OBITUARY PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED BY GRADUATE IN FHARMACY TAILORS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Johs Degen Jr. PIKE COUNTY PRESS Friday, February 26, 1909 Orrit.ft, BROWH'B BUILMNQ BROAD AT. suiwcription: Own Ykar One dollar and fifty ceuts, Six Months Seventy-live cents. STRICTLY IX ADVA NCR. Kntered a the pout offloe of Milford, Plk County, PeniiKylvnni&, tm (wooii'l olw waiter. Novum be r, 1WJ6, Advertising Rates. OnolDcfa, onotnsertlon -k--- . -. . . l fto Each ubfwquont Insertion .76 Keiiuvwl rntvfl, furnUhca on vpp neat Ion, will b Allowed yearly advertisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's find Executor's notices - ...... - - 8.00 Auditor's notices ."0 Dloro notiopn - 6.00 Bhortff's sAles. Oruhnns court snlt. Jounty Trojwrrs Bales, County stnte mantj and election proclamation charged by the inch. . m. Ymm Kttan. PdbLIHHHR, Mrs. Jennie Shearer of Blnomfield N. J. U a guest of Mrs. West fall. B. D. Blylhe and wife of Staten Is land were gaeMs recently with the lntuily of Dr. Reed. Willinm E. Sigler a veteran of the Mexican and Civil wars, and one oi the oldest residents of Delaware tsi. died at his home in Dingmans Ferry yesterday morning aged about eighty six yeirs. His wife, Hannah, who it a daughtsr of the late Sttimml Hant survives him. The funeral will be bald tomorrow at 2 p m. The firs, of W D. Ackerson & Co whioh oerated stores in Newton N J. failed IiiHt week with liabilities of nearly 150,(100. linn Joseph Conlt Jr has been Hppninteil receiver. Mrs E.lwanl Shi phniil, residing in Delaware Lip near Longmeariow, is critically ill with pneumonia and her recovery is not expecteil. Rnpert P. Nilis, recently elected a justice of the peace in Lehman was in town yesterday to file his acceptance. An agreeable surprise was tendered W. A. Buck last Saturday evening the occasion being to recall his birthday. Mrs C. C. Tyler and son of N. Y. visited the tamily of Col. Lewis this week. Mis Pearl Quinn is slowly irnprov in health after a lung Illness. PAOPACK. B. F. Eillam is spending a short time with his daughter Mrs 8. C. Steele at Rochester and Mrs. E. M. Green at Scranton. Arthur Pel let t returnttl home last week aAer being -the guest of rela tives In Brooklyn and Paterson the past two weeks. Mrs H Adams of N. Y. Is raring for her mother Mrs Bennett, who has been on the sick list fur some time. We are pleased to sea Mrs. W. H. Clark oat again. Mra EvJ Trlvel piece entertained tha laditw aid Tbnrwlay lat. Report ays a very pleasant day ierit by nil rB-niL Tie next u.ceting of th at-' wil lie l M a' M.s H Fowler March o E lwln K'IIjui and Will Hinger have beea erec'in new ie houses, . Sorry to hear 'hit Cornelius Stepli ens of Kliiiieyiiiiiuntain Is under tha care of Dr Simons. No church at Hiit plaeeKunday, on counot of the hu h -' Hte:, the minis ter wns mmlie in dune l. r f nui L-uVlu!e. CROSSES lifum iM li'rl-.e uimlui' m-eu ve y 111 l a'owly improving . Flstrher li:i.- :rii an wife ca'l on relntlves i.l Grj y C i. -il :v. The Missis Ltur. a ,d Ni -a Biri'e ton hiva n turi Ml tn L neaster Pa Lilv Ait me- l;h Mix J Sit ml F -I ;. F 21 !te:r en ' Mary H.irllrsun whn wml In lJ ..:.i 'e ptun to h train Ing sellout I r ur t .ire nnsr eiiltii their Vats' I'' ngi atulutitina. Mr. and Airs A F. Simons mid Mr T. N. fn ient Sunday with An tkouy U.ii aud wifd. The Is much talk of erecting a crMmery at Lcdged ile, Wayne Co., this spring It would certainly be a great benefit to the farmers and all join lc hoping that It will be built. SILVER LAKE Mra Hiram Rake of Notch la send t.ig a couple ol weeks with her moth cr Mrs 8a run Hunt. Mrs Ella Koberand daughter Laura f Shawnee spent a part of last week with the furmur niece Mrs Robinson Uupherd. Geo R. Bennett, stoward of Edgt. aaere Club House will soon locate in Monroe county. He expects to go in I, K tw.MjnliU 1. ! wu ... j . t-ai i , io nun 1 1 ii .15, , Mr. Eaton Bevmis of Lavton N. J., pent t vera I dnys recently with the family of Robi noon Shepherd. Advertise iu tha Prat, After an illness of les than a week John Degcn Jr. died at bis borne, od Water street in this Borough, yester day of a complication of disnaes. He was on the election board February 16th and was in apparent good health but became ill next day. He was aged about 29 years and was a son of John Dcgen a well known citizen In town He a most excellent young man honest, industrious, courteons In man ner and was a friend to all and every. body wrs his friend. The heartfelt sympathy of oar whole community will go out to his bereaved wife and two inf nit children left to mourn hi death. Besides his father and mother he Is survived by brothers Charles Walter Harry and a sister Nora. The funeral services will he held Sunday at the Episcopal Church at 2. 30 in the afternoon KIMBLE Mrs. Lucy Loaey of Hawley has re tnrned home, after caring for Mrs W F. Kelley nearly four weeks. F B. Ward of Scranton was in town recently looking after bis lumber In teres Is. John Malone of Port Jervis visited his parents last week. Xeonard Masker returned home last week after speuding 10 days in Brook lyn. Mrs. Fred Hilderhrand of Hawley visi'ed her parents Monday. Mr. Geo Cortrigbt of Port Jervis, visited friends here this week. Frank Btirkhardt has returned home from California. EGYPT MILLS Edward Garris, wife and daughter spent Sunday with the former's sister Mrs. Wm Justice at Pine Ridge. Mrs Philip Ladtce is nursing the fninily-nf Dnniol Vau Why afflioted with scarlet fever. Miss Lulu Counterman made a bul ness trip to Bushkill recently. Mrs Jus DePue has returned home alter spendiug some time at Pen Argyl Pa. Miss Nora Counterman is spending a few weeks at Coolhaughs Pa. Harry Cortriglit of Cooibaughs was a town caller recently. Miss Melvina Van Why is on the sick list hut ib convalescent at present A violent electrical storm passed over this place last week. Mrs Amzy Morris and son Walter and John Hits and wiie and Mrs Geo Litis atteodi d the funeral of tbe lat ters sister Mrs Ciias Crump recently How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any oohj of Catarrh thttt cannot be cured by, Hull's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Cheney CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe hint poifecfly honorable In all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by bis firm. V aiding, Klnnau A Marvin, Wholosale Drugglats, Toledo, O. hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting dire My upon the blood and muoons surfaces of. the system, Testimonials sent free. Price 76 oeuis per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for ooostlpa tion. Administrator's NoMce EfUato of AmtrewC. Cron deceased. Letter of Administration on the above etfttM huvlug baeu granted to the under slgiistl. all portions ludfbted to the said ei ttu are requtwUMl to make payment, and tintse Having oiniuiti to preaen the same. without delay tu CALVIN CHON. V eb 0, U 19 Dinguians Ferry, Pa LICENSE APPLICATIONS TIib fulliiwina application for HrfttiM hav.i bi-ru lilwl ivilti the Olurk and will be presi'ii'titl lo Ihti (Juurt or (juttruir feattitoiit it Piko Cniinly mi the ibiiii Mimday n( Alarcn lien rnr iviiibitlerncuin mill suurvT&l IWITLf. l.Tl-b'lL'UIIJ FrancU Merclvr, Wurrea B Van Gtirdao, f ulllp t r ulinur. OINOMAH K. O Jloillotut, Albun ('otwrlll. LACKAWAXEN .T.ilni K. Mvr Itiibtrt K. Wagner. Lor ens iiuiz. feumuua ijcnurt. carl ewe. Aiux Ulll UlH LEHMAM Picrro M. KiliM' jIhi-u Ottouhelmsr. MATAUOUAS Jnupli H. Voat. HiTtiiuu Gubhardt, Ag oos Leiclil. Jubn V KiiKlehai-t. milvokd uoao ChrinttRti Rupp, Loulne J . Frleh. Johu K I luiriitiiii, Au(fiiit Mercidir, John C Ueck. KrtnltTtck A lieck. WitrrBQ F. Choi, Peru Lynmn, Leroy K Kljip. VlLFUbU TOW.SblllP Louis K. ltutfot, Kredunck Deiin. PALHYIIA I Kk-hurd Betch.Tl. PORTIB Frmlorlck Hufft-cker. EIIUHOLA Artlmr W. Koliiuuu. Aduloh . Kullar judii T ok jr. WKSTr ALL Will S. Lnflfn, I- luril K BTnns. JOHN C. Wtril'liKOOli JR., Clerk, it 1 1 ford. Pa t Feb. 0, 11U9. A Bure-Enuogh Knocker J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, Wesl Va., says : "At last I have found tbe perfect pill that never disappoint iue ; and for the benefit of other iftliotml with torpidliverand chronic iioustipation, will say : take Dr King's New Life Pills," Guaranteed witisfitctory. 25o at C. O. Armstrong Druggist, . Illness it Costly Loss of time so much; nursing so much; medicine so much total So very much. We help directly and materially to reduce the last item. There isn't a drug store any where better equipped or one that gives fresher, purer drugs, or one that employs better pre scription compounders. And still our prices are low. Sick-Room Supplies Depend on fort or convenience for the ben efit of your sick ones. We have a large variety of sick room helps of recognlred value all at most reasonable prices. F. J. HERBST, Graduate in Pharmacy ONE ON THE UWTfEU Milwaukee Cross-Examlnsr Became a Little Too Inqulsitlvs. Tbe lawyer who cracks Jokes at the expense of the witness often gets more than be gives. The following Incident la a divorce trial is told by a Milwaukee lawyer: The witness was an elderly lady and the lawyer was a confirmed bache lor. "How old are you?" asked the law yer. "I am an unmarried woman, sir, tnd I do not tbink It proper to an wer that question." , "Oh. yes; answer the question," aid tbe Judge. "Well, I am fifty." "Are you aot more?" persisted the lawyer. "Well. I am sixty." The Inquisitive lawyer then asked Her If sbe had any hopes of getting married, to which she replied: "Well, I haven't lost hope yet, but I wouldn't marry you, lor I am sick and tired of your palaver already. So you can consider yourself refused." WHEN. Madge When did I give Cholly iny encouragement? Marjorle When you said a girl was foolish In these days to marry brains when sbe could get money. A False Prohphet. Secretary Wilson of the Depart ment of Agriculture tells a story of a Connecticut farmhand's methods of weather prophecy. This farmhand believed be could foretell tbe wectber Infallibly," said Secretary Wilson. "On a walk with me one afternoon a frog croaked, and be said: "'We will have clear, weather for twenty-four hours. When a frog croaks In the afternoon you may be sure of twenty-four bours of sunshine.' W walked on, and la twenty minutes or so a leavy shower came up, and we were botb drenchtd to the skin. "'You are a One weather prophet. ' aid I, as we burrled homeward through tba downpour. 'You ought to be ashamed of yourself.' "Ob, well,' said the farmhand, 'tbt frog lied. It's t blame, not me. Am 1 responsible for the morals of tba: particular frogT' " The tln of the Tall. Vu Koo the brilliant young Cbln e editor of tbe Daily Spectator ot Columbia L'ulverstty. said the otbei day ot a criticism: 'Wbeo I began to read, 1 thouebi tbe article was lauda-ory. 1 soon discovered my mistake however. TbaJ article recalled to ma a motor ride that 1 took with a Junior last month. The Junior's car was not a re markable one nnd out In the coun try after luncheon the youug man was rather pleased wbeo a farmei laid to hiin: " 'I guess that thar automobile o: jrouro is a hundred bosspower Isn't itr " Oh. no,' la'd the Juuior, with a pleasant smile. 'Oh no. my friend It is only a nve borsc-powoi. A bun ired horsepower would be ever so much larger.' "'1 wa n t Jedgln' by tbe slie. bu bv tbe seise,' tid ts farmer." us for any com-1 Doing' One's Best. Human work must be done honor, ably and- thoroughly, because we are oow men; whether we ever expect to be ancels, or ever were slugs, being practically no matter. Raskin. FRIVOLOUS MADRID. Spanish Capital a spendthrift Town and Devoted to Gossip. Tbe note of Madrid la frivolity. It la a spendthrift town. Nowhere do so many people of modest means keep carriages; or at least hire them The automobil has supplied a new outlet le an old passion. - Nowhere do. so many people who cannot afford to have a motor driver, or to buy regular supplies of petrol (which, to be sure, is both dear and bad in Spain), keep an automobile. Therefore they tun. out now and again for a short run at higb apeed to their own glorification and the dan ger of the public. Aa for that public. It lives In the streets and In a per ptrtual state or brisk talk. Wkat London or Paris news comes through to Madrid, except telegram., la mostly gossip. Important matters appear to interest the Madrileno Ut ile. What did interest him was wbea a young person appeared on horse back in Hyde. Park In a Dlrectolre costume. Feather headed and light heeled, the Maurlleno is, on tkt other band, good natured and easy to live with. . Madrid women dress well, even very well, and the charm of tbe Span ish woman la nevjr denied. Modern Madrid Is sometimes supposed to be modelled on modern Paris, but the writer's view Is that there Is nothing Parisian about Madrid, except the Paris works desperately hard. Is In tensely interested In serious things and producers, thinkers and men of intellectual and scientific, eminence Madrid certainly does not work hard does not appear to be much Interest ed In -nythlng but frivolity, and few of her greatest men, jven statesmen. are muco more man names. THE OUILLOTINE'a ORIOIfi. Not Invented by the Denial Old Doe- tor but by One Schmidt in a book lust oubliahd bv HmIoi Fleishman in Germany the usual atory ui '-ue origin or Ui uastrumsat of exe cullon which wtu najjrnd for Dr. Gull loUn in the day of tbe French reiga oi terror la Uaciy denied.' "There la no truth in Uie story, which has so lona been believed." ba uv. "that the Eenilil Old uhviciun tnvntd lha macnilie wmr.b IL'au fiuniMd fni him and by menu ot which be Is said to nave lost nia Ille shortly alter Its adoption. Uuillutin, In keeping with the spirit oi bis time, proposed on ucl lu. 17 as. that all offenders, re gardless ot their birth or station, should be dealt with alllta bv tha laa. and six mouths later be proposed to the Government tbat convicted mur derers should be beheaded by means of a 'simple apparatus.' "The mechanism of whicb ha anil no one nine bad auv Idea at that tlma was spoken of as the 'simple appara tus by the humorist of the day, ud Uie pUrau sw used to make Its pro poser ridiculous; so that wbea a so chluo finally was adopted the wits of the time named It guillotine. The Uoernuient evidently recognizing the vaiue oi me suggestion, asked one Antoniue Louis, a surgeon at the SaV peirtere, to devise a machine and later iave a similar order to a carpenter ay ibd name of Guidon, who offered to construct an instrument for decapita tion fur 6.66U Uvrea. "This was cousidered too high a price, and the contract waa gives to i Uermau cabinet maker by the name of Tobias Schmidt, who received tu livres for the accepted model la 173 Brhuiidt mads guillotines for all the proviures and the industry brought him a moderate fortune, which he proceeded to squander la Paris, while Dr. Uulllotin. who never had anything to do witb the muking of the machine wblch bore bis name, continued to practice nis profession quietly and ua ostentatiously in Paris until be died there ou Maicb Z, Hit," Chicagt WHY pay as much for a ready made suit, as for one made to your measure? Our prices are not bigh $15.00 will buy a mans three piece suit or overcoat ttatJe in the latest style and fit guaranteed. If you pay us more you get the value in better material and linings. ; Womens suits start atf 20. See our line of table linen it is worth your while. Th Jallleta. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. TELEPHONF CONNECTION. Broad Street, Near Ann REPORT OF TUB CONDITION OF THl Jurat National Bank of Milford in tbe State of Pennsylvania, at tbe close oi Dullness, February 6, 1900. BESOOBCIS Loans and discounts t 4S8QQ 19 Overdrafts, secured and unse- tt jT' j 1 0 U. U. Huuds to secure circulation 6,ou0 Ou Premium! on U. a. Bonds wto 00 Bonds, securities, ete MiMOOO muiaiuK iiuue, lurnnnre and fixtures Due from approved reserve agents Notes of other National Banks. . fractional paper ourrency, nick- ele and oents r Lawful Money Reserve to Bank'. vis: Specie... oas6 60) Legal-tender notes. .. l,mo uo ) Redemption fund with U 8. lS.eKS 85 80 O 413 sv 8,805 M treasurer (6 of circulation) 160 01 Tot' lt,838 K MAD1U1IH capital stock paid tn i 86,000 Surplus fund lOOUOM Undivided profits, leal exnanaoa ' and taxes paid 8,734 54, iimuiin nana nou outstanding SO.0U0 ot Due to other notional banks fcig ft iivi.i-iiu u upaia XT St Individual denoelta ciheok .... 128.67 74 unuauu oertincates OI deposit. . 1,060 V oerwiieo caecae gj gt Total. tAtinrPimiMTlH!. r- .1 ..fMB,89B e 1, John C. Warner, Cashier of the alnvt ....,"- uo wiemoiy ewear tbat tn above statement Is trns to Ib beet of ait knowledge and belief. ' JOHN C. WARNKR, Cashier PuUorlbed ana sworn to before me thl. Uth day of February 1W8. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Notary Pnblle. Correct Attest: W. A. H. MITCHELL, J P. N BOL'KMQUi, S Directors A. D.BROWN. j ""eotors. Court Proclamation SUte of Pennsylvania ) Countv of Pike. Notice is hereby given to ell person bound by reoogolsanoe or otherwlie to ap pear, tbat the March term tvOs of the everal courts of Plks County will be held at tbe court houie in the Borough of Mil ford on the third Monday (16) at s o'clock p. m. and will be continued one week It necessary. OKORGE GRBOOBT February 23, 1809. Sheriff Register's Notice The following sooounts harp been fllet' - ku wu, ii. presented u the OrphanTs Court of Pike Countv, fm oonflrmatioB on tbe third Mondar ot March next. "L"" ary Kane, deceased. The fl rat and Anal account of Joseph S. Esde, Afl- Kstate of Harry Molllneanx, deceased .us iu.i Mia hum aoouunt ot iissle A Mollioeaux, Administratrix iwiMueui itiisaoetn J. lieidel, deceased Tbe first and flual aooount of (3. W. Bull Uxecutor. batata of Robert Anderson, daoeaied Tha flmt nri An. I . . iiJlTJ . . . wwuu ui nuoen a ii- derion, Executor. Kitate ot William Schuppe. deceased k n. x- uanae, AOllllnlltretor. u,t. --. . John v- Weetbrook Jr, Milford, February 16. lvOW. Keglater. Isle ef Wight. - : The Isle of Wight Inhabitants are not alone In speaking of "going to uiglaaa when they leave their own fragment of the kingdom. A patriotic Corniahmaa also "goes to England' when he crosses the Tamar. 81ml larly, inhabitants of the Balkan penln tula talk ot "going lo Europe" wbea they leave their own corner of th continent in curious contrast with the people of Great Britain. They re gar themselves aa both of and In 'Europe," and accordingly It la only 'the continent" that they visit Th record In the splendid Isolation lin la probably held by that minister of the Cumbraes, la the Clyde, who prayed for a blessing upon "the la habitants of Great and Little Cum brae and the adjacent islands of Great Britain and Ireland." First War with England. China's first wsr with Enclaad oe curred In 1IJ. wbea the Chinese gov eminent attempted to atop the Im portation of opium Into the country by the East India company. The or turn trade had grown rrosa 410 cbeeta In l? to 10,600 chests la 1117. and was. therefore, a most important revenue to the British company. England sent her warships over and achieved vart ous succsssea with both land and aavaJ forces, and war terminated la the treaty of Nanking, which gave England the island of Hosg Kong opened the Chinese ports to British trade, and exacted a war Indemnity 111 0(h) poo trora Chine. 1J Mi WHO SHAVE THEMSELVES , Men who shave or would shave :themsefves wl find at ARMSTRONG'S a com pete line ot 'Everything: Refined for Self ShaVtog;; nXr-- Regular "and Safety Razors, Strops,, Miixprs, Wings, Brushes, Soaps, Creams, WicR Ha'fft ETC" ". 1 ' . ARMSTRONG'S . PHARMACY h, GAS FITTIiMG... i Cuddeback A & S BROAD ST., Amatite Roofing: T. R. J. Klein & Son, Agents Iron and Tin Roofing of all Kinds Metal Shingles and Metal Ceilings Hardware, Stoves . and Ranges .. Gutters, Leaders, Plumbing. Gasfittine ft Ii5 Pi R' General Jobbers aid. Repairers Broad Street, Tlilford Pa .0 COVED TO 1630 WE are me oldest Wine and Liquor House Prultophia. We have been obliged to move from the old stand where we have' been for so many yean must have more room to accommtf- J. - - -I r. ow our mcreasmg Duuness. Because we have (he finest trade in Phladdphia no reason why we should be.hiahet oriced. . Old Pcnn Whisky, 75c quart, $2.73 gillon is the finest -Whisky (or its price is the world. Imperial Cabinet Whkky. $1.25 qt, $4.75 gaL, distilled from selected grain spring water. Goods shipped to al parts of the United States. Sift Ptjet. Whisky ; WaVMMtyi Thomas Massey & Co. Foceaerir 1J10 Chestnut SL VUCSUIUl dl. rMladelpMa, Pa. Stilt warm. After watching a turkey gobbler for some minutes. Tommy exclaimed: 'Look, mamma, the old gobbler has bad his fan up for half an hour, and hla face looks Just aa red aa sverl" Nsw Thought As a wan thlcketb In his heart se la be. Look on the sunny aide, deter mine aot te see shadows and make the best of everything and lite will he one aweet song. Hsbit Hsrd te Overcome. Many people find It Imnoaaihu a get over the habit of adulterating the truth which they use. A Cynicism. Woman's most valuable aaaet tee the tmaglaatloa of man. Loodoai Truth. Beautiful Lake Geneva. Lake Geneva, la awltaerlanA, te ulte tnelgolficant aa lakee go. being only t miles long an tea Biles wide, hut It l remarkable tor Its relation M g heantltul laadscape of which N , ,. k If you are intend ing to put in Gas or ars having any trouble-with your pipes already in, Let us know. SAHITARY ; PLUMBING in all its'1- -branches? ::.!; ' ' MILFORD, PA'. K CIIESTtlUT ST tsn ft a a rs r'red Small, on hi rarnj in Swu i vllle, Me, b&s a very luri-ess i method of acsrlng crows from . -a cornfield, having s bantam root r In a wire cant, with ocm sttuchi '.. sod aa everybody knows the coi-kei. I Is s very early riser, snd starts n crowing st oure, nMrn keeps I J crows from inteiferiug v. Itb the com. Tlie Phlloiiiphr- of Folly. '1 have an' intense hatreJ of greed and money-grabbing,' says tba Philosopher of Folly. "It makes as slrk at heart to see meu makiug more mony than I do." Cleveland Leader. ? Author a Prey of Cynicism. Toblo. In tbe "Honey Moon." say: "All women are aogels btfore'mnr rUge. and 'tbat' la the reason why hasbsnds se soon whrb them tobeiv. en afterward.1 - . . - Only Freedom Worth Hsvlng. The. only freedom I care about Is the. freedom to do right; the freedom to do wrong im ready to pari wnu oo the cheapest terms to anyou eo IU 4k it oi tn. Uuais, A