i I 1 . 4 Auditors, Report or THE COUNTY OF PIKE for the fiscal year ended Jan. 2, HMO To the Honorable the Judges of the Court f Common I'lra of Pike C'onnty i 1V the nndrHittlt Cn'tnty Auditors In and lur -.aid fount)', do nerehy certify that in purwnnnr of end according to taw, wo met Id the flrnnd Jury room 4a th Court Huns. In Milford, In Mid comity, on Mon day, the fourth day of January, A. I), 1900, (that (wins the l.rat Moadayi, t andlt, nd iutt and nettle account of th Cooa ty Treasurer, County Commissioners, Hher IIT and Coroner or snld county of Pike) and K. B. Lslrar, Onnaty Treasurer, George Orrfrnry, Sheriff, A. J. Dewllt, Coroner, Mnrtla Hatton, II. ft. Albrfclit and W. H. Clune, Count r 4'en.mtAsloner, having been rrnnerttvelj summoned to appear and prev aent their accounts for audit, adjustment and arttlement, did an rewMct Ively appear and their respective, accounts are audited, adjusted and settled, as hernia aet forth, for the fiscal year ended the second day of January, A. D. 190a. In wltnea whereof we hare hereunto aet our hands and araU thto sixteenth day of January, A. I. (iKOKGB DAI MANN, (Seal) IIAKKV M. ROHKNCRANflt, Heal JOHN 8. 1)1 KANT. (Seal) Attest : J, F. TtKltH l.KiKR, Accountant. F. B, I. A BAR, TRBAM RKR.IX ACCOUNT . WITH TUB COt NTS OF PI KB. DR. To bnlnnce from 1907 I 4898.76 Heeeivid from Seated Land lax lfu.-.-fi.?, vis : Blooming Orove tftwn- ship , Delaware towimhip. DliiKtnan township. . . C-n-fre township Ln kawaxen townnhlp Uhman township. . . . M itford township Palmyra township.. . . Fhohola township ... . Vfrst tall town snip . . ... Alatnmoras borough . . M 1 1 f o rd borou k h 14 8 14. US 65.87 33. ' 6H.13 405 IE.. 28 28.85 25.52 f To rt culved from Rebates Fefticd Land tax To n-tt-lvfd (runt Unseated Land trx ll'OB. viz : Blooming Grove town ship ljil::vare to v.' n ship. .. DinRinan township. (J it cue township l.O'-kn. waxen to .vnsblp Lehman township. . . . Miii oni towniih ip pulinyra township, . 99. 48 9.31 S0.C8 50.fi 7 18.1-4 G.:'7 1.17 I'orter tow lib in p 13.74 Fhohola township. . . . 14.U5 Wcsunll township. .-. . 1.01 To received from I no eat ed Land tax, 1107. vis : Blooming Grove town- tc.wiisnlp Mmvaie township. .. Din pin tow nship . , . U remit township I.avkn waxen township l.flinnn towr.B.iip. . . . Mii t nr.! township 1'almyra township. . ,. 15?.R8 77.47 7.!'0 If. 65 i-orier township :.4B Shohola townwhlp. . . . 8tf.&9 Wi-fitrill township 5. TI TO receive! from Unseated Land (six 19i8. vis : 'dooming Grove town 42. 4 .77 15.14 Delaware township. .. L-iiLni.-il ll'l. li.-lklp. ... Greene, township Lu-ka waxen tuwnsltip L-itni in tt'wnahip.... MM lord township liriy i s township. . . , Poiter township Pholinla township. . . , West! ti! towiiBhin 14.83 11.31 2.4& To interest on I'uieitod Land tn.x To received from ( ounty s ha of f-ft hunting licenses. . . . To received frum . Collectors t'ountv tax : BloommjE Grove town ship . . . 4 Delaware township. . LMiiKiiian township. . . Gi eene townsijf p Laekn waxen township Lfhrnun township. . . . Milford townsliip Palmyra township. . .. Porter township Khohola township West tail township, . . . Mam moras borough. . Mllfoi d borou Kb 4SS.4S 10''7.04 73U.t3 8t,J.U 1-17.23 5!7.06 173.73 1V.9 ens.40 502.10 134.tt8 51U1.3U To received from Collector Pal myra balance due 1917 To received from CollectorlDlni- mn balance due 1&07 To received from Collectors Ftate tax : Blooming; Grove town- hlp Delaware township. . . Lhnprnian township. . . Greetio township Lac waxen township Lednian township. . . Milford township Palmyra township... . Shohola township. . . , WfStiall township. . . . MiUuniori borough . . Milford borouiih 30.05 3.71 4h.60 132.69 34.70 L'0.32 7,7.40 S4.I.4 Sill. 46 617 6 7- To received from liquor licenses : ueiawRre lownsuip, s licenses Dlngm;in township, licenses Lacks waven towniti 7 llco.iss Lehman township, licenses M ilforrt township. license Paiii-v i township, license PO" It). Luta .itfUip, license Shohola towpsblp, llcer.ses West i. ill township Hi en is . . ,t Ma la moras borou eh, llcfnatts Uilioid borough, licenses 45.0 I 45.00 ..' 105.00 10.00 16.00 15.00 15.03 45.0O 30.00 110,00 HO 00 To received from State Treasu rer, refund on huunlKs. . . . To received from 8tuto Treasu rer, lighting; fortst nrts. . . . To received Erie bonus money. . To received from Treasurer of Wayne County, one-haif cost of paint for county line bridges To received State Tax on School bonds of M II ford Independ ent School district To received from J. J. TVain 'WrfKht, collector of Dlnttnian township, tax of Nelson Travis To received from Harry 8. Angle, bottle Ink To received from return of part of U. A. R- appropriation. . To transfer from dog tax fund (nee r-heep fund account. . To receive.! i rom H. T. tiaker, bottle Ink To tureived from Slate Tax re turned To received from J. E1. Buyd, furleitcd bail -oi Walter J.b ' To i" '''vi"! fr-. 13. H. Wolle, bridge plank To .i v.n v h ui.- loii. sate of old bridge plank To reieiVfii mmi Ov.-i-.te.-i-8 of poor of IiiiKiuuti ton uahlp. To reelvet inn irum iiisinct Ailuriit-y i.i 'I Coin. vs. Manwarlns;. 4.00 4'o -..1 Mi-Mahon. .. 7.u(i 5.00 1 00 6.00 Cora. vs. Mink Cora. vs. ltos n ranee Ciiin. vs. MaKolm.... Com. vs. Deckwr . uij To r. ceiv.J fees and lines from H(!i-rilt Uivffory ; Quh 1c vs. ita.sh Mi Mahcn v. Hart. .. Com. vs.- Koiencmnce Ven Brt:nt v. l.am-r Fine tioi. Rosencrnce (less 3 per Cent. cominlssion 4.00 By amount of vouchers paid as follows : Ounty Offlrem, Clerks, Etc. C. W. Bull, County So- . llcltor t 7S-00 Heniy S. Alhrigiit, rouniy tomiuiMiuu- 300.09 9'tu.tft) MiO.Uil 400. 0 10.: 6 William H CK-ne Xlar nn Haitou Thee. H. litker. Com- mllnneiJs Clerk . .. Levi Lr.ivl. Jury Cum- mlsdioi'.er Ceo. H. Mccarty 2.&0 John S. Durant, Clerk for J ury Commia- tunerM 29.19 Geort K. Bull, Dls- Attn ney . 300.00 Absolutely Him lei. Caret on BROMO-PEPSIN "Not tha Word Fepslu- nimrc headache, suepussness li U K UQ IHDIUUTICN I NEitVOUSKtS All Oruevlatsj, lOo, lla ftO). Charles O. Wood, Court frier 13.91 John Westbroo, Jr., i'rot honolm , record In r for the county, etc. 116. J9 Norma n U. Dreher, Cnirt HrenoKi Mphpr 100. II Oenree Orei- irv. Shwria" fet ntte.i'llna; court, drnwliifc Junits, rpleas 1ns; prmonprs, serving Jury notices, advertls InR elections.-tC 111.99 Ti-.klns; J-im-ph Miller 10 th I 'isiein I -n- tcuiaty at Philadel phia KX.HR 500.7S Peter Helshor. County Auditor and cierk. . B. J. DarraRh Frank Schorr, Auditor -j ac counts John L. Oou riey. Jan itor of fo;irt House. John Rv Mct'arty, twl ance Fr vices Jan itor 1" Expense ef Asaeeaera. F. L. West brook, , Blooming Grove, an--nual upnessment. . . . John W. Hornheck, Del awn re, annual as sessment Alfred L'hatlHon, P-lmc-man. annual assess ment Oeorire J. Hcberllna;, Greene. annual as St ssnient Henry Dewftt, Lack a -waxen annual as scRFinent Moses V. Briscoe, Leh man annual asseas mcnt John Btsland. Matamo ras animal assess ment J. H. Heller. Milford unssment Walter Cole. Milford bornush annual as- township anmial at sessnient C. R Willlnms. Palmyra annual assessment . . WalUf -ustaiu, t-ori-'T n nnii;it assessment . 4 Georiie. A. KnaliQB.' Pho h i u annual assess m"iit William Sawyer, West ti U a:inual assess- 1 mcnt F. L. Westbrook. Bloom ing Grove, rcpiater tnfr voters John V. Uortibeck. Del aware, registering voters Airred Chatlllon, Dlng nutn registering voters Oeorn- J. Hebnrllns, tireene, registering voters Henry Dewitt. Lacka waxen. registering voters Moses V. Brlsrne, Leh man, registering voters John nisi and. Matamo tv.s, resistoring vol- era J. II. Heller, Milford borough, registering voters Waller C. Cole, Milford township, registering voters . . . . C E. Williams, Palmyra reartsierinii voters. . Walter ('i stvd, Porter, -icgislerlng voters. . Georjru A. Kneailr.g, fr'hnhoia, registering voters William Faw cr. West full, reaisterlng vot ers F. L. Westbrook. regis v terlng school chil dren John O. Hombeck, repts tertng s-jhool ' chil dren Alfred Chatillon, .re Is- , terlng school clill drett Qeorge J. Beberliinr.refrls terlng school chil dren Hen iv Dewitt. regis tering school chil dren Moses V. Briscoe, regis tering school chil dren John Btsland, regis tering school chil - dren J. H. Heller, regis tering school chil dren Walter C. Cole, regis tering school schil dreit C. K. Williams, reKis terlng school achll dren ' Walter Custard. reftfs terlnr school sob II dren Oeoi go A. Kneallng.regis- terlng school schti- ' dren Wlllam Sawyer, regis tering school echil dren F. 'L. West brook. making military enrollment John C Uornbeck, making m!titar enroitnietit 31 32.19 u.w 11.99 -199.99 3. St I 3739.99 14.99 40.09 24.60 31.99 C3.99 82.99 49.09 39.09 14.99 . - j 12.09 10.00 9 10.09 11.00-' 449.99 S6.00 14.09 ; 44.09 42.00 54.00 14.09 10.09 60.00 f 24.09 44.09 . '. 10.09 83.09 30.00 440,00 t.00 19.00 11.00 13.09 3. so.oo 1 ' 12.00 19.00 13.00 10.09 ' , 14.90 ." . 'M 14.99 . 9.00 194.00 1.31 ' t.4t ' 1.74 , t t.u j ' ' :x t.u :." it-;;-' 4.41 44 149 1.79 1.T1 . . 43.41 921.68 68.51 185.38 547.06 133.4T 66.26 10.8 120.63 127.31 Alfred Chatillon. ma king military enrollment (leorgu Jt H berl In g, mak ing military enroll ment Henry Dewitt. making military enrollment Moses V. Briscoe, making military enrollment John Btsland, making military enrollment- J. tl. Heller, making military enrollment - Walter c. Cole, making military enroll men t C. E. V. iUianis, making military enrollment Walter Custard, making mi I it a 1 y en roil meat George A Kneallng, mak ing military enroll- - DH'Ilt William Pawyer. making ntilitai enrollment Coroners" Inquesta. Bdward Qulnn, Frank P. -,-!iz, M iurlce S. ' Qui no and Benjamin sluiscitheldcr, Jurors' inquest on William Lrink in Milford township, each one dollar Dr, H. K. Emerson, ex amining bodies of William Brink and Cornelius Greening. T05.00 153.01 A. J. Dewitt, coroner. in Cflm of Cornelius Greening at Hhonola Falls, William Brink In M liford township, Pnrnuel Shannon In Dinsntan township, . George W. Uu l ba rd and Thomas Whlt tuker in . Milford borough J. H. i.udwig, J. P, viewing body of A I- fn-d Grenter in Milford borough. . . Court House Repairs. Jchn L. Gnuriay. paint ing interior . of court house, clean Ins cellar and court house tin oush out, t repairs 00 windows, etc.. Oeoro R. Quick, lock .36 12.21 48.fi ; t.75 45.03 .50 102C.2I 190.00 31.10 2.00 91.50 inr ooor 01 uner iff s olhee and ad iuailnK mint Frank S -horr, giving elevation for curu inn around court house 8.69 96.69 8.00 -18.04 36.14 16 15 Charles J. Bnileau, 303 leLt curbiini Alme:- A McMurray, shlte lead tor inte rior of court house. E. C. Wood, pointing roof of court house W. & O. Mitchell, pal nl, etc., used In snd about court house . T. li J. KI..-1U e fna. repairing roof, mov ing steam pipes, etc. Commonwealth- Costa. J. C. Westbrook. cost Jn Vir.uin cases .... Com. vs. UenCnurt right ('um. Vs. G. A. Kwdl. .. (7om. vs. Ernest C. Wood Com. vs. Joseph C.Mllicr Com, vs. Shaw and Mur ray Com. vs. Waller Jobes Com. vs. Clira b (low er et al Com. vs. Charle Helms Com. vs. T. N". Wood ley Coin. vs. J. Sai'ino Coin. vs. Johnjaimer., Boon I lee en Wild Aninaa Paid on S4 wasjls F'aid on hi fox-s 38.49 24.44 if 1 si 4.69 2.00 89 47 S.90 24.04 21. 4- 84.00 174.00 62.00 0.00 Paid on 0 miiiHS i'jild on IS wi:dcats.... R4 Spot NOTICE. Ttie Coinniif8fers of Pike County will hereafter hold Regular Meetings Che firnt Muntlay of each mo, between thehourdofQa.m and 4 p. ui. xaept tuflt the iiHintha when Court nay beinMdiont and then during Court THKO, H. BAKER tViiirHiaal wrpCJw Ml1. i'P W.HIU H .1JLLJ9B. isw.4lJ,JP Fleet lew Ft pens. Aseesxnrs attending alee- tlons 31.94 24.90 Constables elections advertislnir Care of ballot (hist fees o peace) Bier t ton board Big Orove February, '03.. Election board D-e 1 a w a r e February '01 . . ruction boartl 1 I n in 1 u February 0S., Blectlon board) Greene February 'OS . Election board Lsckawaxen February ' . , Election hoard Lehman February '09 . . Election board Matam eras February '08,. Election board Ml). Ind. School February "03., Klectton board Mllfordj Boro. February, '03 . . Election board Milford Twp. February '08 . , Election board Palm 9,-,r a February '08 . , Election board Porter February, 'OS. . Election board 8 h o h o I a February 08,. Election board W e s t f a I I. February, 'OS. , Election board Rig Grove November '08 . . Election board Delaware y'uvember '08., Election board ... V 1 n g m a n November '08. . boxes" I 83.34 11.43 447.&S . Election board Greene November '09.. Election board . LarkawDxcn November '08 . . Election bdard Lehman November '08.. Election board nn rora uoro. November '98. Election board Minora iwp. November '08 . . Election board ' palmyra November. 08. . Election board Porter November, "08.. F.lection board S h o h o 1 a November '08., Election board W e s t t a i 1. November '08 , Election board Maiam o r a a November "03. . 81.49 459.09 Commissioner deli ver nal lots 79.04 1K8.40 471.83 14.00 14.60 11.54 Pike County Preas. print ing uanois Advertising e 1 c 1 1 o a proclamations In Dis patch and Press .... Rent of election house Porter township. J. H. Van Etten, Sena torial return Judge to Stroudsburg Warren R. Van Got den. Con gressionai return ludtre to Easton Frank Schorr and Harry T. Armstrong, com puting; vote of No vember election 1908 In court Forest lira 4.49- 191.44 33.39 82.49 . 77.28 112.06 ST8.15 148.26 17.80 84.79 1.7ft. Oreene township Lehman township Palmyra township ..... tuwnsnip ...... Westfall township x Dlngman township ..... Lackawaxen township. , rter township Delaware township .... A muavust notary puono Constables Attest ding Cowrt Blooming Grove 89.04 ueiaware 7.74 10.09 40.69 ' S3.7C 11.79 IK 9.49 39.69 14.80 1.18 Dlngman Greene .'. Iackawaxen Unman Vatamora Milford Borough. ...... Milford township raimyra Shohola Westfall Bridge Kepedriasj. Levi Lord, erecting tem porary guara ran For County bridge over Shohola creek near Levi Loss's ....... . V, Briscoe. Treaa.,753 - feet or plank at fit per M for Snyder bridge. Lehman townshln 4.00 Robert Dundas, post and ' iftDor propping up bridge over Ray nioudskltl ereek 'near iUhaniio'a Gushing A. Heller, cart ing 1 Kegs or paint from Milford Jto Bushklll John H. McCarty, ptac- ing . guard rait around Achanno bridge In Dingmaa townshlD W. H. CI una, expense going to Hickory Grove bridge and Hchanne bridge to a r ra n g e for re pairs H. S. Albright, expense going to Hickory (irovo bridge and . Re he nn bridg to arraiiKe for repairs Pike County Press.print Ing posters advertis ing repair to abut ments, etc, Schanno bridge Martin Hatton, expense going to Hickory G rove brld go and pc h anno bndga to arrange for repairs Frank Schorr, drawing spec I flea tlons for Schanno bridgre and HickoryGrove bridge Ellas H. Albright, con tract price for gen eral repairs to - Kchanno bridge In Dingmaa township. raising abutments, etc, and extra work W, H. CI una, ex pen sea inspecting repair 10 Schanno bridge . .. Charles Clark. 84 feet of Slank for Halts rldg and labor.... C. R. tfoaeacrance, re moving old abut ments of Taylor town bridge In Uck a waxen township. .. John T. Quick. 2S2 feet of plank for- Rose town bridge in West fall township and labor laying same. Elmer K. Steele. 161 feet et pianx ror mou street bridge and la bor laying same. . . E. J. Darratih, repairing wing wail on bridge ovt-r Adams ereek In Delaware township. Commissioners of Wayne county. Pikes nair expense for repair on Bortree' t county line) bridge Elmer E. Steele. 144 feet of plank tor Struble's bridge and t 612 feet of plankfor Mutt street bridge and labor Elmer E. Steels, 1392 feet of plank for Struble's bridge and labor and aork oa t ruble bridge and Mott street bridge, etc, B. S. Wolfe, 1728 feet plank for bridge near Garret Hart's In shohola township, labor. spike and horse hire Ellas H. Albright. re pairing wing wall of bridge near Ounn's shop. Delaware township, and churn ing bed of stream.. H. 8. Albright expanse going to Hickory Grove in re Oiling roadway near new urMice 330.84 John H. McCarty. re pairs oa 1 imu brldKO. Dingmaa tow nnhlv M. V. Briscoe, repairing TRADC m Maims. -CeWT. Th'rreee e m 9- OfJ rati.tltf got! trntai4W J&Lm e 4fwit. Vs9s' r gten arch hr4tn ta Lehman township. . 8.94 W. H. Clone, expense In specting brldgf at hhohoia and Laeha- - waxen townships . . 4.99 John Mccarty et al, re laying plank on Seit and Hem I! toe bridges In Ding men township 8.89 J. F. Melony, labor and team for replanklng Cummin b rid ice la WearfaM township . t.M Eloer l. Steel', r04teet of plank for fitruble and Mott street bridges, spike and labor laying same.. 84,86 C S. Wolfe, plank fur nished for Seitl.Tls- sot, Hamilton and . Matt Street hrlflge. 45.26 Oeerse A. Knwllnf, , plank, ete., for Sho hola Glen bridge.. 9.4t Oeorre A. Kneallng, re pairing abutment of Kneallng1 bridg. . 1.99 tsridaw 8swlMts. Palmer ' Derma, balance due for building abutment, etc.. for bridge over Taylor town ereek In Lack awaxen township near Fd. Dellerts.. 124.94 Penn Bridge Co , balance due on Taylortowa bridg 466.00 W. H. Clune, expense going to Lack a wax en t take measure ments for Lackawax en bridge 1.66 Pike County press, ad- -vertislng bridge I et ting for Hoeatown bridge f.60 MglOord Diapat eh, adver tising bridge let ' ting for Hosetown bridge 7.50 H. a Albright, expenae going to Iackawax en ta take meas urement for Lack awaxen bridge 8.66 Martin Ilattoa, expense . going to Lack wax I en to take meas urement for- Lack awaxen bridge .... 1.50 Palmer Depue, part pay ment on service in specting erection of concrete steel bridg ever Roeetnwa creek near Hickory Grove Hotel in Westfall township 86.94 H. B. Albright, expense Inspecting cone ret bridge at Roeetown f.60 Irving Rtghter. engineer, making surveys end estimate for pro- Ksed bridge over tckawaxrn river and furnishing plena, profile and speci fication for same . , 89.90 Pike County Pre, ad vertising bridge let ting for Lackawax en bridge 12,09 Milford Dispatch. ad vertising bridge let ting for Lackawax en bridge ' 11.09 H. s. Albright, expense viewing foundation for new county bridge over Lack awaxen river 4.99 W. H. Clune, expense viewing foundations for new county bridge over Lack awaxen river 1.79 Martin Hatton, expense going to consult en gineer In re plans, , etc, for Lackawaxen bridge, procuring in spector therefor, in specting excavation of said bridge; also trip to Hickory Grove bridge 14.49 W. H, Clune, expense going to Hickory Grove In regard to filling in approaches - to new concrete bridge there erected . 1.99 Mary P. Van T see 11, norse and buggy for clerk to go to Hick ory Orove for sam ple of shale ueed la bridge (same sent to Harrlsbu-g for an aaalysls) 1.35 W. H. Clune expense In- speetlng foundations, etc., of bridge being erected over Lack awaxen river at Lackawaxen 1.44 Palmer Depue, part pay ment oa services as Inspector of masonry of bridg being erect ed over Lackawaxea river 10.99 W. H. Clune, expense In specting excavation Iackawaxea bridge 1.74 1914.84 1797.17 Palmer Depue, balano ei account a in spection in re Lacka waxen and Rose town bridaes 95.64 Irving Rlghter, expenses. etc., in re lacka waxen bridge 291.40 H. Clune, expense Inspecting substruc ture of Latikawax- bridae 8.49 Martin Hatton, expenses) inspecting s una true -ture of Lackawax en brldae 4.94 Theo. H. Baker, expenses measuring in re Lackawaxen bride 4.04 H. B. Albright, expense Inspecting to re Lackawaxen kridre 4.04 Pena Bridge Co., coa- , tract price for build ing aubetructrue ture of Lackawaxen fcridKaJes e- . ducted by viewer... 1979.44 enn Bridge Co.. amount allowed by Engineer Rlghter for extra work on substruct ure of Laehawtaao brldaw 990.40 Telegrams rKarding itoeetowa bridge. .T H. Clune, expense Inspecting plank Lackawaxen fcrlriar.. . 1.70 Palmer Depue, axpanses consulting wnq viewers at Roeetowu 3.49 Mctson-Merydith , Co., part payment tor nacrefe-steel bridge over Roeetown cret-k 1104.99 egisfrtsig Births sad Death J. U. Van tSltea, tegie- trar 31. tl 16.69 11.16 19.16- P. Klllam ... John W. Kllsby w. H. raannoa . Seren kead stones for Daniel v. Drake, John Armstrong, Oeorgej Boys. Ferdi nand Bertboud, Charle Rates, Jacob Scott, William Brink, at 916 each; and 14 markers for Ralph B- Thrall, Christian M. Letdel, John C. Thomas, Jamas Ros ier. 1xarles Tltman. Wirtiwm Watson. Jasnea H. El red. Jaoob Finger, Hsnnr M. Beards ley, John Klaer.CttarLes Qulon, Cspt. Oscar IX. Mott, Crl Kih. Gures W. Hubbard, at 6 each U9.99 18 -headstone for Pat rick North, Daniel . W. Ding man. Squire Series, Joserh V. CarhufT, Matthias Hay. Albert Simpson, David D. Ancle. Ja cob H. Hhafer. Jesse B. Sboemaker.Justln Kllla. John Wahl- ?uiat. - Gilbert Steele, saas Puderbaugh. and 4 marker for W. Nelson Jagger, Theodore . Hater, James F. Crene, Theodora A Downs. Jesse Guna - Maurice H. Layton.. 911.94 t headstones fr - Rev. John Westfall, Alan eon B. McCarty, George Owea, Chris tian Lands 44.44 FHsttiag. M l if ord Dumat ch te 9. 4 8 Ptke CswAty Press 141.9s Wetar mmd Wpi lug- Filietmiss, 3xsens-es of boiaing spring pri mary inrU4ritoui in ceeuty - last AprlL auppiles etc tor - . asms Fws4 exedj 4w4r LA bar 4k Lan, coal-v 914 81 C. II. twsuaour. coal. 7.. 84.94 QkrtlBg (Ml frees Fort; Jeevts , MAS William B. Kcawi.thiy M. D Physician and Snreoa. OOtt ut nldne BrutA Slnat uit Court Hoom. MILfOBD. For Sale or Sett IMMMfcrm knows iiWirn , m two mil tMiovMilr-ml. Apply U R H I Mem. beard in r'rteoasr. etc., Deo. B7 J7.44 Medicine for variouO prisoners 4.86 Medical attendance! for prisoners 87.60 Clothing for prisoners, supplies for Jail, ete. 89 66 B. C. Wood, pa per Is g and painting upper floor cf jail 16.89 George Gregory. labor setting curbing and ' sidewalk of Jail, grading and plant ing trees 48.61 Repair on jail add supplies 14.49 John Degeu, tbavs and bal re u t for p risen er .66 L. K 111 em, boarding , prisoners, ete Janu ary 18.49 L.' B. Hlesam. boarding priaoners, sic. eo- Tury L. B. Hlesam. boarding prlaonera ale. March L. B. Hlseam, bearding prisoners, ate, April L. B. Hlsaam, boa rein g prison era, etc., June L. B. Hisaasa, boardinr grlooaers, etc, Oclo- 7a. B. Hlseara, boardinr prisoners, ate. No vember 19 29 14.94 84.84 86.84 18.14 4 94 MlsrellaasfSM Bxpssisss. Stat Tax sent to Cont moo wealth or Pennsylvania 19s Eastern Penitentiary for convicts Merchandise for Court House. . . U. B. Albright, County Commit- eener, expense nt aellvering emesement books to the va rtoua aeesor throughout the rouniv Juiiv's, grand and traverse, Octo ber termlSQS Taxes refunded oej purchase of or county i annus, overcaaraes. Amount appropriated for Memo rial Day expenses af CoL John Nyee Poet. O. A. R-. . Stationery for various officers, law books for use af court, ere. Rebates paid to various collect ors Milford Water Cftv. water rant (or 108 n Pike Telephone Company.. Express and freight Stat Hospital for the Insane for support st Benjamin ana rTblmefl Viewers on bridges at Lackawax en, Taylortowa, Driller' la WeetfaJi, Court right 1 n Lehman, and Westfall Postage Tor the year lo9...... Annnkl Teacher I net I tut Aiiuuai School Director's con vantlon . Commiseion on 117,977.49 receivea at H par cent . 446.44 149.91 Commission on S1.999.tt paid st t4 percent. Commission on 91.9Z4.38 state tax returned at one-quarter of 1 par cant. 3.67 Total expense for 109.. ...612692.98 . . . 44.14 la . 928447.72 Received, Jan. 14, 1999, of E. B. La bar. ex-Tseasurer, the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty-four Dollars and seventy-four cent in full f above balaaca In County Moneys. 1364 74 W" F" CHOL' CountT Treasurer. BC AJJ ttONBT, To balance from 190T 9 To received from taxes 1996-9-7 I Blooming Orove town ship Delaware township. . , Dlngman township... , Greene township Lackawaxen township Letrman township. . . . 14.99 ' 24.09 122.13 78.88 81.09 .29 99.0T 16.21 80.88 1.73 16.76- Minora townsm Snehola townshln. . Wastfall township... . Mat a moras borough... Milford borough By paid Blooming Orove Supervisors 18.44 By paid Delaware au- pervlsor 44,41 By paid Dingmaa Su pervisors 108,91 By paid Greene Super visors 9i.se By paid Laekawaiaa 8u- pervisore 49.94 By paid Lehman Super visors 11,18 By paid Milford Supsr- rtsors 9.98 By paid Palmyra Super visor 106.98 Br paid Porter Super visor ,8 Br Paid Shohola Super visors ,17 By paid Wsstfall Super vfcors T.44 By paid Matamoraa bor ou ch treasurer 19.T9 By paid Milford bor ough treasurer 44.17 424.44 Br commission oa 6488.48 received 19-18 By commission oa 9436.44 pstd 19.98 SI. 49 By baiano In treasurer's hands. 176.99 Th money paid ta the treasurers of rortt ana Matamora Boroughs wars re turned as borough tax and collected as such, but to facilitate the handling of same In the County Treasurer' office they were Included in the Road Moneys account, a cvatos which has prevailed for years. 18OA0 KONfty. . l'asest ld. Te balance from 190T, ,7 1 0404 To received from taxes 909, vi I Blooming Grovs town- ehin 4 111,14 Delaware township ,. 14.70 Dlagman township 7. 90.99 Green township Lackawaxen towashlp Lehoiaa township .... Milford township Palmyra township . ,. Porter township Shohola townohln UM i in 11.74 Weatfall township ... 3.41 467.89 To received from taxes 1997, els 1 Blooming Grovs town ship 179.34 Delaware township , , 71.88 D lag man township , , 76,56 Greene township 136.11 Lackawaxen township 14.87 Lehman- township.,.. 64.49 Milford township 7.89 Palmyra township. . . . 81.19 OOUJCOTOKS AOOOUMTS. rteet Blooming uro ...,. t.x us 18 13 HI 6 14 04 tfl 60 84 40 80 1 4S 43 M Vt 70 Delawar,. .. 1'AJB 61 lU 81 ita 80 13ST 18 MS 80 14W7 65 W H W lho 1H m m H8 66 DinraMin . . . . Orenw lokawazei M.uunoru Milford BoroDgb..... Uilford Townahip . . . falinyrm. Porter Sholtola. 81 10 1 83 WmfnJl Tata la 13348 74 844 1 COLXBCTOKS' ACOOU1TTS. Bloosnina; dro ej..... JialawaTc. DtDgneHS firewo. LAdtneteott. ft) 60 St) Sf 63 S3 143 Ml 101 40 i or 818 30 5bU t 43 86 35 73 S3 t SI 64 1 60 1 44 a 48 7 30 1 St $ 10 M ati oi 1 88 i'ii 1 43 Lebmaci Matwnoru Milford BurouKk..... Milford Towoaltiu.... faUoyr, 8hul.ln. Weal all Totaja 1307 15 OOLUCCTOaU aVtXMMJKTS. Bloomag Uron. . leUkwit''. i 83 83 1 08 35 35 70 D.uiua, Urtwo. , S S i tl H & Lnckawnxoat ..... i 14 r 18 74 Idiuatnora Milford rk.roarh... Milford Township.. Palmyra, FortcHr HtaobollL. WeettaU Tofcala. 33 to 86 M 64 10 60 4 75 83 m 18 118 3 4S 14 7 80 836 00 eeoeoeoeoeveise?y'?'9 PhystoUn hsrs long beea looking for bkrmlasa headaoha car. It hit been prodoosd by ta mlnent obenaUt of the National UspiUl. arm U kno-o M EltOKO-Pw-djii. Ilesibds arlsb svwy forts ef ltMdebt H iMmntb;, Orasis pspsia is V Vortee tlw. Verter township 49.48 . wnwn p iw.j I Westfall township..,, 9.65 To received from taxes If 9 , via I Bl4omlnf Grove town- hip . . 18.44 Jelawar township... 1.88 Din smart township. .. 38.64 Oreene township -44.89 lackawaxen township 12.06 Lehmtf-n township 7.44 Milford townehip .... J.ll Palmyra township.,., 9. 89 Porter township ...... 17.27 Phohota township. . 24.90 Westfall township. . . . 4.74 To overpaid by Treasurer Lmcaur oa orders 1904-7 t By order paid a follows 1 Blooming. Grove S- perviBors $ V92.44 peiawar BuprrtsoT-s ia.7 DtngnaaoT Rupervlaors 1X8 09 Green township 367 53 Lackawaxen Supervis- J "r 363.18 l.enmsn Supervisors. , 130 05 M llford Supervisor. 28.17 Paimyrd aupervisors.. 89.90 Porter Supervisors.... 102 07 Shohola Supervisors. . 19 3.46 WestlslI Supervisors., 73.14 By commission on 11,844.94 received... 83.89 By commission oa 31,902.91 paid 45.97 867.24 bj balance in ireasurer 1909 taxes 3461.59 1892.19 82.41 14 61 FOOB MOKIT. To balance from 1907 , ' a To received from taxes 1908, unseated, vis : Dtlaware township.. .$ 1.1s Dlngman township... 4.88 Lackewaven township 14.99 lehmna township..,. 541 Palmyra township.,, . .it Shohola township. ... 19. 45 Westfall tnamhln. ? 16.99 683.71 To received from taxes loot unseated, vl : Delaware township. . . 9.77 Oreene township 8.99 Lackawaxen township 64.94 Lehman township.... 12.11 Shohola township.... 32 44 Waatfall tnnihln l aa 869.88 86.86 86.99 34.09 9.99 To received from tax 1908 unseated, vis : Delaware township. . .23 Dlngman township... 682 Greene township 9.99 Lehmaa township..,, 1.79 Palmyra township. .. . .93 - Porter township 4.93 Shohola tnwnthln SIT T received from taxes 1906-9-7 49.19 32.48.1 eira, vis : Delaware township... 3.24 Dlngman township... 8.72 Oreene township 1.87 Lackawaxen township 17.39 Lehman township.,.. 18.47 Milford township.... ,.0S Palmyra township.,.. .33 Shohola township.... 8.70 Westfall township..., 14.28 Matarnorah borough.. .30 Milford bornurh . sic 119.93 To overpaid by Treasurer Lehar 991.99 By paid unseated orders, vis : ueiaware township, .9 11.27 wmfintn lownsnip. . , Greene township Lackawaxen township Lehman township..,. Milford township Palmyra township .... Shohola township .... Weatfall tswaihln . 7.79 7.80 94.50 96.19 2.93 8.61 99.47 37.46 4.21 8.32 1.3S 6.93 7.19 24.49 4.40 3.89 6.64 8.36 By paid seated orders, vl ueiawar township . . . Dlngman township. , . Greene township Lackawaxen township Lehman township. . . . Palmyra township. ( . . Westfsll township. ... Matamoraa borough., Milford bornuarh 189 74 By commission on 935b. 34 paid Br commission on 8246.46 received 6.16 By balance la treasurer's hand 1 rom ioi taxes oa th seated lands SCHOOL MONCT. DR. . I 468.40 To balance from 1907 To received from taxes 1994, vig Blooming Grove town- ship 1 Del a war township Dingmaa township,,, Oreene township Lackawaxen towashlp hmstt township..,. 85.10 6.33 84.99 67.98 66.65 II H 8.95 f 1.07 96.99 I'slmyra township. . , , cnonoit townahlo Wwtr.11 townahlo 114 To received trom taxM It.T, TIB : uiiuiiu. VfUT, MJWn hip ...., Delaw.r, township , , DlntmM town.hlp.... Greene towmhlp 1 k.wM.rr- (owoahbi uhrain to,nehip...,. Ullford towiidhip....! Patmyr, town.ltip.... Porter townahfp fihohol. townuhip. .... Weatfall townehln ltt.lt . 40.S1 84,11 101.(7 to 11.10 II 4I.4I 4t 17 7-fl Te rncelve4 from taxee 1,91, vl. .3. iniiiiiu, ureT, u.a. ahlp n.U Delaware townahlp... 1.,, ttlnrman towmhlp... tl.sl Or.ene towaehlp (I 17 Laekawaiaa townahlp 14.14 JL.hman townahlp.... t.6 llllfor4 townahlp.... 1.70 . Palmyra townahlp,... ,.g Porter townahlp 17.27 Shohola township 11.10 Weetrall township.. 1.21 To overpaid by Treasurer I.ah.r 928.19 Mil- By paid order fn, Orav, Bloom School L.ufinct fis.t. Bf D.IP order. Palawaj, rwriooi uistnct .... By pair srd.r' t)nanai fichoo) DLatrlot By pair oraer Oraen, School Dlstrtat By paid order Ucks waxen iicho,! JJle trtct Bj paid order Lehmaa School Dietrlct Br peld ordei Mtlrord liid. School Plstrlct Br Paid order Palmyra School District By paid or At Porter School Dlatrlct..,. By paid order Bhohola Eohool diitsii-r, . paid order Wosttail School uietrlot Br commission on 71.10 161 74 111 414 II 12.lt ' 104. It 11.14 1,11 lit II 11.lt 1411.. covtiTt ui'rucan. Lmrnlt KM U 87 83 (18 ' 88 78 13 (4 38 44 IS 78 75 31 80 i 33 Md Is 7reeerr due, 18 80 40 VI SI 84 81 88 48 87 85 14 4 88 68 78 14 6 M 87 4 S3 6 57 88 M 4 63 13 Ti 6 64 1 8V U VI 10t7 04 730 S3 87)1 U 1317 33 Mr? Of loNi 83 8101 90 873 73 S1("W tmi 186 (7 611 19 00 t TO 7 40 63 13 83 MM 40 6U3 10 SO 68 lows. 04 1 81 1 60 4 10 4 33 1 W t 68 1C 48 . 1 07 i'ii, 1 87 198 81 108105 80 658 STATK ' DCFL1CATK. 80 05 S3 71 .... 48 00 18380 WtM .... 64 60 .... 8U1 48 617 57 34 70 30 83 6 T7 40 8484 a oo 43 40 leea. 6 oo 1388 31 .... 3UfiS .... tl 10 84 75 33 10 34 81 88 43 .... 14 71 10 to 5 18 1 14 i at oa a oo j IS ! $ l 6H tW 1 26 75 M W w 4 85 1 00 7 85 i's 10 13 11 85 4 76 75 S 85 10 77 87 00 83 38 IT u ohroplo Mi Mate Indigestion sod tbe norous dienrders tnoidenl there o. It U (faresoent nd pleautuit to take and may be bad of all np-tc data draggiU al ton osutt a hottla. It eomti aa boon to naokind and wotMaklsd. foy Mia st & 0. ArswtfQPf , IVsr Ji.t. 99vr94tt9ttifl It 81,821.74 received.. 99.64 Br com mission on 91.4fi2.69 paid 41. C4 72 19 By balance In treasurer's hands from 1908 taxes 201.21 SCHOOL MONET Seated Land. To balance from 199T 9 To received from taxes 1906-6-7 : Blooming Orove town- ship 15. 19 Delaware township. . . 14.47 Dlngman township... 82.71 Oreene township T9.79 Larkawaxen township 63.61 Lehman township.... 61.73 Milford township 13 Palmyra township.... 20 91 Phohola township.,.. 21.74 Westfall township. ... 88.49 Matamora borough.. 3.79 Milford borough 47, 28 199.99 892.81 1961.69 Br paid order Blooming Oiov School Dis trict 16 58 By paid order Delaware School District 48.51 By paid order Dingmaa Rrhnnl niBtrls-r at- at ' By paid order Green Srbool District 86 83 By paid order Lacka TS.89 199.99 waxen Be II OOI Dis trict all sa By paid order Lehman School X)tBtrlrt . . St St By paid order Mflford Ind. Schoel Dletrlct 116.98 By paid order Matamo raa School District . 19.94 By paid order Palmyra, School District 76.96 By paid order Fhohola School district .24 By paid order Westfall School Slstrirt 11 ? By commission aa 8389.99 received.... 9.71 By commission oa 9442.74 paid 11.87 Br balance In treasurer's hands. mEDKMfTTOM WW, To balance from 1997 To cash from lands redeemed.,. 8 187.KR 410.72 6 648.70 By cash refunded By balaaca lu treasurer's hands. $ 668.79 Received. Jan. 18. it xa t ex-Treasurer, the sum of One Hundred 8lx. ty-slx Dollars and eighty-six cents In full of ahoy balance in Redemption fund. 8166 86 v-nuie oumy ireasurer. The Auditor And that th ior,,w.4. A the Road, Poor and School funds of un seated taxes have been considerably over paid by the Treasurer, but proper voucher were Issued by tfte County Commissioner for all the amounts paid. Taxpayers there fore may be surprised that the funds oou Id be over paid and the trtatun- atnt k. charged with substantial balances. A brief iiianaiion: suvery year the amount of tax ee on the unseated lands, every cent of Which Is collected bv the count v Iro.o.ir., Is entered on the Commissioner tax book and after the treasurer1 sale every two years the Commissioners draw vouchers for i amoums cue to various districts, less e treasurer' commissions and ,.,.. tlons. If there are any. Taxes are always being paid to the county treasurer one year ahead of the eale. which taxes for avrii years have always been sufficient to main tain a oaiance in tile various funds until this year, when it Is found that there was not enough money to pay the amount checked against th unseated taxes of 1008 and 1907, even though the taxes or 1908 were Included. The board of -..mmia sloner are not to be blamed In the mat ter, neither Is their clerk at fault, as all orders were Issued strictly in accord with the amounts called by th Commissioners' unseated tax records. In order. If possible, to determine th whys and wherefores of the discrepancy and to get the matter started right with the next treasurer's tax sale and avoid th con tinuance of overpayment, the Auditors carefully went over the Commissioner' tax leager ana tne Treasurers unseated tax book, finding that some vears aao charki were drawn by the Commissioners for sums in sxcess or tne amounts actually collected by the treasurer. The Auditor found the source of the cause of the overpayments after going over th taxes la one fund for three townships In years not necessary to mention nsre. HBEP FUND. To balance from 190T To received dog tax from col lector 1908 : Blooming Oroya town ship 8 89.98 De)awr township. 81.19 Dlngman township, ,. 24.75 Oreene township.... 33.19 Lackawaxen township 84.91 Lehman townahlp... 24.44 Milford township. .. . 6.14 Palmyra township., , 7.25 Shohola township.... 11.19 Weatfall township. .. 10.1 a Matamora borough.. 19.71 Milford borough 19.44- I 991.67 CR Transferred from County money for amount paid for dog tags In 1907 and Inadvert ently charged to county funds 4 46.00 By paid claim W. B. Hornheck. Del a war 8 14.04 By paid claim John, D, Whltaker. Delaware 44.54 By paid olafn Hiehard u. Phil Una, Palmyra 19.44 By paid claim John 8. jscuregor, ueiaware io.o 99.00 Br paid Blooming Orov acbooi District 19.04 Br paid Delaware School District 21.64 1 Br paid Dingmaa School 4 District 24.44 Br paid Oreene Bchool ; I District 3.88 Br paid Lackawasea, 1 school Plat net 27.24 By paid Let roan f&hecl Uistnoi 38.80 By paid Matamora School District 14.66 By paid Milford lad. J Bchool Dial He t .... 18.81 By paid Palmyra School District 14.98 Br Paid Porter School District .40 By paid Shohola School U Ut rtCt 14.32 Br paid Westfall School IMS District 9.52 t Br commiaelsa oa 8198.88 receives 8.54 By commieslea oa 1318.29 paid f.ft 11 Ed By balanc in treasurer heads. 813.64 491.47 Balances ara du ths cheep fund from og taxes aa follow : Palmyra township, ll.tOj Porter township, 64.76. Both these w 18 balances ara subject to abatements, exon erations, commission. ate. Received. Jan. 16. 1949. of EL B. La bar. ex-Treasurer, the sum of Three Hundred Thirteen Dollar and sighty-four cents In full of above balance la Sheep fund. W. F. CHOL, Cauaty Treasurer. 1318.84. 04 40 f Th Auditor find that on June 1908.a county check for 387.16. signed by Conuniealoner Martin Hatton and M. S. Albright, was rawn in favor sf La bar m Lain for 19,200 lbs. of coal. A mistake " j n ad titties was aiado ta the bill and th proper amount paid 1 should have ba 4 '7 39. w therefor Ood 810 (.that being the excess payment! das the) ' X from C'oiuniieelonore Mar tin Battoa and U. b, Albright. to wit : 6 40 Martin Hatton H. S. Albright The Auditors Had that oa July 1908, a county check for 17 66, signed by Martin Hatton. W. H. Clune and H. & Albrlsht. I 1 Commissi one re, was drawn la avor efB.il. Lahar. Treasurer. for taxes refunded on aeated isoda We And that the said Commissioners had sot authority to pay such refund awt of county moneya We thereto Sad that the entire amount af hill. 917.68, is au um rwuaiy irom c?mmls- t sloner Martin Hatton. W. H. Cluae and H. S. Albright, to wit: asartm natiea I is W. U. Clue. bit H. ft, Aibrievht 6 68 Coutioaad oa aexl paga WANTS SUPPLIED! ! If 70a nil note heads, bill hue. Is. latta haals, statonatnu. show comla, protframt larg poolers, sale bills, dodger, oerolopee tass, boat naw oards w Job prtminf mr) tstartptloa. aaa is Um koot m I on la aa sp-kmUm sa aoUtla sa eaisntittt. rno 6.90 6.90 .1