Inn iMii VOL. XIV. MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY. PA., FRIDAY. MAY 28, 11)09. NO 31 Co I r i v i w A. A BRIEF MENTION J English critics say thai th- Ainei , lean women do not kar.w bow la tfoaea Guiuacr t Haiiilyshna WM 'walk. They know enough, bowtvir la Iowa Mt Muaiday Ma will have In keep Mm women of other national public Bale Janet, af thehouai hold itles on the tun. looda af the lata Lydie Decker at Lit ton, N J. Depositions were takcn last Men day before J. U. Lndnijt Kq n the suit of Or. J. Marion EltunnaS sgsinst Die Gcrnietiia Fir Insurance Company. . Tim suit waa brought to recover on a ailicy of Inaurance ob tba Iiqbso and bara f 1. in Delawara township which were I aramt auana months ago. Calvin C'ror, of Dincmane Ferry, waa lu town last Mouday Look out fir the striped Vretlra. They often attack and dent a - niel ana and tuetiinbers as feet a the plants appear above the ground. An application of wood ashes, air slaked lima, or g ypaam. tainted witb kcru ana or turpentine or rarbolta Beld, will kelp to drive thatn away. II 7m have only a few plants, vim ran easily protect each bill br erecting a luo.-qtiito artting gn.-iid over it unii) tlio plants begin to i nn. Cbbsge, lutnuto ami other ptnnls euu be protected from cutworms by e.rctiiig a two inch high paper friire tound rack firm. Lap Ibo pnpvr and and push the f.mce an inch Into tiia soil to hold It iu place. The pap er should not come nearer to the ne:u tban about onn and one bull laches. Watch the currant and gooseberry bualica for worms. If not looked uf tar for a few day they wilt atrip off the leaves and tbo berries will not ripen. Make a duster out of a tak ing powder can by punching floe bolea in Die lid, and I boa dust the baaboa with hellebore A few eeuta and a little tiuia will save lbs ber ries. Milford at recta hire net been tn better condition for yeara than at present. . Tba atieet eotumlttee, Warner and Flodlay, baa shows good Jadgraeat and street ooaaaale. loner Ryder has exeoalcd Heir dl swctloaa with etoelleat discretion. When streets are put ia proper shape it la an easy matter to keep tbem so and tbey give much belter sattsfao tton to tha public. The Qaay atataa commission has ordered the ecu hit or, tn whose stud io tba sums baa beea, to forward It to Barrisborg where It will be turned aver to the Capitol commission The last legislator pnaeed a resolution that it be placed In the rotunda. Tha win; of the Democratic party In Monroe county are now trying to flap in unison. At a recent limiting the peace pipe was passed, the toma hawks were concealed, tha scalping knives ahratbnd and the braves wore ia future they would drink the aaaaa brand of fire water. What lea Is necessary to harmouy. J. K. Perry of Wllke Barre waa In town Tuesday to attend the aala of tlta Wilkes Bur re East and West Railway and became the purchaser for the sum of (10,000. Having beea caught ia tha art cf Mealing aome (2,000,000, the sugar trust ateme quite likely to suffer the pain of seeing soma half dosen of its $13 a week employers sent to the ponitentiary for it Aitither trlpabrond would astlst 11 r. Bryan In killing time between presidential conventions. Otstro bns praotically dlsftpimnrrd from public coticrr, and nobody is organizing any aearcblng parties. At tha Sheriff's sale last Saturday f 123 acre of laud in Delaware ti e property wasstiuuk B to the Mort ggse for $175. The oivillratlon of the American Indian is onmplete "Whltr Cl.ind" has been named nsco-responduntina Liudon divorce suit. Tbe summer romanoe srasou has opened in Tsxaa with tea ponnd hall stones. Legislative note Speaker Cannon appeared In a light anil and pink tie. The sugar trnst bus been cheating the ftnvorument for ti n years. Vet the gn-ernuioiit ia kinder to tbe aogar truat than to any other in the country. . Tbia thing of dally ballutlua trosn tha Afrioaa Jaaglaa ia too much like old White Hons daya. Washington eeuld de no Irsa than erect a statae to Bus Hbitpberd after Pennsylvania set an eiample In the case of Btias Quay. Homer Davenport, the c irtix.niat, ba Separated from bia wife and roovivt bia fani-y slock from Morrt flaiot to a farm new Guehen, K, T The romplinnt that an Itimme tax would mnk n a nut inn of linre ap jMrently cornea lurirrly from tba poo pln who are afraid to trust them selves. Tha trouble about I ha sir rf that Buoa wrote 8lmkejp. are is thr.t it ha to be proved all over again every year or so, ant tbni nobody be- Ilevea It. If the women are to be rrqnired lo remiiva their lints in clmr. Ii. tbry have the njtht tn ilrmnnd. e lliiuk, that tkry be furnished two saata euch. A judioioua trimming of the trera in town wonld improve their a pneas anea and l earfit tha trrra. Tlie ten. deaoy of tha lower limbs Is lo draw moat of Ibe atrengtb of tba tree and the shsdu is not needrd so near tli grannd. The btdndard Oil Co. is giving da monatiatliitis in some near by towa to proe tie ifliciciicy of oil lor lay iiit; the (lnxt. There is no uVubt bet I bat it will do tbn busiuess, but hT Mtid to be dinigrernble for n time af ter application. A tile drain pipe is bring Inld across Fourth Street nt its i'.itcttec Hon with Uroi;o wh ch l!l ii!:i;e a vrry bad break, a thing which has dipgusted many users of veliiclws. A number of gypsies pjsuul thru town this week. The prica of wool tbla year will be about 25 centa or 8 cents more tban last year. Bill Slw lo is displaying exlranrdin ary qualities as a ball playerj and thia week in an exciting game br. twean Alteoua and Joliastown woa out for bia club by sinking a home ruu In the tenth Innlog. The score waa 2 1. Ha baa now woa aa a pitcher eight ttralgbt guoaa far Al taoaa. Edward Cahlll of New York la la town this week. Up to this date 4.000 automobile Itaeusts bavo been Issued by the Da aartment of highways. Altornry Uenrral Todd holds that the non retident extmpiioa provis ion of the new automobile law does not go into effect unltl Jan 1st, 1110. The licensing provisions of the new et arc not operative until then, and bs says the teu day limit la a part of the licensing provisiou. E'ght tona of dynamite were ex nloiled in one blast last week on tba Lackawanna short cut In Warren County. It tore down a large bill. The Blooming Drove llonting and fishing Club is experimenting witb a soli erne for proagating yollow pnroh af a lood for gime Usb nod Cotr.mis loner Meehan ia so im pressed with the idea that La may endertake tha same method I i dcd the fish which devour trout. Like Laura is so full of bass that a sports man can catch bia liiuit In a vary ahprt time, and the Commissioner will permit club members to catch more tban tha legal limit pu t! led the aorplna ta deposited la the Lack awaxen. Mrs l-ruo of Ntiwark recently visited her motbtr here, Mrs. Ka t li ar n ttJohn. Thore are uo more stats funds to pay bi. unties on e xiui.ti nniuials. After June 15tb you can fish for black has in the Delaware, whether you catch any or not. Chas O. Wood vaa in New York this weoa looking afier a batterv which be h'ft with a fir:n in that city jto be charged and which thrv cli liu .od bad been dtlivirnl. ile found that a youiiij n un hud nilltd aDd repr-iseoisd bimnelf a.i Wood and da earthed v. here he wasinra and when he loft tbe battery, and that it had breu delivered to biin. The firm made goal bj giving Mr. Wo.vt a new battery, and pocketing the Ion. I An artronooier ssjs that for ten million dollars be can put nr a plant ! to C'.mn.utncuie with Mars. Gills 'flirt viiln Ibe man In lha moon for much less money. Pay your lax and get yeur dog tag aad license before June 1st. Robert Tindlay and wife are enter tainlng a son who came Into their boiue Monday. Mrs Koeun ivet.l to New York tbia week for au operation, which has b-eu sucoe-sfully performed. Hei ''"it Banian i novering from an attack of fever. , P. M. N ils cf KlTerM.le Hi'tel a IU town a day last week. Tna Demnerata of Mnaroa county are squirming because Ave nnl of six candidates for Jury commissioner were refused a place oa tha ballots because their netltions onlv oontnimd ten names. Ia not a man who wants j to fill a connty ofQce and la either too ignoraet or too negligent to find out what is necessary to pnf hie aame on the bille t lit ely to he cnSt to perform bia dotiea. Won d le be Jnsl aa rarelrsa and neglectful in ptib llo as In private matters. Uonesdale people are patting their bncks over tbe proaprot of tbe trot ley line being built. It would re lieve I heir Main Street mad conies, tloa. The Wheeler Armstrong family are now ocripylng their High Street heme. Cyras Bull and wife ara visiting the formers mother on Third Bt. Chef Grosllinond of Hotel Tench, ere, who has been ill witb pneumonia is recovering The trial of Darhnoto charged wlrh murdering an 1ml inn near Middle town Jan 19th, and asraulling bis wife, has commenced at NeurburgU and it looks as though tha Hints eventually will have to gcnr.nte nonsh electi icitT to kill a miserable wretch. B.ubuoto was convicted of mnrrtrr in the first drgroe and sentenced t ha eliH'troeutcd the week beglimir.g July 5th. Burgess Kulibacli of Honcsdtilo is an unjiityitig official with a really Pharoah heart. Recently ho sen tenced three tramps to 30 dtiya work on the streets The shooters for per snnnl Marty and private right may expend some pent up emotions over this outrage perpclrattd on thrir brethren, and declare tbe law unconstitutional. There jsnsi to be eoaaa bitch la tba aew trolley line, It la guard edly latlmated that eoasa oae who has beea aearching the wood pile has discovered a earefnlly ooneealed African In It. Bnaka bim oat aad let the work begin. Milford Lodge No 844 F. A. 11. will attend the funeral of the lata brother C. H. Robinsoa at Malamor aa today. Uias Fannie PotfloBrof Mew-York U spending a few daya la town. Mrs. John P. Vaa Etten of Cons shaaKh baa beeu visiting ber Brook lyn relatives for several days. v John Van Derbilt is again at Wel come Farm In Mllfsrd township. The ballots for tbe primary June (tb, were printed at tbe Press office. There is not likely to be a very live ly election iu this county, as there ia r ally but una contest, that for Jury Commissioner, on tha Democratic ticket. Cut Js of invitations have bean re ccived here to Commencement exer vlura ol Leland Stanford University California ia the graduatii g class of which is Percy H., a eon of ai. M Vau Etten formerly of Milford. At the alga of tha CUP and SAU CER, a lea room baa been opened la the Cottage adjoining the Sawklll j nouae on riariora ntreet. i ne room will be open daily from 8 80 to 6 St P. U. tf C. P. Knapp, who busted several np river banks, was an enthusiastic prooiotor of band inusio and dropped $8i),000 of the depositors money in humoring bia fincy. Attaobing a ball to Ills leg and putting bim at afreet work for 85 years would about make the punisbine it fit tbe ciime. There is a growing feeling that Memorial day cnglit to be kept sac red st least tbe forenoon to tbe memory of those who gave their livts for tha country, and that base ball and other games should wait. This would be showing proper re spect to the s-entiioent which Inaug urated tbe tlay. An experienced teacher savs that I pupils who have access to newspap- ers at home, when compared witb thos who do not, are better readera better spellers, better grammarians, better punctuators, aad read nor onderotandlagty, and obtala a prao tleal kaowledga of geography In al most half tba time It rcqalret other. Tha aewbpayer la deoidedly aa laa portaat factor la modera life. Tbia will aot be disputed by any one wbo has taken tha trouble to Investigate the matter tor himself. The strawborry season in Delaware opened last week and aa aatiaaata of one million dollars is placed on tha crop in three counties. If this le cor red others than Strawberry Jim Mo Nichnl may have tbem for breakfast. NEWS FROM WASHINGTON The Benata leaders are far from ttiafltd with tbe progress being made on the tariff bill, and with a drsire to call a ball oa speeches for home consumption sad to bsvs the tariff debate confined to tha specific questions nader aonsideratlon, they Intead to 'da everything In their p iwer ta llnslt tbe scopa of the dh eostdan. . Hares ft sr the tariff orators ara to be held within bounds and will not be permitted todieraas tha fund amantala of frae trace and protea tion, tba truat question, the political situation, freight rates - and other economic subjects. Oa Thursday of bat week, after a hug debate ia wbfeb almost everything exoept tha pending amendment waa discacsed. bsnstor Tillman sugrrs'ed that tba time bad come when something bad aught to be done lo put aa and to "tbla usileas wrangle" and Mid he was weary of sitting in the Hsnale witb ncthing to do except liatru to professions of politlml failb by lie publicans and Democrats, and In this he voiced the sentiments of many others. Beustor Aldrich, chairman of tha Finance Committer, intends at an early date, to invoke a role that no Senator shall speak more tbaa Isrlce on any one question in debate on tho same day without the permla slon uf the Senate, and be iutenda, also, to Insist that the Senate eonflna itself to consideration cf the para graphs under consideration. It is hoped, in tbia way, to dispose ef tbe bill before the summer ia ovrr. In the days of the Booseyslt ad ministration visitors to the Senate galleries were always sure to get a glimpse of Vice President Fsirbanks, hear bia santiroaa tones, and view tha dignity of aslea with which ha presided over that body. He waa al waya la bia aeat apd seemed to be Have iht it was tha daty of tbe Vice President to remain near tho fnate. Vioe President Bberman takes an other view, and believes that tbe Vies President should have tbe aame lniaurs aa any other member of the Senate. He knows there ara many capable heads la which to treat tbe gavel aad be ha takea several aftei. noona off to play golf ami hea made iveral tripe to blc borne on business. He calls Hens tor Frya to the ebair whenever it la possible, kaowlag that ha Is entreating tha busiaess of lbs Senate to one of tha most exact and capable offlosrs who ever pre. aided over tha Upper House of Con gress. When Benator Frye ia absent Mr. Hbermaa calls oa any oae wbo happens to catch hie eye. Ona day this week four different Senators al ternated In tha chair. Tbe concen sus of opinion it that Mr. Sbermaa Is right In escaping at times from the bombardment of oratorical periods. After no little dlsonstian and five weeks' work, tba aame of Jefferaoa Davis, presidaut of the late Soother Confederacy, baa been rasters to tba tablet oa Cabin John Bridge. When Mr. Davis was Secretary of War, In the Iftiea, bia name formed part of tha legend originally oat Into the Ublst, but it waa erased froaa the atone ia 1882 by order of Secre tary Caleb Solih of the Interior De partment. President Roosevelt or dered Its reatoratioa, forty seven years later, just Imfo.c his retire ment from office, and his aotlon waa he result of urgent appeals of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Prominent members of the Asso ciation ot State and National Food and Dairy Departments ara conaidei- l-.g the advisability of asMng Coi . grets, at its next session, to enact ie-islatinn rrovidinir for annervi.tnn of all factories which prepare food products entering into Interstate com msroe. The advocates of saoh a measure maintain that it conlrl he drawn along lines similar to that providing for the tnapectisn of meat and meat produots. Msnv Conarrcaa men are of tbe opinion, however. that sneh legislation, if enacted, would not stand tha laata nt tha oarto. and they aaatntalB that It is antral if the moat Inspection law would be upheld by the Supreme Court, were it taken before that tri bunal. The packers have been so benefitted by tbe law that they have aot bean disposed lo subject It to the teats of the oonrta. It ia doubtful it the purveyors of food produola gee arallv wnulrt ha aanallw h-n.flitul and It ia feared that, were an attempt niaae so eo rar cxseaa tbe system, the ent i re legislative structure would fall. It is considered exlremrlr dnuhtlnl, therefore, if Con gr ens oruM be Induced to extend tha pol icy ot fed rul Insoeotlon. Gumption oa the Farm Sort well rnur simmI, but first be oaraful to eelrvt the right aort. Tba bong bole does not amply half so many barrels as the little, everlasting drizzle from the spigot. Never beard of anybody running tbe cultivator too ranch, except one maa who was too busy cultivating to dig bia wife's flowerbeds for her. It will pay to have on hand dupli cates of tbe most breakable pans of the barveatar. It coat time, which Is valuable, to atop a machine in rush day to 'welt for Ibe broken parts. To tha hired man : You can be a ma whom the whole neighborhood will' want. How? Just by being fair and square, earnest, honest, good nature and clean In all your life. No out-of work times for such a man. Wbea yoa wish permission to1 go across anothsr 'man's laud 'go end ask for it. Doa't take it for granted that "it will be all right." You can only be sure of thnt by going to head quarters and talking witb tbe maa tor. Ont of 2,500 boya recently exam ined In the schools of Kansas, only six cigarette smokers wero f Und to be what would generally bo calieJ bright. Ten nf Hie remainder were average students, wbilo all tbe ret of the 2.800 were found to be poor at ibrir studies, or worthless One of the handiest thlngi nbont a farm is a canvas large enough to cover a load or stack of bay. Those who still stack all bay outside need one most. But there are many other uses for one, auch M covering loads uf grain that can not be unloaded be. fore a shower, a protection for tba binder od dewy nights, eto. Tbe answer we have been givlag to young men who wish to gel ia'o agricultural journalism, is to go en a f irm which is devoted to the speo-, laliy he is most interested in and work end write, write, write, send log his MSS, to farm papers ; keep on j sending them uutll lie makes a repu tation for himself ; then, if a way is opep for him It will open. Others may giva batter ad vice tban this this 1 th best we eta do. In a little while summer boarders will bo In evidence. Deal gently with tbem, brethren, when they ask yoa how many eggs tha eggplant produeoa in a day, and when they ask to see the cow that gtvea butter and cheese. They mean well, but thay are very green concerning conn try way ; and if tbey arc frightened out ef their wlta when they meet a flock of sheep, do not remind them of their cheap Jnkea bout tha perils of a countryman crossing a busy street In town. Tha summer board er t usually willing to learn, aad in time he will even be able to distin guish between a bumblebee end a grassbopper. Eilllag weed by spraying : To make tha spraying solution, empty a hundred pound sack of sulphate of iron Into flrty gallon barret ; fill to the chin with water and at.r with boa for a few minutes until dissolved Strain through several thickness of ohreeeetoth tacked over manhole of the apraying machine. Apply with a powerful (praying machine, pro. ducing a real mist free from dropa. Use about fifty gallons to the acre, and spray on a bright, warm day, or on a dark, damp day ; it does not matter so long as rain does not eosue srithia eighteen or twenty hours. This spray will not harm grain crojs and will kill wild mustard and var ious other weeds. From June Farm Journal. Lived 152 Years Wm Par Knglaud's oldest man mairied the third time at 120, worked In the fields till 132 and lived 20 year longer. People should be youthful at 80. James Wright, of Spurlock, Ky shows bow to remain young. "I feel Just like a sixteen year old boy,'' he writes, "alter taking six bottles of Electric Bitters. For thirty years kidney trouble made life a burdsn, buttheflft-t bottle of this wonderful medicine Convinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth." They're a godsend to weak, sickly run down or old people. Try tbem 50c at all druggists. Real Estate Transfers Robert Daalcy to Isaac Heater, lot in Matamoras $1000. John Keyea ta William Scales jr., lot S, 4 Matamora $1700. R ana Koenlg to Theodore Near, pass, lota 77, 6J, 87 Malauiuras $!-'0. NOTES FROM SANDYSTON It is. claimed that a aew reboot law forbida any B. of I. to reduce the salary of any teacher who has taught three conaecutivc years in any mun icipality. When teachers were hired for tbe coming year tbe salary of tbe teach er at Layton was out from 45 to $40 She quotes from our County Super intendent that such la the law, and ltbo tha school la not an advanced one, and not large the B. of E. snay have to pay. The law ta denounced by all. Mrs. Jana Hursb, of Hsiaeevilla, ia suffering from a light attack of paralysis. Her condition Is reported as slightly improved and ber many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Ia sptaking last week ot tbo taraa r whose haec came out ahead ot hie IS cows, I did not giva the number of hens, but be tells as they number about 600. $75 :00 ahead, per month, is a good beat. Money ia a mighty alippsry articls and one of our milk men finds that checks are slippery too. Being bnuded bis milk check of $163 aa ha wis on bis wsy to bis work, he banded it to tbe ssrvaat girl to put away. When ho called for it, it wag gone and ia gone yet. Application has beeu made for ai other check. I amglad to note thnt the condi tion of Jonnoy Major at Laytoa is improved. We all hope to see him around, aa usual, in a short time. The Sindyston B of E met on St urday uigbt, and sold the contract for the erection of five flag poles to be put np on our school grounds, to Frank Barnes, of Haioesville, for $88.00 Tba poles are to be cheetaat, 40 feet long, 8 In or ever 8 feel from the large end, and 4 laohee or ovsi at the small end. Painted two coats of white, sot in hole 4 feet deep aad hole filled with cement. There is no bouanza iu this deal. Iu eoaseqnence of Miss Donle Corl right declining to accept tha Brook aide eobool In this town, tha B. of E. engaged Mies Grace Col of afonlagaa to fill the position. Miss Corlrlght has been angsgsd a assist teashei of the Brick House School, and, I an excellent select Ion. Dr. E. W. Jones, of Layton, la th possessor of a flue Bulckaar and ruas It like a veteran. A day or two ago he cam from Port Jervia to Layton ia 73 minutes, and if be get a hurry he'll be there in a jiffy. Of all iho doeament printed by the State that ia interesting to th general pablio la tba State Aaaual Report ot the schools, and yet, I as sert that probably two per cent of tha people ever get to tea oca. There is ao much of latereal ia those Re ports, to lovere of good schools, that the state should have copious ex trasts from it printed in onr County papers, and especially of our owa County. Monday, 84, adorning th air fecit like frost, witb tha Weather Boreaa instruments atanding at 33 above, overcoats are lu order yet. Corn plsnting Is being pushed this week, aud in uisuy cases the farmer is not done plowing. Tbe wet weath er bas put Ibe farm work back vary much. lievac andLar.ts, our new butcher finu, started their wsgon on Thurs day last. Both are well known young meu, and with strict attention to business are deserving of success. Will those Pike Counly K. Rs. via Milford get one of them going down this valley. Either side of tbe river nill do. Won't Slight a Good Friend "if ever I ueed a medicine again I know what to get," declares Mrs A L. Alley of Boals. Me , "for, after us ing ten bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its excellent re sults lo my own family and others, I sin convinced it la the best medicine made for Coughs, Colds and lung trouble." Every one who tries it feels Just that Way. Relief Is fait at once and Its quick oure surprise you For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemor rhage, Croup, LaGrippe, Sore Throat pain In cheat or lungs its supreme. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Governor Hughes of New York has vetoed the bill appropriating $15 (00 lo tluish the dike al port Jervis, and give as a reason, inentnoleol revenue. OBITUARY Cbablb HfaroaD Doaxtrao Charles Hanford Robertson, a well knowa locomotive nnaH n aha Delawara Division of the Erie, died al hie home oa Ave. N. Mataatorae, Tuesday morning after a 7 awotba lines of a complication ot disease. Had ha lived uatil Julv 13. be would have been fifty year old. Deceased was bora at White Cut. phnr Spring, Butllven Coanlv. aad sevsnteea years ago aame to Port Jervls and begaa ftrlag for Erie. Ha waa aoon premotsd to ughsear and performed his duties to tba satlafaa- tion ol hi employer. Ha waa a aaan wbo waa wall liked by many frlaads. Una wbo waa a kind and indulgent huaUnd and father. Ha waa a mean ber of Port Jervia Division, Me. 64, B. L. E., tha Odd Fellew of Young villa, tba Masons of Milford. and tha Eaatera Star of Mataasoraa. August 1$. 1884. ba Waa united in marriage with Miss Jessie Colemaa of Honnacala, who survives him with tho following dsugbters: Helsn, wife of H. W. Smith af Uststsoras ; Bertha, Florence. Mildred and Arnra at borne. Also two ulsters: Julia, wife of Washington Sutherland of vrmte emptier Springe ; Ida, wife of Lambert White of East Branch. N. Y. The funeral will be held from his late home, at 2 :30 o'olock today and tie services will be In charge ot Mil ford Lodge No 344 F. A. M.. Rev. Mr Covey officiating. Interment in Laurel drove Ceme tery. Mrs. Mart Fabrestback The .uaeral of Mrs Mary Fahren- back wa held from her lata bona 1st Lackawaxen last Monday and waa largely attended. Intermont In the Union Cemetery at tnat plaoe. Tbe poll bearer ware Messrs. Carl Newe, B. I Sobafer, Anthony Hes- bergcr, Ferdinan Hohenwald, Joseph Dodao, Chris Warner The flower bearer was Frank Newman. WANTED! SALESMEN to repceeeat us tn tha aala of our High Grade Goods. Don't delay, apply at once. Steady employment ; liberal tarms. ILi par lance not necessary. ALLEN NURSERY CO. Rock eater, N. Y. Smashes All Becords As an all round laxative tonic and health builder no other pill can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pill. They tona and fegulata stomach, liv er and kidneys, purify the blood, strengthen tba nerves; cure Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaun dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. 25c at ail druggist. Memorial Services by Cel. John Nyce Post 459 G. A. R. Unioa services of all th aharoho will be bald la tha Methodist churoh Sunday evening at 7 :S0 o'olock. Vctcrani of all wan ara asked to joia the group of tbe member of tha Grand Army. Tho publio I cordial ly Invited to attend this servioe. Oa Monday member of the G. A. R. will leave Centra Square at 8 a. m. for Montague, N. J. where servloa will be held In tbe cemetery at 10. At 10 :30 a brief aervloe for tailora will ba held oa the bridge. At 11 o'clock publio service will be held la Milford Cemetery. The ritual of G. A. R. will ba used. Tbe oration will be given by Ret. R. B. Dilworth. Tbe publio is cordislly invited to at tend these services. Flowsra and wreath! for decorating grave of sol diers are solicited. Please leave them at tha Court House before nine o'oleok Monday morning. Kills to Stop tne Fiend The worst foe for IS years of John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was a run ning nicer. He paid doctor $400 00 without benefit. Then Buoklen's Ar ntea Salve killed tha ulcer and cured him. Cure Fever Sore, Boils, Fel ons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns. 23o st all druggists. Tbe Milford bank will be dosed Monday, May 81, Memorial day. George N. Waingrisht died at bia bona in Montague, N. J., May I8th aged about 5$ yeara. AdvarUta it lh Pre