THE MIL FOR D STORE ; OF STORES Longest Established, Best Equipped FINEST LINE OF VINTER GOODS. 5:taftis In w'jj'tii. ia:'xts, hi mns and chilirns undrwar. G lovs, hosiry, boots and shoes. AH the latest styles and best materials for winter wear. Beautiful -jVeckwea A New Department A large assortment of Lnccs and Trimmings. A complete Heck of m:ns furnishings. Finely stock.iGrocery Depart ment. CrccWy and glassware direct from England. All of tfy: aboVc at that Will rqakc it . to advantage to buy of HIT6HELL BR0S. -The- Quick Time Line.. . The undersigned have entered into an arrangement to expedite passenger traffic to and from Port Jervis. Prompt service will be rendered and polite attention shown. In con nection they will conduct a general livery busi ness. Proprietors of Wells, J argo express. Con nections here with Dingmans and points South. Find. ay & Mllford. P it When Hello KILLthe COUGH AND CURE THE LUIJC3 Or. King'; WITH o tlcv; Discovery FDR foueHS PF.rrK OLDS Trial'a Fin AND ALL THROftT ANDLUNri Tflfil.f:' S GUARANTEED B ATISFACXOtt'j OB MONEY REFUNDED. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Style. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS Repairing ;-neatlyDonE Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFXEU. Harford St. Milford Vomut'l fillKllifinuu ItWlrrvrfc- Are women beglnmug to UU le In the hope of thua Loiter plowing ueoT If so, while couiim-iu'.inK the motive, we ould unhiauin ,3y HueatleD the ir.txhot.- Tlid if vb music of their "Voirps aa rout: -Mti with the raucous tnaW no;e easily Counterbalances any po3l. ; a, try la the ideas exprvsrl. I'jo; all grounds we cry out for lou.f i of the delicate tongues now so t .jenge- to iuc?l;ioijfcly stilU'l. 01 f' p.r' prices youi Wheeler, .PROPRIETORS BEST OF ALL FLOUR. FEED, MEAL, BI?AN, OATS, and HAY in need of any to No. 5., or come to SAWXILL MILL, MILFORD PA, Supplying The Table AN CVERY DAY PROBLEM We Kolve it by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. FOR AN ELEGANT DINNER If you appreciate a good market tntowln buy your lish and clams at my place. Llmburger, imported RoquMort. Philadelphia Cream cheese or any others desired. FRED GUMBLE Harford St. Miltord Pa. The East Stroudsburg State Normal School is winning; for it self an enviable reputation because of the SUCCESS ! of its Graduates. The fall term ylll OV,CZl Aug". 31, A " 7 1G03. For catalogue bind special infor mation, address E. L EMP, Principal Co .ilimifd from preceding V The Auditor And thnt on Jan. IB, I'.iO, county check for SM.Air, Hlfrn'd by klartlo Hut ton. W. II. f'lun and H. 8. Albrlftht CnmmliiRlnnr. wm drawn In fa vor of Peter n'uhc-r for rvlc aw County Auditor and Incidental -xpenwr-ri. The Auditor find that Mr. Hp In her vrnm not entitled to pny for one dny relumlna- hons after fl lint the report, and lhfrforn defluot thta chant from bill and find same ttoe- th rnun I y from M h rt 1 n H f 1 1 on , W. H. flune and H. 8. Albright, to wit : Martin Hntton W. H. Chine II. 8. Albright TTi A ltd It nr find that on Jan. inn, a county chtrck for 41.71, signed by H. 8. Albrljtht and W. H. Ctune, waa drawn In favor of A. J. Dewltt, Coroner, for sorvlcen In Inqueats and vtewlnar. bodies of Cornelius Oreenlnit. William Brink, 8am- uel Shannon, Otorire W. Hub bard and Thomni Whlttaker, The A iM It ore find that the aald ner hsft rharR-ed In hla aald bill horae hire and amide to the mount of 916, to which he la not entitled under the law, and aiao excessive ml lea ire to the amount of ts.0. leaving a bal ance due the county from the aid A. J. Dewltt, coroner, of... Audltora And that Treasu rer Lalinr received from the Coun- of Wayne f4.B. half the ex- PnJe of paint used on County br (drew. Thle imnynl la baaed on the paint costing" fi ll per aalton. Aa a matter of fact the County of Pike paid for the paint 1130 per ration. whlrh would make the whole bill SO, or tbl. IS ae w ayne a Hence we find due the , rounty from the County of Wayne the turn of The Auditors find that Arihur M. Adams, fire warden, received on rounty eherk No. 457 the aum of IS3.4S. As this bill filed by him totals .4.45. we nna that ine rounty la lanVbted te the aald Arthur H. Adams in the aum or The Auditors find that Oeorire Oreaory received on county check No. 622 the aum or 19.90 for haul Ins; coal from Port Jervla. His bill filed calls for 19.951. We therefore And that the connty Is Indebted to the aaid George OroK ory The And Horn find the follewfaaT balaair In the hands of Treasurer K. B. Letter i County Money $ 164.74 Poor Money . .j-... . Fchool Honey (un seated) School Money (seat ed! Redemption Money.. KoAd Money (un seated) Road M oney (seated Sheep fund (dog tax) 26.84 1M.8 1M M m.os 111 84- .The And I torn find the followler overpaid by Treasurer 15. B. iAbaw t Jtoart Money (un seated) sJ82.ll Pchool Money (un- aeatetll tfil.Tl Poor Money S9.60 t 171 tl Balanres doe from Collectors IftM. County State Dor I Palmvra(A1va Quick .. $170. ft S5.40 HZ. tS Porterbherman Dush). 4.78 9E.66.ft4 IS.48 1T.0 Liabilities ef the Cetmty. Balance due on Lackawaxen brtdae 8 Tf.ST.ftv Rain nee due on Roaetown brltlare County's share of cost of State rofld In oreene township.... 1161.09 1444.94 County's share of cost of State rorni in Lehman township... I Steel files for Co mm 1m I oners' of fice vault, saie tor county Treasurer's office, filled vesti bule doors for vaults In Com missioners' office and Prothon otary's otncetthla contract was made In 1M08 and rescinded tiy Commissioners, Jan. 8, 1909: hence In dispute! John F. Cnse. ptanklns; bridge over Raymondsklll creek at Tlssot farm In Dlnfman town 12.88 118.88 11.17 9.88 IT. 22 W. (1. Johnston Co., station ery, etc J, v. Chnmberlaln, Secretary, - bridre reuairs Baschon's. . . . J. V. Chamberlain, Secretary, Ji4age repairs Mast Hope... J W. Chamberlain, Secretary, ' brlritre repairs Rowland Irvtnpr KlRhtcr, engineer, balance due aa Inspector . on bridge work, etc 48.80 13 ft 2.40 .86 John C. We l brook, jr., record- Inn for county, etc. I John C. Weal brook. Jr. Com monwealth costa J. H. Ludwlfr, Justice's costs.... Cuddeba-k Co., court house supplies Due Arthur M. Adams, tire war den, on fire bill Due Georse Gregory for hauling coat .t I1T828.84 In Philadelphia. Hammeratelu'a new open nous la the civic pride. There are 1 8 J doctors signs In tlx blocks of Chestnut street. A row of black men wasblni row of white marble doorsteps fires fine effect In chiaroscuro. There are not nearly so many sky scrapers as In Buffalo; except la few buildings the elevators run only when you ring for them. The sidewalks are brick as New York's were a hundred years aco There are still some open sewers In the middle of the streets. Oa wash daye they run full and visibly soap? The Schuylkill water la always muddy. Part of the city now has a tillering system. Tha , rest buys spring water. There are almost no larger-beer saloons. There are no French and Italian restaurants. There are only a few botels. The many boat-house In Fatr- mount Park along the Schuylkill are built solidly of stose. Most of the dwellings are of red brick and nearly all small. Dr. Weir Mitchell In hla new novel calls Philadelphia "The Red City." fair bouBe In a fair quarter rents for $25 a month. Negro children attend all tha pub lic schools and the white people aead theirs to private schools when they can raise the money. A New Yorker can find assra things different In Philadelphia tkan In Chicago or Denver. The men average taller thaa New York; tbere la leas immigration of the small races. Family and descent are taken seriously. Money will not h'ly so cial position not at onoa. M.iucy Well Bpeat. Health Is an Important factor the people of New York city and the public treasury expends Il.iaa eexa day in looking after IU Much Power from Niagara. Power generated at Niagara Falla la to be distributed all over Canada. Bids bave been asked oa 10,000 tons of structural steel for the Cana dian government. The steel Is to be used for towers which will support the cables used In transporting the current. Already power generated at Niagara Is being sent to a distance of more than 12 miles, and it la tha intention of the Canadian govern ment to increase this distance, ears tha Bdentieo American. Twwna very direction about Niafira wtU The Now York Tribuno Farmer is the mo6t thor oughly practical, helpful, useful and entertaining, national illustrat ed agricultural & family weekly in the United States. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A Send your name for free sample copy to New York Tribune Farmer TKIBtUNK asUILO Haw VorU - PIKE COMITY PRESS ,$I.SO A.YEAR job painuric. UtUr Hsd, i Cards Postars, Statamants Bill Haads, Envalopas Circulars, !Etc Etc. NEATLY DONE Time Table ERIE RAILROAD. AT PORT JERVIS Bolld Pullman trains to Buffalo, Nla ara ralia, i;naoio ' Chicago and Cincinnati Tiokete on sale at Port Jervis to all points In the West and Southwest as lower rates than via any eafaer OraVolaas Una. In effect June "Jfth," 1908. ' ' rnaii Sow Liavi Port Jmtio a Follows. EASTWARD A: niiT ...i .W Dally Kxprasa M, Looal Kroept Sandaj 44 Holidays only t 40 " 10 ..a so ,. 64 4. M. tl " No. S. Dally Kxpreea a. War Sunday Only. . . 40, Looal except Son Hoi I. " M, Local Except Bunaaj.. v w 4, Dally txpeese....'. 1.84 704, Sunday Only ". 14, Wny dally axo-tSnnd'y 1 t, Dally Sxprese..... 60 " as. Way dally exe'tflund'y " TOS.LocM Sunday Only.... MS " WESTWARD. WoT.DaUy Exprasa w .. 41, Dally a. IT, Dally Milk Train t.10 V 1. Dally Kxpreea 114 " "'116, FotHo'daleK'ptSua.. " g. Express C hlcatfo lln dal SS " ( 9, Dally Except Sundax.. 6.00 " 11 6. Limited Dally Kxpreea. 10. Of ' rralna leave Chambers- etreet. New Vork, for .Port Jerrla on week days at I JOr-t.Ww JO A. U.. I.-M I 00, -ejew, o.iB, , i ; On8unds7S.T. , A. M 18 W.1.16T r. H. H. L. SLACSON.'Ttoket A at, Pt. Jerrla.' : H. W.Hawley, Dlv'n Paasgr. Agent. ' Cbamben 8t. Statloa Nw Tork Where the Poo el a Ckreas CI la em City Live. Btaad beside the Imperial euatoas house at Canton China, and let the eye range downs-the river toward Hong Kong. A far aa the sight can reach lie beats, beau aad Mala, boats. These are ao ordtaary craft, mere vessels of transport - plying hither and thither, but the countless hemes of snyrfad Chinese, la which millions have been bora, have Hved and died. The are the dwellings of the very poor;- who live la these practically free from rent, taxes and the other burdens ef the ordinary citlsea. The Taakla (which meaas boat dwellers) aa the denltene of these Boating houses are called, ferae a' sort of caste apart from the rest of the Cantonese. ' Tha there dwellers regard them aa belenglntT to a lower social order, aad Indeed they have many customs peculiar - to them, stwvea which mark these as a sepa rate community. How the swarm ing masses of these contrive te sup port existence la a mystery, but their chief mode of employment Is la car. rylog merohaadlae aad- passengers from place to place. - In seme can at the daughtera ef the aassUy ae ashore te work la faetertse; bet the year's earnings of a Chinese factory girl would scarce auMce te bar a single hat for her western slater. Of course as against this low rate of pay the standard of living la eer reepoadlugly different. The bonaea which make ap these vaat floating alama are ef all staea. Soma are but fifteea feet long. Prom there crensped dlmenaloaa, however, they range ap to a length ef Ifty or atxty feet A boat la res enough to accommodate a family of moderate else caa be obtained for 110, aad lino the anchorage la free 11 by eb vtou that tha 'Taakla affect meay savlsgt Impeaatkla It tkt latrt YEAR ty. N. V uwi TKADK-MANM pat,' ebuicetta ta SU ayawuixiwav TM aw. W SJ strati a Bta T H THAT lA T. tannaasiy. a mm oa, bm dp jam ia snnsssa. I aadat fsoa or aastch la FUCK Hp til Mkaialsllty. a TwW prMOat, aua. Muimq sTtTarnrMtfia'ai rafMark I Book PromfMm Fmawats writ to OJ-tOl vfith -, wVawSnwTijiifj Sga, 0. Cavwta. tmi Trade-Merke ceuiatd ae all Vas-f ie oaoscid tor MeesaSTe nta. oveomet isoeeoeire w. e. rmNTOvfMif UudnUtlKILI BftlCHi IS MM SUM UMUI SSUMS Ireaxcte froa Wealunrtoa. i Sa4 mliL erwia( or With daeate-l fthMU f fl MM, U patniabi er M. Ira mCt I is" Jmw im mm OB. MUX 111 ..immm. I a eewrNLST. VbMua I'.tMM win. mt of in Ik. U. a. mmm iOMMA MM Caettt free. AddMM, C.A.8NOW&CO. Ol rTTrT OfYICC. WAHtW4rTl, D. C. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. rlooese and Lots and lota without B ouse Dealer In all kinds of Property. Notary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office at Residence on Water Street. Milford. Pa . .,Meji f VfAftt" -V . V KXPEMCNCI Dtfna A4, !.. Daeiewe ''IMI1 CoenrNMurra Ac Aafeae emclne a seta ar4 6rtpim auiy aaloklf aaeaprtoia our o;iiita fraa akvaantK tsonlaU raanUoel Li. erhairilr AavLanlArUeh. Ctimt nan n 1m. aworvt avmaUr noMantUL HaUadtOk OB HeUesTUC autt fra tj4t aWexvMrr for aex-tirtiBt; jpaaiteri Uniall Jtaoa M UQ. fM Uroatk MdU A L Scientific Jlcerlcax kmrnamomtr tileatrl-4 waatklf. ramat mtr. paUvUt-a ef afiT aw-to n l US o ti.hiruaL Taarrnp.. a a u i rrmr awoniaa, at. Dae ajtaai maaauwi, mt Pn .-i,.WpwYnri BPm.WMMalaa.llIi The Milford Livery Stable HORSES AND CARRIAGES to hlro with or without driv oro. HARFOBO 8TRKET Oppoalte Homestead Library. Sosias Rblson Proprietor. - Seaweed as a Water fllte. Seaweed may be planted la the Bchuylklll river In Penaaylvaala a aa experiment to attempt to Alter the water which la used for driaklna purposes la Philadelphia. Dearer as to Aetna, PerUdy cftca reeallt up8 It tat.-u raataiaa, "1 WW Mr" a Orange County Trust Co. Middletiwn N. Y. with a large capital and surplus security, will receive deposits and pay at the rate of 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM ' interest on them, from the day they are de posited. It is paying out over $100,000.00 each year, for interest. The best facilities which enable us to trans act all kinds of financial business are at your disposal, ' If interested call on us or write to us for details. G. SPENCFR COWLEY, Secretary. RYDER'S MARKET DINGMAN'S BUILDING DEALER IS Meats and Provisions, Fish and Vegetables, Canned Goods Orders Trdnptly" Attended PAUL RYDER Broad Street, Milford. DR. KENNEDY'S "AVORITE J Esbit.0Y rieetaant to Take. Powerful to Care, And Welcome In Every Home. KIDNEY, LIVER BLOOD CURE Rot a Patent Medicine. Over 30 Tars of Success. Used in Thousands of Homes. Writ to Dr. David Kennedy' Son, Rondout, N. Y., for a FREE ample bottle. Large bottle 1 .00. All druggists. KINDNESS REWARDED. js hire. Nuwed Are you offering me IbJa sum of money for just that little piece ef cake? My poor man, I Sloan Easy Naw I' mglvin' It to reuse k'cox I ate de cake. Yer hue baa' enct did me a'com lashup; take de-m-moaey an nd hire a cook. I wea't aeed m-mou-ey weher I'm a- ( Expires.) Talking l p te was a well-meaning young aaaa, but as a curate In a small vil lage he had never had occaaloa to meet the claae of people who fre tuented the fashionable parish to which he had Just been appointed, la new rector, wishing to help him a to suceeaa, had been liberal with advice, and bad duly lmpreaaed him with the -mportance of always tak ing the "tone" of the people with Whom hb mingled. Being Invited to take dinner at the mansion of one ef the members of the congregation aad knowing that ha would have to ear grace, the young curate took his eae freen the coavereatlon overheard before dlaner. and whea his host, see sodded meaningly In his direc tion, he delivered himself of the fol lowing:' "O Lord, thanks awfully, (oily good feed, wot!" Bellinaa. to China Land. The ecual-rlghta wave has reached the shores ef China, and It la report ed that a number of wives In Canton hare left their husbands, saying that they will no longer be subject to them. The wives have had the worst of It, however, as the law glvet ltwer te Imprison thtm. ant thsy lev k4 t tuter the eeaeee,ueDeet ad ttetf FMe tttlTl, FRANK HARDING, President WOOD & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS MILFORD PA UNDERTAKING in all branches Special alteotlon given to EMBALMING No extra charge for attending f unerale out of town Telephone In Residence. UUT ASSISTANT New' mW Representative National Casket Co. 60 Great Jones St. Telephone 8S48 Spring stove wunn Mimiiini aloud. Mail orderi given prompt at tention. JUiloni Pa , Aov. 6th. 1906 J. W. Jiiesel. Washington Hotels. RIG6S HOUSE 1'he hotel par excellence of the raplul .oo&ted wlibln one block of the While House and dlreotly opposite the Treason. Finest table In the olty. WILLARD'S HOTEL A fainoueShotelry, rruiarkable for It Historical associations and long-sustained popularity. Recently renovated, repainted and partially rufu. u,iad. NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark among the hotels of Wash Ington, patronised In former years by president, and high officials. Alway a prime favorite. Recently remodeled ana rendered better than ever. Opp. Ps. R R' dep. WALTER BURTON. Res. Mgr These hotels are the principal political rendeavus of the capital at all times. Tbey arothe best stopping places at real snnable ratee. . o. o. O DtWITT aroprle)t Mtnif.'. A need Rird. Bamual Butler, the witty but ee centric author of "Erewhon" which means "Nowhere" and of many other remarkable and sugges tive books, is now more read than during his lifetime. He died In 1801. In one of his note-books he telle thla lacldant. which must have amaeed the great Charles Darwin: Frank Darwin told are hla father was once standing near the hippo potamus cage when a little boy and girl, aged four and fire, came ap. The hippopotamus shut his eyea for a minute. "That bird's dead," said the little girl. "Come along." Truth By I'ncle Ebca. "It's all right." said Uncle Ebon, "te have a proud spirit, pervlded you takes pride In what you kin do Inatld of In how much time you kin put In dressln' up an' loafla'." BIU of Richie. The Declaration nf Right It. 88 next to Magna Char la. tit greatest landmark In the ronntltu tlonal history of Kogland. lulrodured no new principle 'hi to the British Constitution. Lord Macaulay asys of this famous document that though It made nothing law which was net law before. It contained the germ of every good law that had beea passed during more than a century and a half, of every good law which might thereafter be found necessary to promote the public aeal. The Ulll of Rights was the reaffirmation of Magna Charta with more empha sis. rVUtrlrntli Marred. ' Yo .-. , .... pose." ssld the lawyer to whom Mr. Donovan's buaband escorted her oa the day after she and Mrs. Leahy had Indulged In a little dltfercace of opinion. "Damages!" echoed Mrs. Dono van, shrilly. "Haven't I got dam. ages enojgb already, man? What I'm after Is satlsfai tloa." Fixity of Purpose. The man who succeeds above his fellows Is the one who. early In life, clearly discerns bis object, aad to ward that object habitually directs hla powers. Even genius itself la but line observation strengthened by ( Ity of purpose. Every mao whe ob serves vigilantly and resolves Me. lastly (rows (aeoasciousli late fop). Bulwsr-Uytioa. ' .1