PIKE COUNTY PRESS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Friday, April P, 1909 orriiE, brown's buildino broad bt. subscription: Owr Ykar One dollar and fifty cents. "MX Months fseveuty-flve cents. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Kntered at the nosfc office of Mllford. Pike County, Pennsylvania, as seooud c'ass matter, Noveiubor twenty-first, lays. Advertising Rates. On,lnch, onetnsertlnn ---- .-It. so Kaoh subsequent Inaertion ----. .76 Keducud rates, furnished tin applloatton, will he allowed yearly advertisers. Legl Advertising. A1ralnltrator's and Executor's notloes - -- 8.00 Auditor's notices s.oO Divorce notloes - . . 6.U0 Shorlff's sales, Orphans court sales, bounty Treasurer's sales, County state mant and election proclamation charge d by the inch. J. H. ran Kttaeu PllBLISHIR, Philip Hathaway wife and daugh ter Mary, who have been absent dur inf the winter, have retarned. A forest fire, Wednesday, baroed from Pond Eddy to Mill Rift threat ening that hamlet. A Urge force of men fought it persisteatly without much avail bat finally it was checked, J. Y, 31 tfa f us, a well known dealer in pianos at Stroadsborg, is dead. The creditor of W. D. Aokeraon Co at Newton have agreed to settle their claims for 33 cents on a dollar. The Prims next week will publish the two ordinances recently parsed by the Council one relating to tax ing dogs, and the other to digging or excavating on the streets etc. Both are of importance to all citizens of the Boro, especia'ly the dog ordinance prescribing what owners must do to protect their canines. Ifany desire copies of the ordinances they should leave word at the office by next Wed nesday. T. Armstrong and Bon will have an ad in the Press next week an nouncing arrival of new spring goods. It is a good time now for all adver tisers to change their ads and those merchants who have not been patron izing the Press in that direction might Bud it of advantage to do so, KIMBLE Messrs Chas Appleman, Wm. Perry and Henry Gardner of Hawley visited Mrs El wood Warner last week. Mrs H, W. Eelley received a post card last week of a Bungalow in Flor Ida from Olive Cole who left Florida for the North April 3, and sails for Germany May 1. Mrs A. L. Rowland of Hawley vis ited her brothtr Frank Decker and family a day last week. J. . Dodan of Lackawaxen was a business caller here last week. Mra Louisa Miller of Honesdale viilted her daughter here recently, PAUPACK. Welcome to our new minister, Rev W. E. Blandy. We were quite dis appointed Sunday evening in hia not being able to occupy his pulpit at this place. A large congregation gather ed thinking that our pastor of the past year, who was spending the day at Mr Tylers, would deliver a sermon lu Mr Blandya absence but as he failed to attead the large congregation went home disappointed. Mrs Q. W. Wilson of Phl'.a. spent last week with friends here. B. F. Killara and daughter Franois returned home Satuiday. She will return to Scranton in two weeks. L. T. Simons speut Sunday with his wife at Or Burns hospital at Scranton She ia improving. - Laura Singer, who has spent the past two years in N. Y. has arrived here to spend the summer. John Trivelpiece and Mrs Steveua are among I ho sick. Dr Simons is in attendance. Miss Crump visited friends and rel atives in Scranton the part week. The Ladies Aid met wild Mrs, W. H. Clark April 3. The family of T. B. Morse will be op about May first to occupy their 4 th street oottage for the summer. Notice of Election The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the blooming Grove Uuutiug and Fish tog Club for the election of Dlroe on to serve for the eusuiug year, aud for the transaction of any of her bust uess that may properly oome before the meeting, will be field at the Club House In t e township ol Blooming Grove, Pike County, Penusyl venia, ou the first day of May at tt:Su o'clock In the eveniug. JAMS.S t. McNABOS, Dated, April 7, llluU. becrelary. Taking Precaution. A gentleman suffering Intense pain from neuralgia went to an unexperi enced M. D.'s office and asked for something, to relieve the pain. The doctor ultimately prepared a boi of liquid with these directions labeled on tb bottle: "Take on teaspoonfu kalf hour before you feel tb pain eAnle.w AUDITOR'S NOTICE Kstate of ) In the Orphan's Robekt Akdersoh I Court for the deceased. ) County of Pike. Kseoulor's Aooonnt The unnerelimed, appointed "Auditor to pass upon the exceptions filed to the above stated aocount. to re-state said ac count, If necessary, and make distribution of the funds In hands of said executor, to and amongst the parties entitled therlto and make report to next terra of Court," will attend to the duties of his appoint ment on Thursday, the nth. day of May, A. I). 1WH9, at 8 o'clock P M . of said duv. at his office, corner of Ann and Third streets. In the Borotisrh of Mllford. Pa.. when and where all parties Interested are required to attend and prove any claim they may have against said estate, or be forever debarred from coining In on the Sam lunus. II Y. T. BAKER, Audit or Mllford, Pa., March 88, 1MB. 4t. Citation to Heirs of Henry M. Courtright, Deceased To Auna Keyes, L'llle Kipp, Sarah Roren orans, George Buchanan, Maggie Nelson, Delia Christiana, liannah Courtright, Emma Chambers and Charles P. Court- right: You are hereby notified that on the slr'h day of April. A D. lw lit. the Orph ans' Court of Pike County directed a clta tton to lie Issued commandiuv vou and each of you to be and appear at the Court House at Minora in ann ror samuonntyot Pike, an the 4th dar of Mar. A. D. 1W09. at o'clock p. m., to show cause why a paper aaiea oepceinner xo, me, purporting to De tl.s last will and testament of Henry M Courtright, late of the Township of IMa- war County of Pike and Slate of Fnn sylvanla, deoeased. should not bj admitted to probate, ana rurther directed the sorvlce of said citation be made upon all eraour who caunot be found and have uo known dwelling place within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and having uo surety or sureties in any ocina or recognlzanoe given by them or any of them for the perform ance of any trust or duty In respect to wnicn saiu citation issued upon whom s t vloe of said citation can be made, bv nob llcatlon In the Mllford Dispatch and Pike uounty f ress, ror Tour successive wsekk prior to tne saia lourtn day ol May, A. u. GEORGE GREGORY, Sheriff's Office, Mllford, Pa. Sheriff, April 8, lUUtt. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any casa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by, Hall's Catarrb Cure. F. J. Cheney a CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all buslneu transaction and fluanciiilly able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. W aiding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sen free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for coustlpa tlon. TO TELL WHEN MEAT IS DONE Scientific Devlcs Worthy a Place In Every Kitchen. Cooks are accustomed to cut Into a piece of meat when cooking, to prod vegetables with a fork, and to use similar primitive methods of ascer taining the stage to which the roast Ing or boiling process has advanced. The first really scientific device to measure the temperature inside piece of cooking food has recently vi-ou niTcuieu in vupenuaaen. uca mark. It Is called a "the mo needle,' and consists of a thin metal tube, pointed at one end aud containing a spring beld in tension by an alloy melting at a specified temperature, which is that desired for cooking. The melting of this alloy releases tbe spring and shoots up a pin as a signal that the desired temperature exists in the interior of the food into which the "needle" has been thrust As the instrument is withdrawn, the pin Is pushed down and beld while the fusl ble alloy "sets." when the devise is ready for use again. Rsllevlna His Grief. She was sitting listening to the boy reading "Black Beauty." that wonder ful story of a horse. He came to one part of it, and stopped and sighed. Then be looked up at the woman and said: "I'll have to slnn now If ma excuse me. Aunt Mat, and cry a little wmie. Essence of Culture. The very essence of rulture Is ahnir Ing off the nightmare of self-conscious ness ana seir-absorptlon and attain! a sort of Christian Nirvana lt the great whole of humanity, thinking of others, caring for others, admiring ana loving others. K. K. Sill. Women Then and New. The "old-fashioned" women certal ly knew how to rule, and "advanced" tnougn we may be, we do not manage to wield so much power, on the whole as tne clever women of oast genera- tions. It must be that our methods are at fault. Lady's Pictorial. A formula. Right ideas, backed by persistence and promulgated at psychological mo ments, will gain a foothold and be come a great force for good, no mat ter how determined may be the oppo sition. Detro.t News. South Africans Fond of Oatmeal. South Africans are distinctly an oatmeal-eating people, over 1300,000 worth of th'a American breakfast food being imported annually into South Africa. Kansas Awake. Kansas is now planning th Organ isation of a Special Court System for the enforcement o." the stats prohibi tory law. It is expected to have a new court coaled In each of the 105 counties of tbe state, which will have nothing to do except to sea to the en forcement of tbo prohibitory law and look after the juvenile ruurt business. Olive Pickers' Wages. Olive pickers in Italy get from about 1 to 16 cents a day; usually, however, they pick on sbarea. On Sure Result A double lift. lavolYSs th hearing I dogula usual. MURE The Most Durable and Sanitary WALL COVERING Easy to apply does not show laps or brnali marks Will not rub off Sixteen Colors and White in 6 s cover 500 square Extra Strong ' (FOAM1NU) Household Ammonia GALLON BOTTLES F. J. HERBST, MILFORD, Genealogical Note. blobbs There seems to bo a stranpe affinity between a colored men and a chicken. Slobbs Naturally. One Is de scended from Ham and the other from eggs. In Our Hoarding House. "She claims to have as much right to the plnno as I." "What of it?" "Don't you call that nerve?" "Not at all. I believe In parlor socialism, too." Appealing to tier Weakness. Oeraldlne No, I cannot marry you. Gerald But I know a minister who will perform the ceremony for $4.99. UeraMine I am yours. AN IDLE RUMOR. Medlral Assurance Saphead "Doctor, If I was to lose my mind would I be aware of it myself?" Doctor "You would not notice the difference, nor would an) of your friends," Must Obey Papa. He If you refuse me I shall go out and bang myself to the lamp post in front of your bouse. She Now, George, you know father said he wouldn't have you banging around here. As She Is Spoke. "Iizy, you come by the bouse in." "No, I don't." "Yes, you did." "Why did I?" The Mttle Things. "What's the matter over there?" "Tbe sword swallower is belr-i choked by a fishbone," That Strange Lake In Africa. That Strang? African lake. Lake Tchad, has been the subject of re newed attention within the last ttvo years, and the fact that In a period of twenty years it alternately increases and decreases in size and dr-pth seems to have been well established. Historic Digger Sold. The darger presented to Lord D urn ley by Mary Queen of Scots In the year they were married, and belinved to be the one witi. which Kizzlo was killed, was sold at Sotheby's. Lon don, recently, fo. ISO. Doctor's tecond Call. An Aberdeenshire doctor ho re cently attendeo a womau was some what ttsKgered at receipt of the fol lowing epistle from her: "Please come and vaccinate tbe child ran rave birth to last week." Caledonian Medi cal Journal. Wagntr Fooled the Critics. Here is a Btory of Warner's visit to London in 1856. After the Brst Phil harmonic concert the critics reproach ed him for conducting a lieethoven symphony wkl oiit the ccore. At t'..r second concert, to satUfy hia audience Wagner had a "partlilcu" on bis denk which he frequently consulted. Tin trltlcs declared the lrr.provenent wa marked. The aeore. however, was BuiAl'a. "Uarbler de Seville." 1 i sfr r 4" o pound packages sufficient to feet of wall. 50c each PENNA. PROVED ON THE SPOT, A Sculptor's Demonstration In the Mud and Slush by a Lantsrn's Light. The following characteristic auec dote Is told concerning hi. C. Potter, the sculptor: "I saw him one evening paying a call upon comparative stranger. A plaster cast of a horse stood at one side of the room, a little piece full of poetic Imagination, but done loose ly and sketchlly. Mr. Potter sat down, bin his g..ze kept returning to that horse. '"He harc.y.heard what was being said to him as he studied it again and again. At last bis interest In It broke out. He jumped up and walked across. " 'Of course, It has feeling,' said he, quite Irrelevantly. l liko it. But look at that head ' "His lingers tiavelled sensitively over the piaster " 'No lioreie was ever constructed in that way He Limply couldn't have those great holes over his eyes.' "As he felt it, be warmed up more and more. " 'Why. '.ome out here and I'll show you,' he exclaimed. "So he took his companion out to where bis own horse was standing and, regardless of the nud and slush of a winter night, got down off the porch to show I tlie antern light the bony trocesses that really modified the cavity in question." Ducks Plentiful In China. There are more ducks In China than in i ll the rest of the world, says "The Dundee Advertise!." China, literally. Is white with these birds, and day and cigm the country re sounds with their metallic and scorn ful voices. Chim.en herd ducks on every road, on every pood, on every farm, on every lake, on every river. There is no backyard wltnout its duck house. There is no boat, little or great. 'without its diick quarters. Even In the cities of China ducks abound. They dodge between the coolies' legs. They flit squawking out of the way of tiie -iorscs. Their Indignant quack will not iinsdom drown the roar of urban commerce. All over the land there are zreat duck hatching estab lishments. mr.ny of thcro of a capacity huge enough to produce fifty thou sand young ducks every year. The Chinese duck Is extremely tender and delicate the best tame luck for eat ing in the world. Duck, among the Chinese. Is the staple delicacy. It is salted and smoket. like bam or beef. 6!c!roorn Mirrors. "Only i hni.u mirror, should fl i4 place in a f iclirocro," said a doctor, "ih'C It should be ore flattering to the patient the Kird, for Inrtnnce, which if the fac.' Is too broad will lengthen it a little. And the patient should only be allowtii to look In the mirror at propitious tiiuea. Mny r patient has been frightened literally to death by bis hagKi'.rd retlectin has looked, sighed and ri'uoutict'd hope. But many am.thcr tatient in a really bad way- realiy deoperate, ceo being giv en a look at himself just a?.er he has taken a stimulant, has bucked up wonderfully. In fact, a sickroom mir ror, wis.ly bundled. Is a curative agent, while recUissly handled it may kill. Nzval Wireless Badge. A wireless teh Krapb corps has been formed in the British Navy, aud any seaman may earn proficiency marks in it, es he may it marksmanship or other specialties of tbe service. A badge for proficiency ia given, to be worn on the right sleeve Just above the elbow To win it the seaman must puss an examination on board II. M. S. Iiniirefcn-ihle at Devonport. The badie is a fair of wiiigs crossed by a ii:iL-b of liplitniiig. worked in gold. A fully. iui.li:'.L'd wireless telegrapher adds one suir above the bade; a urt--i-ii:s pttt'y ofheer, two slam, ana a chief petty u. er a small crown. Contemptuous. An Irishman, terribly Incensed against a neighbor, being called to ao tount for Using slanderous epithets, repliid: "Vis! an' Oi'll tark tb' same rgln if Ol Lev to go to tb' calaboose. He's a wolld, bod mon. He's loot mane, if big talth wui on fc!r Ol wouldn't ion - i;m moult!" TAILORS WHY pay as much for a ready nuulo .suit, tin for one made to your measure? Our prices are not liigh $15.00 will buy a mans three piece suit or overcoat irado in the latest style and lit guaranteed. If you pay us more yoil get the value in better -material and linings. Woniens suits start at $20. Sec our line of table linen it is worth your while. The Jalllets. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. TELEPHONF CONN FACTION. Broad Street, Near Ann RRPORT OF TIIE CUMHTION OP TIIE First National Bank of Milford In the State of IVnnsylvnnln, at the clo of business, February 5, Num. liKsouncm L.nnns and discounts t 4S, 369 Ht uvenirnits, secured liuii unse cured (X) on IT. S. Huuiis lost'Cliriclrcuiution 2!,too O Premiums on U S. Unuds mil. Bonds, sectlrilies, etc 93 hio tt uuiiKiiig nouse, lurniture and natures 1 8S8 Ot uue mini approved reserve a(-litw 12,4113 go ..i.'iaoi omur .Mm, mil Hunks . aau m uraciionni parwr cui rcucy. nick els and ei-iilA , , . 4)3 gg. unvrnii oiouey ncserve lu linus. viz: Snenie sr. c. pji 1 Lviil-t'nder notes .. 1,0 00 ( 8.i 5 htuclnptitui fund wltli 0 Trcusurerl&yi of circulation) 12A0 Total. tlU3,339 41 LIABILITIES Civpltnl stock paid In 25 OrtO 0 .Surplus fund lU.OuO t Ln-livided pi-ollr. lens expenses and laxt-H puiil 5,734 5!i Xatioiini Ltitiik notesnurstunding $i.yt (X. Dueloolliei- nali.nml banks (r.'3 88 Dlvldi nils I'lipnitl a; n, Individual deposits subject to h I9S.8W 71 Demniid certificates of deposit. . 1,050 ( CeilmL'd r'jtcks al Total iliH.aiy 4f State of Pennsylvania, County of Pike, ss: I, John C Warner. Jnhler of the abovt named honk, do solemnly swear that thi above statement is true to the best of mj knowledge and Ijelicf. JOHN G. WARNEK, Cashier Subscribed ana sworn to before me thi 1Kb day of February 1IKKJ. J. C. CHAMBEKLAIN, Notary Publlo. Correct Attest: W. A. H. MITCHELL, ) P. N BOL'KSIOLK. A.D.BROWN. S Directors. A Sure-Enuogh Knocker J. A. Harmon, of I.izemore, West Va., says : "At last I have foond tin perfect pill that never disappoiot ine ; aud for tbe benefit ot other afflicted with torpid liverand ohronii constipation, will say : take Dr Kinn'a New Life Pills," Guaranteed satisfactory. ?5o at C. O. Armstrong Draggiat. A Land Without I ramps. Switzerland is not a place for tramps, because the man out of em ployment and who makes no effort to And work is not tolerated for a mo ment In that country. The district authorities will secure bim a Job at hard labor and little pay, and such an offer can be refused only under tbe penalty of going to a penal work house. Those institutions are under military discipline, the work is se vere, the wages a p?nny or three pence per day, and release is granted only upon the advice of those in charge. In every part of Switzerland are established "relief In kind" stations 1 for the exclusive l se of respectab't j unemployed. Only tho-e ;ire adi .ltte ! who hnve had regular work durin tiie previous three nmnt'is and havi I be-!ii out Of employment for nt le.'.s t!vo dive. These men m ist be on tbt i lookout for work and accept' any situ ation that la offeied, because t'.ie rj:ouic lourer is soon detected by ti.e po!ke aud his pnpers are marked c that he can never asaln seek rofugf in a ":.tat;uu." Hurler's Weekly. For the Life Hereafter. In brief, to be honest, to be fear le s. to he Just. Joyc.s, kind. Th1 wil niake our part in life's great am as yet not fully und ;rstood piny, oui of greatest glory, aud we need the stand (u fear of nothing life no: death; for death Is life. Or, rather it is the quick transition of life In an ot:ier form; the putting off of the oli' cot and the putting on the new; a pasoini; not from light to darkness but from light to light as wa havt lived here; a taking up of life In an oihi r foi iu wuere we leave it off here a c!i: ii-e not to be dreaded, but t be welcomed with a glad smile when It cornea In Its own good way and time. Kroin Ralph Waldo Trine's book, "On the Open Road." Advice to Mothers. Be positive with the children. Lay down the law. It la remarkable how soon they discover wheu you are In earnest. Do not go to th breakfast table In a tlurrv. but ston Ions .rm:ri to count lut) slowly, and then enter I wuu a caini manner determining that there will be do squabbling. It is natural for tbe young animal to scrap, and while not criminal, aUU H sua; vl cfe:t;l to lHairnl, I fail Destroys San Jose Scale. Will not harm trees. Mixes with water. Endorsed by fruit growers. Is not expensive. Now is the time to spray. SOLD AT ARMSTRONG'S PHARMACY Wall Paper This week we received our stock of new wall paper. Over 100 differ ent patterns to select from, ranging in price from 10 to 20c a double roll. Also a lot of remnants to sell for 6 c a double roll. Our new stock will please you both in style, quality and price. Look them over before you purchase. We can save you money. Kf r?VSVnLia SL CAM w a am WD Milford, Pa. t J Cuddebaok & Co. BROAD ST.. MOVED TO 1630 WE are the House in L II- 1 pi I Old F'ln WHISKY Dcen oDugea to move rrom tne t old stand where we have been for to many I 4 1 Veart mut have mnrn rivm fa irrnmmn. t date our increasing business Because we have the finest trade in Philadelphia is no reason why we should be higher priced. Old Penn Whisky, 75c quart. $2.75 gallon is the finest whisky for its price in the world. Imperial Cabinet Whisky, $ 1.25 qt. $4.75 gal., distilled from selected grain spring water. Goods shipped to aD parts of the United States. Thomas Massey & Co. lsio u.Ts'.nut SL Philadelphia, Pa. In tne Otner uuection. Johnny bad been a veiy bad boy during tbe duy, and wlien his father came home it v. at decided that he should talk to him lusttad of the usual whiiiping. So the father took Johunj on Ins knee aud spoke to him thus: "Johnny, do you iaow what hap pens to gcod boys?" "Yes, air; they go to heaven." "Well, Jubnny, wouldn't you rather be a good boy and go to beaven?" Johnny thought a minute and than said: "No. Ultsr, I'd rather go with you,' That broke up (h conversation. Spray Oi J a. -a JC - sT I 'Sal - wm... I you are intend in to put in Gas or ara having any 3 pipes already in, Let us know. SANITARY PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MILFORD PA ( CHESTNUT ST oldest Wine and Liquor Philadelphia. We have I . I . WhiskY 1630 tlicsliiut St. J True Christianity. He that bath creeds und bate 's further from righteousness thun he that batb love and no creed. Nobler , is be that giveth the thoughts of all I bis days to thee than he that spend eth every Sabaath on bs knees In church and defraudetb nls neighbor habitually. From Psalms of tbe West. Indians' Choice of Guns. While some Indians prefer repeat ing rifles, others la actual busting choose tbe auisle loader, as Uey do ot take long range sbota, preferring. Ml close to 111 im t ;