Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 05, 1909, Image 2

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Friday, March 5, 1909
orru E, brown's BuibDisa broad kt.
Onf. Ykar One dollar aud fifty ceuta.
Six Months Seventy-five oetita.
Kn'.nrod the post office of Mllford,
Hike County, Pennsylvania, as second
c'lss trntter, November twenty-llrst, IHytv
Advertising Rates.
Onolnch. onelnserttor. -- - - - - - 1
ch subsequent insertion ------- .76
Reduced rates, furuishtl on application
will allowed yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's end Executor's
notices J '
, Auditor's notices - - - " t-1
l)ivorM notices .... ... 6.(0
Shcriff's-snles, Orphans court sales,
. lounty Treasurer's sales, County stiiW'
m mt and election proclamation, ohargt d
by toe inch.
i. H. Van Btten. PUBLISHER.
It If the concealed troth, or the
half troth, which often works more
harm than the here fuct. An article
i in the Dispatch in a recent ssue
enumerating the office captured by
the ro;'nbliefln In Mllford Boro says,
' tb.9 democrats lost all bot collector,
, aud the article Is being copied in
uear by papers. One would think
from reading it mat tno democrats
'.won out on that office, when the fact
is they did nothing of the kind. The
republicans, who held their caucus
before the democrats held theirs, nom
inated J. F. Terwilligvr, democrat,
for tax collector, because he makes a
good collector and the republicans
were uotso imbued with partisanship
as to be blind to the best Interests of
the town. The democrats at their
cauens indorsed the nomination,
hence Si was the only candidute, but
he knnW9 full well olean down to the
bottom of his boots that bad the re
. publicans pot up another man he
wnnlil have gene the way the rest f
h's ticket, and probably by a large
majority. We only cite the above
utilmportaat matter to show that a
frank statement of the facts would
been more to the credit of the Dis
patch, than the attempted effort to
show that the Democrats carried
something is to them.
At the election in Port Oervla Tues
day the three propmitious to boy a
building for municipal purposes to
pave and oil the streets were carried
by large mnrities. The voters de
clared good sense in this effort to im
prove conditions needed In tsyit city.
The new trolley company In Port
Jervia has a?ked for a franchise to
run lines thru the streets of the city.
It is proposed to build a tunnel under
the Erie at Fowler street, come op
King to Pike and then to tbe Barret
bridge. It would seem that less ex
pensive and more satisfactory way
out of Port Jervls would be to go
down East Main to Tri States and
come down on 'he Jersey side, cross,
sing the river at some point between
there and Milford or even to cross the
bridge here. The distance would be
little mora and the road would run
thru a section which would afford
considerable traffic.
Tha Foker Only.
An old Scottish lady was belug
closely cross-examined in court re
maiding . cae oi assault, lu which bei
hubanu was alleged to have played
a conspicuous pare
"And now, my good woman, toll tbt
court what sort of weapon il was youi
bubr.nd struck you with."
"Who iaid b used a weapon f'
snapped Ibe old ldy.
"You said so yourself when you
gave your husband la charge." an'
wered the astonished lawyer.
"1 said nae sic tuing, (or tbe thing
that our John struck me on the beiu
wt was naetblng malr nor less tb u
tbe poker." A lie. tbe laugbter had
subsidtd the lawyer tried to sbow Uei
that It was not always wen to cull
spade a spade. "Weel, veel." aus
weted tbe old lady, "ye cm a
spade wbat ye Ilk but I'll niaiuie.ii.
Ue my deeln' day tbat oor Jouti
struck me wt' tbe poker, an' wt' naalb
tog else." Tbe old lady galued uei
dc i at.
Not That Color.
Willie lost bis pet dog and was
much distressed. He spout bis time
searching lor It, aud so often old
he run luto tbe bouse crying, "Coins
Quick; there's i'ldo! 1 saw him!"
tbe family grew somewhat dubious.
One day Willie rusbej in more ex
ceed than usual. "Mama, mauia!
tie cried, "I've seen Kldo! I've seen
"Ob, no, I guess not," replied the
patient motaer. "it must nave been
your Ituatiinullon."
Willie looked at ber, much ag
grieved. "vell, be said, luJiguanl
ly. "I gutsa my 'tuasiuutlon Isn't
Wblte beninu.v
Fnnnle Tenrns, Nellie Hannersand
Willinrii French of Matnmoras won
st-hnlarthlps in the Gazette Contest.
Evnlyn Hotnlen of Mllford was 18th.
in tlin lint. We regret that she did
not capture one of the prir.as lor she is
a very deserving yonug lady.
The stations at Shohola and Park,
era Glen were entered hy burglars on
Wednesday night. At Shohola they
got aVut 120. some cigarsand a ooat
Kills Would-Bs Sliysr
A merciless murder is appendicitis
with many victims. But Dr King's
New Life Pills kill it by prevention
Tbey gently stimulate stomach, liver
and bowels, preventing that clogging
that Invites appendicitis, curing con
Ktipatlon, Biliousness, Chills, Malaria
Headache and lndieestion. 25o at all
The oldest inhabitant of Paopack,
Mrs M. N. D. Klllam, celebrated her
01st birthday March 8. We extend
to her our best of wishes.
Mrs A. J. Kimble and grand
daughter, Dorothea Humble aud Mrs.
Joseph Slocnm, were the guests of
the tonners daughter Sin A. W. 8lm
oris at Hawley, over Sunday.
Mr C. A. Pellet t spent part of last
week with K. B. Hardenberg and
family at Hotmdala.
We regret to hear of the illness of
Mrs. L. T. Simons. Dr Simons is in
attendance and we hope to soon see
her about again.
Mr and Mr Norman Tyler and son
visited the formers sister Mrs. W. T
Schenk at l,akeville, one day the
post week.
Helene Bishop of Honesdnle,
spending a short t ime with her cousin
Mrs. R. Q. Phillips.
Joseph Sanders of Ualeton, Pa., I
spending a few days with bis father,
Jacob Sanders.
The surveyors who have been mak
ing a survey of tht county roads are
in towa now. This end of the Co.
will finish up their work.
R. W. Bartieson made a business
trip to Salem last Tuesday.
Otto Brick went to Ariel Sunday,
where tie is eugnged to build a house
for his brother Oliver Brink.
Our dairymrn, Mr. Fethermau
seems to think thut spring is coming
Ho had 28 men with teams baulin
and pocking ice in his ice house on
Saturday and Monday.
Mr. F. G Hazelton and wife called
on the letters sUter Mrs Walter Fow
ler on Sunday last.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward-
foraoy casa of Catarrh thttfc can not be
cured by, Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. Cheney a CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare known F. J
Chn7 for tbe last 15 years, and bellev
hlw perfectly honorable In all business
transaction and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his firm.
W aiding, Klnnan a Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces ot the system, Testimonials sent
free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for eonstlpn
Administrator's Notice
Estate of A ndrew C. Cron deceased.
Letters of Administration on the above
cm tale naviua bsen arnnted to the under
signed, all persona luueDUXt to tne sain
estate are requested to make paymeuft, and
tnose nariug oiaiuta to present tne saute,
without delar to CALVIN CKON.
Feb., in), l it Dlnguuuss Ferry, Pa
Tbe following applications for license
have beeu tiled with the Ulerk and will be
presented to the Court ot Quarter Sessions
or i'lae 141111117 ou toe tiiiru moimny ni
March uext for consideration mid approval
Francis Meroier, Warren R Van Gorden
Philip IT runner.
K. O. Boillotat, Albert Cotterlll.
Johu F. Myer. Hubert K Wagner. Lor
ens Woels, kiumuud Dellert, Carl .Newe
Max Gurius
Pierre M. Mills' (J him Ottenheimer.
Joseph Hr Voei. Herman Gebbardt, Ag
nes LAUcnt, jonii p biiKieunrs.
MiLroitD aoito
Cbrlatbin Ruiio, Loul- J. Frleh. Joli
R 'I'liorntoii. Augu't Meroier, Johu C
Ueck. Frederick A berk. W .rreu F. Cbul
Percy Lyuiau, l.eroy K klpp.
Louis F. Kagut. Ktler.ck Delra.
Kirbard Reichert.
Frederick Hoff.xilifr.
Arthur W. Huluuau. Adolph Fuller,
juuu ogt jr.
Will S Loflln, Kl..cl K Brians.
Milfurd. Fa t Feb. 20, IB 9.
A Sure-Xnuogh Knocker
J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West
Va.. says: "At last I have found th
perfect pill tbat ubver disappoints
me ; and for the benefit of othe
nfilioied with torpid liver aud obronie
oonstipation, will say : take Dr
Kma's New Life Pills." Guaranteed
vatiafaotory. 25o at C. O. Armstrong
Illness is Costly,
Loss of time so much; nursing
so much; medicine so much
total so very much. We help
directly and materially to reduce
the last item.
There isn't a drug store any
where better equipped or one
that gives fresher, purer drugs,
or one that employs better pre
scription compounders. And
still our prices are low. '
Supplies J;
Depend on us
fort or convenience lor the Dent
' ent of vour sick ones. We have
a large variety
helps of recognued value all
at most reasonable prices.
Graduate in Pharmacy
Some Uses ot Hot Water.
Hot water is far more of a medici
nal property than many believe or
know. The uses of hot water are
many. There Is nothing that so
promptly cuts short congestion of
the lungs, sore thrpat or rheuma
tism as hot water iwtaen applied
promptly and thoroughly. Head
ache almost always yields to the
simultaneous application of hot wate
to the feet and back of the neck. A
strip of flannel or napkin folded
lengthwise and dipped in hot water,
wrung out and then applied round
the neck of a child that has the
croup, will bring relief sometimes In
ten minutes. Hot water taken free
ly Jialf an hour before bedtime ts
helpful in the case of constipation,
hlle It has a most sootbing etrect
upon the stomacn and ooweis. .
goblet of hot water taken lust after
rising, before breakfast, has cured
many of indigestion, and is widely
recommended by physicians to dys
The Much-Used Kitchen Table.
My sine covered kitchen table Is
such a convenience to me that I want
to describe it for the benefit of other
workers. It Is so simple that any
one can duplicate It at small ex
pense. Take any ordinary table and carev-.'
fully cover the surface with sheet
ilnc, being careful to smoothly ad
lust the edges. These should be
urned under and securely tacked
lowr. It is best to have the hard
ware man do the work, unless there
ts a "handy man about the house"
who knows how to use a hammer
with Judgment and precision.
Once accomplished, you will won
der how you ever got on without
your alnc table. It is so easily clean
ed I wash mine dally with soap and
occasionally with a cloth dipped In
kerosene to keep It polished. Hot
'Itsbes can be placed upon It with
never a .bought of their burning
through and spoiling the usual oil
cloth. It Is a sanitary table, too, for
It is so scrupulously clean.
Try These Useful Hints.
Burn dried orange peel through
out the house frequently, It purifies
the atmosphere, dispels any musty
odors and leaves a dainty fragrance
that nothing can surpass.,
Wblte clothes that have become
yellow from ace may be restored by
soaking la butter-milk for several
days, changing the milk each day. .
Never pour sugar over the whites
of eggs while beating them, but add
from the side of the platter, a little
at tbe time, lu order not to break
the air cells.
An excellent remedy for sore
throat Is pineapple syrup, taken a
teaspoonful at the time.
If a panful of lime Is kept In the
closet with preserves and Jellies, It
will prevent them from mouldug.
Salt water will clean bamboo fur
niture, Chinese and Indian matting
and will prevent It from turning yel
low. For Sweeping and Dusting.
Remove chairs and all otber mov
able articles out of tbe room,. Pour
a little household ammonia iuto a
basin of water; take an old news
paper and, crumple In water; scatter
the wet paper over carpet, then be
gin to sweep. The wet paper col
lects the dust.
If you have a carpet sweeper, use
sweeper first, then use broom. Car
pets swept In this wsy have a nice
alean look.
Dust piano, table tops, etc., with
an old piece of velvet; the dust
clings to tbe nap. For other ar
ticles use cheesecloth, as It Is soft
and nice. When dusted in this way
there Is no lint.
A Little Previous
A gypsy, upon release from
met a friend.
"What were you lu for." asked
the friend.
"I found" a horse."
' Found a horse? .onsense! They
wouiau t jug you tor baaing a
"Well, but yon see I found bin
tefors th over of. hi to."
for any co-;.
of sick roonU
English ss She Is Uttered.
'What is the cabbace?" inquired
the departint;' Vatron who r.islied to
gb to the rail. ray station from the ho
'What's tne wiinf?" exchilmea the
clerk loalng hfs clutch on the perfect
English he usually handed over the
counter. .
"What's the cabbsige? I said."
"I kniiw yo.i did bat I do not quit
got your meaning."
'Oh, you Uoii t? You know what
rabbage Is, don't you?"
"1 guer-e I've seen enough of It to
know. .1 used to live In tbe suburbs
of Chicago."
"Well, what is It from here to the
"I suppose It is Just what it Is every
where else; .that Is, a vegetable
The departing patron Interrupted
with violence.' .
"Aw, say," he protested, "you ought
to be plowed under! or fertilized, or
something. Qibbuge Is cab tare, ain't
It?" ' -' '
.'No ha'nc . for a Miracle.
One day Dr. Norman McLeod, who
was a large n l'nealtby man, and one
of his burly .elders went to pay a
visit to' a ctrtrin Mrs. MacLaren of
the congregation, who lived In the
Scotch ifl)ls. Sfie" was a frugal wom
an, but" deferYnine that they should
tiave -tke' beff;:'ln the- house. So sbe
piled the table' with Jellies and Jam
and preserve; and shortbread, and
hey partook unsparingly. After the
meal the elder said to her: "Mrs.
Ms.cl.aren, were you at the kirk on
Sunday" "Oh. tye.'" she said, "I
was." "And what did you think of
.e treatment oi the miracle?" (the
erraon had been on the loaves and
shes). "I thoufht It was good,"
aid Mrs. MacLaren.1 "And what Is
your idea 0:1 the subject, Mrs. Mae
Laren?" aske. tbe m'nlster.
"Losa." raid their bottess sudden
y; "I'm thlnkln' that' If you and the
-Icier had bin' In the congregation
there wadna' bl'i twelve baskets of
'ragments for the disciples to gather
ip!" '"
irta way.
Lady P'-ycw drink beer?
WildYimi: Yea'oi. How do you
lake it?
J.,'-. r
- Orie' Way of Looking at It
' Durini the.- tr?r,t oLitioal. cam.
paign. tiie foil o ,a certain United
btates Senator y. .:s running fer office.
Naturally ho r ai 'not so well known
as bis father. Consequently bis friends
very often had'fo appeal to the popu
larity oi the father.
"1 do t:or knou the oandidate.1 said
.n old fartuei.'Vho was appealed to
or lila vote. '
"Hut yd j know the father?"
"Yep; 1 kno him, and he's a grand
"Then you wfll surely vote for his
on. won't you?"
But the IScolrh farmer was still
ioubtrul. "I'm no' so sure about that,"
;-.e re;iied; "it's no' ever coo that
3as a cautf like hersel'."
tlnhabitual' Habit.
Mrs. Reg'.n Sliure, a dbrop. now
an' thin, is a comlort; but, Mrs. tl In
nessy, ar'n't ye afraid ye'll get tb
Mra. Ifenncssy Niver a bit! Me
ould man's been dhrlnkln' ut stiddy
there fcr rty yei'rs past an' bs Diver
got tb' habit.
WHY pay as ranch for a
ready made suit, as for one
made to your measure?
Our prices are not liigli
i r. nn ...:n t
tfia.yjyj win ihiv a mans
three piece suit or overcoat
reado in the latest style
and lit guaranteed. If you
pay ns more you get the
value in better material
and linings.
Womens suitsstart at $20.
See our line of table linen
it is worth your while.
The Jaillets.
Cleaning, . Pressing, Repairing.
Broad Street, Near Ann
First National Bank of Milford
in the State of tVuusylvonin, at the do!
of bust nesa, February 6, lyou.
Loans nod discounts I 48 3flt) I'.
uvertiniits. secured mid unse
cured 129 0IS
l'. t. Hiuut,toKt-ctitec!rciilntlon 25. KM ti
l'renmims on u . lioiuls ynoto
Bonds, securities, etc 03 810 00
uiiiikiii House, lurniture nod
u.xlures 1 8SS (V.i
Due from iipprovcd reserve
acrents i" 4r.n k
ot 01 omer iiitlonni Hanks .
fractional paper currency, oick
els aud cents
Lnwful Money Reserve luiinok.
Specie I n x B0 I
Legal-tender notes... l.Sitf) U0 (
KtuVmptiou fund with U S.
Treasurer (5ft of circulation)
8.W03 11
1200 On
Total '...1U3,SW 40
Capltnl stock paid in f gAono pi
Surplus fund 10,uuui
Undivided proflis, lea expenses
anil tases paid 5.721 tV.t
National llanU nolesoutstsndlng S5.t) (o
Due to other uatiouai bauks y23 bs
Dividends Unpaid 27 Ol
Individual deposits subject to
, ebtok U5.B7l 71
Demand certificates of deposit. . l,uui tl 1
Certified c'jecks 117 25
Total .Iitis.ieio w
State of Pennsylvania, County of Pike. st:
I, John C. Warner. Cashier of tbe nbmt
named bank, do solemnly swear that tlie
above statement 1 true to the best uf nir
koowledge and belief,
Subscribed nnn sworn to before me thi
Ilth day of February l'.iuu.
J. C. CHAMHKKLAIN, Notary Public
Correct Attest:
P N BoUUNlfJUK. J Directors.
' A, D. BROWN.
Court Proclamation
State of Pennsylvania 1
County of Pike.
Nolioe is hereby given to all person
bonnd by rceoguizanco or otherwise to ap
pear, that the March term lWDofllf
several courts of Pike County will bo helif
at the court house lu the Borough of Mil
ford on the third Monday (15) at 8 o'clock
p. in. and will ba continued one week it
February 23, loou Sheriff
Register '8 Notice
The following accounts have leen filed
wltn tne rteiilater aud will be pn seated to
the Orphan's Court of Pike County, for
continuation ou the third Mouduy of
March next.
Ksiate of Mary Eade. deceased. Thoflrn
anil llual account ol Joseph s. Fade, Ad
ministrator. Kstatu of Harry Molllncaux, deceased.
The llrst and llnnl account of Lizzie A
Mnlllneaux, Administratrix
Fstateof Klizaheth J. Lcldel, deceased
The Urrt aud flual account of O. W. Bull.
Kslnte of Robert Anrlorson. deceased
The first and fiiiiil uocouut ut Robert Ali
dei eon, Kxecutor.
Kttato of William ScbuptKi, deceased
Account of H. P inris. Administrator.
John C. Weslbrook Jr,
Milford, February 15, 1H09 Register.
Southern Critic Much Impressed b,
Shakespeare's Blackamoor.
One of the must candid tributes fil iate
L'dwin Booth ever received wa ;
rendered to him on his last Southern
tour by one who knew neither of bii
presence nor of his Identity In lb.
play. Mr. Booth told the story to bit
friend Dr. John ?J. Ciirduer.
"We opened our engagement In At
lanta (is. with Othello,'" said Mr
Ilooth. "and 1 played Otiiello. Aftm
the performance' my friend, Mr. Ma
lone, and I went to the Kimball House
for sume refreshment. The long bat
was so crowded that we bad to go
around tbe corner of It before we
could find a vacant space. While wo
were waiting to be served we couldn't
help bearing the conversation ef two
fine looking old boys, splendid old fel
lows with soft bats, flowing mustaches
and chin tufts, black string ties and
all the other paraphernalia.
"'I didn't see you at the theatre
this evening. Cuuuel.' said one.
"'No.' replied the other. -I didn't
buy seats till this mawoln', and the
beat we could get were six rows back
in the balony. 1 presume, sub, you
were In the orchestra.'
"Yes, Cunnel, I was In tbe orches
tra,' said the first man. 'Mndauie and
the girls were with me. We all ayreed
that we nevuh attended a mo' thrillin'
play. The company was good. too. ex
eellent company. And do you know,
Cunnel, In aiy opinion that blamed
Blgguh did about as well as any of
ill I
Men who shavt or would shave themselves
wi find at ARMSTRONG'S a co n pete line ot
"Everything Refined for Self Shaving."
Regular and Safety Razors, Strops, Mirrors,
Wings, Brushes, Soaps, Creams, Wich HazeL
This week we
of new wall paper. Over 100 differ
ent patterns to select from, ranging
in price from 10 to 20c a double roll.
Also a lot of remnants to sell for 5c
a double roll. Our new stock will
please you both in style, quality and
price. Look them over before you
purchase. We can save you money.
Milford, PaD
K to
cr ar3
g Cuddeback & Co.
T. R. J. Klein & Son, Agents
Iron and Tin Roofing of all Kinds
Metal Shingles and Metal Ceil:'ngs
Hardware, Stoves and Ranges
Gutters, Leaders, Flumbing, Gasfitting.
General Jobbers and Repairers.
Broad Street, fliiford Pa
t"7 TE are the oldest Wine and Liquor
Mf Houte in Philadelphia. We have
been obliged to move from the
old !and where we have been (or so many
years must have more room to accommo
date our increasing business. Because we
have the finest trade in Philadelphia is no
reason why we should be higher priced.
Old Penn Whisky, 75c quart.
$2.75 gallon is the finest whisky for its
price in the world.
Imperial Cabinet Whisky. $1.25 qt., $4.75
gal, distilled from selected gtain spring
Goods shipped to all parts of the
United States.
fou) Pew
S ' -SKfV 1
Thomas Massey & Co.
1310 TtiTslnat St 1630 CllCStflUt St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
received oar stock
are intend
put in Gas
having any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know.
Roofing y
1 1
"v. ,twt -