Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 16, 1909, Image 1

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NO 25
Ti :tA
li 11 JteJS'
An aggregation o( town young In lips gave a very enjoyable and
laughable entertainment in Brown's I lull Tuesday evening. From begin
ning to end the large audience was la the best or humor nod manifested
1 p-oval by hearty applaas . To distinguish ' any individual charncle-,
when all weie so admirably rendered, would be invidious, but Marie Cltol,
as Mrs. Bridget O'Hsra (a culinary star), Marguerite Jaillet as Mrs Plod
dlng-8cbmidt, Emily Warner as Mrs Munhatlen unci Edna Klaer na Mrs.
Maginnis (proprietor of the Employer's Bnr.mu). who assumed leadti g
tol were especially happy la portraying tlu'ir purls. 60 well were al
pleased that it would be conferring a favor if the young Indies would con
sider repenting the entertainment, at a
Masters Alfied Lymnn, Charles Kenwonhey, and the little Misses Herbst,
Hisenm, Humbert and MoOrty grenily pleaed by their singing.
Following are names of the plays and cost of characters :
Time Present Place Maginnis Employer's Agency.
Mrs. Maginnis (proprietor of The Employer's Bureau.)
Mrs, Shaddens Perkins (a lady of meekness and spirit.)
Mrs. Delancey Pell (An employee in search of a place.)
Mrs. Browning (A sufferer from domestic complications.)
Mrs. Hawkins (a discouraged seeker after help. (
Mrs. Bridget O'Hara (a culinary star. Not French.)
"Hill" (a bell boy)
Time Present Place A room in a city flat.
Mrs. Manhattan
Angelina (Singer, aspiring to the operatic stage.)
Clementine (Pianiste( believes herself to rival Padtxewski.)
Violetta (Artiste in oils.)
Antoinette (Student and Advocate of Woman's Rights.)
Estelle (Authoress and Blue Stocking.) -
Mary (in search of a position as Nursery Governess. )
Mrs. Plodding-Schmidt (The Rich Widow
Hannah (Cook at the Manhattens.)
Cortrights Death
The Stroudsburg papers do not
state tbe facts in relation to the ac
tlou of District Attorney Bull with
respeot to investigating the cause of
death of C. W. Cortright of Porter
He did not refnse to do so but asked
that soma complaint or definite in
formation be given him, and as we
understand the brothers and sister
were satisfied that his death resulted
lrom natural causes. If there was
suspicion of violence it was the duty
o' the physician in attendance to re
fuse a death certificate' As there is
do ooromr in this county under the
ruling of tbe court a justice of the
peace should have something besides
unfounded rumor before be under
takes to make an investigation. Mr
Bull after inquiry of those best qual
lfled to know found there was no res
eon to apprehend anything of a criui
ioal nature connected with Court
rlghl'sdeatb. FOR SALE!!
ONE Dynamo 250 watts; suitable
for lighting dwelling, store, mill, or
charging storage batteriea ; requires
half horse power. Apply to
C. LEHDE, Milford, Pa.
For BALE or RENT Store room
and dwelling on Broad Street, Mil
ford, Pa , either together or separ
ately. Apply to
Mrs. K. V. Dingman
or to Press Office.
Teacher's Examinations
Teachers' examinations for 1809
will be held as follows :
Greene, Ki ptown April 27.
Palmyra, Red, (No. 4,) April 28
Blooming Grove, Weslbrook'a No 10
April 20.
Lackawaxen, Williamson May 8.
Dn genu. Union May 10.
Lehman; Meadow Brook May 12.
Delaware, Academy May 13.
Stiohola, Sbohola May 22.
Milford, High School Mny 29
West-fall and Matamoras, Mutsmoras
High School June 1.
An examination for Common
School Diploma Tor the district ot
Greene will be held at Huemervillu
school, April 2tith. Pupils in other
districts desiring to take such exam,
iuation may do so at the same time
and place as arranged for the regular
teachers' examination
All candidates for examination,
whether teachers or pumls, should
provide themselves with plenty ol
foolscap, pencils, -a scratch table:,
and a selt addressed, stamped envel
All examinations will begin at 8 30
a. in. sharp.
Directors and other interested ia
lies are cordially invited to attend.
Very re-pwtfully,
MxUm ras. Pa , April 13, lotf.
AUwitiao lu tue PrbM,
Inter date. Daring tbe Intermission
Edna Klaer.
Antoinette Lyman.
Emily Warner.
Marguerite! Jaillet.
Emily Joseph.
Marie Choi.
Edward Rui.p.
Emily Warner.
Me.rie Choi.
Edna Ki.ier.
Antoinette l.y-.nan.
Emily Jo. ph.
Bertha l.iaer
Louie Palmer.
of a stocking man'f'r.) Marguerite Jaillet.
Mrs. Charles Wood.
Words to Freeze the Soul
'Your son has Consumption.. His
case is hopeless '' These appalling
words were epnken to Geo. K. Ele
vens, a leading merchant of Spring
field, N. C. by two expert dnctirs
one a lung specialist. Then was
shown the wonderful power of Dr.
King's New Discovery. "After three
weeks use, "wriies Mr. Blevens, "he
whs as wull as ever. I woald not
take all the money in the world for
what it did for my boy." Infallible
for Coughs aud Colds, its the safest
surest cure of desperate Lung diseases
on earth. 6O0. and $1 00. Guaran
tee su'isfuution. Trial bottle free.
Real Estate Transfers
Thomas Preston to Garret Brod
head, assignment of lands in Dela
ware $503.
Frank H. Smith to Walter A. Brad
ley, 93 acres Delaware $950.
George Teppenwein to John G.
Teppenweln, 24 acres Blooming
Grove 1300
T. R J. Klein to Frederick Diem,
Vantine House property, , Milford
tsp S acres.
Same grantor to same grantee, let
in Milford Boro.
Henry A. Dewitt to George Larsen
85 acres Lao.av.ixeu f800.
E. L. Parks to David Kornbluch,
lot in Lincoln Park Westfall.
J. W. Blitz to Heater Blitz, 15
acres Green $300.
Mary E. Decker admx of D II
Shoemaker to W. li Hornbeck, 1S3
acres Delaware $1000.
W, B Hornbeck to D. W. Hhor.
maker and Bvrou W. SUo.iiiil;.ir,
aume laud $405.
i,-.,, ,,, . , ., .
Watson Clawson to N. T. r-peijel. '
ioi i a .uaiumora ;lJU
B C. Totten to W. F. Speide, lots
S and 7 Mntamorns $2500
George A Proctor lo V. F. Kr.eid
el. lots l(i and 17 Mui
Henry C. Bron to Goo. L. vce,
187 aores Lehman, Moses Vun tir-
den farm, t-li'o.J.
E. L. Parks to liustav Dili
lot i
in Lincoln Pnik Weattall.
John Iti'iuinn to D. L Sek'en, lots
in Mast Hope $5
E. L Parks to Turn H Smith, al
so to Mrs. John PrtclisrU, lots in
Lincoln Paik We-ilad.
P. N. B-.urniuue ex- eutor. to Wm
P. Du'wis lot on Mtllslreet Miltnrd i
Horn $1200. Max, a son of C O. Armslroug,
Wm and Elizihe.lh Uertel to Chas'"uo uonie ,ljr vacation from
Spruks, Timber Deed on Huj (, U1"ir Hull was organist in tha Pres
Lackawsxeu 63 acres $b00. lt riau church last Sunday and
Same to Henry Wielt, agreement
o eU sirud luud $800.
Fonr housi in Miilord,
oil princlisl streets, a,ther furnished
or Kl.fnrnl-hed
BRIEF MENTION I Dr John Marshall, professor in the
U. P. soys whiskey is notnniinii-
Henry Klaer of Philadelphia is dote for rattlosnnke bites, neither do
visiting his parents in town. .the buttons on his tail correspond to
Mrs M. K. Piuchot has placed In ; his age in years, nor if bis fangs are
the Episcopal church a tablet on! drawn ia he necessarily harmless
which Is inscribed tbe ten command
incuts in memory of ber busbsnd
the late James W. Pinchot
Bingnamlon, Deposit and Cnllicoon
are exeroised over the fsilure of
Knapp brothers, who owned private
banks at those places. Depo itors
lose henrlly. Finnncing the Out.
1 10k Magnzine and starting a book
publishing concern at Deposit Issiid
to be the cause of the trouble.
John Barekley of Wharton, N. J.
was a recent guest with bis brother
Mrs W. H. Armslroug, whopnssed
the winter in New York has return
ed homo.
Dr W. L. Angle and wife of East
Stroudsburg were here over Inst
E. C. Woel lias been appointed
one of its repiestntatives by the
Stale Society for prevention of cruel
ty to animals. This is an excellent
choice aud no doubt. Officer Wood
will see lo it that violators of the ,
law are punished.
Hprini mo has come gentle Annie j
and the wild flowers soon will be in
bloom. Also bouse cleaning. initk-j
mg garden aud the gentle voice of .
your wife reinmding you that thcro I
is a wholu lot of ork to he done
cleaning up the place and making it
neat and attractive. Got up early
and do it.
Mis Edith Allen of Ellenville has
returned to town and is a guest at
the Ciissman House.
The prnmotors of the new railroad
line down the valley talk in a very
encouraging manrtr. as to the pro:
peats for success. Naturally where i
there have been so many schemes. '
aud where the situation is so com- j
plicated for building a line nut of
Port Jervis the matter of milking
preliminary arrangements cousumes
time. The men connected with the
new line are energ.dieantl now think
they have reached a basis from
which they may proceed with expe
dition. We all want the rond and
as few obstacles as possible should
be raised to delay, a beginning of tho
The Senate bas passed a bill giv
ing primary election officers the
stme pay as received at regular elec
The Jonea bill uned by tbe far
mers and carrying a million dollars
appropriation has filially passed tbe
Lorenzo Etlenbbrgor died recently
at li!a home in Mount Bethel, Pa ,
aged about 70 years. He was a
brother of George F Eilenberger,
who formerly resided here.
County Treasurer Choi spent yes
terday in New York.
The Washington Star notes that
real estate in a certain community
was greatly increased In value by
local option. After the remedy was
no longer available malaria almost
entirely disappeared.
The seasonable story that the
vetch buds and other fruits in Del
ware wero injured by (lie recent cold
snap is beieg circulated. One farm
er asserts thnt. out of 48 p.-aoh buds
jexn mined only 4 were alive and an
I o. her says of 60 buds all were dead.
The miiio was true ol the cherry
i ,M
Marvin lias secured a $5000 appro
priation for Cave Ilnuk. This will
relieve Delaware towushipof what
has long b.en a difficult problem,
bi-sid. s a big i:rospnMive expvnse.
A resolution bus been introduced
In tho S:ate Senate to locate the
Quay Staiuj in the rotunda ef the
State Capitol.
Tue trial of Architect grafter J. M
Huston fur having defrauded the
ntrtta in a bill for office disks began
Wednesday at Ilarrishurg.
F. F. White aud wife, who have
been aVsent from town for several
weeks returned to their 4: h street
holue Uon '
rendered the Enter music in excel
lent muuner. He is quite a profic
ient musician.
About 125 meriibers of the House
were in contempt lu-i week for run-
ning away ar.u tiirakutir a n 110111:0
'They could not he more in rontem.it
; "" r" """ """y lr generally in tbe
I He rtdicnitd the basilisk eyes which
hypnotizes birds, snd said there was
no known antidote for the snakes
Rochester, N. Y. had n hnlf mil
lion dollnr fire this week which
burned three churches and left a
thousand people homeless.
Large mackerel schools have bpen
seen off the Delaware capos. Onn is
paid to have covered an area of nacre
than a square mile.
New Jersey now has a law which
makes "joy riding" a misdemeanor.
It lirnvirlaa that am. nna .l-l. -
- I " B..J WU7 .111.11 g a
motor enr witnout consent or tbe
owner or for a wager where feed
fimit is exceeded or while intcx cat.
ed can be punished with three yeurs
in State prison.
Andrew Carnegie has given Bum
illon College two hundred thousand
dollars lo be called the Elihu Root
pence fund.
The pure food hill allowing the use
"f U'izoale of soda ss a preservative '
has passed and gors to the Gover- j
""r' !
Rowland voted in the Senate for!
"ie ui" to Increase the salary of Jud-1
' Tll bill carries nn increase of
",u.UOu a J"pr.
Henry Dewitt E qnnd J. E. Dodiin
of Lckn??nxen were business visit
ors here Tuesday.
The government, last year handled
about flftv-two million pounds of
country news npers.
bat is known as the new school
code which enables 'Philadelphia to
borrow much more money was
pushed through the Houao at Harris
l ur last Moi'y night by the nnr
T'nv loar"" of three votes. Marvin
tlie "i"tko of voting for the
bill, while Kinney of Monroe and
Feurtb of Wayne very wisely Voted
auninst it.
The Cnritol Park bill appropriat
ing two million dollars for purchas
ing land for a park in rear of the
New Capitol has passed both Houses
aud goes to tho Governor who should
veto it.
Elijah, a son of George C. McKcnn
and wife of Shoholu township died
at his home Sunday, Apiil 11th, ot
heart trouble aged about 20 years.
Bertram Blythe and wife of New
York were guests this week at tbe
The Winter Courses In Agriculture
at State College begin November 30,
1909, and close February 25th, 1910.
These five courses bring a fi'ie body
of young mea to tbe college each
winter. The instruction is practical
and help'ul to men engaged in Agri.
culture, Horticulture, Dairy Hus
bandry, Dairy Mauulacture or Poul
try It rising. No entrance exaniint
li ins are required. Young men wl o
intend making farming a business
would be wise to atteud these cour
ses. Be careful of the man who com-
I pltmenta you ; he is probably puffing
you up with a view of cutting yon
Mrs Ferdinand P.- Earlo says she
bas discovered that her affinity bus
band is a lunatic. It takes some
people a long tiuie to make up their
A bill has been introduced to pay
Congie.smari $5,000 pir annum in.
stead of $7,500 It is not expected
that its consideration will interfere
with an early adj jurnment.
Somo of the eeinouiic agitators
want not only freedom of speech, but
some means of comjielling people to
If hides are krpt free, perhaps
shoes will be made cheap enough to
make up for the big tux on stock
A large number ef protection 1). m
ocruts have emerged from the tall
pme timber of the South.
The sugar trust Is dunlin!; before
the eye of the Cmigres- the tame
old promise of cheaper s eetness.
In spit.r of the great depression in
business in 19m, the sterl (rust urn li
sped to pull out a pr fit of $91 F17,
710 It any better .irguinoi.t could
be advanced for a lowering of turn"
taxes, it has escaped notice.
So "Uia-l'iJ- e" thinks Mr. Tift
lie greatest Pieideut suico l.iu
eolii?'1 With nil of us. tbe wi-h is
father to some such similar tliougbt.
in, 1, ,,,, ,w,.! ..i 1 -
I .eh .l,Msa m -I ..l.i'i.t.-n
h. l-re comn.ltiiug I hems, Ives mire
Oh, yon think the house is talking
a good deal about tl-tariff bill, do
you? Just wait until you hear the
Sena'e I
In placing a blah tnriff on luxuries
the Ways and Means Committee ft r
got thnt to the ordinary woman nil
the Inxuiies of life are the mrrist
A large number of tnriff speeches
have lioen delivered In the House ef
Rupns'iitstives lately to which nn
body in particular paid any atten
The Democratic minority in Con
grass is much pnzzled to know In
what manner the tail may be enabled
to wag the dog occassional!)-. It ia
an old problem.
Tront fishing has been very good,
and the small boy, and there are n
good many of them, are whipping
every stream In the town and gener
ally with success.
The wages of our teachers were
raised five dollars per month this
year, Hnd the school term from 8 to
10 months. But when it cotnes to
crowding the six school hours into
five hours by shutting olT intermis
sions it is about time our B of E
corrects mutters
liu norsiys wonreto Imvea R F.
D. route from Brinehville to Layton
Tnis will c.inii"ct with tho route
Stirling from .Milford to liovnns, if
it ever dies materialize. This is al
most too good to be true, but nil oh.
j etions to tho Milford It F. I), will
v'ii-:li if tin's proves lo be tho c.-.;
ni:d I earnesly hope it will. We
are n's'i to havo a Miieilum i. o.l
from Tot-tb-s Coiner to Liyton, tin t
isassired, and now that trolley I'm. a
can carry freight thnt will be h re
aid what more can wt ask for unless
It- be Heaven.
Tbe Hon Joseph Conlt, of Newark
passed a few days here last week
trout fishlng'but with poor tuccess,
tho weather being too cold.
With the mercury at 17nbove z ro
on Sunday morning our gardeners ot
Inst week may have a chnuce to do
some replanting.
Barton Lilts, of Chatham is visit
ing for a few days with friends and
relatives in Saudyston. Burt looks
as if tbe climate agreed with him.
The teachors of the Western
Branch of Walpack, Montague and
Sandyston will hold tbeirinstitute in
the Lavton school house on Saturday
Apr.l 17th.
These meetings are free to all, and
school officials are specially invited
to be present.
Objection is made by the contrac
tor building the Macadam road from
Culvers Gap to Branchville to the
passage of all trnttio over it while
building. That objection should be
sustained by our Board of Fieel'u'.d
era, for a good road cannot he made
with the heavy trafflo passing over
it as at present.
Swept Over Niagara.
This terrible calamity often hap
pens because a careless boatman ig
nores the river's warnings-growing
ripples and faster current-Nature's
warnings nra kind. That dull pain
or ucbe in the back warns you the
Kidneys need attention if you would
escape fatul maladies-Dropsy, Din
betes or Bright's disease. Take Eleo.
trie Bitter! at once and see Backache
fly and all your best feelings return.
"After long Buffering irom weak kid
neys and lame back, one $1.00 tot lie
Wholly cured me," writes J. U
Blankensl.ip, of lle.k, Tenn. Only
50o. ut all ilrugais's.
Steele Making Good
Mr William Steele who won many
guiles for Ihe Milford base bail team,
is making good as a pitcher with the
Alt oona team of the Tri Slabs Lea
gue A 1 1 1 r 1 1 4 : c 1 1 from lionaoke,
V , says : "Lvnehhu-R wei.t down
to defeat before t lit) uiasteily pilch
I of Pitcher William ecie .f t'ne
Altooua team, who m t:l nigh
invincible nnd would kive shut the
locals nut but for na eiroriu the
ninth. " The many friends of Steale
here will be pleased to hear of bis
Up Before tbe Bar.
X. H. ltrown, an attorney of Pitts
H -Id, Vt., writes: "We have ns .1
Dr. King's Xew Life Pi;ls for years
and find them such a good fainilv
inediciiie we wouldn't be without
Ihnn." For Chills, Constipation,
Biliousness or Sick Headache tiny
work winder. 25c at al) druggist.
Senator Aldrlch has berried fhe
I warning of the President that any
j tnriff bill which did not keep fnitl)
and carry out the pledges of the na
tiimal platform would be vetoed.
and bns assured the Piesiderit thnt
thern would be nonecessi'y for his
vtoing the bill when the Senator
jp it through with it, as the Senate
' substitute provides for reductions
jfiotn the Dingley bill on every item
I which can be regarded as necessity.
Mr. Aldrlch took with him to the
j White House the draft of the Senate
substitute, so far as it baa been com
pletod by the Finance Commit te,
and showed the President tho work
he and his colleagues on the commit
tee had done. President Taft was
agreeably surprised at tbe exteDt to
whiih tb subtitute makes good tbe
pledges of the party and ha now bf .
lieves there should be no trouble In
passing the bill in the Senate. There
Is a material difference, of course
l;-etv,en the completion of a tariff
bill by tho Finance Committee niid
is final ml option by both bouses of
Congress, but Mr. Aldrieh Is ron-
vinced thnt the bill will so far com-
! nnliwl tltn Hinmni't nt tlx. I...,u;
cms iii the Senate that it will not be
difficult lo oblnin a majority for ev
ery schedule. Mr. Aldrieh oullined
ro the President the views of the
comniillee with regard to i lie admin
istiativo features of the bill, the
method to tin employed in determ
ining the valuation of imports, and
Mr. Tiff, expressed his approval of
nil Ilia change which the committee
1 u'-piistd to make in the Payne bill.
lent Taft, is in receipt of en
s'iiif.1 pns- for himself snd psrty, '
w!r.. ;i cm he used on nil American
; Le-iitiie bsl! grounds in the country,
' and a similar pass has been presented
ti.e Vice President. The Presl.
I dent's pass, which Is marked "No A
jl," !s in the form of a handsome
jlea-her card cise, with bis mono
!?'" ln hoavy Sold letters on the
I in; flap.
I - -
j Speaker Cannon wns presented
F,i, nfwi oy
'""u !""" ' L"'cngo, request-
ing Unit tho Payne hill be so amend
ed us to decrease the duties 011 hos
iery mid gloves They wero brought
to Washington by four Chicago
women, selected at a mass meeting
held recently in that city to protest
against the increased duties on these
ai tides, and the Spenker told them
he would be glad to tave the peti
1 1 ons presented to the House but
j tW.it ho could give them no encour
iay.:u(nt. It Is predicted at the Capitol that
when the Payne bill is finally passed
by both bouses of Congress it will
carry au authorization for tbe Presl.
dent to appoint a t iriff commission
to iuvestigate aud report trom time
1 1 time on schedules and reciprocity
agreements, and it is reported, also,
that Speaker Cauu.in is favorable to
tbe creation of such a commission.
The claim ia made that the coti
mission will consist of seven mem
bers, five to be appointee bj tbji
President from civil life, and two
niembera to beTreauury Department
experts, and the salaries will be fix, d
at $10,000 a year. This tariff bn
reau, it is claimed, will be a part of
thabuieuuon manufacturers of the
D ii irlinent of Commerce and Labor
and will bo subject, practically to
the dir-ction of Iho way and means
a muni! tee nnd the Finance Commit- I
tee of the S mate.
President Z -luya of Nicaragua,
should takj warning by the fite ol
Opiiiino Castro, former Prtsid;ut ef
Vonczuella. At present, Zelaya is
practically defying the United Slates
refusing to settle na American
cliim which this country has been
pi-.'s-ong for two year tLroalening
ths p-ncH of all Central Aim riea, c-t
vt !iie!i bn In pr-s nl'm-.iteiy to bco.-irc
the dictator anil i, appimntty lu!:$;
ir.ii.g that his contumacy will p::-s
Because ths United
State, likfc "the mills of the pods" something awful must have hap
moves slowly, some of tlu South puned, perhaps that nme cue he, I
and Central American despots iainp- bitten an ear o tho demoorali.i
inn that there is no motion at all. j donkey, or that there was anotbi.:-t'a-tro
defied the United States for j mad dog scare, or that it was mini-.
yen is and because this country did iterial applause for Kinney, but whtn
not honiUird bis ports imagined thnt ! the pr came within a few hue-
he could continue to do so with ihi-
punity and continuously. Now,
h;.w ever, Senor Castro douldle.'s re
jgreU bis method of treniing this
country. Having been compelled to
goalrond tocoi sult physlciins, he
hi. s benu t uperoeviled by one of Ins
political opponents, las bceu iudioat
ed for the murder of one of hispoli'
ical epponeats of former years, and
now finds that because of tbe infiu-
1 once of tue United States he cannot
estahliah M Imuant n t -i - ......... t.
w. . i wt. nujirucin
on this continent. He has landed on
French island in the vicinity of Ven
ezuela, but through the good offices
I of country exercised on behnlt
ot hi8 eoocesaor, who thus far gives
every indication of wishing to treat
ihe cla,l" of tbe United States with
" l'roIer respect, France has order.
d him to leave, Great Britain and
Denmark will not let him land and
nnl-ss he dies in one of his tits of
rnge he will be compelled to return
to Europe. Zelaya should take warn
ing. He may defy the United States
for long time with no untoward re
sults but he ia playing a dangerocs
game and one which will ultimately
bring its punishment as sorely as tbe
night follows day. President Taft
has little patience with Zelaya, far
less indeed, than Presideut Roosevelt
bad for Castro, and if Zelaya is wise
he will profit by the experience of
his contemporary and cease from an
tagonising this country.
Has He Gone Wrong?
For several days there have been
rumors here that W. A. Parsboll, a
well known Port Jervis alb rncy.
had disappeared snd that he wns in
some way largely involved in estates
of which be had the care and man.
agemeut. Owing to his excellent
reputation and high social standing
p-ople who knew bim, and many
here do, were loth to give oredeuco
to tho reports. It appenre, however
that the rumor had at least apparent
foundation, He was presumed to I s
su -Ci's.iful in business, was correct in
his habits mid wns perhaps alaiogt
tlie hist mnn in that, eitv toward
1 whom il nnn.. r...i- i.,
' - "ugl. VI CU7JJ11 I UU Vff UU1U.
! point.
J It appears thnt be had beori cited
! to a hearing before the Surro-ate of
jOrange county and to render an a
'o iUDting In the estate of Benjam:c
j Conkling and wife of which ho ws
: exscutor without bonds. The estaiu
j , t0 , moun(; t0 $40,000.
I He failed to appear thus making
j him liable to contempt ; of court. lx
, other small estates which U tuan-
a;ed ho has also (ailed to account.
It is also said that be has considera
ble personal indebtedness aud that a
number of persons are liable as en.
dorsers on his notes
He was the democratic candidate
for Surrogate a year ago, was prtsi.
d.mt of the Board of Education, cor
poration couusel and attorney for the
Erie. It. is hard to understand why
a mau so generally esteemed sad re
spected in a community, and with,
such excellent prospects and having
the aid of substantial triends should
precipitate himself and his family
into such a deplorable condition.
PossiVily he may return and clear
up tbe situation and it la sincerely
hoped such will be the case, but it
appears to be a sad affair of another
trusted mnn gone entirely wrong.
It is said his whereabouts is known
to bis family, that be Is now sick,
but will return and adjust bis affairs.
Mr. Schofield, a well known Pork
Jervis Attorney, suddenly died at his
homo last Sunday morning. Ho
was born in that city Deo. 10, 1853.
During the winter he sulTered from
bronchial trouble but bad so far
recevered as to again attend to b:s
business. He rend law with Hon O.
P. Howell and was ndmittsd to tba
bar in lbh5 and has siuce contlBUtd
the practice. For twenty-five yeai:
he was clerk of the Board of Educa
tion and was a former corporation
Counsel. He married MaryJ. Finu
who with one son and one daughter
survives him. The funeral was held.
What the Noise Meant
We heard tho Monroe Democrat
headlines yelling last week as they
came flo'iling up the river ajd this
Jred yards we saw that the noiso
was all about Hon. A. Mitchell Pal
mor baring made a tariff speech i'i
It was a great relief from a b .l
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