Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 17, 1904, Image 2

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Friday, June 17, 1904.
Onr Year One dollar and fifty cents.
BiX Months Seventy-five cents.
Entered At the pol niTb of Milford.
Pike County, IVnniylvanliv tin seoond
claaB matter, November twenty-first, 18yC.
Advertising Rates.
One srmarofnlffhfllnoiO.one Insertion -il.on
Each subsequent Insertion .(VO
Reducis! rates, furnished on Application
Will be allowed yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's and Executor's
notices -------- - - B.'X'
Amlitor s notices 4.'j
Divorce notices 6.0O
plierifT's sales, Orphans court sale,
County Treasurer's sales, "XJounty state
ment anil election proclamation charged
by the square.
. n. Van Ktten, PUBLIHIIKR,
Milford, Pike County, Ta.
The appointment of Attorney
General Knox to the Senate is
generally commended by republican
newspapers. It la pointed out that
he la a man of commanding ability,
broad and liberal statesmanship and
that he will take high rank in
shaping the affairs of the country.
Pennsylvania Is worthy of represen
tation by such a man and she will
now take her place along with other
states of less importance but which
have sent far abler men to the
Tipper house of Congress than has
the Keystone' State for many years,
There will be a game of baseball
tomorrow between the Milford and
Matamoras nines on 6th street
The oouoty treasurer after selling
a few tracts of land yesterday ad
journed the sale to Monday, June
20th, at 2 p, m.
The statement of the First Nation
al Bank appears elsewhere. Inspeo
tion will show that it is making
substantial gains,
The directors of the First National
Bank of Milford have elected T. R.
J. Klein to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of E. Warner.
George Weightman and wife of
Brooklyn, who have reoently re
turned from a trip to the Holy
Land, are guests with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Jas. P. Van Etten.
Judge W. H. Arnomx of New
York, who for several years has
owned the Half-way house property
occupied by the late James Cummins,
has sold his interests to Hugo Reid,
Edward -Kanouse of Newton, N,
J., treasurer of the Prudential In
surance Co. of Newark, who several
years ago spent a summer here, and
H. K. Beemer of BeomervlUe were
in town yesterday.
The members of the senior class
of the Yale Forest school, who have
spent several weeks here in research
and investigation and who have
been engaged in making surveys of
this section from which maps will
be prepared, will leave town to
morrow. The young men have
made many friends while here and
enlivened the village by their
presence. Their departure will be
regretted and the best wishes of
many will go with tbem for suooess
in their chosen vocation .
in tbe State of Pennsylvania, at the olose
of busiucss, June Win, 1UU4:
Loans and disoounts I 12,712 14
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 48 76
IT. H. Jlouils to secure circulation 26,1) tV)
Premiums on I). . bonds 0
fctockrt, securities, eto.. 4W,4yl
Baiittinir house, furniture and
fixture Duo 00
Due from .National Bunks (not
reserve agents) o,8A8 87
Due from approved reserve
cants 82,414 84
Notes of otner National Bunks. .
llraclional paper curreucy, nick
els and ecutH
Lawful Monuy Kesurve In Bunk,
Fel, 8 718 BS
Jernl-tenilr noUa... l,t-0 W j
lu-uempuou fund with U 6
4oO Ou
124 IS
6,0o6 66
Treasurer (u'A' of circulation) 1,5U 0U
r-U.il stoi-.k puld in...
r-.ut plus tUU-1
LudivUl-d pniMl. load
and tnes a.d
National bank n ii.ua out
t 2;-..(0 O"
O.UUO 00
8 JV? 4
'lauding' ii.i" 0 l
lice to Ui lior Nat lelttti Imnks
luUWuluai Uci-'OHILS suiijoct to
I)iutaiiil cer'.illjtttea of djod!i
ToUl lua.xH (i;
fU,.to of IVn
County of P
A, J oli it 1 1 Vv nriit-r,
tttiuve Lt-!t.--i't Ifl Li I
r ol t
if Lijat the
U't.1, vt Ui,y
kmiAiu.. i: ni"l !"-'-' 1
liv'ii.S V. S A UN h-K, C Kfihi,
.. ci: , .1 mid '
tiV irt J II lie. 1
iru to U-(-ir uM V.Ab
j. U. L il A V I
"Montagus Farm" the Scene of
Charming' Social Function
ITarkensapk society has never bo-
fore enthused over a social function
as it was moved by the wodding
reception on Tuostlny evening at
"Model Farm," the beautiful resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Henderson on the east bank ot the
Hackensack river, following tbe
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hender
son's daughter, Marian Montngiie.to
Richard C. Loesch of New York
The Henderson place, with its
river front on the weBt and broid
lawn sloping eastward to the river
road, is noted as one of the most
attractive suburban homes in nor
thern Now Jersey, while Mr. and
Mrs. Henderson are among the most
popular members of the lead social
set. Naturally, so important an
event as the marriage of their
ilanghtor, a reigning boile, was not
to be missod by any fortunate reci
pient of the covetod invitation.
On this ocoasion the large mansion
was a picture of blooming beauty in
everv apartment devoted to . the
guests. Young of New York made
profuse use of cut flowers and green
plants in producing the artistic
effects whioh won such liberal ad
The two reception rooms rhowed
masses of pink sweet peas and pink
roses, with smilax. Jack roses and
smilax were combined in the library.
The doors were curtained with ropes
of smilaz caught up with pink roses
Tbe fire places and mantels wore
banked with ferns and topped with
rosos. In the main hall the rail and
balusters were almost hidden by
smilax and roses.
Outside, lights illuminating the
grounds, casting flickering beams
and shadows amid the foliage of
tree and shrubbery contributed to a
soene that was enchanting.
The spacious veranda on the south
and west sides of the house was
enolosed and transformed into
promenade where guests moved to
and fro through a flower-bordered
lane. At the extreme eastern end
of the veranda, obscure I by a dense
mass of mammoth plants, the Otis
orchestra added to the charm of the
surroundings the numbers of a pro
gram of sweet music.
The marriage ceremony which
preceded the reoeption. was private
only members of the family and
the bridal party being present. Rev
Arthur Johnson of the Seoond Re
formed church, Hackensack, offici
ated The bride was given away by
her father.
The bridal party assembled in the
octagon at the southwest corner of
the house, faoing the river, the
large apartment being a bower in
pink and white. The bride and
bridegroom stood under a wide
spreading shell-shaped canopy oom
posed of hundreds Of white roses
illuminated with dozens of pink
eleotrio lights j pink roses formed
tbe border of the canopy. The scene
was Due of indescribably fascinat
ing oharm, with the fair and ideally
beautiful young bride as the central
The bride's gown was of crisp
whlto satin, with olose-fltting bodice.
The back was Covered with full
court train from shoulder to hem,
made from an exquisite bridal veil
of old point laoe, the gift of her
mother ; it was caught to the full
satiu undertrain with trailing sprays
of orange blossoms ; also on the
right side with bunches of English
hawthorn, imported for the occasion.
The front of the low bodice with
neck filled in with point net was
trimmed on the left side and shoul
der with true lover's knots of
orange blossoms, and on the right
sido and shoulder with hawthorn
over a doep bertha of the old point,
which continued down the front of
the skirt under trails cf orange
blossoms. A psarl oord girdle,
which was worn on her mother's
wedding gown, encircled her waist.
A small tulle veil fastened with a
coronet of orange blossoms and
bunches of hawthorn completed the
duinty costume. The only orna
ment was a fine diamond cresoent
puudant, the gift of the groom.
A shower bouquet of hl;en of the
valley and white orchids attracted
equal attention with the bridnl
costume, bttiug a perfecting comple
ment to the fcUill and rctluej taste
of the ludy who diwiguod and direct
ed the making of the gown.
The briditeuiuidij foruiud a quartt.'t
of Bvytiot youi! women. Miss liclou
Lx'sch, a sisti-r of the Lrid
and Miss Ltnlena Dou'huny of
Uackruhiick, rcpr.-Hiitii')5 the blouda
typo of beauty, wore liyht gruon
c!.:!T a cloth, and curriud blio.,-r
buU'iut'ls of whitd SAtet Iit'. ; Miss
CUUL WAV1KD b.s wuitr.-M and
iiinUe hurso'f generally uful. fclurt
be nout ai:d quick, A 1 iv::-..-t P. ().
I . x 'i'S I', ;!' '1 1, Pit, ?t
Republican National Convention
On account of the Republican Na
tional Convention to be bold nt
Chicago, 111.' tlio Erie will so!l spec
ial excursion tickets from Tort Jer
vis to Cbicngo on June 10th to 20th,
inclusive, good to return, leaving
Chicago not later than June 29th,
at 117.70 for the round trip. 1
Excursion Tickets to Detroit, Mich.
On account of the Baptist Young
People's Union of American Inter
nation Convention to be held nt
Detroit, Mich., the Erie will sell
Bpocial excursion tickets from Port
Jorvls to Detroit, July 6th, 61h and
th, good returning, leaving Detroit
not later than July 12th, at 114.75
for the round trip. By deposit of
return ticket with validating agent
on or before July 10th, and payment
of fee of fifty cents at time of de
posit, at extension ot return limit
eaving Detroit may be obtained to
Angust 15th inclusive, and will be
good for continuous return passage
paving dotroit on date of validation.
Return Tickets for Indianapolis
On account of the Prohibition con.
vont'on to be hold at Indianapolis,
Ind., the Erie will soil special excur
sion tickets from Port Jervis to
Indianapolis, June 2Cth and 2"th,
good to return on or be before July
10th, at f 16 for the round trip. 2
Democratic National Convention
On account of the Domooratio
national convention to be held at
St. Louis, Mo., July 2nd to 5th, in
elusive, good to return within fifteen
days from and inoluding day of sale
at the low rate of 121.25 for the
round trip. 3
Coach Excursion to St. Louis, $18
The Erie will sell spocial ooach
excursion tickets from Port Jervis
to St. Louis on Thursday, June 16th,
23rd, 30th and on Saturday, July 2d,
good returning in 10 days including
day of sale at 118 for the round trip.
For the exoursion of June 16th,
tickets will bo good going only on
train No. 3, leaving Port Jervis at
5.15 p. m., arriving at St. Louis nt
9.45 p. m. next day, and for the
exoursion of June 23rd 30th and
July 2d, tiohets will be good going
only on train No. 47, leaving Port
Jervis at 3 a m. and arriving at St.
Louis at 7.20 the second morning; 3
Farm for Sale
An opportunity is offered to any
one desiring a farm suitable for
dairying, "with large meadow, 103
aores in farm, double barn and 8
room house. Or for any one wish
ing to locate a summer resort. Largo
fish ponds may be cheaply made,
Beautiful falls and glen on the
premises. White pine lumber and
building materials on the place
sufficient for all repairs and new
work. 2 miles from Sanderson's
new fish pond and propoocd Club
house. A mile of Decker s creek
runs through the land. The farm
located in Delaware township is
offered obeap. Address Joseph
Canne, Dingmans, Pa. tt
Desirable Residence
On the southwest comer of Harford
and Mott streets, in the Borough of
., n.j.u . -,v
terms to. the purchaser. The houio,
comprising an open hall, sitting or
reception room, parlor, dining-room,
butlers pantry fitted with hot and cold
water, etc., and kitchen with range,
boiler, hot and cold water, etc, on
first floor six bed-rooms and a bath
room with hot and cold water and
other nuxlern conveniences, on second
mmr ail miiiiiu ana bioiK
and clonet room UirouKhoutiiLso two
lare rooms, suitable for billiard,
sewiiifr and ctiildren's nlar-room. or
ml,,., ui,it!.r .,i,r.a n-,vl v-.i
, , .
u' m,iu W,U1 WJIU lu'u
iMiiiurt,niciitci entitvly eepumtc there-
fnmi, well lighted and eonveiuentlv
aiTuiiL'ixl-scrtmZ ohl-hiohiumd oix;i
Jlrt pla,all he approved open
J . . .
plumbing, t'leasunt porches on tlir
moot the whole thorouglily r'iiovat-
ed, newly painted and impx-ml and in
first cla.-ri tvndition. Sjxicious yrouttih
surrounding, all in neat fince, with
macadamized drive-way, liettutiful
luwn, highly cultivati'd garden, old
fruit trees, flowers uiid shrubs in
ceiitrul portion of Uie Borough, on a
main strtHjt, witliin three minute
walk of IVht ollice, churches and
tres. App'y to or aildress
liv. T. Bakek, Milford, Pa.
March 1, !'J01.
c"" ""u" rn'f
ohk rum mnrnM thkhqth 4o
-,u..Mr o .Lon t-m
Sc: d li.r he uaij,ic,
Sl'Ol-r h,)Kt, Cl.ci.-i.U,
I -"1 MkcI. i York,
y.. t.-l ..wo j i'A diut-
Impaired Digestion
May not he Kit thnt Is mount by fjr"jt't
now, but It will be If nrsleeteil.
The nneanincss after entinK, fits of nrrr-
ous benria. he, sourness of the stomach, and
dlOTirrernble bekhlr.K niay not be very bad
now, but they will be It the stomach Is
suffered to grow wenfcr-r.
Pynpensla js such a mlRernhle disease
ttiat the tendency to It should be given
early attention. This Is coronletely over
come by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
whl'ih strengthens thewhole digestive system
Settling a dispute.
This Merely Stiovv to What Extrsmei
.Women Will Go.
It is Interesting to hear of the prac
tical experiment iniide by two Vien-
icse ladles at present Ktnylng close
to the I,ake of t;eneva. They had an
argument to whether or not a wo
man who fell Into the water In full
walking costume would be aided or
Impeded by her clothes. Tbe argu
ment, as often happens between femi
nine disputants, led to a quarrel, and
the quarrel to a wager, which, with
feminine promptitude, the ladies de
termined to decide at once.
They therefore Jumped straight
way Into the lake, and the onlook
ers, thinking It was a double suicide,
promptly rushed for boats. The la
dles, however, In true sporting spirit,
declined to be roecued until they had
Biwara s considerable distance, and
Only gave up when they were In lm
mlnent danger of drowning from the
dead weight of their clinging gar
ments. They both agreed when they
reached the shore that skirts, corsets,
and boots do not make up an Ideal
swimming outfit, In spite of the well
known buoyancy of the waters of the
Lake of Geneva. Kxchango.
The Making of Porcelain,
The Chlceae claim to have made
porcelain for more thsn 2,000 years,
but it whs not known how to make It
In Europe until the seventeenth cen
tuty. The secret of hard porcelain.
generally called "Dresden," was ac
cidentally discovered about 1710,
while how fo maae soft porcelain had
been found out near l.imoges. in
France, several years previously, al
though nearly twenty-nve years
elapsed before its right use was at
tained. By an examination of M
Garnier's historical prefure the three
great styles of Serves porcelain can
be studied. Every class of article
has been pressed Into service. Includ
ing entire tables, clocks, candelbra,
and In 17.SO Mile. Beaupre, an actress,
appeared In a carriage of which the
panels consisted of exquisitely paint
ed porcelain. Naturally, when a ma
torial go expensive and so delightful
Is put Into the market fraudulent rep
resentations will abound. In 1814
splendid Sevres dejeuner service
with medallion portraits of Louis
XIV. and the celebrated persons of
his court, was presented to Loul
XVIII. After considerable use, th
King, having ascertained that It was
a fraud, and "having no further use
for It," pfUbrfcd the service In a case
at one of the public museums "as an
exmple of fraudulent imitations.
The costliness of the Sevres Is great,
a single table biivlng cost 75,000
livres. Mme. de Pompadour once had
a grest collection of porcelain flow
ers made especially for her salons,
which she caused to be dellcntely an
appropriately perfumed for the even
Inff when the TClnff hAd nrnmljtml to
visit her. The King tried to pluck one
of these flowers, and when he heard
how they had been made gave orders
It Is said, for flowers to the tune of
800,000 livres. In 1778 Cntherlne II
of Russia, bid for a service (of 744
pieces) nearly fJ(K',0O0. rblladelphl:
What Women Like In Men.
"What quality do women like best
In a man?" Is a question often dls-
cuRsed. Occsslonally one finds wome
who re a" toT uri,ms- and doubtless
i t , mun-bnr for tlin mnlorltv It
would be thrown out quickly enough
In a pinch. There are others, an
these are mostly men, who ssy that
woman lines me arusnc tempera-
medt; and the Inxtances of women
who make gods of musicians, of point
ers and of players give some color to
the allegatloa. But we believe tt is
a surface-liking rather than anything
deep-seated. You may run over th
frarlona mialltlaa whlih bplrinff to HiA
poor ma ,, yo wU, fln(j mm
women liking one of these all the
time and many liking each of them
M umereut times.
"hen all la said you will fin
tht the one great quality which wo-
men demand of mon is couraae. Thl
la the thing which Is chiefly supposed
to mark off men as a sex. This is the
which l supposed to keep them
lway8 a' the fruL We d? DOt deDy,
courage to women a great many of
theul hav6 ltbut vt ellpect more 0
It from a man; and women, at leas
seldom pardon Its absence. It is
probable that as a survival of a more
truculent age tha sort of courage
woman most demaHds la physical. -
Woman's Home Companion.
Goorgs Daumann, halng disposol
of his farm in Montague, N. J., oi
which he has resided for Sum
I douce in tuvyu. : Part of hi house
hold goods have alroiidy bee
brought over.
Farm for sale near Sawkill Pon
Situate on turnpike at iuterseclio
of Jr-awkiil and Womltowu road
near school house and post otllce
aires, about one-hall improve
Liiluiice guild timber. Good hous.
barn and out buildings to correspon
LiiM-llout fruit. l'rioe reasouubl
and terms leasy. Apply to William
MKnity on beventh street or to
this oilice tf
V,'. U. Ilursh of Lay tou, one vt
ttje briylitiitt U8Wl)H)er oorreapoi)
clouts in Sussex, graced our sanctum
with LU 'iroaeucu duy this week.
Giving Duellist Room,
f-enator Stewarts first wife was
ilnupliter of the late iov. l'ooto, of
Mlxslsslppl, a remarkable man, who,
among other noteworthy sets, ones
fought a duel with Sargent 8. Pren
tiss, giving the latter an opportunity
for' displaying his striking personal
ity. The two men, who had quarreled
over politics, were facing each other,
their pistols In their hancla. A great
crowd of spectators had followed them
to the duelling ground to watch the
conflict. One of these spectators, a
lad, climbed a tree a short U'.Btnnes
back of where Prentiss was standing.
The duellist happened to tnra and
saw the little fellow on the tree bough.
'Oet down from there, sonny," hs
cried. "!ov. Poole sometimes alms
ery badly."
Two years ago twenty one servant 1
iris were sent from Germany to tha
and their letters to friends at home
ensured a fresh supply of Immigrants
of the same class.
The Kaiser's Fortified Castle.
A semi-official explanation has been
made concerning that fortified castle
which the Herlln Vorwarts aswerts
Emperor Vlillam Intended to build In
P.erlln. Herr Engelhorn, the conn-
clllor of commerce and publisher of
the Architektonlsehe Uundschau, said
the whole story was founded on a
fancy sketch made by a Herr Hogg,
an architect. Tbe design was made
last winter, to be published In Engel
horn's magazine, and In that maga-
lne it will be published. The design
plainly shows that It was meant for
warm climate,
This property, located as It Is ad-
ournlng the town of Milford, the well
known summer resort, and along tbe
famous Milford Glen, and with a nice
frontage on the Sawkill stream, Is very
desirable for the location of perman
ent homes and summer cottages. Un
the property are various elavations,
rioitimmirl iticr flna vlnwa nt tliA VmiaiiH-
ful Delaware Valley and of iMilford
. . I
and its surrotinilliiKS.
The property Is located within five
minutes' walk of post otllce, churches,
stores, telecrnpb and telephone olllces.
For further particulars and. PL'''ei
apply to JOllS t'. WALhAUH, I
- . I
Milium, l a. uwner.
A meet i tiff for reorirnnlKntion of tlio
Poopliw' Hall wny Company, told May 5,
IBM, by the Sheriff of Pike county at thv i
Court House, in the borough of Mllfonl.
to J. R. Perry, will lie held in Wilkes
bnrre, Pa., on Wednesday, June 15th, at
i o clock p. in.
i h. -jlh,hi.
Milford, Pa.JMay 2T, 1E04.
Applications will be received by
the Bchool Direotors of Delaware I
Township on or before Saturday,
June 25th, at 2 p. tn., for teachers I
for the following schools : Two for
Academy, 1 for Centre, 1 for Coles,
1 for Long Meadow and 1 for Silver
Lake. All applications to be ao-
oompanled by credentials. Add reus I
Wm. J. Hanna, Secy.
Dingman's, Pa., June 8, 1904.
PikeCountvTeacherH' Examinations
for 1!04 will be held as follows:
Dingman, Union June 20.
ueiaware, Acauemy, juuezi.
Milford, Academy, June Tl.
Directors ana other mteresteu panics
are cordially invited to attend.
inanimations begin promptly at w
a. m.
County Bupt. of Schools.
Dingman's Ferry, Pa., May 14, 1904.
Estate of
In the Orphans'
Court of Pike
The uudernlened. "reapnointed auditor
to take further evident) to Unci who are
the purtins uulltled to receiro the bnlnnne
of the funiU of snid estate as shown by
former repurt of the Auditor, and lis soon
iu the facta can be found from the evldenoe
produced, to make a further report of
tHmrlbutlou" will attend to the duties of
his aiUKiintment. and meet the parties
interested iu said entute on Monday, the
2Tth any of June, A. D,, 11XH, at z o clock
in the afternoon at the District, Attorney's
Dllice in the Court House In Milford.
when and where all persons shall lie
required to present their claims before
such auditor or be debarred from coming
in for a share of such assets or limns.
(iM. K. UULI
My 23, 1U0L Auditor.
I have money to lonn on reul estutii, no
matter where located, at 4'4 and 5 ier
cent lnwrest. 1 tmre Is no reason for pay
ing a larger rate than this. If you dctiire
a loan and have reai ettate to warrant It,
write me aliout It. All oorrtkspunilence
strictly coutuienttal. 11 11 04
F. ARLINGTON PEAVEY, Morlgage Broker,
lOWO Fultoo St., Brooklyn, M. IT,
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office and residence Broad street
text Court House. MILfOKD, PA
Mr. H. Hond Broit Mrs. Don Toppinf Bros
ti& I'ark Ivi., Mew York City
JULY 1st to OCTOBER I, 1904
Absolutely Harmless. Curet en tha KpoL
"Note tlx Word Vnytiu"
rnnr t hfadache, surptESSNcss,
OUilLO lriUitti)llOSMMVUUihLij
All DrugKltttt, IOO, 20o SOo.
fur iide by U. O. AiiiisiauNU, Druglot.
Vyckcffs Hew York
RELIABLE ahd....
There are two factors which enter, or should enter,
into the purchase of merchandise of any sort. First,
the reliability of quality; second, the reasonableness of
1" lv -"J
ttlCSC tWO DOintS have DCCn
thcy bave 8Pcnt tlieir
vantage, iteliable goods and reasonable pro lit is daily
putting this storo into a broader field of usefulness.
Tlllll Summer The hot season is
Underwear t i l
find comfort and
ooolnesslnany of the following items
at a very rhasonable oost. For men,
Balbrlggan at 25o to 60c ; lisle
threads and thin summer wool;
for ladies, ribbed, cotton and lisle
thread. All styles.
Women's Open h you'll. com-
AVM-lr tlrir, Pre these
uuia oiutivmiiD . , . ....
what we say about them you'll be
convinced that they are reliable and
reasonable 60 dozen open work
ttooUnRBi the 25o kind at 1Bo th
pair. Popular, plain, oobweb stock
ings, with garter tops, in blacks and
t o rti a & a &
MCI1 8 Dlimmer ry io gei a ursi
v:i, C1.J pick of these
rutum CUll 13 ... ..
they are Just
what tou want now. Made from
cambric without oollar and neatlv
. ,
,-lminAil Alan inal nniw n n mi I
lent line ot muslin night shirts ;
full size and lengths.
Stroudsburg, Penn'a.
Sample Cheerfully Given.
.. Quick Time Line..
The undersigned have entered into an
arrangement to expedite passenger traffic to
and from Port Jervis. Prompt service will be
rendered and polite attention shown. In con
nection they will conduct a general livery busi
ness. Proprietors of Wells, Fargo express. . Con
nections here with Dingmans and points South.
Findlay &
iviiifora, fa.
If you are intend
ing to put in Goo
or are having any
trouble with your
pipes already in,
Let us know.
I L ;
b .
Storo Weekly News
iiv-.ilij i,imu
SCCUrCd, Can alSO feel assured
money to the very best ad
A "Word About ue of tbe al-
Notions wBys busy sec
tionsin our Btore
is the notion, due partly to the ex
tensive assortment we carry, and
largely In the poular prices at which
we Bell them.
A Sale of Women's We h a ' 6
Stock Cellars ""P";
chase of
dainty stock collars, infinite variety
of styles bunohed into lots for quick
selling. Just received our third
shipment of the popular venise lnce
(Millars, in white and cream, at 15o to
48o to gether wttb the new turnovers,
laoe and embroidered collars for hot
weather wearing. Yon can't have
too many pretty collars and some
we are showing are extremely dainty.
Corner for our WnDt to empha
Men Friends 'J " 'b'r
shirt stock to our
men friends. Never better prepaied
for hot weather shirt needs than
now. Eclipse shirts are the feature.
Popular, too, are our clipped price
50o shirt in negligee soft bosom,
Dress shirts and work-a-day ones.
Mall Orders Promptly rilled.