Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 26, 1909, Image 1

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irr Cffie 11 1 01
NO 22
Oe-tffei B. Kim be, mhn (m tMi
al limbics In this nnty, died at
hie heme in Elleaville. K. T , March
ef heart trouble inl nearly ft
yens. Via rath wet John A., and
his mother Mlaa Phewfc fteea well
nillveef tela toan, J.be A., Clad
In 1111, ahlee"C was only tea
meeths aid. bat ka motbev wbe re
sided with Mat la fat living el the
ip of tl years. , Bar father Jibe
Rvknstl we a eoMiarln the lW.l
aiieeary wat eat waa alert ff af tblt
an air.
Jan a Molllnaavea baa retaraed ta
low a foe tbeeammer.
Dun 'I ftr tba beakel ball faana
between Haw lay and Milfe-d la
Broaa'e Ball, Hetardsy evening at
U.Upm Admleeioa tls.
John Taa Datblll, bo haa bean
absent several mentha la egaiB a
gaaat here.
Aetna Welawrigbt died at bia
htme la Heii,vi11e, H J Tuesday
moralng gd eboet SI years It It
aappoead be araa poisoned by acting
Mrs. Watson C1m died at faerj
home la Malamttraa Wedaeeday
tnovaleg f heart f ilara, rU ebont
CI years.
A suleaohlle bill n iw rfor tba
Pioaae provivee a speed liiutt of Of
araa ailaa an bear la bail! ap sec
tion aad twenty (oar miles an hoar
la tba open country, and that for yi
of a aula aaaehloaa aiay roa aay
It takaa away (rem looalltlea
tka rtfht to aaaaad nrdtnanear,
aiid tba lata ( In tba btala. Tka
bill U Mtatlat with aanaidarabla of
pjjlliaa. anatar ro1i4 tbia waaL rata
for tba para food biil, hlch bow
avar tiaa aratad It ailowad tba
aaa of praaaraatiraa.
Fraab H. KoOarty, af Bfontaisa,
aaddanly diaa Wadaaadaf aaaralB.
Ka aaa bora I Dlaamaa kowkahlp,
thla toaaty, aad araa a aoa af Uriah
McCarty, aow daeiaiad, and OIItb
Crafoad McCarty. Hit vita, aat-
aral ablldya. kit aaotkar, aaa rwa
brothara. Uriah a4 Slatar aarrirt
A ratalatlaa) la an bafara Iha I. -htatara
ta aaorlia fat a aaatalaak
ta aaulra laki iha Bat tar af tall
raa ta tka Btala aa4 ta rapart to
Iha If Ulaaara of 11 1.
av Torh la talkla aai apaad
l funr Waadrad nlllloa dallara la
aabvayt Why aoa JiaA ap aha
a hula oily aa iraatlat aaA lay
whartTtr aoartnleat.
r "TrVLrrr rl
Priday. Apr lad aad Friday April
Qoaaraar Staart aaa daalaaalad
lit! aa arbor aeye. Plaal area
Mew Jersey wltaeaavd Its - laae
banging thla week. la fat re saar
dereas will ba alaetreMtad.
The eawetltarlonel tawadaaaat
abolliblag Pebraary eleeaioca baa
been reported ta the Peentylvela
A bill it now paadlag la tba legis
laiare ta ataka a verdict by ntae af
the twelve aaa tafJeleal ta ivll
A a arWete ra tba April aaaaber af
Saaeeaa M sgaatee deeigaatea Oifford
Plnehoe aa gracdfalhar af ska affert
le eonatmot waterway t la the eoaa
try The taoveaieBl has aaade great
progress and la belag geaerelly
orged by baetneee aaea and aaaaafae
layers Seek weterweye weald af.
ford macb ebeaper aaethodsof trans
portelina tbaa railroads aad woald
bring Interior mites la better roea
manloattoa with the tea board.
J. G. Van Sordea, wko for rneey
j aura bat eond acted a store in Mate
iiioraa, will sooa retire front bnai
ueas. Jokn C. Wtraer is kavlag all the
old ptlat taken off bis hue. a prepar
atory to polling vn a aew coat. The
wore is being doae by ell j artiete.
A ClvrT Serviea sxankinatlaa will
be held at Diagatsa'a Pany, Pa,, on
April U, im, fee poeltioa of foarth
elans aoatanaeler el Cdgaatere, Pa.
Ago lln.lt 11 yeara. lomn-aeatloii
for Ibe laat Sim! year waa 163.
Willie Wbltla, the eight year old
boy who wae kidnapped al Shtroa,
Pa., last waek wae recovered tbia
weak by hla father paying 110.00 ran
iota. The state laglalatare bai of.
feted a reward et I it, 000 for arrest
and conviction of the guilty parly
or pariiea. Tka ra.tnay waa paid
aud Ibe boy ratori .d at Cetelaet,
The line alarm did not spptar a
time tbie week.
Frank 8c!iorr now haa nu antomo
1I e a id Or. K (I baiii'uey i al-o
tltiu..i n tUisiudU BiACuiur,
I William t'oaaell, at eongreasaiaa
a it -Millionaire miss oweer died ia
nuli, hi kMH, hurt Bnodsy
fd $1 year,
Aastslaal Post HhIm H. 8. Asr'e
ati..av.l it,. v.-.. i v. .u-
postmeetsrs tst elation of the Ktate
o bc.ater P..roa laat Cataeday
e vi l. in Phtladalnkl..
a1.ua Jloraaaa Lattlaiara haa ra
lartifd hjma afttr aararal wa.tt
ali't at Hartfura, Cl.
Ura. Doranl I. Drakt of Botton
it Tiaiiiaa bar fatbar't laaally, (Ear.
C. A. Wblitf) at iba Manna
It W. Krilry of Klmblaa wa in
taan Tunda lo probata Iba will of
th lata Hanra Kobulla of Lacka
mux fin In whleb lia la naaaed Xsu
T.J Prraidi ut KooaaTalt aallad thla
watk fur Africa oa hit hauling tx-
Al a pabllo aartlaf bald, la Port
Jattti laat Moaday atvbl it waa n
a!aal'al!y aeiftd that a francbiaa W
grantad by thn Coauail to Iha P. J.
ana u. T. K. R. Co., to balld a liaa
la tbat city.
Mra. Martha C.Nyoa aud ilaua: .
tar Mr Fraak Naatb of Port Jrtl
havn goat lo aialt the forfait ton
John W. Nyce at Caldwvll, Kan.
Jndga Sraplaa, In g antiog llcana-t
tt Htroadikarg tbia arck, held Hal
laudlurda aiuat arrte aiaala if ri -qatrt'd
at aay hour of ibe day. low
would tbat rale fit kara.
Churches Adrertitinf
An artielaelipped from the Wayna
lodepandaBl it a aery tn.Sbla pit.
aantatioa of a mailer which tM
Paaos haa often art ad la faet fit
aose time tbia paper bad la 11 what
wa talKU a."eharob eoluma" Id
which pattore were at liberty ta
Be taoh anaoaooaaitatt aad ooltt
ofaerTiaee at kbay aw tat daalra, or
at aught ka of latere to their eon
iregiliouf. Tiiie cola inn wat freely
gltaa and io one or two Inatanoat
pattara ef eharchaa here availed
tbeaaeWea of the opportanlty to
print eooh llama of Interatt. The
aaa ofar has alwaya bean open by
the Psam, aad It aew. .The pnlpit
aoaipialBt that people read the pap
era aad to aot to ta ebaroh. Doet
the palptl dike amtb effort ta Inlet.
art rtadert of the paper, who onl-
namber lie hearers by altnoal hand
radt ta one, la what it going aa la
tatir ekarea. Do the preaehen
aaate the Mine effort to attract hear
art to the pewt tbat tba baetneee
man doet to antlco oaalomert to bit
pleee. If It coett tbem nothing lo
aa ta why abould tbay not ba willing
Pd .be UtU ... r, required
to Wri , ftw ,ui tl(1 a,nd lbtln
la fo pahlioatlon. Tha baaloaai
aaaa payt his bard dollsrt for pabllo
Ity, the ehareb it offered the same
free gratia for nothing yet the
eharehet refuse the opportunity aad
wonder why people are uot interetted
la tbem tad why tea! lagt. Follow
lag it tht article :
Brgianlag Salardny, April I, Ua
Sunday ssrvlee In the Heoond Pies
bytarian ehnroh of Berantun will be
advertleed. Tha idea of advertisii g
services was explained by thd paat r
Rev Joseph H. Odsll, D. D. at fol
low! :
The 8. raaton papers have bean
very gaaoroaa about printing onr
Sunday aotleen, every Saturday,
gratia, but when a lot of Lotleee are
pablisher people experience soma
diBculty In finding the program of
lbs chnrch, which they want. Our
plaa ta to take a two inoh space In
the daily papcrtt tnd run onr n
nonncement there every Saturday.
People interested will toon letrn
wliere to look for tbat psrlieulsr
notice, end wont have to go thru a
column aud ft half of reading matter
for it -One
of Ibe laymen of the 9oond
Prebvtoiiaii church who with many
olbcre of tlift church atronfjly eailo -rt
the plnn, aeye tint ohnrohea t a
being run on n-.nreof a butineaa heaie
juft at present than they ever were
and thnt tbe most modern of bual
nesa ti.nthuild must be uvd aa in av
ery huainens.
"Tbs tavieg ef neatby tbeeharch
Is as ainch of a boalsees as It tha
favlpe of soles by a shoemaker, and
it requires busieers methoda," taid
Paid for advcrtlatng by ehnrchea
is not a asw Idea, a anas bar of them
iu various tarts af tba country htv.
ing augmented attaadat east aervicea
aud reernlled tnsmbarahip thra Ihtt
kiad or tnterprlalng publloity. The
Devil helps cu the vert on linea of
work in which he ia engaged by
kerplti0' l is doii.,: in ibe lime llRbt'
nit ...!. I.'i .. 't tli.w... 1
I .... vw.'ui.. v IIIUHI n uu
' CjUiiug uiui do likewi f 1
Hrr m in.u
Mter of Mllford and ailaa Haul.
usoker or Stroudsunre; were mar -
rt boaia of the bride let
. Saturday by Rev. 8. U. Hntahlneen.
ratio, of t . flret Pretbjl-rl..
Cli a rob. Only iaamedlete taaiuliara
of the faailliet ware present, both
aoatraeiing parilae are well known
here ; tba bride having beea a former
resident of the town, and tbair many
friends will Joia la tincera eoagrata-
II la ttBderttond thry will ratida In
a b 14 aa Asa Street opposite the
Prntbyisriaa ebaroh.
Out ef th Gingr Jr
The tomato sen bat will llf
fha cheeper tha shoes the loader
The wife of a henpecked hosband
ta nanalty sal In her waya.
ike nan who persietenlly aits
dewa It sore to becwaie hard ap.
no aiatier bow well mother may
fcal she la eonlinnally on tbe Miead.
It Is Important lo have elrar vie
Ion Xven tlie potato naaat have
sonnd eyee.
JVatthar a boil nor a cabbage
anieants lo anything ualess It eomss
10 a bead
If yoang spendthrift woold settle
down he micbt soon be able to s-Wle
One of '.he meal Insidious and aa
expected forms of attack, It lo tread
op in a tack.
Too caa not alwtyt gauge tbe Im
portanee of a win by the angle at
wuloh ho wears bit hat.
There Is qalte a dlfferenae be
tween Ibe door-jamb and Has jam
mat mother used In make.
"There is the wreek of lime
acclaimed Jones, at hit clock fell
from tbe second story window.
There are bo stripes on a fltgstoas,
bat If one falls an It hard eooagh be
wlirba likely to tee ttars.
lema of tha Beck wear vera by
faahlonable youag msa la aa lead
ibat yoa can hear II la tha aeat
A simple worm went aot U play
Upon ao April morning;
An etrly robia ekaoeed that way
Wllhoal chirp ef warning ;
Aad that Is the aad of theetnry.
Most aaybody can retail batter,
rgga aad vegetables, hot wa have
never mat a man smart aaoagh te
re tail a dog.
Sometlmea when a woman throws
a brick al aa old haa la Iba garden,
1; Is harder on Iha scaasry thaa It la
on the hen.
The beet way to cultivate aa appe
tite Is lofnltlvate afield, aad then
y in will have both ta appetite an1
ike wherewithal to appee.ee It
Some folkt have rate in their gar
rets, some have rate tu their eellarn,
aad while not a few yoang ladier
bars good sized rats In their hair.
Do yoa aver see a men on a rail
way train wba tt all bows aad smilss
to ohtaoa aeautlntaaeet. and who I
will ride twenty or forty miles beside
hit wifa without mora tfctn award
or two of eoaverssllouf Unfortan
tlely there tre a few loch men ; but
none, wa trust, among Our Polks.
Trout April Parra Journal.
Nttr fteith Is Big PtnS
I was a thrilling experience to Mrs
Ida Super to face dealn. "For years
severe tang trouble gave me in
tense suffering," she writes, "aud
several times nearly eauaed my death
All remedies failed and dootort said
as incurable Then Dr. Klng'a
New Discovery brought quick relief
and a cure so permanent that I have
not been troubled in twelve yesrsL"
Mrs S,ipcr lives in B'g Pond, Pa, II
works wot ders In Coughs and Colds,
Sore Lung, Hemorrhages, LaQrlppe
Aatbma, Croup, Whooping Cougb
and all Bronchial affedciion. SOe
and $100. Trial bottle free. Bold
at ail druggists,
The Lurid (Ita at Bt.a
was seen In tbe red faea, beads and
body of the tittle son of H. M.
Adams, of Henrietta, Pa. His awful
plight from ec tenia had, for flva
yeara, defied all remedies, and baf
fltd the best doctors, who asid the
poiaoued blood hid off-cted his lungs
and nothing could save hlui. "Hut"
writes his mother, "seven bottles of
Kloolria Bittern completely oared
him." For Eruptions, Eczema, Bait
Itliram, bores aud all Blood Din
urders ami Z:.iuuatisiii Klecliit Bit-
UN in Supreme. Ouly 50c. bold by
Jersey proponed to hava
Jjnr"1 "Pn ena mat nss rttird to
, ' ..-- o
; P--ruerdlag Ua tele of Inloxi-
I "n ,"oor mia"n ,nl Hnuday
I""'"- Tklt It all rigkt, bal land
lords get mock aadeaerved blame.
because of Iha sate of hard elder. For
ten eenta tha loper caa get a qaarl
of bard cider, and a tingle drink of
whiskey gives him a Oorloue Jag,
and tbe hotel keeper te blamed for It
Tha aaaaal eleotloa fortcbool It a
eet waa held aa tha aveaing of tha
16th Inat and foar trasteea were
Tha percentage af attendance In
our sohoola will ba greatly reduced
owing lo non attendance and some
children bare not attended school at
all. Tha B af have na truant
f.ffl'er to enforce atteadeuee. althe
every days allendaaae Is worth flrs
aente and three mills lo Iha lownanlp
And worst of all. I have net beard
of a single traslea visiting sny school
for years. Eithee get off the Job or
vlait Ibe school.
r. sad Mrs Rise Major, of Lay-
ton, are rejoicing over tbe arrival ef
baby girl, Basel Marguerite by
name, on the eveuirg of the loih
The second dance ef tha Layton
Orange waa held on Friday evening
and was a great success.
Tha rooms were orowded wilh
merry dancers both yoang and old
and they kept it going onlil a. JO A
M. Aaotber Is anuaaneed for April
Tha baildlng efa Macadam read
from Tattle'a Carner to Hnrsb's Cor.
ear Is almoat aa assured faot
Tba elltaeaa of Laytoa will raiss
ons hundred dollars for extending
Iba road rrom Harsh a Corner thro
ha village. Anolbrr piece of road
will be mil at the aama lime from
Iba lower tad of Pina Hill ta Bell's
bridge oa Iba Enolt road. Prom
tblt point the Pith Clab will extend
tha road to their Club Hoase, thus In
lima, making Macadam Ibruagh ta
A year or two ago onr Committee
pat a plpa across tha road in the vil
lage ef Sevens for carrying off the
earploa water, thna beaafitlng the
read. The pipe was dag ap and
arokea, next tha plpa was pluggsd
ap, preventing lhe passage of water,
and a few nlghta ago al usldaighl
It wat dynamited and badly dam
gad. Pabllo oplnloa points uuani
inanity In one direotion, tad tome
thiag may ba doing later oa.
There have been mora vendue
thla spring than la many years.
Tka talea of Oscar Morgaa and
William Dundee ware well atteaded
but moderate prleee prevailed.
Tbe eoatraetora an tha road from
Calvert Gap to Braachvllla ara get
ting things la shape fur eomplalisg
he road. Soma Itallaaa ara here
now and work will begin in a few
I tea la yonr last lssua that aa si-
amlnattea will ba held at Mllford oa
April 10 for a carrier oa tht R. T. D.
roata from Mllford lo Bsvana. Msy
1 ask, wbea will tbe carrier make
his first trip?
Il is scbsduled for Msy 1st.
Td. Paass.
Notice ef Sle
The uadei signed will sell at Pub
lic Auction, In tha Frant Hall of the
Conrt House. In the Borough of Mil
ford. Pike Ci.., Peutia., on Saturday,
the Third day of April A. D. 190 st
S e'olock In the afternoon, 1 18 shares
of tbe Capital Stock of the Mllford
Uss Co , par vslus $23 per share
Will be sold In lots of from 1 lo 2S
shares. This Company hss beea ra
ing an annual dividend of 6 per eewt
for tome years, baa a Kurplua of
about $1700, tha capital stock tssnsd
is $7000, or 2S0 shares.
This stock will be sold to close tbs
Estate of Thomas Armsiroag, de
ceased. Termt and oonditiaat made
known on dsy of sale.
March IS, 1909. 828 Trustes.
N ItisS Hit l.
"Ail thoaghl I'd lose my leg,"
writes J. A. Bwenton, Walertcwn,
Wis, "Ten yea re of enema, thet IS
doctors could not eure, bad at laa.
laid ma up. Then Bnoklen's Arnica
8lve cored it sound tnd well." Ia-
lMinoie lorhkin fcruptlon--, Eczema, j
can :ieuiii, coi.s, ruviT toorey,
But a, SmhU, Culsanl Piles
Grn4 Jurors
Arnsl Maaoa D. Lehtnaa
-At metreng John Malamorae Bnr
Boeh Leonard Lacka waxen
Bartleson John Palmyra
Bridge Cast Dlnginaa
Bettker Paler Greeae
aVielsr Oils Mllford twp.
Clsrk Joseph Porter.
Oebharl Ceae Lackawaxaa
Htasam Luclaa B Mllford Boro.
Jaggar Stull Delaware.
Kiesel Jalius Din gesso
Krlehel John Blooming Grove
Lather David Greene
Lederer Aatber Lebmaa
McKean David Dingman
Middanga Daulel H. Dingman
Market Karl Lacka waxen
Mager Paler Matamoras Boro.'
Martla J ease
Pat? Alvla Greene
Btewart Soloruoa Lehman
Sieger George Palmyra
Waldla Aatkeay Laekawaxen
TrtTeria Juror
Altmaa Joseph Wesllall
Aosley George Palmyra
Bannall Geraham Lebmaa
Bred! Slnarl Greece
Bradford Thouiee Shobola
Brodheed Daniel Lehman
Balch I. L Matanroras Boro.
Baekingbaa Frank IVI'g Groe
Chambetlala Joe Laekawaxen
Clark Charles Mllford Iwp.
Cole Ben II. Dingman
Cole Walter H Mllford tap.
Dawitl Rusting Mllford Boro
Dubois Joseph Dingman
Davenport Wm Mllford Boro
Dilgar Adam Matamoras Boro
Darrtgh George Delaware.
Emery John Delaware s
Frank C. L Blooming Grave
amble Heury Palmyra
Uaaaman Chas Wemfall
Glllner Wsller X Greene
Hoppe Wllmsr Greene
Haaa Geo. A. Bhohola
Howell Frank Blooming Grova
Hinkel Peter F Shohola
Holden Cbriat Matamoras Boro.
Kelley Randall Lackawaxaa
Lewis Frank Mataaorat Boro.
McCarty Chat Mllford Boro. '
McGregor J. 8 Delaware
Manharl Philip Greene
Olmsted John Dingmaa
Preeeott John Matamoras Boro.
Qalek eorge Milford tsp.
Bralth George N Lebmaa. '
Shannon Geo Laekawaxen
Vaa Gordon Jerry Matnmorat
Wegaer Robert Lackawaaea
ZluiatnniB Joha Palmyra.
Publish General Laws
The legislature passes game, Bib
and naaaeroua other lawt effecting
the people of the State, in fact all
the laws passed are af mora or lest
parsoaal Interest to every one
of tha Commonwealth, tad yet pro
videe aa way by which cltizent mis
inform thsmsslvet of tbe lenur of
those lawt. Papera give tha purport
of tbem, and In some Instances pub
lish the laws where tbey directly af
fect their readers. This ia done as
matter of newt, and tha pnblither
glvea his spaoa to farniah hie readtrs
with latormation whlob may be of
great vtlne to tbem. It is enter
prise on his part and no doubt Is
duly appreciated by maay who hava
ao other means of gaining the infor
mallon. II tt a maxim that "Ignor-
ansa of tba law exonses no ene, '' but
it Is hardly fair to pass a law impos
ing pains and penaltlea aad trust
o nswspsper geaeroeily to diffuse
among the people its nature tad pro
visions. Thsy talk of apendlng vast
snms to balld good ronds, large
snauunts are appropriated for the
eappert of bouaes of correction and
he enre of criminals, but when It
femes to having tha lawt published,
thai people may know what are In
fractions the legislature seems to
fight shy of spending the requisite
amount. No doubl newspsnsr read-
would ball with joy tbe oppor
tunity to laid tbe varloussols passed
sad as an edaeation In Blato matters
tt would seem that ia the end It
would pay. . If education pays why
set edncate tka elliaeat ia abase
Important matters afaotlag their
liberty and their rights. Why not
publish the iawe.
Xllll WaiilS-la Slijar
A merciless murder Is appendicitis
with many victims. - But Dr King's
New Life Pills kill II by prevention.
They gently stimulate siosusch, liver
and bowels, preventing tbat clogging I
mat luviles sppeudicltis, curing con-
fnpauon, u.uousuess, lliill, Malaria 1
Headache and indigestion.
S6o at all
Tha new tariff snettara whlah tahts
Ita name, Iha Payne Bill, from Chair
maa Payne of tha Wsys aad Meant
Committee, taken at a whole, makes
provision for a material reductloa af
tha dollea Imposed by iha Dlatlry
law, and experta prediot that It will
at lhe aama time produce an import
ant Inarease of revenne. It Is est I
mated, by the framers of the bill.
that Its revenue prodnolag power
ill ba $335,000,000 from Imports
ana $270,000,000 from Interna! rev
etiue, making an Increase in tbe gov
ernmeot't annual ravenne of $10,000-
The provision for a graduated In
heritance tax, elmllar to that of New
Tork, It tbe most striking Umova'
tion and the system of maximum
and minimum duties whereby the
prlnolple of reciprocity Is to be car
ried out prsotioally automatically, ia
another Innovation. To make np
the needed revenuee, among other
provtslone, lnxoriit have been trana.
forred to the dutiable liat, taoh at
perramet and highly perfumed soidi
and a long list of spioet hava been
taken from the free list and put ud
on the dutiable schedules.
Generel debate on the Payne bill
began tn the House on Tuesday, as
tne minority membera of tba com
uii.m on ways ana means were
given until that day to file their re
uui.o, mm preaoni indications are
that party llneg will be eliminated
during the consideration of the bill
Each member of the Honse will look
after the interests of bis own dis
trict dut log the fight, with but few
Secretary McTeagh of the Treas-
ory Department expressed satisfac
tion with the general feature! of the
new teriff bill. From the viewpoint
of the Tressury DsDArlmnnt ik.
maximum and minlmnm feature of
the bill -ia one of its most Important
provisions. By this provision the
governmeut is given a weanon bv
which it Is in a position to retaliate
for any discrimination aought to ba
praoticed by a foreign government.
and it is considered thst in tblt way
tbo interests of American exporters
will beoonperved and promoted.
Another feature of the bill oom.
mecded by tbe Treatnry officials It
the paragraph providing an improved
way of establishing
market value
for imports. Tbe new bill provide t
that In tha absence of a home mar kit
la tbs oonntry of origin, tha marks!
value of suoh Imports it to be deter
mined by working baekwara from
the telling prlee In the United Stales
Under Ihtt plan a certain percentage
will be allowed for profit on the
goods, and to tbit will b added
freight, cartage, and other obargee,
Under the method now in force, the
tocsilsd German agreement, the
market value of Imports from that
country, of goods which have no sale
there, is determined by taking an
average of the export price of tueb
goede cold to all other eonntries.
Senator Aldrieh, Chairman of tha
committee on Finance, inteads to
pnsh the consideration of the tariff
bill ia tbe Senate oom m it tee with all
possible dispatch and It is expected
that, beginning with Friday, the
committee will be lo continuous tea
stnn. In this wsy tbe delay Incident
al to the usual me'.hod of committee
consideration will be avoided. The
Senate leaders will engage their own
experts in tsbulating information
and preparing comparative tables so
that all senstors may have abund
ant data bearing upon every sche
The Centtal American situation,
ia all its phases, waa discusssd with
Secretary Knox by the variout rep
resentttives from these republic, at
the State Depertnicnt on Thursday
of last week, tba regular diplomttlo
day. From advices received at the
Slat Department, military activi
ties In Nicaragua still continues, and
ska la blamed with being tka cause
and tha aola causa of tba nascttled
conditions In Central America.
Official announcement It made Ibat
tbe 600 foot tower, which tha gov
ernment propones to oonatruot for
wlreleae telegraph pnrpoaes, will be
ereoled at either Aanapolls or in the
District of Columbia. It will be
capable of aendtng messsge three
thousand mtlaa ami
of receiving
tbem from a distance of
nillsa It ia
expected that bide for
the concrete work will soon be In the
lala, and It la haven to hive tba
tower Hatted In about a moaeb. It
will require three aad four moatht
to erect it.
The Ceramlesioner of Penslona.
Col. Vespasian Waraer, Is the reelo-
enl or aa unasaal tribute. Presides!
Taft la la be presaated with a Bail.
tion asking the retention of Col War
ner aad elgnec by nearly every mens
r or Onngr.es, regardless af nolit-
laal aBllalion. In reooaniilon of th
sale way In whlob ha has admlnls-
tared the affairs of his office.
Wemtnly Wiedom
flew to mark table llssn apset
lhe gravy.
Man ansa for woman's hand bsfore
marriage ; she aewt for him after. "
Da tha auttlde palatlax while tha
deal le still mad and before insects
Iroa haadkerchisfa in tke middle
flret. Then they will not he ao apt
to pucker.
Inepcot the cellar ofsn. aad never
allow any animal or vegetable mat
ter to decay ttere.
Every farmer's wife eaeht to hava
a book la which ta keep her aaght-to-boy-
ography. That is, the thiags
she aaght to parohasa.
How la your, carpet cweerjer?
Sometimes all thai Is nseded lo mat.
sweeper (ibat yoa thlak ta worn
out) do good work It to have tbe
spring pot In proper shape, or some
nsw ones In plaos of the old onee.
Do yoa hava any further at ed for
your little carriage that baby lode
ln If not, there may baa poor
woman netryon who won ba very
thankful for it. Bha will alve her
little ones a ride In It, aad it will do
them all good.
When asparagus la laid down In tbe
water tha tips eoek to a pulp before
tne lower ends of the slalks sre ten
der. Cut tbC bunohes level anrnu.
the bottom and stand thsra np la a
pot of boiling, slightly tailed water.
wnicn reaches not mora this half
way up Iha atalks, end cover cloeelv.
Hava soma battered toast in a hot
dlsb i lift Iba asparagnt out to drain
on thn, and serve with a little melt
ed butter.
Bread puddings msy ba delioioua
or otherwise, Jasl as thsy ara made.
Uanally tbey ara toe stiff with breed
or baked aatll tha custard breaka
Into whey. They need only a cover
I ig of battered bread, tprlakled with
,nr of ,r better If
ade of cla-
baas, whlah ara already swset
new sou oonuia currants. Jor tha
easlard aaa three eggs to a quart of
milk ; do not make It tee sweet.
Bake ealy antll tha custard Is ael.
aot a moment longer, or It will ba
watery aad spollsd.
Of all tha crop a farmer ralsei,
Or capital employs,
Meue glvec saeh aomforta
Aad saeh praisss
As a crop af girls and boys.
A Curious Church
Thero aland upon a hill in the vil
lage of Uphill, In Somerset county.
England, a email aad vary old
church, which is inrrauadad by
cave In which the boas af all kind
f aalmala hava beea dleoevered.
This historic place of worship, wbi.h
looks dewn upon Uphill Gaatla aad
tha village Itself, wat at one lima
tba oaly piece of worship for miles
For ssversl yeara no Bnndsy ser
vices htva bssn held within Ita wells
and tha only tima tbat the publle le
allowed to worship there le one night
in the yeer-on Christmas Evs-wbsn
the vloar of Uphill or some other
clergyman officiates. There is a foot
path leading np tha hill ta tha
church, but as tha hlU is a very slssp
one and tha distance great very few
people visit tha cburoh. It ia by
order ef tha ecoleslsstloal eomuiis
slonsrs that it it opto to th publio
one a year.
Cerloos slorlrs are told regarding
tbis inlereetlag edifice, one of which
i to the .affect that tha ohurch was
pnrpoeely built on tha top of the bill
so Ihtt the preacher could feel con
vinced of tbe sincerity of the faith
of those who seoompltsbed tbe task
of climbing to It. The church hss
been visited by people from all parts
of Ibe world. II la tha only buildin?
In England probably In tha world
la whleh divine service is conduoted
only onee a year.
Four bouses In Mllford, altnated
on principal streets, either furnished
all druggist.
at all druggst.
or unfurnished,
baud of tba ty Cepaitmeot offic