Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 02, 1909, Image 1

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    Count v
- , .
promlt eat
Israel W. Durham,
republican ivlitletnii In Philadelphia
died eaddenly of heart HlHltf (I hie
ninan home la At!imo City Mon
day. He we senator and for yseis
been a political lesdtr.
Tbe divorce suit hroniibt by Mrs.
Howard tionld apaint ber Imahssd
terminate' la h,r favor and wit
awania.l !C,CO a y-ar alimony.
How will It be possible- for tun poor
W'iBit, whose xtrnsu--a rr
iialorloas, to straggle along an f 100
a day. Hardly eufthient to keep h-r
In alio strings. Mauy nodoalit will
Condole with her In IliU piachii g
poverty Hut than there i the
etege ana what a drawing card she
would be.
Tbe appropriation bill for tba lul
a lit or te bit taken nsxt yanr baa
aseerl Congress. There will be 70,
000 enumerator whu will bagia
work April 16. If 10 In fills af
1000 and ever the work mini bad'Uir
iu fifteen il.yn and In country dls
tricta in thirty days. The appr.xi
male coat will be 114 C00.C0.
It la if ported Hint Now Ymk par
lira may dart a Uxica'i service b
twnti here n nil Port Jrrvis In br
pear future and that a l.-trget trans
poriation acto n ay also be put on
t!in llaa.
Competition la the life of business
ai d it taeir propositions tuatctiallac
ran poatpuua having sonie of the
nuiuerraa trolley and other railroads
for a few mentis, or at Want until
wintar whan thny are nsualiy bail 1.
Mrs. Nalhsniel F Tali died at her
home ia Matamoias last Tuesday
morning ag'sl ab-mt 79 yrara. She
ia aurTired by har but Wand, three
daughters anil two sons.
Cbariaa Thornton has loagbt aa
anto with wbicb te carry tba mail.
He expects to wake all the three
tripe daily with It and will carry pat
sen gets.
Miaa Mart;! Brink baa retarnnd
bin free Hartford, Ct , where eke
passed the winter.
Robert Flndiay, who baa teea 111
for some weeks la gaining.
Ed Crtssman of Ntw Terk la
guest with relatives here.
There will be races at the Drlvug
Park July 5lb.
Was Mary Lanwlg, after aa illness
of MTerat days, ia Improving.
The young ladtea have ahaafed
the date of their entertainment and
danoe from July 3, te Saturday aion
log Joly 101 h.
Mrs. C. A. White, after an Illness
of several weeks, is showing marked
The D. V. T. Coraany baa raised
tba fare to Port Jervia to ssventy.
five cents.
July S, the Mtlfbre ball club will
play the Newark, V. J. Titers on
the grounds here.
H. Stnbendoiff. who lives at the
Mlltord Bridge, ia not in vary good
X P. Huddy and wife of Esst
Orange arrived bere thia week for
their aummer vacation.
Tba Auditors Settlement of the It..
dependant School District of Milfind
snows a balance in the treasurer a
bauds of 11843 74. Tke Oirectora
bare levied a tax for school purposi a
of S mill and for inilebtrtdnexs of
S mil's ou the dollar a reduailoo from
last year
The Glntriu, bought by the V. I
A. aud Ikiroou'h, tor oj,e on the
streets has been applied mid seems to
be a suocnhs in laying tiie dai-t. It
bas no unpleasant odor, does not ad
here to wagons and is eauily ranovrd
from clotblug with a little water.
So far it has answered exiecitioi'S
and it ia bopod the dint rmisanc
win on greati? anovinteil trnot wh..l
ly abated. Giutrlu is a ciru prepar
ation and aels f. a biider, hunlenu.r,
the dust and making tba roadway
smooth, while having rune of the
unpleasant propertira of oil.
Madams Maloof has opned ber
bazaar cm Harford Street for tbe
anmmer witb an axquiaite aaw line : tobacco dust in the soil around the
of goods and fancy articles. Hrr i planl) or, Mil a few holes, four tr
good teat and the excellent quality j ii'Chea dep, in each bill end In
ef ber ware will commend her place j e't teasp ioaful of calcium carbide
as one in which to buy. filling the bole with earth. . Laud
Fred, a son of Lynn and Mary FV-1 1'1" wiUi turpentine is also a pre
sail of Port .Tervis, died aiirtdenlj I ventivc. end it may be added that a
laat Sunday morulng aged 3J years. Pim-h of "'trale of soda in neli bill
Ba will be r.;njemiid here aa a!'1""0' holl " a" i"oclcide and a
salesman for a ye;it concern.
John de C. Van Etten of TueksVioe
N. Y. visited his parekta here over
last Sunday.
A, u. ttowell, principal of the
While Mills, Fa. fCboo'.t, was bets
It ieeid that beniiiwe condition.
r" " uw" :
Xataaruraa. t' populatif wl.lrb '
borough la lsrly eomposod of rail-
rad arm, aonaiderabla annoyaner.
We are In rcwipt from the 8crr
tar? of Agricnltara at Werlitngioo
of a aiimbar of ooplra of Taruiera'
knllrtlaa whieh will be giTcn to auy
detr.ii. If you cannot call drop a ,
poaiai wna lueninieaoi rooae you
think would like to have eoplea and
they will be forwarded.
Cbirlea D HolTnun of Dingrnaa at the asms time devoting honlf to ; eonlerenoe, or powibiy of being re
Mir r.liri -rent 1o Rome, N. Y. tblM another of bla countrymen until ht J''''1 by the Home As a natter
we-k f. r ;rsitn:ent of a cancer wh'.uh !
baa appard on his body.
The Job detwrrment of the Port
Jrrvia Ui-ctta wna badly (lauitfej
by a Ira Isst 8alnrday morning. Tbe
lose la cuvareil by Insurnoce.
Tbe beat ol the past weak which
a gtanral over the Allanlle roast
ranged mneh tutTarmg and aaveral
C. A. Mct'arty has been re-elected
Chairman of the Wayne County
Democrat Cnmtniltee.
We will chreifnlly print Inform,
lion conccruiiiK cumins cliurcli
events If banded ill. The item
nrh fir more to the church if
printed before tlm orcalon than a
mlf calamn of defcrlniion arter tl.a
Twanty ene hundrcil employee of
the Rrmingtun Co are on strike nt.BRed in good work and in its
Uiica, N. T. because the Company
ihd to inetal n labor saving ma
chine In building type writer.
Women Who Are Envied
Tliose attractive women who nre!ooold the ycutig married tioronu
lovely In (ace. form and temper are;
the envy of many, who might be likej
them. A weak, sickly woman will i
he nervous and irritable. Conatina-
lion or kidney poisons show In pirn
plea, hlntchna, skin ernptions and a
wratclied cometaxioa. For all each,
Electric Bitten work wonders. They
regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, '
purify the blood ; give strong nerves,
bright eye, pure breath, smooth, vcl-1
vety BKin, roveiy ocinpiexion. Many
charming women owe tbeir health
and beauty to them. 60c at all drug-
The Striped Beetle
The striped sueumber beetle Is to'for "cU conduct; no paMtntloh Tor j
be reckoned with In the monlb of
June by the growers of cucumbers
equaehse, pumpkins acd melons. In
...m. ..sn. ii.. h..i. h. i
known to destaoy large patches of,0"' WU9ro n,e to oe-
three members of the melon family I ,rDOtion hat ynnK 'eo seem j
la a few daya State Zoologist Bur-
feee. of Harrlsburg, gives the follow.
lug Information, In condensed form,
iu regard to thia pesti i
Thftbeotlisarealiout one fourth or
an inch long and are y.llow. with
two black stripes extending length.
wise ou each wing cover. Thoy com
mence at once to chew bolea In the
leaves, and even eat off tbe young
stems. There are two distinct broods,
the second appearing about tbe
middle of August. The eggs are laid
Iu the ground near the roots upon
wbicb the larvae feed, otten causibg
the plants to whither without appar
ent cause
Tbe earlieat weasnre is to prevent
damage by covering yonog planta
wltb a net or cloth with a finer mesh
than the common mcquito netting.
They will not crowd through mosqui
to betting if lime and turpeutiue be
placed on thu ground within it. The
ininl'a can be killed bv rn nr-enitnl
poi-o 1, like P.iris green which ran be
applied either ) a powder or hi liquid
form. If as a powder, it aliouiil be
uusted on t!ie plants after having
been mixed with thirty times its bulk
of air-tslrtked lime or flour.
Iu applying poisons as a liquid use
not over one third of a pound of Paris
, Rrwn ,.r two poundsof Bisennte of lead
... (ir,v .MHoiuof wat.
Tho beciiH can tie kept awsy by
tlu'iling the plMuts with air sliiked
lime mixed with hellebore. This,
however, is only a repellent driving off
the in.-cts, hut nrt killing them. To
destroy tharn a poison niuet be used.
The larvae can be killed hy using
At the sig3 of the CUP and 6AU-
,CF.R. a tea room has been opened
! in the Cottage adjoining the tfawkill
itouaa on itariora mreet. H'eroom
"I" npsn daily from 8 80 to 6 SO
P.M. tf .
Sowing the Whirlwind :
The recen. n-urdcr. of to young I
by aCliinaman and the oilier dllth
' Mav Wnitllitll In Inn. iv ttunnaUs '
on the shore of a creek in Maryland
tKith point a moral. The Slgul firl
waa a mlKitiori worker and cslonMbly
davjled herself to Ibe work of rbiis-
lianialntf a Chinaman who preteuded
w Teri At ,na Mrn, m
L,a Bi ither really in love with
hiui or e.Ue miklnir a nretrniu. nnd
becamt lnsanily Jenloua. She we t
1 1 hi room where he killed her and
;P c?iil her body in a tiunk. He t.hea
fiad and bae net yet been toned.
The other, a young married wom
an whose hoe bn lid was in California,
went to tlm bungalow of Eisiman en
a oreek In Maryland, mile from any
other bouse to viait him. Eastman
waa a fugitive from justice, exact
ing to be arrested for crooked t k
dealing in New Tork, and while in
hii) shack bo killed her, weighted hrr
b dy with an iron kettle and sunk it
In n crerk. When hie pursuers
found hiui bn shot and killed liin -aeir.
The procise motive for bis orlms is
not yet iully disclosed.
There are thoi-e who may attempt
to excutn tho firmer cise ou the
ground thai the young womnn wns
pursuit went to the den of the f.ir.
eigner, bat what excuse can thoie
be for ber (hillying with hU pis-Ion
for ber by playing him apiinM an
other. In the olber case yrliy
who had been a pet of society, wi.o
m handsome, cultivated and inte'.
ligt go to the lonely habitation of
malefactor to make a visit extend.
lug perhaps for days. In both cases
tbe women threw tbeir reputation to
tke winds, disrefarded all the con
ventionalities of proper conduct, and
they paid tbe penally of tbeir wrong
A ing with their lives,
The lesson taught by thoir tnist r.
a - uieenua may uoi do learned by a
claas who ars daily traveling the
jeame path along lifes precipice, but
it should sink deep in tbe minds of
all who have regard for the decen
cies af life. There can be no excuse
" n cumetacces which led up o
hsir doath. risked this all for j
'! 01 notuing substantial ai a
1'' " tie 6me. we note every
Pron" wenturo in it regaraiees or
couaequences. comeescape but mai y
0 down in tbe wulr'lool of inequity
and are lost forever. The beginuloR
mnf 1,88 l)rmlesa street flirtnlion
0', "e ending a miserable life and
a violent death.
Girls listen I Will
it pay?
Porters Lake Club
The Porters Lake Club bas spent
considerable money this Spring im
proving tbe road from Edgemere te
its Cinb House. Stones have bern
removed and the road made passable
for automobiles. It will be widened
and further Improved. Workmen
are now busy on tbe road from the
Lake along toward three mile pond
wbicb will ooonect with the Notch
road to Blooming Grove. When
oouipleted machines can pass along
without fear of injury.
Pocono Farm House
When the improvements now be
ing made and those contemplaled
are finihlied that popular summer re.
sor! Pcc.ino Farm House will ho on
of tbe mcht attractive in the county.
It st ii mis nt the entrance to tb val
ley and will impress all truvelois
with Ira surrounding, and give
them an excellent introduction as to
whiit lies beyond. The annex on
the hill ia finely looatud and com
mands an extensive view of the sur
rounding country." It contains fi-rty
two beil rooms, eaoh room haing
two winaowa, witn high teiliiis.
The maiu bouse will bu enlargi d
next year and a spacious dining rcom
aud parlor adih-il. The grounda
around will be Improved and the
woodland convert! Into a park. Ti e
bouse ia popular and always hue
more applicants than can be accom
nioOated. The contemplated en
laigement will greatly increase its
; capacity and no doubt it will prove
a very satisfactory investment.
A one quart "Thermos Bottle" on
i tie antomobile roail between Elootn- '
ing Grove Park au.I Mtlford, Sunday!
. juoe jo, 19C9
Please notify
Newfoundland, Pa.
Tlie corporation tnx ainc ndraent
bfl at last lipflii rcunrfiid to Ilia Km
a'" X 8nafor Aldrirh, and the pru
'"' outlook ia that it will be imixi-nl.
! bI o U.-EIB com-.iiorntion of tbll
'emenduienl uoiil Wfdaifrlny nextat
tlla avliesr, A wholly orroneoua
impression has ganiad somoeredenie
!,,J lmt there is some danger
N' " aniendiiient being kilied ia
'uct Suonta coufereta are
Pledged to the President to preserve
tbe measure in eonfereoee, and so,
too. are Speaker Cannon and Ilspro
seutntlvn Payne, who will be chair
nian ef tbe House conferees. All of
the House lenders are committed to
the President's proposition and it Is
their intention to bring in a rale
which will send the tariff bill, Includ
Ing as it will the corporation tax
amendment, to conference with ex
tn-ine:y little debntn. Represenfa.
tivo Dwigbr, t lis Kcpulilican whip,
hn.4 asfured tlit Pretident that he
lendora controlled nbmidnnt votes to
adopt sncli a rv!e nnd carry out the
: projKined proBtnnimo. Horrever, a
j cry interesting report wns going
,IlB roulids In Inner circles at the
jSstiaie ye.'territty to tbe effect- Ih t
j0U9 or lwo ' n:iut rsdicnl Repob
ncun liiFurgects in the Senate wto
bave been uniecct!-ful in securing
the adoption of tbeir views by that
bviy, are endeavoring to organize
an insurrection iu the House and
that fiey linve secu:-e3 already the
s'i-utitures of aevenleuti Republican
uiamliers pledging themselves to do
all in their power to kill the entire
tariff bill, and farther, that they
have insight the remaining trcelve
Republican Representatives whose
votes would be necessary to destroy
the wiriof the special aessleu, at.
suming of course that (be Democrats
would vote solidly against the bil'.
Whether or uot the Speaker and
Representative Dwight werj cogniz
ant of this rumor wbtu they assured
the Presidrnt of their complete con
trol ol a majority of the House, ia
not known, but sufficient credence
was given the report to set tbe lead
ers to counting ncsea. Tbe Ssnala
ldor insist that -r. Cannon will
House and that a .ufHciflnt number
" .ut.ieu .u .UB
' vwi "a ueieat,
K'"st it.
. Republicans
Second only ta the interest in the
corporation tax is that taken in tbe
WriRht neroplano, flights of which
arn to he tukan at Fort Myer in a
short time. Tbe machine to be used
iu these test fights is a little shorter
bnt the propellers are identical with
thoso tised last year. The pr.'.cnt .
tioos takea a similar neeulent to that
which killed Lieut. BeUridge and
severely injured Orville Wright con
sist simply in bracing tbe propellers
more firmly. The brothers decided,
after thoroughly going over tbe
wreck of tbe old machine, that tbe
aocidout happened through the pro
pellers themselves working loose and
getting In the way ot the wires sop
porting the rudder. With the new
framework in which the propellers
are set, it will be practically impos
sible for this to buppen.
The passage of li;o bill appropriat
ing tl0,t00,(C0 f. r luting tho thir
tetRLh c.:iisus biiS prevented tbec.os
ins; of the C-iihcis Ofli-e. on Wednes
day nest Lecauo cf luck cf fur.ds.
It BM'.irt-H, ulto, that whether or not
tbe House pin-;;? the measure now
ia conference yovi luin the adminis
tratiou of tbe Cen-us. It is not
-ipraad to by blh houtes, tbe censns
will be tsken r.inltr the existing law,
which proridiS fr lion competitive
t-xai:.iiatioi.s aud is bitterly opposed
by ail Civil Har ice advocates, bring
similar to that vetoed by President
Republican State Ticket
Jut!ge Jupreme Court,
Anditor General,
A. E. falbOJt,
Elate Treasurer,
Jury Coiuiiit-islouer,
geop.gk h. Mccarty,
NlUcri Crouch.
Real Estate Transfers
Abbey F. A"f'iii to Ernest Mil
ler, land in Lei kawaxsn, Pikn Co.,
and IWMn Tap Tf ayue Co. 805 aorea
George W. TT.irnrrand others te
Jm-.ea M. Mnntgomery, farm la
Ding insn Township, formerly known
as Model Farm.
Charles D. Wallace to William G.
Cook, 10 acres Lehman, f 750.
Sonne to John II Cook Q C Deed
IIS perohrs Lahman.
Thomas W. Howell and others to
-Solomon H. Spears, lots on Big Pond
John M. Kelly to Anna E Kindt,
M 82 Mstamorss, (160.
Emma Pyeraon to Harry (fliostak,
lots In Hyde Park Porter.
Deunls Da Groat to Haggle De
Great, 100 acres pari Abrsm Sbaler,
looming Grove $U0.
K. L. Parks to C. L. G roach, lot la
Lincoln Park Wsstfall.
Isaisb flornbeck to Frank H. Wal
ker. S31 acres Delaware.
Ophelia Gohle to Charles Helms.
06 acres Dinjman, part of James Van
Auken $12.
Mrs. Clrmance W. Wortmard to
Felix Olaonirr, 10 acres Green 1300
Lafnyetfe Jsmes to Peter G Dohl,
2i aerrs LAckuwsxeii.
John Whitaker to 8nmh Pnscllla
Hsrkrr, and etliers (ifl acres Dels
wsre f250
SErah P. Harki r to Ma y E. Har
ker, assignment of above
Charles F. Wright to Win While,
87arres Diiiftmaa 1000.
8muel Hazrltoo to James F. Ma
lousy, lot 1&3 Mstamoras $125.
K. L Parks to Clarenee A. Childs,
lots la Lincoln Park Westfall.
George A. Swepeaiser to Clara
Ainms, 403 acres Delaware, Lake
rod bead No 15.
Geo. Gregory to Wyatt G ,Plantz,
sold as property of Fields and Miller
terra tenant, 120 acres 1175.
Clara Adams to John Drake, 402
aorea Delaware No 15 (300.
E. L. Parks to Samnel A. Ellis, lot
in Lincoln Park Westfall.
John A. Fountain to James F. Ua
leusy,. 1 sera Weatfall to00. ..
Eva Jane Conkliu adm'x of E. L.
Co.nklin lo Samnel L Van Akin, 114
acres Sbobela (COO.
Hamnsl L. Van Akin adm'r of
Minerva Van Akin to Jas Van Akin,
3 acres Shobola 1305.
Jaues Van Akin to Samuel L. Van
Akin, 8 acres Shohola $1.
"Don't E Sorrowiul,
Oh don't be sorrowful, darling,
Now don't be sorrowful, pray ;
For taking the year together, my
There Isn't more night thaa day ;
Tie rainy weather my darling,
Time's wives they heavily run ;
But taking the year together, my
There Isn't moraoloud than sun.
So don't ba sorrowfal, darling,
now don't ba sorrowful pray ;
For taking the year together, my
dear, there isn't more night than
We are old folks now, my darling,
Our heads are growing gray ;
But Inking the year together, my
You will alua.va fiud tbe May ;
Wo've bad our May, my darling,
And our roes long ago.
And the time of the year is coming,
my dear.
For the long dark night aud snow.
But Gcd is God, my darling,
Of night as well as day ;
Ar.ii we feel and kuow that we shall
WLerevor he leads the way ;
Ys. God of the night, my darling,
Of tbs night of death so grim ;
Tbe gate that leads out of life good
Ia the gate that leads to Him.
Trouble Kaken Ousted
When a sufferer from stomach trou
ble lakes Ir. King's New Life Pills
he's mighty glad tosee bis Dyspepsia
and ludigestiou fly, but more he's
tickled over his new, fine appetite,
slr.-.ug nerej. healthy vigor, all be.
cuM stomach, liveraod kidneys now
work rii'ht. lie at all diuggists.
ForuisheJ rooms to rsnt. Eoqui a
et Mr. Etta Poltlon, Corner Broad
euu Aon Kuet-, Uilford, Ft, tt
Announcement Is made that a Lay
to a young lady will soon ba united
ta niarriago to a Newton party, and
if junior is oorreat there will be an
other in a short time. . Our Us
wishes are extended to tbe entire
quartette. .
One of the quietest elections end
school meetings was held at Lay ton
on Saturday last. 1375 waa voted
for pntting belfry on the Fialar
school house and current expenses.
Carting of coal brought 2 per Ion,
and wood . for those schools osiug
wood was sold for an average of V
per cord already cot up. Trans) ort
Ing of pupils of the Fuller school to
Fisher waa awarded at 120 per
Mrs. Maria Hursb Shoemaker,
widow of Moses Shoemaker dee'd,
formerly of Dingmaos died on the
19lb inst at tbe residence of bar
daughter Zora in East Orange, N. J.
in her 83rd year.
She is tnrvived by six children ;
Elward of Delhi, N. Y., George of
Jarsoy City, Zora Pieraon and Edna
Wright of East Orange aud Ida wife-
of Harry BiMisley of Summit. She
was the Inst surviving member of
tbe Hm-sh family.
Anson Kintner the popular butcher
of Dingui'ans in add I I in to hia route
in Sandystoi', began his regular Sat
urday trips to Culvers Like on Sat
urday last.
The cottages around the lake arc
mostly occupied, and several more
aie in procoss of construction.
The moving picture show held
forth in the Lay ton Grange Hull
every night last week.
The show la a good one of its
kind, and was well patronized.
Roscoe Hutsh is the possessor of a
motor cycle and as soou as he gets it
In shspe will make it hum over our
Soaie of these days some one will
meet with au acoident in crossing
the Dingman bridge, as its condition
is certainly dangerous. The Iron
work needs psinting and In fact tbe
who! thing Is on the bum.
The oat crep la this section Is not
promising, and tbe prospects are
ttlBt TUB crop wilt DO a poor mr,
Cornolius D. Gunn, a bigbly es
teemed resident of Walpaok was
taken to the Port Jurvis Hospital for
an operation for cancer In the jaw.
A faw yeais ago he bad it removed,
but, it kas broken out again.
Superintendent Dye, of tbe Bordsu
creamery at Branchville, is Inspect
ing the milk at tbe receiving statloas
at Hiinesville and Layton.
It seams there is some fault found
with the temperature of the milk.
Tbe Freeholders of this county
bsve basked op the contractor build
ing the Macadam road from Calvers
Gap to Branebville In rhutting off all
travel over tbe road, and all are
compelled to go around the lake.
New House at Ray
mondskiU Mrs. Harmon, who occupies tbe
Wolfs bouse In town for tbe sum
mer, expects to build a handsome
residence on ber property on the
Raymoudakiil, the Butcher Brown
place, for plans are piepsr.d. The
house will be located on au eminence
sooth of tbe old Loniant honse, and
ill command au extensive view of
the vst ey. It will be built of stone
or concjeta and lighted with elec
tricity generated from the stream.
The surrounding grounds will be
handsomely laid out, the roads ap
proaching graded and widened and
when all is cmpieted will be one of
the finest homes in this section. The
county welcomes people who come
hera and make sudi permanent im
provements, for not only do they in
crease values but also tend to induce
others to locate here.
A Thrilling Eeacue
How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny,
Wash , was saved from a frightful
death is a story to thrill the world.
"A hard cold," he writes, "brought
on a deaperate lung trouble that baf
fled an expert doctor here. Then I
paid (10 to f 15 a visit to a lung spec
ialist iu Spokane, who did not help
me. Then I went to California, but
without benefit. At last I used Dr.
King's New Discovery, which com
pletely cured me and now I am ss
well as ever." For Lung Trouble,
Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, Asth
ma, Croup and Whooping Cough its
supreme, ooc and 1.U0. Trial hot
tie free. Guaranteed by ail drug-(glU.
Test Milk With a Score-card
The Department of Agriculture Fur
nishes A Standard For Estl
mating Impurities
What are the facts about milk In
your own town? Wn ask
thinkers, as consumers of milk, as
....nera or intanlg dependent upon
milk aaoitizens interested in en.
tecting yonr town from nemilMs rii..
aasa and death, to lnam tii f.n.
about milk to your town, and If yon
oan not learn tbem, we ask yon ta
learn why the facta are not to ba
We do not ask yon to spend a
pleasant afternoon casually looking
over a model farm. We nsk yon to
take a acore osrd (write to the U. 8
Department of Agrloulture, Wash
ington, D. C. for It,) and to "score"
tba dairy from which yoa feed year
baby, to "seora" tba milk shop from
which yoa get yonr mitk, to "soora"
yonr own home for yonr methods ot
protecting milk in yonr refrigerator,
in yonr nursing bottle, In yonr babys
nipple. One hundred per gent is tbe
perfect total soore. If the men do
not wash tbeir bands before nillkw
the cows, if the baby's nipple is not
sterilized, if nil bottles are Dot boiled
the 3oro will be.low. Let the bouse
bolder rate himself aa wall os tba
These ratings will furnish yon a
criterion of how efficiently adminis
trative metheds for the protection of
milk are being builded and will help
you to lay your finger on tbe plan.
Education in tbe protection of a uni
versal and excessively contamlnable
food must reaoh a hundred per cent
of the peopio to be effective.
Thare is a milk quoetion and a
milk probUm. Both are concerned
primarily with the life and health cf
infanta, as they alone are dependent
upon milk for food.
V. I. A. Report
Annual Report of tha Village Im.
provement Association of Milford for
the year ending June 21, 1909.
This ia tho sixth year of tbia Soci
ety and by tha aid of its members
and friends It hopes to continue its
work with renewed strength and
. The V.I. A. baa -bald a moUl
meeting to consider the most import
ant use to place soma of its funds for
the benefit of the residents and vis
itors. As our village Is naturally so at
tractive, and onr roads have a world
wide reputation a greater number of
antos each year visit and pass thru
onr village.
The Town Council decided to ap
propriate tlOO for oiling Broad Bt.
The V. I. A. appropriated the same
amount to oil Harford St from Mott
Street Bridge np to Beck's Hotel
then Ann St to Third, and if possi
ble to continue across Third Street.
In tbe near future wa will be able to
test the result.
Our flower beds on Centra Square
are In excel lent condition. Vines
bave been planted around onr Sum
mer Bouse and on tba bridges ap
proaching tbe town.
Our path to Olen Bridge baa been
pat in good condition.
Oar boxes and benches have bean
repainted and repaired and several
new ones added and placed in con
venient places.
A competent man employed to
empty and look after them.
The Entertainment Committee laat
year gave a brisge and euchre party
and also sold lemouade at the base
ball Held.
Tbe Committee this season will
endeavor to arrange such a program
of entertainments to raise money to
carry on its different projects, and
we ask a co-operation in tbe Danca
by all our members and fiiends.
Now it is earnestly requested that
all persons respect the property cf
this organization. Any mutilation
or destruction of their property will
be punished according to law.
The annual dues are now due ; f 1
for men 60cts for women. Kindly
send same to Treasurer, Mrs. Susan
Could Not Be Better
No one has ever made a salve, oint
nient, lotion or Dalm to compare with
Bucklen'a Arnica Bahe Its tbe one
perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns,
Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers,
Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore
Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands its
supreme. Infulhhlo for Pile. Only
tie at all druggists.
AdvaftU i tb Paine,