Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 26, 1909, Image 4

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Tea girl In Us frilly white town
keerraaged tin loftn In the brass
Wl kssasee eke realised what a
lUralit picture of domesticity she
state while dolag te.
"It ! perfectly dreadful," ihe
said, "the wT Clara nags that poor
aas siae tkey ere married!"
"Den ihe?" aihfd the young man
who area elttlat admiring her grace
Pa) aastleae. "I tkesght ike was
(tHaatitr feed of Charlie."
The yeaag wemaa In the frilly
wkMe gew eased akruptly with a
tees la eaa kaad. "Oh, she Is!" she
eried. "That's just the trouble! She
. tea t bear le hare him out of bet
atgfct. If he Is flre mlantes late to
Wsaer she fats hist thremgh a regu
lar eeteehwa. I don't see hew he
steads It!"
"Meyke he doesa't aled," saggeit
e the ysvsg ass.
The yeaag woaaa cast a reproach
ful lok at klat.
"Had?" she cried. "Of course
I aktea! Wealda't yeu salad If I
feared at yea aad wasted you to ac
eeiiat fer every breath you drewT
rToskta't yen? And I'm oaly en
gaged la yea!"
"It wealda't be Tery nice," admit
ted the yeaag maa. "But then, you
knew, yea are somewhat diferent
frees Case."
"I saeald hope so," ejaculated the
youag sMtn, leavlag the roses be
fore they were quite out, aad sitting
"Why," she went on, "that's Just
the way to kill all lore Clara's hus
band may have for her! Not to trust
him! 1 should thluk he would feel
actually Indignant! He came home
eae night and found her In tears be
cause she had been making a sched-
ale of everytklng he bad done the
prevleas day, and 10 minutes were
waarcotated far. She was certain
he had been talking to some one
wheat he didn't want her to know
about? Why. if I couldn't trust a
maa I roalda't care for him."
"Of court set," agreed the young
smb. "I'm mighty glad you don't
try to keep track of me that way!"
The yoang woman eyed him
tkeagkttully. "I don't like the
hearty tone of voice In which you
said that," she remarked. "It was
jaat aa though you were thankful
yea had escaped detection? Are you
ceaeealing something from me?"
"Nonsense!" laughed the young
"But are you?" Insisted the young
weaeaa. "Sometimes I wonder If it
eeeld be possible not that I haven't
serfett oeaadence la you, Arthur
bat oaa does get to thinking occa
eteaally. and sometimes I wonder If
yew UU me everything."
"Of coarse not," said the young
ssaa, placidly. "Tou'd be bored to
daatfc. it I rocouated all my business
deal I as or if every time I met any
ease aa the street "
"fllrte, you meaa?"
"Bsaetlues," said the youug man.
"I suppose as long the the earth
continues to be populated by men
and women I shall keep on seeing
girls when I walk abroad.
"Tea ought to tell me when you
do," said the young woman, decisive
ly. "Whom did you meet yester
day?" .
The young man frowned,
on earth can I remember?"
he in-
qalred. "How foolish! "
"It taa't foolish In the least," said
tka yeaag woman, indignantly. "The
mare fact that you don't want to tell
sm shows "
"I'm perfectly willing to tall you,"
laatrrapled the youag man, "only I
oaa't remember."
"Arthur," said the young woman,
"1 never thought I should doubt
your word! You might as well con
fens who it was. Tell me all about
"There's nothing to tall!"
"Tou may treat this llppantly if
yoa wish," said the yauag woman,
' hut it la bo triliag matter. What
time were yoa oa the street and "
"At exactly 3. It," said the young
man, "geiag from the oBeclo an
other oesee, aad I'll be haaged "
"If yea raa reatember that much
yoa raa remember the girl," Insist
ed the youag womaa. "Who was
she and what did ahe say?"
Tho young tuaa waa walking up
and down. "I met the stenograph
er In the office above," he said, "and
I alto lan Into Sally Singather, whom
you don't know In the least, but
whose father is a broker seat door.
And I don't see why I shonld have
ta repeat everything like silly
"I never heard about Sally Sing
ather, said tho young woman, as
grlevedly. "You needn't say I nag
for I don't. It's just legitimate
curieelty! Is she pretty?"
"Yes." said the young maa.
"What did she say?" demanded
the yeaag woman, leasing forward
The yeaag maa paused before her
aad stead gaalug down.
"To the beat of my recollection,"
he replied, '.'Sally said: 'Oood after
aooa, air. Rockmore. Isn't It a
loveiy day; That 'a all. New, are
yea aatWiied?"
The yoitny woman la the white
aew a Ieoked rather non-pluated.
Tttea aaaWeaJy her face grew deter-
gkiatd agala.
"Of cearae, that wasn't anything
ti say," ahe remarked. "But yoa
naveu t told mo a word about tl
tone of voice she said It In! That
makes a difference! Now, Arthur,
yoa've just got to tell me!"
The Inarsdleats.
"Tntaa eaiieUtalea a ftrst-claas so
ciety drasaar
"Three acta, six gowaa and nine
epigrams." Washington Herald.
"ly Jeve. that V.'.ss Dearington
ewlats like a fish." "bbe must take
after her father. He used to drink
that wej." Chicago Ueiord yral4
The oatb Affirm Ynnng Womu
Baa aot Yet Arrived but Sis Is oa
Her Way He Out-doer Life.
The day of the South African girl
has hardly arrived yet; but when it
jonet, says a writer In the Queen,
let the Americans see to their lau
lets, for tbey win have dangerous
competitors in the field.
The Dutch women of the Trans
vaal are tall and siilouilldly dsvel
eied, aad there are the two dtettuet
typee, the purely Dutch with gwl .es
trow a hair, gray or hnrel eyes aad
creamy skin and the brunette vf
French dearrnt wHh dark eyea and
Lair aad rich dark coloring. ut
kotk types are oa a larger scale treo
(heir Kurepean aatecexients. 1 e
sun of South Africa la a great vital
itcr, aad the children e that laad
of vast tpaeee have more rasa ta
grow had develep la, and they atet
from their infancy such aa Mt td
doors life that they are hound ta he
an Impreremeat physically oa tte.i
sisters of the northern hemisphere.
Dutc women of South Afrlea al
ways aceesa panted their kss'raaja la
their large koodcl, alow aevlcg
wagons. Uhetr Bomadle exlsteace ea
icuued ta careleeeaeee cf aeelut aua
ef dress, hat It developed ta txaea an
tnlaite capacity for perarveataej ef
fort, a etrengta ef character, a asas
eorsaeea, aa well a great viltey,
ad of which eseeileat gaalHIee ga as
uie making ef a stroag aatlao.
The preheat generatlea (aa Be di
vided late twa dhulnct claaetav tae
inhahttaau ef the irH aad thaaa a
the low as and villages, aad wajw
the funOamental eliaractsriistea a. a
ice same grtt, tenacity, levelbeas
tdnete, lndepeadeai.-e still, eecta
a wide dlfeieeee belweea the attei
woman of the i 'uatry and the eaa
catou Dutca weaaa of U tow as.
The former oa reaching the ee a
10 am large, fat and heavy. '1 fees'
marry very voting and nave patc.ei
caal faalliee, and oer htisbaad and
children tiiey wield a great sway, aa
tniluence very uiacn greater uu
that of the Lniian woman.
To a stranger the lioer vrouw ap
pears stupid and silent; she bhuia
her mourn determinedly and Site
stolidly through his visit; but la
reality she Is taking a detailed mem
orandum of his appearance, waya,
and niannera and nothing vacate
aer notice. If she Is persuaded oi
Ola friendlineea and good Intentions
she may relax a little; but the Dun
uever by any ruute tell you as
thing more than they wish you ta
The Boer woaea lave elweta less)
accustomed to a good supply af
KaOtr servants on tuelr farms ana
Uicy are not quite the enargetu
housewives one lUiaglnes but uiey
generally prevail on their seriauj
lo get Uie work done to their satis
faction and tbere- Is one breucb ef
housewifery in which tbey exiel
the maalug of ' koinfyt" or pie-
serves, waether jam-making of we
orainary kind or a more eiaeoiate
method of preserving the dellciOu
fruit of the laud.
W lde as the poles asunder are the
educated Dutch womeu of the towus
or those Indeed of the country wue
have been sent to Cape Colony or te
Europe to acuool. As aaaptable as
the Americaua, with uecijij aui.t.
ability, taey are full of common
A girl who has been to a guud
school la South . and after
wards ia Europe, baa aomethlag icwa.
charming aad faactaatiag ahwut kr.
Handsome, vivacious, capable, wita
a clear Idea f what ahe waata a-4
how to get It, she earvea a pi east at
and uaefu) way for heraelf through
Her out of doors life has reads her
ttroug and healthy aad s e saea tka
advantage of a certain amount of ex
ercise. Siaee the war, at rut batera,
aha haa takes a graat tatsraat ia
politics as well aa la tka wark af
aer father or huebaad and ia pbll
anthropical maJ'er- aha dplas
strong organiaing abUtty. Save haa
uot yet developed tfaa "femesta baesua
lor" ways of indepeadeat aglia
womanhood, for la Sewth AdYfcca la
every colony there la a stage sur
plus of msa aad the Dateh gest la
Tariably marxlse yauag aad re lea
h us Land and family ever after. .
Articles Eanily Frepared aaWI
lo Urn Popwlar.
In making articles or baaara, a
suggestion of something that is af
ily prepared and is likeiy ta sell
well Is worth r.-nieniberfog. Pretty
little Japanese cups and aaurera aaa
be bought very cheaply, and they
can be filled with chocolate creams
and covered In at the top with ailver
paper ,aud then tied up tastefully
with cohircd ribbon In the inuuner
shown In our sketch. If preferred,
the chocolates can be wrapped in eae
af those Japanese pap:r saiwiettea.
which uuy be pureasasd by the
The bright colons of the cups aad
eaucera and ribbons Wi.i make a very
iittrartlve spot on a nail, aad tkfj
should sell easily.
Where Two Are Our.
In Car Look here, Kir, 1 gut up
to give my seat to that lady!
Second Man (sitting down)
That's all right, old fellow, tine's
my wife.
Doth Ideal aad rrattiial.
To koep one's heart opci: to Heav
en and one's u.liil op. n to t:.e t.ic'a
leads to the l.!ea! uu ' prd' ' i.-ul life.
i heavenly wise an! cni -'
Cevlagtoa regarded eurlously the
solitary gtel at the table across the
aisle. Me waa net atone la bis
curioeity, far a ore of late diners
were eyeing the table with open
amuaemeat. Finally ona of a party
r' men walked nnterlalnly toward
the table and, with a flippant jest on
the probability of the girl having
evpeetfl someone who had not come,
he off' red to take the absent one s
place. The Saloa Humbert waa dis
tinctly Bohemian.
With aa exclamation of protest
Coving von rose from Ms seat and
crossed te the girl's table. Tbs ine
briated diner shambled an with a
mattered avolegy and Covington
(rapped lata the ebalr apposite the
"Tea sanat let me sit here," be
said deeMedly. "This Is no place
fer a visas dlntag alone."
"Hut it was the only place, ap
parently, where a woman alone aould
d;ae." was the despairing answer. "1
as earned away from half a deaea
pares. Of eeurse there were the
hatch msbss. (tit I waa hungry."
"1 dea l blame you for alde-step-plag
the 'hurry up' pieces," be said
with syaraarhy, "but the crowd hers
la Just a ulde gay and It Is expeeted
tat ta the absence ef a eavaller,
aamaeae will vwlnnteer to take the
asMtaafa plate."
The girl's aee lushed scarlet gad
tka bate dyed the soft, white neck
aa wclL "I had no luca that
that "
Terteiatr net." ha agreed
promptly, "else yoa would aot be
beta. But eome. yoa mustn't let that
tat erf ere with your appetite. The
place Is respectable eaougb and I'll
stand guard."
"I am hetweea trains," she aa
plalaed while a waiter braagbt Cov
ington's eeffee to his sew seat. Tan
going oat an the midnight. My fath
er Is vary HI aad 1 was telegraphed
for. Uy anal, with whom I waa
visiting, la also 111 and so unable to
accompany me, and I had jatt time
te catch the train to town by htefag
my lunch. There was no buffet car
on the train and the eating places
near the station were so Impossible.
I ill about to go back to them,
though, when I found that I could
have dinner here."
"And a good one, too," declared
Covington. "It's like a ward caucus
held la a iaureh. The place Is all
rltbt. it's the company that's ob
ject louabie."
"I'retent company always except
ed." awe st id aaeh with a grassfal
gktsee. "ft Is vary good of yea to
'ake me la yeur rare."
"Oa!y toa glad," responded Cov
ington promptly. "I was wondering
what te do with myself and you bava
provided the solution for a part of
the time."
At last she laid down her napkin.
"I have you to thank for the din-
air." the said. "But tor you I would
have Bed wbsa that borrld maa
spoks te me."
"You weuld de well to permit me
to escort yoa back to tbe station,'
he suggested. "K Is not always pleas
ant at this time of evening to be
Mtho',1 an escort."
Cei Inclined ber head In assent
and v ties she and Covington had
pnid tbelr checks he escorted her
luroagh the room and out apoa the
street. It was all too short a walk
te the t tat lea far Covington, who, all
through the dinner, had been falling
deeper aad deeper In love with km
la tho wide ealraaee to the sta
ll sn the paused te edtr her head.
'Tm all right bow." aha said
briskly, "aad I'm mare gratefal to
yeu thaa I raa tell. It ia you I
kave ta tkaak far saving this trip
fram batag a nightmare. I'll aarer
travel alaae again aa aare as ay
aame'a Bath Herton.
The aavme came wlrh the aatu rel
ease af aa habitual expression. Kbe
did aot seem to notice the phrase
hat Covington beamed.
"Year name la Beth Herton?" he
asked. "Yoa came Brem Bagte-
BeU Bedded.
Hew did yoa kaewt" sex
"Taw at araoalnted toe re?"
"I had aa eapolalsaeat with yaui
rather whleh aaa eaarelled by his
tlinei, evplajaed Cetlagtea. "At
eaoa as ha reeavera I shall he la yaui
tewa far a eeaealtatlea with him. 1
am Vaaea Cevlagtoa, who teareeeats
the developmaaa eampany whleh It
to establish a plaat aa year tethee'e
Isn't It ulea skat we aaaald hast
each other?" gasped tha glrL "To
think that la tale whole big) elty II
should be yoa whe tame te my r
cuo! "
"It may be fate," be asggeeted
lightly. "And tines we are at leaet
half way Introduced, may 1 beep
you company until train timer"
Her look gave assent and It was
two hours before Covlagton relue-
utly gave her bag Into the charge
of a colored porter and paused te aa)
"I shall see yea seen." he remlad--d.
"as soon as your father haa re
covered." "Poor dad," erled Beth. "I hope
that he recovers gulekly."
The next Instant she wss all cod
fusion aad bad slipped through Ihi
gerta, bat aa Oe-vlagiaa headed Pa
Ihe street ha stalled to PUT ta him
tslf as ba wo tiered how miach of
that was for John Horton and how
much was for Vance Covington.
Leslie Carr, In New Orleana ftcey
una. That Was alia Trouble.
. The heat man noticed that one of
the wedding guests, a gloomy-look-
lag youag man, did not aeeai to be
enjoying himself. He was wander
ing about aa though he had lost bis
last friend. Tbe best man took It
upon blnitelf to cheer him up.
"l.r Lave you kisied tho bride?"
he r-fcu-i by tsy oi introduction.
' - -. Ulcly," icpiied the glootaj
oau V..U, j ij--aajf inpieatloa,
One ef tbe Beet Boi ite
fating Kitchen Labor.
Of all devices calculated ta faefsV
satt kitchen labor notklng, atirlastw,
bas a utility equal to that of a dash
dryer. It consists essentially of esur-t-ing
tvht'-h w-iii hold the dtshea sa
surely,., with the fewest pearl hla
points of contact, In a position tdutt
permits t!.cm to drain. The bawdy
in designed and built ena, whleh
acniewhnt reemb!ee a rectanenker
bird cage with solid ends, to it tha
space over our sink. The plates, ia
two tiers, rett edgewise aa tvartaoa
tal bars of spruce, one and eata-aailf
by three-quarters of aa inch, wtatah
form the foundation af the "essce."
They art held upright, aad sipeiwted
by five- sixteenths laoh
af hard-wood, whleh farm tha
tleal "wlrea" af tha "oage."
are spaces for twenty-eight
fourteen In eaeh tier. Six af tha
reds are spaced ene and aee-aelf
Inch to take toup plates; tha others
are spaced one and one-eighth laeh.
In making a dryer, oao would sast
aially adapt roe eewteas CleaeeaaeaBi
to the china la nee. Tka aad deeaa
are aarrawsd at the battem, brisk
ing the lower htm cteaer trap at her,
to held smell plates la the asMbar
Mer. At one end the hare extend be
yond t.ie cafe for a foot or mares
sal are covered with heavy galran
laed screen doth of eae-qaarter Inch
mesh, forming shelves for bawrta.
hurter-plates, cupa and aappiaa. Twa
dryer is firmly fastened to the wall
by resting on two small Iron brackets
with two heavy wire pins down
Urough a wide evertutnsjlng shelf,
beneath which It snugly fits, and
which measurably protee' . It from
.ettliag dii't. iwo dlah-pane are
used, one filled with hot soapy water,
she other with dear water very haa.
tha aotatl eaksa, ejsaseh has astt Imoa
yersnttted to fry, ti asi if isBy washil
la the soapy water, using .a tertae
,lah-cJsth with a wood handle, then
,'aeed Into the clear hot water far
a few seconds, lifte-1 out with a fork,
;aj slipped Into the dryer. Lara
Hal s, glasa and silver, must sf
course be wiped In tho eld way. The
rapidity with which ane can xaaater
a discouraging array af sailed dishes
ty the practice of this ej sauna la aa-
-enisulng. E. i
Tell ins; Seceets at tha Wsailriisas,
It Is startling to bear tha secrete
hat are told in eetnl-publlc places.
Host people have heard queer hits sf
iwlk of a private aatare la state-,
jars, above or relew ground, aad so
xatni. But bo where do people grow
a) lestuaclous (inlasa It at at a Turk
am hau.f aa at the manleare'a.
Sitting with her (lagers tips la
dheae of her manicure asts um aver
age woman's tongae gohtaj with wos
derfal rapidity. Pianlcurea are uam
alby astlHng. eelf-rosseesod ltttle tr
ass wh,o know how to give juat tha
right amount ef epperetd. latareat
while they flicker their flies aad daft
ly swstl wita r Mhthec. Otlaai, ahowyah.
tatey are a at listening hah? sa lataas
ly aa thsa' seam to be, aad wives,
ahey are they are aa much sbsbsmI
aa edlded by tha seiesta saais eat
apoa them. -.
Walr-krsd wwenea wlfl aft aatd saa
abaest their hsawaBda sml their
matawra ia-law aad thai- eevveMa sr
Ue lastofal ways af tktir :eet Intl
state aatmsts ta Bss vssasa whs
slws aa swaaalaaml half sjsv a shelr
gasper aw Its. . Nat area a aVsasstatsV
ataeh k bald, kempt kadf
absat her SBBBjaateva serves
w errata aad troubles aa ss aatd-
sara wwja holda sae bead aa
r Par psveaas aly.
Bm Rat Pesaeaa fsasr Bttar.
4 hsraasi loraet. daw! as) tits last
Pear aaMttha af Km 1Mb. a aa ima
ly 4 sd teats arswataab. sad it B
ah said as haaullad wdth easw, whech
aaaaa that It shave be hstetdtad sa
siUsss a- pnssttls, -rs Br. Lassatrd
steaaat Htrfsjbarg. T yoaaar r-w-
ar whs, la aha eirra af haw psta
sued leva, eaudlea her baby to has
breaat and aowtra hlsin tspeai at
1 y tha hsuf-haar aakee pewts- pta
bats, H aust be edattted. teat It saav
BMt be aalntalasd that the little eae
la benefited by her caresses. ulte
ta tha contrarv. par every hiss helps
to make It aervwue and Irritable and
p repay s tha way tor the aeeds of
dateaas. A baby that Is fsnsUsd tea
touch fct a baby that cries tea swash.
had ia fit too much.
Tt w m-ttr
tf ps have as las In east a kwst
Baa daafc sa whleh was
attar cool aad haw savd all tha
aais aa If the pot ia wrappsd la a
wot oiwrh and a little water pat kt
Us dish with the better.
Pwter Tares res, a muleteer, dMrrv
srsd by accident the Read sal Xante
dessalts la Rldalge. and at the end
of 11 years had won 111.000. tea.
and a Upaalsh title of nobility; snd,
to give another sum pie. two broth
ers named Boladoa, who earned a
miserable livelihood by carrying fuel,
found In a crevice opened by earth
quake, an enormout block of ailver
worth. t;.Si0.0QQ, ' . .
i jdg in ii t
ti . . - L '
Ths story af Skaavles le very ska-
pie, bat It goes straight to that ape
1st tha heart that is slways waiving
to reapsad to the brave aad teet
thlflart sf life, kaggles waa Bet bat
aaats. Sseas saw gaes Ura that title
ths third day eater he took the job.
K was gatlly eartalksd to "Rkaf."
Whea he list came ta tha sMse ks
tted Hke a aeoee's tail la a a ell;
but hs had aa aid leek the keek
ef a baedea bay tat hie years, bis
waa waa aad pale, aad bis asase was
red every time he aaas ta Proa ths
weather. Mis sfiett aad etechtaat
wsre vaatllated beyead aadareacs
to aaybody except a bey.
But Vka was a fatthfnl verter
tt tret. Bright aad early hs swept
the office aad dashed she desks)
that Is, seed the duster aad by
e'ght s'ctsrk he was svsr la hat car
eer, his hair Blattered bark aad has
fare washed, save fer the high-water
saark a bent his seek.
But by degrees Stag's ewtkaaaasa
ever Ms aew ptsltlea laagetehed.
The cJerki complained af aaesaptfcsd
wosls baskets aad dusty teaks. R
vet alto aetlrel that Stag's elathea
wars daily growing' more shabby, hie
hair hanger, his shoes more run aver,
and It was evident that hie mind was
aot an his work.
A ssarlstand frea tha "bees" had
tha get hud select, tie bsaaae aara
aisrtsal, task mere iatareet la hie
wsrk, teamed sherry, aad aeatsUeras
whlstled a llttfe. Itnt Skag'a work
was spaemedte. It was aot long be
fore he was as bad at ever. His
work lagged, he was slow about get
ting roand tnornint". aad bis tnter
eit outwardly, at Icavt was of tha
wooden Indian variety.. The crown
ing and flnr.I test of r.luranra on
the part of the OSes force carr a
when he went to tlrcp In his r'talr.
"Skag, come here!"
It was the boss. Rkag shotted
Into the marar,rr's private office, aad
,et on the edge of a chair, nervout
ind fidgety. The tost tild net etutt
for a minute bis v,ay of impraetlrs
a culprit.
"Rkag, this thing has g as fkr
enough! You ere not parrnt; atti-n
tlon te your voik. Look at tt.e
dust on my d?sl; it's frlgbtful. Th:s
is Slosdty. I'll give you Just one
week. Saturday winds yeu tip un
less you come out of that trance.
That's nil."
Skag sniffed aad ehufled bark te
hit chair, where he tugged at the
team of his trousers and gaael
vacantly oat of the window.
fl seat starataa she saase late
ly gthKertrd. aad aB throws lbs
srsrk fete ersrk laprevrd. The St ewe c
rapber evea dls-arded her work
tleevea, her desk wci so c!tn.
But bo one noticed thst Skac'i
face was growing thinner and hi
eyelids more drooping.
Satarday night, after tve s'clsri;.
Sheg stayed and cleaned ap the rf
tee. He would be that auch aheef
whea Uonday came.
kfoaday morning the oHlce wee
as clean as a Dutch kitchen, bat
there waa no Skag. Noon airlved.
aad still bo Skag. at whleh the bow
taxed wrathy.
"Janes, go up to the kid's he;.-
aad sea what the trouble le. TVJ
kla H he easi't get here hy lt
o'clock, be needn't eome at all."
Whea Jotiea returned b went late
Ihe ataaager's private office mfii.
closed the door. Later he caae eui
with a Wag sheet ef paper in hie
bead. The boss had beaded tht
Ust with twenty-five dollars.
"What brought tt en?" asked the
"Bxpesnre, and Bet anoagh to
keep body tad soul legether. TVe
kid's beaa sitting ap nights with ber
Par a month. Fnrarai'a Wedaesday."
kaer ia still werklag. He wears
a aew suit, aad the high-water mark
rot ad kit Bark has disappeared. And
key ds aot call hlra Bkagg-lee now.
They sail hla by bla right earns.
skaaa, Retigtea and Liberty.
Ihrhsldlast religious and racial ani.
than la ths face sf a eommoa op
to rsasrtad fram Tarkey aa
haeUa. Ksalsa, JWw aad
ffkaata are soiled ra tka Yaung
tarksey ate rant-tat, joat as la Indhi
ktoslsB aad Hindu are forgetting
past strife In ths effort te gain more
sclf-gwvernmeaA. It la one of tha
ateet Interesting wad significant ef
earraut phenemcaa la the realm at
actios atcting world polities.
reaar Wtat kThsh Pewirroa.
Miaa laa Bicinaond has been ap
palntsd aanager of the Magerafett
raa works in DubTln. Irelaad. St
is the first woman to hold thst post.
She first entered the postal service.
Later tha studied gas aranufaetura
aad distribution. She is ssad to be
one ef tbe best equiiigtd ewseva IS
ker llae af work in Ireland.
Blake a Kaife aawirnewer.
Cat a board about an inch thick,
three intact wide and emht inchrt
laag. Cover the top and eidea with a
double thltkneea of emery paper.
Whea the first thickness wears eat
rat it elf and the new one is ready.
When the second one wears out re
I'ftlT In i m-MTti Act.
tVBBer.rnC aklk mm4 sltapartMlaw mm
B'-tlf sswcv-TtAi .ir pti.Ja trwm wkdaLBgtr aa
bBTft-.lloai to tTi.bkb.f rsMshaatbt. r.,.isv
vtR':risUrtrtLfiadai.tiga. nttMiwrawMM
rinl f'oPB. Het Maw 7 uf ftaaaai laaj MtaMsa.
rsidinui taadXaa ttiroswli Mtia fi tMsir
Scientsfic mmtu
i imm
7 A
Ziitm- WikUUt4;v4, ipg
is the most thor
jnghly pravcticavl,
helpful, uueful and
nntionM illuatravt
ed agricultural k
fumilj weekly in
the United Statea.
Send your name for
free Bample copy to
NwYrk Trlbwai rdtraaatr
Tstidvaa uik a
- rsww Tark t. ta. . T.
...$I.SO A
Letter leailt, tare's
Pesters, Statesaeate
Bill Mesils, Inveteies
Clrealars, tte., tte.
f aauaai r w Baaaw a-a mr Ti wr-r -aa
Jklalkw4h.ia ,j
Triail" MAKKa fml,T laoa ta I
Al mMlflK UT faa. W Ipgna BTI saTBl 9
1 (ngpaab, s PXll VS k P
aVar wTPto. Ur fill tMVf, I
O pMt4KilItT. M J- rtv.tv.a auBl. I
Anirai arrrariiff a-aaaaa I
i- k r. Y'. flUhlt r.att ritta i
! W dV SSl Nt)TON, oVoT I
mi mm
fCTf t. a-ir, lafadUdrrka rk(kiret ana ajl Pmji
fll bua-reiOfiel1Clatt lor ffajajsaaaia.Tt: PtCf),
0:O''fcKl Pfk.i'Tl U.P. PTtriTOrFtecl
nu nifiiitf.ii i Ftemi im lem Ium ikaa UgecJ
I fccotl rtiod-L tiraWiusT oW r-.nld wMh fscrfp-
5 iioo. tvaj im ,iMvt ii paiiwHLk.ie r cot, irrej
kXMr. Our lC rot (f'Jfl t:'l Dale-Ii i
S A PaKPMtsJT, ' OI taiu J'ttuta." witti
J -visit oi skus in the U. 5. and tort .fa cvkavnavt j
i eee. r.T..rerrir.v......r.. a
VaVswatavr asravwyyavy-syc. a aa im, a,i. - mm.
I'hyBtoiana have long been locking
For a harmless headachn cure. It
hns been produced bv ai eminent
chemist of tlis Nntional ,'apita). It
Is kno-n as RittiMO-I'Ki'HiN. Bei-t1 ee
oariov, svery form of lirntlacbe
inttanUy, Bromo Pepsin is eqnally
and as promptly efQoacious in
rhronio and acute imliriwtion and
the aervotis disunlors incident tliore
o. It Is effereaeent and pleasant
to laka and may be had of ail np tr
tlare drnggisti at ten cents a bottle.
It ooaaee at a boon to mankind anti
woracnkiBd. For tale at C. O
Armstrong, Drnpgitt.
The Coniralsaoners of Pike Oiunty
will herrafler holt! Krgular UoetingD
the Irst Monday of reeli mo, U-twwn
thehouaof9a.nl and 4 p. in. excepl
Injr In the months when Court may
be ia session, and tlion during Court
('oiitmigil Ters Clerk
Atftalulely Hanr.iesi. Curej on hs Spol
'Mott ihe Wrrd Fepftin
o U fl ta isonr.jnoii t RVij'j5ht;s
All Drafflita, IOo, 2lo SOo.
Fur nit by O. O. AP.MtTtKivo, DrnRcl.-i
It J3U want u.il heds. IjIII ln-jids, Irtte
lit-adt, stiitcruonu tUuw ennij. pro'raat
lnr.?v rt. talebtilii. envplop.it
Lin bu'luen eardt ur Job printing
fvery Jr--.-litlt)D, done up In the bett sty I
foi yna lu nn up-to-ilats and arttslio tuns
utrralltnd ttt ut. Pricoar
Real Xitata Afject.
floatatsad Lolt aad h u wlikout Hiiutr
Dtaitirlu all kladt of Prore-ty.
Notary Public
Office at Residence on
Water Street.
MilfoH. Fa. "
fa.grsa. awaSMn&g:ariSabI
I n'lTt'T'T il l i ii mill r irr mttmmnm I
i 1 1
Ml If erel,
Mgtk Vvd'rr-rlMTI
e-htrtT-oTtf ve .it t Vive fearf re. Oi.fnlcettl
vtllrtJir an! iTentl'iiity rl l.-r r.t
r-'n:.-' r"tr turner Efwjlt muMtll
- Mml Vi O c
Time Tablo
' fcelld Fallaan train t te Be tele, Nlag
are Tails, Chautaaqua Lake, Clevtlaii'l,
Chicago aad Clselnaatl.
Tiekeu oa sale at Pert Jeteia to all
polnM Ib tie Vat aad BrmtkwttSa lower
rates than via any other Iirtclatt line,
lu effect June Slth, ljOt.
1'naiNS Now Uivi Port Jbhtis ta
" , Dully i it '
" Daliy Kxpren t to "
" tn, IxwtdXxcepi Sunday.. 6 1 "
St Holidays only 0 90 ,.
No. H, Dally Express SMl.M.
" 709, Way Sunday Only T 81 "
" 42, Loc.tl except Sun a Hoi 7. US "
' 10, Local Except Sunday.. 10. P0 "
" 4. Dally Kxpiess I Ur a,
" 74, Sunday Ouly 9 80 "
' 24, Way dally eio'tSund'y 80
8, Ully Ecpnws 4 50 "
' i. Way dally exo'f Sund'y C 86 "
" TOB.hocM Sunday Only ... T.tS "
No 7. Dally Uxpreaa ltfSA.M.
" 47, Dully fjit
17, Dally Milk Train 8 10 A '
" 1. Dally Rxprrss 1134 '
" 115, Kor Ho'dnleK'pt Sun.. 18 Itr.H.
" 8. Rxprett Chicago llmdal 5 83 "
!9, Daily Eicept Sunday . 6 0U "
" 5. Limited Doily Biurets 10 05 "
Trains leave Chambers slrtel, hrw
Vcirk, for Port Jorvls on wetk dayt ut
3 80, 7 15. It, 10 80 A. M., 1 '."J
8 00, 4 80, 16, 7 16, 9 16 IS 45 r . at
Ou Sundtyt, 7 A. at
13 10. 1 lt.7 30.915 p. V.
H L SLAUSON.TIckut Agi, ri.Jenis.
H.W. Hawlry,
Dlv'n. Patsgr. Agent.
Cuambert tSt. Stnlloo New York
William B. Kenworthey M. 0
Phygician and Sureon.
OiTljd and r.ididi-not Broad Street
text Court Houte. MILKORl).
For Sale or lient
l -'iO am' farm known as Warnr fann
two miles helowMllfiird. Apply to
John C Warner Hi'.funl Pa
The Milford
Livery Stable
nonsEs aivd
to h! vlth
without driv
Opposite Homestead Library.
I T73
m .dt. V a. - wsvj?h.toii-. i,.