Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, September 03, 1909, Image 1

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    i,pra Off i , in
.1 iiiiSi
Hero ii la Hum tit our school to
epea end pur school rooms have not
(wn claoaeil. Tho local trustee w
to see tbpl bta wiiIotd. The Lay.
too Kbool on partly seaned when
the person doing lbs Job was seised
with an attack of vertigo and left It
la bad shape.
The stata in Aiture will par two
cast ao apre on all alala landa to the
township la which they lis fa
school poTpomm, provide Iba acboul
district levies a las of aot less then
four mills.
Tba Pitblto 8ervloe Commission of
N. T. wig have a hearing aavt Tues
day oa tha appttoation of tha In
aaaaa tijuteo-Klaoteio Oo, to oper--"
tnolWy 4ia-aadpply alaotrfe
light to trt Jsrvts. It la aaid tba
company controls a right of way
here bat so fur as. we can learn It ia
an air It via. It may be hoped pra
ni lesion to do business will ba graut
al them and wa will a whether tt
will ba work or axoasea.
Wa wonder what ia Wins done
abont boUdlng that trolley mnJ to
Mllford. It the.etlenoe prottotous
or ia it tba quiet before a atone in
whioh diet will fly. Wont soma ag
itate tba matter. As winter ap
proaabea we may, begin to hear pro
pheetee about the ateain road bat the
weather nan nsvjir been quite sold
enough yet to warrant lta promotors
to complete It. ..
Ilarrlmanl la a very alok man
Barriman ia in good apoite and lin-provlog-eneh
are Iba almost daily
report. Translated they may mean
let tha atook market aavarely alone
to tba stock gamblers.
A robber held wp a Pennsylvania
train near Lew It tun Tuesday morn
ing and forced tba express messenger
to deliver to bint several baga of
money, r Tha officials say ba only
kept oue containing 1 6ft. wank of
Lincoln cents.
C W. Boll, auditor to make dis
tribution of tba funds la hands of
administratrix of John Nenmandee.,
who waa found dead at bis home in
Blooming Grove, held a meeting this
weak. Tba question at las tie Is
whether bis widow who wss triad
7 (of his murder and '.convicted and
snbqseuantly pardoned, la entitled to
""IS widow csetaption of MOO. It Is
aiew in this state there never having
been any direct adjudication of U.
' Dr. W B. Keawertay 'Aae--eea
;riously J1I for the past weak.
-' Jfext Monday la labor dayr .
Up tofetfptentbar tot this year
four thousand nine "hundred xasMl
seventy people have drowned in this
country and most of them from
canoes yet many foolish people
- think they can handle them aa well
as tbs Indians did.
Contractor BUwart has commenced
work on 4he.Matamores Dike whioh
will extend from the railroad bridge
np tha riyer to near tba borough Una
Mrs. B. F. Larue who haa been
visiting her mother Mis, Bt John on
Ana Street returned to bar Newark
borne tola 'week.
If tho well keeps oa going dry.
wfeat'U the city people do for milk
There Is an r In the month and the
festive oyster takes his place on the
Sheriff Gregory la improving hla
boms on Broad St. by the addition of
Tha Boyal Giants of Brooktya, N.
T. waxed tba Mllford ntaa Monday
and Tuesday , tha first game by a
score of t te 1 and tha eecood by
II to t.
Tha regular crop of automobile
accidents was gathered last Sunday,
several killed et.d badly injured.
' By a flood ' In the Santa Catarina
River In Mexico last week over 1300
preunslost tbeir lives at Monterey,
6000 honee ware destroyed and a
property loss of -ten million dollars
Frastden'f Taft, according to tha
news reports, Is bosy with his pea.
May It be hoped that It Is to be big
enough to hold a few tariff hogsf
A machine has been invented for
family ' daa which grinds whole
wheat into f fine Boor The Idea la
that the whaat may ba prepared for
bread aa may ba needed and that the
floor will eontaia all tha nutriment
ta tba kernel.
It la again being eaid that tha
Democrat party etande tor nothing
fits Is aatrue It atanda lor Bryaa
with heroic patleoes.
It has never bean any trouble for
tha Democrats to split the Republican
arty. The trouble haa a) vara keen
y ktta It jUI on tleeUoa day.
Annas Hessant tells the Chicagceue
that she soared in an airship in India
eeveral centuries ago, when abe was
eamctteny else. We wonder how in
Ilia dickena Annie managed to get
past Mattewan last week-, where they
keep poor Harry Thaw looked np.
Those flying machine fellows are
as jealous of one another as vaude
ville act reaves.
Naturally a good many will be In
clined to think tba Leather Trust a
akin game.
Harry Tt-rwilleger and family of
Lakewoud, N. J visited here thia
"What Is a baby worth r ashe the
Philadelphia Anierioan. It all de
peoda npou wbose baby it is.
-S. -H. Harriswra Ja able ta alt p
acd take a railroad or two for loneh
now and then. . '
If "politics" Is to tx eliminated
from the census, a lot ot statesmen
will be wondering what the census Is
lor, anyway.
Mrs. G. W. Gnrretsomof Dingmana
Ferry ia seriously ill. ,
If no other evidence were offared,
of Joseph J. Cannon's unfitness for
the Speakership, er any-ether high
ollice, the profuse and luxurioua pro
fanity which characterises hia recent
reply to the attack of Congressman
Fowler of New Jsisey, would le
quItM a sufficiency. Bpeaksr Cannon
ia a "thorn in the side" of President
Taft as he was to Roosevelt and he
should be relegated to the ranks of
private life. ,
Every time we peep out of cur edl-
t aial aanctdm, wa are furoed lo the
conclusion that the "tall girl" ia back
:n fashion again It may be because
they are easy to tie a knot with.
Ktnmett Steele went this week to
visit his brother Will, the eraok
pitcher, of Altoooa "Big Bill" aa
he la familiarly known in ball circles
will probably return here next week.
As one result of the coulroversy
between departments at Wushlngton
over the conservation' question and
following the attack made on the For
estry department by Assistant Seore
tsry McHarg of tha Department of
Commerce and Labor, ha has re
signed and the Presideothaa accepted
bis resignation. The Ballinger Pin
chot irrable may cause the adjnrnls-
ronton an shiaWms au -ato - wcarUia
language what lta policy regarding
the Roosevelt plans of forest conser
vation will be.
"As the last meeting of tha educa
tional aaaooiaUon bold at Bethlehem
Pa. superintendent Tuoian 'Wtmt
brook and Isabella Turn of Bushkill
ware enrolled as members.
Milla along the Sshujlktll river
have been eorr.pelled to abut down
because of low water In other parta
of the state the water aupply Is se
riously effected. White Haven ia
without electric light, and a frost
damaged crops tha drouth has not
Miss Pearl Qulnn who has been
spending several weeks with her fani
lly here returned to New York this
week lor farther examination of her
condition, which has so greatly im
proved that she hopes to return home
Mrs. Lederer has commenced build
ing a wall of concrete blocks around
part of her premises on Ann Street.
The wall will be 6 ft. high with an
additional 8 in coping.
How Very Rude
Robert was going on a Journey and
while waiting at the station stood
out the window at the awitch-engine
passing back and Jbfth. Suddenly
the engine let off steam, and Robert
come down fr m the seat with a clat
ter. "Oh, auntie, that engine frighten
ed me. It blew Its tune right in my
f.oe." The Delineator for Septem
Real Estate Transfers
Emma P. Burkbardt to Andrew L
Crook I acre Lackawaxeo $600.
Geo. B. Qui i to Theodore Boaler.
Saorea Diogman 1116.
Emma Ryeivoo to Btteoa Hillmiu.
L it In Hyde Park Porter.
Fannie Kyte to Anna R. Hess.
Lit 118 MatamoraallSO. .
Juliet C. Davis and otthers to
Maria . Hafner. Lota 1S9, 1(1 on
Harford St. Miltord, $1216.
E. L Gebhardtto J. H. Van Etten.
One fifth aore, Dingman Township,
Assignment of above lo John West ,
John West to William H. Weat,
mm Dreuiutet.
Old and New Ways
of Cooking them.
Oyster Cocktail.
Tkfc most acceptable method for
serving small oysters raw is In the
form of a cocktail. Have them cold
and free from pieces of shell. Pot
half a dozen oysters Into each oock-
tail glaae, and just before sending to
the table, covej with a drmmlng
made in the following way : A
lahleapoonful of torcato oitsup, a
tableapoonfoll of lemon joioe, five
drops of tabasco sauce, and salt to
taste. Serve with celery and tbin
glioee of brown bread.
Blend together in a sauoapaa over
the Are. two heaping tablespoonfols
if butter and two tablnspoonful of
flour' then add a dost of red pepper.
nutmeg, one teaspoonftl of lemon
juice, half a teaspoonful anchovy eg
aence, and half a enpful ot milk or
cream, stir thia carefully for ten
miuotea. Then arid the beaten yolks
of two eggs a tablespoonful of finely
chopped parsley, and three dosen
oysters, out in halves. Stir for Ave
ninutea. Fill buttered scalloped
sheila with it and scatted fried bread
crumbs on the top. Place Id a hot
oven for four minute and serve im
Two dozen oysters one tablespoon
ful of butter, one teaspoonfol of
flour, four teaspoonfol of cream, one
teaspoonful of lemon juioe, half tea
spooDfol of salt, quarter teaspoonful
of white pepper a little led pepper
and grated nutmeg. Scald the oys
ters In their own liquor; at rain
them, chop them roughly and put
tbem aside. Mix the flour and but
ter together in a saucepan ; 'add the
oyster liquor, then add tha cream,
stir and boil for five minuteer now
add the seasonings, lemon Juice and
lastly the ohopped oysters ; turn out
to get cold. With floured hands rod
this mixture Into oblong pieces.
Brash over with beaten egg, roll in
plenty of fine bread ornmba, and fry
in smoking hot fat, or they may hi
enoloeed in a small round of very
tbln paate, egged, bread crumbed,
Oyster Sandwiches.
Take three dozen oysters, scald
them in their own liquor then pound
wun one laoieapoon or lemon Juice
and a dost of red pepper. Cut soma
thin slices of brown bread and butter
place the' oyster pasta on the siloes
and make into neat snndwtohee in
the usual way.
Deviled Oysters.
Place a layer of oysters in a but-
tered baking pan, spread with bread
crumbs, aprinkle over mustard, melt
ed butter and vinegar. Season wltb
salt, pepper and paprika, put in the
pan in alternate layers Have bread
crumbs snd small pieces of butter on
top. Squeeze over a very little lem
on juice and bake.
Oybter Souffles.
Procure two dozen oysters, blanch
them and strain the liquor into a I
basin and chop the oysters rather
coarsely. Melt one heaping table
spoonful of butter in a saucepan, stir
in one tablespoonful of flour, then
gradually add the oystor liquor and
a quarter cuprnl of milk; stir well,
season with salt, pepper and paprika,
cook fifteen minutes, Then add the
ohopped oysters, reheat ind stir in
gradually the yolks of two well beat
en eggs, stir over the lire until the
eggs begin to set. Remove from tbe
fire and fold in tbe beaten whites of
three eggs. Three pirts fill small sou-
ff.e cases, sprinkle with brown bread
crumbs and a few drops of melted
butter. Bake in a moderate oven
fifteen minutes.
Oyster Patties.
Cut three dozan oysters into four
or five pieces snd scald in their own
liquor. Put two tablespoonfuls of
in a sauoepan, stir In two tablespoon,
fula of flour, add a little ground mace
a little lemon juice, red fepper and
salt to taste. Then add three table-
spoonfuls of milk; let boil up, sdd the
oysters, allow to heat, but do not boil
Line gem pans with paste and put In
each a small piece of bread, brush tha
paate over with beaten egg and bake
a light brown color. When done re
move the bread, Ml with the mixture,
set In the oven for a moment and
aerre hot.
Furnished rooms to rent. Enquire
of Mrs. Etta Pol I Ion, Corner Broad
and Ann Streets, Milford, Pa.
fiubaoribe for the press
Mr j. Isaac W. Va Gourde.
Lena Nyoe, wife of Ieaat W. Tan
Gorden, died at Matamoraa last Mon
day after a long lllnes. She was
born in BendyBton, Sosaetx Co. N. J.'
Jan. 7th 1828 and was aaaghtr of
William H. and Margaret Wastbroftk
Nyoe. Her father movea to tbje
ooonty and waa associate' lodge ta
8151. She waa married Feb. 1 184
and lived in Deleware township "un
til 18S8 when bbr husband went to
Matamoras where they have elcoe
lived. She was a member 6 Hope
Evangelloal Church. Her husband.
one daughter, Mrs. Lewia Brlard
snd one son J. W. sf Bhuldon
Wyoming and a brother A. 1. Nyoa
survive her. The funeal wa ' held
Wednesday Iiitwi tneiit ia Dele wa so
cemetery. -i'-'.'
Nature Can Cure Most
A gren, broad, consoling and fund
imiental fact remains that in a large
mxjority of diseases which attack ha
monlty. under ninety per oent of the
unfavorable Influences which affect
us, nature will affect a oure if not too
much interfered with. As the old
proverb has it, "A man at forty is
either a fool or a physician" and
Nature Is a good deal over forty and
has never been accused of lacking in.
Navigating the Air.
Results in. tbe use xf air ahipe
shows that flying is leaa dangerous
than automobile raolng. In 1800
flights recorded at Raima there -was
not a single, fatality. The develop
ment of air navigation la In lta in
fancy but from tbe rapid progress
there seems no donbt bnt that II will
soon reach a practical stag. . Al
ready flights have been mad whioh
show great speed and excellent con
trol of tha maohinea. Even now It
Is demonstrated that air ships anight
be formidable foes in warafare.
They oould carry small bombs of
high explosive power which - could
be dropped on vessels or on towns
and do vast dammage, while being
themselves practically immune from
danger. Only by ohanoe could a
shot reach a vital part, and with lbs
rapid development they 'cnay eoon
fly so high that the chences of hit
ting-them would be abont tbe same
as that of killing a night hawk with
The Quay Statue.
' The Quay statue has been shipped
by the artist Karl Bitter to Bsrria
burg, marked to Governor Stuart,
who baa not yat aqnounoed that he
will assume the responsibility of
taking it out of tha freight house
It appear peoullar that man as
prominent in Pennsylvania politics
as was Quay Is now ao little raver,
enoed that no one of bis aforetime
political associates, nor the men he
set up in business are willing to
incur tba weight of public opinion by
placing his atatne In publio build
ing. Hie familv, seeing tha situa
tion, would it seems to us relieve
tbe embarrassment and escape hav
ing Quays name and deeds bandied
about as they are if they would
quietly take charge of the Statue
snd dispose of it. If it is finally
placed in the new Capitol it will be
jeered for general! ma and will serve
refresh in the minds of many tba
political sins attributed to tha
original. Unless there is a spontan
eoua and general respect for the
oareer of a public man it ia not kind
to attempt to force bis memory on
the publio who form and eqpreas
opinions of bis merits. If be is i t
oherished In the hearts of the people,
oj marble effigy will tend to in
crease respect for his life and char
acted. J
A Lack Of Confidence
A minister, frequently away from
home, was in the habit of getting
some one to stay with bis wife and
small daughter in bis absence. Once
however, he want so anexpecedtly
hurriedly that ba had no time to
make such provision for them Tbs
wife was very brave until night came
when her courage began to fail.
After, exhausting every reasonable
excuse for staying up, she put the
child to bd with the Injunction to
pray especially lor God's protection
during father's absence. Yes,
mother, we will do that to-night,"
atld tha little girl, "but tha next
timewe will make, belter arrange
uisutf''- ; ' I
. . .
Contractor Frank Barner raised a
flag; poles on every aohool ground In
tow a put week with ths exoepV
Ion Ot one on tha Haioesvill grounds
and there will be some legal fun
when that one Is put up and tbe
town -will foot the cost.
. Cutting brush along the highways
ia going ahead, the landowners are
mot waiting for September. Some
owners 6f land bavs a big job before
them. -.
A couple of gentlemen drove to
Lay ton on Friday laat being reoom
mended to a party here to assist In
seen ring a place to hold a local option
meeting... -.' .. ;
"TMf gwn-fSjJ-aBn wmsod
to consult 4ifortneo tbem be was
sot on that side of the fence, and at
last report they were still seeking a
plaoe to hold a meeting.
An effort will be made to force all
driving heavy loada over our new
Macadem road, to use wide tire, and
that would perfectly right, and en
force It.
d Adsma and aon in law of
Bloomfleld came tr Layton on Bun
day, and when they were ready to
go home thrlr auto refused to go.
So they tinkeied all day Monday,
and at last sent to Port Jervis for an
expert and he found one cog wheel
partly stripped of cogs.
' Mr. Adams had to go to Newark
and get a new wheel and on Wednes
day left for borne.
Mlase Grace Montrose of Layton
atarted on Friday for a short visit to
her uncle Abram Williams at Nas
areh Pa.
. Several of our lovers of horses at
tended the races at Goshen and came
back highly pleased with tbe racing.
. Dr. Jones and Postmaster 8mitb
attended in their autos.
Tba resolution offered by Prosecu
tor Huston before tha Board of Free,
holders to the effect that all persons
hauling heavy loads over our new
Maoadein road must use wide tire
wagons will have tha sanction of
all and should passed and enforced.
' Tha Sussex County Board of Free
holders received a letter from our
Freeholder (Vanslokle) opposing the
idea of erecting a monument of some
kind to the memory of Jonathan
Hampton who gave the land whereon
our County building stands, but the
way tbe Board squelohed that letter
waa a caution.
An rffeot la being made to raise
funds enough to fence ta cemetery at
Layton. With John Solder at the
head of ths aaovsaaent a first class
job is assured.
- Tbe school law aays that tbe Board
of Freeholders May provide an
afflce" at tha county seat for the Co.
Spt. of eohoula. That qnestion ia
now before oar Board, and Warren
County haa already acted In the mat-'
tor. Our Superintendent resides at
. Tho chicken pot pie sapper at
Tattles Corner was a grand success.
Tba attendance was goad, ths pot p t
was first elase, and best of all, they
oleared $51.00 out of the $55.00 taken
Tbe Branobvllle and Newton Base
Ball teams met at Newton on Satur
day and Newton won out in a score
of 1 to 8.
I would like to have the money
paid out for players by both teams
Brancbville is potting down pipes
to supply the borough with good
water, and if reports are true there
is not water enough at the fountain
head to wet the pipes. The esti
mated coat is 130,000, and sewage
pipea are to come next
Peter Peaoh a veteran ot Co. A. 41
Pa- Vol. died oa Sunday afternoon
at h'a residenos on tbe Rundle farm
in Walpaok aged 78 yesra. Deceased
was taked alok on Saturday aveaing
and died oa Sunday of eneral de
bility. Might On Bald Mountain.
On a lonely night Alas. Benton ol
Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald
Mountain to the home of a neighbor,
tortured by Asthma, bent on ouring
him with Dr. King's New Discovery
that had eared himself of asthma.
Thia wonderful medlolne soon re
lieved and quickly cured his neigh
bor Later it cured his eon's wife of
a severs lung trouble. Millions be
llevs It's Iba greatest Throat and
Lang cure on earth. Coughs, Colds,
Croup, Hemorrhages and Bore Langs
are surely cured by It. Best fcr Hay
Fever, Grip and Whooping Cough,
toe and 11 .oo. Trial bottle ftae.
Uaaranteed by A,U Druggists,
. .1 ...
An Ideal night in early fall,
A nUht that one might well recall.
Tha moo n with its resplendent beams.
Ne'nr brighter shone o'er hills and strean
On this grnnd night, 'tis sad to tell,
The comeliest pair in all the dell
Had quarreled and though the hour wa
Both sullen stood beside the gate.
At last "Forgive me" Harry said ;
Msud turned sside her haughty head
And with a firm decided "No,"
And a sharp "Good night" made haste to go
"Come back dear Maud recall that word,"
But Maud was gone, she had not heard.
Harry eilenoed, said no more
But watched her till she reached the door.
O pride I Twas 8Htan's primal sin ;
Why do mortals let It to- . . 1...-.
Their souls to feed with poisoned fond
And bring destruction to all good?
Well pride o'erruled, Maud gave it Bway,
It stronger grew with hnr each day.'
I'll not retract my word," said she,
"No matter what Ibe cost msy be."
A month had passed ; Maud had not heard
In all that time a single word
From Harry. Did she really care?
Her cheeks grew somewhat pule and there
Was a sad look in her bright faca
And it was rumored In tb.9 place,
Harry had listed, was called away
For a three years term to stay.
A war was on ; the fields were red
With the blood the martvrs shnd
One night the moon shone juRt as bright
As it did on tliit September night,
Two years before. The soldiers lay
With upturned faces, ashy gray,
And glassy sightless eyes that stared.
And bosoms cold, and stiff, and bared.
A nurse was seeking 'mong tbe slain
For one she'd loved ; deep lines of pain
Were marked around her month. She orept
Among tbe bodies. She prayed, she wept
"Oh God" cried she "Could I recall
That oruel word I would give all
On earth oh me t Remorse is late !
O Harry, Harry is this called fate?'"
What was it made her shriek aloud?
A ghastly form, a bloody sbroud.
"Tis Harry I" that was all she said,
- And fell prnetnte upon the dead.
She, too, on the same battle field
Gave up her life, and thus, death healed
The breach. Pride's story's told.
Ot a maiden true and a soldier bold.
Ceciija A. Cuixew.
New Supervisor Law.
The act of lvuv relating to the
election and duties of road sunervis
ore makes several Important changes.
They will be elected at the Februarv
election, shall meet to orgsnise the
first Monday In March. Mast be
sworn and and file their oath with
tha township Auditors, shall organ
ise "by electing one of their aomber
ohairmen, shall appoint a treasurer
and secretary, who may or may not
be the same person, and may or may
not be a member of ths board. The
secretary shall perform all tneduties
heretofore performed by town olerk
which offioe Is abolished. The su
pervisors shall fix his compensation
bnt the combined salary ahall not ex
ceed two per sent of the money paid
out by the treasurer. Tbe board
shall levy a road tax not to exceed
ten mills on tbe valuation. Provided
the court on petition may order a
furthur levy of ten mills. All loud
tax shali be paid in caoh, hut any
township by a majority voto nt the
February election may adopt the
work system. Townshijis collecting
tbe tax iu cash shull receive frr in
the state SO er oent of the cusli tax,
bnt not more than $20 a mile for each
mile of rt ad in the township. Tie
supervisors must make sworn state
ments to tbe State Highway Depart
ment. The hoard must divide their
township into road districts of not
less thru i miles each and they may
employ a road master for each dis
trict who shall see that the work ia
properly done under plana and spec
ifications furnished by the supervis
ors, oversee tbe men working and
keep tbeir time, and work bimselt II
required-and report once a month.
They may be required to give bonds,
and are at all times subject to re
moval. Tbe Supervisors shall fix
tha wagea per hour. Supervisors
may let contracts for keeping in re
pair road and they may oversee and
work tbe road themselves.
The township collector ahall col
lect the taxea and on all paid before
June 1 there shall be an abatement
of 6 pejeent, between June 1 and
Oot. I even and after Nov. 1 five per
cent added.
Sworn reports must ba made to the
State before April 1st each year oo
blanks provided. '
Advertise in the Pews.
i late
The Potato Stalk-Borer
Three specimens of potato stalks
were received by the Division of Zool
ogy of the Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture from Chester county,
which had been killed by Insects, and
nformation concerning tbe same was
requested :
State Zoologist Surface, in report
ing upon them, eaid: "The potato
stalks you sent to us contain insects
known aa Potato 8talk-borers. ThiB
pest cannot be killed alter it enters
the sulk. The only thing to do is to
pull and burn the diseased vines as
sood as the insects are discovered.
Do not let (he vines lie arouud to wi t
but burn them as soon ss they Lair
become Infested, This disposition of
the vines may demand co-operation
by other persous In the neighborhood,
if their potato stalks have been at
tacked, but It may be the only way lo
prevent a serious outbreak of the
pesls, and great loss in the nuxt year.
It is a comparatively new pest, and
liows that such things are coming
It-fore us more aud more, anil nev.l
our careful attention."
Articles on Wantage.
Editor Stick uey cf the Wantage
Recorder ia publishing a series of
articles oo tbe early bistor o' Wan
tage. They are full of interest lo
cally and to the many who were pu
pils of Mr. Rankin, now scbtte'til
over the country, they came ss re
freshing reminders of pleasant days
spent under Lis instruction. It is
hoped these articles will be publish
ed in book form, ao that they amy
be oonvontenly preserved. Thy
show patience and research and no
doubt are as libtoreally accurate aa
may be. The information they con
tain will be invaluable to those who
desire knowleilgo of aoccstry and
early happening in that locality.
A hurry Up Call.
Quick! Mr. DrngBist Qnick a
box of Buckleu's Arnica Salve
Here's a quarter For the love of
Moses, hurry! Baby's burned him
self, terribly Johnnie cut his font
ith tbe ax Mamie's scalded Pa
in't walk from piles Billie hit
bolls and my corns aohs. She got
it and soon cured all the family, lta
the greatest healer on earth, told,
by AU Daoggttfa.