Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 02, 1909, Image 1

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.1 Rile
NO 2:i
Fardinand P. Earle nf Monro, N.
Y., who sent his wife and child to
Franc and married hi "soul af
finity" Miss Kuttnar who daeerted
him la low being esed by brr for
divorce. ,81i alleges ha la ioaane
and wai when aha married him
Thara ia no donbt bat that ha ia not
only orazf hut bad and llltla more
can ba aaid o' her. Any woman who
will wring In on a faintly, displace
tha real wife and become a 'tool
affinity" lack aauae and good
Mr. A. M. Mattlar and aon Ben
jamin wera at Sorenton the Brat of
tba week to attend the faneral of lb
hrnm sister Mra. Spenser. .
Mrs. ft L. Van Akin of Lack,
waxen underwent an operation for
appendicitis ia the Port Jervl hos
pital Salt week.
" Street ' Commissioner Ryder baa
been acraplug and otherwise improv
ing the borough street during tha
past week.
Will Steele want to Roanoke, Va..
thia week to begin practice and en
ter tha Altoona ball olub. Se was
aooompnnled to Washington, D. C,
by bla brother Em met t who will
enjoy the sights of that oily.
Frank and James VanEttea of
Stroudsburg have bought ont the
old established etore si(l hardware
business of Frank P. Flory. They
are eons of Cornelius VanEUan a
native of Conasbaugh.
The surveyors engaged ia running
out tha pike Coonty roads have
completed their work and will now
begia in Monroe County where they
will likely ba employed for the next
When Mr. Bryan 'a automobile
waa stalled in the mud in Pennsyl
vania, tha Nebrakau got out and
pushed. Btlll, they all have to do
mora or leas of that.
Talk about taxing coffee we have
met ooffee that ooold hardly stand
ha Ting a tax put on it. '
Things hav grown worse for
tha ktdnamrimr business ainoa the
Charley Ross days. .
There will be aa little obaer aa
t litre la inebriation in the eup if a
tax of eight cents pound ia put
upon tea. .
Msroh bllxzarda bring forth April
showers, and yon know what they
lo. So cheer op.
If our Sandyaton correspondent
voieea tha sentiment of tha people,
there ia deoided opposition to the
prepoeed new It F. D. Route start
ing here, by those living adjacent to
it. Bat why did they not manifest
that spirit when tka rout was sag
Hawlejr Basketball team defeated
Milford last atriay evening by a
nor of t6--19. k
Jack Roloson who baa lived In tba
old Halfway hooaa far a couple of
years kaa moved to Dingman town
A valuable boraa belonging to
Wheeler and Morgan died laat week
tff pneumonia.
Tha New York Central R. R. Co.
pleaded aullty tela Weak to charges
ef .rebating -on- cooperage auppliaa
an paid arflae of 110,000. Now will
tha' company deiuet thia amnoat
from ita dividend fond or will it
make . good by. overcharging same
Other aoacern ar by retrenching ex.
feasaa. The parties guilty of mak
ing the arrangement should ba oom
palled to pay tbe fine".
Tha big cantilever bridge across
the East river, known as tha Black
walls IHaa1 bridge, was informally
peaed for travel thia week. It car
ries eight railway tracks, two prom
enade, and a 8t foot roadway, and
is oui ieet long inoinmng ap
proach. Oaespaa measures list
ieet and is the longest trussed span
in thia country. It ia estimated to
have a capacity of one band red and
fifty million persona annually,
Yesterday , was All Fools day.
Did yau Bad it out by experience?
Canter Coanty masons are orging
tha location of the three million dol
lar home, to be built by the Grand
Lodge of Peana. F. & A M. foraged
nd feeble masons and their wive
ad tbe large school for orphan of
masons to be built in eenneei ion with
the above, in that coonty. A tract
of 60 acraa near State College is
: Tha Senate has passed flaally tha
pur food bill which allows the ne
of ane tenth of one per cent of ben
soot of soda a a preservative, but
provide that when need tbe paokage
mutt plainly state the f sot. How
Uad voted fifth hi
ArUia la Pig
Ex Sheriff Con might of Msteno- j
raa waa in town laat Tuesday.
So far there have beei reported to
the Bora Board of Health 8o oaaaa of
oomannnieable diseaaea 'this year,
nearly all of them meavlaa. A tea
son for the spread of the malady ha
bf en the nagl I of many familie to
call in a physician art allowing
children to go around while in Cor
el it ton to oomdaunicate the diseaee.
There have been no fatalitiea and
all the ess wra of a vary mild na-
nre. It is hoped Ibe end la rescued,
aa no new outbreaks am reported.
The Legislator It working over
pprepriatioa bills, and no doubt
many pet scbemee of members will
fall by the wayside. It looks aa if
the state highway billa and tha new
eohool ooda might pass. The bill
for Capitol grounds extenaien it la
ild is also alated to go through.
There baa been no more beaut If al
sight in town thia winter than waa
aeen last Tuesday morning whan th
trace were laden with feathery aaow
on which the sua shone. Tbe land-
sea p presented the appearance of
being festooned in pni-est Uo, witb
silvery abeen, and yon did not
have to get op very early cither te
hold th gergeou decoration.
Mra. Knte MoiJuwu entertained a
number of friende last Saturday
evening tbe enjoyable rocaeien being
to commemorate tba nineteenth an
niveraary of ber marriage.
Barry Dewitt of Fitohbarg, Mass.,
ia spending a few days in lawn.
R. P. Ntlts, E-q., of Delaware waa
in town Taatday.
John Smith of Belvldera, a survi
vor of the coident when the little
ateam boat Alfred, Thomas blew up
on tha Delaware at Eaaton fort nine
yean ago, recently died aged 79
years. He was badly injured by the
Dr, W. B. Kenwnrthy waa in New
York a couple of days this week.
Paul Ryder has finished the addi
tion to hia atore now an Harford
street and this wee removed hie
good and family to tha now location.
Hon, John A. Klpp ot New York
waa bet part of mat weaaa
If the lion and tha lamb laid down
together ia March tha woolly little
beast was mostly inside tba tawny
Emory Gilpin a life long resident
of thia oonnty did at Laanna, hi
home, March 26 of paralysis aged
71 year
Bnnaoate acid waa tha ataff ear 4
6000 year ago to embalm the EgypJ
tian dead. After taking one dot It
was saver necessary to take aaother.
Mary Farmer was electrocuted
Monday at Auburn, Naw York, for
the murder of Sarah Brennan. She
left statement aaylng her husband
who is bow nnder death aentaao
was not impllsated.
The New Jersey Senate has passed
bill allowing automobiles to run at
speed of twenty five miles an hour.
and violatioaa must oontiaue an
hoar to warrant arrest. It ia also
hoped tha bill authoristag the reoag
nliion of license of other states will
A bill bai bean passed to prohibit
the sals of adulterated liqaors ia this
atata.. It is dealgaad to halt the sale
of manofaotnred whbkler brought
in from othar state.
Congressman Palmer of this di
trlot I being arged to vote egalant
a tariff on to. It ia generally under
stood that in democratic stronghold
ordinary tea la not much of a bever
age "ooia tea Ming much more
Some Naw York papers are charg
ing that Chief Forester Pinobot haa
ohanged front on the question of a
tariff on lumbar. It ia alleged that
ha formerly favo; 1 patting lumber
on (he free list, eo aa to aava at far
aa possible tha forests of thia coun
try, and that now ha appiara as an
advocate of a tariff on lumber and
Congressmen are enquiring' what
bat brought about hia change of
opinion, . ..
D. W. Cooke, former General Pa-
ngr Agent of tbe En, will naw
be ia charge of the trails depart
ment with headquarters in N. Y. .
Mr. Catharine A. Quick who haa
passed tbe wiatar la Naw York with
ker daughter Mra. Talmage, haa re
turned home to Manor Hall near
Diagmana Ferry, w lioh was vacated
by Ella Albright who moved la a
farm in New Jersey.
Amo Wainwright wha died last
week oa the Mettler farm la New
Jertey, opposite Dingman Ferry, t
thought to have ban ff cted with
ptomaine poisoning. Boon after eat
ing fitb bought of a peddler ba ba.
cam very in eni aiaq itr a
plf lt gritted,
Fir Wednesday aneratng Injured
tha carrier manufactory 6f 'J. B.
Hamilton la Port Jerri. The low
abava tuearaaee will probably ba
woo. 3
Gaorgo lattlrooreof Lakswood v!s
ited hi mother here last Sunday,
Jaoob C. Schorr ana dlnearded
mules after many years and bought
a team of horsea of T. Ndeotv
The venerable Joetlce af tbe Peace
of Delaware township, John Fra
iler la aenooaly ill. Advanced eg
76 years maker hi recovery alow.
Thara ia AiSmam fat tnlet!i
gent" granting easy. philoptr
dressing. Tba first ta to ksea your
draas np with fsshUraebte fads, and
the latter is to keep yoar pockatbook
up with your dress.
Better simple food with pleasure
than luxuries with anneyanoe end
worry. ' ' '
Everitt Warner formerly wltti Mit
chell Bros. Is now at Nelson's livery,
and his place In the store is supplied
by Walter 8. Dingman.
Rev. Gostav Garisse has gone to
attend the annual conference at New
Calvin Detriok of Brooklyn Is visit
ing his Uncle in Dingman township.
Horses at the sale of Whaeler ard
Morgan Wednesday brought good
prices. It does not look as though
automobile had affected the demand.
Sale of stock ot Milford Gaa Com
pany tomorrow afternoon at the Court
"Tha President, Manager and
Company for erecting a bridge over
tha river Delaware near tha town of
Milford," offloial title, have bonghi
sutfloUnt plank to oovar tbe entire
floor and will have than, laid so as to
eneure aafety and aomfort to all
crossing. If th now trolley corni
down it la expect thern will be
koi incroaee in travel. .
Happinaas bi a perfnme" that one
aaaaot ahad over another without a
few drop falling on one's self.
On account of th inoreaas ia pas
senger JrvLero Jh eonttaea&i
iadooad by the AtaakarYnkoa-Paot-flo
Exposition, it ia announced that
tha Yellowstone National Park will
opaa tha aeaeoa ten day earlier
than asaal. Tbe regular eanaoa anil
opaa on Juae 10.
Th Alaskan-Yukon-Pacific Expo
sition will be conducted on th
"dry " principle. No liquor or In
toxicating beverage of any descrip
tion wilt be sold on the grounds, 'or
be allowed on aala within two mile
of tha exaoaitloa.
Persy Lyman, Jr., a atndeat at
th East Stroadaburg Normal. I
passing vacation ia town and 1
peot to rtrn oxt Monday. '
On aoooant of th New York Stat
Enaampmrat G. A. R, th Eri will
aell special ronnd trip tlaketa from
Port Jervla to Binghamptoa Jan
14th. and lata, good returning to
Jon 19th. at tha low rate of $3 (
for th round trip. If any from her
deair to take tbl opportunity ty
may eummnnioata with II. L. Blah'
aon tioket agect at Port Jervla,
Th Milford Water Company a
warded the oontraetf r digging, and
tiling in, a traneh for pipe along
Ninth street, about 40 rod, to Wll
Ham Funk at 11.99 a rod. Thar
wera vral bidder.
Waller D. Wild, he of elgar fame.
of Newton who with bis wife hut
been apendtn part ot th winter in
Florida ba returned home.
There ar rumors that C W.
Certrlgat, who died at Hunters
Rang 1 Porter township last week,
may have received Injuria in tra
one which caaaad hia death. Sev
eral daya after th alleged fight
phyalelaa found him with both eyaa
badly eat and a deep gash In b'k
head. He waa buried laat Snaday
and it I pessibl th body may be
exhnmad and an antopay held.
Horn misapprehension exist as to
tha method by which children who
have had meaale may be readmitted
to th Botoaga aphonia. Tba rule
of the Health Department seem ta
aeake R accessary that they ahoald
bav a physio! 'a certificate, the
fact of fumigation and aspiration of
th quarantine period not being af-
flwvat In an till thna to raadmht-
sloa. It may Meat that such pre
cautions ar soma w bat bardensom
but It I th deelga of tha Depart
menr that the aafety of th pabllo
aboold be eoarvd vaa t
Ineoavenlene to individual. In
townships oartifloat of tba Health
OAaar that pesenl hv ba fa.
mlgt4 i sa&oiaat.
I SM in yoor hut th Civil Ber
tie axaminatieei for a P. . M. at
Kgmr was tated to W i bald at
Dtngmsa aa April 14, Tbie should
ba a but of aepiraala for that job as
th receipt were 168 last year- That
ba t getting eat ilea. , ' .
Tft!oa C. Gtsnn will move from
tba Dr. Cola farm, at layton, to a
part of tba Kymar hooaa Braoth-
ville an Wedeeedty, The pvwmtaa
vaarted by Mr.&uua wilt baoeon
pia d by doors 0.vn, of Newark.
Tbpriati ot .tba list wf patit
sad Grand Juror I e it don ia
Fik eveaty. Th list ot Grand Jo
rore i kept secret until court ooa-
veos la this atata, knt, fhy ar
known beforehand, an the same.
Work will begin oa th nw road
from Branchville Bora limit to th
Gap tfaia week. Th eat mad by
th oatrotor, near Aaber Bnookt,
is almost impaesibl for loads, sad
a good nanny teama have been etack.
The Berden milk teama bav to
double op through that cut.
The R. F. D. rout from Milford
to Be vans to begin on May 1st. it
bitterly opposed by all, and even
those signing a petittea for it would
gladly sign petition for th reten
tion ot our present mall faoiliti) a
From quest loas aent the Haineevllle
and Layton Post - Master by the'
Second Assistant Post Master Gen
eral these office will be oloaed, and
w will bav no mail facilities going
Eaatward, but all mail will go around
via New York, thus making nil
mail from one to three day lata.
Th present stags mall route 9270 I
to be discontinued, nnd th many
privilege w now eajoy, will oome
to an end, not only thia, th Eastern
part of this township will bav no
mail facilities at all, and thay will
be compelled to bav boxes along
tha mail R. F. D. from on to ftor
mile from their home. '
All w ask ot th Post Offlo "De
partment ia to lt oar present mail
privilege aloaa, for they cannot ba
bettered. Only thraa'fsmlliss ad
mit that th R. F. U will benefit
lb,- whtl n resident of thle
town bitterly condemn It
Mr. and Mr. Frank - Depue ra-
tuaaad to Uir homo at Bemmit,
N. J , ar.r a brief visit with rela
tive bar, on Friday laat.
Loos (tons ar only too Burner-
on in our roads, and it would seem
that onr overseer think it will be
time eaoagh for that work after
warklag ta roads..- Bat how about
th law about removing loos aton
Th partial endeavoring to tak
away th 1 loans of a aertaia hotel
lathis town thought batter ot It,
and, "all will b qull on th Poto
mac ' for another, year. - - Tho at
tempt ar paamodla or annual.
Allan Smith a life-loag resident oi
thia town did at (ha. horn of Har
mon Clifford, near f ereua, oa tba
S4Ui. inal. aged about 61 years. He
made hi bom wherever employed
and was unmarried.
At prnt writing th qtieetion u
to whether th Montagus creamery
will ba raa thia year or not la aot
eattlsd. Bom of It patron bav
solicited the Borden, and Mr. Set
ler or th Bevan creamery to
operate the creamery. As it ia tha
patrons are In something of a tlx.
Inside ot a year a Layton party
eold ont hit property, in that valley
and la now very, very anxious to
reparohaae th property, but the
present proprietof ears 'nothin
Fish Speculation.
Newspapen in thia vioiaity ar
escalating a to tbe trout season
this year and bobs are of opinion
that by reason of low water in
streams laat summer trout will be
oaroe. " Tbey argue that a tha flh
war confined to pool the large one
devoured th small fry. Th 8c ran
ton Tribune remarks that iadioatlona
are that trout will be aoaroe in thia
ooonty thle season but that the crop
ot liars will ao doubt hold out. Well,
there are lots of Boranteaataaa who
oom over ta Pike to fish and likely
th horn papcT be knows their
characteristics. , t , .
. Th coctltutioal amendment ab
oliahlng lpring elections ba passed
S oally and gap to th Governor. It
Will be voted on at next November
election and lengthens the terra of
officials which xplr In 1911,
Th new school eoo oil hat beea d
iaairil ia ! Hon, bt th vote was
raK!iJrv4 ipd (1 ftif yet )tf. -
Horse Thitf Caught
. An emery looking Individual who
stole three borseeal Peterson, N. J.,
last Friday night waa caught last
Tuesday morning np at Rattlesnake.
He aad through here Saturday
with h here and buggy behind
which h lei valuable team and
topped in town to feed. He was
snaking an effort to Mil th horses
la tbe vloinlny of Greeley but peo
pi were uapioiau nnd would not
buy. It la aaid he was familiar with
that locality having worked in th
ruue woods thsr last season. He
wsa broach! hare TusaAay after be
ing eeegbt and detailed In the look
otp antil th Jaraey Sheriff, arrived
vrhn he wee takea back toPateraon,
where ao deabt b will get a good
dose ef oompnlsory restraint.
TD Rather Die. Doctor,
than have my feet cot off," aaid M.
L. Bingham, of PrlBceville, III. "but
you'll di from gangrene (which bad
eaten away eight toes) if you dt.n't",
Said all doctors. Instead-he used
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve till wholly
cured. It cures of Eczema, Fever
Sores, Bolls, Burns and Pile astound
the world. 26c at all druggists.
Real Estate Transfers
Emmett L Parks to B. It. Welti
an, Charles T. Bronson, James K.
Maddy, Qeorge W. Roebting, W. T
Kerr, and Sue L. Foalke, separate
deeds for lots In Lincoln Park West-
Samuel Greenbalgh to Ada G
Greenhalgh. Lot 6 Matamoras Wasl.
in jton street $110.
Margaret Faooinper to Seorge C.
V. Fluthi SO Boras part ot George
Tuder Shoholn $1100.
Martha 8. Goble to Monroe Strait.
50 acral Wastfall (770.
Walter W. Taylor to William P.
Austin. S49 acres part of two traott
Jonathan Hill and Daniel Clark at
Glen Eyre, Laokawaxen 110,000.
Henry W. Richardson to Nicholas
Rohman Hotel ' property. . Bhohola,
near station
William P. Austin, to Maria Ana-
tin. 841 seres Laokawaxen part of
Jonathan Hill and Daniel Clark $100.
A. R.. Lewie te Thee. A. Vyr.
for on year for Glen Side
Cottage Milford Bore.
William Wager and others to
Martha B. Helm Lot 740 Eldreds ad
dition Milford Bore, Seventh atreet
Marl Whyeall to Paul C. Kranse.
Land ia Matamoraa $800.
Oliver Calkin toH. W. Richard-
on Q C. Deed for land in Bhohola.
Swept Over Viagara,
This terrible calamity often hip
pens because a careless boatman Ig
nore tbe river' warnings-growing
ripple and faster current-Nature's
warning are kind. That dull pain
orach In the back warns you the
Kidney need attention if yon would
escape fatal maladiea-Dropay, Dia
betes or Bright' disease. Tak Eleo
trie Bitten at one and see Backache
By and all your bast feelings return.
"After long auflVrlng from weak kid
neyt and lame back, on 11.00 bottle
wholly cured me," writes J. R.
Blankaaahlp, of Balk, Tenn. Only
60o. at all druggist.
A Local Option Speech
Ex Governor Henley of Indiana
declared In a speech in Philadelphia
this week that Pennsylvania ia the
bailie ground of local option an
that the feeling In the atate is more
intense and purposeful than ever be
fore. Giving great oredit to oknrches
for the good they accomplish he yet
enargea that th Christian church
lacks intensity of conviction, and
lacks consecration. He aaid it haa
too many tin soldier in ita raaka,
who are ealy militant on dresa pa
red. . It too patient with ain, too
tolerant of evil, too placid, too well
pleased with itself, toe well satisfied
with th world aa It Soda tt. ' The
ehursh needs a living, virile Chris
tiaiuty, eeneeorated men and women
who not only bate aniighteousaeas
bat are ready and willing to fight It.
For SALE or RENT Store room
and dwelling on Broad Btreel, Mil'
ford, Pa , either together or separ
ately. Apply to
Mrs. K. V. Dingman
or to Press Offloe.
Tour bouse in Milford, situated
oa principal ire!, Ubr furnished
W aararnlabed.
tQMV a. urr.
The leaders in the House have
formulated tentative plana for tba
passage of th Payne tariff bill and
unless these plans miscarry tbe mea
sure will be voted on about April
15th. Mr. Payne's hopes are that
the general debate will be allowed to
run until next Wednesday, when a
rule will be presented providing for
ten day'a debate under tbe five mln
ute rule ; then three days to be con
aussed In the consideration of aad
vote upon amendments. .. Republi
can leadwa realise of course thai th
rule must contain aom restriction
upon amendment if th bill is to be
disposed of before the late summer.
Th present indications are that
there will be no united opposition to
the bill aa a whole,
President Taf t baa told tha mem
ber of his cabinet that he expects
each to assume all responsibility for
and exercise supreme control over
hia department, and that eaoli bead
of a department will be held respon
sible for the conduct of that depart
ment. He baa emphasized the faot
that he wants results and has assured
the membera of his . official family
that they are f rea to select their own
assistants without personal orpolitl
onl assistance from tbe White House.
Mr. Talt thinks it would be unjust
for bim to hold his cabinet of9set!
r. sponsible for results should he, lor
political reasons, dictate the men on
whose assistance they must rely for
the success of their respective de
psHments. While assistant seer
tury and similar officers are 'Presi
dential officers" tbe President has
indicnted his intention of exercising
this prerogative only in appointing
men desired by tbe department
beada. As a result of this policy,
Members of Congress and that por
tion of the publio which haa to deal
Ith federal appointments, will sooa
find that they muet deal directly
with the .department heads, if they
wish things accomplished, instead of
carrying every reqnest and every
dum'pnfinf to "th "WhitelIon"aT lu
this way the President hopes to find
more time for the important sffdlre
of tbe government.
The ene question constantly asked
at tbe Capitol, In every informal
discussion ot th tariff is, will the
Payne bill raise a auffloiect amount
of revenue? and tbe question of ad
ditlonal revenue Is causing tbe 1
ders in both Housas of Cnngreta no
little uneasiness. Th Inheritance
tax, a possible Income tax and the
duty on tea are all critioised and ob
looted to, There teems to be a strong
sentimant in the Rouse for the re-
oval of th duty on tea and lti re
placement by an additional fifty
oents a barrel oa beer. A nnmber of
representative ar eudeavorlng to
organise a movement to demand a
vote n this question ; and doubtless
all representatives from prohibition
district will join In such a move-
mint. The suggestion is frequently
nada, and meets with favor, that tbe
beet way to inoreas the Treasury
balance ia te at down tba annual
At bis own request President Ttft
hts been eleoted a member of the
Legal Aid Society. Ex President
Roosevelt baa been one of the vloe
president for many years, an I
among others are Governor Hughes,
Andrew Carnegie, Joseph H. Choata,
Seth Low, Elihu Root, Jacob H
Ben iff, Robert De Forest, William B
Hornblower and Mra. Douglas Ro
binson one of Col. Roosevelt's sis
ten. This society was organized in
Naw York City many years ago, and
its ohief purpose is to provide attor
aeys free of oharge for poor persons
nnder arrest or indiotment' who
prove after a careful investigation to
be in need of counsel.
Senator Gore of Oklahoma haa
introduced three rucasuies in tLe
Senate whjch are considered" typical
of political and economic theught in
that state. One is a bill to author
ize national banks to conform to the
laws ef any atate where deposits in
atate banks are guaranteed ; another
la a joint resolution to provide by
oastltatieaal amendment for the
popular election of United States
Senators, while the third provides
-(-for an amendment to the oonstitu
tion to authorise the national gov
eminent to levy an income tax.
At the request of the Maritime
League of New York, Senator Depew
has lntroduoed, an Interesting resolu
tion. It calls for tha Eeoretary of
State t send to th Senate all cor
repondBo between th Stat De
parttnaal tad lb Republic of Cub
rtlttUf, to la qqwtiot t rtOOBl-
tng coffee routed In th United
Again President Taft ha erpress
d to Col. Goethali his earnest de
air to are tha Panama canal
pleted by ISIS, and while th Chief
Engineer eannot promts this aoeom
plishmant before 1915, h told th
President that every force wonld be
put to work to hattl thing. Some
of the Presidents friend tblak thst
this desirs ts see th canal tnisked
in January 1913 means tost Judge
Taft xpct o serve hi country aa
Preeldent only four years.
Coal First Uattont4
Th first meatloar of coal in th
oaal of mankind ocean in th
Bible, Proverbs 96 : I where Is said.
"As coals Br to burning oo! and
wood to fire, so is contentions man
to kindle strife. " This waa written
boat 1011 B. C. when King Sol
omon came Into power. Part of hi
dominion waa In Syria, and ancient
coal mines arc worked In th coun
try to this day.
Years before th Christian Ira
coal was in common us In China.
Marco Polo apnaki of seeing in 127S
"a kind of blaok stone in Cathay that
lsasedtoburn better than wood.''
Coal In the United States wss first
mentioned by tbe French Jesuit
missionary. Hennepin who in 1679
wrote of traoea of ooal on the banks
of the Illinois rivet and also located
a coal mine near Richmond, Va. In
17CS anthracite wss discovered In
the Wyoming valley and a sample
was sent to the Penes in London.
TJp Before the Bar.
N. H. Brown, an attorney of Pitts-
field, Vt., writes: "We have used
Dr. King's New Life Pills tor years
and find them such a good family
medicine we wouldn't be without
them." For Chills, Constipation,
Biliousness or Sick Headache they
work wonders. 26c at all druggists.
In Memory of W. B. Adams.
Mr. Editor: 1 have recently learned
brthe fcfeatlcmS which" The chnroli,
tbe community and society in Pike
County sustained in the death, last
autumn, of Mr. W. E. Adams, of
Dlngman'a Ferry. To many, indeed,
ia that oonnty, and elsewhere, th
loss of on o ble iad amiable) so
worthy and useful, will be fait as a
personal Iocs. Thar are aot very
many men a worthy a he ; and of
those who are, there are few who
ar aa thoroughly lovable. And
among the who are both worthy
and lovable, how few are fonnd, who
equal Mr. Adam in that which waa,
perhaps, hi' most individual dis
tinction th power of radiating
from hia oonntenanee, bi speech,
bit manner, hi vary pressao, a
sustained, and glal, and all-oom
fortlng sunshine end that without
Sort, and almost uaoocsclously,
May hi memory and hi xaatpl
long b cherished and may the Di
vine ooneolntion be with th loved
one wh anrvlv him I
Edward 8. Cross,
Hotiee ef Sale
Th undersigned will sell kt Fob
Ho Auction, in th Frent Hall ot th
Court Hons. In the Borough of Mil.
ford, Pike Co., Penna., on Saturday,
the Third day or April A. D. 1909 at
2 o'olock in th afternoon, 118 shares
of the Capital Stock of th Milford
Gas Co , par value $io per share.
Will be sold In lots of from 1 to 29
share. Tbl Company has been pay
Ing an annual dividend of t per cent
for some years, has a Surplus of
about $1700, tha capital stock isauad
is $7000, or 280 share.
This stock will be sold to close the
Estate of Tboma Armstrong, de.
oeased. Terms nd conditions mad
known on day of sale.
March 15, 1909. 826 Trustee.
Words to Free th Soul
"Your son has Consumption.. His
case is hopeless." These appalling
words were tpoken to Geo. E. Ltlc
venn, a leading merchant of Spring
field, N. C. by two expert doctor
one lung special's!. Then was
shown the wonderful power of Dr.
King's New Discovery. "After three
weeks use, "writes Mr. Blevens, "he
was as well aa ever. I would not
take all the money in th world for
what it did for my boy." Infallible
for Coughs and Colds, Its the safest,
surest oure of desperate Lung diseases
on earth. 60o. and $1 00. Guaran
tee satisfaction. Trial bottle free.
A charter has been granted Ihe Ore
too nd Greeotown Telephone Oom.
pany. Tba Uue will run from CMdn
in to jnow. cipti I i.