Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 21, 1909, Image 2

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Friday, May 21, 1909
orru E, BBOwn's buildiho broapht.
Oh Year One dollar and fifty cents.
Six Months fcSeveuly-flve cents.
Entered lit the post office of Milford,
Pike County, Pennsylvania, as secnml
olaa matter, November tweDty-first, loHfl.
Advertising Rates.
Onlnoh, one Insertion -- .-...l.r
Each subsequent insertion ....... .76
Reduced rates, furnished on application,
will be allowed yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
Ad m I n I strator' a
notices . . . - -Auditor's
notloea . . . . .
Divorce notloea
- 4.(0
h he riff aalea. Orphans
court sales,
Jountr Treasurer's sales. County stalc
ment and eleetlon proclamation ohnrgid
by th inch.
Will Armstrong and wife, of New
York, were recent guests with Mil
ton Armatrong and wife.
John Headnrferend friends of New
York are domootled at Milford Inn
for tbe coming season.
lira. Barman, who with her fam
ily Is occupy log tbe E. S. Wolfe cot
tage, hrg bought tbe Biown farm on
Itaymonilgkill creek in DiDgman tap.
and will probably a new bouse and
make her aommer home there.
lira. Clarence Treille of Shawnee
a pent a few days laat week with her
mother Mrs O. Bt'tisley of Mt. Pros
Peter Howey and Mrs Alice Sinllli
of Bushklll spent Sunday with her
mother Moses Van Auken of Mascon
osla. Wra Mink and Mrs Edward Seese,
of Minks Pond were here Sunday.
The members of the community of
Meadow Brook have arranged to hold
a supper at the Meadow Brook school
house oo Thursday evening, May 27.
Proceeds for pastor. All are cordially
George Lltts of Meadow Brook vis
Ited Btroadaburg Monday.
Moses Van Auken transacted bus!
I at Bushklll Monday.
Comrade David E. Wilcox or Mt.
Pleasant returned from California
where he apent the winter and visit
ed R. W. Kelley last week.
Albert Bonn of N. V. is spending a
few weeks with his son L. Bonn.
Quit a number from here at tended
play at the Standard Opera House
Bawley last Saturday evening.
Mr NcNally of Mt Cobb is visiting
his daughter Mrs Olive Satorl.
Mary Harrison and niece Bessie
Langan of Bcrontan are visiting the
formers brother James Harrison.
. A mo Burkhardt is on the sick list
Dr Rodman of Hawley attending
By virtus of a writ of Levari Facias
Issued oat of the Court of Common
Pleas of Pike Couuty, to me directed, I
will expoea to aale by public vendue or
outcry at the Sheriff's Office in the
Borough of Milford on
Saturday, May 22, 1909
at 1 o'clock p. m. the following real ee-
uh, situate in toe county or Fifce, in
the Bute of Pennsylvania, In the town
ship of Delaware, and bounded and de
scribed aa follows:
Being tbe north or northwest one
half vf a 252 acre tract of land surveyed
on land warrant issued by tbe land of
nee 01 ra,, granted to .Luke lirodhead
ana numbered on the ComuiiBsioners'
Books in said County aa lot No IS
aid part herein conveyed being 2 111
rode long by 80 rods wide including a
atrip of ground on the unrthetst line of
ma earn acres extending from tbe
aoutneaat corner of tbe above tract
along aaia northeast line to the turn
pike running through said lot No. is
said atrip of land to be thir ty (30) feet
wiue ana mciuueo. in me above bound,
ory, making one bund red and twenty
six acres be tbe same more or Icsa ami
being tbs same laud conveyed to me
Dy t. A. jjougnerty aud wife by deed
dated Fab 7th, 1901.
Tba above land is unimnroved
Belied and taken lu execution as the
property or Frank B. Field and Matlie
A. Field bla wife, aud David II. Miller
terra tenant, aud will be sold by me
auv mull.
BheritTe Orlioe, Milford, Pa. Sheriff.
April 27, ltfuw.
Register '8 Notice
The following accounts have been
filed with tbe Register and will be
Preaauted to the Orphans' Court of
Ike County fur continuation ou the
Aral Monday of June next:
Katate of George H. Howhanan, de
ceased. The first and final account of
Emily B. Thrall, administratrix.
Estate of Jobu Newman, deceased.
First and flual account of Julia K.
lNewman, administratrix.
EaUteof Daniel W. Hlioemaker, de
ceased. Flrat aud final account of
Vary K. Decker, administratrix.
EaUte of Peter A. L. Quick, de
caaund. Fourth and final account of
Lena A. Taimage, executrix.
Kilford, Pa., May 8, ISAttt. Kegtster
Advertise In the Press
By virtue of au order of the Orphans
Court of the County of Pike, the fol
lowing real estate of which Minerva
Van Akin, late of tbe city of Port Jer
vis, Orange County, New York, died
seized, will be exposed to sale by pub
lic vendue or outcry on
Tuesday, the ist day of June
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon on the
pie. nines, adjoining Erie Hril Hoed one
mile westol Parkers Glen.
All that certain piece or pircel of
Imid hclug situate an aforesaid, being
part of a larcer tract In the wnrrintee
name of Henry Drinker and numbered
on the CoininiHHioiiera Hooks of Pike
County No3, Iteginning at tbe western
bank of the Delaware river at low wat
er mark at the partition line fence div
iding the land of W. J. NearpaM and
the land known as the Fred Muerset
estnteft'id running along said linefence
a westerly coiirseup totlie boundary of
the N. V. j. E. and Western Railroad
and running thence along said railroad
land a Northerly course to a large rock
(86 rodal aMl from thence an Kasterly
course parallel with the first mentioned
line down to the Delaware river and
from thence dowu said river to the
place of beginning, Containing three
acres of laud be the same more or less,
aud the saiue which William J, Nenr
pass and wife bv deed dated Feb'y S!6,
A. D. 1882 rei'orded in D. B No. 3i, p.
207 Ac, conveyed to aaid Minerva Van
Nearly all Improved, good one and a
half story basement bouse, fruit, etc.
Excellent location for Bummer board
ing house.
Terms of aale cash.
Seohola Tap, May 4, 1909 Admin'r
ITow's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollnr Rewnrri
for any wis of Cf.ti.rrh th..t enno t be
cureii bj, HaU'b Cntitrrh Cwe.
F. J. Cheney CO.. To.ntlo.O.
We, the uiirtcrrtignod, hhvo known F J
Chen7 for the last 15 yearn, and believe
him peifecfly lionornble In nil btisinefiti
transaction nnd fiiiuucbtlly nhle to carry
out any obligation tnndo by hU firm.
V aiding, Kinnan Mnrrln,
Wholtwale UriiffplAta, Toledo, O
fintl'a Catarrh Cure U taken In'crnitily,
acting dlrealy upon lheb1(Kd and inucous
atur faces of the system. Testimonials sont
free. Price 75 oonta per bottle. Sold by
all DrugfristB.
Take Hall's Family Pills for const 1 pa
To the Voters of Pike County:
Pursuant to the requirements of the
"TJulforni Primaries Aot" ( P. L. lone. pBK,.
38 ) notice is berpliy g yen that the Sonna
rrimary tor making various nomination
(more spociDo dly designated below) will
be held at tbe eleotion housea in the sev
eral election districts of Pike Count? ou
being tbe fifth drey of said month, between
the hours of two o'clock p. m. and 8 o'clock
p. in.
The Stuto Chairman of the Republican.
Democratic and J-riuibttlon parties aud
the County Chaiiinen of the Republican
and Demooratlo parties, iu acconlunce
with the provisions of Section 3 of said
"Uniform Primaries Aot," have certified
to the County Commissioners the fellow
lug list of offices to be filled at said pri
Qiary election '
One pereon for Delegate to the State
One person for Jury Csminltsloner of
the County of Pike
Heven persons for members of (he County
One person for Town Committeeman In
each election district of Pike County.
one person for Delegate to the State
One person for Jury Commissioner of
the County of Pike.
Five persons for members of the Countv
One person for Delegate to the State
(Jon ven tlon.
Any person desiring to be a candidate
for anr of the above offices aud have hit
namn printed ou the ballot mnst file with
the Commissioners a petition s'gncd by
qualified electors of tlu pdilloal illntrlct
division wlthlu which the uomln.ition or
election Ik to Iw mode, sitting forth that
the signers thereof are meiulicra u' the
partr cleiiBUiited The sn Id petition shall
be Died at lean three weeks prior to the
day i f the primary election and the num
ber of siitueJs shall be us follows:
Ca dldatca for nomtuatiou for office to
be voted for by the eutire county, FIFTY
qualified electors; cauilitlutes for State
Delegate and party oflloes, TKN qualified
County Commissioners.
Commissioners' Clerk.
Milford, Pa., April 6th, lsnu.
Widow's Appraisements
The following anoraiaementa Bet
apart to widow have lieeu filed with
tue iteglaier and will be presented to
the Ornhau'e Court for luntiriuatli.n
aud allowance uu the brut Monday of
June next.
Kstate of Frank G. Hamea, deceased.
Inventory and Aniiruiaeiiient of
aonal property set apart to Kiully K.
llatnea, widow.
Katate of Andrew Marflno; deceased.
Inventory and Aniiruibement of i.r.
aonal proliertv eel anart to Kiede.-I a
Martini;, widow.
Kstate of Thomaa M. Burma, de.
ceasei. Inventory and Appraisement
uf h rnial property set apart to r-arah
iturrua, widow.
Milford, Pa., May 8, lu. ltegibter.
Advei tise In tba Presa.
I will do, by renewing the finish of furnt-
ture and woodwork. It is highly bene
ficial to the finest finish, even that
1,000 Piano, and its price is
enough to admit of its mt on
cheapest, down to a 50c kitchen
chair. It will improve the
most beautiful furniture,
including Mahogany,
Rosewood, Gb Idea
Oak, White En
amel, Gilt, Silver.
Equally well
adapted to
any color
. Pa'
you will
4-otmce Bottle,
X jK.WT rT
New Goods New Goods
Just received a new and complete
line of "Spring and Summer Goods"
Fancy lawns 7C to 18c per yard
White shirt waist goods 12o to 2oc.
Seersuckers 12c to He
Ladies' gauze vests lOo to 2oc
Ladies hosiery . 10c to 50c
Men's fancy dress shirts 50c to $1
" fancy half hose 10a to 50c
" work shirts 50c
" underwear 2oc to 60c
" belts and susiienders 25c to 50c
Also a complete line of Notions,
Groceries, Crockery.
Broad & Catharina ts. Milford, Pa
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court of the Couuty of Pike the fol
lowiuir real estate of which Kiiu aid I..
Conkliu, late of the townahip of Shoh
oln, County of Pike and Statu of Penn
sylvania, died seized will he exposed to
aale by public vendue or outcry on
Tuesday, the ist day of June
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon 011 the
premiaes, near Parkers liieti.
All that certain part tract, lot piece
or parcel of laud lying and being in the
towuBUip or enonoia. lornieriy west
full. Couuty of Pike. State of Pennavl
vauia, and bounded as followa: Begin
ning at post on the river Delaware,
tneuce Mouth nve degrees West one
hundred eighty six iierehetoa heupof
stones for s corner ou a line of land
surveyed ou a warrant to John Iiarek-
tey iSo las, thence along name rjouth
seventy nine aud one half degrees Kast
one hundred twelve perebea to a corner
in line ul land surveyed to t-.naa Aiusn
baek No 10, thence North twelve aud
one huir degrees J'.ast one hundred
eighteen perches to the I elawarc river,
thence up aaid river the sevcrui couraes
aud ditam-ea to tlie place of begin
ning, l'lxeenting and reserving that
part of al ove aurvev included within
the tmuudr of the New York and Ktie
Haiiioad, containing one hundred four
teen (1 u i acres ami one hundred thirty
six ( lHrl jiercliea, strict nicaaure be the
s-juiemore or leas. Iteiug part ot a lar
ger tract surveyed on au application to
the land otlice of Pennsylvania, hv
Thomaa Cuthbert and tteing tiie name
land which James . Muldutigh lie-
(iieathed Uihiaulcees Hattie Middaugh
l.ayniati ana Alamie Miauaugu by ina
will aulv proven ana reoonietl lu aaid
County of Pike in Will Hook t p l.wl it
refetence being hud thereto will more
fully and at large appear, ami thei-ame
laua sriia ami cotiveyeo 10 r.imira Mia
dauirli bv deed recorded in the Kecord,
er a olllce of Pike couuty iu 1). It. No-
60 page and the auine which K
mira .Miuaaugn tiv ueeu uulea Oct .0-
A. 1). l0i, recorded lu Deed Hook 2,
iage 206 &c, vouveyed to rxlward L.
7 acres ituuioved balance woodland.
Good houbti, baru aud outnuildiuga,
fruit, etc.
Xerma of sale Cash.
Shohola Tsl, May 4. llaiu Admin'x.
Court Proclamation
Slate uf Peuusylvalila )
Cotintv I Piko.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
bound by recouizancc or otherwise to ap
pear, that the Juno term ltou of the
several courts of l'lke County will lie held
at the court tiouse In tlu' It'-ivuirh of Mil
ford on Ihe flrht Monday (7th) at o'clock
p 111 and H ill bu couliuucd ouu week if
May II, 1U0U eUerlll.
as nothing else
of a
Veneer is
not a vam-
!sh but a sur-
SJ fare food snd
S cleaner. It removes
X scratches, stains, dirt
) and dullness. Applied
JS with cheese cloth, leaves
J S no coatine or streaks and is
j not inflammable.
It nourishes and builds up the
finish instead nf tiltimatrlv dpstrnv.
l"g it as do all preparations containing
benzine or similar ingredients. Test
aft W -tW
Liquid Veneer for yourself it will not ignite.
It is wonderful for dusting. Try it and
always buy it.
23c. 12-onnce bottle, SOo
J. xljiJjRBST,
in all length of tops,
Hip, Thigh, and Storm
King, The kind thats
guaranteed. Goods sent
to responsible parties
on approval.
en to mail or telephone
You furnish the feet.
We do the rest.
Local phone 21 G.
I Port Ju vis, X. V. ;
O .
Notice of Application for
Notice is hetvhy given, that au apjiii
cation v ill he made to the Coventor i.f
Pennsylvania, the same, as icftiiivd l,v
hrv, ting lii.-t suhniitleil to Tlie
Water Supply .o;iinii-sion oi Pennsyl
vania, and having received tlie apnrov
ai, or tlie api ro al of a majority, i,f the
members .lieiwf, (;ti Xhurs l.ty, the
third day of Ju e, A. D. 19-. 9, bv
Philip Fulmer, Hairy 1.. BrisciK;
and Warren K. Van ( iotden, under IIk '
Act of As; eiuLly of the ( umiuoii wealth j
of Pennsylvania, entiilcd Au ait In:
provide fur the incnr. minion ami regu
lation or certain cm i,.iai i.uis," approv
ed April :J'.lli isTI. ai.d lite suiiple
nients llie:clo. fur t!.t en iiier of an in- j
.eniled e upon:': ,..n to Im called, 'Ding-!
man's Ferry Wuler C uupany,' tlie
cliuiacler mill o ie -i ot iii.-h is
npl'lyof water in I tie puhlie. iu the
disliii-i ccnu-r..s...d wi
n n.e boundary j
l-iware, in the
of tlie tos nsliir, of 1
county of I'iKe ami statv of Pennsvl
vania," and for ilna U!ni-d to have,
iv.sse.-s mill enti v all the lights, heoel
tils anil rivilee 1- of r-a: I Act of Asaeui
bly ana Hie su i-lcueui- i heieto
UV. T. liAKKH,
April 27, 1'jOO. Solicitor.
Advertise lu the Fttbta,
WHY p;iy m niiicli for a
ready made suit, as for one
I made to vour measure?
Our prices arc not high
$Io.OO will buy a maris
three piece isuit or overcoat
irade in the late-t style
and lit guaranteed. If yon
pay us more you get the
value in better material
and linings
Woniens suitsstart at $20.
Sec our line of table linen
it is worlh your while.
The Jaillets.
C'ltinina. FrexMin?, Itopniriii(t.
Broad Street, Near Ann
First National Bank of Milford
lu the State ! P iinsylv.iuia, at the clow
of business. ApiilL'S. HMD
loanR unit tljeount-i 0 41).tlB 83
"""". mcnreil ami unse-
V'U."'J-: iwat
L'. r. nimnttosermeeireiilutinn 25.IIW) tn
I'lvmmms on li rt. liomls ') (l
li.iniN, aeeiiritli-a.ete 00 til 6 00
ii.i.iKint.' nouae, tunilture and
tut urea 1 888 00
iiiu i rum approval reserve
aaeiits...... is, to3 07
No's of oilier National Banks. . 10 0 1
yracilnual .'aper curreticy, uiek
els and c.-at.s 41$ j;
Lawful Money Reserve lu Bank,
- viz:
Speeie 7 M M .j,,, .
Li'ital-tenili r nuti a. . . l,'.-.'5 Oil j
KnlenipttTaT fiinii will, (J
Tieasurcr(5rc of circulation) law 00
T"'"1 1!M,1W 13
1.1 A It! L1TIKS
Caphal stoek paid In ..1 i5,ono 0
Surplus fund 10.0UU on
undivided roflt. less exuenscs
.. and taxes paid fl.goi 01
.N.itluna! Hank noteiiuliitanding So.M) 00
..,, ,.. , niuiKS SJ.034 67
IudlvKliiiii depotits subject to
Oh. ok.... 123.633 85
Demiind coi tilleatea of deposit. . 1 073 m"
Certilled e'jecks. : '537 gr,
'''"'al tlW,lll7)
State of Pennsvlvanla, Couuty of Pike, sa:
I, John C. Warner, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe
above statement In true to the best of my
kiiotviedfre nod lielii-r.
JOHN U. WARXKH, Cashier.
Pubserlhed aim sworn to before me thl
1st day of May Hum.
J. C. CUAMUKRLAIN, Notary Public
Correct Attucit :
By virtue of a writ of Alias, special
Fieri Facias issued out of the court of
Common Pleased Pike Counrv, to No
5, March Ter.M, 1009, aur judgment
P. L. 6s, to me directed, there will be
wild at public vendue or ourcrv t the
Court House at Milford, Pike Countv,
Pennsylvania ou
Tuesday, May 25, 1909
at 2 o'clock P. M. of said dny,
ALL that certain line of railroad
surveyed and running from Ttimhick-
011. i.uzernet o., ra., thence through
Carbon Co., Monroe and Pike couuties
to Matnmorai). Pa., known as the
Wilkes Barre East and West Railway
Co. Also a survey from Wilkea Barre
Pa., tound beyond Wlliiamsport, Pa.,
and a survey from Wilkes Burre to
Scranton aud the city of Providence,
Pa., also a line contieetiinr with the
survey at Nantiooke, Pa., via Ply
mouth Miming at Hanover street, cros
sing the river und continuing around
the city of Wilkes Barre and thence m
connect wan tlie mum line to Mala
; j moras, Pa., sun eyed lee 1. 2 and 8rd.
t, 1 1004. Also all rights of wav and a eer-
, lain rii -rai) Mall made nlonir tlie liela-
wiite rivci :.t or ne..r Mili'ord.l'a. De
fendant in the ai.ve writ, together
Willi t.i! it- tfl.is tfwity, Kiiivevs on
tiriin 'i,...s, c.Meiisi jus as aiiuvc n lined,
inehniiinr u,-l huihiiugs, machinery,
naid heil, st .tlouy und tito cliartereil I
franchl-e rights and privileges therein j
secille.l und nil other rigliisof the said
mum ,l(r b0y ijeneitt
oi tuc s;.i'.i cieiiu.;r.
Sei cd and taken in exe ntion as the
iiiopeit.v ami fraiielas of tiie Wilkes
i.nre r.:in ami .st Unilwav Cotn-
puuy unn w hi 1..' Md. I bv me lor cash.
UKOUUK ;l:::iio!Y,
Sheml of I'ike County.
Shcrlll'e Oiliee, Milford, Pa",
February ii, luiw.
iho Jury's Verdict.
A south .Mi.oouil man recently was
tried on a charge of assault. The
Slato biojsht Into court as the weap
ons ined a rail, an axe. a pair of tongs,
a saw and a rifle. The defendant's
counsel exhibited as the other man's
weapons a scythe blade, a pitchfork
a pistol and a hoe. The Jury's verdict
'a said to have been:
"Resolved, That we the Jury would
iiave given Jl to have seen the fight"
Loci. ft Ravage Algeria.
Locusts are Ue.astatii.s; Southern
Algeria. 1!ie swarms ate so great
as uluiost to cirfy im.igiuatiou. It is
not eaty to conceive nf an almost solid
uhalaux uf ir. ,r.n,i t-s n i. k.
su miiea wii'.e. Unfortunately the de
vastation wi:ith such myriads of vo
racious inseoU must create In vegeta
tion Is not so dlillcult to appreciate.
Wherever the host has passed nothing
green rem a. as. Even the bouse are
becoming uninhabitable.
in everything we
do we take the
greatest care and
no matter wheth
er it is a physi
cian's .prescrip
tion, or family
or veterinary re
ceipt or a mix
ture for killing
bugs on your
trees, we take
the same care in
Wall Paper
This week we received our stock
of new wall paper. Over 100 dilfc:
ent patterns to select from, ranging
in price from 0 to 20c a double roll.
Also a lot of remnants to sell for 5c
a double roll. Our new stock will
please you both in style, quality and
price. Look them over before you
purchase. We can save you money.
fcj Cuddeback & Co.
The Delaware Valley Transporta
tion Company will open for business
on Saturday, May 15th. Cars will
run as follows until further notice;
I.v Mi'fnrd
V :3tl a in
4 :00 p ni
Al P r JcrvU
10:20 a In
4 :5U p in
4 :00 p m
p m
A Masco.
The phrase, "a complete fiasco,"
urh'iuated with s German workman,
who declared that he could blow glass
:is vi ell as an expert glass worker. A
friend laid a wager with him to tha
contrary, and when tbe test came off
the would-be glass blower found that
be could produce only a pear-shaped
fh.ck (fiasco). Nothing daunted, be
'ad again, but witb tbe sam result
T'..- stcry of tbe workman became
u . n. snd heuce the origin of tht
"br.ise wbicjt is used In designating
a fanny.
where you go you
cannot get your pre
scription dispensed
with any-more ac
curacy or with bet
ter quality ingredi
ents than here. We
use the purest and
freshest drugs and
no substitution.
Reasonable price for
the best. -
ilford, Pa.
If you are intend
ing to put in Gas
or ars having any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know. ;.
Lv Pi rt Jm vis
1 1 :30 a m
6 00 p in
Ar Milforrl
13:10 p m
6:35 p m
S:35 pin
6:15 p m
American btainea uiass.
A connoisseur of stained glass, an
cient and modern, says that tbe an
cient art with all lu celebrity and
beauty did not compare with the mod
ern American method, which now pro
duces opalescent glass In Infinite vari
ety of toue and texture in which ij
efTaceable pictures may be said to be
painted on tbe glass itself - pictures ot
the richest and moat exquisite color
log. Over twenty-five thousand ple-es
of (lass ar often used in one mci.
ortal window.