Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 12, 1909, Image 2

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Friday, February 13, 1909
Osk Ykar One dollar and fifty cents.
Six Months "Seventy-five cents.
Entered a the not offlno of Milford,
Pike County, Pi.niiiylvuiim, a Keoonil
oIims matter, November twcnt-y-llrHt, ltf.W.
Advertising Rates.
Onlnch, onetnsnrtlon - -- - -..-.fl.sn
Eaoh subMiquent insertion - - - - .76
Keduced rates, furnitthi'l on npplloatiun,
will be allowed yfiirly advertisers.
legil Advertising.
Administrator's and Executor's
notion S.'XI
Auditor's notioes ."0
Divorce notioes .... .... ft.uo
Sheriff's sales, Orphans court sali-a,
Sountr Trenmiri-T's hIs, County stisle
nvmv and election proclamation chnrgi d
by the inch.
J. H. Tan Rltaa, PtlBLIBHIR.
To-day la the one hnndredth anni
versary of the birth of trie martyred
J. F. Cburvesicr, who residnd here
several years at o, and was connected
with the watch case manufactory of
the late Desire Bournlque died Ta.es
day in Brooklyn.
The state has paid Into the Treac
ory Pikes share of the Erie bonas
money 12,820 17.
A proposition has been made by F.
A. Sawyer representing the Port Jer
vin and Delaware Valley Railway Co.
to bay out the trolley road in P. J.
to connect It with the prnXert rrad
to this town, but the sale has not yet
been made according to a statement
by D. B. Tuomns one of the hontlhiild
era committee. Certain conditions are
to be complied with before such stile
can be consummated '
Rumor save Mrs. H. F. Decker
and daughter Hattie, now livinu in
Strondsburp, will soon make Milfurd
their home again.
Walter Dingmnu Is visiting frieml
in Monroe county.
lira Horace Porter recently re
turned home from New York much
improved after treatment in a hos
pital. A marriage license was granted
Feb 6th to Roy A. LindonanirNelMe
E. Skinner both of Mutitmor is
Measles are quitr. prevalent in Del
ware township eaiieciallv in the
neighborhood of Centre and the ichnol
there has been leintiornrilv cloned.
The larire house of the Bliiirving
Urove Hunting ami f lalilnv t Ion v as
burned Wed'iesd iy eve- Inir. The fire
probably orWitiBte ' tr m the furnsce.
The reflection was plainly seen here.
Notice of Application for
Notlf-e is heroin' -?l-'i '-r.t ;m ir.liei
tlon w II lie in.ifl" f'- Hi.- ti n mm of Ihe
PtatP Of Pt-IOIvtvelli:, '.'M fi.r j t v ,.f
February. ttw, br i.-.r. . 'I,,...
W. Se,-4e, Myr.'n A V te. .1. M;.
Is and St'wn't mr' . le'. ii-ui"r the . r ..f
Aaaetiibly of I he 'onrnomv.'ali.tv "I 't'l
sylvanU. entl'i.l ' n Aol lo oviie -.ir
the liieoriw.ri i, . ' .e.il;. ' nt '
tain oorporallMin ' . . . .. I ' H l 71
and the tioop'.eil"-" ill re!. .' : . ! h '"It ,
ter of an ilin.iell r,ir- .-m i- i I '...oil'-l
"CBIt-nil AMI .i'-'.S IM '.'S '-KI.K
object HiiMitAf U tin' " iM-t-ii.- I
toDAnoMtiift tipi-.ti. i M t . , t,r
from ftisi-n. Mniviif id, T'
to Grweiitown Pi U ai r IV
ti tn (in
.iJ'M.h i'H
k v "in
1 -V iv. fi 11
iwwin(f 'hrcHic'i Im i1 Mi'i
Mine mill rii"'l ni : it M -
f, with hrniit-h at n i I
r point In tfril-l cm i
Pike. Pmnr4vtvr.nt '-.'-' f
ii 1
i -
beofflu hikI ii'ivil.vi tf ! i.t .f ,
eisblj i.ud It -iift;.itni tu-.
Fvbruary 9. 19 X
We her- bf Klr Mb it vi f 1 :iinV.-
pptirHtlori m t tin lnt!' '.il v ( ft.i l 1 1
Ktat ( VNniinvIv ni t t 1h im.i tti.. !'- .
body cocporMt.' hr Hi iiiiii- -it ih 'h.-Ji
kill-llHwni( U.iitL?.t nm-h.in. fur in -purport
of oou-t nitil sfiif intii,lttbiinf mil)
niiuiarliiir toll lrn ii uvrn ihc Del
vntru river ar ttr ticiir rli-i vtllnrij nt Huii
kill. Id thn County -if HiLe. mul cxiiu-i-t
that plnw wirh tho ViIIji ji' of KUihr imV
Till? iu Siis'i r-uiniy. S iv Jit'v, at u
point nenv li -ii Vi'liiji t.f Mi,M
the luinit4l(Mie )ocit!Mi t-f o fi v.il :i piit
ided it tht) Hpplicu: mn ; ilif h -i.i l i tx- .
be a toll brirti n-nli i h.' privih o ;.t,-
lnj? bcuhI or iron fr.tci; h-i it ! hiiimo
dUi onre propelled l ult.iui or ( ltvri t'
Martin Hull.
John S Suitrh.
Wltiiimt S tlniwtl,
Ktnniett HfU.
L U -imtih.
John H ( '"O 'li,
(iforfrt N vet,
hnnint'l li Pfier,
WilMin Van Auken.
Is tbe rewov.il of t-.r tit'M'ii by '
surgetin. Ni vb. l.tkrs lf.
King's Ne Life V Uih cm r -u
jectKt to thl- trivilyfu o'.lt , 'Yu
work fM quietiv ymi don't fed the u
They care const I Htim. heail.irnt.
billousDeea and uialuriu. 25c at b th
rug stores.
Administrator's No' ice
Entate of AndrfwC. Cron dctjise 1.
Ltteni of AiliuiuUiitttimi no i lie nlxivc
AtAte hnvina bfen jrrunttl in tlie uul r
illDed, all pcrfcoua iiniitncl to t ho i.ili
Mtntnare reiuie1 to inuka uyiiHiut tmd
iboM hnvintf drtiiu to pr- bcti' ihi- same,
wUatsiii rieUy to CALVIN ('HON.
tab. t, 1 19 Diuguiaus trry( Jr
How's Tin's?
Wo ofTcr One Iliinilrrd Iollir Reward
for any w of Oitnrrh tht oann.it he
curej ljy, H:iU'a Catarrh Cure.
F.J. Cheney a CO . Toledo, O.
We, lite nndni'lRnrd, hnro known F.J.
Chenc7 for the last 15 years, and believe
him peifecfly honorable In all business
transaction and financially able to carry
out any obligation made by his firm.
aiding, Kinnan Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting dlre?tly uion thehlood and mueons
mirfaces of the nyateiu, TeHtlmouinU sent
free. Price 70 cents per bottle. Bold by
all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family. Pills for constipa
Were They Jined
James Rii.ier, of Milford, and Miw
Susie Abers, of Sanilyston, failed to
hook tip last week at Milford, owing
to Pennsylvania marriage license
laws. They came to Newton on Bat
urday, and applied at the Connty
Clerk 's-flfllce, when Clerk Hopkins,
with a beaming smile that outshone
bis eye glasses, informed the couple
Hint as the prospective bride was a
resident of this ro.iuty, no license
waa ncotssury. Muob relieved they
announced their intention to seek
the services of Rev J. K. Baillie, at
Hambnrg, and we presume that the
two beans ara now beating as one.
Sussex Register.
It may Interest the "beaming
Hop. ins to know that Miss Aburs
has liv d with ber father in Milford.
for thn past two years and tbat Rasor
has a wife and four children in town
Perhaps had the Cleik been less sure
of bis facts and not quite so prompt
to advise, be might have learued
something to his future satisfaction
Eiwood Warner has moved from
the Hurled farm and John Martin has
moved from Hemlock Hollow lieie
luro R. W. Kellys tenement houses,
Ueo Daniels lose a valuablecow re
Mrs Lima Harrison's hahy, threat
eoed with pneumonia, improved so
the nure Helen Ward of Houosdale
reiurnid iiiiuiH Saturday.
Mrs J, E Dodan of Laokawaxen
spent several days with her daughte
.us Uuj Daniels last week.
Frank Butkliardt started fjr Call
turn I a last week on a prospecting
Asher Killatn of Haw ley vistled
his brother iti law Eiwood Williams
last week.
Kolpb B'aekmore and wife
White Mills visited 'he former's siS'
ter Mrs Eiwood Warner Snnday.
Henry 8uurtz is seriously ill with
Ktomach trouble.
Bertha Roe of Hawluy was the
gueet of Ida Masker Sunday.
License Transfer
.Vorteo U herebr elven that an appllca.
hi will I! luude to tbo Court of Quarter
1 r.-..Hiiei on i.uliruai-y SrU lllu lor tlie
l 1 1 -T. i- of the hotel tlcou-ie of Charles B.
I -A t ls in Sliuh'ila toa-niiiilp, Flke County
I'.t tu nrih .tr Vv . Kulituan.
Juhn O. VSVslbrook Jr.,
' MiifiuJ Pa . I'uU 1J, 1HIU. Clerk.
ib' m itM-r of rliHtrtte ) In the Orplmne
HUKir ii. (.'LaI.K VCuiirt of Pike
ti.-c.-.tnt-a .i;iHiutr. tretm
Tin' it.nies. iiiiit-tt HiipoliiUHi )y ibt court
I 'ti m it. n uini riutituiu o( the mtliiuoti 11
I h n i- of ih! Kjiecu or ns 8hivn by hie
t w.'fi'ttni ro the "jjiitu-s eiitniuti tnurrto
i.t.tkt- rry'it nt ni-xt lrm with the ev
u nr.- t.U-u Ly hliir will mivt all part if
I I ' .1 .it 1 int- uitr UUrptjtit) Of nisi ftlHiOill
in ti bi hi-"'tllcu iu iti re-itlfiiuoii Bnwd
; i . , t In I L JiiKO'lith of MUfurti, on Mob
dny, l-bru try 13th 1939, wX o'clock
j m., a
I (Mi.i-.i
whtui ttiux nil p'irtitn hnviiitf'
toil iliu funUei or lot rest 1q the
iiniil m thfrio( iiiunt Hppcrir jind
V ! ilvir olitiiii'4 or be debarred from
uinti in liixin hjiIJ fun tin
JOHN A K I PP. Auditor.
MHfiird, Pm., Jan. 13th, 190W.
Cui-fciit d of a Jury Man.
A lawyer once askej a nan b
fcad at varloos tltrea sat on several
juries. "Who inllaonce-d yoii most
the lawyers, the Kituesses, or tha
julge?" Ha expected to get some
useful and Interesting Information
from so experienced a Jurymau,
Thia was the man's reply: "I tell
yer, sir, 'ow I tiakes up my mind
I'm a plain man, and a reason. n
man, and I ain't influenced by any-
tnlug the lawyors say, nor by what
toe witnesses say, no, nor by what
the Juku s.tyg. I just looks at the
Stan In the tio ks and I say, 'if he
ain't done nothing, why's he there
And I brings 'em all in guilty."
Recently two gentlemen, drlvln
in a wagonette, were smcldng, whe
a srark fnllins from one of tlfei
cl'rs sot lire to come straw at the
bo i torn of the carriage. The flames
j toon dioe them from their seats
j and whilo they were rxtlngulutiin
' the fire, a countryman, who had for
f some tlne heyn following them
i hoiELba- k, alipnTe l to ausit them
'I have been v. Hti Mng the Bmoke for
some tluie," buid be. "Why, thea,
did you not gite us notice?" asked
the astonibhed travellers. "Well,
reuponded the mnn, "thete are
many new-fangled notions nowadays,
I thought you eie going by steam
Answered Accord! to HU Folly.
brevity Is iho soul of wit. Take,
for exan pie. tre fetory of the two
n en, one of whom asked the other
"Do you drink? "That U my bus.-
nees," came t;ie gruff reply. "Hav
yuu sny other buKtness?" asked tfc
flist man, wHh t&t prMAC oj
.. iVT.A
After ihe CliHdrcn Start
Back to School
Look out for the oM trotiMo with Var
ra:a ii th-'ir HeaJa. Chil-lreo can't
avoid it They are compelled to daily
' com; U contact wn'h those infected, and
Ternin spread with alarming rapidity.
Anyone is li-Klo at anytime whea
travelling or in any strange place to be
come infected, and the only aafe way
' to be is to have on hand, ready foe
- any emergency, tome
It U the cleanest, tnoat coovmierrt,
practical ar.d effsciive remedy for de
ttroying head and vcrtnin aboal
iha body. It U a cJccn, clear liquK
Oothina greasy r. ir o !y ahoul it and has
none of the cbijctiitabie features of
tHo cbtmecta uiully used. Besides
ii's safe to tue on any prt of the body.
A good Kticd bottJe, su&cieot for family
dk, rxils f ci 25s.
Graduate in Pharmacy,
The long-looked-for and nuirh
dreaded day bad come at last! Wil
lie Knight wis going to see his moth.
er for the first time In five years, and
he was but nine now. Colonel and
Mrs. Knight lived In India at the
time of Willie's birth. She was the
acknowledgn.1 beauty of the station,
and could give no time from the
whirl and excitement of army life to
care about tbe baby boy who had
come to ber, and It was a great re
lief wien a sister had offered to take
the 'jaby and bis aah back to Eng
land with ber. When he was 6 years
old Willie was sent to boarding
school, only leaving It occasionally to
pay a visit to bis aunt.
Mrs. Knight bad met wltb a very
serious accident while out riding one
day, and as she lay for weeks on her
sick bed her thoughts turned to ber
long forgotten boy, and an Intense
pes I re to see him cume over her. As
she grew stronger the doctors advised
her husband to take her home. Wil
lie knew Very little 01' hfs mother ex
cept tbat she was ven beautiful and
a great society leader, and tu . his
heart he worshipped this unknown
mother with something akin to awe.
She was coming on the day tbat was
the great event In the school life.
Besides "olng the lnsi day of tbe
school term, prizes for the year's
work were to be awarded, and par
ents and friends of the boya were in
vited to attend the exercises. After
the prize-giving tbe affair would be
come purely social, buildings and
grounds would be inspected, chums
juld be Introduced and feasts and
fun ad Infinitum.
For the first time lr his life Willie
Clsplayed some anxiety as to his per
ronal appearance, and as he gazed in
to his mirror he came to the pitiful
ccnclusion that even an ordinary
mother could not possibly feel proud
bf h.ra. His hair had a knack of
standing up In little tufts, his nose
was a very funny tittle affair, his
creeks were smothered witb freckles,
and he never bad noticed before tbat
his feet and hands were altogether
out of proiiortlon to the rest of his
body. "I wish she was just an ordi
nary mother a.id not such a great
lady," he thought, and the tears were
pretty hard to kpej back.! 1 .
But the gong bad sounded and (he
boys gathered ready to march Into
tbe great hll. Here the visitors
were assembled and tbe eyes of the
boys eagerly sought out teir loved
ones. "Tbat beaut'ful tall lady must
be mother,"' thought Willie, but no!
She was smiling at a boy the other
side of the room. Tbe opening ex
cclses bad started, and still Willie's,
yes were searching the throng of
Lappy faces, and bis heart began tu
ink as he realized that after all she
was not there. "She uoesn't care," he
thougbt, while tbe tears of disap.
lotn'ment welled up luto bU eyes,
'and she never tas cared." x
Uu. Jie was suddenly brought back
to the present by a vigorous nudge
from bis ncignbor. "See tbat tall
man, 6-foot-4 sure," be whinnered,
'"and soldier, too, I bet."
"Isn't be a danny?" replied Willie
with genuine admiration. "I won
der who he blongs to; wish he was
my dad." taid the neighbor. "So do
I," Came the answer, and with a cu.
rloui thrill Wllae began to realize
that he had a father, too. a soldier,
and be wondered how he would look.
At last tbe exercises were over, the
ranks broken sud the boys eagerly
greeting their frli-n lb.
Willie observed uow tbat tbe tali
oian bad his hand on an Invalid chair
In whirh sat sweet-faced mdy.
"I'll Just wait and see who they be
long to " be thought, with an en
vious grip at his heart, "then I'll go
ot and hide aoutewbere. I can't
bear to vee them ail so luippy. It is
r. irder to have a mother that doesn't
care than to have none at all."
"Well, Mary, It looks as though w
shall have to get some one to help us
find our boy," the tull man was say.
Iuk. "Can I find aDoie for you,
ir?" sa d Willie, stepping forward.
"Yes, i want why, surely this
is " But b(-r hs could flulnh his
word Willi 1s t hlroielf drw
sown Jnt tflf arms pf (ha JHy to i
l l7y ' H"
J ,tll j.
ah', fcua ue was lucsea m sucn aa
embrace as made up to him for all
the motherless years gone by. it
seemed too good to be true! How
iroud he was to introduce the sol
dier father to his admiring friends,
and to bold tbe band ot his lovely
mother as she told him of her plans
for the future, in which she meant to
hold tight onto tbe little lad;so sad
ly neglected. If the.e was one thi
more which could be added to hlshap.
piness It was supplied when. In an
swer to his father's question to his
mother as to how she knew Willie.,
she replied: "He looks Just as you
must have looked at his age." ,
D.amnmls Itnrn Like Coal.
The jeweler, at closing time, was
putting his diamonds in a huge safe.
"But why do you bother to do thai
when two watchmen walk tbe shop
all n'ebt long?"
"On account of fire," the Jeweler
replied. ' Diamonds are nothing but
roalcarbon they burn beautiftrly.
Their hardness makes us think them
Indestructible, but, as a matter of
fact, a fire of diamonds would be tbe
urkkest. rettiest thing In the worid.
Put a handful pf diamonds on a
iilate an 1 set a ticht to them. They
.v 1 1 1 burn with t hard, gemlike flame
ill nothing j.e, left. There will .be no
tioke, nc soot, and at tbe end tbe
lat whi be as clean as though Just
ta&heJ nH tbe slightest , particle
"ta of ash will remain.
The ninoilthlrsty Woman.
When an English princess became
the bride of King Alfonso It was pre
dicted tbat the tide of popular favor
would turn against bull fighting In
Spain. But Queen Victoria has ab
andoned ber moral campaign against
the brutal sport because of the active
opposition of the Spanish women. It
has now become' apparent that worn
n are the chief support of bull light
ing In Spain, as they are cf the
theatre In this country. At all the
recent fights In Madrid and' Barcelo
na women have been In tbe great
majority tn the audience, and not
latistled with their seats In the hqxes
these bloodthlrMy- Castlllan womea
have organized and. forced the build
ing of special seats for their exclus
ive use on a. level with the bull. ring.
From tbeso seals they are enabled
almost to reach out and touch tbe
tortured bulls, while mere man baa
to be content to sit by his loneliness
in the boxes Queen Victoria has
Introduced English fashions In dress
Into Spain but she has been powerless
to check the national sport. After
her first taste of bull fighting, whea
a bride of two weeks, she vowed that
she would not return again to the
arena, but political expediency has
fnrcd ber tn aopear it frequent In
trv&i iu ti rnval Do.
"I think It only proper to remark,
Mr. 8eet." said the haughty girl, who
thought she detected "signs," "that
I would not marry, the best man liv
ing." "Don't be alarmed," replied
Mr. Con Reel, "be isn't going to pro
pose. My Interest Jin yon U merely
platouic." '
Juiyim-a 'aid Uie I'in.
A Texas correspondent tells "Law
Notes" how an ohetinaie Juryman
was circumvented - by his fellow
Judges 01' lliv facts. The offence
i hurgej was assault with iateat to
uiuiiler. After the jury had been out
about two hours they returned the
following verdict: "We, the Jury,
ind the defendant guilty pf aggra
vated assault, aud asiesa bi punish.
meat at 5. fiue, aud herewith pay
the Que," On iimulry aa to the
meaning pf the Isusl clause of tbe
verdiet. It can:e out that eleven of
the Jurors had agreed that the de
fendant was not guilty, . but the
twelfth doggedly hung out for a con.
viction fur axravi.ted aaaault, and
would not consent to a puulahmeut
less than a tine of 139. Fladlcg It
a hbiieless task to bring over the ob
m-ate one to their way of tblalrlaf,
the eleven finally decided to agree
with htm, and "valpp1 la" taeuak
Mir Ui tqe.
WHY pay as much for a
ready made suit, an for one
made to your measure?
Our prices are not high
f 15.00 will buy a mans
three piece suit or overcoat
irade in the latest style
and fit guaranteed. If you
pay us more you get the
value in better material
and linings.
Woniens suitsstart at $20.
See our line of table linen
it is worth your while.
The Jalllets.
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing.
Broad Street, Near Ann
First National Bank of Milford
In the State of Pennsylvania, at the elosr
of business, February 6, 1U09.
Loans aud dlsoounta I 43,800 10
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 129 oe
u. b. Houda 10 secure circulation 95.UI0 u
Premium on U. a. Bonds DUO OU
Bonds, securities, etc 93 840 On
banking house, furniture and
fixtures 1 SX8 00
Due from approved reserve
agent. 13,43 8i
. oc oi ocner national isanks. . tro 00
r motional paper ourreuey, nick
els aud cents 41s op
LAwiui money reserve in nana,
Specie....: H 96 601
Legal-tender notes. .. t,fc 00 j 60
tteunuptlon fund with U 8.
Treasurer (6 of olruulatlon ) 1260 00
Total llus.KM M
Capital stock paid lu (6,000 Oo
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits. Itms expenses
and taxes paid 6.794 SO
Natloual lien k notes outstanding 6,000 00
Dae to other untlonal banks ytM Hfe
Dividends Unpaid Ir7 00
Individual deposits subject to
ebtok 126.67-1 74
Demand certificates ot deposit. . 1,000 00
Certified ceoks 87 &
Total tl98,8W 40
State of Pennsylvania, County of Pike, as:
I, John C. Warner, Cashier of tbe above
named bank, do solemnly swear tbat tbr
Above statement is true to tbe best of my
knowledge and belief. .
JOHN C. WARNKK, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
Ulh day of February lMN.
J. C. CH AMBKHLAl.i, Notarr Pubi c.
Correot Attest:
P. N tJUl'HN.qUB. Directors.
Bure-Enuoga Xnoeker
J. A. Harmon, of Lizetnore, West
Va., says : "Al last I have found tbe
perfect pill that never disappoint
me; and for tbe benefit of other
afflicted with torpid liver and chronic
ooDBtipAtton, will aay : take Dr.
King'a New Life Pills." Guaranteed
satisfactory. 25o at C. O. Armstrong
rnr a loaf. All Right.
As the tramp looked at Mrs, lod
ard he felt a thrill of hope. , Here
was surely an easy and benevolently
Inclined person. "Could you gimme
a dime to buy a loaf o' bread?" be
Mrs. Oodard's gullejeas soul look
ed out at him through ber near
sighted eyes, and she fingered her
purchase hopefully. '
"I have only a quarter here, said
the, "and I'm really too tired te walk
"Sure. I can change It for you,"
said the tramp, cheerfully, as he
took out a dime and a nickel; aad
not until Mrs. Godard was half-way
home on the car did It occur to ker
that there was anything unusual la
the transaction.
Microscopic Writing.
A remarkable machine made fey
a lately deceased member of the
Royal Microscopical Society for writ
ing with a diamond seena have
been broken up by tta Inventor. A
specimen of Its work la the Lord's
prayer of I!T letters, written la Us
1,137,000 of a seuare Inch, which Is
at the rata of 3,880. 800 letters er
15 complete Bibles, to a single
square Inch. To decipher tbe writ
ing It Is necessary to use a 1-11-lnch
objective, which la the high
power lens physicians employ fee
studying the moat mlunte bacteria.
"Only Vs Chirk cai.
The same thing that prompts one
to say yes la answer te the euery,
"Are you asleep?" may have Influ
enced the negro tn the following
story from Life:
It was a dark night, aad the own
er of the chicken-coop, gun In hand,
was Investigating certain suspicious
aolses he bad heard.
"Who's tn there?" he called at
the open window.
Erastus. Inside, replied softly and
re4suringly. "Ain't nobody bean
'cey'ln us chickens."
Brought Into Oomavrrs,
Tbe fruit of tbe garlte tree la now
being bandied In fair commercial
quantities for the preuttlos a
eheap type of vegetable grease, use,
ful for tbt snaulttmri 0,1 ?tu is.
Afresh new stock of Valentines
"awaits your inspection.
All kinds one cent to fifty.
See the Valentine Postal.
Cuddeback & Co.
Amatite Roofing:
T. R. J. Klein & Son, Agents
Iron and Tin Roofing of all Kinds
Metal Shingles and Metal Ceilings
Hardware, Stoves and Ranges
Gutters, Leaders, Plumbing, Gasfitting.
General Jobbers and Repairers.
Broad Street, flilford Pa
f.'OVED TO 1630
WE are the oldest Wine and Liquor
House m Phusdetphia. We have
been obliged to move from the
old stand where we have been (or so many
years must have more room to accommo
date our increaung business. Because we
have the finest trade in Philadelphia is no
reason why we should be higher priced
Old Pcnn Whisky, 75c quart.
$2.75. gallon is the finest whisky (or its
price n the world.
Imperial Cabaiet Whisky. $1.25 qt, $4.75
gaL, distilled from selected grain spring
Goods shipped to all parts of the
United States.
J 0io Pt,w
I .!'
Thomas Masscy & Co.
1S10 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Tom n'atker.
Tom Walker. - as a poor o'd ml
er, born in Massachusetts abo'it the
year 1T27. Tom suddenly: became
very rich and opened a cocntlng
house In Boston during the panic
which prevailed in the time of gov
ernor Belchfr. He prew rVh and
richer, but one fay rs he was fore
closing a mortrr.Be with a poor la"d
Jobber a black Iran appeared on
uorseback and knocked at bis office
door, torn went to open It and was
nerer aeea again. Of course, the
food peopl. of Boston immediately
voted that be had sold his soul to
the devil for wealth.
A aamber of Jockeys and Lorsee
had Hn.d up for the start of a
-rt-eplecbase. but a delay occurred
because a tall raa-boued beast obsti
nately refused to yield to tbe Impor
tunities of the siart.r. The patience
of that worthy was nearly exhaust
ed. "Bring np that horse!" he shout,
ed; "bring him up! You'll get luto
trouble pretty eoon, if you don't!"
The rider of tta. animal, a stupid
youthful Irishman, yelled back: "I
can't help It! This here's n a
aab parse, aad kt wes t start till the
goer ikuts, 4 1 gig', gt ga .oarl
If you are intend
ing to put in Gas
or aro having any
trouble With your
pipes already in,
us know.
1630 Chestnut St.
The Law i r.il tlie Prof.tw.
It is always r?,rc9hlng." says
Cleveland lawyjr. "to hear of an at
torney who w;ll not undertake a
shady case I konw of at least one
such, a lawyer tn Toledo.
"At one time a chap In business
In tbat town kno'jin to be practising
questionable methods sought to re
tain the Toledo lawyer, aud was
smoolhiugovcr his crookej conduct
as well as he knew how. when tha
attorney astonibhed htm bv exclaim
ing: " "I think you have acted like an
Infernal scoundrel, sir!'
" 'Is there any charge for that
opinion?" asked tbe ir-an, aa he rose
to go.
" 'Yes, sir; five dollars.' "
Wouldn't Take a Chance.
A tall man. Impatiently pacing the
platform of a wayside station, ac
costed a boy of abottt 12.
"S-a-asy," be raid, "d-d-do you
know h-b-how late this train is?"
Tbe boy grinned, but mad. no re
ply. Tbe man stuttered out some
thing about kids lu general and
passed Into tbe station.
A stranger asked the boy why he
hadn't answered the big man.
"D-d-d'ye waster see me g-g-get
e fa-fa-ts.ee punched? D-d-eid
gill g-g-gu'd ting I was ne-moa-atalng
a wtaaiaai
- -eVu