Pike County goiri omctiiioa VOL. XIV. HILFOKI), PIKE COUNTY. L'A.. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 15)09. NO 24 BRIEF MENTION On n amendment In tha Pnro Food bill tt. eliminate lbs use of ben soate of soda aa a preservative Mar. Tin of Hike, and Fourth nf Wayne voted In fsvnr of It, while Kinney n( Monroe, tha pridenf tbe Ministerial Association of that oounty favored by his Tote the ue of th dope. Nelson, the liveryman, lias bnnglit floe passetigar auto for use In bust nets.. Mrs 8. G. Vanderbeck and dangh ter of Ilackensaek, N. J. Is visiting the family of John C Warner. Robert Wilbur and wife of Cata sauqun, Pa. were litre Tuesday inai. auto. Mis James QiIdh returned Mon day from Yorkers where she baa been visiting the family of John C Watson Madame L Rnssell Garnler of Tbe Castle at Tarry town, N. Y. Is spend ing a few days In town. Congressman A. Mitohell Palmer of this distilot made bis maiden speech in Congress last week, taking as his text the tariff and particular ly the lumber vched nie. Ho took ( cession to criticize Forester Pinrbot fir his apparent channel of front froas advocation free lumber to fav oring a tariff on it. It is reported thatjS'ate Highway Commissioner Hunter will be sue oe-ded May 1st by E. M. Bigelow, firmer director ol Publio Works of PitUburg. Tha Ministerial Association of Mon me County is after Representative Kinney with a pretty sharp stick for voting against the local option bill. It threatens to withdraw the support of its ten thousand constituents un less it is persuaded lie has exper ienced a change of heart in the mat tar. ; About a tough looking lot of Gypsies as ever swiped things passed through town last week. There were more than a dozen wagons and babies predominated as freight in them all. The womea losked like anything but mermaids and the men ware of a decided smoke color. Soma of tha appointments made by the M. E. Conference thla week ware Milford, Rev Oustav Gorisse ; Matamoras, Rev A. C Covey j branobville, Rev D. W. Ryder; Halnesville, Lay ton and Montague, Rev J H Frazier ; Port Jervis, Rev Henry J. Johnston ; Diogmans Ferry William Jaoksoa. Rev W. R. Neff is on tha committee of tba Board of Education, and Rev C E. Scndder on Conference and Tract Society. A strong South wind Wednesday stirred np considerable dnst In town, and showed the need of some kind of preventive. J. U. Van Gordon of Matamoras took tha Weston way of coming to town Tuesday, thinking to wear off aotae of his surplus flesh. Miss Pearl Quinn, who has been a sufferer for many weeks with rheu matism, is now able to walk with tha uso of crutches Peepers have begun their evening songs and the festive frog his croak ing, but the sunny son of Italy with his oheer compelling strains has not yet arrived. Sheriff Gregory visited Scrantou the Brat of the week. Auto liveries are displacing horaes in many towns in the country but It is questionable whether they would pay in small villnges. How. aver, if livery stables had one or more mall machines for use on occasions probably they would be patronized. M. B. Allen baa been reappointed pout master at Honesdale. W. H. Beach nf New Y. rk has br. eonte a large landowner in Delaware towokhip, and recently b u,-ht near ly 200 acres more ot Mrs. John Hanna. He will post all his land and preserve them for buuting and fishing Tba bill regulating motor vehicle seems likely to pass. One feature piovUe a speed limit of ten miles in oongeeted territory and twenty four miles in the open eountry. Li cense fees are raided from S to 5, 10, and IS dollars aooording to horse power. The Erie bss discharged a untnber of men who violated its rules against Oxing intoxicating driuks and sever al have either been suspended or crn sored. Show that some asen aie willing to lose good Jobs to gratify a bad taste. The opening week of April has h-en spring like and vegetation his lluaru eojUvrblu signs of life. The Ca ltd park extension bill has been efea ed snd itonght to be. The stute has other ways for a couple of million dollar The Mate tiiyt -way bill to build a road from Phils delpMa to Pittsburg passed, hut it shonld not It will Imncfi oomptir- amcly few people, except au'oials who wan: a fti e long speedway. The Murdock bill now before Con grnss provides for rejis.vmout of amounts loaned several stts by the government about 1337. Peonsyl vxniu bail nearly time million dol hit'. If the bill pushes this wi!l have to bi repaid. The Democrats In Congress are be coming protectionists Free Inn ber waa defatted this week larcciy br Domocratlo voles. In f.iat whoi it ca-Jie to voting on the tariff it wa9 evident that party lines -veto broken and little attention was paid to ptirty platforms. The bouse voted for free hides, and that may moke thoes cheaper hnt Democrats from Texas plead strongly fir a ilnty on them. Attempting to open a bnr on the sidewalk r Hulled at Mouday even iug in lulling one of tliunitils in the B r lock np nnd c -st him $3 to learn that, It wn not Ibo pro;ior caper. Hervry Meyer liss moved his fam ily to his farm in Milford township reeeutly bought of Walter Warner. Johnson and Stoll, the Port Jervis furniture people, intend oieniog a sale of carpets, rugs, etc , and espec ially will exhibit the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, an indispensable article for house wives, next week in the Ding man building on Broad Street. Small bills more fully deacribing the sale will be distributed in season. In the matter of appointing an cd- ministrntor pendente lite of the es tate of H. M. Cort right lateaf Dela ware township, there lining two ap pliMinaU. H. tj nek and H. L Coit righi, Hit Register finding that dis puted questions arose, certified the matter to the Urphnus court for de. termiaation. Tha Street Committee nf tha Bore having had tba streets soraped are covering them with gravel nearly lbs full width. It remains to be sen whether this treatment will ful fill the expectation that travel will use the whole street instead of the center as heretofore, and whether tha dust nuisance iu any wise will be abated. The Boro Council bus made a lib eral appropriation for street purposes this year and the intention is to put the streets in good condition. The Counoil also appropriated 1100 to be expended iu making experiments with dost laying substances. It is probable that sections of Broad and Harford streets will be treated. ' Mrs. Horace E. Kipp, who is visit ing her daughter at Patcrou, is re ported as being seriouslp ill v.ith Bright's disease. An appropriation hill hat pursed tba bouse at Harrisburg tin ry ing 15000 for completing the dike at Matamoras and lOOUl) lor a dike at Lacka. waxen. The one for Cive Buna is yet in Committee tlx ugb Mr. Marvin hopes to gut it through. Born to J. O. Rjd-ir and wife Sun day April 4th, at ilataiuora u son. Oluf Thomsen of Matamoras who was brought hre lust week and placed iu j i 1 on a charge ef itihklrg thrauts was released by Judge Oniiuk Tuesday on bail for his appeer nice at next eourt. J. E. Ltnde of New York, who has parsed several summers in town wilh his family, died recently of ptomaine poisoning. Amos II E. Piuchot.baa been pas sign several days at Grey Towers. At a publio sale last Saturday Mil ford Gas Coo, piny stock sold at prices ranging from $17 to 120 a share, par value .'5. The. Bachelor Maids of Milford will give id eutertatDiuent iu- Brown's Hull, Tues lay evenlug, April 13th. Two plays will be presented, ane en titled "The K. ai This-?" and another "The Plodding Nieces." The maids have liteu pr:tct:sir( faithfully and will afford aa er.Joyble evening Admission 25cts Pro eeds for ben efit of V. I. A. This should appeal to ali for not only will it famish au u-tui-nt but it is for a very lands ble object. A uuni'ier ol ra.f;s have filiated down tne river thin sprlag most of I hem li. s which lan Jed at Delaware Water lisp. Tha Boro sprinkling cart was oat yesterday. Making garden l;l soon be a i.tliue, if ujI a tavumts one. Tba Boro Council Monday night passed an ordinnt.cn regulating the keoplng of dogs and providing for a tax. Also an ordinance providing that persons wishing to dig or uiskn exoavations on the streets or alleys mnst obtnin a permit of the Presi dent of the Co.inoil. Also an ordin ance imposing a tsx of $25 a mile on tbe mains of the Milford War r Co , and a tax of $10 a mile on mains of Milford Gts Co. A five mill tax was levied for the ensuing year. Tbe Republitan state convention to nominate candidates for state tressuier, auditor general and one jurlice of the state Supreme Court will meet at Harrisburg June 10th. Pike is entitled to oae delegate. Tha engagament of Miss K lith G. Freeman of Wayne, Pa , and Rev N. 8 Fisous, President of Blairsville College, is announced in the Philadel phia, Press. Miss Freeman la a daughter ot J. 8. Freeman who taught school here iu the seventies, and who Is now an attorney practis ing in Philadelphia The family tlsited here several weeks last sum mer mid uihiIh many fiiends. Til" or hie elect is un accomplished young lady mid an excellent musician. A good limb to prune fruit trejs, tho Dr. Srfacj says it. is wsll to d i so after hlo.3$o!t.s have set so as to thin out the (rnit. Most all trees bear too many sets to have the fruit grow to its best condirion. Mrs. Georgs Horto.i of Newn;k has sold ber Park Hotel in liruncii ville to William Davenport tor 7000. A bill granting electric power companies the right of eminent do main will likely pass, and if so nn.y corporation chartered to generate such power rosy appropriate auv water power it tuny need in its busi ness. That would mean adieu .to Hawkill and Rayuodskill Falls. A bill giving additional protection to wild birds and animals, piohibit ing bunting by unnaturalized resi dents land forbidding such to own guns baa been passed. Port Jervis citizens are trying to have tha legislature puss appropria tions for additional dikes tor that city. loe iu many sections is advancing in price. In Stroudsburg tha price has been raised from 16 to 35 cents a hundred pounds, and where small quantities are taken to SO cents a hundred pounds. The annual spring prims ry will be held Jnne 5th. The only county office to be filled is Jury Commis sioner. Instead of meeting Monday May S tbe regular time, tha County Com missioners will meet Tuesday May 4, that being tbe date of an adjourned term of court. The Legislature has passed an ap propriation to defray tha deficiency on paymeut of bounties on noxious animals. - Dr. Peraifor Frazer, theink expert who was well known here and own ed the old Bohimmel place back ol Westbrooks in Wastfall died in Phil adelphia Wednesday. N. G. Palmer, wife and young son who have paasad tha winter in Flor Ida, have returned to town. Ex Judge W. A. Erdmaa, with bis wife and daughter if Stroudsburg were here the first oi the week. Misses Airuee and Lucy Girard of Bro klyn, daughters of former Chief Burgess Girard of Miltord, are visit ing in town. Dr. and Mrs. II. B. Reed have re turned boiud from Atlantic City. Dagen has moved his barber shop to tha room acljoiuing deBerble's garage. Words to Freeze the Soul "Your son has Consumption.. His ease is hopeless " These aplling words were spoken to Geo. K. Ill- -veus, a leading merchant of Spring field, N. C. by two expert Uicttrs one a lung specialist. Tnen was shown the wondorful power of Dr. King's New Discovery. "After three weeks nse, "write Mr. Pleven, "he was as well as ever. I wnald not take all the money iu the world for what it did for my ls;y." Infallible fur Coughs and Colds, its the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 60o. and II 00. Guaran tee sa'hifaotion. Trial buttle free. For SALE or RENT Store room and dwelling on Broad Street, Mil ford, Pa , either together or separ ately. Apply to Mrs. K. V. Dlugman or to Pre-s Office. AdveiUte iu tbe Treta. NOTES FROM SANDYST0N l Miss Ant-u M. Hurali of the E. F. !H. N. is spending a few days with j ! re'a-ives here. Mr. and Mr. Horton Ferguson, of Liylon, are rejoiclngover the arriv. al of a baby sou on Apr'.l 1. Our now road machine was nut at work on Saturday last, and those in chnrge of it olaim that it beats the old machine, and that was a pood one in its d iy. The third dance of tbe Liylon Grange on Friday evening was well attended and all went away well pleased With their evenings cuter- tainment. Another dance is an- nounoeilfor tha evening of tha of May. Miss Mabel Smith teaching- In the c obnols nf N.umrk i. tia , rf. ...... . caster vacation with ber parents at Lav ton. Mi.. c.nr.i. r.,n.. .i ...,r- .itNi me Sleta Normal nt Trenton, is at home for her Eister vacutioii. John Carmrr Compton, a former resident of this tonn, died at tho homo of bis son Edward, near Dick ertown, on the 31s: ult Hgcd about 78 yrnrs. With the exception of a few years his whole life was spent near Tutt!cs Corner, hot nt Die death of his wife fov vrars airo he went to liBu-iil, hiss-.ns. H leivis three sons and one daughter; K-iymoud of Monroe, N J , Iretl and Edward near Deck- ertovtn.'and Lncy, wife of William i Terwiltiger nt Piipnkating. . The re-' ninins were interred iu Mettler Cem I elery on Saturday. ., ... ..." ... Ilioo:p.sitioii to the proposed R. F. D. fiom Milford to Bevans is steadily growing more bitter, and much ill feeling is manifest, Onr present mail facilities cannot he improved, and is satisfactory to all along the present mail route. P.irlies are selling b .xes for the D. feeling assured that tba route is a sore thing and it may , hnt. It. u ill ha fnnlii iinill i. " . .o established. Bevans reoently visited a Newtoa print shop to have some printing doue announcing ber marriage on April 10 to Clinton Bovuns, also of Bevans. Home one connected with the office sent the announcement to the New ark Kvening News, much to the m- barassment of the lady. Both parties aie highly esteemed members of society in this valley. Mrs. Lydia Decker, widow of John Decker deo'd, died on Friday last at her home in Laytoa sgad about 73 year. She waa a confirmed isvalid, and for many year was confined to the bouse seldom leaving her home. Sh is survived by three brotbera and one sister ; John Losey and Ben jamin Losey of Walpack, Divld Losey a twin brother of near New. ton, and Mrs James Decker f San- dyston. Interment in Wslpack Cemetery on Monday. The Weather as reported al Ike Lay ton Station is a follows : Average Max 43 8, Average Vin 23 8, Max Set 36.6, Highest Temper ature tl on lOtb, Lowest A below on Glh, Raiufall 2.27 inches, Snowfall 8.6 inches. Clear day 19, partly 8, Cloudy 4. Sorrow Over Children Wheu we look aboat ns and con sider the nnhupplness that exists, the families that have come to grief some from misfortune, soma from ern r. we are almost persuaded that thoso parents who die young, before tho evil day comes when they no Ion ger tind pleasure ia their children, are the o'lly ones who die bappy. Could the mother who fondly clasps her infant in her arms, the idol of ber heart, and object of ber tender et devotion, while she prays with, out ceasing for his life to be spared tnat he may continue a consolation to her and prop for old age ; could the furs tbe future of that child, which is so wisely hid from ber. could she see him or her overburden ' sy aieeples toil two and three. This d or disgraced, iverty s.iictenlis overwork, but overwork in the and friendless, idle or insane, a ! wrong direction, and of a very differ worthless vagabond, or a debauched nt kind from that supposed. Over- millionaire, way down in tba dregs of society, or a war up in the scum, would not a change coma o'ar the spirit of her dreams," would she not mure fully realize that lifa is only valuable as it is well spent, and v bile she is praying for life to last, pray also with greater fervency for his protection from tha soul destroy, iug ibl"gs rf th v.or'.d. 'Spring Primary ,., . D1. Pnrenant to the requirements of tli j"Un"orm Primaries Act" ( P. L. loos.pnKoj an;) notlt Is hereby given that the Surma- (mom .n-in n Ho.i.n.i h,.i -m hld the election houses In the sev - rtX ,c,,on NrloU ot I'lko County on niwi 3UBIMY i?i JUNK A. D lsmtl being the fifth day of said month, between ths hours of two o'clock p.m. and 8 o'clock p. m. The State Chairman of the Republican, Deraoorallo and Prohibition parties and , the Conn7 Cbnlrmen of the Republican uu uomocrstio parties, In accordance , win, ub pniTiniun oi section a or said j 'Uniform Primaries Act," have certified , T uo"ntL "'""er. the follow 1 II rF 1 1 al- nf nfAn.m iii.x & i i I . . " """" at nm pn- , man election: REPUBLICAN ' M Pern for Delegate to the State f.;nitrentlon One person for Jury Commitsloner of the County of Pike Keren porsoni for members of the County Committee. One person for Town Committeeman in each electlun district of Pike County. DEMOCRATIC One prrson for Delegate to the Stale Convtntiou. Ouo person for Jury Commissioner of tho Couuty of Hiko. ,,T perjons for metnliors of the Count? Committee PROHIDITION One person for Delegate to the .t:ite Convention. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Any person desiring to be a candidate 'or any of ihe above ollices and hav his name print on mo ballot mnst file with the Commissioners . n..ti.in,. .i. i, qualified electors of the political district division within which the nomination or sisotlnn Is to be made, s. tttng forth that signer uiureui are Hicmoers or Iho uariv designated. The said oetltion Bhall he flh-dat losst three week prior to the da)r of th Primary election and the nuu.- ber of tlgnuis "hull be as follow: i r? idtii.iu t .i .. . a- . be voted for by the entire county, FIFTY qualified electors; candidates for State Delegate anil nnrtv rttl... Tlrv ..Blte...! ' - , 1v v H J Ij mu PHILIP '-i. KINKEL. MARTIN HATTON, County Commissioners. Attest: THEO H. BAKER, Commiasloners' Clerk. Gilford, Pa., April 6th, lung. Basket Ball A gam of basket ball will be played in Brown' Hall, Saturday venlng, April 10th, at 8 :30 o'clock, between Newton and Milford. At both teams are in tip. top cendition a good gam is assured. Admission 23ots. FOR SALE!! ONE Dynamo 210 watts; suitable for lighting dwelling, store, mill, or chargiag storage batteries ; requires half horse power. Apply to C. LEIIDE, Milford, Pa. Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often hap pens because a careless boatman ig nore tbe river's warnings-growing ripples and fnster current-Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache In the back warns you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies-Dropsy, Dia betes or Bright's disease. Take Eleo. trie Bitters at once and see Backache By and all your best feelings rein in. "After long suffering fruju weak kid neys aud lame back, one tl.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. II. Blsnkenship, of Beik, Tenn. Only SOcs. at all druggists. Not Overwork Numberless men, alleged to lie hurt by overwork, do not work half enough. Their trouble comes from superabundance of leisure and activ ity. They yawn through three or four hours iu the office or counting room ; ar too indoleut to walk up town ; eat too heavy anu rich a din. ner; go out afterwards to see mer chants, bankem and the like, and join boon companisns who walk around billiard tables or sit at cards, aud keep very thirsty nntil the Urow work covert a multitude of bad hab its ; it is mida a scapogo:it for c iu:i . less transgressions, it is very often a shallow pretense, a misarablesliau , While there are frrloo many who overwork, there are a great many that break down and kill themselves by laziness, self Indulgence and dis sipation. Very decidedly, overw rk isovsrdooe. NEWS FROM 'WASHINGTON The Senate has deuided that so business except the tariff bill and the census bill shall be considered at thin session of Congress, and the decks' have been denied this week i in l.o w...t i .u,i ..i !"tion ot the fayne bill. The bat- 1 tle iu ,,,e Finance Committee, in the last few days, has established beyond peradventure that the leadership of Senator Aldrioh is as potential as ever, and incidentally that the min ority party is, as nsual in a hopeless search for tbe ties that bind. In the Finance Committee the trtnd of sentiment 19 setting strong, ly toward retaining the inheritance tax provision of the Payne bill sad increasing the percentages ; also, to ward retaining tea on the free list ; toward leaving the countervailing duty off coffrte, and toward augment ing the revenue producing power of the bill by an increase of the taxes on beer and tobacco. Tbe leaders in Mm Semite insist that no definite de ft i lis hi vo been reached concern, ing the inheritance, beer nnd tobac co rates, hut it is known that they consider some such stop necessary in order to obtain a sufficient rev. onuu to carry on the government. While there has h"en much opposi tion to au inliei itnnco tax becnuse soma cf tha nbites :lre:uly impose such u tux, thorp are jiowcrful argu ments advanced in itg favor, nnd from a polinr.nl point of view ih ? imp billon of such a tax is regarded a j'idicious. Tho Senate leaders a-e by no ti.enos cheerful over th.i pros liter of having to impose this tax, but in view of tho fact M-n. they Ih.vo filled to niter the aVteruiina. ion of President Tnft In urge the adoption of some form of income tux in rase the bill promises to yitld too little revenue, they consider this tho ! least of the evils which confront them. While President Taft declines to . tHli5) part iu nr.y control cry on sp'.Tifi schcnViles, he has not hesi tated to wnm the leaders that in his ji-.i'ginent duties on tea and ci ffee wMiild bs seriously resented by the voter, and bis advice has prevailed. Tha Ways and Means Committee, in executive session, has voted to re port amendments striking from the bill the doty on tea, the countervail, ing duty on ci ffae, as well as the duty on aspbaltum and the counter vailing duty on lumtier. A number of conferences have been held this week between the House and Senate leaders, and at present there is every evidence of an unusa illy harmonious understanding between them as to what will be done with the bill when it reaches the upper house. An investigation has been Institu- j ted by the Secretary of tha Navy and tbe Secretary of War, into a class of newspaper advertising which exploits, as receiving official sanction and adoption, certain devices of var ious concerns which manufacture ar tides or appliances represented as of great value, and as oferiag rare op portunities for the investment ot capital. In these advertisemnets unauthorized and unwarranted use has been made of tbe ncmes and titles of army and naval officers, ho W8re quoted as approving the project or device. The War nnd Navy departments have been receiv ing inquiries from investors regard ing these stock selling schemes which appear to bo founded ou gov eminent approval of the device. Be fore Mr. Meyer, bfcmno Secretary of the Navy behave some consideration S Postmaster General, to tho issue of fraud orders in cotes of til is sort, and sii.oo becoming head of the Xavy department he is uieposid to take i;p the suhj-ct, iu order lo pr vent references to the Navy depart ment which uie not jus'ifi J by tbe dots, nnd which have a U::iJ:incv to mislead pe.pl.i willing to invest! lltiklifV ill tim r.li u L.f T. I I not yet known just what action may be taken, but be will have tho support of th Secretary of War snd it is possible that the faciUns of tha Department of Justice, as well a the Poatoffioe Department, wi.l be availed of, if it shall appear, tli.it drustio action is uccussury to j cluck tiie practice Much criticism is heard of the manner iu which th pure food law 'is being cairied out, and the sunses' ition is made that a commission be established to regulate tbe uinufo J taie nd wle ( tfros, liquors aad foot'e. The Secretary of Agriculture declines to discuss tha subject on tbe grontid that the President is, in a way, sitting as Judge in tha case, snd thst therefore it would be manifest ly Improper for him to do so. At ihe Capitol, however, both disap. proval and approbation of such a commission ar heard. Too many ot tba Senator who have served a long time, commissions are without virtue, unless ther be senatorial commissions,' and whll some ot tha younger members of that body advo cat tne orantion of commissions, tbe Senate refuses to "delegate its pow er." The concensus of opinion seems to be that th power of pass ing upon questions which Involve million of dollar, Invested in indus tries throughout tha ooantry ebould not be placed in th hands of one man, aa at present. FOR RENT Four houses in Milford. situated on prinoipal streets, either furnished or unfurnished. tf JOHN A. KIPP. "I'D Rather Die, Doctor, than have my feet cut off," said M. L. Bingham, of Priiiceville. III. "but you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if you di n't", said all doctors. Instead-he used Bucklen's Arnica Salve till whollv cured. Its cures of Eczema, Fevor .Sores, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the world; 25c. at all druggists. Easter Music at Church of th Good Shepherd. MORNING SERVICE Organ Prelude Shelley. Hymn 109. Anthem- Christ Our Passover Chappei. Gloria Patri Robinson-Field. Te Denm in F. Kotzschnas. Jubilate Deo Sullivan. Hymn 113. Kyrie Sullivan. Gloria Tibl Talhs. Ant hem-Hymn The strifo is o'er Mendelssohn. Sermon. Offertory Anthem "Magdalen" Warren. Bauotua Wesley. Hymn 225. Gloria in Excelsi Old Chant. Hymn 125. Organ Postlude Farmer. FULL CHORAL 6ERVICJC AT i P. M. Choir Hymn, The atrif i o'i Mendelssohn. Magnificat C. Simper. No no Dimitis " The Apostles Creed J. Btainar. Anthem Awak thou that Bleep, est Redhead. Address. Offertory Solo Resurrection Shelley. Hymn 115. Awkwardness Right her i th secret of awk wardness. It is self oonscioaeness. A girl who thinks about how ahe is i;oing to look whea she extends her hand will hold it out a stiff aa a pump handle. If she is worried about tbs appearance of bar walk tha will (talk over tba landscape Ilk a wooden dummy. What parson does gracefully is done anconscionsly So if a person would learn grace she must first learn how to do things un consciously and she oau only learn to do things unconsciously by doing them often. Horse Thief Sentenced James Tulip, if that is his name, the man who was arretted in Ding man township last week for stealing horses, and taken to Paterson, N. J, plead guilty to tbe charge and was sentenced to seven years in the Trenton penitentiary. Ha will have an extra year which was taken from a former sentence, ami will then ba taken to Caldwell, N. Y. where he escaped from prison after serving oae year out of a three years sen tence. Up Before tha Bar. N. II. Brown, an attorney of Pitts. Held, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. King's N ew Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine we wouldn't be without them." For Chills, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache tbey work wonders. 25c at all druggists. Advxtftise in th Press i