! THE PU5UE. Bsnosr From Infso.ion of Around Squlrrtl In California. A few montbi ago Dean Ward, et the L'nlrerslty ot Nebraska, discover d while visiting California that th bubonic plague really menaces the I'nited States, although the splendid work done by the government scien tists caused him to hope that no fur ther spread of the disease would be noted. Now some facts whlcb came to his knowledge on that visit hare reached the Eastern press in spite of the efforts made In Ban Francisco to conceal the real situation. "One seri ous aspect of the case has developed la the last two rears," ears Collier's, In the course of an alarming editorial 0:1 the subject. "Plague has been discovered in the ground squirrels about the bar. Now everr effort Is being made in the Infected district to conceal the facte. This Is follr. filled with peril. Mistaken business calcula tions lead Oakland, which should be cue of the most active cities to com t it plague, to refuse appropriations for that purpose. Tbe danger la one whir.S can be controlled if It Is recog nized. Tbe serious menace la caused by the shortsighted notion that a bus iness advantage '1 to be gained by concealment.- If tbe Infected district will not do their work properly, soon er or later the whole United States r ay pay, and' pay a price too terrible to consider. Lie will not help. Only sound and .thorough sanitary measure may save the land. California can chock the danger now, If she falls the may later be quarantined by her sifter States." Nebraska State Jour not. . '. ".-"'.' ' yth Avenue." As soon as the" Nasaau street tailor moved up to Fifth avenue be, of course, aent out- new cards. Their cp-iearance caused some surprised ro . intent among his friends. That looks funny,' said one man. "Vtb avenue.' Isn't that a new wrin kle?" "Not exactly," (aid the tailor. "Ro man numerals are getting to be rather popular In writing . the names ' of streets. Fifth avenue business men are particularly partial to them. On cards and In newspaper and street car advertising you may frequently tse the address ot some tailor, haber dasher, or other tradesman written Vta avenue. So far the other ave nues have not adopted tbe atyle to uuy great extent, but the time may co.ue when the business bouses on ell Vlitb, VIHth, and IXtb avenue. Vlllb. VIII, and IXtb avenues. Scholar or Athlete. The athlete o - the scholar? Which type of. man, does the word want? That i the query suggested by Presi dent Hadley ot Yale in an address to the Harvard winners of scholastic hci.ors. "Two generation ago the Intellectual idol of the graduate and r.tudents at most ot our college was the leadiLg debater. . Now it 1 no logger the debater but the athlete who occupies tbe center ot the stage." The fact thus stated la apparent everywhere. The scholar ha small place in college life. Tbe one who thinks ot the debater's platform aa a field of endeavor is counted amiably uL centric by tbe average student. A for earnest work with book in the quiet of the room or in the library, tbat i laughable. Tbe "midnight oil" Idea baa a different meaning now adays. Must Promls to "Obey.' "Unless a young lady Is willing to promise to love, honor and obey,1 said Rev. Albert P. Fitch from hi puipit In the ML Vernon Congrega tional Church last night, putting con siderable emphasis on the word obey, "I shan't offlciaf at ber wedding. "They come to me, these young peo ple, and ask: 'What service do you useT' - I tell them the Episcopalian service. Then the girl asks: 'Do I have to promise to love, honor and oey?' And the answer Is: 'Yea, if I am to marry you.' 'If a young man and woman ax coming to the supreme experience of t'.eir live and haven't the absolute trust- In each other, which include the word 'obey,' then they are not ready to take the step.". An Indefinite Number. Three-year-old Andrew waa In a r.tuer petulant mood, and In order to restore his customary good humor his mother promised him some pre served strawberries if be would be a good boy. Calling a servant, she said "Jennie, please give Andrew about four strawberries." Jennie proceeaed to fulfill the wish 0 bar mUtress, and counted out the berries: "Oue, two., three, four." "I want lire." protested the child. ".But our mother said four," aald J(nntA "Mamma said 'about four," replied Andrew. And he got tbe fifth. Waistcoat and the Sunday Lav. A self-governing democracy never Justifies Itself more completely than when It converts an irreconcilable quarrel between those who believe In tight-closed Sundays and those who believe In wide-open Sunday Into aa innocuous dispute aa to how purple a waistcoat a man may wear and how large and Indiscreet the flower on it may be, wbea tinging a song of a Sun day. Reformsd. Mrs. Henpeck I married yon to re form you. Mr. Henpeck You succeeded. I'll never marry again If I live to be a thousand years old. - V Hopeful. Mrs. O'Teole bbe's tekla'. on aw ful. Her husband got three years- bnt he kin git twelve months oft tor good behavior. ' airs. Dooley Tell her to rest aisy. Sure an' be may not behave himself. A Diminutive. "Mamma." tald little Fred, "this catechism is awfully hard. Can't rati get me a klttychUmt" "THE KdPOTS COKMSl "" "' Influsnos that' Draw It from It At leglane ro the Magnetlo Pel. Nothing in the navigational equip ment of a elila ha been the aubject ot more anxloua clentlflo research or receives more Jealous care than the mariner compass, say tbe Windsor Magaxln. The popular notion of the compass needle alwayi pointing north and south la well, more inaccurate than even popular notion usually are. Even under the moat favorable condi tions there are only certain places upon tbe surface of the earth where tbe compass needle doe point north and south, and It Is quite ssfe to ay tbat auch condition are never found on board of any ship. But we must go further and ay that no more unfavorable position could be found for a compass than on board a modern steamship, wblcb Is a complicated masa of steel, all tending to draw the compass needle from Its allegiance to the magnetic pole of the earth, warring influences whlcb must needs be counteracted by all sort of device wblch hedge round the instrument by an Invisible wall of conflicting cu rents of magnetism. And aa. If this were not' enough there are now huge dynamos to be reckoned witn producing electric cur rents for all Lort of purpose on ooard. In the midst of these mystic current the poor - little compass needle, upon which the mariner de pends for bis guide across the track tesa deep, hang suspended like one shrinking saint surrounded by legions of devils. Do You Knew. That pearls are measured by tbe 'grain." Three and one-half grain go to a carat. Tbat for Lngernall to reach its full length, an average ot seven twelfth of an inch, from 121 to 138 day of growth are necessary. Tbat 4 o'clock In the afternoon Is the rainiest hour of the twenty-four Less rain fall at night than during tbe hour of light That during tbe past three cen turies more than two hundred differ ent systems of shorthand have been devised. Pitman's was first published In 1840. . That it take., fifty of tbe Chinese edible bird' nests to weigh pound and the price per pound 1 about 140. That February holds the record as the month in wuch most children are born; June aa that in wtich there are feweat birth.- That the sloths never drink; rab bit and parrot very rarely drink. A parrot live fifty-two year without drinking a drop of water. - That the largest room In the world under one roof and unbroken by pil lar la In Bt Petersburg. It la 62(1 foot long by 150 feet in breadth. By daylight It la used tor military dis plays, and a whole battalion can com pletely maneuver in It By night 20. W)0 wax taper give it a beautiful a pearance.. The roof la a c'ngls arch of iron. '.Chinese History. Chinese history dates back to 2637 B. C, when tbe people were mad up into clans or tribes and were ruled by a sovereign who waa chosen by hi subject aa the one most worthy to rule. This waa followed by the feudal ayatem, which continued for nearly, twenty centurlea and waa slmllat to the feudal system In Europe in medie val times. By 403 U C. China was divided Into seven- great states and each a'ate waa conten ling for the supremacy. In 221 B. C, the king 4 Tasing waa victorious and he assumed the title of Hwang Ti. or Emperor. This enterprising and tar-eelng ruler decided that as there wa but on sua la the heavens so that ahould be but one ruler : In China, and with his reign the prevent Imperial form ot government wa founded. Tbe reign ing dynasty datea from 164S. The great wall wa erected In 214 B. C. It I about 1500 miles long with a breadth of twenty-five feet at the base and fifteen feet at the tup. The ..eight varies from fiften to thirty feet Gymnastics of the Eye. 1, too, see that painting and seulp tur are gymnastics of the eye. its training to the niceties and curiosi ties pf Its function. There 1 bo sta tue Ilk this living man, with his In finite advantage over all ideal sculp ture, of perpetual variety. What a gallery of art uav. I here I No man nerUt made' these varied group and divers original alngle figure. Here 1 the artist himself Improving, grim and glad, at his block. Now one thought strike him, now another, and with each Moment he alter the whole air, attitude and expression of his ..lay. Away witb your nonsense of oil and . easels, of marble and chisels; except to open your eyes to the witchcraft 01 eternal art. they are hypocritical rubbish. Ralph Waldo Emerson. An Adventurer. Tbe skyscraper baa at last reaches tbe limit . . "You are quit a traveler, I hearT remarked the man who lived on tht ninety-sixth door of the Skyhy hotel "Yes." replied the man who Uvei on the 136th floor, "though less thai. 40 years old 1 bars already visited ever.- Door of this building." Kantai City Times. Force ef Habit. teacher, and he says that for threi years whenever the school belli would ring she would act up like th horses at the fire department who. the fire-whistle blow. 'Atchlaor Ulobe. ' " A Peculiar Couple. Conversation bad turntd to th sub ject of two men. utterly dissimilar, who nevertheless roomed together. Cme of these men waa genaraly con ceded to be a "freak." Hi nam wa John. "John and Jim are certainly a Queer pair." opined somebody. "John and anybody are a qawr pair." opined somebody else. poor Johal TEAL AT ITS BEST. Four Good Way of Cooking Delicate Heat. Veal Terrapin. Cut Into wide dice sufficient lean cooked veal to meas ure a heaping pint Melt In a sauce pan two tablespoontula of butter, add one large tablespoonful of chopped onion, and cook slowly tor ten min utes without browning. Add on tablespoonful and a halt of flour, cook two minutes, then stir tn gradu ally one cupful and a half of hot milk. When smoothly thickened add th meat, salt and pepper to season and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the yolk of three hard-boiled egg cut fine, one tablespoenful of lemon juice, one tablespoonful of mushroom catsup and two table-, spoonfuls of sherry, and serve gar nished with olives. . Veal a La Torque Put some cold cooked veal thropjh the food chop-I per, measure and'add an equal quaa tlty of fine stslo bread crums. Sea son highly with salt, celery salt, pap rika and onion Juice, and io each cupful aid one tablespoonful of fine ly chopped parsley and one table-j' spoonful of -melted butter. .Moisten" with beaten ec4 mold Into sn ill balls or eggs, and roll In warm boiled;, rice. Place In the bottom of a saucepan, bait cover with bot stocky cover closely and simmer gently for 41 minutes. ' - Breslan of Teal. Prom a stale loaf of bread grate aufflclent to glve three cupfuls of fine crumbs. Chop fine cold veal to measure one pint Make a thin sauce with- one table-, spoonful of butter, one teaspoonful of flour, and half a pint ef veal stock of rich milk. Add to this the crumbs, cook and stir for two minute, then, set aside until cold. To the meat add one teaspoonful of salt, one-bait. of a teaspoonful of pepper and one tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Mix with the cold sauce and add three well-beaten eggs. Fill small buttered molds with the mixture, stand In a pan of warm water, and bake In a moderate oven until firm in the center when lightly pressed. . Serve at once with a rich tomato sauce. Veal Klopps With one pint -of finely chopped cold veal mix one tea spoonful of salt, one-quarter ef teaspoonful of white pepper, ten drop of onion Juice and the un beaten whites of four eggs.' Wet th hand and mold Into tiny ball. Have ready a shallow aaucepan partly filled with slightly salted boiling wa ter. Drop In the klopps and pouch for five minutes, then skim out, ar range on rounds ot tbla buttered toaat, and pour around tbem this auce: Melt In a aaucepan one ta blespoonful of butter, add a half teaspoonful of salt, a dash-af cayenne and one-half a cupful each of thin cream aad veal - stock. Stir until smoothly thickened, simmer for five mluutee. When ready to take from tbe fire add one egg yolk with a spoonful of cream. - FOR LACES OR HANDKERCHIEFS Cigar Box Appropriately Decorated 1 Useful Receptacle. A cigar box decorated In the way shown In our sketch makes a very handsome receptacle for laeea or b- ndkerchlefs, or even Jewelry. The II of the box is slightly padded with cotton wool and then covered with -a pretty piece of silk brocade, the aid j, likewise, are upholstered with .the same material. The inside of the box la padded with cotton wool, and then lined with white satin. There are two piece of ribbon by which the box may be fastened with a smart little bow. Care should be taken to cover the box as smoothly a possible with the silk, which can be fastened on just Inside and underneath with glue. Pointed Finger Nails Fmwmed On. Fashion Changs even la finger nails, and th pointed' nail of a few ye&rs ago are looked upon aa almost barbaric at present. It aleo aeems that women are becoming sensible in another digital detail. High pol ishing Is no longer the rule, aa of course. It never waa practiced by women of fine taste.'" The pointed nail and the high polish have passed out, and the chances ar historians In future daya will look back and rank them with crinoline as evidence of a crude and undlscrimlnatrag age. Apple Custard. Take four applies,' pare, quarter, and cook aa for sauce, leaving little ice. A few minutes before remov ing from the fire stir Into the applet the fol. owing mixture: Oue quarter nutmeg, grated; one large table spoonful butter; the yolk of one egg. and sugar to taste. After the cus tard has been removed from the fire ipread over it the white of the egg, which has been beaten stiff, with a ablespoonful ot sugar. A Polnier. . c 7bn the rubber . plant droop, leave turn yellow and drop off, try swttlag a teaspoonful of ground mas 'ard In a cupful of boiling water, ool a little, and pour on tbe soil In th pot; sometimes long,, bla"k, tie id shelled acini springs to the surface anl It )ou kill the worm th jlsut sill usually recover. Fast (ironing City. One of the Ustest growing cltlea a the aorld '1 Kobe, Japan; its opulsllon increased (ro J 10,000 .0 860,000 In tea years Dread Dineaae la Jamaica. In Jamaica tuberculous disease Is xtremely unrommon among the biles. When It occurs In negroes hey quickly tuccutub to it GREATER THAU BMGABJL Th Iguaxu Waterfall In South Amer. Ic Leap 13 Feet Larger than Niagara la tbe cataract of the Iguazu fails, almost at the In tersection of the three frontiers of Paiacuay. Brazil and the Argentina Republic The river takes It name from a Spanish word meaning great waters. About twelve miles from Its mouth the bed drops suddenly down a rocky perpendicular cliff some 213 feet high. hence there is a watearfalt of tbat great height At this spot a delight ful little llar.d, beautiful with vegeta tion, divides the river into two arms jo that the toti. width Is about two mile and a hair.- The Brazilian arm of the river forms a tremendous horse shoe here and plungoa Into a great cnasm with a aeatening roar, wmie the arm on the Argentine side spread out In a sort of amphitheatre form and finishes with oue grand leap a. little over 229 fe t. Below the island the two arm unit and flow on Into the Parana River.' From the Brazilian bank the specta tor, at a height of 280 feet, gazes out1 over two and a half in Iks of some ot tbe Wildest and most fantastic water scenery he can ever hope to see. Watera strean, ceelhs, leap, bound, froth and foam, "throwing the aweat of their agony high in the air and writhing, IwlrtLiB. screaming and moaning, bear ( If to the Parana." Un der tbe blue vault of the sky this sea of foam, ot pearls, of Iridescent dust bathe the great background In a shower of beauty tkat all the more add to the riot of tropical hue ar-r ready there. WLjn a high wind I blowing tbe roar of tbe cataract can be heard nearly twenty mile away. A rough estimate of tbe horse-power represented by the falls 1 14,000,000. Vow sightseers ever catch a glimpse of the great Iguazu falls, because It lakes six days to make the picturesque Journey cf about 1,200 mile from Bucao Ayrca amid the fair fertile plains of Santa Fe and the savage luxuriance of the virgin forest pas$ Ing through the territory of the mis sions and the ruins of Jesuit churches and convents, How te Get Rid of Rata. Tbe best way, to exclude rat from buildings i by using cement lu con struction. All kinds of structures are row being made wholly ot concrete. Foundation of dwelling may be made rat-proof by Ita use. The ce.lar walls should bave concrete, footing und the walls should be laid In ce dent mortar. Tbe cellar floor should le of concrete and all water and drain ;iipes "should be surrounded - with it iuven cellars of the old-fashioned kind -nay be made rat-proof with cement at mail cost Rat hole may be closed vlth a mixture of cemeut, sand, and iroken glass or sharp stones. A lib eral use of concrete in the floors .nakea granaries an poultry nousos rat-proof. Ruts may 1eo be kept out A corn cribs by mean of an Inner or niter covering of fine-mesh wire net ting. If tbe custom Is followed of set ling corn cribs on posts with inverted pan, at the top, tbe post should pro ject at least three feet above the ground. Among the animal tbat are useful In destroying rodents are tbe (ox, skunk, weasel, and the larger pedes of owls and hawks. Rat de stroy more poultry and game than all .hese wild animals combined, ' and therefore it would be wiser tor the farmer to protect these rat killers than to seek to exterminate them. There la more truth than fiction In the old Baying tbat an ounce of pre vention is worth a pound cf cure. Weather Signs. Rapid changes In the barometer In dicate early and marked change in th weather. A red sun mean rain. A piece of seaweed hung up will be come damp previous to rain Clouds Dying agalnat th wind In dicate rain. When the leaves of trees curl with the wind from the south, rain la ap proaching. Red hair curl at th approach of 1 storm, and stralghtent after it Men work harder, eat more, and sleep more soundly when the baro meter la high than when It 1 low. When the perfume of growing flow er is unusually strong, rain may be jxpecteu. American Nsrveusres. "Why are we a nervous generation T It la because w live in an environ ment ot nervous Irritation. We ar constantly drenched In emotion," said Rabbi Hlrsch of Chicago. "We worry, sorry, worry lest we shall lose some thing we prise, or fall In our under takings. Passion, tear, greed and en vy throw our minds and nerve out of balance and diminish the power of our organism to resist the microbes tbat ire constantly assailing it It ha been clentlfictlcaly demonstrated that worry causes a predisposition to dis ease." Our Best Two Word. The friend the foreigner bad made during his visit In New York were sad at his departure. They sat about a table at a cafe he had frequented, talking of him. "Good sort" they said. "Awfully sorry he's gone. Of course, he could not talk In our language, but be knew enough of It to make him Interesting. Two words, 'Have another,' " All the Letters. The following Is tie shortest sen tence, says Home Notes, containing all the letter o. th alphabet: "Pack my box wltt fire doxen liquor Jugs." Absent Minded Alderman. A Lynn (Mass.) Alderman at a recent Aldermen Ic meeting Inquired what had become of an order he had Introduced some time before calling for aa arc light on Willow street The City Clerk, alter digging Into bis tiles, lnfrme him that tbe order bad come before tbe board nearly a month 1 -evlous and hat be had "Y,i ;!" tL A Dlie Th.t. It I well known thnt certain r'-.t bonds desire nothing better. eBpecltl ly when the cold weather comes on than- to be arrested and locked up. In order that they may be taken care of for a while. One of this frater ;It; succeeded In getting himself ar-r-st ed for vacancy, and on the wpy to the lockup he was so much overjoyed by the prospect of not having to sleei. In the open air that be behaved some what boisterously. "Keep quiet!" threatened the po tlceman; "If you don't I'll let you go!" H Go' Of! Easy. Mr. Exe Gocd by. I'm aorry my husband Isn't In I wish I knew rome way of keeping him at home little more. Mrs. Wye Let him buy a motor oar. Mrs. Exe Why. he'd be out tnor han over thon. Mrs. Wye Oh. rnnr no! Mr. Dasn er tells me her husband bought a motor a tew days ago, and the doctor km he won', be out for six week FUTURE STATE. ' Mr. Ripley The Inhabitants of Arizona seem to be an orthodox peo ple. Mr. Greenly How do you make that outr -Mr. Hlpley Because they believe in a future state. C Ice re All At Sea. - The glrantlc steamship bad faced easterly gales ail the way across the Atlantic, and tr. were uneasy be lowings from the hucdred of cattle In the 'tween-deckt. "I wonder whether we shall ever get te London?" cried Mis Manfca! tan. promeradih. the hurricane-deck "We re two days late now. How long this voyaye is! How long!" - "Quoucque Uro'i. CmtHna?" quot 'ed Mr. Toeow lls sympathetically at her side. -"What's that?" she Inquired. " don't understand Latin, you know." "How long. uray. O jattle ilneT .Mr Teebwells solemnly responded. Harper's Weekl). - On the Desert, An Irishman nnd a Scotchman wen discussing tbe rorrors of living In a pro'aibltlcn Stain, when the trlshiuar remarked: "Sure, an" yo n Ight gat used to 11 after awhile. Ye know they say a camel can go eight day withou drinkin'." "Hoot mon! retorted the other "If little ye know about tbe Camp bells when ye say tnat There l n: one o' them couic go eight hour wl'out a dra. ot lomcthing!" Which ended tho discussion. The Basis. He I wonder If we caa get alon, II right . She Certainly. We can buy, lb auto with the noney father left mi and you will .urely make enough ti pay for running It don't you think Ths Let it r. Kthel But why dan't you open li and read iti Ethelfrlda Ah, my dear, but the I should a-now 'hat be says! .lis first Plunge la High Finance. A little boy accompanied . hi mother to church for the first time. He went In gloomily, lie would rather uate spent th morning In t-iay. But he c:ne out at the end of the service aa sn? aa a lark. "What did you get out of 'at basket, muvverT" he said. "What basket, child'" th mother atled. "Why, 'at basket tbe man passed about." "1 got nothing out of It" said th mother, chocked. "What do you mean by such a ques'iou" "I got a quarter," the little fellow chuckled, holding up tbe coin. Fit to KUI. . Grandma's guest was elegantly but simply dressed In black chiffon voile handsomely trimmed with silk over-lace. Little BirdK. aged four. climbed on her lap and patted the mauy gray hairs and smoothed th soft lace and silk, then peered lov ingly into ber face and aald: "You'sa dressed up good enough t be kilted, ain't youT" . Trad Marks ,va'0 DctiaNi w 9 ft 1 i 11 Copyrights 4s. ARm9nrllnf aikfttrki and dfcrtutton aiAf qntcklf certAiu nur o Itmm f rv a ether ajj luf n.toat in prohahlv patemar-l. iN.ui.uit-s ti, .i.saf rictly oiTiailetitUJ. llAi.irkok cu ratti(4j tent froa. Ot1?at curi i cr fur Mruniitf tWcnt. KtL-.iU taken tiinu-a Mutin k. Ctrotlr sprfi-ssswiiid, without tsinrr. Im tk Scientific JlR.er.can l hanaMmeirtlhixnratMl work if. f -rraat at Qljliun ot any tiuo Journal. Tertiia T ("r month, ,L, 0o& by ail nawadeaJera. mm I Tho I New I York is tho most thor oughly pracricil, helpful, useful and entertaining, national illustrat ed agricultural & family weekly in the United States. Tribune Farmer PrtlCE, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Send your name for : free sample copy" to Nw York Tribune Farmer TRIBUNE BUILD O jyj New York w ty, N. Y. 1 PIKE COUNTY PRESS .$1.50 A JOB PRINTINC. Latter Heads, Cards gjj Posters, Statements fl Bill Haads, Envelopes S1 Circulars, Etc., Etc. I J NEATLY D0?,E TriA DC " M ARTiS pl'jir,;ilj oHj.IiJ lu Ail euuiia'i-'a, ur no Iin, V.'o obtain PATENTS THAT rr.V. 'vrii.,K them t!orvufhiy, at out i):.;-.! e, ai.il hup you to nicovea, Hom i modfri. photo ir akctch lor p-R C C report P!tri.'illty. yrara' pnutica. SUR PASSING WCrEBEMCCS, ForrrwUukto B'i: r.rj ."rnflMiblf actif i il to E03-scs Qavonth 8trt, Cvcsti. ana Trade-Maries obtained and all F4M cnlbu3iatc.dutei' (oe MoucrtHTB Frt. I Cm orrtae t Opre;iTr U, r. PmraTOrneel v.iWBQniKni-e n-;tat in it. Uiah Lxiaa lae rc.xte from Wiis'mivon, J ', Stud modcL dr.iuiuir or ehotn.. with fraHn.l j-.iuii. ui,i, it imicniauis or not, iron fcharfre. Our fee net due tilt catrnt la 3rrcur.1t. j f A Pamphlet, "1I--w lo Obtain Vutev." wlthj 3 -ot fit fc-mic in the U. S. atul Isutin coutuiictj .sent free Adrcu, ! ;c.a.spjow&coj ?a,;a'?aifa?aw?iea-vava' Fhysioinns bave long been looking for n hnruile.a hrarlnclin cure. It hos been prodoced by a'l ominenl chemist of tbe National Copital. It is kno-"irj as Bromo-Pep.-ii. Br-sibes cnriiiL every form of lionclnelie instantly, Broiiio lVpsin ig equally iml a promptly efUmr-liiQi In clironlo and acute ijrliestion anil tbe nervou disorders inckli-nt there o. It is efferescent and plentutnt o take and may be bad of all tip tr late druggists at ton cent a bottle. It come a a boon to mankind mil womankind. For sale at C. O. Armstro ig, Drapgist. jra&aft;:a6a-,)4).. NOTICE. ' The ConmilHTtiern of Pike Gmntv will hereafter hold ltetrulttr Meeting! Ihe flrnt Monthly of ench mo. between ihchouts of D a in nnd 4 p. tn. except in In the months when Court may be in se.-ulon, and then during Com I THKO. II. BAKE It Ciiinii&. 'Hern Clerk Absolutely Harmless. Cures an he Sp BROMO-PEPSIN Hot th M oid Popalu" f!irFCMfD,CHE- SlEEPUSSNESi UUHLO INOISSTI0H t NERVOUSNESS All Orugglat, loo, ISotSOo. 'or siila by C. O. AHMsTUnsu. Druxirl.i WANTS SUPPLIED! ! Ityuu mini nun. In in U. 1,111 h.-nci. Imia tiL-ila, statement, show ourdd, prura n lrgo posuiis, suit) bit la, du Igori onvi-loptu lugs, luneK cauls ur jou priming 'IVOrV riHMMil-tloQ. llolIP III) ill thl Irct atrl for you lu an up-to-date aud artistic mm oor eallitiid tow us. Prlcisr THK PRK1S PRINT. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real E3tate Agent. aouaesand Lota and lets without Houm- Daior In all kind of Prop iy. f.otary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION t Office at Residence on Water Street. YEAR I8. tCCJSla LABELS. tmoi Ty:-'H2'-",is-f Olsons. marks, wcopyricnts. Thfnvon re .m a h,p tmtiptIi- opinion an i, rsl'iiifr and (mtnl-.liilitT Tv,nt fm , , 'n'lni. : naiil -fi-wnr. Krr W Bun o" r. u hlfi,tof n r Time :;-fab N ERIE llA LROAl ( . AT ... PORT.. JERVIS .olld Pullman Vttilus to nulTaln, Xlng irs Falls, Chautauqua Lake. Clevelau'l, Ihlcago and Cturlnuntl. f Tickets on snlj at Port Jervls to -.ill mints In the Wert nnd rVuthwostnt lowi-r cnttw than via any othw flrat-elass line. In effect Juue 21tli. 11x18. . ri-.Atm Now Lkavi Pout .Ixktis as Follow. ' EAS1WARU " 48. Dally 7,,... 10 " 6 Pally JCipresa & 40 ' " 8A. I'Ocnl Kxcept Sunday.. S 10 " 41 Ilolhlnrsonly. g go So. H, Duliy Kxpreni ." 70S, Way Sundny Only.....' r 21 " ' 43, Local except. Sun a Hoi 7 HIS " ' 80, Locnl fCxcept Bnuduy.. 10.80 " " 4. Daily Fxpieiw I 84 r . " Tut, Sunday Only s 80 ." ' 24, Wny dally exe't dund'y 80 ' , Dilly Kxuivms 4 mi ' its. Way daily exo't Suud'y 6 34 " " 708. Loom guiulny Only ... 7.u " . WESTWARD. tfo7,Dally Kxpross is C8A.il. " 4i, Dully ., 17, Dally Milk Train 8 10 a- 1. D.illy Kxpreas 11.84 " f 115, For Ho'dnle K'pt Sun. . Is 15 r m. " Rl.irraiC blcngollindal 6 8 ' W, Dnlly Kic. pt Sunday.. 6 00 .". 5, Limited Dallr Kxpres. 10.06 Trains' lear Olmmlrars ' atraM! N'-T Vork, fur Port Jerrls on week days n I 10, 7. IS. .ls. 10.80 A. at.. l.-.IJ M, i d, 15, 7. 15, 8 15 U 45 t. at. Un8umltya, 7 so, A. u 18 U0. 1.16 7 80.0.15 r. ll. H. L. BLAUSON. Ticket Agt. Pt.Jervls. H. W.Hawley, Dlv'n Pawr. Agent. CuambcraSt SiaiionNew Yu:k William B. Kenwa.they M. 0 Physician ani Saroou. O.Hj.i nui rvulJ.Mio Broad 5trc. leit Court House. MILKOCD. For Sale or Rent 150 acre farm known bs Warnrfurm 'uiitnii4 'ih mv Uilf ir I. Ai,lv to Johu C. Warner Mllfurd Pa The Milford Livery Stable HORSES 'AND CARRIAGES to hi e with - or without criv ers. LiAKKOHD STKKKT Opiaujlu Homestead Library. OBIAS HBLiSON Proprietor. MUfoi, Pa.