Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 22, 1909, Image 1

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' IX X -X
XO 51
In New Jersey doer cannot be shot
only on Wednesdays In November.
One man may shoot only one deer
and oee only shot guns with buck
shot. ' c .
Streams are very low s,nd a Rood
authority says It frill take- morethan
the usual fall rains to fill them.
Springs are dried up and as the
water in them usually If. supplied
from a long distance rain does not
always rcplonish them.
There was a fine Auroral display
IjiHt Monday evening About ten
o'clock it seemed as. if millions of
eleotnc candle power had been
turned loose. .
The apple crop In this .section U
mall bat in the western states it
will bd doable that ol last ytar. The
Increase in the country over lust
year is ostlmtrted at twelvemillioo
barrel , . ;
During the Hudson-Fulton parade
' thevateamshtp Seneca, without ap
' jur'fht reason turned in her course
and rammed theferryto it IJopatcong
of the Lackawanna ojrupunj whjoti
wae loaded with excursionists. . A
Miss Stevens of EiSt Orarfge Wat.
killed, her bod 5 belnij aotunlly split
)pen, and , her slater was badfy 1 14
Jured. The Lackawanna company
, baa J rough t salt for damages.
' Djuglas Curry of Mntninoruo, a
trammatt 00 tjie Erie,"was so badly
injured at the Pikestieot crossing
that he..dted. soon after. Stepping
fr m a caboose he struok a pile ol
di'i larTd wssJ thrown under the
WfTeeis oTthe oar which passed over
his abdomen. His age. was twenty
one years. :- ' '-
N. G. Palmer and wife will soon
close their Ann street home 'or the
winter, . They hope to return here
abou May. 1. 1910. v
' '" The Womens Society of the Pros
tfytorlau. eburoh met yesterday at
the home of Miss Huldah Bull
" "The V. L Association held its an
nual fall meeting yesterday at the
(rpme 9! Is . President Mrs N "G
'Valmfer. ' " "
j Mrs.. Mary D, Biddis and her slater
. 8osaii.'-l)eoker and' her daughter
Eatty,. who have passed the summer
:fTe,:Wft'toif.lheir,bome in Washing
. tyo yesterday.
-,Thtf foot.Drldge to the glen near
Tp burned mill was quite badly
damaged by the. fire yesterday mWn
Ing and repairs should be made. It
would be wall to close it to the pub'
llo nntll it can be examined.
5 Mrs. Emily B..Ttirill of Seymonr,
' Ct., Is a guest with friends here.
-"Mrs. J. C Prtoe and Mrs. A. N.
Roe. both of Branohville, N. J., Vis
ited here rxvntly..
v Hon. A. B Dunemore of . Tioga
County hass been appointed TJ.-S.
Assistant DM. Atty. In place of
.ou. AT.Searle. "
'. The packer! fn convention In Chi
cago decided that meat must. he
higher. Because of the high prioe
ol feeding stuffs It costs more to pro
due stock, whlchrtco'is soafrer, and
tby say It is simply a question of
supply and demand.
Druggist Her but spent the Brat
part of the week in Honesdale, Pa.
fte German" American Are losnr
nee o mpany" this week through its
geuts -WY8. -Ryman adjusted and
IraAr.thor flj jluCaty (570 Insur
ance on '"'bis barri recently hurried
This Is very prompt action and oretl
liable to the company.
NtJrtliJ liig and railirig'bas been
put 01. the. "bridge at Diiigmans
which makes travel acrom it niaeh
aafer.'t.'.v'" - V
Mo.Willimi Mjnk of Lehmm is
very tU with pneumonia. - '"
the road near Bti.'hkill U closed to
the putilio while the Macadeui work
Is being done. -,
Buckwheat thrashing and potato
digging keep the farmers hu.-.l lug
these days. ......
Honesdale and vicinity Is stHicted
with typhoid fever: '
State Treasurer Sheet is asking
County treasurers why there are no
fines for violations of the Sunday
law returned, lie fays only a few
Counties make such returns and he
dies not believe that all Sabbath
breaking is confined hi them.
John a eon of Andrew Snyder
.while working on a raw mill at Ding
mans Ferry slipped ami fell on an ax
anil bully eut-uis hand. '
Mrs Frank Warner of Port Jervi
who came down to care for her moth
er Mrs, seberbie, was taken sick and a
Child, which only lived - few hoars
a bom to her Tu.Uiyp
Mrs. Davis of Milwaukee, Wis., Js
fgtien with Mrs. II. B. Kldred.
Professor Surtaoe suggests that to
rid land of weeds it should be plant
ed for a couple of years with some
crop which can be hntd or cultivated
and that Weeds should not be allowed
to go to seed. An esjieclRlly bad
weed is the Horse Nettle, which fs
closely related to the potato. It
sharp spinas keep cattle or sheep
T10111 eating it and thus it usurps the
ground around It grows very dense
and .excludes other vegetation. In
Maryland entire farms have been
lbandoned because of it.
Those desiring the position of cen
sus eiiuineratorsrshnuld address their
applications directly to the supervis
or of the oensus for the district in
which they live. Thy will ul'tl
mately be subjected M S tCsl examl
uation'whioH will likely beheld In
Feoruary 1910.
..The 2iay statuu .h'twen plaoed
in one of the niches In the rotunda
of the- new tpituI-t(t;Ault(or
General Yuung declines to pay the
cost of erecting rrntUall triembersScf
the commission qu ijify - .
" It is said that eventually the stilt tie
iiHiy he tn ken down' and .the niche
filled with battle flug'sr'' It bost the
state I 7,000 and is affiue jSeoe'pf
wora oeing carvea out of Jtaliao
marble. . ... - . -. . ii
Bernard Brennan, who, for ,tb,e
past year has lived wit H liis'fam'il
here, has gone to Boston to aooept a
position. .' ;"'' ' : '. ' '' '.t
Port Jervls is having eeridux.dJfft-
culty with her water supply; atid the
State Itepartment will take n hand
in an; vffort-to correct the Trouble.
Fortunately we have no such causes
for -uomplnint here, our water la as
near perfection as may be. " ,
The, State campaign is watmtjig up
and" considerable work is teiog 4onC
on both sides. The constitutional
Adiendmenta re beiaggdiscussed
hud while there' seems Uttle united
opposition to them in general thesev
enth which provides for appointment!
of election boards is being opposed'
by many pspers. '
George, L. Nyce and 8. -G. Pres
of Bushklir were In town last MVft
day .t . .,:"-i
Iris coSfldently stated that Jf-tJj't"
Public Service Commissioner grants
franchise to tlie applicants forXa
new trolley Charter in Port Jeni.the.
road ;will be extended ' here, the
same excellent authority states illal
responsible parties stand ready; tc
take bonds" to the" amount of half a
million dollars to finance the several
projdeta ' contenrjdated. Ainaiig
them building a water works for itijjt
a moras. if-i
In recent number of the Chfu(-
ian Advocate Judge Staples hasfu
article pointing out the steps takep
by this atate in the treatment of her
criminal insane, and especially thv
f ... 1 1 1 1 , i.A in v. 1 . 1 iE
iBMiiim bud mil u.VD WUCI1 llie Dew
building at Farvlew, Wayne county
is completed. But seven states bav
suoh Institutions and Pennsylvania
occupies first rank in this line of.
charity. The article is a concise el
sume of the situation as to tbia and
several other hospitals In the stale. -
Mrs. Mary Dohobuo died at Par,
kers Hlee. IjftMooiUyMrfgell atxMitO
year: .' ' . ?
Miss Clara Wi)Jtais of ltitiin lfe;
In.tdwtir: S- . "i-J.' . .VT-1
Principal Wildriok lali tc-duy. for
a brief visit at his home in Moosic.
Pa- ;- .-t'i -
George P . Wcightirmn of Brooklyn
visited his daughter Mrs. Jas P. an
&teiithh-v.etk..iV'.':' 5 is? '
Hon. Giff ird Piiichot and Jamas
tt. tJavfltUlj who haVe beed spending
several days at. Grey Towers,, left
Tuesday. Mr. Pinchotg.ies to 'Sew
Orleans where he wlU niect Prel:
dent Taft and m .ke an ah'reaa.
Hon W. A. Erriman of Strouds
burg, All red Marvin E-q . Mat
moras and John A. KippKsq of New
York attended court here this week.
The Court told John Parkos, who
was In jail for breaking a window in
Herbs' 'a drog store', to lea ve the
county and said if be canie.pp again
it would go hard ii)ihim. Philip
Sheneberry who wag in jail for steal
log chickens was strongly adnion-
l-hed to restrain bis passion tor'sucb
delicauieji and Jead ea,upnalit life
for, if he got before the court agaiu
ha .Jwouht ba given at tuliinally
larje dose of Justice.
rrtifesjjfitjnrfaoe aovlsea where
trees are badly damaged or partly
killed, by San Jose scale to out them
bm-k.- etir way Hl!"QieTlead wood
, uhd kt nav shoots grower-
I Aeslstand Cashier Dudley C. Ry-
nian ana wire are passing a coupis of
weeks at Atlantio City.
The First National Bank of Strouds
burg has commenced paying quarter
ly dividends at the rate or 12. per
cent year.
F. P Sawyer Is making extensive
improvmenta to the Wells house at
the foot of Broad St. The interior
is being renovated and a fine rustic
stone fence built along the front. " ;
Now that the Wells mill Is burned
t might nit pay to rebuild on the
former site, but by using the present
law and laying a trunk to the lower
part of the glen sufficient power
might be created to tperate an elec
trie light plant for the town. Tlie
owners inib'ht give the matter cor)
slderutiou. . - 1
We have waited agea for outsiders
to come in here -and take oar money
f .r Improvments, why not male
them and keep the money here. j
Furnished rooms to rent. Enquire
O Mrs. Etta Poillon, Corner Broad,
and Ann Streets, Milford, Pa. : '
Census Director -Durand will
follow the plan pursued
in 1000.. '
Washington, D. C, October'I9,
1909 U. 8. Census Director E.
Dana Durand stated to-dny that the
primary responsibility for securing
ffIc,hMit, enumerators must rest tvlth
the supervisors of the census.
;'Jt; has. been suggested from time
to time," said the director, "that
moire efficient enumerators mlf,ht be
secured by competitive examination
open- to everybody. There la no
donbt that if the expense and time
required wore not prohibitive, it
would be advantageous to-hold such
n examination, although it would
le necesstry, Instead of Kierely ae.
leatlng thoee whose ranking io the
Kzsm'iria'tion -was the highest, to refer
fl I candidate who passed -to the
'iaperv'fMor, and allow him to select
thusg whose personal' characteristics,
suohi, fa cannot be tested by any
written examination, were most suit
able.". The difficulty wfth ,noh an
4enjDjnjloation U (he expense and
rfelsy.iiivdrveoV "It Is probable that
for the' 65?H)0 places there would be
sdverrtj- bnndiyd thousand ' candi-
iiRie,, anq. tne: grading or their
yprs.woqld' require a Jarge force
f(ft'a'ibna time. At some fntnre
ocnfcs this plan njiglit be worth a
trial; bnt'it can scarcely be. attempt.
ed at tjre present Ijensua,' within the
limitsVf time and appropriations set
by law, ,
' "The Census Bureau does, of course
undertake to protect Itself, he con
tinned, "against such obviously
Incompetent enumerators as the super
visors; through political Influence or
through dversight,- may happen to
choose. At tle last census the enum
erators recommended by the super-
fVisom were all sutrKcted .to a-, test
lamination,- andf the
e'.Bifme policy 1
a tim f iwi !
lll b nnrtHied-llil
otMtixth)spr 0,000", pf tbe candidates
selecit y-ihf supervisors were 're
jected s a result of this test in 1900,
It may. be wise to make the teat at
the fa-csent census a trifle more severe
than at the twelfth census-. At best,
however, such an examination can
do no. more than eliminate those who
Lcannot write plainly and who are
ctearly lacking In au understanding
at their duties. It can do little to
assure the selection of men of indue,
try, tact, or honesty. The judgraeqt
jfficieneyj and integrity of the super
visors mast be the puine relipnoe for
. . ciiuinwnmr wjis. possess
fhesjB. fundamental qualifications. --:'
J'l bops and believe that the super.
vistirs al f lie present census are on
Att iole i hig'lier typeor.iHen than,
t.hos'a llje preceding census. The'
coirijs-nsatinn offered to soiiervisors
ia omewhat- more than ever beforr,
but It Is out really an Adequate re
tiiuneration for. men of .the character
ettdijd, I. believe that a very oon
sidurabla propotllori of- lhe supervisors-
wHia htir'e been appointed are.
luen-wlio in their regular occupations
or pt.vle.'siiw areable to earn nucli
more,thiyi JUeaupw'viiior's pay, and
who 'have accepted the pcsHipna" be
causef (he hpiitr.auj rutyonsibiljty
involvyl',oiJrQm .patiiolic motives.
There has, however, been no new d
partura. with rccpeot to. the general
method of selecting supervisors, save
yuiy that in large olios, or most 'of
them,..Beli0iton4'hava Urgely beeol
ina.ie Imlnprfudently of political reeo -
ulinendiitlouB. -
"It may not be in ipprnpriale here
lO explain the reason why to called
pollcitical recommeodationa must be
sought in the appointment ot super
visors In most of the districts. Th
supervisor, in order to do his work
properly must be a resident of lh
district over which he has charge
The position Is not one which can be
filled by divil service examination
A supervisor should be a nan o
executive ability, suoh as no cxamin
anon can test, ana ne should be a
man well known In his community
Indeed, men of the type di sired
would not in most instances be wilh
ing to submit themselves to a oivil
service examination. Neither the
Director of the Census, his superior
officer, the Secretary ,of Commerce
and Labor, nor ihe President,, can
postlbly have personal acquaintance
throughout the country with - men
suitaoie to nil these pitlons, nor
even with men, outside of political
positions, whose advice they can
aeek.-- The representative of the dfs
trict in Congress or the pa'ty leaders
In the district have the necessary
knowledge of local conditions and lo
cal men, and It Is not only natural
but practically neoessirry as a matter
of good administration that'thev
should be asked to make recommen
dations for positions of this character.
"Fortunately, members of Con
gress and party leaders are coming
more and more to appreciate tho im
portance of aocurate census statistic.
The-spoils idea of appointments is
growing . constantly less dominant
The Director of the Census has done
everything possible to impress upon
throe whose opinions were asked re
garding the Bupervisorsblps, the im
portance of the. necessity of having
men of marked executive ability and
of absolute Integrity 1 The informa
tion furnished by members of Con
gress and party leaders regarding
the candidates whom they have rec
ommended has been supplemented
by. lull-personal statements reaairad
womeacb candMafe, ltvand Inmost
cases by numerous letters jf Indnrse-
ment-Jrom busmen and professional
men. . .. "5
"In-tho large citses the admlnis-
bratlorilg' evidently 4lesa dependent
thao ln the country district? -upon
rombara 'of Qmgress and party leaoV
ecs for information regatdihg a vail a-
blu.maieriul for such pusUibns ts that
of supervisor or the dik-us, and,, the
president ami the.: Sicretary of
Commerce and Labor, hive loineti
with tha DiAtor of the rCensus in
establishing jhe "ipolloy ' bf making
selections, -wl.;nevtr the Information
on wich to act was available, with
out depending on ths recommenda
tions ox political leaders' 1 - : .
Mpney fjoms Ia3unchas "
to A. A. "Chlsholm, ot Treadwell
N . York., now. .. Bta reason is weirf,
worth reading: "For long time
L suffered frijrn ndegC8tionr-torrnd
liver, cun8tiptiionr nervousness, rnd
gent-ral d&biiUy,;v'h' ' write.' '"1
couldn't, sleep, had no appetite, nor
ambltibn)'vgrew.l weaker ,very day
in spite or-all medical treatment.
Then used Electrio Bittera. Twelve
uulueB rl1,urBU mJ oia-inne
health and vigor. Now I can attend
to business every day. It's a won
derful medicine." Infallible for Stum
aoh, Liver, Kidneys, Blood and
nerves. 50a at All Druggists.
Advertising Copy.
Any Intelligent person may earn
a good income corresponding for
newspapers; experience unnecessary.
Send stamp for fall particulars.
En pi re Press Syndicate, Midd'e
po t, N. Y.
. Its A '.op Notch Doer. - '
Great deeds compel regard. The
world crowns its doers. That's wby
he American people have crowned
Dr. Kittg'a New Discovery the King
of Throat and Lung remedies. Ever-
atbm U a health force. It kills
germs, and. colds and la grippe van.
iah. It" heals oough-racked mem
branes and coughing stops. Sore,
inllamed bronchial tabes and longs
are cured and hemorrhages cease.
Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C.
writas'1 it cured ins of long trouble
pronounced hopeless by all doctors, '.'
W)c, fJ.OO.: Trial Dottle free. Guar,
an teed y All Praggisla. - "' -. .
",' Th Bed-Hock Of Succsaa
.lies in. a keen, dear brain, backed
by Indomitable will ' and resistless
fenergy. Such- power comes from
the splendid health that Dr. King's
New life- Pills impart They vita-
jlize every organ and buird up brain
- aod body. J A. Harmon, Lisjmore
W. Va; wrltea: "They re-the best
' pills I ever used."
25o at All Drag.
. .
There are few orchards In this
valley that will have some apples for
When sorting for packlug the esti
mated number of barrels is cut down
nearly one half as much of the fruit
is tnierfeot.
Writing is one of the branches
that cannot be taugbf too thorough
ly, and yet in one school only one
writing period has been given. Our
B. of E. should take notioe.
The question as to whether this
Cjunty will have three Commission
ers instead of the Board of Freehold
era will soine before the voters at
the coming election.' Voters should
think Mis question over, and lotus
try a change.'
A painter in painting one of onr
large Iroq bridges fonnd that -the
paint did not work properly. Tommy
who was standing by suggested ,to
Dars tha he should aandpspet the
iron work. The sandpaper was got.
bat ins few minutes the paper. was
thrown aside. Then how Tommy
langhed, - . - . .
County Engineer Konkla and js
ststants hare been' surveying the
road from TnttleS corner to Layton
for Macadam road and when that is
completed tbe"re will be continuous
good road from Layton to Branch-
Many of the farmers in this valley
are purobasing gasoline engines for
sawing wood, threshing etc
August Gran purchased one last
week and the machinist setting It op
drove his auto to Mr. Gran's home.
The severe frost on the morning of
the 13th Inst followed by another
more severe on the following morn
ing ripened everything in the. Vege
tation line.
The Brookslde school is again with
out a teacher aa Miss Mdwder, who
Lbega teaching, there, found it so
lonesome that she closed her school
on Friday and returned to her home
at Netoong; . x
Here is a char.oe for some one
wanting a school. ' -,; ..
The ta." came, law is one of the
best for protecting game I know of.
If Jersey would 6nOot ucb a law for
bidding all selling of game we wonld
IVs've more' game. Here all hunter
must take oat liconse to hunt ex-
dsptf 'on tljelr' own land the license
costing $1.15. - '-
y.,' C. Harsh has been appointed
Post Master at Layton, and will take
oharge as soon as his commission
arrtvea-eooYfetlfrje this weeB. ''
j ;: WANTED v
SuTOEtw Mao.izins .waqts an en
ergotio and responsibly, man or wom
an lo iltlfor4 to poljeot. for renewals
and solioit new, Subscriptions daring
fall or spare time; ' Experience an
nefcessary. ' Ary Sue oao start among
friends and acquaintances and build
up a paying and" permanent business
without capital.' Complete on f fit
and Ins traction free. ' Address
VON" Success Magazine, Room
103, Suooesa Magazine Building, New
York City, N. Y.
The. Capitol Grafters
The Supreme Court has granted
appeahTof ex Auditor General Sny
der and ex Superintendent J. M. Shu
maker who were con vloted bt graft
in the capital oases. This postpoiies
their sentence tihtil the appeals are
argued. ' Sanderson and Mathnee
who were ooqvioted of Conspiracy
and sentenced to two years have
died. It is now three years ainde
the great steal was uncovered and
no oulprit baa yet seen the inside of
the penitentiary. People in the
state may well wonder if it ia possi
ble to finally punish such wealthy
thieves or whether enough money
and political Influence will In the
end keep them oat of juti. The atate
ts disgraced and well may all deoent
citiaens hang their heads with shame
hen the law can be 1 p effectually
invoked to keep those who robbed
them ontaide prison bars. "Not to
cast any reflection on the court, be
cause many will consider tbat by the
decision it has cast sufficient rtfleo
t'lon on-itself, the court khould plaoe
the cases at the head of the argu
ment list and dispose ot them as
speedily aa possible.
Real Estate Transfers
Joseph Holiday to Marie L. Stilger,
lot on Big Pond Palmyra $1600.
James Milham to same, half lot
on Big Pond $50. ;
1 A. J. Quick to J. O. Ryder, lot In
Iwatamoraj 11,775,
If ever to Kerry you go
Don't forget the "Gap of Dnnloe"
'Tis a picturesque mountain pass
And wh;n there look for the lass
', With the pretty bare feet
, For her yon will meet
With musical voice so sweet .
Crying "Mountain Dew." . ,
. And sip of the "Dew"; you'll not find
Any other of better kind.
And drink to the luck of Ihe lass
The beautiful maid of the paai
With her pretty bare feet '
For her yon will meet '
With musical Toice bo sweet
" . Crylng'Moontaln Dew'',-
Tbat kind mountain maiden so poor ' - - -Is
trying to keep from the door'""
- -The Wolf that m Winter peeps in
f- And glares at the household. within.
r . Her yon will meet
. With the pretty bare feet -
.'' And musical.voioe so sweet "
Crying "Mountain Dew". :
CscrLiA A. Cdllkw.
Mrs. dkBf.rhuc akd
.Mas. W. F. Wabskr
Mrs. Agelia ' deBerhle and her
daughter Mrs. William F. Warner,
who bad come down from Port Jer
vls to attend her lirher illresa, both
died early yesterday morning an
hoar or so apart.
The mother ' was stricken with
pneumonia and the daughter owing
to her delicate condition and the
inxiety and care Imposed was pre
maturely confined last Monday,
which with pneumonia whloh devel.
oped ended her yonng life.
The mother, whose maiden name
was Jacobs, was born In Franoe about
seventy years ago and married the
late Goatav deBerhle and for many
years has resided here. The daugh
ter Adele who married W. F. War.
ner was born In Milford a boot thirty
two years ago and lived here nntll
her marriage. Her husband sur
vives bar, also two brothers Gustav
and Liuis.
The funerals will take place to
morrow and interment in Milford
William Osmer died at the home
of his granddaughter Mrs. Otto K.
Brink alter an Illness of a few days.
Deceased was born near Hartford,
Conn, and moved from there to Pike
County. Mr. Osmer lived to the
ripe 'old age of 89 years, 6 months
and' 13 days when be was oalled to
his lpog rest.
He leavea to monrn their loss four
daughters, Mrs. Drake and Mrs. S.
Crone of HaWtey, Mrs. 8. Beeves of
Graentown and Mrs. Eleanor Lndley
of Bushkltl, also 28 grandohlldren.
Sympathy Is extended to bereaved
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Brink wish to
thank the people who kindly aided
them in their affliction.
The funeral was held from the
house Friday, Sept 15, Rev. Webster
hofflciating. Interment in Greentown
Jacob F. Wackkr
After an Illness of several weeks
Mr. Waoker, who was well known
here where he has for many years
lived, lied last Monday evening.
He was born near; Suttgart In Ger
many August 22, 1849 and came to
this ooootry in 1868. He married in
1878 Maria Selina who died io 1891.
He is survived by daughters Lena in
Ponghkeepsie, Rosetta in 8c ronton,
Lily and Luoy here and Frank of
Poughkeepaie. The funeral was held
yesterday, conduoted by Rev Gustav
Gorisse and interment in. Milford
Jkmhb Rkseb
Jesse Keeer, a son of Reuben
Reser, died last Monday niorrjtng of
consumption aged about twenty-five
years. Besides his parents be la sur
vived, by. his wife and a young son,
and one brother Arthur. The funer
al was held yesterday ana interment
in Montague Cemetery.
SALESMEN to represent ns in
the sale of cur High Grade Goods.
Don't delay, apply at onoe. Steady
employment ; liberal terma. Exper
ience not necessary.
- - - Rochester, K. Y.
The regular term was held Monday
before President Judge Staples and
his Associates Englebart and Quick.
' Constables made returns and
found roads eto in fair condition.
Account in estate of John B.
Barnes confirmed and widows' ap
praisements in estates of John Degen
jrand W. A. Bradley.
Auditors reports In estates ' of
Robert Anderson, John Newman
and P. A. L. Quick 'Confirmed ul si.
Masters report Garrison ts Garris
on. Evidence filed and divorce de
oreed. Inquest and bill of Otto Zoellner -on
body of M. Mangello approved.
Proceedings in road in Lacks wax
en from Erie near - new bridge dis'
Bridge in Lehman rear honse of
William Cortrlght confirmed abso
lutely. ' .
Estate Bradner Wood deo'd parti- "
tion. Court on petition orders pro
ceedings discontinued.
Estate Amanda W Cortrlght deed.
Rule on heirs to accept or refuse at
valuation. . .:....' .
Estate Charles, H. Robertson deed,
petition of Helen Smith for Guard
ian. Court appoints A. T, Porte
bond (3800.
Petition of J. H. Smith minor
child of Howell W. Smith for guard
ian. A. T. Porter appointed bond
76. .
.3. a. Gould va Mary E. Gould.
Divorce. J. H. Van Etten appoiuted
Eugene Masker va Margaret Mas.
ker. Divorce. . B. F. Klllam ap
pointed Master.
John. W. MoKean ts Christine
B. MoKean. Divoroo. J. A. Kli p
appointed Master.
Commonwealth ts Philip Shene
berry discharged. County for oosta.
Commonwealth vs John Parkos
discharged. 300 recognisance for
good behavior.
A. L. Cuddebaok vs Isaac fx-kert,
Return of Sheriff to sate ot real e. .
tats and deed acknowledged. ,
Commotw -alth vs Milo Weeks.
Reoognizanoe forfeited and respited.,
Court adjourns to Not 4th 13 M.
Excelsior Mill Burned.
Fire broke out eirly yesterday
morning in the planing and Excelaidr "
Mill, belonging to the Wells estate "
at the upper entrance to the Glen; 1
and the building with its machinery
and considerable 'amber - was- de-
stroyed. It is supposed, as the milt V
was not entfrelv Ani1raMt jh.i o..no '
one was in there and either by aoci
dent or purposely set it on fire. . The
firemen were promptly on the ground I.
but owing to the inflammable coiidi,
tions could do nothing " towarils .
saving it. The houses of Mrs: Biddis
near by and also the one occupied
by Mrs . Ben eto were considerably
blistered hv the hmt .-. -'
'ihe mill on the sama alts was
burned several years ago and "was ' '
smiiiiiiBi 1 v ri n wiuiB an na sswia
shape as Uie original. . . .
. . . ' 1 ' - .-.i'
'"I would have been a criple for
life, from a terrible out on Uiy knee
cap," writes Frank Disberry, KelU '
llier, Minn, "without Buck leu's Ar
nica Salve, which soon cured me.'
Infallible for wounds, cuts and bruis
es it soon cores Iiurnav Bcajds, Old
.-jorea, rioiis. eninf-ruptions. world's.
beat (or piles. S5o. at All Drujgl . .
.- -3