County Frees. ca: ii 09 VOI, XIV. MILF01U). IMKE COUKTY, PA., FUID.VY. MARCH li), 15109. NO 2! BRIEF MENTION Mr Maivin i frt'leri-g a bill to allow any owner of timber Intuit to bave them made port of the State foresl pronrvM and remain auder tie cure and con-roi of that D.-pait ment for 0 sr; with a Droit- to taxation. Ti e I'l.j ict being tu it oresso forest I mils. The Port Jerrta aud Delaware Vol lay R. B. has made application 'u incorporation In Ne.v York 8" and also applied to Tort Jervis coon oils fir francUae to lay tract in that city. Report! from Washington inilioatc that lion Johu D Ll.idi. whose Ill ness was recently uottd, dues tot im Jarove, In fnct bl D,, future tlfem, terms to incnate. To Jude by tbe city papers it seem that nearly every gtil, of more or Iom tocial, who It alxmt to be married baa her picture in the paper huge s life, if uot twice at ratural. It k ars to to a fad lot there might be"d fferent opinions 00 the qieaticiD of tbe good taate i f sich publicity. Mr. Roosevelt while ocenpyirg tbe Whito Ilnuse i.nce taid : "A woman in me should apjxar in print but tice shen b is nnr. rieJ Bud when she in buried.'' Per Imps tiio gir's ae taku g advantage of the olio lime at I art. Levi J. Miudangh of Parkers Glen was in town Tumo'ay. Geo. M. Dallas, who many year ago van a Mi'.funl visitor, and fir 1 lie pest 17 year on tbe U. S. Cir cuit couit bench bits loslned. New Yolk City paid ;00. OWtnow bills Hit past winter and there was not ruoch enow either. Jf properly (Speeded II at a mnuat uf money should bate made u largo in, predion ou the bread line. Tbe puDtfehtnttit it liioted on Chas. .Uerruan for voting twioe at the last November election evidently was Intended by tbe court u it caution In. all who wcnld cfiend in tliat n:ac tier. Any peaon who trows be la not legally entitled to vole ehonld not be perrnaded to ttfir to do so and take cbatoet. It ia a crime to a tempi to cast on illegal vote, ai.d any one, if in doubt aa to hit right, can entity bare tl.e question aettlcd hbout rubj clitic biuitflf to a proa ecntli n. Let tbia be n lesson to you .. Tbe Joint rpaolnllon to appoint a ooairaiftdnn to act with like cotuuiia aiotis fictn tbe aititca of New Yoik kid New Jeisey to ti qui t into und a-certain tbe pro! able cott of arqair Uig toll bridges trroea the Do'aaaie tif rr aud appropriating; f 5C0 lor ex peMea waa aigneil by UnTemor tituart Monday and ia now a law. At exainiobtiou fur rural carrieia on the route I rum Uilford thru New Jorsey will be held at tbe High Hobool BaildiuK in Milford April 10, 1909 at 8 p ru. App'ioatioo blinka may be obtained at tbe Po-t Offiae Milford. Pa. - Too bad that the weather pte Ttnbad tliat Beauty 8qosd from chow tnf at ita best advantage daring tbe Inaugural ceremonies. . ' V'- In another column P. N. Boonitut Trusiee, advertita 118 eharea of tbe C'jpUal atock of Milford (ia Coui pany to be aold April 8, 1909. Joaepb flrcknai:, tbe young irmn sbo was discharged by th coutt Monday, that tame evening became riuipatjeoua ai d was pat back in J.ill. Too uiauli U cs , tul if he get bafor tbe court egtm be will no doubt be given time tu ruti- ot on bis falling. A ' flan bsck" it aa grod a name for an Inauguration biizziid aa any other in m coniiiiunity ct n&uca itaolf to dbc ett laiit;oag. Mr. Tnffe measage was satisfying to many statesmen in th-.i aiojple tact tuut it did not totiud like tbe h eon of a mau who is ulwuys looking for tro.ble. No doubt onie of or.r nv re rr lets eminent t-tutosmeii In .k luiok on tbe pa; stvui yar u toiuotbn in tbe tftitura of t LiMTibio lon' aiare. Africa mav nut ko.i v ii. tul the It soon to bs rwlcovi'roj UrcatlTincrnagedluipoi taof bro n soi ar Indicate that tiie mapln auar I ease u is elore at band. Mr. T. ef O.vst. r B .t, a , una iu Lim lie uiaaiiJg ot a model pi i vale ciiix-n. Tariff reform by its friends" vkbatlsitf Upordowaf Ameri -an crowda are proverbially patient. Hut this I bur uli. n the pahlie ms ' -Chaii'.'H the date of ii. aiu uiAtiuu, it intdus il. Bm arc i8;n 10 Joito fi.t. and wife of Milford township a son. The tro t It to increase tbe itkn f e'rrarettes, wbiob is belter nnvs thin we might bave expected frem that qoaricr. President Taft geta tbe whole tTf (KXf per year without baring lo ndt arccn l on tbe tail end of a railroad train to rake In tbe extra twenty five. A noiseless typewriters to be n an ufaclnred in tbe East. That oupht to fill a lin e felt want. Now let them Invent one that loen't tbe gain. Elt bet the date of be'inaagara tlon thoold be changed or ..the ruv ernmeut should pioviiletnowslices for the nseof Yinitorsla. emtrgen- oie . '. - " A hoiae belonging to Daniel Abcrs died this wrek In the barn formally owned by Wiuslow, probably tlnn starvation. It was rtinoved and burled by order of the Board of Health. It is rot wise to n:ake much gar den yet. The weather this w ek did uot induce spiring fever. Gi-i rge I. Anm-H, editor of oni Dumii Aniiouls, n i publiaheil in Butsliiinn tbe Ir.-errsts cf bumnrlly o all kinrti. if of bias's, is (lend n! tbe (!t of EO yriiia. I'o ia brnilol tbe Iluicane Kreii tirs .u HYMENEAL BljJiNKI L 1'l.AHK MifS Sum E-tr.-lle Clnrk, dotiglilci if the latfl Mr. and Mr.. Matliia-i M. Clark, of Huir.inowlapurr. N. Y. and Jacob L Bnnne'l, ediror of the New Jorsey HeruM f Nwton, and aerre niy cf the New Jersey E 'itorlal As soeintion, were niui-ni-dnt 11 o'clotk Tiiesi'.ay, at Ibo Hotel Aator, Ntw York, by Rev. . Jni. ra M. Btieklcy ditirof !'T!ieC: i siia i Ailvrcate"' as:a;fd l y Kev. Clan nee lUmrai , of the Firt Pits' y lot nin churoii ol Nan ion, and pallor ot the bride and grooui. Tiie niosin wan by Miss liutU 0am ilton, of Pimghket'psto, N. Y., and Mi II. E-teII P.oo, a frUnJ, of White PlaiDa, N. Y., ?anR "O, Prrtn ae Me." Tbe usher were W. B. U M ison, Charles Sirykor and DeWiu U. Caiter. Tbe bride was given away by ber brotber, John Meltler Clurk uf New York. Hue was attiredin a weddine gown of Catawaba broiuicioth. After tbe onrrmiH.y a wedding breakfast was aerved in the adjoining banquet bail. Tbe Uaxelte. Nnr Otatk la 6i Fnd , I was a thrilllug extierienje ro Mm I !a Sopor to face dra'n. "For years a severe long troublo gave ine irt terse," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death All lemedlus failed and dootora said I was incurable. Theu iJr. KirvK New Discovery brought quick ie!idf and a core so permanent I but I bave not been troubled in twelve rears." Mrs S.iper lives in B'g Pond, Pa, It works a or der In Coughs and Cold', Sore Luna, Ileiuonhvgee, LaUripte Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affedctlon; fiCc and t CO. Trial bottle ftee. Sold at all droggktts, - Notice of Sale Tbe uude.siguel will tell at Pub Uo Auction', in tbe Froat Bud ol the Cjnrt Ilouae. lo tbe Borough of Mil ford, Pike Co., Pciin , on Sjturil.l, tbo Third day of April A. 1). l'JC'J at 2 o'clock in the .i.'i. ri oou, 1 ISsbans of the Cap.tal S'eck rf(h3 Milford Ojs Co, uir valuj tJo per sbaro. Vli.l be si.Ut in lots of from I to 29 a'nirea. Tbia Com) any baa teou pay iug aa anuiittl iliv.djud of 6 par re t f.r aome years, li;,s a Surplus of about 117(10. tl.M t'Uliilril w'..'x lu.i....l ,., I701X). or Ibiastotlt mil Iki F;.:d lo clote tbe I ... Lstaie of lliouas Am s-ronj.', de, oeaaed. Teruis aril o indi: ions made . knowu on day of sile P. N. KOURNIQUE March 15, IPOS. SiG ..wim Tat laii.' Cf Cva . was teen in lue red f.i hndy of tiie Adar,,-, of Henri it;-, i'a. Uisa'UiJj pbgl.t from eir-n a had, for ttv ycus, iklieil ail u-imdies, and bi.f ' U it the lK-st dictors. tvh i said the p,,is.alid blorxl hid all -etui his iungs mid uotliinx eoui.l sivo hiui. Bui" wil ei iiU in tlitr. "seven bottles of EiecMio Hitlers couiple'eiy curi him." For F-ruptlnno, E' z-Miia, Salt iiheom, Sore aud all Blood Dis orders and Z.eunaiisiii Eltetrit Blt- l-r. is Supreme. O ily 60c. BoU by . all Ocuj8is:n. MARCH TERM OF COURT ' T'8 regular term wos held Moi t:y oeiuro .. II Staples fresieionl Juolgo an.) Associates J. F. Eno- hurt and G. R Quick Jonttable made tbeir Dsaal re-t trrus, ami ti e court touk ccoarion lo ii.srruot tberu to notify supervisor that tbe law regarding teinoving loose stone from roads tnul le oboyed, and oUed the fnct tba re catilly in a court l tin.-' a tote a town abip v. aa com pel led lo pay (30 dsiu ague done to a boras becauso of i on coiupli.inco. Tbo conrtalsodirectnl ooualablea to nolify snjieisora thai ronda mutt be put in good order, tnd tbnt now,- or very soon, ia tbe time to woik ronU, and not Talt uulil unitnfr, and tbo oon?table wn:t report to court at texvterm whether the cotice was obeyed. Accounts in catatrs of Mnry K-d, Unrry Molline.aux, Elizabeth J. Lei del, Robert Andeison and William Selinppe confl.-tned. Auditors report eftate P. B. Clnil filod. Bridge In Lnc-ka waxen ; Innpeotors reports deducting 125 on auutrvrtie Inre and t"0 on stono work flled aud rule (jraaled on coutraeton io ibow c.nso why samo aba'.l not le mud?. E-tnte D W. r!!ioemrk.", re'ern in oiccr of tola rf real el ilo con flruicd. Ettute Robert Ander.wn, lly. T. Daker Eq Ep;ioin!ed Auilllor. Estate Minerva Vun Akin,pe!iti,-.i: for halo cf real atate granted and Kind fixed at 11000. Bubkill Water a vs Win. lit ni- lopwuy, opinion of court filed dis missing rule. 1-ador Levla va John D. Koucfr, in equity pinion filed 3i.iuiiss'.i;i; bill. 11. C. Totton consmb'e of Mala, lin ns, flied rud hld under adviso Imeut. To be accepted -..rioi to Mov nlien Tot ten becomes the Peace. JuKil'.'O of Estate Ed wild tio:i for salt cf L. Conklin, poti real estate bond fl200. Eilate John Newman deo'd petl lio:i for oi'.u'iun iiiJulinK. Newman alin'x to file account, ordered to flic account w Ubin 30 days. Blaise L. nam fl'vg 'ChaaTDt K.iy Towiiaend, tulo cn plaintiff to gis'fl sicaiiry for costs. In matter of appeal of W . F. Choi County Treasurer, t i fix rate of emo pcnation, betiricg fixed for May 4 h at 1 :3U p irr. Eila Udiriaon va (leo W. Gai rior.. divorce, order for publication made. Palmyra township, petition for ap pointment of Overseer of Poor filed, aud held because sot In proper form. Order of coart made in to relndexinic deeds, eto, in Recori eraoflloe. C. W. Bull, lly. T. Baker anl J. II. Van Etteu Erquirea ap pointed a committee to act with tbe cout In recommending tbe most suitable method. Commonwealth va Joseph Deck niau Tbe young man who worked in a lumber camp at tliobola Falls was committed to J til for malicious- ly breaking benohts, etc, ia Lucka waxen deot, appearing penitent be was discharged. Commonwealth va Chas. Herman Defendant plead guilty lo voting iu two placet Nov. S, 1908, bat claimed thi.ttho t years H and bavin; el '.veya voted be knew no better, le sid boing drunk. The eonrt tbot a iv one that fita who knew no b. t tor was not fit t vote, express el dis- b' lief in ttatcuie -!s and fli:el I iiini 3 and gave him three mon be! ia tbe county jail. T .: , . . .v. w-n.UIp rear . v 'liiieuta. iuuliL'UJ iu i t-ii it'nn ' Com,.,ouwe.i;h vaM,d Broan! cutting timber, no! piue allowtd ou laymen oi uoaia. laymenl of Cists. i . . S.ime lu (ommonweilth vs Euger.t , boio. Anaining lue pe ulalioti to ! Bro An. be 1000 and cue foar'.h ot iheiu m.iie 1 ........ - Commonwealth vs Stabton 8tt,- i 'alts t.irtU lie. Baed Kouse row In'ae. clurni nnn aiimi..r T r..r.-.lfr iTerr 85 ctowu ops. cr tukii.s ! ani sma is i.i own iwrfniimoe r$i0 for appearante to n' x nppvaranu o o x r.n. bunds trsj' Vpn''r lesued for pihkI a: i tra of il Jf yp'a jo'" f'-r June Ti 'in. Tbe eotirl adjoorncd ;o 1 :f0 p. ui. May 1 at Real Estate Transfers Andrew Ait r'gbt toEiias Albright ln0 srrrs Delav.arc, perl of N.ehoias H. pay i.0. . . (leoige J Sommera to Mr.ry Mil lr, 6 acrtt Greeu t-50. J. i nieVsiiF eettoTfcoa'VsoFiit t Bi ll li hers. Q C. IVed for 2S0 ueiea c'udd. Lack fauu Milford township, SoAlS. . NOTES FROM SANDYST0N - Our Town Coiiiiiiittc e met at Liy ton on tviturday and paseil a n solu tion gnuranteeitig I lie payment cf 10 per rout of the cort uf ma radaimziug the loud fiout Toltl-t (An tier to Lay ton, and a piece of road from the lower point of Tmo 11:11 to the Hell bri.lgeon ibe Knnls road. The Flal biook Fiali Club and the Borden have assured niot liberal coutribo lions. Tie present condition, of etir roads wckomotbe Rood roads and it cannot come any too toon. The Cehr brothers, living ou the Wont shore of Culver Lake, started to iiinke a road thru tbo B-vomp of Willniui Sultoij .to. tbet Jlticaduu road. Mr. Kutiou pat up a kick and hal appointed, and for that wor.-e than uselee swamp was awarded f!7S. Tbe award is condemned ly all, and If Mr. Sutton whose farm S87 acrts, and is assessed for tl.CCO, is rated i s per that, bis fnrm should be fftlh tuiliiotis, aud tbe read to la put thru would bv a publio litni fl:. The ooudilion of our muds at d o r sent time are ns bad us tit rn- I tim u. ,p.iiW. and Djra llmler will aiioiijii what I j-ey Tiio oM fncliioi e l r-ay ot ns'np klatu and pi Mil bits been t njii iceiii d i:i t nen! our cbo( by tbo fiii.'rt and IcnJ pencil, lo the ci'.KUt uf the pi irons xou mueu slyie a:iu ex- petsp. Wiikam Bsivan and family of Nef.rk moved tj i'niidjstnii uurint the paat wetk. Mi . Bov in intti-.d K-jii p into lbs l.n'cher bu-im . with Thomas Luu:si this hpring. Tlio Commiitee of lui town pur. olinaed n new road mac'nino of Ibr Oood Ko ida Macbliiery fjo. The Company luka tbo old D a clilne an l $203 csii. I'.r. anl lira. Frank :-pu r.ud Ilia be of fcuiiiinir. N. J. are vUiiliu- Mis.'s paren s at Layion for a few dae. Tbe school at Li y ton bad n vaca tion the i ust week, o-viug to tne ill. i.cis uf Miss Dcpue tiie teacher. John W. Johnson, of Hainesvine, has sold bis More bouse at that to L;wiaJ. Levy fjr tl.StO This s.vlo IncluJea llie old school ground as tho new school bouse does net teach it. Tiio Orange at Layton will give unoibor dance in their apoclons bull, in the evening of-Friday the 19th. Good musio aud good order will rule. Duties of Landlords At last court Jode Kin pies gave gonoral talk to laudlorde, after grant iiijl ticeuses, di fining seme of the legal restrictions imposed, tie said tbuy must nut sell cn Sundays or election days, mast not sell to per ona of known intemperate halils, or to liersons iutoxicaied, nor runat they allow minora in their places, uur mast tbey allow boys to act as barcendei-a. These era all fligrant inf ructions of . the law nod any landlord violating lit her of the above dulie 'm lo subject to have bis license revoked or refused If h aain applies. Tbey are all salutary limitations on the tsle of lutox cal ls and tbe caution of the coart deserves careful co i pliauje bytbote wi;otell. Ibose who know Judge Krap!f4 will unlerbtunj that l.e was not ii.uuV Itiany idla talk luc that he in'.euo's these cniiliiis sba I be be drJ, aril If lut dioid wilfully (lisolieys and the koowkd.e of tbo fuel cenna to he ears of the court it will take I nK.r,i I lulu a iti.iic.'ory iiofene lo s'alili bun fruui I lie constqutiuva. Il l lecr.piiz -d, tx canso o; the peenl I Ut c0,iUi wltl, tillt tO bUIU- - ; essiiy we.ulJ peiuitt. We lave d.w ! i radically ten licensed hujsesin the t ie ViLole pt politioii a lici iifiil i place to tvery 100 :os s.a in tlw !top. A:cirJir.g lo thut si.ow.iijr j Jti:forJ is a pret:y wet place ed I bfuc tbe uei cshiiy felt I y thj 1 for potting up an uii ia-elia. 1M'"' nun .v.. M ... "',ili(rc a'ft-r; ililn, (heater, &!aai It S.ved Hi Ug ( "Ail Ihootbt 1M l,e my b-f." wiliw J. A. 8 Viateruwii, u, "Ton jears of i iieii.H, thit 15 i'rs.'tors could not cure, had at lu'. laid rie up. Then liucklen's Arnica i S live caie l it n u'.d and well." lu- fallible for Skiu Eruption-, Erien a, V'- 111 I Ulll. liiti M Pnvi.r litv.-. Hum, S slJs, Cuts and Pliea 26c aluil drugg'.. OBITUARY Rbv. Alkxakdehs Craid Rer. Dr. Alexander Crnlg, a re tired Methodist minister and a form er presiding elder of the Jersey City District of the Newark Coufnrence, died at NdWtoa, Tueulsy in bis 76th year. D.-Cio'g wns born In rerth, Boot- land, AiiKasr, 1S3I. Way 11, 1850 he arrived in Ameriitt on a sailing vea Iff 0n,y"n EaIish Bhlll,n in Ills rrlrMl. Aftci-n ...lo. nf ..l..A lilt pocket. After a series of tryiuo- aronuetiiiices, bo finally roach, d Oxford Fornnc., Warren Co., where ha found emptoyroeut and became un inmate of the Presbyterian pn. or's home. -, He -Sfd every spree moment lr stndyfn and afterward went to Wiishioglon, N. J. and learned the trade of blackemith. I January 1, 1861, be united with the Waal.lngton M, E. Cborch, ano i; 1857, received tho appointment oi Junior preachur In the Newark Con frreiiM. He j iinod the Confereucj :n 1858. Ilis first charge was at S.rnrtwnod In Sasex Co. Among be cl.uiclies bo served as pastor ari Tirit Clinieh, Iiaekenack ; Finn t'LurcV, R.;uty; W est field, Crosf si-. o Pu:e.-soi!, twice, and Trinity un'; Union sirrrts Newark. In 182 he was cbosan tiresidini i Klder n tbe Ji tsey City illatriot. The '.vr.t'ral oonferenre of tlio MeMio-.lls; Jl.ureb met at Pi. Had Ipbia in 1883. ".ml be waa c!iooa a uieiuber of that 'jcdy. ( D.-i;vware Coilrp'o of Newark, Del', eoefcue l upon bl;u the honorary dt rree of doctor of divinity in June, 1S80. In ISO 1 owing to bis III baalib lio relinquished Us wrrk as a pastor. j:n?o bis rt tir.niri.l he hid lived in Nowlon and in Tuctoni Ariz. Mns. Sarau Hust Mrs. Sarah Hunt died at her honif March 13 aged about eighty -three .. ." and wns highly esteemed by all I She is survived by two sons, Warren at home, Samuel L. of Milford end two daughters Jeunio wife of Hiram Itite of Notch aud Caroliue w'.fa ol St oil Enwn of Delaware township. Thu itinoral wns held Tuesday ftcnioon and interment in Delaware Cemetery. Mrs. Mart Meakin Mrs Mary idcakia, wifo of George Men kin die 1 at ber home near Silver Lake last Tbamdiiy uf pneumonia. She is survived by ber husband and or. daughter Kittio. Tbe funeral was beld oa Kuudny afternoon and iuterme nt in Dulaware Cemetery. Uedway IiORKCS Mcdvtay Burrcs, an aged resident cf Urren townt-hip, died at his home near Qreentown, Maih 10, agod 81 years and 7 months. Interment in booth Sterling Cem etery ilarob 12. The fuueral services were conducted by Be vs. Boyoa and Franke. lio lea vet a widow, six children, Uenry of Scrautou, Pa., Lyman of Ilulliaterville, Orville of Hub, Pa., Clyde of Dreber, Mrs Robert Cross and Mrs A. F. Simons, and one trot ber Jetse Hurras of Greeutown. Deceased wis a man of sterling character, was honored and respected by ail who knew 1. i.n. SympHtby is rxunded to the bi icav.'d family who niil n.l.-akind snd lovinj husband and father. Geokok M. Carlton G.-orgo M.ihlPtt Carltoi, a former i ruiv:A ef Grticn townahlp, died al i,i4 t,,..., , St North 13ih Street, Estno, la . March 1th, fcfter an 111 C3 1 5 ear, tie went to Easloa acme a' I yoors i:o and wa etiiployud as car- I...... . t.- ...... o. r. i.l-.v ,J Jk. IIIIMIUS IK tU, He leaves a v ift and five children iw.i'-f c., ., i . . r I. ' uaiu oi o roa it t-ort., Miss ,j:ani..u- U(I M(S ,:,. . 0, l- ... , ..... ... .. . i'u;.i ebnrf:, also four '.irotbfra ard joil Uisi Elieu of Curt, iud ira George S:fg cf I'uuiher und Mrs Uibiird Dauion tf Amth Ster iiDjf, Pa. II. aras at ... . t. , B IL. n '" ui nif .iviheNj 3i3 1 O. il. M. ot rit-ou.lslurg. Ioterrueiit at Eaatou, iica 7. I FOR RENT Four houses io Milford, situated ou principal streets, either furuUbed or m.f irnbhod. t JOBS A. KIPP. NEWS FROM WASHINGTON The fact that Senator Aldrich, chairoian of the finnuoe committee and who will bnvo charge of the tariff bill in tbe Seriate, baa hn,.fcel pavsnge for Earoix? for tbe middle uf Jiiuenext Is cons uereal matt airnif. leant sn.l as Indicative that nil un- ccoessary delay in the euacttnent of anew tariff law ii tutieaxoiied by fie Repobllcan- loajsrs.- eeriator Scott of W'rst Virgin! lias proposed a plan which mnf ba ndopted and which will, in tiiffeatlnlMou. flisiMW of tbo tariff in the most expeditious manlier.. Ills btna ia-to have a reso lutlou offered in Iho'tienatn-'i. kh as it Convnes on MiiBdny; msflcinsr'a ftceluratlon on the lariff iiiesl'i'ijn" basis for":a'iTy:'nunt!jrr-of afieeclis and -thus bringing 4tiBriii ajrre rip for. discussion in the i'mtnwt tbi' same time tlmt it Is hirtfir couvldsra. tiou iir t he Umrse. '... ' . ' Tho memliors of .tho n; I msnaa committee pre bnViinjii hard iiu.e of it in tiulr efforts to friujc up i Mil thnt will mcpt nil. rrniire Hieiibt. Tbey are lu rec-int of iir.-i- nurnbers of pii.t-ats akilust tiie lax op eurar, n very livtiy aKi'n'ion hat- keen started to ..crctic f be p.-opoFeri duty ou lurcher from' il to SI'SO n.- they are obliged lo cb'o-wp hrtn-er.i in luereaso of tbo tax on bte'"or of olarir. n ibiiv i 'nffni. xV.,-i.'i.. ... - j riiDiJihi ot bo: Ii bo.isos of C'jnca-(atc''i:'ri;;;)g ! the rclr.ino;ii -H of aiiisie of too Sour- bh-American war tr.xi's, sii"has the Scent stanii) ou chrek4. tciVe-rai... !e.,' as the only menus H . wriob the j "ariVriiig from tbe most u i. iiddifional rovrnue 'eau hs:' raiser! i r'tle taiiffeve-r known in title ueevssary lo make the an rut! income I c""u"y. Prps lent Taft bobevos In or the goveinmi nl hpiri.'xiu,;sfp the : a ,"r,ff '""vij.h lo tepreemt tho annual cxpen.:inre. ' Tli.s q'rrraiion ! 'i:ft'rooc' twfen the tot of pro has received some serious attention ciuc,i"n tois country nnd tiio oot en the Sjniitn side, and whilrfUiere l,pcduction of tbe sunn articles !'i Is no puipotu to reennct ail uf the ! fare,K ':"D'I'i The American stamp fnxe, tiie claim Is made that 1 U-'P'. North and South, Eaat anl some or them could be imposed again ! heartily endoije this practice! without barder.ii g the ordinary con- i vlnw ,,ul "nJ"tLlng more than thisi is suiuer and without injuring. those 'c'n9e to tho manufacturer to rob ities of busine engaged in by the100 con!,m-T. and this they never grcat mass ot i lio tiuonlo. The rev auuo on st-idps alono daring the three full yeais during which the war tuxes were in riperaltou averaged about $4l,CC0,00Oaunually, and tost oo legacies ia 1W01 aggregated I5.2U 8i9. The intsrsutte oommeroa fnninitr. sion baa just announced a rlecldon to tbe effect that it is unl.wul for railro:l so to adjust Oieir ratoschc dules aa to force uommodl ies iulo n jierttcular city of port, Tiio caso was that of the chamber of com merce of Milwaukee against tbe Chi wgo, R3ck Island a id Puc;8a and Ibe Chicago, Milwaukee nniVSs Paui railroads, In which the commission beld that the lolnt thru rate ou corn rye and oats from tbe w, and no- tii west to Milwaukee oucbt not tn . oeed such rate to Cbicuyo. Again the snbjert "of the r- stora ion of uiarines alo ird "s'li'ipstof ' war tion hat' come no for discission at th Navy Depaitmeo't. "Se'oi-e'.ary Myrr says it is his intention' to observe the letter .nrj tbe sulrit of tbe air which In 0 lines otienilive ouJuir 1st. onuer whioll tho OPIirnnriatlona for jne navy are to be withheld unless he marines are given sea duty. Al ready steps have been tnken looking to tbi dlstiibutiou ot the n-.ariue among the various sbiu.-i and the Secretary exp'.aind that, iu referring ir.e qoestlon to the Attorney Geneia to detirru'no its con niti bucalliT. hi? ouly iksiie was to avoid ar. mm . cible diilleu'.ty in tho Comptroller', o 111 00. Tho f?HPielarv of th Xai?ir hm ?ion ui e.-iiioi.s fi r a r-tiltml in tke balllo pncicaif wrrsl.ips. Tbi new order nrovnlcs ihet tl.e condition under wb'eh iba f ricti-.- is betd snaii l.efimtiai to l;ir hkeiv I to obtain in timo of war. so far as u-1 ppsnibV, and to that end tbe nbi u luluie, aro c.juiioa to imineuvt'r ;n iou,;ii water in tbe opeu and to are at u moving target. O.ia of the first aria cf Secretary Dickinson, tho new Secretary ot War, will be the selection of the mil ttary court of inquiry, provided for r'y iti tor.ilter a.-t, for tho hives'Ipa tloo of the cases of the enlisted men, negroes, of Coaipanie U, C, aud D, of the Mill iofaii ry, dise.barjed with out honor by President Rooecvelt on accoant of the disturbance at Browns lil, Texas, in Augnst, 1909. Prrr ident Taft lias alra jy called for and neeived iro n the War Department a li.t of retiie) army off! oar above tbe rang of '.Uoteoaol wlo&e! deemed eligible for service on Ibe court, and there is every Indionti. n that it will be organized witboi.t much delay. As Prrsidant Taft rle sires thot each c-tn stmll be decided on its merits, he select for mem her3iitp on the oourt nflicers who am free from tasnicion of bim. In n,ui juuguient of the negro soldier. Tbe court must complete its work, under the law, within one ytnr from the dale of appolutmont, mid as there are about 151 men effeoted, It has plenty of work ahead of it. Tariff Tinkering Congreek is busy engaged in tinker Ing wlih tbe tariff. Tlitna . . great many Republicans that want an honest and thoro reduotion of the artj?,iBd want It air nnioklv aa no.. allilo. " When fliO present tariff was nn. i.-il twelve yeara ago, tbe framers ot mat out mado a great raise In the tariff. Those representatives in Congress from New England, Penn sylvania nnd ot'itir Esatern State anid to tbe vtaattrn members "let us make tbe tariff excessively birh an that President .McKiuley can trade tno tarttl iu reciprocity treaties.'' This' blcff of the East on the Western mouthers had it desired efTr.n au.l no j..ngiy mil was piured with its excessive duties. It naeiil-aa .. if mat luoao ucipr I V treaties h' wnlou 0 toiemr,-e tbo tariiV 'm oertnin I'oreiirn r.i-.riMa o, . .. I- 'i'ration of ceiiaiu foreign con. - tmlttlna; our nroducta f:-eo e-f ! llu,fi wcre novtr esecuterl, and di.i ' 'nK "'Oto tw.lve years, wa tiavu 1 l.fMtltAttt in An ., . I. A, . ........ ,w uu mil rrny ges ti ;chnnco. If tbo Reuuulloau mutv makes an honest and sincere roduc- tlon of the tariff la sowrdiince with tbe promise and wiEhea of Presidncti Tuft, there is but little doubt tlu-.i . they will remain in power for many years toonme, but, if they attempt to make a bluff at a rduetUm of the tariff, they will 1.0 swept out of power by an overwhelming tidal wave Tuo frr.ueie, ei-uecially, are tired of paying tribute io the harvest trust, the wire nail trost, the wagon trust, and all other trusts tnat are robbing the American people, for the enrichment of the fow at tbe ex pense of tho many. For SALE or RENT Store room and dwelling on Broad btreet, Mil ford, Pa , either together or separ ately. Apply to . Mrs. 1C. V. Dlngman or to Press Oflloe. Drowned in Lakt John Qninn, a young man living at tbe home cf John A. Fiaber in Ding mm towrsbip left the house Tuesdsy mi rnlng nbont 10 a. tn. and dlsap jiesred. Not leturulcg, search Wi.b made for Mai which cokliuued dur ing the niyht sn.l Wedneiday morn ing until about 11 a. m. when thu bedy wns fianrt in Like Juliotte io 1 f.iet rl water Mbnut half a mile from his home, lie was fully dressed aud bud ou a pair ot leAiher milieus When found ins hiius wero extended ml bis hauls op-u. J. H. Ludwi:; E!-q., acting as Coroner uoul an le vestigatior. and oUer bin ing ail ti circumstances ooniiected iMth liodin. ibe body concluded tiia: tiie ycm.c iD.".n was acclduntiy drowns 1. It i assmucd thnt be v. set o-jt on t e io. . whioh exteuic'l about 40 ftol trcv t':e thorp, and perhapi wss scir-; . with a ut of conruinir ui iie bad cr wasscfl't nii with wboopii-i- or.gli, and ben.jf weak from i:iuei 11 some vraygotintbe tvatm'. II was born March i7, ISJQ, an l was ao of tbe l.ilo Williim Qi.inn of Dingrnan town-hip. His uiother, Dorothy Quiun, a aisler of Johu A. Fisher survives him. Tue funorsl will be brid Saturday and ictoru.eoi In Mdloid Cemetery. Kill Would-! SUor A mercltma iiiiirU-)t ia appendicitis wiih mauy victims, but Dr King New Lifo Pills kill It by prevention. They gcutlv siiuiuiaia atoinsch, liver anj bowels prevent ing that tlogglu that Invites appeu.'lkit'S, luring cm tipalion, Biliousneiis, Chill--, Malsr.a Beadaehe anj tndi;eton. 25o at a.l 4teijsista.