Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 19, 1909, Image 2

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    I- -
Friday, February 19, 1909
Onb Ybab One dollar and fifty cent
Hit Months Seveuly-llve cents.
Kntered at the port offloo of Mllfurd,
Pike County, r-eninyivania, as
01 w matter, November, twenty-first, lm.
Advertising Rates.
One Inch, onalnsertlor . . H .
Eauh ubequent insertion " '
Keduceit ratos. furnlshil on application,
111 he allowed yearly advertiser.
Legal Advertising. ,
Administrator's' and Executor's
notices J-,
Auditor' nottoei J'Jj
Divorce notice - ' ' 7 "
Sheriff' wiles, Orphan court sale,
iounty Treasurer' !, County toio
mint and election proclamation obarircC
by the inch.
. B. V.n Ktten, Pdsilisber,
The election iu the Boro Tuesday
wis something of surprise, but It
should riot be olassed as partisan
victory, bot rather as so indication
that people here am beginning to
consider their upper ends a good
.for something else than hat racks,
and conoluded to one their best judg
ment In selecting officials. Buch 1
condition is hea'ttiful and when per
slated on will eventuate in belter
local government. A ,prly trode
mark should not bo an open sesame
to offloa holding. Fitness and the
desire lo faithfully and conscientious
ly perform the duties pertaining to
it should guide the voters in making
selections It Is a good sign when
such aeutimeiils prevail. The- penple
of the town bavo entrusted theii
' publio affairs to a set of men choten
by them. They buve cotfUled the
, interests of the boro to their bands
and It is .up to these officials uot to
betray the trust in any manner.
Let them shuw by their acts thn
they are woithy of the cwihMeiice re
Dosed, and strive to Improve in
every way with all possible economy
the physical and moral conditions 0
the Boro. Nature has lv;shed In
bounties here, let that generosity he
supplemented b.' making anch mat
erial improvements as will aid in
adorning the town aud making it
mom oomfurtable and attractive, fc
doing the officials will merit np(ic
' batlon. Xf they do not turn tiiein
out.- '-. -
Some are saying the school board
now will be tied between Democrats
and Republicans. I', will uot be
tied in any other way than in an ef
fort to promote thd beat interests of
the schools and to nff.ird every boy
nd girl in the district the best pof
ble opportunity to obtain an educa
tion They are entitled to this ad
vantage and, speaking individually
as one member of the new board,
they shall have it to the tawt of oar
ability. We have no persoual tnler
est to serve, no axe to grind. Tne
vote received is n flittering testimon
lal which we duly appreciate and
for which we cordially thank the dt
lsens. We will endeavor to ho set
as to be worthy of tiiis niaVk of fi,vor
and confljence.
Mrs. A. M. Mt.ili'i has irone lo via
It her brother Floyd Willi l.Sat PI la
too who is crifca Iv ill. Her ttauu'blir
Mary aecompttnieii Iter
Several frh n.'su et last evi-ning ui
hiith stay i.nrtv in honor of J. Ui u
ry Lndwig E q. t':ie g ....it rq ii,c;i
an aamirHt ie ia hii ku-n . giu-s h
a very plea in r eo c ',d ..f n- ri -d
even!. Ihai In ma; j-u I, t 4iuo';i
hero at d uu- u tin- h. r :m1h.
presented wi:ii a in at ihj
Pnsitient iil Tail -! r.l.iv v.
made a Mason nt s gln.
Principal Wildrick' Iiuh g iiie to.h,
home in Luiwi ne Co. to .ai' buinly
Senutor Tillmni a ij s lm a-iII kf. p
right after the Pi.iili-',ii. Tnis
means, of totitsd, tn lr. a.ih nt A
have to maintain a n'.iaip l.sikoui
. both fore ami aft uhiln in Afuoa,
Administrator's -o ice
Estate of Andrew C. Citui i1,ven-e l.
Ltlen, of .iiluiiiilali.iiitiii tin iho alve
S-ttale narlug btm K'anuil to (lie uud,
aiKned, all person-, ludcb u;l lo ilu tui.l
estate are requ..UMl In uu.ke p t) ,u.-i,t, uti J
tnosti navlug claims to piom iii i lie situ
without delay to CALVIN IKON.
Job. 8, lww. U ID IJIU.IUMU keny, Pa
ror BAut or tic st r-Moie ria ni
and dwelling on bmud Mr. el, Mi;-
ford, Pa , either toilbuT or teijar
tely. Apply to
Mrs. K V. plugmaa
or to Pre-s (Klice.
Advertise in the Patt-io.
How's This?
We oiler One Hundred Dollar Reward
for any onaj of Catarrh tht cannot he
curd by, Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney A CO.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare known F. J.
Chi ue for tho Inst 15 year, and believe
hi 111 peifeofly honorable In all business
transaction anil fluanolnlly able to oarry
out any obligation made by his firm.
V aiding-, Klnnan Marvin,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
hall' Catarrh Cure i taken Internally,
acting directly noon the blood and muoou
aurfaor of the system. Testimonials scot
free. Price 76 bent per bottle: Bold by
all Drugaista.
Take Hall' Family Pills for oonstlpa
tlon. .- '
. License Transfer
Notice 1 hereby siren that an applica
tion will be inmle to the Court of Quarter
Sessions on February- surd It) for the
transfer of the hotel license of Charles B
Woods In Shnheta township. Pike Uouuty
Pa . to Arthur W'. Kohman.
Johu O. Westbrook Jr.,
Mllford, Pa , Feb 10, 19J9. Clerk.
In themttTof th5tnte ) In -he Orphan
flllUP if. ulahK uour, 01 flK6
doopftrwd. ) County, Penu .
The undent lned appointed by the court
to make dUlribution of the balance In
hand of the Kxecu'or ft ihown by hi
nncount t the parties entitled thereto and
lunke repmt nt next tarin with the evi
dence taken by him" will me all purlieu
luterntteti lor tne purpono or nia nppoint
ment at bin oftloc In Mi residence on Broad
flt-reet in the Borough nf Mllford, M
dy,' rebrnsry lfttt. 1909, mt 1 o'clock p,
m., at- which time nil parties bn-vttifr
claim upon the fundi or lute rest la the
distribution- thereof must appear and
prove their claims or be debarred iron)
ooiutug la upon atid funds.
JOM.N A Kl f 1'. Auaitor.
Mitfurd, Pa., Jan. Kith. 1009.
Medioinb That Is Medicine
"I nave suffered a good deal with
miliaria and stomach complaint', hnt
have now found a remedy thai
keeps me well, and that remedy is
Klectrio Bitten: a medicine that is
medicine for stomach and llvei
troubles, and for run down conc'l
tioiiH," nava W. C Kiestler. of Halli
day, Ark. Elestrio Bitters purify
nd enrich the blood, tone op the
nerves, and impart vigor and energy
to the went. Your money Will be
refunded if it fails to help you. But
at both drug store.
Register's Notice
The folluwlnir accounts have been filed
wilh the Ht'gUlur and will be presented to
the Orphan' Court of Pike Couuty, for
cnuurnmuoii ou tne iniru uonoay 01
March next.
Ksrate of Marr Eade. deceased. The first
ano nnai aocoiiut of josepn s. &nue, Aa-
Kstntu uf Harry Mnlllneauz, deceased
The first aud final account of Lizzie A
Mnlllneauz. Administratrix
EuiUjof K.llznbtah J. Lcidel. deoeased
l'he first and filial acoount of C. W. Bu.ll
Kstate of Robert Anderson, deoeased
The first and final account of Robert An-
dei roll. Kxecutor.
Kstate of William Scbuppe, deoeased.
Aeoount ui.u. f uarisa, Aatinnistnitor.
John C. Westbrouk Jr,
Mllford, February 16, 10. Register.
We hereby airs notice that we will make
application totbe LrirlslaM'eof IVOgof the
Rtivte of Penusrlv inia to be eotii.tituted
IxMir corporate br the name 01 the uusb-
kill-Delaware Brldire Company, for the
purpose ol constructing;, maintaining
manaRina a toll bridire across the I
ware river at or near the vlllaire of busb-
k(il, In the county or v ike, aud connect
place witn tneviuaireoi natDrx
vllle In Sussex Countr. New Jerser. at
point near the said Vlllaire of bustikill,
the immediate loeation to be fixed aa nro
vided n the application; thosaid brldire to
oe a toll onuge, witn lue privilege oc lay
lus steel or iron traok thnreon to aooomino
date car propelled by steam or electricity
Martin Hull,
John 8. Mmitb.
Kuirene 8. Rosancranoe,
William A. Crawn, .
Eiiimelt Bell,
L B. Smith,
John H. Cook,
(icorffe Kyce.
Samuel I. Peters,
Wilou Van Auken.
Mr. Joyooaud wife attended the
funeral of Mrs Joyce neioe at Ltog
Eddy last week. ,
Mr W. H. Bsnkins is nooming
from sn attack of the grippe.
M rs Jaco'i I.ntmr and lster Nettie
Hankies went to Hamburg, N. J,
rt-outly, where Mr La bar and wife
have commenced housekeeping.
t'r.nk Hart of Port Jervia was
eisitor hero over Sunday.
Mis Kiltie Johnson reoently en
tenanted company frim P. J,
Ml.-.-. Dive Seldeu g expeoted
)r inn today
I', tr r Si-iioot'N home from tb
1 1 -. lor t lio summer
W J. S ump has returned from
liia New E-tglitud trip.
A box car haa beeu put at Toaten
Bridge for a depot.
Tne infant oliild of Arthur Has
liiiw Is quite ill-
B irn to Mr. S. J. Hankins and
vilu Feb 13 ha daughter.
The Christmas Dimrcb
In spite of the fact that the word
dytM'pU n.eaiis literally bad cook.
i' will not hu fair for many to lay
tne bl one on I tin cook if they beg!
the ChristinuH Dinner with little ap-
l'-iii aud end It with distress
uiuaea It may not be fair fur any
ti. do that let us hope so for the
sakr. of the cook) The disease dy
pepsin Imlioates a bad stomach, that
i-i a weak stoujach, rather than bad
cook, and for a weak stomach there
is nothing he equal to tiaod's 8r
siparilla. It gives the stomach vigor
and tone, cores dyspepsia, creates
appetite, and makes rating the pleas
nra It ihiuld be.
After tho Chlldi-en Start
Back to School
Look out for the old treudle with Var
nia ia Ihrir hesds. Children csn'l
avoid k. They are compelled to dairy
eome in contact with those infected, sad
vermta spread with alarming rapidity.
Anyone is habie at anytime when
travelling or ia any strange place to be
cobm intected. and the only safe way
to be is to hare on hand, ready fat
any enKreency, some
h is the cleanest, most convenient,
practical snri eftectire remedy la de
stroying bead iice atW Tennin aboiat
the body. It is a clean, clear hqinH -nothing
greaty nor oily about it and has
Booe of the objxaonabMl features oi
the aintmeBU tuualty osedL - Besides
it's safe to stae on any part oi die body.
A good sized bottle, tul&aeat (exfanuiy
j DM, ssilt lot Zbc,
Graduate in Pharmacy
Notice of Application for
Kottoe ia hereby Rlrnn that an annllca-
tlon will be made to the (rovernor of tin;
State of Pennsylvania on tho Sfirh day of
February, lunu, oy larayette frlce. t. has.
W. Seese. Mrron A. Price. Foster B. Milt-
els and Stewart Bhlvelev, under the Act of
Assembly of the t;oininonwealtli of Penn
sylvania, eutitled "All Act to provide fur
the Incorporation and reg-ulation ot car
tain corporations," approved April Sil 1871
and the supplements thereto. fortheClmr
ter or an intended corporation to ne called
"(;rlKSi;tJ AMI) (irlKlt,NT(VN TKL.K
PHONK COMPANY", the character and
ibicct whereof is the construction, main
tenance aud operation of a line of tel.-phone
from Cresco, Monroe eoiinty, Pennsylvania
to ureentown. r-nce ununtT, fennsyivauiH
Easslns; tlirough the villnges of Muntain
ome and Canadensis, In said Monroe con n
tr. with branches from said villages to oth
er points In satd oouutlc of Mtntroe and
Pike. Pennsylvania, and torthese purp-.as
to have, possess and eujny all the riizlits.
benefit and privilege of said Act of As
sembly aud its supplements.
Btroudsbus;, Pa. ,
February . 1009.
Mahkkd For Death
"Three years ago I was marked
for death. A grave yard coimh waa
tearing my lurgs to pieces. Doctors
failed to help me, and hopo had fled,
wnen my hnsband. got Dr.' King's
New Discovery," stys Mrs. A. C.
Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The ami
dose helped me and improvement
kept on nntil I had gained 68 pounds
in weight and my health was fully
restored." This medicine holds the
world's healing record for coughs
and colds and lung and throat dis
eases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold
under guarantee at both drng stores
60o and 11.00. Trial bot'le free.
How They Were Curiously Discover
ed and Retnraed to Their Owner.
- Ten 1,000 franc bank notes, repre
senting the savings of a woman who
Itv-ed jBt Maiiterrre. near Paris, were
hjdden br her In an old envelops,
vhlch waa placed in a drawer. 1 In a
auanent of forgetf ulues the envel
ope found Us way Into a dust bin.
In the morning the ragpickers
turned out ihe bin, but tossed aside
the tattered envelops without Inspec
tioa. 8om carters happened to pass
that way. They picked up the now
mud splashed piece of paper, one re
marking to the other: "Perhaps
there is a fortune Inside!" They
drew out the notes. "This Is eome
fool's pleasantry," they said; so by
way of revenging themselves on the
unknown Joker and not believing
the notes were genuine tbay tor.
them to pieces and threw them aside.
, Two market women came along
only afterward. Wiu the shrewd
ness of their class tbey recognized
the scattered pieces of paper and
gathered them up and took them to
tb. Commissary of Police.
. There they were pieced together
and it was found that none was
missing, rwo hours later the notes
so curiously discovered were restored
to their owner.
A Large Profit.
Life is t matter of adjustment and
not of circumstance. The financial
affairs of the old watercress man In
James Greenwood's "The Wilds of
London" were as large and seemed
lo him to be of as much moment a
are the manipulations of the Wall
titreet broker. The watercress man
was a crippled old Londoner who had
been a soldier in his younger days
snd who, at the time ot writing
numbered seventy-six year.
Tbe rheumatism was to blm a
SBSllgnant foe. . His home aat
wretched, but he mid me he woald
rather die than go lo the workhouse
I saw blm one morning In Nov em
ber, down .at the watercress be.li
near Hackney, and 1 talked to Llin ro
he stood on the frosty planks stretch
ed over th. oosy beds, where the
cresses grew, and from which tin
m.a were galhsrlug by torchlight.
It was full three hours utters day-
Urant of nigher stducatlon to Wo
men Marks !eep Change
In German Life.
German homes and German news
papers have been far more occupied
with the Prussian's Uovernmet's de
cree granting higher education to
the women- than by discussions on
German and British naval arma
ments. The granting of educational
opportunities for gtrls and women
equal to those of men is regarded at
marking a- deep change in German
life, where, more than in more west
ern nations, women have been con
sidered as the keepers of the home
aud the workers In the minor Indus
tries. The - Introductory paragraphs of
the decree of the Ministry of Edu
cation, which has been approved by
tbe Emperor, recite the reasons for
the change in the system. Modern
life, says the decree, develops an
increasing disinclination on the part
of men of the upper classes to mar
ry, and more girls In the upper and J
middle classes are prevented from
becoming wives and mothers. It is
desirable, therefore, that the sur
plus of young women should have
a chance of preparing themselves
for professional callings, and that
they should he trained in tbe higher
mental functions.'.
According to the scheme, girls are
to be educated in all studies em
braced In a. specially arranged cur
riculum, beginning at a minimum
age of six years. At the end of tb.
seventh school year the -pupils will
begin to differentiate in their stud
ies, those preparing for advanced In
struction having special courses laid
out for them, such as Latin. After
two years they will again b. arrang
ed In divisions, classical or modern
higher studies respectively. Then
after four years' work they will, un
der normal conditions, be admitted
to examinations for matriculation to
the universities.
Up to this time their education
will have been carried on In separ
ate schools, but In th. univeslty co
education will begin under condi
tions similar to those governing men
students. ' Those who at th. end of
the seventh school year do not elect
to specialize for a university course
may continue the ordinary courses
until they reach the age of It. after
which they may leave school or taks
two years In modern languages, mu
sic and domestic accomplishments,
or they may take four years' special
training as teachers.
This scheme hss been under dis
cussion and preparation for a y.ar.
There has been an agitation for
equal privileges for the sexes since
the early eighties, aud most of th.
other German States hav. already
g.-anted them.
Krau Heleue Langs, the noted ed
ucationalist, baa been a leading ad
vocate of this Intellectual emancipa
tion. Prof Adolf Harnack of the
University of Berlin said that wo
men now have equal rights with
men to enter all the technical
schools, with the exception of the
art academies, and that this prohi
bition is likely soon to be removed.
Choice of Two Evils.
Nearly every girl thinks a man
clumsy who meases her hair when
he kisses tier, but they all think
worse of him if he does not even run
.he risk of mussing It
Cause of Neuralirlc
At least 90 per cent, of all cases
of neuralgic headache are attributed
by Dr. Toms, an American oculist,
to defects of the eyes.
One lU-aMn for Bachelorhood.
Occasionally a man remain in the
bachelor class because be is skeptical
as 10 the ability of a woman to sup
port him.
Cure of Kararbe.
Take the heart of aa onion and
beat and iusert In tb. ear and M
yi cure earache.
Grunt and Grows Fat.
The mors a hog grunts Us fattel
M W.
WHY pay as ranch for a
ready made suit, as for one
made to your measure?
Our prices are not high
$15.00 will buy a mans
three piece suit or overcoat
irade in the litest style
and fit guaranteed. If you
pay us more you get the
value in better ' material
and linings.
Womens suits start at $20.
See our line of table linen
it is worth your while.
The Jatllets.
Cleaning, Prowl ng, Repaiilng.
Broad Street, Near Ann
First National Bank of Milford .
In the State of Pennsylvania, at tbe do.
of business, February 6, 1900. -
Loans and discount 4S SHU la
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 13 On
(J. ti. Bonds to eoure olrcuiatiun SG.iaiO on
Premium on U. 8. Bond 8(0 On
Bond, securities, etc 98 Ml) Ou
Banaiug house, xurutture and
Due from approved reserve
Votes of other National Banks. .
fractional paper eurrenoy, nick
els and cent
Lawful Money Reserve In Bank,
Specie n W6 60
lAtgal-teudor notes. . . 1,SU0 00
Krilemptlon fund with IT 8.
Treasurers of circulation)
1 880
13.4K8 8-.'
l(H0 tv
413 A
lSJoO On
Total ...tlW.aau 4n
Capital slock paid In 1 S6.0D0 0
Surplus fund 10,000 0
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid fi.794 ft..
National liana uotesoutetandlng ro.OUO On
Due to other national batik WH aa
Dividends Unpaid. 87 0)
Individual deposit subject to -
ohjk 185.IS7 It
Demand certificates of deposit. . -LOW 0
Certified c'jeoxs 37 ti
Total $lUS,Klv n
State of Pennsylvania, County of Pike, :
1, John C. Warner, Cashier of the abnvi
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
abovo statement Is true to the beat of ui
knowledge and belief.
Pnbscrlbed and sworn to before me thl
11th day of February 11109.
J. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Notary Public.
Correct Attest!
P N BOCRNIQUB. . V Directors.
. A. D. BROWN. S
A 8ure-nuogh Xnockar
J. A. Harmon, of Lizeoaore, Wes
Vs., says : "At last I have found tin
perfect pill that never disappoint
me; and for tbe benefit of others
afflicted with torpid liver and ohronii
constipation, will ear: take Dt
King's New Life Pills," Guarantee'
satisfactory. 25o at C. O. Armstrong
Druggist. .
Costly t'nsks Poison.
One of tbe strangest as well as mo t
costly articles of commerce Is anak
venom, for which there is a growln.
demand in medicine and otbe
branches of science. Tbe suppi)
comes from Australia, and a recen-
Sydney quotation placed the market
price at Hue to 3- a grain, or about
130.000 a pound Troy, no attaint-:
aeemlng to have been made bttherte
to distinguish between tbe poison o
snakes whose bite Is usually fatal an
that from reptile that aeldom kill
Dr. Tidswell. of tbe New South Wales
Health Department, states that th.
venom are now being classified
Laboratory experiments place lb
tiger snake venom first, as It ia si
teen times as deadly a that of tli
black make and four times as powei
ful as that from tbe brown snake o
the death adder. In averaee yield a
a bite the death adder euppllea thre 1
times as much as the tiger snake an-,
seventeen time as much aa thi
brown anaka, 80 far th. snakes hav
been mostly captured by band t"
avoid lose of poison, and, at even
greater personal risk, have been held
In tbe band while being enraged and
made to bit. through a rubber band
ejecting upon a glass plate th. venom
from tb. two poison fang la the up
per Jaw. Kacb snake baa supplied
the material front one bite, averaging
about a grain. Dundee Advertiser.
Farmsra' Let In N.w England.
Anybody who thinks tbe farmers sa
New England are living la solitude.
out of touch with tb great world and
indifferent to lb. advantages of or-
ganization. Is destined to a rude awak
enlng 11 be subjects his Impression to
the lest oi fair-minded inquiry. Much
"pity" Is patronizingly bestowed on
the farmers, wbo resent It and rejeot
it Their winters are said to be 4.
pressing, whereas that season ia in
reality tbe period of tbeir social gay
etlos, range suppers, neighborhood
slelgb rides, festivities within tbe
reach ot mod oral, purses and moder
ala desires. Takea as a whole, tb.
farmer's lot Is not aa unhappy on.
auy mora than that of tb. tared maa
Th. bind hav aot keea "union
teT jet, and !) aeeeuats lor
great gap ta is make ereelid
labor.- Bosiss, TfM;rUiV
tl b
Men who shave or would shave themselves
will find at ARMSTRONG'S a complete line ot
"Everything Refined for Self Shaving."
: X . Regular and Safety Razors, Strops, Mirrors,
r Wings, Brushes, - Soaps, G earns, Wich HazeL
- ETC " .
If you are intend
in 5 to put in Gas &
or ar3 having any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know.
Amatite Roofing:
, T. R. J. Klein & Son, Agents
Iron ftnd Tin' Roofing of all Kinds . .
Mtal Shingles and Metal Ceilings f '
Hardware, Stoves and . Ranges
Gutters, Leaders, Plumbing, Gaefitting.
General Jobbers and Repairers.
Broad Street, flilford Pa
OVED TO 1630
WE are the oldest Wine and Liquor
House m Philadelphia. We have
been obliged to move from the
old stand where we have been (or 10 many
yean mutt have more room to acconuno-
Amtm Saw nMUa Limim. Pw-.im WM
have the fines! trade
reason why we should
1 m
Old Pcnn Whisky, 75c quart.
$2.75 gsion is the finest whisky for its
price in the world.
Imperial CaUet Whisky. $1.25 qt. $4.75
- gal, duuUed from selected grain spring
Good shipped to all parts of the
United States.
0Cr Per
Thomas Massey & Co.
mo cirat sl 1630 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Youtnful 8ulclc.es. '
There ia a shocking proneness
among yo-uhful Bengalis to rill them
selves on tbe least pietexL It seems
to be an exaggerated form of suiki
neas, and oue would like lo have a
medical opinion on the matter. A
student Is reprimanded by his parent
because his studios don't show the ad
vancement expected. The boy awal
lows some opium snd ends his stadias.
A girl wife in Itowrab takes a dlallk
to the second choice of ber husband
8he also secures an exit by tb. easy
means of opium. A Bengali woman la
Howrah wanted to go on a pilgrimage
to Gays Her mother said ah. could
aot advanc ih. railway far. and tb.
girl went out lo a tree and banged
herself. These are all recent eases.
Calcutta Empire.
"Do you play any Instrument, Mr.
Jlmpr -"And
your els ter r
-Bhes a pianist" '
"Doss your ssotber yU?r
-bh.'s a sltkertst,"
As iif (aiherr
"HfS ,1S(,V'-TIIPU.
. ... .
in Philadelphia is no
be higher priced.
Wei -lit if Air.
Toere is no uniform weight for
air. For Instance,-say the wetpht
of a cubic foot of air at sea level ia
1,700 grains, the pressute removed,
say, by its elevation to aa altitude of
10,000 feet. Its weight would b.
about the half of 1.700 grains, la
other words, the cubic foot, at ten
or twelve thousand feet above the
sea, would expand to two cubic feet,
each of about 850 grains weigh.
Haunting Hungarian Melodies.
What makej Hungarian musle so
typical, so fascinating and so fresh
Is thst it I; mniost entirely bssed on
popular themcr Tbe soul of the
people is renected in It, sua, sues in
spiration produces better results
man so-caled scientific and slab' rat.
The Spitting Tag.
A little tugboat passed astern ot
he Lakewood, kicking up a fierce
amount of foam witb ber propeller.
A small bey, ste three, frrkad his
father's coal.tall and ssclalsiel:
'Oh, Ftpa, see bow that thing ta
i!l.l"7f)t Vtlth frsss.