PIKE COUNTY PRESS PUBLISHED KVEWY FKIOAY. Friday, March 19, 1909 Orrn , BROWN'S BUII.DINU IlKOAD st. ritbscription: On Y it A B One dollar and fifty cents. tx Months Seventy-five cents. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Rntereil at the poat oflln of Milfnrd. Pike County, Puuiifiylrnnin, ns aticonil e'nsf matter, NotpiiiIk!!' twenty-Oat, ln'.lft. Advertising Rates. On inch, onetnsertton - - - - - - - - II ,i Eaoh sutMequetlt Insertion .75 Keduee.1 rate, furnlatird on nppltcntion, will tie allowed jroarly Advertisers. Leg's! Advertising. Administrator's nnd Exnciitor's notloes Auditor's notices 4.) Divorce notices .... ... t,.W Hlwrlff's sales, Orphans emirs Knles, Vmnty Treasurer's salt's, County stuu--raint and election pruclninntlon chart? d by the inch. J. n. vo iitn, Pbblibhkb, A girl up in Wny tie county one day last week in attempting to fill an aching tooth with cotton opened ber month so wide that slie dislocated her jaw. Is the tooth a i large that it took a whole odton bat to All the cav ity or is ber mouth no small that, she ( in hardly. put the tiniest bit iu it without such effort. , Evidence was taken last week and this week before Register Westbrook in the mutter or probating a paper purporting to I the laft will and tes tament of the late, Henry M. Court right of Delaware towi ship. It was sinned Sept. 35, 1908 and gives all his property to one Annie K-dnl Geo R. and C. V. Bull E qrs appear for the Contestant Geo R Quick a nephew of deceased, and Hu'i V. A. Erdmnn or Stroudshurg for the proponent. Word reached here yesterday of the death of C. W, Cortright, a well known resident of Porter lownship. His last visit to Milford was about Feb 12. Mrs. Belle Spencer, a sister of Mrs A. M. Mettlcr of Milford, died at her home Hyde Park Scranton yesterday, Some sort of dust, layer would have made our streets much pleasnuter fin a few days Ihis week. It Is to he hoped the Council may see its way clear to exieriiiient with one or more of the mixtures offered for the pur pose. The expense would rot be so great nnd the satisfaction ufforded might easily more than compensate . for the outlay. Violet, the young daughter of etli tor Tr-rwilliger has ben.ii quite ill with measles, complicated with pneu monia. Measles are subsiding in town and many families are being relen'oj from quarantine. . The schools, which hsve been depleted, will soon have nearly their usual quota of attend ance. Representative Stradllng, of I'hila ' delphia, wbotemporarilyocciipiedthe tipeakrrs chair a day last week anno unced "the gentleman from Marvin, Mr me". It was what might prop erly be termed a parliamentary ntte mpt to straddle EGYPT MILLS Misa Martha Strunkiaon the sick list. Mrs. Thomas Bennett of near Bush kill is not in good beulih. Mrs. Henry Smith is spending a few days with her brother near Brunchville. Amsy VanW by has moved from near this place to the vicinity of Cool b tughs Murio.i Ui'insiu e a.-d Addle How t-y or nhu-unuKets wce lurried at Unnjrur u week or two ago. The young p.nple or Slufeiiiakur recently gave them an ei.J ij utile eveuing. The scarlet fever excitement lias liassvd away and those uOlicted are nl le to le about sguin. Tom Litis of Meadow Brook is em pleyed at Uranclivillc, PAUPACK. Edton Green, wife and children of Ucranton and Misa Francis Killam are arudiiifc a few days with the fain ily of B F. Killam Thb girls attending school at BloomsLurg arrived at their bonus here the 20th to spend their spring vacation. Louies and Alum Vett.-r-lein with their parents, Walter Vet terlelu aud wife and Mubie Pel left at the home cf C. A. Pellelt and wife. Mrs Ueury Fowler received word that her rather was dangerously ill at Stroudsburg, to which place she went the 18th. Mrs L. T Simons, who has been ailing for some time, was accompau ied March VI to Dr. Barns Lospit.il at Soramon by her hosoand and Dr. Simons. Her husband will remain with ber uutil she improves. Mrs Anna Pellett of Bingmamtoi. spent part of last Week with relatives iu Paupiok. Thursday last Mrs. Nora Williams J of Tafton called on Mrs Bennett, ami trying to turn her horse around be came frlhteni d at (lie lipping i f Hip wa(inn and Jumped, catching her foot in the lines, which threw her break ing her right. ankle. Hhe wan taken tn Mrsi Clarks wlicra Dr Simons was c.illed, who set the broken hni?. Mm Williams whs removed to her home at Cling 1'errys wuere rlie la doing as nicely 9 can be expected. Helen Klnger or Sfrutitoti viMted i here part or (lie pust week. A nuiuler ofyoong people gather ed at B. F. Killuuia lust Tuenlny evening, where games were pluytd singing and innsio enjoyed till a late hour when refreshments were served and all returned totlicir homes much pleaxed with the evenings tun. The last Sunday before conference Mtirce 21. We htipe our pastor of the prist year, Rev W. T. Schenck may be returned. The last meeting or the Ladies Aid was held at Mrs M. N. B. Klilums last Saturday. All enjoyed a pleas ant day. s For SALE or RENT Store room and dwelling on Broad Street, Mil ford, Pa, either together or eepur ately. Apply to Mm. K. V. Dingman or to Press Uffloe. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for nny casi of Catarrh int cannjt be eurej by, Hull's Catarrh Cure. V. J. Cheney CO., Toledo, O Wo, tho undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd believe him peifeefly hooornble tu ull business transaction nnd nuauciiuly nolo to carry out nny obllgjitluna made by his firm. V aldlug, Kilinan Marvlu Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally nctiug dlro.-tly upon thcblood nud ihucous surfaces of the Byntciu, Teatluiotiinls seut frco. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by nil DrugKists. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for oonstipa Hon. NOVEL USE FOR SCISSORS. Popular for Carving Becausa They Cut Meat, Gristle and Bone. "I thought 1 knew all about scis sors," said the man. "I had seen tailors' scissors for cutting heavy cloth, dressmakers scissors for cutting flim sy fabrics and lace, and still other scissors for cutting paper, fingernails, grapevines, all kinds of metals and even for shearing sbeep; but In spite or that wido knowledge of scissors 1 was puzzled when I saw the large, peculiarly Bhaped pair of scissors ly ing in the showcase. " 'What are these scissors for?' 1 asked the clerk. "'Carving mer.t," he said. With scissors o, this kind carving becomes mere child s play." '"1 never ssw anybody use them, cald 1. " 'Nobody doe. use them," said the clerk. 'That is. only a very few. In Europe carving scissors are popular Decause they cut right through meat, gristle, bone and all, but It lakes a little practice to learn to manipulate the things ano nobody In this coun try has patience-enough for that" A Large Order,. The nainter of nnrtrnlin shnnir Mb head, but his visitor's Jaw was firmly sot. "Why can't you paint my ta mers portrait? he persisted. "Be cause I hive tothina to un hv " tain the painter. "You say you have no photograph or even tintype of the old gentleman." "How about that picture of the propnet Elijah?" asked the visitor. "You say you painted that." "Yes, but that is purely imaginary,' exclaimed the artist, natienllv. "Well, see hero," said the man, "the prophet EllJaY'. ben dead hundreds of years, and father's only been dead thirty. Now if you can Imagine Eli jah so well, -'hy not try your hand on more modern folks? Father was six foot tall, and bad a prominent fore bead, a big aose, and a kind of a smll- lUg mouth. New if vou nan nulnt something that looks like him, I'm wining to pay veil tor It," The wrre of Wealth. Lucas Cleve, tin novelist, told this story: An old nurse had a very pretty daughter. The girl met a millionaire Droller at IJroLjtairs one week end The man propo- ed aud they were mar ried. Au excellent match. Lucas Cleevj saw the mother a snort time afier the wedding. "Molly has ji nt well hasn't she?" she said. "She has that ma'am" said the old woman. "Her husband is very rich Isn't he?" "Rich! Save us yes. Ye should see ma'am. Moll's broieham, her coachman and footman, ber motor car, and ber diamonds and pearls. Oh. sne livsE ifh. yuite lika the nobility and gentry, nia'aui. Why, she siripj tor i! "" " Bad Memory. "It must be nice to be a hero," re marked the quiet man. "It is for a minutj." replied Senator Badger. "After that the hero wonders at the world's bad memory." Milwaukee Sentinel. Protection Against Rabbits. Australian farmers imported last year, as a protection against rabbits, l.oOO miles of wire nettinfr wiii.-a ccsts f 122 to 1145 a mile. Oyster Shell Records. The British Museum contains hnoVa written on oyster shells, bricks, tiles. oones, ivory, lead. Iron, sheepskin and pnlui leaves. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED BY GRADUATE IW PHARMACY I i oaJli i 2, 0 o o . V After the Children Start Back to School Look oat for th old trouble with Ver min in dirir besdi. Ciuidres can't sroid it. They are compelled to daily come in ecoUct wi:h ihotc infected, aitd vorraia spread with alarming rapidity. Anyone is liable at anythna whea travelling or in any itransje place to be come infected, and the only ante way In be is to have oa hand, seedy for say emeigency. aeons LARKSPUR LOTION h la the cleanest, noat eocrreajent, practical and effective remedy foe cW straying head boa and venom nboot ihe-body. It is e clean, clear hqind-- sxshiaf treaty not oily about k and has noon of the objectionable features oi the ointment! anally land. Baaiess . tafe to ute on any pail of the bocfy. A food aaad botfle.aiifhrirnt lorfanuiy naa, sells iox 25c. jnsassnaa. F. J. HERBST, Graduate in Pharmacy BOTH WERE SOLD. An Instance Showing That Hospital ity- Is not Always Appreciated. Southern hospitality Is proverbially generous. Iu "The Old Dominion1 Mr. Thomas Nelson Page recounts an Instance showing that this hospi tality was not always appreciated. A guest asked the loan of a horse to carry him to his next stopping-place, a town which lay at a considerable distance. The bost accordingly lent him his ujrse, and sent along a negro boy it was before the war to bring the horse back. After several days the boy was still missing, and some one was sent to hunt him up. Tbe messenger found blm at last, and demanded why he bad not returned with the horse. " 'Causa dat gent'man done sell de horse," was the reply. "Well, why didn't you come, back and say so?" "Hi! He done sell me, too," said the boy. Calling the Deaf. "To waken a deaf person who wishes to be called at a certain time In the morning Is about the hardest proposition a hotel clerk runs up against" raid a member of that fra ternity. "To ring the telephone la use less because the man can't bear. Knocking, for the same reason. Is futile. Now and then a guest who has lost bis hearing suggests that he leave bis door open so we can walk rlt.ltt !i, and shake him, but even if he do a appear to be dead game there are so many chances of somebody less guileless than ourselves walking In ahead of us that we can't consent to that simple expedient "It seems to me the man who can patent a device for waking the deaf Is sure of fame and fortune, not to men tion the gratitude of the brotherhood of hotel clerks." A Substitute. Irish wl: is as excellent as It Is pro verbial. A writer In the Mariner's Advocate tells the story of a ship doc tor on an English liner woo notified the death-watch steward, a Hibernian, that a man bad died in stateroom forty-five. The usual instructions to bury the body were given. Some hours later tbe doctor peeped Into the room and found that the body was still there. He called the matter to the atten tion of the Irishman, who replied: "I thought you said room forty-six. I wlnt In there and sen wan of Ihlro In a bunk. 'Are ye dead?' says L 'No,' says be, 'but I'm pretty near dead.' So I was getting ready to burr him," TEXAS AN ORANQ STATU. Claimed That California Has Three Freezes to One on the Gulf. Texas is s mighty big state, and her people are doint all they can to per suade Northerners to se'tle where there Is room and to spare. Recent Texas newspapers report the arrival at Houston and Galveston cf thou sands of bome-seekers. In Houston such visitors are greeted with roses, each home seeker receiving one, the product of the home gardens In mid winter. It is claimed that hundreds of these prospective settlers bad sold their farms in the North and stood ready to buy iu the Lone Star State. "They prefer working a ten-acre tract that will produce as much as twice that acreage in the North, and putting tbe rest in their pockets." Meanwhile attention la call- ,n .h growth of the orange Industry tn the Texas rnnut muntr. ... . i. - o . i . . . . uu, i ii o oauiuo to the Rio G-ai.de. "It is claimed that me canrornla orange district has three frosts and freezes to nun in ik. Texas coast couiary, and that the tiuaiiiy ot me Texas yield Is the besL Itcware of Mind Wcbblihg. To a certain degree we are the masters of our fate and tbe cautains of our souls as the poet says. By strong will and fidelity to Ideals we can rise superior to circumstances. The trouble Is that many waste time in letting their minds wobble. Get over tbe undecided habit of mind I What He Needed. Supt McLarc. of San Francisco's eystern of public parks, was Inspect ing the work of restoring Union Square to Its former beauty, now that the little St. Francis has been removed. "I'm for heaviu this un out; it's a sum little bush," remarked a garden er with a brogue. "Which one?" Inquired McLaren. "You don't mean this beautiful little Scotch heather? AU it needs is more water, and it will grow as tall as you are." "You're not very tall yourself, Mr. McLaren." "Not extraordinarily so." "1 say, Mr. McLaren," reflected the gardener, thoughtfully, "did you ever try water yourself?" The Ideal Listener. An attentive listener is a Joy, but an inattentive one is a trial to the soul. Listen with your eyes, your whole face, your heart and your mind and you will achieve a triumph. Look directly at the person talking to you and never allow your gaze to be de fleeted to other things whlcb may be happening about you, for this at once shows lack ot,enuine Interest in what is being said to you, and natural ly gives offense.. Italian Villa Habit. It is Impossible for tbe Italians to get away from their villa habit In Italy every little shanty you meet on tho roadside is villa something or other, tbe smaller tbe shanty the long er the name. Down In Grand street you come across tbe grandiose namet of Villa Penza. Villa Gordiolo. Villi. Marcaroni above the measliest of small places, where they dish you ui spaghetti for the sum of ten cents with a small glass of wine for fire. Japanese Sleeve Dog. The Japanese spaniel, or sleeve dog of Japan, is one or the long-coated varieties which it much admired They have been bard to acclimatise and many discouragements bavs been met with In their introduction. They have large head;, with big dark eyet set wide apart and very full. Their little tails curl up ever their backs like feather dusters. One pound Is the true sleeve-doa, weight. Names of Provinces. Names of Chinese provinces have a personal Interpretation, the same as Indian names. For example, the Kan suh province signifies Sweet-Sedate, while Chili Li translated, reads Direct Rale, and An-Ilwel means Peace Glory. Not a Bark, "Then you din't have any dog watch on this rnu?" Inquired the anxious passenger, according to a writer In Life. "No. This la a cat boat" "Alnt He Cute?" Recently a Utile Hoosier boy was taken to visit bis aunt In the city, and, on seeing the parquet 8. ors for the Brst time, was heard to exclaim, "Oh, mamma, look a', auntie's patent-leatb er carpets!" Etiquette a la Mode. Augustus Hullo, old man; how are you, and how are your people, and all that sort of silly rot? London Globe. Public Schools an ' Their Cost. The pubac schools cost roughly three hundred millions a year. Bat urday Evening Post. China Essentially Agricultural. China Is essentially an agricultural country and from time Immemorial It has been the custom of tbe sovereign to initiate Chinese new year, which btetas lu the spring, by turning ovet a few furrows in the "sacred Held." Active Volcanoes Small, There are 70 active volcanoes Is tho world, many of them comparative ly small. Greeks Invented Backgammon. The game of backgammon was la vented by a Greek ta 1224. T A1LO R 5 WHY pay as much lorn ready made suit, as for one made to your measure? Our prices are not high $15.00 will buy a mans three piece suifc or overcoat irade in the latest style and fit guaranteed. If you pay us more you get the value in better material and linings. Womens suits start at $20. See our line of table linen it is worth your while. . The Jalllets. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. TELEPBONF CONNECTION. Broad Street, Near Ann REPORT OF THE CONDITIO OP TH First National Bank of Milford rn the State of Pennsylvania, at tho cIosf of bualaess, Febrnnry 6, t!. KKSCUIIC'IM Loans and dlommts $ -tS.1G9 It Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 120 IK'. D. S. liuuiih ui seem e circulation 2.i,i.ou o Premiums on U 8. Uonds mm ci Builds, securities, etc 1)3 HW 0 Banking house, furniture nud fixtures 1 888 0 Due from approved resorvo agents 13 -Mi.1 8-'- Nott' of other Naliimal Hank" . 'kso ri i raction.il paper currency, nick els and ceutfl 413 a Lawful Money Reserve lit llnuk, vis: Specie (, IH5 an, Legal-tenner notus. . . l.l'Ouoi o.uo w Ktilcniption fund with (J s. Tit-usurer (SCI of circulation) 1250 ft Total inia.saa Ji LIABILITIES Cnpltal stock paid In 8r, 010 O Surplus fund Ki.OiXJ 0 Undivided protlts. h-y,n expensos and taxes piiitl 5,?2t 5!' National iiaiik notesoumnndlug So too ui Due to other nnllnnal bnuks Vi xt- Dividends Unpaid j,; a. Individual deposits subject to chtjk 125.MH 7 Demand certificates of deposit. . Lieu 0 Certified r'jecks y; 2; Total l!.33u State of Pennsylvania, Conuty of Pike, an I, John C. Warner, Cashier of tho abov. named bank, do solemnly swear that tin above statement is true to the beat of Mi' knowledge nnd belief. JOHN C. WARNER, Cashier Subscribed ana sworn to before me thi 11th day of February MOD. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Notary Publlo Correct Attest: W. A. H. MITCHELL, ) P N BOCKNIQUK. 5 Directors. A.D.BROWN. S A Sure-Enuogh Knocker J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, Wei Va., says : "At last I have found tin perfect pill that never disappoint me j and for the benefit of other, afflicted with torpid livernnd cbronb oonstipation, will say : take Or King's New Life Pills," Guarantied satisfactory. 25o at C. O. Armstronu Druggist. A Few Things Worth Knowing. Cork will not rice if sunk twenty feet below water. The r.ogro republic of Liberia has twenty-two specios of rubber trees. Korea, with a population of 20,000, 000, consumes 840,000,000 cigarettes vesrly. Sixty years ago tbe use of flint and :,teel to produce a fire was not wholly . inknown. Vegetarian experts assert that one .ere of land will comfortably support 'our persons on a vegetable diet. Orlclnal New England. Tbe original New Kngland was on the Pacific, and not on the Atlantic nut When Sir Francis Drako land d on American shores iu 1770. he 00k poi-seeion of the country for O'.ieeD Eliaabrth, calling it "Nova Al lion," meaning Now Ligla:id. The ;tr.te3 o? Ni-w Hampshire. Massarhu fctrd, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Is! id Verrront have, therefore, ar.pro .lirded the n.ime which should be o.ig to California. Third Class Express. One of ihe most popular trains I' niii.i is a thiru-claes express on t "aft Indian lino. First ard seco-.tf !u?s pazscntrs are not admitted t t. Its success lies in the fact thnt 1 ' strictly a tbird-class express. T'c r.iin lj t'le pride of the geaeral n,;. ;i -.er, and pnyB veil. It Is alw.V' rammed full, though no pan; ciuv :ns a ticket for a journey shorter ti .in 00 miles. A Queer Fish. The mud-skipper is one of the queer ist fishes alive. It really Is a Ash and ives In the water, but it can c'.lxh in t oa to the shore and crawl. It likes to clamber up on to roots of trees and penh there. Another funny thing about it Is that it breathes with its tail! The skin there Is very thin, and the Cfb breathes through it quite easily. The Barrister's Back Pocket. Old-time barristers in England did not open)) receive fees for their ser vices. An early method of collecting fees was the pocket which in mediaeval times a barrister used to have placed In the back of his gown, Into wbfc tbe solicitor would surreptitiously slit 'P 1 - JL.- k a for tho Toilet Is what our lady customers say about OUR PEROXIDE II It is a pure skin cerate in which a harmless and efficient whitening agent has been successfully incor porated. Applied to the skin it clears it of impurities and produces a rich whiteness that is not secured by other means. It makes and keeps the skin white and the com plexion clear. REGULAR SIZE 25c. Wall Paper This week we received our stock of new wall paper. Over 100 differ ent patterns to select from, ranging in price from 10 to 20c a double roll. Also a lot of remnants to sell for 5c a double roll. Our now stock will please you both in style, quality and price. Look them over before you purchase. We can save you money. W. 3. rYMAM & SON, WiSSford, Pa. ou to in jg . Cuddeback & Co. 3 BROAD ST.. .:. rV1!LPOF?D, PA. MOVED TO (630 vn J WE are the oldest Wine anil Liquor Hou!e in I'hiUcUpliia. We have been oUiged to move from t!ie old !and whre we have been for so mr.ny years must have more room to accommo date out increasing buiiiic.M. Because we have the finest trade in Philadelphia is no reason why we should be higher piiccd. Old Peim VVhJs!.y, 75c quart, $2.75 gallon is the finest whisly for its price in the world. Imperial Cabinet Whisky. $ 1.25 qt.. $4.75 Kal., distilled from selected grain spring water. Goods shipped to ail parts of the United States. (;" NUh-w 1 : I Tiaomas Formerly 1310 CHestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa, An Illinois CptimUt. tvn't Kick tnc.tiiLt; you have to but to ;our wilt's w Uu til'td yuJi w Im. a . wtUt a Lti UouMy giad v.; Lh-c a wifd tu button a wuint fo Sou c uiej'u wives tinve no wuibU i. but ion. Some meu'u nivej wjimI. have oo buttou uu tu bultu.i. to-.-.n ni'.n's wives who bive v.ist3 w it. butioDB on to button duu't care i contintatal whether tl.iy are bimm. ed or not. Souio rr.uu cou'i have an. Witts with wAksis with but i on t-.i i button tuj Oiufd tuhu a raoo.L 1... vhrtn - ja l-a. TV are intend- 3 put in Gas or aro having any j trouble with your pipes already in, gj Let us know. S SANITARY lli ALL ITS BLANCHES GHESTf.UTST sey 1630 Chestnut S British Sjlaer' New Outfit An AlUtralint cut re louuc-ut write.: Ad important A:nu e U now being u uu. u in liit! inU.itryr.iaL'n t Qui i'i menu i iue old t.iv.r.i is ue.r.g eupcrstuca by this IKV7 "Aob euijajieiil." whith (8 iu:'i to be h;uitiiy uuUodu'i! by ti.e rn n. A KrriU iinprDvcmtiit has b-. n ! tlf'"ft'(l i:t Hie diitril)iit!uu or wel i. In niarciiiiiK oru.-r iu'Oier H.h hantl 1 icr nor tliu baVMbaili strap ia worn, to IhL citct ia ift quite free aid breatlvntf is u.aJe eudlot. When 'j t pla n,; Kit noiMng tbHt is aot t-ntc-i-ttat to action wilt be c(rr!fj. ml iu bxuvioi'ur w,l ba.e to be acid'.d. M Hi & co.i 3