THE" MILFORD STORE ' OF STORES - Longest Established, Best Equipped FINEST LINE OF WINTER GOODS. Sp:iaitis in woDlns, Jackts, Iaiis, mns and childms undrwar. G lovs, hosiry, boots and shoes, All the latest styles and best materials for winter wear. - Beautiful A New Department . tr - A artrc assortment oi Laces itock of nuns furnishings. Finely stocked Grocery Depart ment. CrccVcry and glassware direct from England. All of tlz aboVe at prices that Vill lrakc it to. your advantage to buy of. HIT0HELL BR0S. "Ri?oad 'Ktezzt- j-j r -The- ,. Quick Time Line.. The undersigned have entered into an arrangement to expedite passenger traffic to and from Port Jervis. Prompt service will be rendered and polite attention shown. In con nection they will conduct a general livery busi ness. Proprietors of Wells, Fargo express. Con nections here with Dingmans and points South. Findlay & Milford. Pa When Hello SAW KILLthi COUCH AND CURE THE LUFISS Dr. King's Prf its it an. . ai M OLDS Trial Sola. FiM 1ND ALL THROAT AND ll'HG TROUBLES. OUARANTEK0 BATlSFAOXUiiV OK HOITST BEIUMDKO. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Stylo. Blankets, Robes, Whips, and Horse Outfitting gen erally. s CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS Repairing;-NEATLYDONE. Examine 017 stock it will please you. " The price too. L. F. IIAFNEll. Harford St, Milford Measure of Train Speed. A traveler at a certain EnglUh provincial town in vain lor tha much Qverdue train on the branch line. Again tie approached the solitary sheeny-loo lei ik porter and Inquired for the twentieth time. 'Isn't that train coming boou V At that moment a dog came trotting up the line, and a glad smile tllumi stated the o&icihl's face "Air. yes. sir," replied the porter. "It'll be arettlng near now. Hp re comewthf anal Be driver? iov.' MS. - J -T-. ! A .-!,., ana i raiunuixs. n v,uinpiy. Bilfoi?d Fa Wheeler, PROPRIETORS BEST OF ALL FLOUR. FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, ' and RAY in. need of any to No. 5., or come to KILL MILL, MILFORD PA t Supplying The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We solve it by keeptug Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, , Choice Meats, FreSh Vegetables, FOR AN ELEGANT DINNER If ya appreciate a good market iatowinbuy your fish and clams -at my placo. Limburger, imported Roquefort. Philadelphia Cream eheess or any others desired. FRED GUMBLE Harford St. Miliord Pa. The East Stroudsburg State Normal School is winning for it self an enviable reputation because of the SUCCESS of its Graduates. The fall term will open Aug. 31, X903. For catalogue and special infor mation, address E. L KEMP, . . . Principal Continued from pi ecedttifr pfre- Th Auditor flni ttint on Jsn. county chTk Mr I lsi.00, flirrtffi by Murlln lltittftn. . Clung and H. S. Albright. Ccmraiprtnnerp, wnt drawn tti f vtr of Ftcr Fftuhfr for rvtr km County Auditor an4 lnrlrtnil ' vxpuniw. Th Ati41tfrB fill thil Mr. llftBhtr wan not nfitle to I pny for one day retitminir. horn ' . laftwr ft llntr ibi? r port, . nd . thrrii dmlurt thta rtinrt from btH ntil 1rn nam th I county from Mnrtln Hntlnn, W. Clune and H. 8. Albright, to wit : - M.irtfn Trttnn V. H Albright Thf Auditor find that on Jan. nty rluM k for 43 i, BlRnd by H. S. .MbrifrM 'luntv vii araffn in favor of A. J. Drwtlt. Coroner, for aprvlcfn In lnqunl nnd b"11p of" rorrnMliii Un-on4nff. Wlllinm Hrlnk. P9fn ' uel Shannon, t(orF w m it- bard and Thomoi Whltfftk.T. The Auditor find (fiat the am Id Coroner hnn tharnd,)n tIt'ftnid bill horat h I r and mt to th Amount of 16. to which he la cntlt'fd under tlia taw. and I no pxcr-slvf? mMfnir to thw . imnunt of Icnvinr bnl- inre duo (h county from t'w IxtvUI, coroner, of... Th- Au.lltnr. 11tv1 tnat Trrn, .r ii.r rc-H J from lh" Coun ty of Wayn I4M- h-lf the x- , nao or paint ui-'-l on . oumy i bTldat-n. Thia amount la . fenned on (h paint crmlnr 1 IS pt-r frnHr.n. A mntr of fnt the County of Ptk paid for th paint 1.S0 pr nalln. writ'h nld mK tne nm phi fior. 80, or 3 a Wftyn- " hnre. Hpnr- e find 1iir (be riatr from lh County of Waj n the turn of The Aiidltora find that Arthur M. Adama, fire warden, received on county eh-ck No. 4fi7 tbe um f IR3.45; An this Mil niert by him tnta S54.45. we nnd tbt ine . county la lnnVWel to the najd Arthur JI. Adama in ine inn ,qr The Auditor fln that Oeart . Orea-nry recilred on county cheK No. 522 the aum of for hanl- inar caul, from Port Jervla. Ht' bill filed call for !.''. H' therefore find that the rUMfr la Indebted to the aaid Qorc Giz- ory The Auditor And the fnllowtnir bftlanre la the hnmla of Treoanrer K. u. l.a,nr i County Money V 74 Poor Money School Money (un- a-ated) School Ifoney (acat- ed Kedr-mpHnn Mony.. ' U. 84 202.21 2. IS 166. Si Foad Money (un- BtitM l9.t Ho:td Money (Katfil) 17 ( Uhwp Xund(doa: tax) . 311.B4 193t.P .The nriltnra find tlie fnllnwlna aouata overpaid by 1 reajKurec K. . ; ito.m Money (un- ae:te,lt f IS? l' Rchool Money (un- anatcil ) T.M.71 ' t Poor Monoy . .60 S7S.R Balaace dne from Cnllectoca llttft. . County Htat Dog PafmymfAlva QuVk . . 370.fc6 IS. 40 fl Porter ffchernmn lluah). ls&.li 4.7 04 15.40 . ,1)7.00 Liabilities of the CountjK Balance due on liackawaxon bridge I Palance dt'C on Roaetnwn brMtre &00.00 County atinre of cot of Ktatu ro'.id In Ore n townahfp.... SS5t.0 County' atiare of cost of Plate rnnd In Lehman tnwnahlp... 1444.94 1 Steet fllea for Commiaslonwra' of fice vault, aare lor couniy . Treaaurer's orllee, filled v-all- hule d-'ora fo vnulla In Com- mlaslonera' offlreand Prolhon otary'a olllcedhia contract hh mtide In li'rtt and feat'lnded hy Cftiiimisalou;ra. Jan. f, 130S:. Iince In diini.tet John F. ('Hf, planklna- hrldire over Raymondaklll creek at Tliffot fiirm In lJinfrmao town W. G. Johneton it Co., station- ' cry. etc 1U.8 lt.l 9i I J. V. Chamberlain. Fecretary, brldirc renaira Uaachon . . . . I J. V. Chamber! a In, Secretary, brlde ronaira Mat Hoper. . J W. Chamlierlaln, Pecretory. bridiff- repairs ltowland. - 1 - 17.21 45. 0 12.10 lirlng RlKhtrr, enfflneer, balance due ai Inspector on or Jane -work, ct- . . . . . I John C. Woaioroote, Jr., record- intr lor couniy, eic John C. Wcatbioolrf jr. Com- ' mo n wealth cals t I J. H. fidwlK, Justice's coats.... 2.41 CHddeback A Co., court house auDilUa .SB Due Arthur It. Adams, Are war den, on Are bill 1 00 tu Georgu Urvgury lor haulljis; ooal , Qneer Superstition of the . Katlvc lllttclu of Australia. The Native blacks of Australia are (toped in gupeiv.Uion. A blai;lc fellow will on no account go near the spot where- another black has been buried. He has a dt'op footod' aversion to one particulur bird the wagtail because, he eas," "him all day talk, talk aloug a wblte feller, tellum all about black f iler," add no opportunity Is lost of killing these little birds . . .. Many tribes "bury" their dead by sticking them up Into the forks of trees and there leaving them till tbe flesh has either dropped or been tak en, leaving the boucs clean. J be be hnnpa are then takun down, the larc- er ones burled and tho smallest hand- 1 ea rouna as aeepsaues co nose sen-r. Y related to the deceestd. Should one black fellow wish the death of I a rival or enemy he points tbe bone at him. This niea.n that he takes one of his lale relation s bones from bis dilly bag and points It, In the presence of witnesses, at tbe man he wishes to got rid of, all tbe time pouring forth threats and curses. Strange as It n ay seem, tbe one pointed at will often languish and eventually die, perhaps la a month, perhaps lu a year, for no sooner Is the bone pointed than be makes up his mind to die, and there la no sav ing him. How Unir Grows, A single hair, which can support a weight of two ounces, is so elactlc that it may be stretched to oue-lfalrd of IU entire length and then regain tta former size and condition. Dr. Plncus has measured the growth of balr by cutting off circles about one Inch in diameter from the heads of healthy uie.i, and so comparing the growth of tun patches wjlh that of the rest cf the hair. He found that the growth rate generally became slower after cuttiug; that Jn same cases the hair on the patches grew at the same rate as the rest, but that It never grew any faster. The ordinary leugth of' the hair on tbe head ranges between twenty- two Inches and "about forty-five Inches., the .latter being considered unusually long. It has been calcu lated that the ha'.r of the beard grows at the rate of one line and a half a week; this will give a length of six and a half incnes in the course of a year. For a man eighty years of age, who has beeu a clean shaver from early maturity, no lesa than twenty-fceteu feci of beard must have iaileu befote the ede of the laur. t Tho ; 1 New - i York ' is. m Tribune 8 Farmer is the moet th Diighly practical, helpful, useful and entertaining, national illustrat ed agricultural & family weekly in the United States. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A Send your name for free sample copy to New York Tribune Fur mar TRIBUNC BUILO New York - PIKE COUNTY PRESS $1.50 A YEAR JOB PRINTING Latter Haads, Cards Posters, Statements BUI Heads, Envelopes Circularsr Etc., Etc. js.riEATLY DONE i Time Tablo E,R1E RAILROAD. A r PORT JERVIS Eoltd FaUmn Iralm to BnBlo, NUf rs Fall, ChuataUqna CleTri". f;bloeond ClnolDiiari. TickaU on Ie P"" Jrrtin point, in the West nnd Salhw lowet rates than t1 an; other BraVolau line. Incffsot June 2Kb. 190C. I'nalK, Now LlAVI Pokt JMTH FuLLOWS. BASTWAKU 48, Dally . 4.M 40 ' 10 " Dally KxproM S6, Local Krcept Sunday.. 4t Holidays only HI-,, So. 8, Uivi;yKipress .-. a). Toa, Way Sunday Only TM " " 43, Local escept Sun a Hoi T.ei ? go. Local Kxoops Snnday.. I0,) ' 4, Dully Expioss 154r.ll ' 704, Sunday Only ISO" 4, Wny daily oxe't Sund'y ; t. Dally Kxpress So V.' ' , Way dally exo's Sund'y 6 6 TOS.LocM Sunday Only ... , " WESTWARD. ; MoT, Dally Kxpreoe 1 " 4J, Dally 17, Dally Milk Train 8.10 A" 1. Dally Kxpress H A " " 11, For Ho'dileK'pt8un.. li.Wf.m " , KxpresaChlcngollindat A DA " 9, Dally Except Sunday.. 8 00 ' 6, Limited Dally Kxpress. 10. OA Trains leave Chambers street, Mew Vork, for Por Jervis on week days at .), 7.15, 16, 10 bo a. at., i.w 3 00, 4 AO, 8.16, T.1A, 8.1A U.4A t.'M. On Sandiya, 7. , a m 18 W. 1.16 7 . 80. 9.16 t. M. H. L. BLAUSON. Tlckes Agt, PtJervia. M.W.Hawley, '' . Dlv'n Patigr. Agent. Chambers St. Station New York Worn over the skirt As long, raw ther close fitting coat, bound wltfe sort allk nbre braid and lined with light allk. Tbey are going to use light mountings a great deal be cause they are less Injurious to deli cate wBite blousse. T.he eeevt baa revere and a turn-over toller ban4 with braid also. Tbe sleeves are long, for locg, cloee-flttlng sleeves axe about all wo a JArrxTy scit roa uoiurar) ' WEAR. shall undoubtedly be wearing as soon as the next aaason'e leeies settle down. For ordinary wear the simple turn-back cuff trimmed with silk braid ,1s the upual tluish, and there are a!fo a number of other charming effects oMiitnej aithout the use of the caT, bruld and braid med&lUuai AetD( eciloyil laatctl. m Doth these a papra one year for only 1.85 If you , send your order, and money to Tho PRESS Milford, Pike County, Penn. YEAR O ty. N. V Sill1 ! ' 'JST" THS UK-MARKS P-l7 iMmi, 1 ooiuiUI . .o w. ntoM PAVCVITO 1 that ray. H'W.s mm. aiicoMt tralp jnm I. imh 9 almeM.rtaUMk S fWCC Hurt E TH.ilillltT. M Try pm,i, (un-5 passimo dartniTicta. rorm.oa.3 Suk n PriAuu. hMM writ, to P. S03-SOS (anath Strt, t WSSMINOTOM, O. O. E SCartus. and Trade-Marks obtained m all fat-f cut bouacae AMdQctd lor Hoosaarc Ffte. A Ic.iaomtiaOpsiTCU.S. paTSMTOrnati IU1 WIHIKCU IB MOT tUM UU HW mr.MI frees Waitiartoa. , Snd aradet, drM-is er vliftta with AMrtp tlen. wa aaviM. if pMrauble m aoc Irea at dutrta. Oar f.a mat dua alt wait W iiinf, I a pampwist. M llow Obtua l.tin.u." wilb Sert of la tka U. a, aa4 liatiaa asaaatia Mat fraa. Addraa, c.A.snow&co J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. leases and Lots and lota without Bonsr Dearer la all kinds of Property. notary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Oaice at Residence on Water Street. -filford. Pa SO YATAwf KXPKRIAtMCK X,4 Touoc MM9 DstMM C44-Ym4NT Ate. AnMtf ewnidlriAT m iluAtHl and sfwaMrlKaewB ami ttllnklr eWMAfEHltt Wt Ultutt ft liwctlwar gtf) iTjutloa t prohaMf pntnitAvta. CoaaniunieAV rVtJ IxsOklr tvmlWtjiiUtJ. fiikndNxA ot tAUmu wit frtMt, Oidi.-iC Awe no f for MrjtarutdT ptatnt4. PAvlat takea tbniarki Mauaai 4 Co. aejcT MCiAhl AUiCe), Without law tiM Sciwtttific Jfr.criCwtn. & VwaAWnifilir IllTiATrrWMj wrwftlr. fjtrwMi jrt AWUulual of arr (". Uiio ViirnA. Totiii.. At fin . tnor monieui, a)L Iwabl U1 MWAOaaVei-sV iVtofiN & Co. K'aw Yor IlrMAcAt sOft F WAAAwkAAWtOAV D. The Milford Livery Stable HORSES AND CARRIAGES to hlro with or without driv ers. HARFORD BTRRET Opfwsite Humuatead Library. SOBIAS RELS0N Proprietor. . Growth erf City of fsnHlaseew. In 17u the population of the city of Baltimore waa only 11.8A1; It was In 60 years er la 1A4A, before Baltliaore had climbed ue Into the 100.009 chua; she could tret eaant half a million In 1A00; and to-day the official records disclose popu lation 'of 6,8i. MAAsvavs tvSWe Orange County Trust Co. Middletwn N. Y. with a large capital and surplus security, will receive deposits and pay at the, rate of 4 PER CENT PER. ANNUM interest on them, from the day they are de posited. It is paying out over $100,000.00 each year, for interest. The best facilities which enable us to trans act all kinds of financial business are at your disposal, If interested call on us or write to us for details. G. SPENCER COWLEY, FRANK HARDING, Secretary. President. RYDER'S , MARKET DINGMAN'S BCILDINO DEALER IS Meats and TroTisions, Fish -and Vegetables, Canned Goods Orders Trcmptly Attended PAUL RYDER Broad Street, Milford DR. KEfirJEDY'3 n3AHnniTC 1 iiUUIll I mm risMtMnt to Take, Powerful to Care, And Welcome In Every Home. tID'lEY, LIVER & DLOOD CURE Kot a Patent Medicine. Orer 30 Tears of Success. Used in Thousands of Homes. Write to Dr. David Kennedy' Sone, RonrJout, N. Y, for FREE ample bottle. Large bottle 91.00. Ail druggist. feasibility That Discoveries of Great Magnitude May Be Made. rattling and weird occurrences have beeu vouched for among all na tions and .1 every age, writes Sir Oliver Lodge. It la aoatlble to rele gate a good many asserted occur ranees te the domain of aunerstltlon, but It la aot possible thus to eMail. ate all. Nor la It likely that In the reeest stage of natural knowledge we are acquainted with all the work tags ef the anman spirit and have re duced them to such commonplace that everything capable of happening In the meatal and physical region At of a nature readily and familiarly te be understood by all. Tet there re many who seem practically to be lieve la this Improbability, and although- they are constrained from time to time to accept novel and sur prising discovert. In biology. In chemistry and la physical science generally, tbey seem tacitly to ae eume that these are the only parts of the aalrerse In which discovery Is possible, all the rest being already too well known. It la a simple faith, and doe credit to their capacity for belief belief aot only unfounded npon knowledge, but belief tenable only In the teeth of great masa of evidence to the con trary. It la always a pity to unsettle mind thus fortified against the in trjsloa of unwelcome tacts, tor their ttroag faith la probably a salutary safeguard against that unbalanced and comparatively dangerous condi tion called "open-mlniedness," which Is reedy to learn and Investigate any thing aot manifestly aelf-contradic-tory and absurd. Without people of the solid, assured, eelf-satlsAed or der, the practical work of the world would not eBclsntly be dona. But few suck people will take tbe trouble to read thla artlrle, act I may therefore safely Ignore them: lor It Is Intended to indicate the pos sibility that discoveries of tbe very first can still be made are Indeed In process of being made by strictly scientific methods In the region of psychology; discover ies quite comparable In Importance with those which have beeu mads during tbe last century In physics and biology, but discoveries whose op. aortuaitle for practical application and aeefulness will similarly have to remain for some time In the bands of expert aiaoe tbey cannot be mis cellaneously absorbed or even appre hended by the multitude without anger. : ! . r ' vooo & son FUNERAL DIRECTORS MILFORD PA UNDERTAKING in all branches Special attention liivno to EMBALMING No extra clinrgo for attending funerals out of town Telepbnue in HcKidcnce. I.AIV ASSISTANT New 'Vorii Representative National Casket i'o. 60 Great Jouet-St. Tclciiimne.'UliriSpiliiit sin ii i in ii i in ii 1 1 ii nasi STOVE WOOD rumhhtd at fg 13 a lowl. Moil order given prompt at tention. Hiljortl J'a , iVor 5th. JSCS J. If. Kictel. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE I be hotel r-nr excellence of the sastwl .ocated within one block of the While Houre and directly the Treasury. Pineal table in the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL A famnus' bolclry, rtuinifcsble for It historical aasoclat Ions and long-sustaimd popularity. Recently rcDuvated.rapalnK d and partially rWuuiul. NATIONAL HOTEL A landmark nninng the hotels of Wsi-h Ington, patnn7v(l in former yearn by prefciuents aud hiph i.fliciais. Alway a prime favorite, hwcntly rem otic id ana rendered belter thnn ever. tlpn. Pa. R R dep. U'AL'l'KH 11CKTON. Mes. Mtr These hotels are (he piincipal politic! 1 rendetvus of the cupiinl at ail tlim. They arothebe.i. ati j-;-'jj places al real annable rates. o.o. O DC WITT araarlst taaag... A ct.i,i.. t i't.titu. ArraagenH-nt by V. r Ich Runalcg Vp and HownxtHli-s la Avoided. To secure the advantages of a cel lar cupboard without the uxcesslty of climbing up and down the cellar stair, sink a box of any desired di mension betureeu the joints of th kitchen or pantry floor, allowlag It to come a couple o( Inches above the -wi-:vsrv: t&z-!--3r- i- Js."1"?iAXt- THE CELLAR CUPBOARD, floor line C. to avoid the rut ra net of duet from tbe floor, tr-ya the Pmlrie Jr'ftrni. Hlats are nxllt-1 airasa rh bottom of tbe box. i.l-h a then covered with wire n'ting to prevent file and mice frotu rit;binK le con. tenta, aa (uJlcated at L. A hinged eover. A, protects the top of thj box. For l"litklBst IMahea for planktns atats and other meat are offered In otvk with nickel or allver covcrLif Hi'reto for tbe houftfwjrp eiico::ntcrod no a mail difficulty in b-r eftoit zo serve planked dUUes afi-r the faf'.iloo of reataurauta, but now sue haa ver' thlng ready to u-. aud with a re liable recipe booU s.e tr,n prepare dishes every bit a dt lki ua aa the majority or hotol rhnra. The plat tera come In t-ever&l mitu. ranging from an oval just large enouKb for two persona to the ce'ifioaa family platter. Some at the nickel boijera are quite plain, h lie others are em belltabed with opeanork au 1 tracery. D.d Ta te. The brave snip was wallowtnf In the waves that threatened to engulf her at any troiiient. Haatliy tue cpiuin ordered a box of rocket a and flare- broupht to tle rail, and with hlj own hauda ! united a BUiubcr of them, in l io hope that they would be at ,n and the pas aengara and crew reacuc:!. 'Mid the rorkets red flare, a tall, thin, austere tr-divMurtl found tt way with dttncvhy to the rati and apoke to the captain. "Captain," euid be, "I must pro tut ac&lntit this dare-devllUhnf ea. Wa are now titath. Tl.ia is no t!am for a celtuiiviou." -Sue ys-. jjj.- jtti v ) i i