a new trial confronts Ihe people.
Soma years ago a strung disease at-
tacked aud killed thousands of phea
.tils and this year a fl rnll.ir rimlniy
lhas destroyed hundreds of fi nks ot
ttnrkeys. It is found by scientis to
'he a parasite which brings on au ii:
Ulainination in birds similar to ap
jwudicitia in men.
The big four railruad has just di
'covered a shortage in lis arc muts id
j oe million dollars or mora. Its
iou! treasurer in Cincinnati Jos- iu
idoulatioo and in paying blackmail
Jj parties who were wi-e about bis
Henry Bradford of Parker's Glen
, was in town Monday.
I James C. Liuer the ieweler. made
A business
trip to New York this
John S Kennedy the modest mil
lionaire, w bodied of whooping cough
recently in New York, left thirty
million dollars to various Presbyter
inc. hoards ranging in sums from ten
thousand io two and a half million
dollars. Did yon ever hear of him
before his death? Think of bis nn
assuming ways as compared with the
many showy moth who flicker
around the flame of wealth and when
they die leave no memory of any
d-jed well' done or any charity use
fully bestowed. - .
Mrs. Dr.-J. C Prioeof Branch ville
N. J spent part of the week in town.
. Prof Wilson, who was in charge
o! Camp Yapeechu last summer was
a visitor in town this week
J. W. Kilsby Jr. of Dingraan's
Ferry was in Mlliord on business a
day this week.
. It ssid that President Taft iu
bis forth coming message tooongrens
will tar jo Hut body to make the
llepbnjn rate law effective by ap
pointing a commission to fix railroad
rates, and In give them power to do.
termme amount of stock and bonds
a railroad may issue.
" To establish postal savings bank',
to continue conservation policies anil
reclamation' of land with itn
provf niiMit of inland water ways.
A ship subsidy for carrying mails.
They say an agnostic is one who
does not believe until taken sick.
In a test- examination recently
held of twenty four students In a
college seven could not name one Ju
of Uie supreme conrt of the United
States, aud several could only give
the last name of one while only one
of the number was able to give the
full name of oue. This may be over
drawn but it Is stated for fact If
true it proves that a certain kiDd of
higher education does not educate.
8iipHisa our high school pulpils were
put to tl.is test.
An Irishman was ntting iu de
pot smoking when a woman came
aud, Bitting down beside' him re
marked: , T
;-Sir, if you were a gentleman yon
would not smoke here."
"Mum" he slid; "If you waz
lady ye'tl sit farther away."
Pretty B wo the woman burst out
again : "If you were my husband
I'd give you prison."
. "Well, mum," returned the Irish,
wan, as he puffed away at his pipe,
"if you wuz me wife I'd take it."
Kansas City Independent.
There are thirty-eight prizes be
ing contested by aviators, the value
of which is (300,000.
San Diego, Cal., haa a wonderful
c!6ck, with twenty dials, which tell
siniuibmeou-jly the tin e in all parts
of the world, also the days of the
week and the date and month.
At Weldo, Pa., there ia an apple
tree that has netted lis owner $20,000.
Tills amount has not come, bow
ever, from the fruit of the tree, but
from the picture which the owner
has painted of it when it was tiear
ingita. blossoms and half opened
green leaves. The apple blossoms
beoume famous, and the pictures
ft ere'a-i good as sold before the artist
beg.-tn his work. -Miss
Mary L. Harmon spent Mcm-
day in New York. '
fiiuart Buchanan of New York ia
spending this week with his parents
in Dingman township.
Haymocd Keller of Barryvillo, N.
V. spent a few days with friends in
town this week.
Harry Baluiog of Port Jervia while
attempting to catch a ride on s west
bound ireight at (Juyniard, N. Y.,
fell under the whi els and had both
legs cut off. He as taken to Port
Jervis hospital for treatment where '
he uiud feaiurday night. He was 13
yea is of age.
Barton IMiiard, who is attending
school at Uoboken, visited hia par
ents here over Sunday.'
Hazel y.iddaoKh of Dinsman'a
Feny spent part of last week with
K latives iu town.
(lunge Roneand Richard Niliaof
n rouiisbuig wera visitors in town
this week.
Mr. unci Mrs. Andy Middaugh and
i lii'dreii urn spending the week at
D'l gman's Fi rry.
Fioi;k Gehrig of Jersey Citv anerit
pait of this week with his parenu In
r-udcrn t lor ilia Pieas,
j What Do They Need?
j ite magazines, religtoue and sec-
alar uauera and man on the lector
platform are discussing such que-
tiona as What the churches need?
Why men do not attend oburcb, Is
religion on the decline and ones of
kindred nature. The preacher in
diets Sunday papers, amusements
and various other things as guilty
by attrsotlng men from the places
where they hold forth. Occasional
ly one ia bold enough to turn the
light back on his profession to see
if any fault lies there. The man
who should be In the pew, perhaps
feels as though he would like to be,
but Is not, givos various reasons.
The sermons are not to him fresh
and attractive, they an not delivered
as if the speaker was impressed with
the ch a motor of hia nwmnge, too of
ten they are made np of platitudes
which fail to inspire. The preacher
avers that religions institutions are
being attacked on all sides and even
challenged to give reasons for their
existence, and that these plausible
aud specious arguments captivate
the publio mind and reuder it unre
sponsive to bis pleadings.
Theie is probably fault both tn the
pew and pulpit?" Does the preacher
give time and thought to his topic,
doea he present his matter with force
and vigor, does he preach as though
desirous of impelling assent, is bis
sermon alive with the present life,
and is his manner such as to impress
bis hearers that his message is im
portant to their souls salvation.
. Those in the pew, if they are there
are hnman, they have onrae fresh
from the world and its hurry and
bustle, with its many attractions
both mental and social, and they
must have stimulus both in the mat
ter and manner of the message bear
er or they flag in tpirit. If they are
not there, why notf Perhaps be-
cause they fool aforetime that the
exercises will not appeal to their up
lifting, that they will not come away
satisfied either with themselves or
the. aervioe, and they think it less
sin to remain away. .
Supreme Court Grants
A License.
The Snpreme Court held In a recent
case, where the court below refused
to grant a license to a brewing Com
pany whioh refus-tl on appeal was
maintained by the Superior Conrt,
that the license must be granted,
overruling both courts. This practi
cally, as far as the power oi courts
goes to grant licenses, repeals the
Brooks license law, A dissenting
opinion was filed by Judge Mestriztr,
which while it is not law seems bet
ter common genre.
Why She Stayed At The
Being upbraided by her mother
for being the lowest in her class, lit
tie Mabel exclaimed in tones of in
jured innocense: "It sin't my fault.
The girl who has always been .foot
left school." The Delineator for De
Stewed Oysters.
Not oyster stew, if yon please! It
waa never called that in . the old
times, -and 1 don't believe It haa 'that
name applied to it at the South, even
now. n I..:... ... -,. .- ;
Add a half-pint ol hot water to the
liquor drained from two quarts of
oysters. Put a little salt and pepper
with it, set over the tire and let it
boil up once. Turn in the oysters
and let them cook for not more than
five minutes, or nutil the gills btgiu
to crimp. Watch carefully lor this
stage; as every second beyond It
means injury to the flavor of theoys
ster. Add two tahlespoonfuls of but
ter and a large cupful of boiling
milk. Take from the fire immedi
ately and serve as soon as possible.
Never let them stand at the back of
the stove and keep warm aniens you
prefer them tough and tasteless
The Delineator for December.
Teachers Visiting Schools.
Among the resolutions passed at
the last teachers institute for this
county was oce that directors be
petitioned to. allow teachers a day
and pay them to visit other schools.
SupL Scbaeffer has advised that tie
finds no authority in law for the pay
ment of a day to teachers who go
visiting schools during; institute
week anil if objected to directors
would be personally responsible for
the amount thus paid. Heretofore
it has been held that visiting schools
,9 Ju,v!eI" ? attending the lost I
j,ale - 00 " m,y 66 ' quertmn
9uc.iicT uihvmjid co u i li tawiuiiy pay
teaoher lor visiting schools at any
time. There seems to be no law u
thorlsing such payment.
The Family Physician.
In an address delivered by Dr.
Ssmuel Q. Dixon before the second
conference of County Medical inspect
ors beld recently in Philadelphia he
took occasion to point out that in
the literature of a oentury age three
flgnres stood out prominently from
the general back ground in all efforts
to depict American life. They wrjre'gjg
the minister, the Judge and the doc
tor, and tbey stood on an eminent
pedestal of respentibtlity and influ
ence. He thinks the two lormer
nay In a measure retain the reveren
tial respect of the community and
yet have a large control in shaping
publio. opinion and ib the dissemina
tion of knowledge tint he holds that
the physician should he a larger
factor In spreading av knowledge of
familiar subject than either of the
others. We are not disposed to con
tradict the gonial doctors suggettion
as to what influence the minister,
judge and doctor may have had in
the past, Dr. Holmes designated the
class aa the Brahinih Caste, but Dr.
Dixcn intimates the Caste has been
broken, especially in the case of
doctors, and many will agree that it
has been badly fractured in the case
of the others. Dr. Dixon paints twj
pictures of a doctors rounds. In one
the medical man travels in an auto,
he rapidly diagnoses, as quickly
prescribes and is off to hia next
patient. He makes no effort to
impress his personality on the family
he makes s purely scientific call, and
while bis medicine may be efficaci
ous in arresting the disease the
moral or social impress of his visit
a tit! FT O than alrutnlina onnl It as
method and the one which meets his!
approval. The doctor calls, attends". " " "J "" ' u l"r
to the needs of his patient, then pro- Vofe thoroBtjlily understood the
caeds in an Informal way to form an j 20estton " ".uld h e e""e thr"a
acquaintance of the family.
views the surroundings and notes
whether conditions are nnsanitiry,
glances at the the children, if any, to
discover if they exhibit symptoms of
inherent disease or weakness. He
says a word as to questions of person
al hygiene. He familiarises himself
with the habitations of his patients,
their modes of life, ventilation of
their rooms, drainage, the water
they drink, the food they eat and the
clothes tbey wear. This Is the high
ideal of the old time family doctor to
which the physician should attempt
to attain, and become a guide and
counsellor to heads ot families, tlie
beloved advisor to the younger mem
bers of the household and so success
fully fill bis plaoe as the protector of
the health of his Community.
Scalded Boy's Sh risks
horrified his grandmother, Mrs.
Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Kt., who
writes that, when although he
would die, Bobklen's Arnica Salve
wholly cured biin. Infallible for
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds,
Bruise Cures Fever-Sores Boils,
Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped
Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25c at
All Druggists.
Preaching Is A Lost Art
Critic Lays Decline of Churches to
ina Fact that Faatora Do Dot
Heat the Baal Issue
, of Life.
The ' narrow-minded, out-of-date
preacher Is the real and direct and
Immediate cause, of nore "freetbink
ing," skepticism agnosticism than
any other factor In today's life,
writes a correspondent in The De
ijneator for December. Preaching
seems to have become a lost art.
Droning has taken its place. I sup
pose I've been to church thirty times
ia the pant year, and the only sermon
I've had the patience to hear out
from beginning to end was a "Talk''
given by Miss Jane Addams on settle
ment work. That was realized
Christianity, not idealized slnsb.
Now I am not more critical than
the fellow beings with w hom I assco
ciate, nine tenths of whom would
probably bear witness to this truth
that the reason why church-going is
dying out Is because the ministers
do not make the right effort lo hold
and Interest their congregations. .
We want the vital, living, every
day truth from the pulpit We want
to know how to meet the tempta
tions that faoe as during the week.
We want to know how to live;
NOW: and bow to die when our
time comes. We want preachers
who will help us work out our own
salvation, and not wooden Images
who have had no experience of life
and who are satisfied to shout out
a few galvanized commonplaces at
our heads every Sunday and ait
down aatisfled in their'sludies all the
rest a f the week. Imagining they
J Ln e done tlit-ir duty by ua.
- Every lover of venison in this
town hied himself on Wednesday
morning to some selected place in
the mountain, and picking out a
good silting place patiently awaited
the coming of a deer that naver
One party headed by the Vf t
eran deer hunter Manlev Lord Cap
tured a deer, shot by Lord. Othi r
deer were shot no doubt but the sex
of the animal will remain a w-rrrt.
Tho splendid nmMcale given by
Kohler, a new talented teacbir of
music, at her home iu Dingmans on
Saturday evening to pnrr-nts and pu
pils was a most enjoyable affair.
Among those present from Lay ton
were the MIhhcs AlcKeeby aud Mr.
and Mrs Dr, Jones.
James T. Browne, of Wulack,
died on Saturday night nt the resi
dunce of las son. Mr. Browne has
been in ill heal 111 for many years.
Senator Price was re-elected by
the largest majority he ever re
ceived. Had the Local Option man
agers known their business thev
iwonld have shaved tlm Scnatir-
vot", but they blun lere.1 from start lo
The Annual turhey supper of the
Dorcas Society will be held in the
parlors of the H.iinesville church on
the evening of Nov ?4 and u.l are
cordially invited.
Mrs. Alice iHjprcp, nfSummit, N
J., visited the Grange at Lj ton on
Saturday ev'euing.
The change from Freeholders to S i
" ""'
1 " . u
over Asaeinoiy ami oenamr oversiiaii
owed all other questions.
Miss Laura Voghtman, of Pater-sou
began her school at Hrooksido last
Monday morning.
Just think of putting five buck-diot
through the heart of a deer at 30 yds.
That must be a wonderful gun, or j x,e l'!lU8ed with. Reducing fidget
deer hearts must be like the head of , 'nB!", o Iint8 and teachers contriL
a barrel.
A committee of 3 Freeholders np
pointed to open the bids fir the build
lug of a bridge near D-ckertown,
rejected the bid of O. J. Little of 79i
and awarded the contract to oilier
parties for fl,150. Mr. Little pro
tested In the "Press" and as the
"other parties" refused to sign the
contract Mr. Little got it. This pe
culiar sub ia causing much unfavor
able comment.
Our roads are in splendid shape,
but If the loose stones wi re removed
it would furthur improve thiin.
' The iron bridges in this town have
received a coat of paint and now pre
sent a creditable apiearance.
Roy Depree, of Summit, N. J.
passed Saturday and Sunday with
his parents at Lay ton.
The marriage of Miss Rill. Brink
of Tuttles Corner to fvlward Beach
of Newton, took place at the resi
dence of the bride on Wednesday last
Rev. J. H. Fraser officiating.
Bevan brothers are putting the
buildings on the Clark farm iu good
order. Will Custard End assistant
are doing the work. . . j
Germs Will Have Trouble.
There is trouble in store for the
Carnegie is aftsr pellagra, Mrs.
Sage will make tho lives of tubcrcu- i
lusis bacilli a burden and Rockefeller
will try to exterminate the hook
worm. Southern papers are radius
because of the Rockefeller donation
and think it a slur on their people.
If the disease is us damaging as rep
resented they should be tliarkfirl
that some one is willing to don ite
his surplus millions to aiil tln.s net
able to help themselves. It would be
in good taste for tt,s oppobiug the
gift either to put up the nium-y them
selves or shut up.
Kills HorFoOf20 Years.
"The must merciless enemy I had
for 20 years,'' declares Mrs. James
Duocan, ol Hayuesvill, Me., "was
Dyspepsia. I suffered intensely
alter eating or drinking and could
scarcely sleep. Alter nniiy
dies bad failed and several doctors
gave me np. I tried Electric Bitters,
which cured me completely. Nqw
I can eat anything. I am 70 yea.-s-old
and am overj ijeii to get my
health 'and strength back auin."
For Iudegeotiou, L's of Appetite,
Kidney trouble, Lame Back, Fe
male Complaint, Us uiwutulcd.
Only 60c at A!l DrcSU.
Du bist tncin rchone licber schotts
Mit de golden eyes nnd hair,
Dere lsli no one on all de eart
Vot te-e so sveel and fair.
. Du bist de bulse of mein own hart
Dot tnmi ha rd day and nig'jt,
Vnd ven I schler-pa on mein mattraas
I dreams of you j dat's right.
Your schmile ish like tie fat angels
In de pictures wot 1 see,
Vnd your voice ish like de lcetle bird
Vot sings up in de tree.
Your lauh lh like veil I don't know.
But it much bleaes me
Und every ting yon say i-h so
Und never wrong you be.
Oeh mein darling I luv you
fo much I cannot tell.
If yon be mein frow, Grctchen,
..I vill treat you veil.
You will silks and diamonds vear
Und I'll never mit you part.
You'll have all de money what I makes
TJud btst of all, you'll have mein heart.
Cecilia A. Cct.l.
Getting Fidgety
An article in an educational jour
nr.l deplores the fidgety habit in peo
ple and Bays when a boy discovers
how easily he can make his mother
fidgety he is ruined unless he bus a
father or teacher whom be cannot
make fidgety. A boy who can stay
iiome from scho 1 any time Jie choos
es by complaining of earache or
; trumping up a couab is ticketed for
no end of trouble in life. .Sunday
j -.( 'kuess is only a sympfon of the
that afflicts many pev p!e. A
iarge ,,, ot lne n0 8cllou) ignar
! ""fense is a publio tribute to the
augeiy narent ihn u iilnrwl nn hv
children who would cntch their
death of cold by being on the streets
five minutes, on the way to school
but who can safely play in snow or
rain by the hour.
A fidgety parent may be hard to
eliminate, but a fidgety teaoher can
utes largely to the physical, mental
iiml moral hoalth of children.
Forced Into Exile.
Win. Vpchurch of Ulen Oak, Okla,
was p,n exile from home. Mountain
nir, he thought, would cure a fright
ful hmg-racking cough that had
defied all remedies for two years
After six months he returned, death
dogging bis t"ps. "Then I began
to use Dr. King's New Discovery,"
lie writes, "ami after taking six bot
tles I am as well as ever." It save.
Ihousands yearly from desperate
lung disens.s. Infallible for Coughs
and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and
Sore throat. Cures Grip, Bronchi! i:
Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croop,
Whooping Cough. DOo and II till,
trial bottle free, guaranteed by All
The New Cure .
We hear much to-day about con
serving the natural resources of the
country, the woods, the waters Dd j
me on. we. want to save tnem . not prepared to vote with Intelli
frorn waste and final loss. We are gence for men and measures. Thla '
beginning to htar something of the j
conservation, and saving of the
human ruo frim disease ntid crime.
Tha old method was to cute ll.e sick
ami punish the i 'flVud-r. Tiday we
dreat of living w ithout sieUneis and
of aboli.-Lirii Jails hy kcrpiug men
lro:a wronjr doing by syii g (him
from alii and crime. TLv.s w e c me
to -the j.jvenile court and putting
young ctfendirs on i r b.itii n.
'Strength of Concrete
Mexto i-.Hi abiiliT'if futh iu ft n
crete . Iu Hie l:ij S.or Ju in JUvu.e
wUichi psss. through the buirt of
tfce citv of Unu'lal' j ira tin ti ha
wen t-U iit u leiQfo.-. ird c n.?'rit3 c u
du'it.' It, is over ia in i Ui ich r.
is reinforced with ir i h .ps, iltanic
.17,Cj0 acres and useu 14,114) euUo
yards of toncreio auii ii)e,C0op uiuis
of steel, The concrete is mixed out
part cement to six of saud and
crushed rock. Wheu a we.-k Wd it
stood a rolling loud of 01 .v lieu tons
without cracking. Tiiis might be a
lesson to those who wish to put in
drains or diverts in tonus or town
shijis. The cement w. uld be cheaper
.i... ,,i ... . . , -
UDless they were cinb rjdtd in oem
eut. Port Jervis coal dealers this Week
without any notice . to pit runs
squeezed up the price of Coal 23 cenls
a ton. List spring when coal was
down it required too much expense
iu b:okkeeoinir fur them luloiilro a
i reduction.
Real Estate Transfers
Jennio Strutbers to Richard E.
Humbert and wife, land In Milford
Borough 1 100.
Elizabeth Smith to Jargen T. Ot
sen and wife, 4 acres Laokawaxea
Josephine Essig to Samuel Venule
Jr., 32 acres Blooming Grove $21$.
Jeannie Suhoonmaker to Florence)
Hildcnbrand, 400 acres Dicgmas
Mordacai Roberts 1500.
Ferdinand Thorns to John Arm
bruster aud wife, 100 acres Blooming
Wilhilm Bihl to Lena Scbnlts,
acres Lacka waxen toVjO. .
Seigfried Lowenthal to Henry Bar
nett, lots in Hyde Park Porter.
Henry Barnett to Ray K. Fox, lot
in Hyde Park Porter.
Frank Loske to Peter W. Kohler
and wife, 2 acres Laokawaxea 1160.
Patronize The R. D.
It may not be generally known
that the government expects B. D.
routes to pay their own cost. In or
der to make them do so the publio
patronize their conveniences. Those
living along the routes should bay all
their stamps of the carrier and also '
send all their mall matter by hiin.
1'kere is no excuse for taking mail to
an office exoept in urgent cases On-.
!y a dollar a day gain along a ronte
ould make considerable difference '
in a year and might be the means of
making it permanent. The number '
I of payers taken is also nrrfo.1
peciahV dailies or semi-weeklies.
These can be obtained at low rates
hy clubbing with a country paper
and the general news they contain
supplements the local information
every well versed person should
have. In theee days it is av mark i t
of ignorance not to be well ioforrrusl
on National, State and County at! mi.
aud the man who is not doe not
make a satisfactory citizen, and U
is the day when the voter Is becom-
Hng more independent, more oouaerr.
1 aiive, that is less of a hide bound
Partisan and the more this sentiment '
j is d:ffus-d the better will be the gov- ;
I ernmei.t bo locally and in the nation.'
I s-'jientl the long winter evenings in
jsioring your minds wi'h useful infuf
j rnntion, csierny along the lines of
y ur f'aily business. Know what ia
g dug on around you, keep abreast of
tlie latest developments in the avoca
tion you follow for if you do not that
fellow who does has the advantage -und
will use it and you will see him
pror.-si while you don't and sit
ar- tinil aud talk about your blamed .
iuoxl lurk. It ia the man w bo knows -ilu
outclasses the oue who don't
and ho is the man who sucoMda.
Mule a note of this snd prove that
i' is wrung.
Young Girls An Victim,
of Headache, as well as older women,
but all get quick relief and prompt
cure Iroiu Dr- King's New Life
Pills, the world's best remedy foe
sick aud nervous headaches. Tb"y
mane pure blood, and strong nerves
and build up your health. Try
them. 2oc at all Druggists.
8 I.KSiIEN to represent ua t
the rale ot cur High Grade Goods.
Don't delay, apply at once. Steady
employment ; liberal terms. Exper.
ieuce not necessary.