IDS IV County Press. V(?LX,V- , MILFOKD, PIKE COfeTY. PaT, FRIDA.Y, APllIL 2'j , 1909. " v9. Df rto Boghe of Brooklyn vis Had bU feaegHloW near' Rayinocd kill falli lb first of this week. A aew atowobfl law will be In eff.-ot after the Irsl of next January ia this elate. The change froaa the , old are malarial and tba hosese faaa are raised, i Tba speed la increased lo It nllek ab hoar lor tbe open ocuotry ana te 1 a thickly eettled plus. la little country town, tba at tram la fashion always looks fast Automobiles are lift people tbo - cheap ODFttara nnisy. Few aveir think that a boy may be tired. It so often happens by the time one Is well off in this world be Is wall on toward the nest vareie pe eansea mora men trouble than lsioes and wickedaass combined. Work to laaprove reaolta. ' Never mind yoor job it will take oara of Itself. There are many ways to do thing wrong, bat c-nly one way to do it right. It's the thing we didn't do thai we regret most. Tbe value of your services depends . upon bow valuable yon make them. Home men will take an awful lot of abuse to keep from paying their bills. Perey Lyman Jr returned last Mon day to his atudlea at the E 8. 8. N. "The bodies of late 6oloiuon New man, who died In 1879, of bis wife Caty who died In 1894, their son John a whB died In 1894 and Sarah J. Tom eon, wife of Charles Newman who died la 18SS, were removed this week from tba Cemcferj at foot of Milford hill to Hilford Cemetery. Miss Mlllioent Crisnnaq has fitted a ta room la tbe boose adjoining the Bawkilt House where alia will -aarv taa and coffee and light refresh mania. The room is very tastily ar ringed aad will "affard a pleasant plana tor Udiea and their escorts to mjo f oUt little lancb. Opea easoaa far fish same as now but sunnsh are no longer gam. Baas under, 8 inches msy not be tak aa and not mora than II a day. Trout must be 6 Incites long" atwt so' Buy be taken in a day. Eels, look ers, carp and mullet may be taken with gigs duilng July, August and September in streams: not stocked vllh tr.n mvtA Iknu Ins it.. atreama that should be f read of them by any device whatever. The rifta Avenue Preabyterian Churoh la New York, at a recent meeting ef two boors duration raised u,uvu iorenoron extension Last Mooday thermometer bare regletared 80 in U shade, and gar den Sendee began bunting pade. . Tuesday tbe rain and wild took tbe nap out of. them. McKay and Colby of New. York who were promoting tk Honetdale aieatrie road were ameted April 1, aad were lo je.ll until last week when tney got out on bail. Tba charge waa def rending the' government by c using (h mails ta.adfartise miatny ceohmee."'6o far, no matter what I bejjrsrt 9 en ouaoeoted will) - pocnamssou. railroads bas been o -unfortunate. i Homer Greene Esq., Honesdate'a Miterary lawyer, baa just publislied a rtiaw tory elle4 'A Linooln Con rorip-"- The time la daring tbe war fad the eceae is land near the Maple 'City. " ' Soma provisoes in th new game , law are making open aeasoa for rab bit Nov It toDeclitb, only ten :ixiy be killed by one person in a day 'rToodoock icaaoa from Oct 1st to e 1st. . County Superintendent of Sohools .Locian West brook visited town laot Mia Fannie A. Polllon of Grtat' Neok L. I. wa In town a lew daya . ' uuilwveu sinmHiwa mr ma aaie ff her hoaseoomer Broad and Ann treats, Milford Beroagb to J. II. VaaEueu. Note tha advertieoment of aale of boas and lot near Centro Bquare May I Tula U a very dmtraula property and shoald aiaet with ready fliKposal. Also at same tint shares of stock la Milford Bridge Company. 1. E. Hill, who has bad eonsldera ne experience, naa asumea me ef. Itorshlp of th Monroe Democrat. - A young waa posing aa Odd fe. low has been vlotimliing Lodge la this Biute ami New Joiatty. Be la Vv ohJor arrest. J. A. Revoyr hits last finished the Interior of his bakery snd bas h model room. The arraagement it complete In detail to exhibit bin goods and a great beauty is that tverytbing Is enolosed in glues thus. btenring perfect cleanliness. It is safe to say there is no neater or more attractive shop in this section of the country, and probably few anywhere can be found which will equal it. The unspeakable. Turk are killing American Christians at Adanu. It. is estimated that more than one thous and .bava been f laughtered and at lel two - Amerioau missionaries Thonssnds are fugitives and home less and the end is not in right. Civ illsed nations should send warship and soldiers and wipe tbe miserable Moslems off the earth That is t le better way to Christ iamze them The State Food Commission in pro ecutlng dealers who sell adulterated "soft drinks." Cottonseed oil for lard, and watered milk baa a'sj ixeu investigated. Hon II. N Farley of Equirmnt-, Pa., a former iis'-inber i f the It-tMsla. ture died suddenly nged about 56 years. That passage in ll.t. Bihle which reads "The Lird rn.ed all ivawliig and creeping tL'.nsjs" is Mini to refei to the Erio Railroad. W. A. Parshall w removed this week by Surrogate S .vzy cd Orange County as executor of tuo estate of B. D. Conklmg. Uncle Silas fays "all men are born free and equal, but most of them gel over it by getting married.'' Abnnt 6000 enumerators will be employed next year in taking the oenaos in this Biate. They ara paid so much per capita except in sptrae. ly settled districts, where a per dieru Is paid. The tnkin of the Census will begin April 16, 1910. Word has been received here of the death of Cnrlton A. Smith, ex sheriff and ex representative of this county" which ocoured at Jackson ville, Fin. Thursday April loth as ho was returning north. Tbe funeral wa held at Lewiston, Pa. He was aged about 74 years, and is survived by one brother Samuel W. of Port Allegheny, Pa. Emiuetl Steele will go to-morrow to- Ow- . Li. I ... . who pitches in a game there Kutor- Baturday and at Binghamton Mon day. Tbe boose of David McKean ne: r Sawkill was burned last Monday. Tuesday evening Miss Millioent Crissmaa entertained the members af ber dancing olsse and a few invit ed friend. The youngsters showed considerable proficiency in tbe Ter gtoboreau art and was the appluiife of doting parent and assembled guest. E. 8. Wolfe has rented his house, ooraer Catharine ana hixth Vtr;(t, to Mr Barman who will take jm'soi f- alon May 1st. j He will remove Lis family to bis larm in jlillurd lowi - hip. A livery horse from Port Jcrvt tied In Findlsy's Btabl Inst Fun Jay slipped big baiter and andred cut an. a pisiform, iu tie rear tiich broke down and the liors wj fo badly Injured that o'.lorofwna was tbe only- remedy, . Qeorge E. llorton former resi dent, now lirini: at Chester, 3 , was in town over !ct Sunday. While we were cnj-iying li e. fine weather here lii-t M i d-ty at Ku-quo bauna thi re wis violent nimi an I rein storm which did coiisiderat'e damage. A Corn Growing Contest The Pennvlvaniu Live Stock Breeders' Assiation announcaa , llstot priest, r corn-growing con test in which yi. Id of corn per acre is the chief consideration. Contestants .re given liberty lo se lect any acrHSHllJ 811 a'cwti- and to fertile, plant and cultivate B'' Arnica Silve till wholly tba crop a. they please. A J50 Si!- cured' Ite ' ur8 of rn Fever ver Cun and tt n cash priZ,s aro of j flrBd for ihv .r. of eor For information- aa to tbe conditions of Ihe contest, prizes, etc. .corn growers sboul 1 drop a postal card to C S Bayard, Sieretary, 20S Htia'tly Ave., Pittsburg Competition is open lo all Pennsylvania farmers and their , families or emplovi How They Dose 'Em Mr Underdunk I yeahs 'em say I ttlatah Pools, dat yo' po' lick husband an-tu had o Ilsa the do. th I gi ven bia np 1 Mr Poota Well-ub, no'm Sistab I Underdunk. But It d"' pear like hrs done given Lim evorvtbing el.-e. Paok.' Points in New School Code While tha new cede make radical Changes as to taxation in Philadel phia, it does not very materially af- reoi the country. The bill is now in the Governor's hsnris. Following are some of the point of interest to ns : Teachers must be over 18 years of age. Childran under lourteen must at tend school. Between 14 and 16 they must also attend unless they have permanent employment and can show a certificate proving that tney can read and write. Enumeration of children is placed In the hands of the echool board. A medical inspector, who shall particularly look after the bearifg snd eyesight of pnpils, provided for each distrlot. Vaccination is imper alive. An occupation tax of tl will be" charged, this to apply to every man oe - 21 years of age, alieusas well as citizens. All plans for new school building must he. submitted to a state buard ;f cluciticn. which is created. Rnil.l his over two stories big'a must he fireproof. amnlcs of all text books suitable fir uso lu schoi Is of the statu nm he submitted to tie state beard of education and n set pi ice pieced on each sample, which price will obtain ttuuout the stale. Text hooka ear ner, bechanced in the school until 5 years have elapsed. further provisions are that in boroughs and townships of less than 3000 inhabitants five directors will I e elected at ihe first election for terms of one, two, three, four uini fivo yrs and annually thereafter one person will be elcotei. Present school direc tors are not quite legislate! cut but probably can act with the uew board. Independent school districts are abol ished, but the court oa application may restore them if necessary. Out of the Ginger Jar Even a legless man can run thru a bank account. It requires a skilful surgeon to set a bone, but anybody oao set an egg. Wheu a girl falls in love w ith a loafer we usually find him the idle (f her heart. July and August suu will melt tl e ice trnst.- The corn field ought to lake a high ranfe, because there are so many ker nels in it It would net take a thrashing ma chine very long to thrush out some men's ideas. The auctioneer knocks down almost everything he touches, and yet no body seems to mind it. "By their fruits ye shall know them," but what about a tree with a dozen different varieties of grafts? Talk about the fanners having no influence; they are stirring up the en tire country right now. Our neighbor's faults are magnified even fold, but as to our own short comings we can not see them with a microscope. It is not best always to stay borne ; an oi caaional change is good far every tiouy. .ven the kitchen tire grxs out occasionally fc'-ery farmer can be his own weather pro) het if he will ke p his t'Mi's uiiiler the shed, ami his stock in the stable during bid nights. There art lots of pet. p!e in the world who appear to have the hrnins of a mule. All they seem to be able to do is to eat, sleep and kick From May Farm. Journal, "fu Qar uie, uwwr, Hn nave my leet cm mt,' said l''i"K", of Prii.ceville, III. "but , J0"'" dl1' fr'"" P" ('' hf"' I ei,,,'D BWav t0PS) lf l1' n'1"' " ' DurDS ",,u 1 the world. 25c. at all druggists. Words to Freeze the Soul "Your son has Coi-nuinption.. Ilis case is hopeless " These appalling words were spoken to Geo. K Blo- vens, leading merchant of Spring- " field, N. C. by two expert doctcrs As Defined one a lung specialist. Then was Father, said the minister's little shown the wonderful power of Dr. daughtr r, the paper says you offlciat- King's New Discovery. "After three;ei t the wedding clad in the tradi- weeks use, "wiiie. M.-. Blevens, "he! funal garb of tbe clergy. What was as well as ever I would tint jdoes traditional mean? take all the money in the world for - Traditional, my dear, said tbe good what it did for my boy." Infallible i,,Bn as he looked at bis shiny suit for Coughs snd Colds, it the safest. Inf black, refers to something that sureet rure or desperate Lnnntseases on tar li 60o and tl CO Guiiau- tee ga'isfaotiuit. Trial bttlu fr.e. NOTES FROM SANDYST0N Work has begun iu earnest on the oew Macadam road from Calver's Gap to Brsnchvllle, and in a short time some parts of it will be com pleted. The big cut near Asber Hnooks bas been almost impassable for a long time and only a night or two ngo a couple of young men In driving thru the cot smashed their wagon and injured their horse. No muddled head can drive tbroogh that out. Joseph Purling' working on tha steam saw mill wa taken 111 of pneu monia a few days agoand died on Tuesday last aged 43 years. He waa of Jpl'y goodna'tured disposition arid was everybody' friend. Be leaves several brothers and one sis ter. . . The boys turned out on Friday evnlng and gave Mr. and Mr. Clin ton Bevans a tin pan serenade. They were married at. Newton on the 10th inst, and will commence housekeep ing In the ".Sheets" bouse in Bt vais in a few days Monday morning was one of Ihe finest spiing mornines we have had. Tho thunder shower in the early morning was just the thing. At the Teachers Institute of the teachers of Ihe Delaware Valley held at Loyton on Saturday, County Supt Decker in reply to a question stated that tbe Bchool law did not specify the number of hours the teacher aliookl teach per day. Some of our teachers had been teaching only five hours a day, thus raising r.heir wages from ii to 45 cents per hour. A H . - a guixiiy iiuiiiner or our sporting people will, according to report, be subpoenaed to go before the Grand Jury this week and there testify in regard to matters regarding a certain hotel. As It is simply a case of personal t-pite and malice the parties expect ing a subpoena are mad clean thru. Spring work on the farm is being vigorously pushed, and I bear of one party sowing oats. However a ma jorlty of our farmers have just com raenced plowing. Our streams have been populated with many thnusuuils of young tront of the fish were of some Bise. The small boys and many of tbe larger, are daily catching those fish before they can grow to much size, and I am afraid some are caught under size required by tne law. Mrs. Montross proprietress of tbe Laytnn hotel is having it repainted all white, and no trimmings. Hotel en and Son of Milford are doing the work. Those Interested in tbe proposed R F. D. route from Milford to Bev ans are keeping their ears to the ground in hopes of bearing some thing favorable to it success, while it opponents are doing tbe tame thing hoping it will not succeed. Our mail facilities ara good enough as they are, and no changes are de sired. Tbe comical side to the meeting of our H ot E on Saturday evening wa that as th D. C. wa not present no one knew what the meeting wa called for. After telling a lot of tall fish stories tbe meeting adjonrned. Applications for schools in this town should bn handed iu at an early date so that action may be had upor them at tbe next meeting of the B. of E. Real Estate Transfers Walter C. Giles to H. W. Richard son Q C. Deod, 200 acres Laokawax en part of John Lester (15. James P. Overfljld and others to Palmer D.'puo, right titlo and inter est in 11)3 Acres Will Nyoe No. 257 Lehman. Harry Aoo to Oscar Dellert, 66 acres ljickawaxen near Burcher'a Mills tl000. E L. Parks to Geo P Atkins, lot iu Lincoln Park WtstMII. flarry J. Atkinson to Henry N. E-k Q C. Deed, to. confirm sale ot laud in Palmyra. - has h.-en handed down. Advertise, iu tbe Prees, PEAT AS FUEL Origin and Character Peat ta partly decomposed vegeta ble matter that has formed either where tba ground la saturated with water most of tbe time or where It I permanently covered with water. It i the dark colored ornearly black oil fonnd in bog or swamps, com monly known as tnnok, altho teoh nically a diatinotloa is made between neat and muck, th latter Dame be ing restricted to those form of swamp deposit that contain too muoh mineral matter to burn freely. ury peat may be very fibrous and light oolored or compact and atruct nreless and dark brown or black. It 1s usually somewhat lighter in color when dry than when freshly dug When wet It contains is a rule from 10 to 0 per cent 6r more of watei : Ibal is, a short too of wet peat rare- la contain more than 300 pounds of dry peat and may yield as little as 100 pound. In the wet condition ! is entirely noncombnattble, and tbe varl jus processes by which it is pre-. pared tor use or market consist prin cipally of methods for ridding it of water quickly end cheaply and f r increasing it fuel efficiency and transportability. A Valuable Resource The great peat deposits that are widely scattored in the northern part of the United States have at various times aroused strong public interest. In the winter of 1902-8, for Instance, when the strike of the coal miners in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania brongnt the country to realize that it was to a large extent dependent on these miners and their employer for an important part of ita fuel supply a number of writers familiar with the conditious in the countries of northern Europe called attention to the fact that tkote countries, possessing climate much more severe than ours, were using great quantities of peat for fnrl. while in this country, although the material was abundant, it had only exceptionally been prepared for use and then in the crudest way. Dor ing tba next few months many ex perimental and peoulat!ve nlants were established to onnvert peat iu. tnebe hitfautyte Wetv xiucruvin n j uir succeaxfnl, and a tbe strike was goon over end ooal could again bshad at reasonable price and very little peat fuel was put on the market at any price, interest in peat waned and at the present time the publio la almost Indifferent to It. In the few places where it can be purchased, however, it find a ready aale and is tboroly satisfactory for all domestic use. Aa interesting account of the nat ure, origin, and use of peat appears in a report by E. 8. Bastin and C. A. Davis, on the peai deposits of Mali e, which has just been published by the United State Geological Survey aa Bulletin 376. Copies of thi bul letin may be obtained free of charge by applying to the Director of tbe Survey at Washington, D. C. Teacher's Examinations Teacher' examination for 1909 will be held a follow : DISTRICT SCHOOL HOUSE DATE Greene, Klpptown April 27. Palmyra, Red, (No. 4,) April 28. Blooming Grove, West brook's No 10 April 29. Laokawaxen, Williamson May 8. Dingiran, Union May 10. Lehman, Meadow Brook May 12. Ddaware, Academy May 13. Sbohola, Sbohola May 22. Milford, High School May 29 Westfall and Matamoras, Matamoras High School June 8. An examination for Common School Diploma for the district of Greene will be held at Koemerville school, April 2tith. Pupil in other districts desiring to take such exam iuation may do so at tbe same time and place as arranged for the regular teachers' examination. All candidate for examination whether teacher or pupils, should provide themselves with plenty of foolscap, pecoils, a scratch tablet, and a self addressed, stamped envel ope. All examinations will begin at 8 30 a. tn. sharp. Directors and other interested par ties are cordially invited to attend. Very respectfully, LUCIAN WESTBROOK. Matamoras, Pa., April It, 1909. Port Jervia will make an effort to bave tbe new trunk line highway the views of tbe chairman of the Fi frnm New York to Buffalo pass thro 1 nance Committee. The disposition ' that city, NEWS FROM WASHINGTON President Taft desires to estiblish some form of organization, qussi-of nolal in character, to act as a med turn netween the railroads of the country and the federal governmen ana it is characteristic of him that, before Instituting any radical chan tea of administration, he should avail himself of the best legal talent at nis comtnnnd to prepare a thoro analysis of existing conditions and .cwuiiuoiiii fuio cuanges a are deonied advisable. The Attornev General, the Secretaries of tbe Inter lor have been confided with the re- sponsibility of working out the Pre Ulent'a plan with regard to -federal control of the railroads. The Presi dent has called the attention of this executive committee to the exist enoe ol such quasi official bodies abroad and their useiulness in pro moting cooperation between the gov eminent and puhlio service corpora tione. For instance, in Great Brit jiu boards of trade prepare certain data regarding the service rendered ll t' .,,nU n -. . , . "j ......j n Hum ano suomit rec ommendations concerning tbe reap. onaoienessof rate, etc The Pres - deut has called tbe attention of his alvisers, aiso, to the fact that a sin gie Doily charged simultaneously wun quasi judicial and administra 1 1 ..a f , i ... . .uuuiiuus, b; ih now tne case with the Interstate Commerce Com mission, is constantly hamnei ed in its efforts to ascertain the facts by cue antagonism which is inevitably engendered as a result of its being compelled to conduct prosecutions! Members of the commission, for in stance, when seeking information from railroads, cannot avoid arous ing the opposition which is the nat ural result of the fact that ultimate ly they moy be compelled to tit in Judgment on the acts of the very men from whom they ask informa tion. The President deems it possi bio that some semi-official body, such as a national chamber of commerce sor similar organization, might be able to relieve the Interstate Com merce Commission of a uart of is duties as an investigating and proe ecufing body, and he clinsiders it es sential to divorce the administrative be feasible to leave tbe commission with only judicial functions. The evils from the present system have been seriously considered by Mr Taft aud he has indicated tbe trend of hi views on the subject, but he de sires that the officials named above shall study the subjeot carefully iu order that when he comes to write his annual message he may be in possession of all the facta aud in a position to make practical recom mendations lf legislation 1 needed. The Philippine tariff bill whiob tbe President submitted to Congress this week is expected to prove of material value to the American ex porter. Features of the old Spanish and Cuban tariffs which were vexa tious and annoying to both exporter and importer, have been eliminated, and every effort bas been put forth to make the administrative features simple and in conformity with'Unit ed States tariff decisions and the de cisiocs of the courts. James J. Hill wasa Capitol visiti r this week and be declares hat hi yisit bad nothing to do with the tai- iff, that he was her for tne sole pnr pose of arranging for a trip thru tbe United States of thirty representa tive Jnpan?se business men, with a hop that a more definite knowledi of America and American business conditions will increase the commer cial friendship between tbe two na tions. Tbe business men are expect ed to leave Japan in time for tbe Alaska-Yukon Exposition, and after wards will make an extensive trip in the United States, and represents tivos of commercial bodies from the larger cities cs tbe until nest will ac oompany them in this tour. Mr. Hill consulted witltbe President re garding the visit of tbe foreigners. Tbe creation of a tariff bureau, presumably as a part of th Treasury Department, is already a part of tbe Aldrich scheme for tbe administra tive portion of tbe tariff bill, and it is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that tbe amendment offered in the Senate this week by Senator Bever idge to create a tiriff commission of seven members, etc., will be adopted ! ia so far as it I In accordance with ' ot this committee U U make uca a bureau purely olerloal, without an tbority to take any steps which would promote tariff chaoges or that oould be used as a basis for onfavor. able criticism of the aotion of Con gress. Mr. Beveridge's amendment provide that the commission shall procure all available Information re garding foreign custom tariffs and prepare such data in suitable form for tbe guidance of the President in the administration tf the maximum and minimum feature of tha new tariff act, and thi Is in accordance with Ihe viewa of President Taft. The Two Cemeteries Gradually removals of bodies from the old Cemetery at tbe foot of Mil. ford hill have been made to- Milford Cemetery, while an occasional Inter ment has been made thera. Friend have a choice where their dead shall " be buried, but it seems that it would better accord with modern ideas to bury in a Cemetery which la nrorjer- ly incorporated and which will be maintained in a neat condition. God aore should be kept not only out of respect for those who lie there, but also because overgrown with weels and brush and in a dilapidated con dition It broomes an eyescore to tbe publio, a cause of unfavorable com ment, and a satire on tbe commun ity iu which it ia allowed to exist. The old Cemetery is in scoh condi tion. It is not incorporated and no oae apparently bas any Interest in maintaining it in sightly condition. All those who originally promoted t have passed away and nearly all of them now repose on the beautiful hillside overlooking the town and valley. Could they return and be hofd tbe contrast between tbe two places no doubt they would join in regretting tbe mistake made In or ganizing the eppoeiciou burial place. Regret however, does not now avail. The only way to remedy the matter is to refrain from making more inter ment in the unsightly Boot and per suade those who have riends bnried there to remove them. MilfordCein etery always will be maintained Id an attractive condition and people could there visit the gravea of their loved ones and be pleased with the beauty of the place and its well kept surroundings. This terrible calamity often hap pens because a careless bontman ig nores tbe river's warnings-growing ripple and faster current-Nature' warning aro kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape futal maladies-Dropsy, Dia betes or Bright' disease. Take Elec trie Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. "After long suffering from weak kid neys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. It. Blaukenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 50o. at all druggists. Up Before the Bar. N, II. Brown, an attorney of Pitta field, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for year and find them such a good family medicine we wouldn't be without them." For Chill, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonder. 25c at all druggists. A Humane Judge Sarah Koten a young, ignorant Slav woman who came to this coun try about two years ago and entered tbe private sanitaiium of Dr. M. W. Auspetz in New York as a nurse was wronged by him and then cast off. She sent au urgent telephone mes sage to him and wheu be appeared in tbe hall way of the bouse she shot and killed him. She was arrested. plead guilty to manslaughter and Tuesday Judge Blanchard suspended sentence, tbua freeing her. This 1 humanity. The Dr. deserved more punishment thin more imprisonment aud the waman set an example which all debased maa should heed. She vindicated her honor and that was of as much value to her aa though she had been intelligent and refined. FOR RENT Four bouses in Milford, situated on principal streets, either furnished or unfurnished. tf JOHN A. KIPP. For SALE or RENT Store room and dwelling on Broad Street, Mil ford, Pa , either together or separ ately. Apply to Mrs. K. V. Dioginan or to Press Office, AdYertUe ia th Fusaa,