Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 05, 1909, Image 1

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P, yob.
NO 14
II I i V A. Ill B A
OMMrt Pinchi sJdrwa.! the Lf
Matatro Wed-.eday evening la the
Hell o lb Boue on forestry.
Little Henry Baroklay is tbeprot d
possessor of little donkey.
Urs. Mirths Delate is borne after I
visit with her sister at Bridgeport,
Albert L. Cnddnback end wife are
visiting the family of H. O. Kipp st
Oswego N, Y.
aire. Jacob C Schorr baa gone to''
visit her daughter at Rldgewood. N.
lira Justin Leaobantin of Nyaok,
M Y. has beea vtsitiog bar mother,
Mre Hellrf In town. '
Near by papers ebronlcle the an
pearenoe of robins, meadow larks
and bias birds. We add the fact
that there are erawa la this neigh
borhood. Howard Matohler Is Dot wearing a
very broad smile over the election of
James 11. Uon is chairman of the
Damooralio State' Committee, x It
aoa't suit him.
All personal property of C. B.
Woods of 8bohola baa been levied
oa by the Sheriff and advertised for
sale Feb 10th.
The will of Andrew Marflng of
Lnckawaxen deo'd was probated this
week. He deviaea hla property to
bia three sons and wife sod names
Henry Exeoator.
Have yon sent Id yonr application
for troat fry yet.
Several dogs In Monroe county
have been ehot by the State Croats
blea for being on the highway with
out mazxles. Under orders any dog
In the quarantine ' district
fonad running at' large on publio
bighwavs without a muzzle to pre
vent him from biting, unless led by
tba owner, may be shot. It la ex
pected that similar orders will be Is
sued for Lehman township, as nearly
a dozen suspected dogs have been
killed there.
Ballots for tba February election
will be printed by the Dispatch of
Ac. . I
The February number of the Circle
contains a glowing proepeotae of the
beauties of Lincoln Park la Weetfall
as a summer hoot residence. It baa
water, electrlo lights and all modern
coavenlenoea and Is located high and
dry within twenty minutes walk of
Port Jarvia. Tba advertisement la
an attractive picture of the deeirabil
Ity of this ehosaa spot for those desiring-
rest while surrounded by all
the ootcforta cf life and the blessings
of an osnne laden atmosphere.
It would be well however for those
seeking to purchaxe lots there to eblo
p Heater bill and view this milk
and honey territory to ensure their
future sat infant Ion and peace of
mind. To follow the modern novel
ists tba obsession might be hedonis
tic' ' ' " .
'Tba Oregon Senate has paaeed a
law that hereafter no pirsons oan ob
lain a lioecte to marry in that State
without prodaolng a certificate front
a reputable phyalelaa that tbey are
In good health.
Mlas Evelyn Hotalen of this Boro
la making a determined, effort to ob
tain, one of the free scholarships
offered by the Port Jervls Qasetta
She is a graduate of tba Milford
High School and a most deserving
young lady. Her efforts to aeeare
an opportunity to enjoy greater edu
national adfanlagee are most com.
tnendable and entitle her to receive
oordtal assistance from her towns
It is probsble that a R F. D. route
to be known as No 1 will soon be ee
tablfehed from Milford to layton N,
J. Tbe offices at Hainerville aud
Bevane will be disooatinued and the
mall route will ran from Lay ton to
Branebville. The P. J. R. F. D No
1 alao will be rearranged.
Bida for carrying tba mails be
tween Milford and Pott Jervia and
Milford and Braachville have been
rejected by the Department as being
too high. The routea are readier
tleed. '
' M. M. Cady Eq, who taaxbl in
tbe old Academy eeleot school bsre
la the letter sixties and who now
Uvea at Dubuque, Iowa recently sus
tained a severe fall oa the ice and
was painfully Injured.
Measles have appeared In town
and ton youngsters will nw be
more or less exempt from attending
- school. Every hooaebold should take
all neoosssry precaution to preveut
aontraotiag or spreading tbe diaeaae.
aire W. 8. Rjmaa. bad as for
Wnata fall raosatly tad badlv H'lund
For 8ALE or RENT Store room
and dwelling on Broad Street, Mil
ford, Pa , eilher together or eepar.
ately. Apply to
Urs. K. V. Dlngmsn
or to Press Office.
After the cold en up this week tl e
weather became quite spring
Qaeetion, did the ground iiog see h
shadow it he looked for It.
It is probsble that the bead of
Lincoln will appear nn the half dol
lar eoin. President Roosevelt bus
! eonsent and an artist has
submitted modbla.
A child labor bill has been Intro
duced In the House to regulate obild
labor in all forma of employment ex
ospt on farms and iu domeatio ser
vice. The bill is Intended chiefly to
regulate work in mines. It is in
line wltb the education bill before
tbe House. .
It is reported that E. 8 Wolfe
has sold three carloads of white pine
lumber, sbont 71,000 feet, to a city
buyer. This consumes qnlte a bunch
of Pike County logs.
Mrs. Margaret Wesl brook of Mon
tagus has given a sit hfactory bond
tor renting the Milford Bridge and
it will be under ber control April 1
Tolla will not be cbniiRed from tbe
present rstee.
A bill now before tbe leglHlnture
authorizes tbe Stnts Board of Health
to rffur a reward of 150,000 for tie
dlsoovery of a remedy for tnborco
losis. A Vloe Chancel lot in New Jersey
hsa refused an application of tbe
State Board of Health for an Injunc
tion to restrain a oity from emptying
sewage In tbe Delaware river.
Peter. Flanagan, tbe well kuowa
clothier In Port JervU is dearth ,
An sot has been Introduced re
quiring County Commissioners to
build township bridges In the sever
il townships on petition of Supervis
Since the election of Root to the
Senate in New York one of Mr. Wan
amaker'a reasons against a parcels
post his been removed.
John Degen jr. has bens thst are
goldmines. ' His 111 White Plymouth
Rooks laid 186 eggs in December
snd 210 in January, an average cf
over 6 eggs a day.
F. F. White and wife went to New
York this week.
Timothy Jsrdon, an Erie conduc
tor living In Matamoras died and
denly of heart failure Monday while
on bia way to attend a funeral. He
was stricken In Port Jervia, fell to
sidewalk and expired.
Tba Sonth will do nothing to break
tbe solid Taft.
Aooordirg to the Allentown Call,
a New Jeraey minister marries coa.
plea and his sou gets divorces for
them. That's pretty One team work
at all events.
N. C. Detrick, who hss been em
ployed at the Hotel Majestic in New
York visited Milford this week. He
expects to go to Atlantic City for the
remainder of the winter.
There would be plenty of money
in eiroalatlon here it everybody
made haste to pay bis small bills.
Msybs tbe President should have
a larger salary, but it is to be remein
bered that ths Government furnishes
the typewriter ribbons.
No attaok on tbe ohsraoter or mot
Iveaof Congress appears in the latest
Tbe Senate Is ssklng Bonaparte
qnestiona which be doean't answer
while Roosevelt ia answering ques
tions that are not asked.
. ' The American Athlete
Tbe American nation ranks first
in athletics, aa shown in the last
Olympiad in London. The horseback
ride of ninety one nit Ins thru a dnv-l
ing n storm by tbe President was
a wonderful feat of endurance, and
Is only another pioof of our quality
athletes Human beings in Ibe
dsys psst and today art- compared to
tnaohines. There ia no one questions
the log o of tbe comparison, for the
body ia tquipped wtih all, aorta of
levers, pulleys, cordage, pumps and
valvee, which require a master me
chanic to manage. Mike Murphy,
tbe famous Peun trainer, undertakes
tbta task. He will write all' about
bia wonderful work of brain and rec
reation in a aeries of articles to be
published exclusively in "The Sun
day" edition of "Tbe Philadelphia
Preaa." Order yonr oopy at once
from your newsdealer or send your
order direct to "The Philadelphia
Press," Seventh and Chestnut bt ,
AdvttrtUw in, the Puna, j
Blooming Grove
' w ' ' Republican
Judge of Eleotion Lafayette Rol.
Inspector of Election William K,
Hat ton.
School Director Lafayette Rolo
eon. .
Overseer of Poor Casper Madden.
Collector John Kleinhans.
Auditor D. G. Hnller. . . -
Clerk C. O. Billings.
Judge of Election Julius W. Kle
oat. - " -
Inspeotor of Election Jules E.
Botlean. -Collector--Chas
H. Qninn.
School Directors Edward H. Or-
ben', Jeremiah T7. Greening.'
Auditor William Drake.
Clerk C. J. Boileao.
Justice of Peace Julius W. Kis
. Lackawaxen
School Director John Johnson,
Geo E Jamos. Letvis Nino.
Supervisor Edmnud Dellert.
Overseer of Poor A. G. Rowland.'
Collector Geo W. Shannon.
Judge of Election Wra.B. Court-
right. -
Inspector of Election Lafayette
Anditor G. J. Kiernan.
Clerk Marcos H. Lassley.
Justice of Peace James P. Delb.
Collector Wm B. Sobooaover.
Auditor John Cook 1 yr.. Joseph
Nyce 3 yrs.
' School Directors Geo. M. Arnst,
Walter Stafford.
Supervisor Fredeiick Messerlt. .
Judge of Election Evan Schweit
zer., ',
Inspector of Election Philip Court
right.1 -
Cer. Frank L Layton.
Overseer of Poor- Jason Lltts.
Matamoras Boro C 1
' ltepnblicau
Burgess John H. Sheen.' '
Judge of Election Ezra Burdiok.
Inspector F. L. Seymour.
Cooncilmen A. C. Van Etten, T-
F. De Giaw.
School Directors Edwin M. Kim
ball, Nathan Younga.
Collector A. W. Batch jr.
Overseer of Poor Robert Dsnley.
Auditor Geo. E. Marsh.
Justuses of. Peace Lansing B.
Wright, A. W. Balch.
Milford Township
Judge of Election Christian Her
man. Inspector of Election George M.
Collector D. B. Olmsted. -Overseer
of Poor Christian Her
man. Supervisor D. B Olmsted.
Anditor Geo R. Boeler.
Judge ot Election Philip Walter.
Inspector of Election Ader Hotal
en. Supervisor Philip Walter 2 Xra. .
Collector D. B. Olmsted.
Overseer of Poor Edward Qninn.
Anditor Edward Blood.
Clerk Tobias Nelson.
t Supervisor Theo. Sobroeid 3 yrs
- Overseer of Poor C. A. Peliett 1
yr., Jabn II. Slevera t yrs. -
School Directors Henry Gumbte,
W. J. Keealer, Richard G. Phillips 3
Anditor E A. Gamble. . ... 4
Clerk Walter Vetterlein.
Judge of Eleotion A. U Down. '
inspector of Election Aithur L.
Peliett. " ..
Collector -Alva H. Quick, ... :
Shohola'Y ..
' ' Republican ' ' "'
Collector L. B. Watsoa. "' . !
Sobool Direotors Vslentine Hips,
man, w; H. Stratford Jr.
Overseer of Poor Robert Drus-
Suiervisor Thos Pradford.
Auditor Henry Bradford.
Jedge of Eleotion E. R. Kalbfos,
Iupector G. A. Hass.
Clerk John Marqoardt.
Justice of Peaoe E, R. Kalbfos.
Couimilteeuien Henry Bradlord,
Uvl Ulddftugu, ilermta Hlneuttn..,
Colleotor Geo E. May.
Sohool Direotors Geo A Kneeling
Marcus Kroger. r
Orerseer ot Poor Peter G. Hess.
Supervisor Geo Eta.
Auditor Geo P. Haas.
Judge ot Election Frank Keller
Inspector John J. Hsas.
Clerk Frank Keller.
Justice of Peace Otto Zoellner.
MEN to represent os either locally
or traveling. In tbe scale of a full
line of easy selling specialties. Ap
ply quick and seoore territory.
2 2 09 Kocbesifar. N. J
Marked For Death
"Three years ago I was marked
for death. A grave-yard cough was
tearing my longs to pieces. - Doctors
failed to help me, and hopo had fled,
wnen my husband got Dr. King's
New Discovery," says Mrs. A. C.
Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The first
dose helped me ami improvement
kept on on til I had gained 58 pounds
in weight and my health was fully
restored." This medicine holds the
world's healing record for coughs
and colds and lung and throat dls
eases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold
under guarantee at both drug stores
50o and 11.00. Trial bot'le free.
The OrratMt Hewspsper f lt Trp.
Bead la rerY English SpeafctBS' Caustrr
It, has invariably .been Ibe great
effort of the" Tlirtce-a-Week edition
of tbe New York World to publish
tbe news impartially in order that it
may be an accurate reporter of what
has happened." It tells the troth, Ir
respective of .party, and for that
reason it has aohieved a position
with the public unique among papers
of its class. -
If yon want the news as It really
ia, aobeoribe to tbe Thrice-e-Week
edition of Ibe. New. York Woril.
which comes to yon every other day
except aunday, and is thus practical
ly . daily at tbe price of a weekly.
regular subscription prioe is only 1 1
pr yesr, and this pays for 16 pap-
era. . We offer this unequalled news
together for one year tor 12.00.
Tbe regular subscription price of
the two papers is 33 60.
Following is an Act Intro
duced in the Legislature
r by Mr. Marvin in rela
tion to Improvements at
'.. Cave Bank.
Makjng an appropriation for tbe
improvement of the channel of tbe
Delaware river and for tbe protec
tion from said river of tbe pnblic
highway, 'leading from Busbkill to
Matamoras at: Cava Bank, in Dels
ware township, Pike County, Penn
sylvania. Section 1. Be It enacted by the
Senate and Honaeof Representatives
of the Commonwealtn of Pennsyl
vania in General Assembly met and
it is hereby enacted by authority of
the same, Teat the sum of Twenty
thousand dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, la hereby spec
ifie4ily 'appropriated to the Water
Supply Commission of Pennaylvania
for. the purpose of constructing a
dike or dikes along the bank of the
Delaware river, at Cave Bank, in tbe
township of Delaware, County of
Pike, Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, so aa to improve tbe channel
of the said river and to prevent tbe
destruction of .tba publio highway
hading from Bushktll-to Matamoras
in Delaware township, Pike County
Tux Christmas Dinner
lit spire of the fact that tke word
dyspepsia means literally bad eook,
it will not be fair for many to lay
the blame on tba cook if they begin
tbe Christmas Dinner with little ap
petite and end it with distress or
nausea. It may not be fair for any
to do that let us hope so for tbe
sake of tbe cock I The disease dvs
pepsia Indicates a bad stomach, tbat
is a weak stomach, rather than a had
cook, and for a weak stomach there
is nothing else equal to Hood's Bar.
anparilla. It gives tbe stomach vigor
and tone, rures dyspepsia, creates
i PI Hit, snd make retlrg the pleat
uru U ill till be.
The prominence sooorded by the
Press to the resignation of Secretary
Root and the discussion of the sub
jeot by public msn and Journalists
is merely expressive of tbe great in
flaenee he bus hsd on publio affairs
during his tan years' residence in
Washington. That be will continue
to influence publio affairs from a dif
ferent but no leaa important stand
point is matter of gratulstion to the
country at large. - It has been long
indeed since the greatest state of the
Union has bad an equally great rep
resentative of even so great a state
aa New York.' He baa had too much
--hoTlo 'with nltionat and international
affairs to become merely a provin
cial representative. In his recent ad
drees In Albany, be said that he
would advocate a parcels post if New
York State was in favor of it. That
New York Btate will be In favor of
it, there cannot be the slightest
doubt, and Mr. Root doubtless knew
this when be made the remark. The
man whom be succeeds in tbe Senate
hfis long been known as the repre
sentative of the express companies
the oompaniee that have skimmed
tbe cream of the postal profits and
left the nation a yearly deficit. The
Post Office Department, with ite
thousands of rural carriers bringing
letters and newspapers to so mnnv
homes, might with immense helpful
neas to farmers snd suburbanites
and Immepre profit to tbe nation,
deliver parcels aa is done in England
Germany, Franco and in every
other civilized country in the world.
Washington is busy with prepar
ation for the inauguration ceremon
ies which will lake place in scarcely
mere than a month from now.
Everything baa been prearranged
except tbe weather. The fourth of
March is down 1q tbe weather re-
reports for a disagreeable day and a
number of ineffective attempts have
been made to change the inaugura
tion day to another date. It is un
derstood that there will be a conden
sation ot the procession or parsJe
whloh has on previous occasions beea
far too long drawn out. The aveu ne
ia wide and seventy-five ot a hun
dred mea oan easily march abreast
on it. Such bas been tbe vanity of
civic and military organisations for
conspicnonsness, that some have ac
tually insisted on marohlog single
die, canting the spectators on tbe
Avenue to wait frequently three or
four hours on til the vsfaols procession
The President, it is said, will make
breaoh in the old custom of riding
with bia successor toani from tbe
Capitol. He will, it is understood,
accompany the President elect to tbe
Capitol and see him Inaugurated, but
Instead of returning with bim to tbe
White Hooee, will make a 'beeline
for tbe Union Station and thence to
Oyster Bay, sailing a few days there
after from Now York to a Mediter
ranean port on his way to Africa
Tbe President announced this pro
gram yesterday when he accepted
tbe offer of tba New York Republi
can Committee to aot aa hla escort
on the route from the Capitol to the
The leaders of tbe Senate anil of
tbe Honae have held a conference
with reference to tbe legislative pro
gram for the remaining thirty days
of this session and it is plain thnt
their purpose is not to permit tbe
enactment of any general legislation
beyond tbe appropriation bills. It
baa been the lntention-of the House
to pass statehood bills for Arizona
and New Mexico, but . the Senate
does not favor this action. The time
for convening the apecial session for
consideration of the tariff has been
pretty definitely fixed for tbe tenth
fo March, or six days after the inang
urauon. ibis arrangement was
made after oonanlta lion with Senator
Knox, who, as bis chosen Secretary
of State, is eopposed to represent
i-residect elect Jan, now absent in
Panama. Mr. Taft will probably ap
prove this date and it la favored by
Speaker Cannon and republicans asa
desirably early date for work on the
new tariff bill.
Mnch interest is expressed with
reference to tbe very lofty tower for
wireless telegraphy which It is pro
posed to erect in Wsshington for the
purpose ot oommaDicating with ships
at sea to a distance ot three thousand
miles. Blda have been submitted
from seven firms tod It Is probable
that Pittsburg boots offering to
furnish tba apparatus and tower for
ityW will tfts eoninoh Tb
tower will probably have a construc
tion somewhat similar to that of tbe
famous Eiffel tower in Paris, though
It is not expected to be as high as
this structure.
Mil John G.- Maiek.
C.tbarine, wife of John G Maier,
ot Milford township died January
29, after an illness of considerable
duration. She was born in Germany
nearly seventy fonr "years ago,' and
was a daughter, of the late Philip
Deck, a former resident of this
oonnty. Her husband, four .daugh
ters and two sons, nil adults, and re.
siding In New York survive ' 'rTbe
funeral was hold Tuesday and inter!
inent in Milford Cemetery.
Medicine That Jg Mf.dioihe
"I have suffered a good deal with
malaria and stomach complaints,.but
I have now found a remedy tbat
keepa me well, and that remedy is
Electric Bitters: a medicine tbat is
medicine for stomach and liver
troubles, and for run down ooniH
tions," savs W. C. Kiestler, of Halli
day. Ark. Elestrlo Bitters purify
and enrich the blood, tone np the
nerves, and impart vigor and energy
to the weak. Your money will be
refunded if it fails to help you. 60c
at both drug stores.
Real Estate Transfers
Elizabeth Crocker to Otto R Brink
5 seres Green $500. .
Emniett L. Parkj to Robert G.
Reynolds, lots to Lincoln Park West-
John W. Frazier to Ida R M.
S.'kes, tbreelots in Matamoras 147,
H8, 149, $1000. '
Emniett L Psrks to W. P. Canbv.
lot in Lincoln Park Weetfall.
Lotus Sommers to Ferdinand Ger-
hardt and wife, 104 acres Palmyra
part of Jnmea Duncan No 93.
The Lincoln Centenary
Oue hundred years ago the tweltb
of this month a great man was born.
There is no need to trace bis history.
You know i. Every child in tbe
publio tohot'la baa tbe wonderful
stoiy by heart, tbe story of a man
whom olrcumstances could not bind,
whom obstacles could not disocur.
age, whom rldioule conld not deter,
whose heighth and breadth and
depth of vision so far exceeded those
about bim that, impervious to all
without, guided only by that within,
he followed the way we know not of.
It ia a question whether we of lea
ser vision see clearly even now, fifty
years after bia death, what bis life
has meant to the nation Wa have
seen enough to raiae bim above crit
icism, above oenaure, to place him
among the heroes to whioh mankind
is pleased to do a tardy justice. And
we nave, perhaps, come to realize
something of the bigness of mind
and heart that makes him our great
est American. Tbe lengthenlnK ber
epeotive gained by the passage of
each year has but added to bis pres
tige, and none can foresee bis-final
We recognize, by applause and
laurels, many forma ' of ao called
greatness. We respeot the man who
achieves, whether the production be
a symphony, a painting, a miracul
ous cure of disease, or the invention
of a new battleship. The teaober
who evolves a new cult has alwaya a
devoted following ; tbe eoientitla In
vestigator the philosopher these
have been accorded their meed ot
praise. Let all those who attempt
be encouraged. Tbia la wise and
right, lest any good that can oome to
mankind be lost.
But, in the last analyais, there is
but one true measure of greatness
It is the measure Christ gave na two
thousand years ago and whibh we
in our vanity oft forget. That meas
ure ia servioe.
Tested by this standard tbe life of
Abraham Lincoln stands out supreme
zbovd, that of his fellows. Utterly
forgetful of self, even to the disre
gard of bia personal appearance, hla
mind, hia heart, and bis very exist
enoe were giveu freely without re
serve to a nation which sorely needed
him The February Delineator.
This Ih Worth Heading
Leo F. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson St ,
-Buffalo, N. Y., says: I cured the
most annoying cold sore I ever had,
with Bucklen'e Arnica t?alve. I ap
plied this salve once a day for two
days, when every trace of tba sore
was gone." Heal all torn. Bold
under guarantee tt both drug Korea,
The measles epidemio scare is
about over, and the many oases re
ported areoonvalescing rapid! v. The
attacks were of a mild lorm.
The mail routes from Milford to
Branohville, and from Lavton .n
Flat brook ville, have been rejected
by the P. O. Department as being
too high, the bids I mean.
Both routes have been road vertissd
the hope of getting lower bids.
The proposals made to the nrinUm
of this County for printing blanks
tor the Clerk and Surroeatu were
For printing some blanks the bids
were in some cases twice what an.
other offloe would do tbe same work
Our county print bill has been a
oostly part ot tbe county expenses.
A bill bas been reported favorably
the U. a Senate to nenaion all
widows of the Civil War, and, if
passed will bring Joy to many. Tbe
time limit of marriage abnt manv
widows out.
A laughable incident haobened In
thia town last week. Layton parties
went to a certain place to oatoh bait
for fishing. When the party reached
the spot another party was ena-nred
in fishing for suckers. Hearing tbe
pproaohing party they hastllv
pulled out the r net. rolled it nn. and
ran for all they were worth.
An effort will be made at tbia sea.
sion of our Legislature to pass a law
prohibiting tbe sale of all game.
lbat would be the best law for pro
tecting game, that could be devised.
Our B of E met on Wednesday ev.
ening and passed a resolution ap.
pointing a Medical Insiieotor of the
The Inspector will visit a certain
school, where tbe teacher is directed
to point out those afflicted with
creepers" and "eczema." and the
doctor will deoide the case whether
it Is a case of Pedioolns capitis or
Pediculus corporis.
The fishing party from Lavton via
iting the ponds back of Milford, laat
week suooeeded in catching- a few
fish, but tbey were not very large.
Jersey does not permit Ashing thru
tbe ioe with any device whatever.
The January weather reDort aa re.
corded at the Layton station la aa
follows :
Aerage Max 35.74, Average Minn
18 65. Max Set 29.06. Lowest Tam.
perature 10 below on tbe 19. Warm.
eat day 49 on 22nd, Greatest Daily
Kange 8 on 20th, Rainfall 1 40 in..
Snowfall 8.5 Inches, Clear days 18,
Partly 5, ClouCy 13
The Layton Grangers are clearing
the lower part of their bnildine-. and
tbia will give them a splendid room
for dancing, and one will be given in
the near future.
The Bread Line
The Bowery Mission at 92 Bible
House, New York sends ont an ap.
peal for aid to feed the starving poor
in that oity. Twenty five hundred
men line np every night to receive a
meal from tbe Mission. These men
are ont of work and In actual need of
food to keep from starvation. Tbey
are willing to work and will do so if
afforded tba opportunity Mucb of
this Buflering could be relieved if
those, farmers and others, who wish
help would offer them work. No
doubt charity Is sometimes mixgnid
ed and tbe undeserving, shiftless and
intemperate reoelve aid along with
thlte unfortunates who are willing
b honest toil to better their oondi
tifcns if afforded the opportunity. It
is better perhaps that some who are
not entitled to charity sbonld receive
aid than tbat those along with them
who are really deserving shonld, on
that account, be deprived ot it. Be
cause philanthropists oan not alwaya
discriminate is not a good reason for
doing nothing. If inclined to assist
the cause communications addressed
as above may be sent.
Andrew Crow.
Mr Cron, who resided in Delaware
township with this son Calvin died
laat Monday aged about 77 years.
One brother David and sons Calvin,
Alonzo, David J. of Delaware, Cbaa.
of Dunraore and three daughters Mrs
Alice Wheatoroft, Mrs, Marcus Ban.
sley and Nettie residing at Dnnmoro
survive bim. Tbe funeral waa held
yesterday and Interment In Delaware
Arthur Rohman and Kails A Beaa
both of Shohula were married last
week at tba Presbyterian Mtota b
' " -MrM,..tvsJ