Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 14, 1909, Image 1

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It lul li v
X0 29
Judg Purd? of Hotir.sriale was in
town day lat week with a new fix
cylinder Winlou car. He stopped
t the gawkill House.
Tlio tioveinor has sinned the Mnr-
nhy-Sbield trolley bill vbioh pro-1
Tide for connect lou of steum and
at r vi railway liHck which allow
the transfer of ti.tth frelnht and pa
V. it a t-iii - ... . .
U also :ncd the bill which pro- '"'""' "
vide. tha. the court may. iu certum'"'" P"B"- ' cne-
. . . . ..;. I tiiifi'mohile ober on the Bait oi.
end place the prisoner on parole in
charge of a probation officer.
We acknowledge with thanks the
rrcdpt, through the courtesy of A.
Mitchell Palmer, of a copy of the
proceedings of the conference of Gov
srnora held at tho Willie Boose in
May 108.
Governor Btnnrl- lira tdjiied a hill
flxit c the snlarh 8 1 f ci Duty couimta
aiontre In eoQiitira linvinit leaa than
25.000 popnlnth-n nt IS00 a year, to
gut her with mh exn nsett us aro al
lowed hy l,i. Mow watch for
crnnihln In Ihia comity nt thn next
elv-vtiou for ihoaei fiViiaN. Tlie pay
btiwarer, l n t t.i lnr?o tor men
who fill thn ill w lib voiuiuniy aud
pood Jodtmeiit
AngnaU J. Evans, anll.oress of
8'. Elmo, B. n! h ind ether novels
whicb a KeitKr:iion ago wi re widely
read, la dead.
A MagMOhQsetta judi'n ruled ont a
11,000-word liJ-poth"ticnl q..e.-tion in
a. tuurder trml recently on the eround
that l wa nonneose, pure and sim
pit. This Is nn encouraging Bigu.
Ho little 'Jlii.niie' Hyde has nmn-
Ked to fret In J ul at lio-t. It u.ay do
Jlinmlo' worlds of good.
There is Just Hue iibont politics--it
was tn tha bepiiui.tie. is now, and
ever shall bn: It is a fight bet wee u
the down and cots aud the up and
A Rhode Island enau has i vented
money oiuutina; machine. It is
hocking to think how many people
thera are In this world wbo do not
need suoh machine.
"Nt.rsra Falls will rnn dry in
boot 3C00 years," aays a scientist,
Florida seems quite likely to make
the trip wUfelu the next 4 months.
Of coarse its tough when a mi".
with 400 wives la forced by cruel
neoeesUy to hunt new job, but Ab
Hamid will have to get busy.
The middle West hatchet may de
velop at any moment into a tariff
In 1907 tngar paid fG0.00O.0CO in
dattea to thn government. In the
aame time it eoat the consumers 1105
000,000 extra. Paxzle : Wbo got tbe
A number of se'f sacrificing sena
tor bave enlisted for martyrdom on
tb wrong side of tbe Income tax
The Port Jervia
nnlnn nimiin,, I
from the Newburg News says thit
.... .....
Vf. A. Parrltull, who haa been mis i
in. fmttt Iiiiiia tew Mvnrttl nrMtku 1
la a sanitarium iu New Jerey, and
that efforts are being made to settlc
... hi. a. 1.1. tv1ltm..n.l ,.l
uocess. so that he may return and
eventually pay bis creditors. The
amount of bis shortage in the Conk
lin estate ia said to be considerably
Tbe expected import stum rfliun'a
kin will probably be sufficient to
accommodate tho asses who would
nominate him for Presid nt iu 1913
Maybe the spring hoB really made
op its mind at last.
Gifford Pinchot wants it under
stood that all ia well In his neck of
the woods.
Andrew J. Van Iuwegen, for many
yrars a resident of Maiuim iai, died
In that Borough last Sunday morn,
log aged seventy seven yenrs. lie
la tarvived by one 's r Hnnnnb,
widow of Webb W. CoriiiKut repi l.
lug in Port Jervis, and numerous
nephevts and uieoea.
Niohni.. Pftanm. for i.nc nr
anm, for manv vonr.!""" or Uklr'K ' tf""a "f "
Port Jervi.-, died' in a Kre"lor li",Bce 'uu
a resident of Pi
Jewish Urine at Pittsburp, P.t , last
Biiaday afleruoon aged ab'iot t-'J
Governor Htuart has
eticd the
bill providing lor increased pay of
primary elrctinu officers, also tue
bill providing for a state ss temliuu
of eonnty oomutissionera.
William Kteele p.-nt last taturday
and" Sunday with hla parenU here.
He ia making good as a pitcher in
the Tri-ttate Lebgue
John W. Lyon E-q and f imily of
Port Jervis attended the funeral of
the lata Jobu D. Biddis held bete
jeUrdy, --
A nowly clei;lt d jti-jti ot the peace Dauhl G. Aber, wbo resided on
' in Florida liefori! whom h n' g'O had M"U Sirert In this borough, died
' be. u convicted of larceny called inn May lh, after a h ug lilnessot cor
'prisoner 11 i nnd said : "Yon have sumption aged 89 years. He leave
iwn oinvicted of crime arnl"' ! wlre an(1 fovernl children to ar.
Itbe l.iw in n y court and now, "(sol ive liim. Interment was nalo ut
ITUIUIJ IM'llSIIH'11 "'tsr" " - " ' P, ' ;
i tiade catalogue until he bit tha price
list of tiuware.)" I fin8 J 18
Thank ie Lawd paid tho darkey.
Thju"Ctsk4 kiin be '. he meant
-0 aoily" ju lite said the intro. ' I
Fre-ident. Tuft has prooiiiui iha
a largti fletft of lttle ablpa will lein
readme;- to jo n in the Hudson cnle
hratinn r:hiuli I theH !aco in Cftdter
't'hp sliip vvillk m ilt r uinry chaai
e iu! will b paint
; an iin i -tilde
gf.y color.
Oiderinir Roods of dwlors hy teli'
phone is very convent . t for hcuse-
holdmrs, and l uviua; t" rai delivered
by merchants savea limn mid also
odds to 1 be; r comfort, but a Isttj4 In
HortrstlnlB r,eili'.ll was the vle'huof 1
null, o i..!.e it, . st d.rrot.tm. f-he
iKiught a po;d il e'-tl.tn and orrleiid
it rt.-li veri'd Tbe michnot Diocnr-
erl a ,lv ar.d t, men and I HeV !
loaded on thenW i.n'i drovn nVw:t
lo the residence of ho .uif'iasr,
taking along a large skid. The spool
was plHoed on tha skid and rolled on
the perch of ber borne in presence of
crowd of neighbors, wbo hud been
forewarned of Hie event. It. is
hojjed she acccptt d the pci tnrniauce
wi'li (to id froee, SLtl "lie It Hin iu B
orojier spirit.
A bi(t bull 130 horse power auto
belonging to l!r R.iobliug of Tren
tm, N.J. broke down latt week np
in Dinniuau ti-p going to Blnominx
Ui-ove, and r,an bionyot todeBerhlcs
shop lor repairs. It is a powerful
and speedy machine?'
Hon John A. Kippi cr spending
sevenil days hem n i bis fmnily,
returned to Now York Wednesduy.
The Breiman f imily bava rented
the Ecblichter ho-ise, ueir Van Der
Mark bridge, and moved there this
Broad Street la now in excellent
condition and Harford Street is also
in go:td tlinpe. The V. I. A. expects
to oil tho tatter before P oration
Day to test the quality of Giutrin, a
highly reccmmeiuied duat prevent
ive. Port Jervia Common Council bus
K run ted. a fruncbibe to the 1). V. R,
R. Co. Woik uiuat bogin on or be
fore January 1, 1910 end the road
completed to Jersey Avenue before
July 1, 1910.
Heury Bt'nk of Montagu, N J.
ba been indicted for Urn murder of
Jerome t'opperman nearTri State
last January.
Twenty. seven children bar bean
rnn over by antoo.oMIe and k'."ed
ln 'jrK "' vsnc Apni ursi.
tuat is a srioig argumei.i wny
"Pdiujr H.id care lM rorniiig she . ild
i sevtn ly pniib i
d mi t if possible
jns lives urc far
war-rid to gratify
I prevented. Clueit
lk trt (!'1 er''",
r" J deC- Vm E ten 8n
'Ol TuckllhOB, N, Y. Will at.t 10
morr-w for a xU.f. It!, tbe famii t-f
J. II. Vun Ettm
Cuptatu Peter C. Hmos kr.v been
convicted of in. : - uohter bv a jury
at Flushing, L I 'or shootii! Wm.
E. Aonea at lijislj l.sr August.
The defi ne v-a insaniiy. WMle
Qains, who was u si otv t flhv r vresi
in the Puilipi'in', At ,e.-s bt;uiu.ei
too intimate with bis Kite
William, a brother of Albert Cot
teriil of Dingman townahip dud last
werk in New York aged about 58
years. The remains were iTought
to Delaware Ceme'i ry f r tnuruient.
1'rs. P. M N'! t f Riv.-rndo, lh
ii.un, in vi-i'in',' I i t rljuhier Mia
Kills L u is.
Livvrymeu are how proteclei by
au act which ji.ovide a penalty for
any perron wf..i :;tully prnigll
jgently nhuses tl.eir ornflVence 1-y
I lrl oruking tesm of horses
when I he hore is bi'rd, wltiiou:
' promptly appnzii. the 'nn of the
ciuut.d use. Hie
; imti lsoumeut fr ILi
t is f 100 or
y iluys it
A city in Ok tl - inother of
Pieridnnta, is pbini.ing I n b.'ve time
beginning May 10th, puthed lack a
eouple ot bouts That is start the
. d.y at j ,. ,mi ,ve ffat 4 p.
'm. and continua tliua until October
l xiiia might pi eve a very accept,
'a0la change to many who work ia
mills and f tcleri-o. Tho gtutd far.
nnr now, hnvevrr b -.ies I is dny
even earlier and loaves off when it
is too utk to see,
Mis. Frank Schorr went to Hawloy
this week, culled there by tbe nines
of her Mster In law.
Q W. Dicker, a brother of & rr .
KiildiK, and Oscar M. Wells of New
Yoik also were present.
Mrs J 'ist in Lehehnntin and dangh
tor of Nyatk, M. V. have returned
here lor the summer.
Levi Lord, the present incumbent,
of Blooming Grove. Emit Vuille Jr ,
of Greene, aud K A. Greening are
Dnuiocratta candidatee tot Jots Com
miB-iioncre; O. H. Mc5rly seels
I r.e'ection on I lie Republican ticket.
I T?v. T. I"! Mnllor n n Rnmrln
. p.fMWI ritri..f of
, the Newark Conference will preach
iin the U. E. Cbnrch here Hunduy
both oioraing and evening.
uu" ' u '"""
publin ph'.ces where sign are posted
Tho fine Is $1 mid coats or a jjil strn-
tsm 1 ' 5 nyf.
Auto3 and Motor Vehicles.
Tb9 nnw act ot'iiss-emhly reguliit
i ii r automobile mid motor vehicles
is now in operation except the clans
es fixing tbe amounl of license nnd
methods of registerlug vehicles
which do not take effect nntll Deo.
31, 1909.
Some of it ebief provision nro as
Nn peraoa ander 18 yers may now
operate a maohtne without flrat. oh-
tattling a lioenae, and that chnufTtrs
or paid operators must obtain
'drivers licensa. Fee (2. No perron
when intoxicated Hhull oiterat- a
motor vehicle. (100 to $200 or im
prisonment for not more tliaa ont
No machine shall be operated un
der any number than it own regis
tration, aud no person may operate
a machine without the consent of the
Machine must he provided with
brakes, horn, beli or other signal de
vice, which ahall be sounded whea
necessary to luture the safety of ut
era of the highway, HiRLoyo-iour juJ
fore sunrise and oner hour af ter-un
set must bbsw two while lights in
front and red light In renr.
Horn must be touaded when over
taking another vehicle or person
walking in the highway, or a horse
or horsoa of draft or burden, being
led or ridden or driven. Horns most
ba sounded whea. approaching a
street or road oroaeing in boroughs
i r townships where sieus are dis
played. Bells and horus must not
bo unnecessarily sounded when pas
lug other vehicles. Operator have
tho same right to as of street or
road as driver of other vehioles-
but when signaled most stop his ma
chine and if neeeebary hi engine un
til the danger is over.
Machine maat not be open ted
recklessly or at greater speed than ia
reasonable considering width and
t radio of the highway, but rate of
spend ia limited to a mile in two and
a half minute. Where danger aig
nnls are plaaed the speed limit shall
not exoeed a mile In five minutes.
Constable and police officers may
arrest on view any person violating
the provisions of the not, but must
forthwith Hie no affiduvit with tho
in infinite or justica setting out the
iillcged viotii.ien of tbe section of t lie
set complained of. All fines and
penalties, except tliota for violation
of speed limit shall be psid to state,
for the other to tbe boiough or towu
ship treasurer, to be used for high
way purpose.
Jived 152 Years
Win Par England's oldest ni.m
linn r ted the third time at 120, worked
j the fields till 13S and lived 20 years
longer. PeoplehoolJ be youthful at
Uo. Jainea Weight, of Spurlock, Ky
Lhims how to remain young. "I feel
n.rw boa
j j'ist like a
sixteen year old boy,'' he
writes, "alter taking six h title of
Electric Bitter. For thirty year
kidney trouble made life burden,
tut the first bottle oftiiia wonderfnl
iitedieii e convinced me I had found
i lie greatest care on earth." They're
: a godsend lo weak, sickly run down
i or old people. Try them 60c at all
Four hi use in Ullfoid, sitnsted
ou principal streets, ui'iiei furnished
or ui.furuiabed.
Alverliaa ia the Pre:.
Real Estate Transfers
" I
Jncob Miller to William Wwt
lot 6i0 Matmora $400. - j
Clneence E. Willi and other to
Kdson D. Krnpp, 414 sore HerUr,
J.imrs Abercrouible No 168, I110S.
John IJ. Sieveis ty George R Doty
acres Palmyra near Big Pond, i
Loon Sohanno to Charles Seogelcn
.32 acres Milford tvp 1100. -
J. 'B. Went brook Treat to Moses
and , Wilson Vah Anken, 160orr
Lehnisn assessed to Eva Van Aakea
Maorloe-Roemer to A. H Roeuier
108 cere Gresn and Drebet town
Mary A Keller fo William Eber-
Un.S acres Bbohola. ' .
Mary A. Keller lo Charles Both
oieiMer, 8 nores Shohol.
John A. Blitz to Joseph W. Swain
171 acres Green, part of Howe and
Elliot (250.
Jersey Game Laws . -
New Jersey now hna a very string
ent gnmo law, and thote wbo wish
to hunt over there should carefully
ei. quire into its provisions. No toi
resident ran hunt without taking eut
a $10 50 license, and that means that
man is nut a remount omtss no act
ually reside in -tha state lor one
vcar. Tbe deer law is as follows:
"It is unlawful lo take any doe or
fawn. Jt i unlawful wbeu bunting
tor deer to us nr carry rifle of any
kind or description, or any 8 rearm
of a Smaller caliber than twelve gag
rto load any ahntgun with mtasil
larger' -than hacksbo. iDeer aaey
o:-.ly he hunted by daylight and it I
nnluwful to hout deer with dog.
Penulty (100 to (500. The sensoa
for killing .deer is each Wedtidsday
ia the month of November Only
one deer can be taken hy a person in
each year."
"When a hunting license ha been
lost a duplioata or cenifioat cannot
be issued. A new lioens tnnat b
obtained at the original cost.
Do Not Spray Blossoms
The owner of fruit tree who la
tend spraying their tree to prevent
drs.-a.M9 and kill the codling moth
ihtrva. are advised by Prof. Surface
of the Division of iaomo ?nmoW
of tho Pennsylvania Department' of
Agriculture not to spray tb blos
soms, but to wait nntil after tb pet
als have dropped, or more than three
fourths are down. Injury will b
caused to the blossom if they ar
prayed when open, but the spraying
should not be delayed after tha Moa-
soras have fallen. To secure lb
beat results tha spray must be ap
plied within six day after the bio,
soma fall, and a second spraying
should te done ten day or two
weeks aftr the first application t
prove effectual
The proper spraying material I
tbe Bordeaux Mixture to which aa
arsenical poison suoh a Pari grew
or arsenate of lead ia added. There
are two spraying strength for thi
liquid according to the hardinea of
the tree or plant to be sprayed.
Spray tbe apple, pear, qulnoe aad
potato with tbe strong formula which
oalls lor 3 lb bloettoo and 4 lb of
quick lime lo fiO gallons of wster,
with one or two lb of arsenate, of
lead added lo this. If Paris green 1
used, instead of thn arsenate of lead,
one third lb should be used to each
50 gul Ions.
The weak formula call for about
one halt of tbe above quantities of
bluestone, lime and arsenate of lead
ia 50 gallons of water. This i need
on peach and plum tree on aeoount
of their tender bark, sod on similar
dniicata plants. Peaob and plum
trees do not need to be sprayed Im
mediately after blossoming, but
these and tba grafts should b
sprayad for wormy trait, making
the application after tb fruit raaohs
tho size of buckshot.
The Boyles Sentenced
Je.ines Boyle, who wa convicted
at Mercer, Pa., for kidnapping Wi'
ha W'hitla of Sharou, baa been sen
tenced to imprisonment for life, and
hi wife who wa also oonvioted for
tha aame crime wa sentenced to
twenty five year ia prison and a fine
of 15000. Thay bad a fairly good
time for a few week not la Ohio
after they got tb boy, and now they
will have ample leisure to repent.
The sentence though severe la not
harsh considering the offense and
may deter other evil minded person
who contemplate suoh scheme of
g Ping money.
Advertise In tb Press
Joan David Biddi
Mr. Blddia, wbo bad been suffering
with rheuaaatisra for several months
d(d at his Eokiogton home In Wasb
lngton, D. C, Monday May ninth.
Tu disease, which was at first mild
in farm, constantly grew worse etc
llt all Irtataaent. Last year he
want t Hot Spring. Ark. r in boat
at - relief bat It failed to coma. Ea
railn4 at hi deakin thNvy
DrrWrtaacnt, tbcagh a great nfferer
sad hoped that a might b abl to
oatlaM, bateoas months ago wa
cumpailed to reliaqalab his work. He
wa bora la Milford a boat sixty four
yr ago aad wa tbe oaly aoa of
(hj.UaaCbatlaalt-B Btaa.Wt
Biddiat. Bla father wa proanincnt
In eoanty afalrs boidlng sock uEets
a 6bttiaT and Traasarar. Mr. Blddl
reaeived bl edacattoa here, read
law with tbe lata U S. Baraaa M
waa admitted to tbar bar In M87.
Suoo after b waa elected District
Attorney which position he filled for
tbirteea year with distinguished
ability. He wa engaged in several
notable rases, among them the trial
of Griffith for tba Mast Hop disss
ter. In wbioh he was' pitted against
some of the best Irgal talent ia the
tale and acquitted himself with dis
tinction. At the dedication of tbe
Milfori cemetery tn 1S68 be read a
poeui which displays literary ability
of high order, and breathes lo ev
ery 11 ae bi abidiag faith In tbe re?,
ogullioo of friend In the great be
yond. In 188! h was elected State
Senator on tbe Democratic 'ticket
for four yeara bat fatigued to acoept
situation ia tha Internal Revenue
Department at Washington, being
loally transferred to the Navy De
partment where be was made Chief
Clerk of a division. He entered
largely la tn fraternal life of Wash
ington and wa a leader in several
societies, among them the Royal
Arcanum. H wa also a member
of Milford Lodge No. 844 F. & A. M
Mr. Biddi waa well known throout
ha county, . a ready and engaging
speaker ha was in demand in polit
loaleaiBpaign and was noted for his
atertaialng addresses At a friend
ha wa warm and steadfast, a
oosapanlow fental aad Interesting.
fc TIIroosar-Wtrf WTTford during
hisrMldenoa her ha was a oonsplc
aoaa gur and a leading spirit. Ha
rataiaed a great affection for hi
nativ town and bis yearly return
hare on hla vacatlooa were the
brightest day tn bis life, and always
looked forward to with great pleas.
It waa alwwya hla fond hope
that be might be abl to ratnra and
end bis day ant 14 the scenes of hla
youth aad with the friend ha so
Recently ha became a member of
tba Presbyterian chorea bare on pro
faasion of faith. Ha married Mary
Deoker of Port Jervis who with two
daughters, Helen, wll of Frank
Edgington of Washington, and Patty
urvive him.
Tba funeral, conducted by Rev. C.
A. White was bald yesterday from
tb Presbyterian eauroh and be wa
laid to rest I Milford Cater
where asrvloas war hsld by Milford
Lodg r. & A. M.
Tb pallbearer were C. W. Ball,
Hy T. Baker and J H. Yaa Etten
Esqif, John C. Weetbreok, Jr
Nathan Emery and Frank Crissman.
Stealing Flowers and Plants
Soma person, o persons, in town
bav contracted a habit of dealing
flowers from bed on private grounds
This 1 not only reprahensibl bat ia
t crime and can be punished by lm
priaonment. I it worth while to
taka chance in jail for a few flower
a matter bow fond you may be of
them. Why net go openly and ask
for tbasa. No on would refute the
gift la eaaas wbr thay would afford
pleasure to tb sick or other.
Thn bads af Mrs. Vyse at Gleoalde
Cottaga bava beta twice robbed this
week and It ia mat enoouragtnf
stranger, who cams here aad spend
money to beaatlfy their premises, to
feci tbst tbey are likely to be de
prived of what they have been at
pain and expense to oreate by tome
rnthles vandals.
Kills to Stop trie Fiend
The worst foe for 1 years of John
Deya, of Gladwin, Mich., was a run
ning nicer. H paid doctors (100 00
without beaefiL Then Buokh n's Ar
nice Salve killed tba alcer and cured
htrn. Cares Few Boras, Boils, Fel
ons, Eracms, Salt Rheum Infallible
for Pile, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns.
There Is no doabt that a prompt
effort will be made to strengthen
tba commodities clsose of the rail,
road rate law. On Thursday of this
week a bill waa introduced by Rep
resentative Irving P. Wanger of
Pennsylvania, to correct those de
fects In the law made clear by the
recent decision of the Bnpreme ooort.
Mr Wanger I the ranking member
of the Interstate Commerce Commit
tee of tbe House, and I prominently
mentioned tbe snooeasor of Repre
sentative Hepburn as chairman of
the committee. Ha aided material
ly In framing the rate law. His bill
provides specifically that railroads
ahall be prohibited from owning
took or securities or Interest in any
other business enterprise and from
transporting any commodities, the
property of such company, wblcb
are not intended for their own nee.
Mr. Wanger has little hope ot action
on his resolution at the present sea
ion, but It is believed that Presi
dent Tsft's next message to Congress
will be so direct on this point that
bl bill, or a similar oae, will be
taken up immediately.
The sixteen battleships of tba At
lantic fleet will-leave the navy yards
on Juae 15th radically changed in
outward appearance and will be in a
condition for action which ha not
heretofore prevailed in time of peace
and whon there was no prospect of
war. These important chacgos ate
mainly tbe result of experience
gained during Ine circumnavigating
cruise of the fleet, which Secretary
Meyer saya cost the government (1,
608,000 above what would have beon
the cost of maintenance and opera.
tion had the ships remained in home
waters. Navul strategists look upon
this ext. a expense as a premium paid
for the benefit of increased naval ef
ficiency and as representing an in
vestment most useful in improving
the hitting power of the naval arm.
The must conspicuous change
wiiich the civilial observer will rec
ognize is in the color of the vessels.
The bull, small boats, and indeed, all
of the exposed portions will be of a
shade described aa a dull gray, with
out the lustre to reflect tbe snu or
otherwise add to the oonspicuousness
ot the ship. It is tho color decided
upon by the experts as least likely to
attract atteution and as possessing
tha greatest degree of invisibility.
In carrying ont this idea all of the
bras fittings, even to tbe door knobs
have been removed and the bow or
aaaaent and gilt letter of tbe ship'
name have been abandoned.
Teacher's Examinations
Teachers' examinations for 1909
will be held a follow :
Greene, Kipptown April 27.
Palmyra, Red, (No. 4,) April 28.
Blooming Grove, Westbrook's No 0
April 29.
Lsckswaxen, Williamson May 8.
Dingman, Union May 10.
Lehman, Meadow Brook May 12.
Delaware, Academy May 13.
Sbohola, Sbohola May 2.
Milford, High School May 29.
Westfall and Matamoraa, Matemores
High School June 8.
An examination for Common
School Diploma for the district of
Greene will be held at Roemerville
sohool, April 2(tb, Pupils in other
districts desiring to take sucb exam
ination may do so at tbe same time
and place as arranged for the regular
teachers' examination.
All candidate for examination,
whether teachers or pupils, should
provide themselves with plenty of
foolscap, pencils, a scratch tablet,
and a salt addressed, stamped envel
ope. All examinations will begin at 8 30
a. m. sharp.
Directors and other interested par
tie are cordially invited to attend.
Very respectfully,
Matamoraa, Pa., April 12, 1909.
Won't Slight a Good Friend
"If ever I need a medicine again
I know what to get," declares Mrs A
L. Alley of Ruils, Me , "for, after us
ing ten bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery, and seeing its excellent re
sults in my own family and others, I
am convinced it is the best medicine
made for Coughs, Colds and lung
trouble." Every one who tries it
feels lust tbttt way. Relief is felt at
once and its quick ouresurprises you
For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemor-
rhage, Croup, LuUrippe, Sore Throat
pain Inchest or lungs its supreme, tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jauu
60c and (1.00. Trial bottle free, dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria.
Guaranteed by all druggists.
Richer in information, more beaut
iful as to appearance and crammed
fuller of entertainment. The North
American's special annual baseball
supplement, to be iesned Sunday
Msy 16, will eclipse ali three of Its
Tb first page In colois lean at
tractive arrangement, containing
photographs of every player of tha
Phillies and Athletics, an illustra
tion well worth framing. Tbo hack
page in colors shows tbe difficulties
of making baseball's most dangerous
play, lagging a runner.
Jnmoe C. laamtnsor;,'Ttie"XerrrT"-
American's baseball humorist, con
tribute story on the era of the silk
stocking ball player. It is illustrat
ed by Cartoonist Hoban.
Every player in the Tristste Lea
gue is photographed, there Is a page
devoted to tbe Atlantic Lingne and
all of the other leagues; New York
State, North Penn, Delaware county
Bucks county, etc., have representa
tions. School, college and Independent
baseball in state and city ; the ama
teur game as played by the young
sters on tbo lot and in tbe park como
in for liberal attention, the rosters of
1C0O teams being carried.
Tbe batting and fielding averagea
of the big leagues will Im found only
one of many valuable, features that
will make this a reference guide for
the whoie season.
Orders should be placed at once, as
last year's edition was quickly ex
hausted, end the demand for the
present supplement will be even
Treatment of Seed Potatoes
to Prevent Scab
Tbe subject of the treatment of
seed potatoes to prevent scab was
bronght to the attention of the Divio
Ion of Eaonomlc Zoology of the De
partment of Agriculture of Pennsyl
vania by Mr. R.J. Belt of Wells
ville, York Co., Pa., Treasurer of
the Wells Whip Company. Mr Belt
treated bis potatoes of bichloride of
mercury, naving dissolved 9 ounces
of oorrosive sublimate in 18 gallons
af water. Three times this quantity
of the mixture was used on iO bush
els of potatoes.
State Zoologist H. A, Surface re
plied that he prefers formalin to cor
rosive sublimate for potato scab
treatment. This is because the for
malin, or formaldehyde, dissolve
immediately in water, it being a
liquid iteelf when in the cimmeroial
form, and It does not corrode any ma
(rial by eo niing in contact with and
drying upon it as the corrosive sub
limate might do. After having killed
tbe disease germs it evaporates and
is gone, so that no evil after-effects
can com from it. It is quickly aud
easily prepared, and its action upon
one's hand will not be anywhere
near aa serious aa the corrosive sub
limate solution.
To prepare the mixture put thirty
gallon of water into a barrai, to
which add one pint of the formalin
solution. This about equals one-hall
ounce to a gallon. This may appear
weak, bat it is ttroag enoueb to de
stroy the scab germs. Put the pot
toes in bags and tbe bags into bar
rels, and pour enough of the fore
going solution of formalin and water
into tbe barrel to cover tho bugs and
let' stand for an hour. After that
take the potatoes out of the bags and
let tbem drain Oilier potatoes can
be put in the bags and immersed for
the treatment. Tbe liquid can ho
used again and again as long as any
remains. It should be kept covered
to prevent escape ol the fnmes or
evaporation, aud it would be well U
strengthen it occasionally by adding
a little more of the solution. Tho
potatoes can be treated either before
or alter cutting, but if they are not
to be planted coon, dipping before
cutting is lst liicy cau be dried
in crate or in birrcls, or spread on
the tarn floor, alter the same has
been swept completely and saruhbed
witb a solution of the formalin or
bichloride, whichever is being used.
Smashes All Records
As an all rouud laxative tonic and
health builder no other pills can com
pare witti Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Tbey tone ami regulate stomach, liv
er and kidneys, pur.fy the blood,
strengthen the uerve; cure Cor.atipa-
128c at all druggists.