Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 02, 1909, Image 4

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awb cvm miirr woesa.
vaid rm n& m fcy Apptytng
leed I"ada After WasUIng Flesh la
ot Wate Looloas ot Wats aad
Kbse far Kmc.
Sonetlates the lmpleet mtas aide
will neke a marked dlffereBea la a
wetness apiraraaee. For lastaaoe,
oae irtou kalr II aaatanaceble will
Dad tbat by applying a misters ef
a teaapooafu. Of i-lrcerlae la
Bvo times a at .erf. water to loos
ads af treesss Una abort scraade
tar Beatly la plaea. la potttas; ea
the mlitara It shoaM s wall shakes
aad tbaa applied U tao balr with
a aaft truss Inst Wore tba dreestag.
Wbaa eSort balra ara jedareAe tba
tba bfct me.ada of tralnta la to
put tbam aa earlara. Afterward
obey atiauld ba eoaibed awl sall aaft
and Cutty.
Another sfstses aid a Ssauty la
tba lea eat a tbat aialaaa pallid ahaaaa
red. To bAmg eoor lato - facaa
uaa two raaad pada a trlfa barter
tbaa a atlTar dollar. Tkay saeast ba
mada from tblek flaaaal covered
amoetBly with line.
Walls Usee ara eoakla la lead
water was tba faa (earls- with
warm, not really hot water.
Than aa ra aa tba etda la triad,
which tbould ba doaa losaedleeaay
afiar the laving, tea pada ara Islam
ft on their bath, abakea to laser C
auperduaaa wet and plaaad dlreeUy
oa tbat part af est aheek where
color la desired. Thf secret of
ces: with thU lies la tba washiag be
ing doaa with really warm water and
Oa compresses being ley cold.
As simple remedies will help ta
beautify sblay noses tbat bsye sues,
at annoying babit of refusing to ba
B-odiOed by powders. It Is wall to ap
ply one of these liquid balms tbat
day be made at home. A lotion
that Is said ta effect a ears of tba
trouble Is made of one ounee af dis
tilled water, eight minims of distill-
e-i tincture of laventor aad two
gralna of snlphste of line.
This should be well mixed aad ap
plied about four times a day, never
allowing It to remala an arer night.
rut It oa with a plaea ot aaft
i or soneniag rough ar
skin on the baada commoa yellow
cornneal la aa ezlelleat care. It
should be mixed la tba proportion
of one ounce of orris root, powdered.
a soand or meal.
To n'piy It the baada saoald ba
waaked as asaal, Uktag ears to aaa
a soap that Is aot drytag; taea the
xaeal It poared Into aaa haad aad
this Is robbed arer tba other with
tLs same motion used la vashlng,
oMag agala tba gralaa tbat should
have fallen aa a tcwel. box, Ac, na-
vi ue skid la r.uite dry.
IJodgfng the Trail la fae
"Nobody ere told mo tbat I waa a
e j oancer." declared Edward K.
Oreenway. leader of millions. "Bat
- 14 mMM. mm. aneanllaeaat a mm n
woman did nav m hum 1 a
'Toe took me through that crowd
without a collision aad without any
u-eaaing on my skirt.1
"Well. I sever haj a discing les
son in my life. But t a
tlce dancing In the daya Wbea women
ore inose great loag trains, and It
was not oonsldered aood form to
pick tbem op. They trailed along
ucoiao several yarda. Those were
the dara whan rnn k-. . i.4.
keeping morlng with - yaw partner
w sees mat iraia following
"Bat how did wmm MMtur
"Used to tie two sheets sr aa ordi
nary ebalr aad then etare la and
out aaaong a dosea ahalra scattered
over a dance floor." laa Iraaclaoe
Why Womea Ride Aeartda. ,
"Tt hj the aeaeral oaialo. .J
the phyatelaaa wtth whosa I asae
cata," wrltea a earreaaaadaawaf the
New Yerh Medical Jenr.iel. "lku tk
fashlaa aa woaua rtdtog astndo has
on aaa na angia la Pad aa auah
tt has to aba advtaa ad pbaaWlaaa
our mod era type.
"Tba fast that a psissa ptdlag
aeinae ran have mora freedo a from
jar ana Jolt than oae riding oa
side saddle, aboald he a
favor of the astrMs method, aside
from the fact of It betas safer and
easier for the rider. .;-
"The fact tbat H might be eoa-
sraerea immodest by those woo are
tot familiar with tba astride method
of riding is no reason whi It should
be condemned. Tba bs'.i- raaaoo
why It Is becomlaa aaara nooalar
beause tbat phys.clana la general
sea Its good points over the old
method and are thus sdvlsla- It."
World's Greatest IJaaraiet Woasaa
The record of being the, world's
greatest all-round linguist le claimed
by Mies Mary B. B. Coltoa, a resident
of Eaetbamptoa, atiaa. (the caa
apeak and read forty, torelga lan
guages. Prior to her appearance In
the Held aa a candidate lor Unguis tie
honors, the record for the great
est number ot languages spoken by
any oae person waa "JMrty-tliree.
Alias Coltoa haa mu tared soma of
the moat dlmcnH aeagaae ra the
world. Amoag these are Chinese,
rail, Avastaa. Baaseript. Hebrew. Sy
rian, Assyrisn. Arable and Persian.
She also speaka and reads Latla,
Qreek. aad all the modera Europeaa
laaguagas. Philadelphia Press.
A glgnaU
Tn Bamatra, If a womaa la left a
widow. Immediately after bar hus
band's death she pleats a BagstaC at
her door, apea which a lag la raised.
Bo long aa the flag remains uatora
by the wind the etiquette of Bama
tra forbids bar to marry, but at the
rst reat, however tiny, aha caa lay
aeida her weed aad recast the ant
Offer lb hsg.
Bene Piece we aa Important Factor In
The Household.
Beau years ago we were presented
with a young greea parrot. The bird
caa only bare beea a few months
eld, aa she gave no slga of her red
talL This, however, quickly appear
ed, and Polly aooa gave evldeaeea
that she waa listening to sounds and
learning to reproduee them. Wa
now began to give her talking leaa
ens by continually repeating over
and over again set words or phraeea,
and were aoon repaid for our pains.
Polly began to talk and qulokly Bus
tared a good many of her leaaona.
She added a good many self-acquired
aoeompltehmenta, such as cab sails,
milkmen's and paper bora' crlaS aad
aad cawing of rooks. Her piercing
whistle would often cause the milk
man to atop and look ardnad, think
ing the "call" waa for him. .
Polly also learned ta Imitate the
song of the canary. She weald look
ap at her little yellow mate ta her
cage above and call her "Bwaet,
sweet, pretty little Dick, pretty little
Dick." Otv one occasion the dress-
aker waa. ushered Into the dining
room aad waa startled by the bird
exclaiming "Hullo! What's your
your asmet What do yoo want?"
She aurprlsed a lady visitor oa oaa
eeeaalOB with the rather anuaual In
quiry. "Are yon Bice?" A boat this
time I was suffering from a eery
painful complaint, aad ft would seem
alBMet aa If my suffering drew put
the bird 'a sympathy, far oa oaa oo
eaaion she said to mat "HuHol
what's the .eaattor with ye at Are
ros qsHe. wellT" I replied; Xo,
aot quite well,. Pally," where pea
aha replied.. "Not quite well?" Bba
waa once In the room where a mem
ber of the family waa practising
singing, aad preently mada the re
mark, emphasising the last wordi
"What's the matter with you?"
waea signs of going out for a walk
are apparent wa are Invariably and
repeatedly bade "Oood-by, good-by,"
with the aocompanlment of showers
f kisses. Upon our return Polly
Inquires "Where have yon been?
aad upon being Informed usually re
fuse --uiaa to see you back."
During last winter my wife waa
oaa morning putting up aa oil stove
lor Polly's - benefit near her cage.
Oa the half landing the bird watched
her with great Interest and presently
said: "Do you feel oold?" "Count
your blessings" was a phrase Polly
(ouad great difficulty ta mastering.
-uount your bless" being all aha
succeeded In uttering, and aoon drop
ped this aa too tronbieeome. How
ever,- after a time we tried her again.
New aha Arose out the "bleaa," aad
ateaaaly eaharta aa ta "Count ym
aeaat fear alas." A few weeks age)
ear-rant was engaged polishing
braaswork near Polly's oaga, aad Ua
bird Immediately started talking to
hap. "Hullo Polly. What tfo yea
waatt What'a the matter with rev?
Are yea quite well? Do yon reel
aoldT Where have yon been?" and
mueh mora. Blloltlng no reply aha
shouted out: "Why don't you talk?
aad drew the retort from the we
maa: "Beeaasa I am too busy,
Polly." Polly replied! "How
slxwklarl" TK- s,. ,., .
Deaig-aed tor Uae la Can pa, Aparr
w ana Hteaniers.
, . Two story beds, that la to aay bad.
steads eoatalnlna two heda i.a
ane above the other, have beea la use
tor some tew yeara; but aomethlag
entirely new In thin Una la th tk
story bed. containing three beda oaa
neve am- o.iaer waich hare beea
plaaad aa the market. . . . f. .
Tbaae bedsteads, which are auato
entirely of Iron, ara aa- oaaatractod
that- they- aaa. be kaockaA 4i- a
eseapy eemparatlvaly small apaaa Is
soBToalonce la handling ta ahtpameai
aad transportation, the three atbry
bed eawaratlan lata are -. t.-
bead aad toot sections and the three
beda, each bed section having a wire
atortreaa permanently attached to taa
side aad aad nieces.
. At the ends ot each mattress frame
are pi as that Bt Into slots placed at
gaHaMe- heights - ap the head and
re pieeee. To set up a two er
uewetory Bea yew etmalr-ataki .
b4 aad loot pteoea aad drop
V Phto-en the ma Ureas fraaue lato
,tha atata.a4..taereIa the. aadatead
ua wire springs la each tl
ready - te recelva. th
fiedategda of this aort ate 4ntaa-
u iwi eampa, apartmenu,- steamera
or wherever the floor apace la llmlt
od!A two Uer bedstead' with wire
springs com Die te. bu( without aiat-
uwaeea, coats fit, aad a three U
bedstead IIS.
.. Paranatal .Tenth rknrera.
. .The street peddlers ot floral
shandies who do bullosas la the
anopping districts have a was-
their owa ot livening up the appear
ance of their warea. When the wo
men natsoaa bit oa bargain offer
lags of roses or bouquet of vloleta
they are la bllsafnl ignoraaoe ot tba
fact that the huckster depends epos
a rubber bulb ayrtnaa to support Ua
"freshly plucked" statement. When
the- "aqalrvar" Is not doing active
daty la soms out of the way place It
la oaneeeled la a handy pocket at
the vendor's coat. Ia the vlflatty of
Ubloa aad Madison Squarea New
Tbrk these "newly picked" fake ap
aratora aeeaa .to be eapeclally aeter
loue for eontraaUng their "cut rrtea"
with bower store prices. They also
devote particular attention te the
"to-day only" feature la aaaonaelag
quota, tie as.
Lincoln's Frgedem from Cant.
One of the delightful things about
Lincoln was his freedom from cant
He never set out to "set na example."
He lived his life simply and natural
ly, thought out and spoke the thought
that was In him, did the work he
found to do aad let his example shift
for itself. By cos frequence It Is ons
of the great axamplea. esq of the
great tasplratJaai, el humas kilter.
Bat The Story ef T!.T Creation ll
Told la 000 Words.
This Is a prolix age.1; Witness all
the campaign documentn, Also the
ln reeling length of some af our best
sellers. '
from Kaglend comes the criticism
thbt we bavea't such good orators aa
ihry have over there. '
Certainly not. Bat we ran talk
longer and louder. We are a people
of large Ideas. Quantity count.
Brevity, on the other hand, m the
soul of almost everything, except
American oratory and politics.
It wasn't always so. IJncols's let
ter of acceptance In IIKO took ap
three Inches of space. Taft's Is esea
tured by tbe acre.
It reminds us of the story of the
young reporter out West, who tele
graphed oa to his editor that there
bad been a bad steamboat accident,
and ha would aend an S.v wards
about tt.
Ha received tbe following reply:
"See If yon can't boll your story.
Crratloa of the world waa doaa ta
COP words."
rross- y-e) Crnrlflctl.
At a card-party In tbe Wsst aot
long ngo a cross-eye 1 man waa giv
ing hla positive opinions on every
tnblect In a loud voice, and other
wise making himself a general aula
tni e. A Boston girl wss particular
ly aBBoyed at the lordly air he as
titiced sad made ap her mind lo
H-.t mm over it she got a cbaae
4 few minutes later aba waa ibe
a:lner af the eroar-eyed ansa, wha
r: Mediately proceeded to give ema
il Ma Instructiona as to how cert ale
a t ie should bo played to laaura
ta - rnnie.' He finished by say
ng, "Now. go ahead. Miss Back Bay.
nd remember I have my aye oa
.ou." She never looked up. but. la
he most Innocent way Imaginable,
aid: "Which eye, Mr. Jones.?"
Why Scratch It
Cffle, the little daughter ef a
lergyman, pranced Into her father s
tudy ons evening while the reverend
entlemaa v as preparing a long ser
non for the following 8unday. Bba
ooked curiously at the manuscript
or a moment, aad then turned to
ter father.
"Papa." aha began, seriously.
"does Ood toll yon what to write?"
"Certainly, dearie," replied tba
"Then why do yon scratch so much
at It out?" asked Kills.
Te Pwed The Donkey.
ARer a certain jury had beea eat
ta tnardlaatoly long time oa a vary
etsapto case they Bled Into tba eoart
rawaa. and the foreman toM the
lodge they wars anabla to agree
npen a verdict. The latter re baked
theca. saying the ease waa' a eery
tear oae. aad remanded them back
tn the Jury room for a second at
eenpt, adding, "If you ara there too
leng I will have to aend yen la
waive suppers."
The foresxaa, la a rather Irritated
toae. spoke ap and said: "May It
please yaur honor, yon might send
in eleven sappers and one bundle af
aay. - - .
Kind Lady tt must bo awful aot
to ba able to see tbe beauties of na
ture. Blind Bill Tea Ma'am, but I caa
.tear yer silvery voice: that's sosm-
Kod Oat oa a Ply.
la aa Iowa law court tha other
lay aa attorney, la the midst af his
argument, paused a moment, aad
-aid: "I aee yoor honor ahakes bis
need at that statement. I desire to
re-sflrm It, although your honor dls
euts." "I hare not Intimated," re
plied the judge, "how I should raa
rue the evidence or what my ds--islon
will be la the ease, aad yaur
-emark la uncalled for." "Toe
shook your bead." "That may be
true," tbe court replied; "there was
t fly on my ear, and I reserved the
right to remove It any manner I aaw
It. Proceed with your argument."
Natare'a Study. . i ,
la tha nature study examination
i-ama tbe demand, "Of what use ara
nails?" Jlmmla racked hla brain
ta deepalr and then wrote, "Snails
re good to compare na to when we
re slow." It waa ha who to the
queotloa, "What ara heavenly bod
ies?" replied. "Good dead people."
A Poor Blent.
Taa prodigal eon wrote tha eM
maa as follows:
"I got rellgtoa at eamp-meellnp
the other day. Bead me ten dollars
But tbe old maa replied:
"Religion Is free. Tou got
a rong kind."
Ba Oravrled First.
"Toung maa." aald a rich aad
pompous old gentleman, "I was not
always thus. I did not alwaya ride
la a motor car of my owa. When I
llrat suited In life I had to walk."
"You were lucky." rejoined tbe
young man. "Whea I Brat started
I had to crawl. It took me a long
tim te laara to walk."
Aa "Old Joe" no Is Rwowa to
ennan ef t!ie CW
r . J set haw er when he pesatved has
eognemea no-aeae aneass to knew,
but should yon eell tba aaaaa "VIA
Jos" aay a here ainag the CsatberUaA
River above Cellaa. Teaa., year
hearers will at once beiems atten
tive, and usually tha qwary, "liar
yoa aeen him," er "Who aarw hint
last?" will greet year remark.
' . ''Old Joe" la an Immense entasa.
night to nine feet long, and It la
thought will weigh more tbaa two
hand red pe ends. He wan Brat aeen
abeat twenty years are to tha Canv
botiand River where Marrow aee
Croak . empttee Into . that etoasta
stream In Cambnrlaad eeaaiy- Blnaa
that, Hat harder a wnek peasant dur
ing: the flahlng seasea that earns on
does not see this bogs fish, wrltea
aoiasspoudonl at . tha LemhrvWle
Coerter -Journal, aad alwaya aear
where ha waa Bret sasa. . Tha rartAv
eet poiat bhnt ha baa svwa been
hoewa to roam waa a arile..
Many plans to eaptare as ktB "Old
Joe" hare mtacarrled, aad front aha
way he has eluiied the varloes trata
and arm res set for film he must bs
wise as well tasrge. fishermen
taxless to possess "Old JSe's" scalp
hava ea raped an the river lor weene
d all ' day waiting for a
shot, plaod polena ta tha
river, dyaamlted all along for a mIK
and after beeouihg na.a o-t isi'J
leave la dlegast, only to leara trtm
seaae oaa that "Old Jear" had aaara
Seen the day ho broke ansa Boating
near the surf sow of tba water, awt
aeatly aajoytng h ana bath.
After "Old Jae'i" habitation waa
established steamboat men began to
look for htm and there ara very tew
pllota en the upper Cumberland that
hare not aeen "Old Joe." If at aay
Uma a pilot spoke of having seen a
dog or anab In that locality be waa
promptly told It wss "Old Joe."
- Recently a - wdll known pilot oa
the Cumberland River bad a goal
look at ths king 'of ths np?er Cum
berland, aad In" speaking of his ab
servatloas says: "Some time sines
I had tha pleaaaro of seeing this en
ormous eatfleh. 1o length I aup
poae It would measure dose te sight
feet, poselb)y more. I was la a posi
tion to gat a good view of him while
an daty la the pilot housa, bwlar as
high a sere Us water I sowld sea hint
clearly. Nottclnt a break In the
watar I thought It wss a large anag.
I had moved to the apposite sUa af
my wheel In order to steer around
arbn I thought to bs a saag. whea
I saw what It waa. I called to tha
stark through the) trnnepot to gat hla
gna gad got Ctat big Baa. I wan
Bwttlng three na him wevsn the sstrk
appeared with bis sen. and ha eon Id
oaly see the wavea that tha hiag ef
the Caaiberlend made aa his fssiini
to the does. ' "Old Joe s' hneeeatton
Is la ths neighborhood ot the mouth
of MarreVboae Creak. This Bah. I
suppose would weigh mere then two
hundred pound a Bin tall seei
to ba larger than palsnteaf faa,
As "Old Jos" has bean a lamiUa
Bgtir fax twenty or thirty yeara tt
la. hard anna ta.euemtos now old hn
N. but rtror nwen are of the eplaloa
teat ae must b
yeara aid.
Ten TvwoS
- - - - Meat Tea Ptoeelen.
: Uerwdible as It soaade to ffnglttb
ears, there la at least one Bnropana
oaa try In whlaa many af tha latter
saJTters ara annals -to road.. Thla
a tan aisatry aver whloh hi tha erd
etorp Bsaiaa at oreom tha lataat royal
easy wui as aeuad apea to raigv
Of taa IS.ee a.) ss piapla maavhlk
tag Bbsafai only abewt Ik per cent ana
road and wrttor T tfhor 1 pa
soal, of tha popnlallea oan real with,
at halBg aMe to write, bat tha rev
htolalag llli per cent ara qatta U11V
arato. la taa awash af Spato it k
impassible to get a eervwnt who aaa
rand aad eyrltsrr aad- many of ths
I ! sasa, sage tha London Tlt-Blts.
ara anohls ta tall to waom taw let.
ton they carry ara addraansd.
Taay bring a bundle af Mtaaa to
aw aaa, gun hs ewwee teeta th rough
tanas and lakes thaws whloh ara (or
whish ha thinks ara) addreaaed to
blav Tha Bpanlsh paatBma ara not
paid by the State; tha reetpieata of
the tetters bare ta remunerate them
aeeerdlng to the amoant of their
aorreapeadaaee, aad each letur costs
ths addressee at leaat a halfpenny.
It In a joke among the easy going
Bpanlarda that 'ha who treate the
poet man beat receives tha moat let.
ten. whether they ara Intended for
him or not.
Ia a popalaUoa waara l per aaa.
ara HUteretee aad where out oa tha
remaining It per cent probably aaa
in taa caa aaly read ar write very
little, it la ebrloua that tha badly
paid aad precarious poets fax tha low
er raaka ef ilia. are not llksly to be
Sllad by the esenpamtlve few poaa
seeed af those aeeonpltshsote, aad
herein Haa the leasee, far tha other
wise Inexepltcable fact that ataay af
tha Individuals hsnallag tha anise's
aorrospoadeaaa eaaaat road.
Tea Other business Is making swab
galgtty sartdea ta tavpravaasead at
paathses as faraxlng. OAatal reperts
begin to read lika am sate eg thai an
ia taVytond. Borhaoh fej bansaalng
only ana of a crowd af w eager srnrn
asa who are taaehlag tha world hsoj
to Ce tt aa weal as eh.
ale Near.
Owner af fas aoop "Wma Is
there?" .
Outsk-erlttod Raataa taefUy)
"Tain ts nobody in beak 'eeptta' aa
chickens. " ;
Bravest of the Brave.
Bald She It Is said that married
taa ara braver than single pass
Bald Ht Trrj ttqy hsvs to be.
aaOTVa. IMVaMVayaBa.
aaa af aaa Caevar BniSsss Wwhab
new Rroa reteenwd ha nTwnseav
Ta aVe Brat year ef tha Oa.tod
thntes Patent nPJro'e oslotensa, IT0,
took ant a patent, tip to I
she present Mme aioat I. (II pataaia
barn beea granted to wtrmea. Amaag
tha early woraea Inventors may
sseatloaed Miss Mary Klee. wha. la
ll. patented a device for weavtag
straw aad thread. Three yeara lat
er Mine Mary Brash deslgaed a bow
eerawi which she thought would prw-
servs lbs shape af the wnmaaly Bg-
- LUre Hies Brash, saaay niadara
wanxen la venters confined tLelr to
Tontlveneoa to the eontrtTtnar od
bonattfytng devices. Mrs. Baubol -
dor, for example, has devised means
Per lbs Improvement of eertala foe
tal laarsroa that have boon distorted.
Aasong her lavratlnna may bo mrn
Uerted aa oar rtratghteno which
aaanodlea tasparfsrly foramen aad
teppleg enra. A sot her 1nvailen tot
the rontornttoa cf facial symmetry
b) a spring attachment for the teeh.
srhtrb rotleewe 'heir serertty aad lax
prevei tbe mouth lines. Soma wamaa
Iceontcrs, hewever. hare deToled
thsai n Ivan to other things besides
the perfection of womanly beauty.
Mrs. Martha J. Coatoa, although aot
tba Bret laventor of the signal lights
af that , same, haa, nevertheless,
ads aama lmiKirtant Improvemeata
at her tesbend's ttveutten hfra.
Crathla W. A Idea la tba laventor af
an Improved dump cart. Boiaa years
aa htrs, Lena Siltlg eVrlaed a
asspreef parmewt which haa eeaae to
be knewa as tha awrkback.
raJad slate waa devised by Mrs. Lou
lee Dyer of Yazoo City. An Import
ant attachment to the eewtag ma
chine waa Invented by .'ties Helen
Blsachard. M m PIi!!11;i of Dor
chester, Mass., Is the inventor of the
used refrigerator and lunch box.
Miss Kmma D. Mills made an im
provement on a typewriter for wh:ch
It wae necessary to construct siieclal
tools. She did the special conatrkr
tlon herself. Mrs. Kale Knbssk ol
Oskland. Cal., has devised a com
blued trunk and bureau, which when
closed appears as a Saratoga trunk
and whea open as a handsome dim
log cane.'
There seems to be one proves tiioti
al womaa Inventor In America. Xi.il
he name la M as Montgomery. At
far back aa ll4. site took out a put-
eat ob aa improved locomotive
wheel.- Later she secured a patent
aa aa IsaproTwd war vassal. A nuni
Per ef other patriae bars been ta
ker. Wnirh hr.ee proved re
ive. rhtledelpbla Inquirer.
Wsmsn wan have a pswaliaetlnn la
pawaa nf atabnra'n edresq nave a atv.a
sgty handsome model la thla fr.wt
a: cotton srepo. It Is not aecesswrUs
speBstra to wo k oat. lor both tbe
la oe and dress material tan be
lemgut at moderate rrtcwa. The 'are
Imitation Cluny dyed It n pale
ehampagna tint. Arranged In baads
M follows tba lines of tha tunic, on
af ths asost graceful drape rise of
the seaaoa
Tbe tunic la trimmed with long,
hand-run tucks and falls tn Grecian
effect about the figure. Tbe decora
tive acheme la much aoftened by g
mixture of 7alencieunea with tha
Cluny lace.
The bodice la fitted and haa aa
elaborate flehs ta Oluny and Valea
ciennes. There Is a yoke cf grant
lines with a delicto stltchery la
pale pink and blua threads, with
sleeves or ths same. Heavy linens
ar well aa silk and woolen fabrtea
ara dealgnvu after the elaborate
model of the gown sketches today.
The softer fabrics ara too. adsptabls
to a' like treatmment. only Valen
ciennes and dalrt. lace threads ara
need lnstsad. This does not meaa
tbst they are not combira. with u.
chlnla aad taa be be crochet effects.
vnici are laciuded a a matter of
coarse, where more than one kinl
flne trlmmiug ia used In a decorative
a'M,Y, tw TCAM
V axpta.gagqi
''"MM ooo.
sjliiklf aatnabf IAi Htf w pan bun tfm haky saS)
fesftnOnn U prr.baWlf fUrX.i luairi KliVdaV
Brwiat flitl4ir BinQUortUAl, HaandlMiot aaa raUaesasSa
it f.'eaa. Ul IH nrf f,y Aerutins, rirTU.
Scientific Jimcrlcaa.
hMtMrnqlMrttat rktw. f yrtmk smBa
MLaUc n siyu ke,r-.il J asrbna. t
au , or Boy r, hi, L ftaU hjaA IMWBqsrav
'iiHjit "'Sl WJ
LU Tho
is lie most thor
ouglilj jiractical,
helpful, useful and
national illustrat
ed agricultural &
fatnilj wccklj in
the Vnitcd States.
re j
Send your name for
free sainpla copy to
Now York Tribune Fsirmor
I K:
TniaturiK duiis
Nnvw Vstrk .
...$l.50 A
Latter Heads, Cards
Pastors, Statemsnts
Eill Hsjds, Envalopes
Circulars, Eto., Etc.
LVsa k.-i bt-vi .v ini bj '-jsia
'all li . t V JTl tr --i f: a
m 1,1 u.' ': ' t. .: (' I
1 TrIADC-MARKS a-rtrfniill t.is.Brti tn ?
Kit CoiisU-tdv, triM fw. V sjUairj PATCNTCt
THAT AV, aslwmiliBmllroflUr,M or
esra)rrg, PkfU'hcwp jra c vaeccaB. I
aVaBsd aaedai. ptvot c? skatck lot riICK
M hft(srr'svsriUtr. 1 fhnF prsmicqx QUFt-
FAssiria ptrrsKCNcca. rtrini u.w
Bock on lYr.smljlo -UctiU writ to E
H03-000 Sovnnth Ott oot, I
wAoniisVi uri, u.
O il
CkrtitB, Mai TmAHm JrVtMitveat li f l
'sal bsuinaalBaCaal (daf MVATt fCK. I
trn ornct it rrttrK v, r . TtMTrrietC
Asi - rftPV ar cu -dl pstiBBt M Uu UiM luAA UoacC
'nrtr.rie trom Wawhirtsjtotr. 1
, Sul rnoricl, lrAtus or pttota With deftcrl'wr
ttrMI. Vt atdvheeV. If Mtefllabla Ot tbtlt. fr oft
fchaut. Our I nat tJee till ptent UaecarsJ. S
I & i4MpnfLrr, M How to Obtatin Pteutt." w!th
frami ct aauoa ia th V, S. amI iorticn coocUkkJ
ant ire. Adtlrcas, 4
0e. ravtwv m.eNlHT0r:. 0. C-
- Ftaysioisrls bar loDg been lookiDg
for a harmless hoartacilie euro. It
has bean produced by an eminent
ohetnlst ef ths National pltl. It
is kno-vn as Bromo-Pepii(. Beall)
onrini, rtery form of brnriiiche
Instantly, Bronuo Peuain is equally
and as promptly efficacious ' In
obronio and acute indigestion and
tbe nervous disorders inoident there
o. It is efferesoent snd pleasant
to take aad may be bad of all np to
data drangists al ten cents a bottle.
It eomss ss a boon to macklod and
womankind. For sale at C. O.
Armstrong, Druggist.
es4qrCravq odrft
, The Comtalraonera of Pike County
will hereafter hold Regular Meeting!)
the flrut Monday of each mo. betwei-n
the hours of 9 a. m and 4 p. in. exeepl
ins In the months when Court niuy
be in session, and then during Court
CoiihdM 'nerhCli rk
Aiiselutelf Dirmlsis. Cures on hs Spol
'Note tha tVord rpln"
All Uruaaiate, too, aso a soo.
For aale by C. O. AliusTiifiNo. Druxjlai
It Ton want nolo hcatfe, bill lieuds, ktti
huad, aiAtementi. bow cnnU, prorn ua
UrgrS pnatftrs, saIv bllU, doKur envelope.
tAgfi botineks card or job printing
erory dPAcrlptloa, cU uo up iu the Ust atrl
tot you In n u,:-lviluu mini nrtlfltic inuH
Dor o&lland k us. PrlrxnF
Xa1 Xittt Ipat.
flsaivi aad Lets aad lets vllkssl Hodm
Dealer Ib all ktada of Property.
f.otary Public
Office at Residence on
Water Street.
Uilford. Pa
ft "V i
fj-V J J
wrnw wj
ty. N. V.
n 'ess. iw aA"y-r.- "trir.tqh
Mark. wwcorYRicMTS-
Thf'tr-onp t jrn n tWr prflrHT. Orfttfon u tn
n);iittT itpri ttcntiihH!fy. Write tor nb nf
nptni.-: t?anii'.ft rt nc-. BISON auOSQZf
"ltrdt. V aAhlnorvn. f
Time Table
felld Pnllman trains to BnBalo, Nlag
ars Kslls, Chautauqua Lake. Cleveland
'Milcagoand Cincinnati.
Tickets on e&lo at Port Jetvla ta rl
points la tho West and Snutbwestai lower
rates than via any other fl rat-class line.
Ill effort June Slt.li, lfiUB.
Tuains Now
.Inn vis 4 a
" 48, Dslly 0 '
" Dally Kiprcas I 40 "
" K, Local Kxcept Sunday.. 6 10 "
44 Holidays only 8 80 ,,
No. S, Dally Kxprrss 6 SI A, u.
" 709, vy Sunilay Only 7 31 "
" 43, Local eic. pt Sun a Hill 7 85 "
80, Local SUapt Sunduy.. 10.80 "
" 4. Ddlly Kxpmu l S4r.H.
" 704, Pundoy Only 8 go "
' St, Way dally oic'tdnnd'y 8 80 '
' 8, Diilly KiiiiTOs 4 no
80, Why daily oic't rtund'y .85 "
" 718, L:c! Suudny Only.... 7.1S "
M7, Ually K.iproes IS 28 A. n.
" 41, Dally 8 85
' 17, Dully Milk Train 8. 10 A"
' 1. Dntly Kiprosa 11.84
" 118, Kor llo'dnloK'pt Sun.. IS.18r.ii.
" 1, KxpreasCblcnKnlimdai 8 88 "
' W, Dully Eicopt Sunduy.. 9 00 "
" 6, Limited Dully Kxpreas. 10 08 "
Trains leave Clminbors street. New
Vork, fur Port Je.-vlt oa wii-k days nl
S 8i, T.13, 8 16. 10 80 A. II., I .0J
8 JO, 4 80, 8 16, 7 15, 8.16 U6 T. U.
On Suudyvs, 7 ), a. X
13 L0. 1.167 80,9.18 p. y.
U. L. SLAUSON. Ticket Agt, Pt.Jervls.
H. W. Ilna ioy,
Dir'n PnwKr. Aqent.
Cbnuiuors St. Siadon New York
William B. Kenwo.thay M. 0
Physician and Saroon.
OiII-m an-I riMiil-n.Tj Brood Street
lost Court Home. MILKOIH),
For Sale or Kent
150 Hrre farm kuowmts W'nrnr furin
tw u initiu leluw Milford, Apply to
Johu C Warner llilford Pa
The Milford
Livery Stable
to hi e with
without driv
Opposite iloinmiesd Library.