Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 23, 1909, Image 4

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Onlv fare Msv ' Been Winner In
Ort ttlrh Turf Event.
Prea-asty bo owner ever had sock
Bet-alataat raw ef d luck a ala
MaJsaKy, Kill Edward, during U
early fear of hla raetnc career. At
ala tret saeeeet appearance oa a race
eoerse, thlrty-sevea years sao. hla
bora Ceaaptoa had lha nlsfortua
la tail eariy la the race, aad although
aaae gam effort to recover I oat
' groaad ha could only B tilth second,
la year later at hla aacood ap
pearance at tha Newmarket Jul?
aaUac hla bora Alep waa badly
, beat hr Lard fltratbaalrn Avowal
ad rt waa aot aw til 1M0 that Leon I
daa n rlddaa ey CapL Wentworta
''HopVJohnaataaa. acored hla drat vic
tory la tha Aldarahot cup.
U years nor alapaad. making Bf
tee yeara la all from hla racing da
hat. before tha royal colon war car
Had to victory for tha Brat Una la
at radag. whew, amid a acaaa ol
great aathoataaa, Coaaterpaa. rid
daa hr Arcaer, won a maiden plate at
-Whcfa In a Trtlaf
Jadga Oray. ef Delaware, waa talk
ing receatly about tha fondnaaa of
" A rt girU for Bnglith titles. Ia
apaaklag of haw empty aad meaning
leea each torelaw titlea asually were
ha Illustrated It with the follow lag:
Titlea are Just aa meaalagleea In
the Catted State. ' Tak ny awa title
the title of tudg. for Instance. 1
waa travellaf la the country a ahort
time ago. and. at the table of the ho
tel where I Was a topping, there waa a
aa wheal everr eae preseat addreaa
ed aa lodge.'
"Whea thta Jsdge ro up and west
away. ( aald to the au altting next
hla at the table, la the gentleman
who Just left a United Statea Judge
ar a local iudger
" He la a local Judge, air,' waa the
reply. 'He wit Judge at a hone
nee Ut week.'
Titlea at bon.j and abroad amount
ta about tha aama thing. Nothing
count but the man."
Hauls' Helium.
Ia hla receat experiment with tha
tlsuefactloa of helium. Profeaaor
Oaaea , artorwjed a labor of the moat
.exhaueliag deacrlptloa. "Not only.'
we are told, "waa the whole apparatus,
with lie auheldlary araagementa, teat
ed I It atmoat capacity, but tha ptay
alcal eaergiea of the profeaaor and hia
. aaaUtaat were well-algh exbaasted
V the protoageeT aUuggla." Tula la
likely te rive to ssost reader aa en
tirely Bevel Idea of tha lahora of the
laberatery. Whea the ahaoluta aero
la approached the obstacle that bare
ta be everce la order to lower the
temperagurw a" few degree; are lm
eaeaae. - The' boiling-point of liquid
helium la four and one-half degrees
Centigrade above absolute aero. By
treat effort the temperature waa re
dueed to three degree, but without
affecting tie mobility of the liquid.
. Facta About the Jews.
The number of Jews la the entire
world la . eaproximataiy ll.wOe.eOO
scattered among all tha nations of the
Of thl a amber, about i.Ooe.OOt are
to America sa'f of these In New
.. ' ' - - - . rilw i i aa mi. n i-
" mmm u icii UlftirTffUXeU
- (blear la ether Urge cities. Ia an
area wf A alngle square mile la New
;Tore- le a aopul tlon of more tban
' 4ee.se Jewish msa. women and chil
The Jews almost control the wealth
wf the world. - la Germany, nearly one-
aau ai ise net people are Jews. Six
, sevenths ef all tha bankers of Prua
eia are Jews, walla only one la (It la
a say laborer.
A Cement firtndatana.
' A frtodatoaa mad frocai ae-hall
beat rertiaad cement and one-ball
alllca aand may be neat In grinding
giaaa te take tha place pi the .wbee'
caster. ' The' saateriala aon. h (..
emgkly mixed aad evenly tamped. The
adraaUga' af this stone ia that when
property' made there will be bo hard
Mtd aeft spot, aad It win grlDd glass
. ww ecTcBing. -me coat ta about
. tea per cent, of that ef tha common
" arlnajifascA Ta riaw .. j--
turtag Cveapaay, of afeaeaha. Wis.,' to
waosa w are laaebled for thia infer
matiea. aa been using cement grlnd-
waew sure sea ruuy tor a year.
Net a Bad.
Two Norther bualneaa men, paaa-
uunigs a earrea regioa of the
stoma, nauaad one dsv KrnM . w
!. tumble-dowa hablution, on of
mwmn ucuuauag: roor creature!
How do they ever mak a living from
": uua tn sagging dooi
af the hunt slowly opened, a tall
: "nky, poor white appearing, who
drawled out to them: "Looky here,
etraaaor. I ain't so lunni rw
you think I am. I don't own all this
7i oaaa; i jest own the house."
Harper's Magaalne.
- Aa Kdrtorlal Cnderaement.
rrosn a aerioua-minded jeater the
editor received thia note, togethei
f a coaalgament of humor that was
heavy enough to go by freight:
Dear Sir:
I read all these Joke to my wife,
and ' ah laughed heartily. Now. I
' base at aa good authority that whea
a Bias's wife will laugh at hia yokes
they are bound to be very good
' Your, etc
The editor slipped them Into the
return envelope with the letter, after
writing on the margin, "8h la." Lip.
Joy Net Unmixed.
"Tour husband will be all right
' bow," said an English doctor to a
woman whose husband waa danger
usly HI.
"What do yeu mean?" demanded
tha wife. "You told me 'e couldn't
live a fortnight.'
"Wall. I'm going to euro him.
after all." said the doctor. "Surely
you are glad?"
The woman wrinkled her brows.
"Put ai ill bit of an 'ol," aba
said. "I've bla an' sold all 'is
lletboe to nay tar Is funeral."
vnt it mum is
What Happened After the Professor'r
Happy Thought Came.
A college profeaaor had been Invit
ed to deliver hi lecture on "Highway
and Byways of .Jteratiire" at a little
town la Indiana the State that pro
duced George Ade and Jamea Whit
comb Riley among other favorite.
The evential evening came; and a
the ' lecturer gmed upon the row
apon row of earnest, eager faces
tefore tlm breathlessly waiting
for 111 naessaye, a happy thought
struck blm. and, stepping to the front
of the platform, be said:
"Aa this la to be purely a literary
lecture it seems fitting that practition
er of the glorioua art of writing. If
any are present, should receive due
reeogaition aad honor, and before 1
begin my discourse I wish to extend a
cordial Invitation to any author who
may 'happen to be In the house to
please come forward and take a aeat
on the platform with tha chairman."
In the frantic rush that ensued the
three front rows of seats were upset
and demolished, four women fainted
and had to be carried out, a half doiea
derby hats were crushed to pulp, three
men received black eyes, several oth
ers had their coat ripped up the back,
and the reading stand waa toppled
over with a crash. When the dust
had settled down so that It waa pos
sible to see across the hall once more
one man alone remained seated ta the
auditorium. The rest were on the
The astonished lecturer gated for a
moment at the deserted man In front
of him, and then, the humorous aide
of the affair appealing to blm, be
smiled indulgently down upon the soli
tary occupant of the auditorium and
"I forgot that this waa Indiana. Per-
hape you did not understand my In
"Hey? What's that!" demanded the
man, holding a trumpet to hia ear and
leaning forward with a look of strain
ed Inquiry on his face.
"I say. perhsps you did not under.
stand the invitation," repeated tha
lecturer. "This being a discourse on
literature, any author who chanced to
be present waa requested to come for
ward and take a aeat on tba platform
with the chairman."
"Oh, all right; I'm coming! Didn't
bear you the first time." apologized
the deaf man. and he. too. rose to hia
feet and atarted briskly for the platr
"May I have the pleasure of this
hundred step with you. Miss Cent!-
New Reglen fer the Effort ef
In the Entomol'glats' Monthlr Uaa-
aaln Mr. N. H. Joy Indicates aa ap
parenuy little explored region for
rare beetles. Having last rear oh
talaed various species looked upon aa
rare by collectors in birds' neata. Mr.
Joy raa led to doubt the genuine rar
ity of theee species. He further eon.
eluded that If the ne.ta of our familiar
ire aad mamals were carefully
aearcked many species of beetle might
eeaaa to be labeled rare in the record
ef entomology. Mr. Joy baa put his
theory to the test, and finds that
birds' nests ar productive of many
rare aad Interesting beetles. And la
searching tha nests ef smaller British
mamala thia enthusiastic collector baa
beea area more successful. Is It not
area aoaalble that whea such aieua
tloaa ar more carefully and exhaus
tively searched new aeclea of beetle
may reward the collector?
ilim Shlpe.
Eleven yeara ag3 an Italian enrt-
aeer made a boat of artlflcial atone
or cement which excited much inter
eat It waa an excellent boat, and Is
yet la use. The framework, of lirht
iron roaa. was covered with a metal
lie trellla. and then coats of cement
were applied. Inside and out. to fn
the hull. It prove- surnrlslnelT r
imeai to snocks. Bines then the
same engineer. OibelllnL baa mad
many more "stone" boata. of various
forms, and among them a barg, about
It feet long and oetween 17 and It
feet broad, which for several rears ha
been employed for carryirr coal In
the harbor of Genca. He also makes
pontoons of the ssme mat rial, which
hvs been used to replace wooden pon
toons on tna Po. The material lasta
better even than Iron, and la not at
talked by salt water. Youth's Com
Health and Beauty.
Never visit a alck person with aa
empty etomacu. especially if the com
plalut be coutagioua. as thia disposes
the system more readily to receive
the contagion.
A Scotch teacher gave this sdvir. in
her pupils "If you have cholera or
Scarlet fever in the house, nut some
onions under the bed. and they will
aweep away the disease."
Yeara ago when the cholera rased
through London, the onion proved of
value. It waa noted that la the most
anaaaltary district, they weie exempt
from the disease, being Itallana and
great onlcn eaters, and In their homes
hsd strings of onions tuspeoded across
the celling. The opinion is aald to be
powerful actlJu against disease
In Franc The Hunt Truffle ard
Draw the Picw.
Owing to Its obstlnarv snd seem
ing stupidity the pg Is usually classed
among the dull animals. To:, bow
ever, la not a J'ist estimate of Ita in
telligence "Learned" pigs that could
pick out letters of the alphabet have
been exhibited tx fairs. Throw a pig
Into deep water, and it will begia
swimming ssbore at once, which la
more than most men are able, to do.
In France they hare been trained to
hunt for truffles (which are hidden
underground) and to draw tbe. plow.
They have even been lat.gbt to act aa
pointers. In moat cases they ar
trained by means of reward for suc
cess. In pointing, for example, when
they spot the bird, they drop their
tall and ea.x ana sink on their kneea
and do not rise until after the bird
has risen they are rewarded with pud
ding. Fear of the Law.
The literal strictness of German
rule and regulations has alwaya been
matter of amusement to other na-
tione which do not insist so rigidly on
tha letter of tbe law. A writer In the
Washington Star recently told a story
Illustrating thia point. Two men.
Schmidt and Krauss, met one morn
ing In tha park.
'Have you beaia," sa'd Schmidt,
"the aad newa alout Sluller?"
"No." said Krauss "What la It!"
"Well, ,oor Muller went boating on
the river yesterday. The boat rap-
sized and be was drowned. The wa
ter waa ten feet det.-.
"But couldn't he swliT
"Swim? rxo't you know that an
persons are strictly lorbidden by the
police to swim In tbe river?"
Penholders Made from Packing Jox.
Both Ingenuitv and economy are
represented by a practice reported
from Calcutta. India. A firm in that
d'.y imports drug In wooden boxes
from the United States and England.
It then works up good material from
the packing c&ses into penholders.
Both the city and provincial govern
ments buy these products, but the
penholders are aald to be rather
crude. Labor Is st very chesp In In
dia that It would he hard to compete
with any manufactured article there,
but Inexpensive penholders made In
large quantities in America might
have a chance of Belling In that far
off land, nevertneiess. A great saving
In cost alwaya results from the use of
Idea All Right Trouble Is to Get the
Prescription Filled.
It Is all very well for a German doc
tor to prescribe hearty laughter aa a
remedy for nervous diseases, but per
hsps be will also be good enough tc
tell us where we are to get the Ingre
dients for hla prescription.
One cannot weii sit down and lausrh
"till the teara run down tb cheeks'
at nothing at all. however anxious to
cure a severe attack of neuralgia
When one cornea to think of it, aaya
the Lady's Pictorial, few thlnga make
one laugh to this extent, and what is
one person's meat where similarity Is
depths of depression.
mere are people who will double
up aim merriment when they see
some one fall down a flight of atepa.
and afterward describe it aa "the fun
niest thing they ever aaw," but most
nervous patients probably would not
laugh at all if in order to effect a cure,
an attempt were made to excite their
hilarity by throwing relatives and
servants down stairs. Nerve special
ists who adopt the laughter cure will
have either t practice clowning or
keep trained fools to set their patients
"la a roar."
Are You a Kionophlle?
The round while missile waa well
aimed, and with a laugh the profea
aor dug the cold snow out of his ear.
"I am a klonopohlle and so are you."
he said. "In fact, we are all kiono
phlles. while some of us are kiono
maniaca. "A kionophlle la a snow-lover," he
explained, "one whose heart warms nt
the sight of the fresh white snow, one
who loves the snow aa Beethoven
loved music Yes. we are all kiono
phlle. "A klonomsnlac loves the snow to
madness. A snowfall makes him tem
porarily Insane. You have seen such
people adults or children everybody
has. Beside himself, the klonomanlac
ooonaa from tbe house, leaps yeMIng
" s'i unn, roils about madly
b-i.-kra m .... '
.uu uuuDuers in ice deep snow
wiia enriexs of Joy.
1 here is about snow something In
toxicating. Some of us It Intoxicate
oniy to kionophlllsm; others It drives
Into stark raving kionomania. In the
lat atate. people rolling in the cold
white snow, have given themselves
pneumonia, and they have also se
verely Injured their friends broken
their ribs, am so forth, banging them
about In tLe drifta."
Te U.r Christmas aollcltors.
Boston. The Salratioa Army las
sies sod VoluDters of America "8ao
u Clauses" cannot hereafter solicit
funds on tbe street for Thanks-tving
and Christinas dinners for the poor
according to hltce Commissioner
Stephen O'Meara. Hla report says
tba custom haa grown to aucb aa ei
teut that annually more than fifty dif
ferent crjanlrationa aeek tbe prlrl
lege of soiicitlnr aid.
Mistake Maoa by Many.
"De amart mm,' said Uncle Eben.
"Ia likely to git along fus' rate until
he stahts In tlggerin' 'roun' an" tryla
to make hla bnjna take de place of
bla conscience.'
A Coatrury Father.
Bultor Uo you think. Edith, your
father will accept me for a soa-ln-law?
the l -wouldn't be at all enr
ariaed. Pap always foe contrary
19 J4r Vlaaaa,
Nearsighted Man Wsars Glasses
Talking, birt not In Reading. I
'Here s a so-t of queer thing." said!
a near-s.ebttd meo. "1 am very'
near-sighted, t'-.rojs gla?sea are la-1
d:peis-ib!e to me lor ordinary. gen-
.rrai seelr.t, in my going about, but
wben I sit down to read i take off'
f S V . f p. up ,
within the natural focus of tbe eye.
It sren-s to me that reading with tbe,
natural eye. I read with a more lntl
mate and a clea- r unders'anding.
"So much for my reading without
spectacles, acd now here ia the thing
that la queer to me. If. when I am
reading, tometxidy comes along to
apeak to me. Wir. then to get a clear
understanding of that question I must
.have on my spectacles.
"So I say. or I would ssy If this hap
pened at home where I know the peo
ple. 'Wait a minute till I get on my
spectacles.' snd I would put them on
and then say, .cw. go ahead.' and
really, with my spectacles on. with my
power of seeing a; l's best, with tbe
sharpest definition of things In gen
eral to the eye, I get the clearest ap
prehension of things said to me.
"So In readli.g I do best with my
glasses off. bjt In understanding
things said to u.'?. in listening, I do
best with my 'asses on. There Is
on xnodihVation to this where there
Is no light, as In a dark room, where
I can't ree. 1 can understand equally
well with er without glasses."
Stoca Dog Barking.
My pointer uted to annoy the fam
ily by barkh.g at night, often for no
n.er reason than that other dogs in
tae neighborhood were barking. I
had an electric gong placed In hia
kennel snd tbe wires strung straight
up from the roof of tbe kennc-l tu a
shade tree and then to my bedroom.
Tbe push-button is on the wall close
to tt.e he.-.d of uiy bed and If tbe d jg
barks wiien 1 t'uluk be sbutld L-e still.
I press the button and he shuts up
This is how we trained bim be slio:i!d
be quiet when ti:e boll rn. 1 wit
ed inside tlie side door of the houre
wit'j all the lights in tbe hou?e ojl
When the barking Loxmenced my
brother rang the bell and I wtnt out
snd gave the dog a scolding and a
couple ct cu'.i with the dog-wn;p,
then returned to the house. 1 had to
fci out three tiae the first evening
and twice the net. but since then
the bell has served its purpose; in
fact, it has practically cured this dog
of uucailed for Lariinfc. J. V. Travis.
Pens of Price.
The pen used by Charles Dickens
Just before his death, which ha been
sold at Ueit&rs. Sj'.beby's rooms for
A 19 Ks, must yield the palm of ost-
llneas to the well worn gold pen used
by "L'oi" for many yeara, which
fouLd a purchaser some time ago for
over At the aame of tbe l)al
boutle collet tlon a quill pen used by
Wellington wben writing to (Jueea
Victoria In 1844 brought only a 1-2
guineas; witile oue of Sir Walter
beott'e pens, selected by Lord Dl
faojsle in from Scoti a writing la
ble at AbhoUforo. only readied three
guineaa more. Among- tbe most vain
able peus in tlli wond are one owned
by Isaac P.eed. of New York. carv. a
from a portion of George Wasbirg
ton's lens box, and used by Lincoln
golden eagie a wing, the property of
the Empress Eugenie, with which tf
Treaty of Paris was simcd In is;.
Clever Chinese Cllnd Man.
A blind i .reel musician, reports a
Chinese paper, stood on the shore o
a river, puzzled how to cross lb.
stream. He Implored an oil dea'er
who happened to come along, to a.---siat
him. The oil dealer had pity on
the nelpiess man. took him oa bl
ahoulders. gave him hla money bat
to hold and carried him across. Whet
he depositee his burden on the other
shore tbe blind man refused to r
torn him his money bag. raised a
noise and declared that the mone
was hia property. The matter cam
before the Judge, and each man said
on oath that the money velonged tc
blm. The Judg- finally ordered thi
bag of money emptlef Into a walei
tank, and then suddenly announced
that tbe oil dealer was the owner
vi nen aaaea or tbe reason for ht
decision, be de tared that the tunne.
of the oil dealer must certainly sbos
traces of his business, and indeed
on the surface of the water tracc-a ot
oil were found.
Stri.ige Weddlio Custom.
Among the lolos of Western Cfclns
It is cusioniary for the bride on thi
wedding mornir-r to perch herself ou
the highest uranch of a lare tree
while the elder female members ot
ber fauilir cluster oa the lower limbs
armed with slick. When all are
duly stationed tbe brld. groom clam
bi-rs up the tree, assailed on all s:def
by blows, pushes and pinches from
the dowagers, and it is col until hi
bas broken tbrjugh their fence anu
captured tbe bride thai be is al
lowed to carry her otr.
A New Sort of School.
The proprietor of an Institution pr..
fessing to cure stuttering. t?l!s of tfc.
amazement with which a visitor fr.i ;
lb Interior of the Sia'.e contemplate.)
tbe bugs gilt sign displayed over ih
entrance to the place:
8tammerlng Institute. Trial Uesso:
"Upon my soul!" exclaimed the rv
ral Pennsylvania, "if that don't b-a
all! I knew they taught 'most evt-r
thing these days; but who the di-,;i-want
to learn atammerln'T" Llppin
The Age of the Mic-ons.
People Just now are livinsr iu a ef-i
of almoat morbid appreheniou to
cemlng what tbey should eat a
drink. There bate been the pnla.i.
lithic age and tbe red sandston- ,
Tbe present age would come ir, b
known aa the bacillua, mitrobe ant
tubercle age.
New York's Guests.
Tbe transient hotel population o
New York la figured at .io.OoO pennl,
a day. Tbe hotel properties are r-V-4
ai r f:0,'jOO,gJ.
Strict lispection to Be Sure They are
not Diseased.
Requei's for information regarding
sausage catm.es in France hcviu ben
aent to the United S'ates Consul Gen
eral in Paris, he replies that no spe
cial supervision is given to entrails.
tint thnl nrt nimli it. a r ha .n-lfpr
ed for food there unless It has first
I been undtr veterinary Inspection. If
j It has been foid sound the viscera
are airo regained tare witnout runner
When a cow, hot or sheep prove
to be affl cted with disc as when
k:l!?d. steps are taken to prevent Its
pee as feed. If the disease is not
coii'.cglous the body Is Impregnated
ith pt me cm. If the animal suffers
tror.i a disease wblrh may be trane
mlt'ed. body. hide, eutrails. horns and
hoofs must be burned. Cattle which
ilios traces of tuberculosis are treat-
d with petroleum but no restriction
is put on te ordinary uss of the
bide horns and ..oofs. In come cases
here the meat is destined for nse in
tn.nsreriefl the suthorities refrain
from applying oil. but supervise the i
buslnes of fee-ling the camivorotia J
animals for which the meat la in- I
tend l
The?e ivs-uiatioos apply to the cat- I
tie. lo?s and sheep sold by farmers to
rural Hitcl.ers. as well as t-- the ani-
mals s'iughtcrrd for food In big citiea !
The Mode Third.
Karly In tbe Jontrpssiorial career
of Mr.-Elafnp. saya a wrlier In tbe
Now York Trl' ine. when Thaddeu
SiereDS died, who for ten yeara had
dominated Congress. Mr. Blaine, who I
entered the House the same year as ,
the late Senator Alison, remarked to
a inena in tse rotunaa or trie 1 ap"oi
'The death o! Stftr3 is an emancl
paiioo lor in- uepuoi :an pariy. nt
kf-pt it un'-r his h'-ri."
"Whim have you f Ift for lead
ers?" o.uerlc-d ti:e frK-.-'t.
i n? re pre tLre? : -c '.i mnD corn
"r forw-r Mr. l- ae"? rfp
"T':fre is a ?o-.:? msn iv u
.rou," poitinp to AUi-ou. .h- "
p?;.8ing. "James A. Garfield 1? a:i
Ti ere 33 a pue. and the frfpn'
as'rieJ. "V.V'ii. who is the tt'wll'
Mr. B'.Ain? zz? tip in lie (Ijtth
ard said q-Jietly. "I doa't see i
Roan f 'on-enc'sture.
The ccMe Ko'nans were trfi-n'l'
In tYe'.r tysiea 1 r-o.t-nr-Iuvire. Tl:.
hd t;:e praencn.n. the- rnnipn
ti: e 20?r.o".rn. T: V.tz of tiff
di. ti?uie J i.t iiiviu-iai ard w
equi'.t.-nt t3 o :r i. rituiati or bapiis
mi! name. It uuillj tnd!raTfH-
by a Birdie ettcr. as A. for Au.su. or
by two Icfer?, -as A;, for Appius. o
three, as tf T. for S"rviua. The romei
waa d:s:it:vl:ve of the gens cr cln
ard fc.v r.a cone:: Dicing arrei's
live arr.nTig u?. Tjo coroLitn
plnctd !at. a: 3 df.rpiiitd the f:--!ie,
precis!)- in.-wr.ing 10 onr put
na'ne. SoTif-'.-nies a fourth name
adlcd. the asfioen. in ennf " ju-p.?.
of a reroTi.tU action, sorue copicu
ous ever.,, of lite or foatnre of charar
ler. St"ip:o. in addition to hia regula
naniea. was sty!, d Afrit-anus after hi
co.Kitie?t of Carth: se. The? n-'-me
Gerisnirua wag assumed by tnos
wh3 distinrruishrO tiemaelves In Uu
Unique Cannon.
It Is a curious tut ti.ct wl:tn th.
islat-d of M.i.'ta Wis in ;oi.tjr:on o
the T-'rupltrs tl.03e doughty knliht,
defended their forta by means o
cannon cut into the solid rock.
Kach of these sr?rg? engines c
war was cnfab!e of t-outaii:ir.g an en
tire barrel of g'jnpowder. and. it i
s lid, could throw ten IbcsanJ poundP
of project:. s. Inaiiuuch. however, a
tbe&e natural cannon couUI not b
aimed, fifty were cut out of the rcvl
guarding the various channels of ap
proach; and the vessels of that t-rar
were therefore unable to come with
In t'.:cir on range before being annl
hilatird by the big weapons ol de
fense. AltLo'.iKh the fame of these cannot,
was si.red far and aide, they were
not dupl-cated elsewhere, and to thi.
d:ty they remain the ouly rot-k cannon
of which there exists any record.
Worren'a Names.
In female names the Romans In
dulged but small variety ot appella
tion. an I fancy had little or nothlnj
to do with their Invention and be
stowal. When tuere was but one
daughter in a family she received tbe
(eruinine trniin-t.on of her Gentile
name, as 1 Jaub'ti!er of Mar
cm Tiiii.u I jct'i'cc. and Octaviae, th
;i:-ier af O-.Uvius Patsar. etc.. whltii
iiun.es were reMined even after mar.
ri-,-,1-. V":.n '.here wer tco daugh
le.'s one '-13 talitd Mjr and the
other Aiir.'ir: ss eorne.ia jl-ij.jr and
rorr.tiia jiinor. If tere were more
tt-aa to they were d:si:c;ui hed b
their nuaiher. tius: l'r'.u.a, Secua
ii. Tertia, (juarts. etc.
"Farmers Raise Slouey" Is the heao-
iine of an ar'irie in the :.lxico
L..igc-r. So trouble nowadays to
- coney. All lie has to do Is v.
W a e uK-fccu or a dozen egss i r
.i k of ( ord Aood or a peck of corn
a d-jit-n potatues and bring 'ein
to to., ii anil se.l 'em and bis fortune
u-aue. Louisiana Mo, Fresa-Jour-
f,TJuiii--,'Jni.i: sotiia.
Scientific Kmcricaa
hWrSrMii-r UlnMTKtOrJ We!. 1 wef
. v Tradc Mamta
," ' ' "' ' ' ' '-" - ' f-et eSaiaaraa
- ... '11': "-'! r-:-' :.!.!. C--i...m.o.
ill The
It: flew
ai York -
L Farmer
is the most tlior
Dughlj practical,
helpful, u;cful ami
national illustrat
ed agricultural ifc
family weekly in
the United States.
Send your name
free sample copy
Nw York Tribun
Nw York .
1 ...$l,50 A YEAR
g J
1 j
Letter Heads, Care's
Posters, Statements
Bill Haads, Envelopes
Circulars, Etc., Etc.
eb - j irAUL'MHnnw v -..jw
V :i.r..-i,iiol' toUa ATENTfl
? THAT PAY, v.'rrLr um uTWs4ruiy. tu ou
T er i- fr"J "";P y,A1 10 wuccrm
S tfKl aftotV-L pvxo or awi et-to tor F R C C
jg - a imtrrmixil.'r. Jrf pnvtants, SUR
fe PASS! NO fCrCRCUCCS. For frw Oule
M I--- ( rr'rjt EIcnu wild to
9 B03.fOS Seventh Street,
WASrllr'UTON, ft. C
.Cimti.soo TiMlt-Marss obtained and mU Fas-f
(entbauaniwuncw: 1" MoSCPIlTt FKC.
Iceornct is OmriTt U.S. PATtHTOmcvl
f we 1U1K' : J . ; : 1 u. lli ! inn wuk .
rttl-ote Irxa to'kH.r.i.-.oo, i
t Sui r.juel, drawu or pkno with aeMfff
t'yen. S'e adrisc, if pmxmmUm or aot, tn M
tur?9. Ovr fed DOC due tail Mtnl is Hctrid..
s A Pampmlct, " Hew to OLuua P.t.tt-" whh J
1 -t s4ic ia tha U. S. and iomga ewtmnf
J sent t-en. Aiidrc, i
iLi!v-rTt,rT Orwet .WASMmwree. D C
PbT8iciana have long been looking
for a harmless headache core. It
lias been prod need by an nmioenl
chemist of the National 'apital. Il
is kno-n aa Bromo-Pkpsis. Besibea
enrink erery form of headache
instantly, Brotxio Pepsin ia equally
ard aa promptly efBoaoioo In
rbronto and acute indigestion and
tbe Derous dlsnrdera incident there
o. It is effereecrat and pleasant
to take and may be bad of all np tc
date droegiita at ten cent a bottle.
It comes aa a boon to mankind ant'
womankind. For sale at C. O.
Armstrong, Druggist.
The 0mmisMieM of pike County
w ill hereafter hold Regular Meetings
the first Monday of each mo. between
tnohours of 9 a m and 4 p. nt. exeepl
in? in the mouths when Court may
be In Mion, and theu durinif Court
CotiimUM -nere Clerk
A'. ialulelv Hirmiets. Cures ea k Spot
NoC Ih M'ord repia"
All Urugglata. lOo, llol SOo.
K.r sale by C. O. ABUsTunsu. Orugaisi
If you wniit noie b.-aiis. Liil hi-ada. lelte
h.a'tft, sfnt. iii.-ii'.. .liow cuds, pnir.1
l.irg-.- po-t.'r.. s ilixlf Ti envelopes
tujrs bn-ine ritiis .r t .'j nrintinu
every dr-scriptioQ, done up in the b-t strl
fui you In an tit-to-dnte and an I. lie inw
nercall.ind see us. Price
Real Eilate Agent.
Houses and Lota and lot without Bonar
Dewier In all kinds of Properly.
Notary Public
p .a -.. -syatefc e,.e-.vw.
Office at Residence on
Water Street
UilfoM, Pa
ty. N. V.
CAvrar. .
LA i f L J
v r-COfVllrCMTS.
TVUV-OfVr r J tJ-1 rwartir. OrfnVvMts
trd rientTitil iv. Wr! tr ranok r
Time Table
A r
t olid Pullman train to Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chautauqua Lake, Cleveland
Thlcago and Cincinnati.
Tickets on sale at Port Jarrts to al
solnte In the Wetland Southwest a lower
rates than via any otber Iras-class Una.
In effect June 21th, lbOg.
Tuiiaa Xam Lstvt Port JSRVIS SI
" 48, Dally t jo
' Dally Kipress 6 40 "
" an, Local Kxcept Sunday.. . a 10 "
44 Holidays only g go
Xo. g, Daily Express A 64 a. al.
" T08, Way Sunday tlnly T 81 '
" 42. Local except ;iin a Hoi 7 15 "
' BO. Local Kxoept Suuday.. 10 SO "
" 4. Dally Fxprrss 1 St r. M.
" 7U4. Sunday Only .., J a
4, Wny daily exe't Sr.nd'y 1 go
s. tuny Ktpre-is ,1M
5. Way dally exe't Sund'y a as "
M Ttl.Loc-l Sunday Only ... v.is
Not, Dally Express 1 88 A. H
" Dally ..
IT, Dally Milk Traiq 8 10 a"
' I D.iil Express n st
" 115. Foi Ho'd.-UeK'pt Sua.. IMar.M.
" a, KXn-ssC hiciMrolluidal 6 Si "
89, Dally Except 8nnday . OU "
" . Limited Daily Express. 10 OS "
Trains leavx fhrxmhers street. New
V'ork, for Port Jervia on week days nt
$ 30, 7.15. 9 15. 10 30 4. m I 'm
I JU, 4 SO, 6 15, 7 15, 8 15 UUr a
On Sun1-4, 7. 4 n
19 !A 1.15 T M.9.15 P. l.
H L SLA I'SUV. Ticket Agt, Pt.Jervit.
H. W Hatrley,
Dlv'n Paskfcr Agent.
Chambers Ft. Station Now Yotk
William B. Ksiwo.they M. 0
fhjrsici-in anl Sureon.
Mi' anl nniit.!iK Broad Street
text Court H .ni MILKOKD.
For Sale or Bent
15H nere farm known aa Warnrfarm
two milen lielow Milford. Apply to
J.iltn C Warner Uilfbrrt Pa
The Milford
Livery Stable
to hie with
without driv
Opptajite Hometeai Librarv.
fe-t' ,--
, Trade